Government Business Magazine 18.11

Page 1 | VOLUME 18.11

Business Information for Local and Central Government


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ENERGY The financial payback from energy efficiency

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News, features and events for the emergency services

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Business Information for Local and Central Government


Emergency | ISSUE





ENERGY The financial payback from energy efficiency

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Central Government



News, features and events for the emergency services



WELCOME The drive for energy efficiency and carbon reduction has taken a step forward recently; the EU has outlawed the 60 watt incandescent light bulb, which is expected to cut CO2 emissions by 15 million tonnes per year, and the Energy Act has been passed, setting in stone the legal framework for the Green Deal. The initiative will see millions of homes in the UK retro-fitted with energy saving measures next Autumn. Find out more about the scheme and how local authorities can get involved as Green Deal providers on page 17. There are significant financial rewards from implementing energy efficiency measures. As the government has a target to make greenhouse gas emission savings of 25 per cent from its estate and transport emissions – against a backdrop of spending cuts – the financial payback will be appreciated. Alan Aldridge from the Energy Services and Technology Associations explains the options that can give exceptional returns on investment on page 11. This issue also includes Emergency Business, a supplement with news, features and events for the emergency services.

Angela Pisanu

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Business Information for Local and Central Government PUBLISHED BY PUBLIC SECTOR INFORMATION LIMITED

226 High Rd, Loughton, Essex IG10 1ET. Tel: 020 8532 0055 Fax: 020 8532 0066 Web: EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Danny Wright ASSISTANT EDITOR Angela Pisanu PRODUCTION EDITOR Karl O’Sullivan PRODUCTION DESIGN Jacqueline Grist PRODUCTION CONTROLLER Reiss Malone ADVERTISEMENT SALES Kelly Scott, Bernie Miller, Steve Day, Michael Kennedy, Jane Fraser, David Morgan, Julie Watson, Wendy O’Brien PUBLISHER John O’Leary SALES ADMINISTRATION Jackie Carnochan, Martine Carnochan ADMINISTRATION Victoria Leftwich, Alicia Oates GROUP PUBLISHER Barry Doyle REPRODUCTION & PRINT Argent Media

© 2011 Public Sector Information Limited. No part of this publication can be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any other means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the editorial content the publisher cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher. ISSN 1362 - 2541




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07 NEWS 11 BUILT ENVIRONMENT ESTA explains the energy saving measures that can give exceptional return on investment A review of the Power of 3, a trio of renewable energy events, incorporating EBEC, Microgen and Nextgen The legal framework for the Green Deal has been set in stone and will allow government to facilitate the retro fitting of energy saving measures to millions of homes The Public Property Summit will explore how public and private property professionals can work together to maximise public property assets

21 HEALTH & SAFETY Local authorities need to look carefully at the safety implications that could arise by hastily axing services due to cost cutting, urges RoSPA

27 HUMAN RESOURCES The CIPD’s Annual Conference and Exhibition will explore how HR can play its part in ensuring organisations achieve high performance during times of major change

29 TRANSLATION & INTERPRETING How can you ensure that you are using a qualified and experienced translator and interpreter? And how can you get the best result out of them?



How can you throw a great staff Christmas party on a shoestring? The Meeting Industry Association gives its views

How do we define good credit management, and indeed a good credit manager?

Many of today’s universities provide some of the highest quality conference and events venues in the UK

With its rich diversity, London offers a wealth of choice for event organisers and a memorable experience for conference visitors

45 FRANCHISING For those weighing up career choices in these difficult times, franchising offers people the chance to start their own business with the full support of an established brand

49 SIGNAGE CE marking for road traffic signs will be a legal requirement from 1 July 2013. What will this mean for local authorities?

Emergency www.emergen cybu | ISSUE 2

The Business Magaz ine


for the Emergency Ser vices


The essential event emergency planni for anyone involved in ng, response or recove ry


RESCUE CHALLENGE Reconstruction of real incidents tests the skills of fire & rescue services

The Business Magazine for the Emergency Services


The latest news in the emergency services sector


London Fire Brigade reviews its UK Rescue Challenge London 2011, which tested the skills of fire and rescue services when attending to incidents

Business Information for Local

and Central Govern ment

A Government Busin ess Supplement


We preview the Emergency Services Show and Conference 2011, the key event for anyone involved in emergency planning, response or recovery


A review of Ambulex 2011 which allowed ambulance staff to take part in training workshops, as well as see all the products and services new to the industry




Local government pensions consultation sets out £900m savings The Department for Communities and Local Government has launched a consultation on proposed increases to employee contribution rates and changes to the local government pension scheme. This sets out the Government’s draft proposals to achieve short term savings of £900 million by 2014-15 - equivalent to the 3.2 percentage point contribution increases in the unfunded public service pension schemes. The consultation proposes a balanced mix of increasing employee contributions and adjusting the accrual rates. Lower paid workers would be spared the increase, with those earning under £15,000 seeing no increases and those earning up to £21,000

paying a 0.6 percentage point increase in the first year rising to 1.2pp in 2014-15. Local Government Minister Bob Neill said: “The pension proposals set out a way to save £900 million over the next three years that protects low earners from excessive increases - those who earn less will be asked to pay in less than high earners in the Scheme. He continued: “We will continue to engage with local government and trade unions throughout the consultation. We hope all parties will consider these proposals in a constructive manner.” The consultation closes on 6 January 2012. Amendments to the scheme’s regulatory framework will take effect on 1 April 2012.



NEWS IN BRIEF Sunderland Housing Group offers no-deposit mortgages Gentoo Sunderland housing association has launched a new home purchase plan which removes the need for a deposit or mortgage. The group, which manages 29,000 homes, has been granted approval from the Financial Services Authority for a new home purchase plan called ‘the Genie’. TO READ MORE PLEASE VISIT...

Suffolk CC appoints Deborah Cadman as new chief exec Former head of East of England Development Agency Deborah Cadman has been appointed chief executive of Suffolk County Council. She replaces Andrea Hill, who stepped down in July after coming under fire about her £218,000 salary. Cadman will get a salary of £155,000. Her previous roles include lead inspector at the Audit Commission.

Funds for new business creation in the North East



DfT publishes guidance on shared spaces

Myers takes joint chief exec role at Hammersmith

The Dft has published new guidance to help local authorities in designing shared spaces schemes, which have become increasingly popular with councils wanting to regenerate local high streets. In conventional streets, behaviour is governed by highway infrastructure, such as traffic signs, road markings and other street furniture. In streets with shared space, much of this is removed. The DfT is keen that schemes are well designed and can be easily used. Transport Minister Norman Baker said: “We want councils to design high-quality public spaces which enhance the local environment and improve the lives of local people. In some cases, they will decide that shared space is the best solution.” “This new guidance will help councils who want to use shared space to improve their streetscape while making sure they take into account the needs of the whole community.”

Derek Myers has been appointed as chief executive of the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham in what is thought to be the first case of top-tier councils sharing a chief executive. Myers has been chief executive of Kensington & Chelsea since 2000, and will manage both councils following the retirement of Geoff Alltimes from Hammersmith & Fulham. The two west London councils have already entered a series of service and staff sharing arrangements known as ‘bi-borough’. Some also involve Westminster City Council, under the ‘tri-borough’ partnership. According to Hammersmith & Fulham Council, the shared appointment will save £120,000 a year. Myers’ salary will be split evenly between the councils. Originally a social worker, Myers was previously chief executive of the London Borough of Hounslow and is chair of the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers.

A new business support programme for the North East plans to help create 431 new businesses. Funding comes from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), which has been matched by local enterprise and development agencies in the North East. Communities Minister Baroness Hanham CBE said: “A significant number of new businesses and new jobs will be created.”

DfE school property data programme to gather data on UK school buildings The Department for Education (DfE) has established a property data programme to help prioritise the future capital investment in schools. Partnerships for Schools will lead The Property Data Survey Programme (PDSP) to collect condition data on 23,000 education buildings across England. The mandatory requirement for local authorities and schools to submit condition data ceased in 2005. TO READ MORE PLEASE VISIT...







DCLG’s Community Budgets Prospectus looks for proof of concept by inviting applications for two pilot areas The Community Budgets Prospectus, which invites local areas to apply to be new ‘Community Budget’ pilots to test how better they can better design local services, has been launched by Local Government Minister Eric Pickles. Following a selection process, two areas will be asked to develop neighbourhoodlevel Community Budgets. Two other areas will be asked to test how all funding for local services can be brought together into one place under a Community Budget. In the foreword, Pickles stated: “Our recent white paper - Open Public Services - set out how Community Budgets are being used to re-design services for troubled families. They put control in the hands of those who are best placed to shape public services around the needs of local people – public service leaders and local people themselves. But we want to go further and test how local places can make best use of all the money that is spent in their area on public services on a wide range of problems. The pilots set out in the prospectus provide a real opportunity to overcome the long-standing barriers to real local design and leadership of services.” The prospectus states: ‘The two whole place pilot areas will be taking forward a ‘proof of concept’ but it is also important

that councils and their partners across the country benefit from the pilots’ success and learning. The government wants pilot areas to be able to test their emerging thinking and development work with a small number of other areas who themselves will be keen to learn from what the pilot areas are doing.’ By October 2012, each pilot area will have developed an operational plan that will set out the budget and outcomes. Implementation will then begin from December 2012. Ten

authorities will be designated ‘friends of the pilots’, so that they can quickly benefit from the lessons of the whole place budgeting. The government is also asking for expressions of interest for two ‘neighbourhood-level Community Budget’ pilots from organisations including neighbourhood and parish councils. Applications submitted by local authorities on behalf of local partners will also be considered. The closing date for local authority groups to express interest is 5pm, 10 November 2011.

Greater Manchester shows strong interest in Community Budget pilots Greater Manchester sees community budgets as a significant opportunity to generate economic growth in tandem with reducing poverty and deprivation. The region has established a strong governance structure around the Combined Authority and wants to work with the Government to redesign services and reconfigure funding streams. Richard Leese, deputy chair of the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities, says, “To achieve step change we need to reach out across structures, like health, probation, police and housing. We’re already doing this at Greater Manchester level, so this initiative is pushing at an open door of goodwill and established partnerships.” Mike Blackburn, chair of Greater Manchester’s Local Enterprise Partnership, adds: “Greater Manchester delivers, and is in the strongest position to make the most of this opportunity. If the Government wants results, at scale, it knows where to come, as we have an unrivalled track record of using evidence and assessment to determine action. This now has a statutory basis with the Combined Authority, backed by the LEP.”


Traffic signing policy gives councils more freedom Transport minister Norman Baker has unveiled a new policy framework on the future of Britain’s traffic signing system, following its biggest review for 40 years. The framework plans include allowing councils to put in place frequently-used signs without Whitehall permission and more power to choose how to publicise traffic regulation orders instead of forcing councils to buy newspaper space. The paper also recommends removing the need for pedestrian zone signs to be placed on both sides of the road, a new sign warning lorry drivers if roads are unsuitable for their vehicles, and allowing councils to innovate new measures, such as diagonal crossings without government approval. Baker said: “We will be allowing councils to use different ways to get information to drivers, encouraging them to question whether some signs are needed at all and publishing new advice for councils to help them reduce clutter on their roads. We want to make sure there is consistency across the country while allowing local authorities greater discretion in how they use signs on their roads.” Other updates include signs to alert drivers to parking spaces with charging points for the electric vehicle revolution and information on cycle route journey times.


LGA launches voluntary waste plan to help SMEs follow best practice

A new voluntary commitment for councils to help smaller businesses meet their waste management responsibilities and recycle more has been launched. The Local Authority Business Recycling and Waste Collection Commitment was first considered in a June 2011 waste review by the Government. It outlines 12 principles of best practice which councils can use to tailor services to SMEs. It was developed

by the Local Government Association (LGA) in partnership with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Government’s waste advisor, WRAP. Cllr David Parsons, LGA environment board chairman, said: “It gives councils the opportunity to send a clear signal to local businesses about the support and services they can provide.”



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With government committed to reducing carbon emissions in its estate, at a time when funding streams are squeezed, how can organisations cost and prioritise energy projects effectively? The Greening Government commitments superseded the Sustainable Operations on the Government Estate (SOGE) programme in April this year. These new targets included one of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25 per cent from a 2009-10 baseline. These savings are to be achieved from “the whole estate and business-related transport.” Given how notoriously difficult it seems to be to cut transport emissions, it would not be surprising if the main area for savings were the buildings owned or tenanted by government departments. In addition, the central government office estate has to become ‘carbon neutral’ by next year – 2012. A further 25 per cent on top of savings already achieved is no mean feat, especially given the restrictions on expenditure following the Comprehensive Spending Review. Yet there are a number of options open to the public sector that can achieve a return on investment of more than 30 per cent. Against that background, perhaps the targets are not unattainable after all.

SEEKING BEST VALUE The main options are to cut back on consumption or to invest in renewable energy. Much attention has been given recently to the possibilities of installing onsite renewables. The Feed In Tariffs (FITs) and now the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) offer participants grants or preferable rates in order to reduce the level of investment and decrease the payback period. While renewables are clearly going to form a significant part of our power supply over the coming years, does investment in these technologies today represent best value compared with, say, energy efficiency? Well, FITs are based on a return on investment (ROI) of just eight per cent, or

RETURN ON TECHNOLOGIES Clearly, the payback on different measures will vary according to the complexity and size of the installation. Yet for some basic measures, like automatic Monitoring & Targeting (aM&T) – and without some form of monitoring and targeting system there is no real way to prioritise and measure improvements – payback can often be measured in months rather than years. Remember that by 2015, virtually all public buildings where the public has access will need annual assessments of energy performance which then have to be on public display in the form of Display Energy Certificates (DECs). Many of the newer aM&T systems can produce these certificates automatically, amortising the cost still further. While there are a wide range of technologies available, some have fairly universal application. We all need lighting; indeed in many modern buildings lighting is one of the main electricity loads. Now while most organisations will by now have installed low energy lighting (in the form of compact fluorescents or high efficiency strip lighting) this can still involve waste of energy. Any light that is on unnecessarily is wasting money. The way to ensure that this does not happen is to have an effective system of control. Energy controls vary from simple on/off timeswitches, through presence detectors (for storage areas or intermittently used spaces for example) and daylight sensors to sophisticated zone controls integrated with a Building Energy Management System (BEMS). Once again payback and ROI will vary but there is plenty of evidence from real installations that a comprehensive control system can cut lighting energy by up to 30 per cent. Another technology that has wide application is the inverter or variable speed drive (VSD). Conventional motors operate best when working flat out; as output is reduced, the efficiency of operation falls too. In fact, most systems involving motors are oversized at the outset to allow for changes in usage and loading over time. So the chances are that the motors in a host of items of equipment, E

Written by Alan Aldridge, executive director of the Energy Services and Technology Association (ESTA)


over 10 years to achieve a simple payback on investment. While the proposals for the RHI are slightly more generous with an ROI of around 12 per cent, you still will not see a return on the investment before 2020. The comparison with energy efficiency technologies could not be more striking. ESTA members regularly report an ROI of more than 30 per cent on projects they are engaged in.

Built Environment


Any light that is on unnecessarily is wasting money. The way to ensure that this does not happen is to have an effective system of control. Energy controls vary from simple on/off timeswitches, through presence detectors. Volume 18.11 | GOVERNMENT BUSINESS MAGAZINE


Built Environment


ENERGY REDUCTION E from lifts to air conditioning fans to pumps, are not working as efficiently as they should. VSDs tackle this problem by matching the motor energy consumption to output. Studies suggest that VSDs achieve simple payback between three to 12 months of installation and are capable of reducing motor energy consumption by up to 70 per cent (as well as improving the ‘fine control’ of motor load). They can also ensure longer motor life. PRESENTING THE CASE The finance departments of many organisations set a standard level of return which proposals must exceed before investment committees will consider them. According to the Carbon Trust, the vast majority of large businesses have an Internal Rate of Return (see box) of under 30 per cent, although a number who were surveyed by the Trust actually approved investments with an IRR of just 12 per cent. The Trust also calculated that most large organisations have the potential to save at least 15 per cent of their energy. The technologies that will allow them to achieve this typically have IRRs of 48 per cent. So these investments are likely to outperform most of those commonly approved. Yet they are often ignored or rejected. Why?



There seems to be a problem of perception amongst senior managers. The same Carbon Trust study interviewed a number of chief financial officers and found that attitudes to energy efficiency were subject to two questionable assumptions. First, most did not see energy as a ‘material cost’ despite the continuing impact on their operations from sharply rising and volatile prices (energy regulator Ofgem suggests that prices could rise by 40 per cent by the end of the decade). The second reason was that most of them felt energy efficiency offered relatively low returns compared to other investment options. When asked to estimate the average IRR of a number of energy efficiency projects, almost two thirds (64 per cent) of the CFOs interviewed gave an average figure of just 20 per cent – way below the 48 per cent in the recommendations commonly offered by Carbon Trust advisers. The moral is: you have to get your figures straight and be prepared to challenge misinformed assumptions about energy efficiency. My bank account does not give me a 30 per cent rate of return on my investment – I don’t know of any that do. But energy efficiency will – and it continues to save money year on year. L FOR MORE INFORMATION

Financial metrics PAYBACK – the amount of time before the savings match the initial investment ROI – The return on investment is the benefit (return) divided by the cost of the investment. The result is expressed as a percentage. IRR – The internal rate of return is the rate of growth a project is expected to generate. While the actual rate of return that a given project ends up generating will often differ from its estimated IRR, a project with a substantially higher IRR than other available options would still provide a much better chance of strong growth NPV – net present value compares the value of a pound spent today to what it would be worth in the future, taking inflation and project returns into account.


Analysis by Camco shows opportunity to invest £1.5bn to yield savings of £3.6bn Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) findings show that emissions from the public sector were a minimum of 16.7MtCO2e, with an associated energy expenditure of approximately £2.5bn for building energy and £1.2bn on owned-vehicle fuel. Cost-effective investment, a Camco report shows, could yield lifetime savings of £3.6bn on an investment of £1.5bn. Disparate but comprehensive data sets were used for the first time, including Display Energy Certificate (DEC) returns, the Carbon Trust’s extensive database of individual projects, and data specific to central government, further and higher education, local government, MOD and emergency services buildings. Camco has helped many public sector bodies (PSBs) discover and implement carbon, energy and cost savings. Its latest report for DECC updates and deepens analysis from 2009 and provides insight into the challenges and opportunities in the public sector. The report suggests that total PSBs’ emissions from the use of electricity and fossil fuels in 2009/10 (including administrative business transport) were between 16.7-23.5 million tCO2e. The wide spread reflects the inconsistency of source data covering the whole of the public sector. The lower estimate is based on only the most accurate available primary data of recorded consumption by fuel type, and the upper estimate includes floor area estimates and average energy intensity values. DECS for the 30,000 buildings in the public sector estate revealed an emissions footprint of 11 million tonnes CO2 per year. 17 per cent of buildings are graded G or F grade offering significant reduction potential. REDUCING GREENHOUSE GAS The ‘Greening Government’ commitments are ambitious – a reduction in GHG emissions from 2009/10 to 2014/15 by 25 per cent, equivalent to about 2.3 million tCO2 of building emissions. The report suggests meeting these targets can be achieved most cost effectively by focusing on the lowest marginal abatement cost (MAC) opportunities wherever they fall in the public sector, rather than imposing a uniform 25 per cent target across each sub-sector. The report suggests a total lifetime discounted financial savings potential of around £3.6 billion in the public sector, in return for a cost-effective investment of around £1.5 billion – a business case that will only strengthen over time as the future impact of increasing energy cost is factored-in.

Where does this leave individual PSBs? Even though the business case for energy and carbon reduction measures is strong, good action plans are not always implemented or sustained. The barriers are many, but boil down to the priority of energy reduction actions in the context of often disruptive organisationwide change. Uncertainty over estate changes delays investment decisions to improve the performance of buildings which might be disposed of. Recent budget cuts and headcount reduction pushes investment towards reactive maintenance and away from medium-term strategic improvement, reduces momentum and erodes in-house skills and capability. FINDING THE RIGHT MIX Camco’s experience shows that what is needed for good carbon and energy management is enthusiastic, sustained sponsorship, committed champions, a clear strategy, an organisation-wide appreciation of the business benefits, and capital – a complicated but essential mix. Often, financial decision makers require convincing on early ‘foundation’ actions which do not appear to immediately harvest the ‘low hanging fruit’ – actions such as automatic metering, data collection, monitoring and targeting software, and building management systems. DECs are a low cost, quality-assured tool that can motivate carbon emission reductions at the individual building level where energy demand reductions are actionable by making performance visible to managers and occupiers, by rewarding carbon reduction activities and behaviour with lower ratings, and by applying reputational pressure by virtue of a DECs public display. The introduction of organisational league tables based on DECs will intensify pressure on building managers and occupiers to improve their energy efficiency. The superb example set by DECC themselves demonstrates how it can be done. All PSBs recognise the value of achieving long-term performance in energy and carbon. Whilst statutory reporting and CSR drivers have receded, the short-term cost saving driver is more urgent, and awareness of the need to hedge against medium-long term energy price rises is widespread. The emergence of shared services in delivering

Baseline GHG Emissions: Public sector Buildings – England

By Chris Crookall-Fallon


Built Environment


n Central Government (exc. prisions) n Central Government (MoD specific) n Central Government (prision specific) n Health n Local Authorities (exc. schools, police and fire) n Local Authorities (schools) n Local Authorities (police, fire and rescue) n Further Education Institutions n Higher Education Institutions

excellent energy and carbon performance is good news, coupled with reductions in costs of many enabling energy technologies and the emergence of private sector expertise and finance to identify and install solutions. The potential for reductions is exciting and real, but it will take committed, senior sponsors in individual PSBs to sustain the drive to deliver results and eat their slice of that £3.6 billion lifetime financial savings pie. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Chris Crookall-Fallon is a director of Camco’s UK consultancy business, and has led on many of Camco’s multi-client public sector carbon management projects. An engineer and MBA by training, he has worked on energy policy and commercial project development in UK government agencies, the European Commission and in private sector consulting. He currently leads Camco’s public sector service which supports PSBs in delivering sustained reductions in cost, carbon and energy. L FOR MORE INFORMATION




THE ENERGY TRIO The Power of 3 is a trio of energy shows in one event, covering every aspect of renewable energy. Held this year at Stoneleigh Park, Coventry, the expo and conference was a success Backed by a roster of important trade associations, ‘The Power of 3’ is a trio of renewable energy events: EBEC (European Bioenergy Exhibition and Conference), already established as the UK’s largest dedicated bioenergy event; Microgen, serving the fast-growing sub 50kw micropower generation community, and Nextgen – showcasing the future of renewable energy. October 5-6 saw thousands of visitors flock to Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire, to see the latest technology innovations from hundreds of exhibitors and hear 160 speakers delivering 190 topical and case study-led sessions. The event was partnered strategically by the Renewable Energy Association (REA) and sponsored among others by UK Trade and Investment (UKTI), National Grid, Daikin, Romag, Pöyry and Smartest Energy. In case you couldn’t attend, Government Business magazine highlights some of the exciting happenings and emerging technologies you missed. EUROPEAN BIOENERGY EXHIBITION AND CONFERENCE Now in its sixth year, EBEC provided a unique platform for those involved in the bioenergy sector to profile their business and network with existing and potential customers. The 2011 event highlighted many bioenergy solutions such as biogas, biomass, biofuel and fuel from waste sectors. Devoted to promoting British renewable energy producers and sustainable energy

use, the REA contributed towards a wideranging conference this year. Guest speakers included Schmack Biogas, Envitec Biogas, UTS Biogas, Poyry, Biomass Energy Centre, Myriad Biomass and UK waste management company Biffa, as well as the National Farmers Union and the Carbon Trust. Farmers and land owners either currently running a plant or looking to invest in one were attracted to key sessions such as crop use for biogas plants and the increasingly-important use of biofertiliser as a replacement fertiliser in anaerobic digestion biogas production. Papers also highlighted new gasification technologies, ways to connect to the grid and ways to combat new build or retro fit challenges. National Grid provided an overview of biomethane business opportunities in the UK and outlined the energy challenges in getting to a low carbon economy. The company also highlighted the key role for biomethane in decarbonising heat and explained how to connect biomethane plants to the gas network. Moreover, UKTI provided more information to EBEC visitors about the support it can lend to British companies hoping to boost trade overseas. MICROGEN Microgen is the UK’s first event devoted to the fast-growing microgeneration sectors of solar, biomass, small wind, micro hydro as well as ground and air source heat pumps. The show assembled together manufacturers, distributors, contractors, installers and customers of micro renewable technologies under one roof. The show teamed up with the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) as well as the Renewable Energy Assurance Limited (REAL) scheme, the Solar Trade Association (STA), the Micropower Council and the Energy Institute as education partners.

Built Environment


Many solar panel installers exhibited at the show including Wagner, Schletter and Natec. They were joined by Ploughcroft Solar which recently gained notoriety on the popular BBC TV show Dragons’ Den. Solar panel installers and other visitors benefited from a two-day MCS-run seminar programme providing information on earning accreditation, as well as vital updates for existing installers and registered companies. Presentations incorporated an in-depth analysis of the UK solar photovoltaic (PV) market, the latest on the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) scheme and an update on schemes making it easier to fund solar PV installations. NEXTGEN Nextgen is dedicated exclusively to the future of energy generation. The show cast a spotlight on emerging technologies such as fuel cells, advanced gasification, pyrolysis and algae fuel. The show’s seminar programme featured speakers from The UK’s National Centre for Biorenewable Energy, Fuels and Materials (NNFCC), global oil giant Exxon and Irish bioenergy firm Clearpower. Nextgen isn’t only an excellent place to network with R&D scientists and engineers but has also proven to be a must-attend event for industry officials seeking to learn more about early stage technology developments and for start-up ventures hoping to attract investment. Nextgen exhibitors included UK based heating supplier Atmos Heating Systems which showcased TESSA, the first car using stored heat from the engine to produce heat energy that can be used in homes for hot water and central heating. Another clean technology company flying the flag for British innovation at Nextgen was Cella Energy, a spin out company from a government laboratory based in Oxfordshire, which is working on low cost hydrogen storage. L FOR MORE INFORMATION To participate in next year’s Power of 3 event, visit:




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Built Environment


What is the Green Deal?


The Energy Act has become law, setting in stone the legal framework for the Green Deal, to be launched next Autumn

The Green Deal is a new initiative implemented by the government to facilitate the retro fitting of energy saving measures to millions of homes. It will revolutionise the energy efficiency of the nation’s homes and businesses. It will help people fight back against rising energy prices, creating homes which are warmer and cheaper to run. The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has published a new ‘Housing Energy Fact File’ highlighting that more than half of homes in Great Britain do not have sufficient insulation. It shows around 50 per cent more energy is used to heat and power homes than is used to power UK industry. It is vital, therefore, that action is taken to address home energy efficiency. AS EASY AS ABC Energy and Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne said: “A huge hurdle has been passed in bringing the Green Deal closer to making homes warmer and cheaper to run. The coalition is doing all it can to bear

down on energy prices, but insulation will provide the long term help to manage bills. When it’s introduced, the Green Deal will be as easy as ABC by making work affordable, providing bespoke independent advice and choice in the market from wellknown and trusted high street names.” Climate Change Minister Greg Barker said: “As well as helping people save money through home energy improvement, the Green Deal will be a massive business opportunity. It’s expected to attract capital investment of up to £15 billion in the residential sector alone by the end of this decade and at its peak, the Green Deal could support around 250,000 jobs.” KEY ELEMENTS TO THE ACT The Act will remove the upfront cost of energy efficiency measures (like loft, cavity and external wall insulation, draught proofing and energy efficiency glazing and boilers) making expensive home improvement affordable. For the first time in the world, the energy saving work will be repaid over time through a charge on the home’s energy bill. The repayments must obey a ‘golden rule’ whereby the charge is no more than the expected savings, meaning householders should save from day one. The Act will also put consumer protection at the heart of the Green Deal. High standards will be crucial from the first independent home energy assessment to getting the job done by qualified installers. All Green Deal participants will need to carry a quality mark so customers know they can be trusted to do a good job. It will also provide extra financial help for the most vulnerable and hardest to treat homes by getting energy companies to fund work like basic insulation and boiler upgrades as well as helping those living in homes where the cost of the work, like solid wall insulation, may not obey the ‘golden rule’ without extra money to make it affordable. The Act will also improve at least 682,000 privately rented homes. From April 2018 it will be unlawful to rent out a house or business premise which has less than an E energy efficiency rating.

The Green Deal is a new initiative implemented by the government to facilitate the retro fitting of energy saving measures to millions of homes across the UK. It has been designed to revolutionise the energy efficiency of properties throughout the UK. Under the scheme, households and businesses will be able to improve the energy efficiency of their properties by taking out loans to have their properties made more energy efficient. Householders and businesses would pay back the loan over the course of 25 years through additional charges to their energy bills. The savings on bills will overcome the additional cost. A framework will be established which will allow private firms to offer consumers energy efficiency improvements including energy efficient boiler replacement, cavity wall insulation, double glazing and loft insulation to their homes, community spaces and businesses at no upfront cost. Private companies will be drafted in to finance the up-front cost of the installation and will recoup their cost through the savings made by the resulting reduction in household energy bills.

LOCAL AUTHORITY INVOLVEMENT In an effort to make Birmingham the first local authority Green Deal provider, the city council is all set to launch a tender that, if successful, could lead to £1.3 billion of green retrofit work for 200,000 local homes and commercial buildings. With a retrofit programme in which Birmingham City Council would initially arrange £100 million in funding on private sector housing work, partly by borrowing £75m, the council believes it would essentially become the leading council for the government’s flagship Green Deal initiative. A further £300m will be released through private finance if this first stage is successful, while the total programme could see £1.3bn spent on refurbishing 200,000 homes by 2026. The council is set to tender for its main contractor in the deal with an OJEU notice before the end of the month. Local Government backing of the kind Birmingham is proposing could unleash billions of pounds of retrofit work, and other councils would be likely to follow the model. L





Built Environment


Bringing private and public property professionals together to maximise public property assets The Public Property Summit is a high level one day conference addressing public and private property professionals on how they can work together to maximise public property assets. Organised by Property Week, the summit will take place at the Business Design Centre, London on 2 November. The summit is for those within the public sector who own public property estate and for companies in the private sector who are already involved in, or wish to secure relationships in this area. EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENTS The government is the UK’s largest landowner and tenant and there is substantial scope for efficiency improvement. The public sector is already looking for ways to develop their property strategies and overall efficiency by working with the private sector. The summit will provide a deeper insight on building relationships between the public and private sectors, how public property can help drive the economy through efficiencies, and provide unique networking opportunities with industry peers. You can register for your place today at Confirmed speakers include Bob Baber, CIPFA Property, Rosie Seymour, Communities and Local Government, and Peter Cosmetatos of the British Property Federation. There are reduced rates for the public sector. Please visit the summit website for more details. WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND? The Public Property Summit is an event focusing solely on public property. It will bring public and private property professionals together to allow them to discuss and develop solutions for the public property market. 90 per cent of public sector attendees last year were of senior manager level or above. Visitors will have the opportunity to learn about key market issues from industry-leading speakers and it’s a great opportunity to network with industry peers and generate new business opportunities. LAST YEAR’S FEEDBACK The Public Property Summit 2010 was a successful and informative event for those who attended, but don’t take our word

for it, see below some of the feedback we received from those who attended last year: “The conference provided us with many opportunities to ask direct questions to panel members about the most debated concepts and topics.” “This was an excellent conference, held at a difficult time for both public and private sectors that really addressed the issues of the day.” “The opening keynote sessions provided an excellent overview to the challenges ahead.” “Most public property is owned by councils. Much of it could be better used and bring in significant returns in these difficult times. Councils can learn from the private sector. This is the place to do it,” said Cllr Byron Rhodes, cabinet lead member for property, Leicestershire City Council. The keynote session will cover how to rationalise the public estate and achieve savings through property. This will be followed by panel sessions on transformation and collaboration, achieving efficiencies

Key themes Asset management and outsourcing Overall efficiency Localism agenda and devolution Planning Regeneration and development Financing Private and public partnerships

A further panel discussion will address local enterprise partnerships and enterprise zones and look at what this means for development, as well as address where the money for Regional Growth Funds is going. There will also be a debate session

The public sector is already looking for ways to develop their property strategies and overall efficiency by working with the private sector. The summit will provide a deeper insight on building relationships between the public and private sectors, how public property can help drive the economy through efficiencies, and provide unique networking opportunities with industry peers. through property, and building relationships across the public and private sector. Further sessions will cover overcoming barriers to rationalisation, development and regeneration, and skills and capital. THE FUTURE OF REGENERATION There will be a panel discussion on the future of regeneration, asking what the options are for funding regeneration projects and looking at partnerships between the public and private sectors.

looking at how essential private sector property specialists are in making the public sector estate fit for purpose, taken by James Grierson, senior director – head of public sector, DTZ. Visit for the full conference programme. L FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 01462 490 802





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Roger Bibbings, RoSPA’s occupational safety adviser, urges local authorities to look carefully at the safety implications that could arise by hastily axing services due to cost cutting Difficult decisions about where to direct limited resources are being made across the country. When times are tough, spending decisions about risk management are particularly difficult for local authorities because they are active in so many diverse areas including road safety, play safety, occupational safety and home safety. The idea of ‘prevention in proportion’, one of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents’ guiding principles, is not only ideal for keeping safety in perspective and helping to prevent over-the-top decisions, it is also the perfect mantra for managing health and safety during difficult economic times. The safety charity is keen to promote the message that prevention makes good economic sense, particularly when it is more difficult to offset continuing accident and ill health losses by increasing income. In the public services arena, RoSPA has cautioned against making blanket cuts that result in entire services going, such as school crossing patrols. It acknowledges that no area is immune from having to make cost savings, but urges that informed decisions are taken, with evidence and data as their foundation. A key concept, relevant to all types of safety intervention, is evaluation: demonstrating the effectiveness of what a department does is vital. Evaluating work not only helps to make a case for allocating scarce resources but also means resources can be directed to activities that are likely to have the greatest impact. ROAD SAFETY BUDGETING With many local authorities still discussing the impact of at least 27 per cent cuts to their road safety budgets, it is important that decisions which may prove irreversible are not taken hastily. Several road safety funding issues have raised their heads in the past few months and made headlines in national and local newspapers. While public spending needs to be cut, cuts must be justified by evidence. Though the government has insisted that road safety should remain a priority for councils, local authorities no longer receive funding from the Treasury that can be used to support safety camera programmes. This means local authorities have had to decide on the fate of their existing speed cameras. The fact is that speed cameras do help to save lives – an estimated 100 lives a

year in the UK, and switching off cameras systematically would be tantamount to creating a void in law enforcement on the road. Cameras currently account for 84 per cent of fixed penalty notices for speeding. RoSPA believes that cameras should continue to be used where casualty statistics show they are needed. Speeding significantly increases the risk of an accident happening; and also increases the severity of injuries. Budget cuts might also threaten many speed awareness courses that give motorists an opportunity to learn about the dangers of driving too fast. Cameras pay for themselves and currently make an important contribution to achieving compliance with the speed limit. School crossing patrols have also come under threat from spending cuts, which are being made across the board. School crossing patrols provide a valuable safety service for children crossing roads on their way to and from school. At a time when parents are being encouraged to ensure their children are keeping fit and active by walking to and from school, RoSPA hopes that as many patrols as possible will be kept in use. The purpose of disestablishing a crossing patrol site should not be to save money, but should be to divert the patrol to another site where there is a greater need for its services. STREET LIGHTING In many areas local authorities have been turning off, or down, street lighting on certain stretches of road and motorway to reduce emissions/carbon footprint and save money. These are valid reasons for doing so; however it does potentially increase the risk of road accidents, especially in the early hours of the morning when drivers are more likely to be tired and less alert. It is also important to remember that for emergency services personnel and vehicle breakdown/recovery people, the motorway is often their working environment. Dealing with a broken down vehicle or the aftermath of a crash on a motorway is difficult and dangerous enough in lit conditions; in the dark it will be even trickier. Sites where lights are turned off or down should be chosen only after a careful and thorough risk assessment, and the effects of the change in lighting should be carefully monitored. If problems occur, it is hoped that local authorities would

acknowledge that the experiment did not work, and switch the lights back on. Evaluation in road safety, as in any other area of safety interventions, is vitally important. Demonstrating the value of road safety schemes and improving the targeting, design and delivery of interventions have become all the more important. Good evaluation can be used as evidence to support the need for road safety funding and prioritisation.

Health & Safety


EVALUATE SAFETY ACTIVITIES E-valu-it is a free online resource to help road safety practitioners evaluate their education, training and publicity activities and has been produced by the Department for Transport and RoSPA. It helps practitioners plan, carry out and report the results of road safety intervention evaluations and is available from The system produces bespoke recommendations based on the answers a practitioner gives to a series of questions and it can be used for interventions that are planned, in progress or have already taken place. Key elements of the road safety evaluation tool are easily adaptable to other areas of safety, and safety professionals who are not sure where to start could do worse than to take a look at the toolkit. There are also links between road safety and public health – transport policy has a big influence on health. There are common approaches to preventing both ill health and injury by getting transport policy right. Similarly, many public health approaches (for example to tackle inequalities or to provide support for parents in the early years of their child’s life) will also have an influence on the number of road injuries and local authorities may be able to enhance the road safety benefits of current public health activities by making the links more explicit. Ultimately a safe environment that people are not afraid of using is also a healthy one with a lot of active travel. AS SAFE AS NECESSARY As with road safety, local authorities are finding that they have to review their spending on play safety management, finding ways to move forward when budgets are being reined in. At the top of the list of considerations about play safety management, RoSPA would encourage providers to recognise that play, and playgrounds, should be as safe as necessary, not necessarily as safe as possible. Play should be about children having fun and managing risk through adventurous activity. Experiencing risks enables children to develop the skills necessary to deal with them when they are older, and bumps and bruises are an important part of growing up. Health and safety legislation also has proportionality at its heart, with the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSAW) 1974 E




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E stating that safety should be protected “as far as is reasonably practicable”. Over-the-top safety procedures are not only detrimental to children’s fun and development, they cost extra money that authorities can ill afford. Having said that, while we caution against wrapping children in cotton wool, there are very serious accidents that we would want them to avoid. A robust and sensible risk assessment process will enable local authorities and playground managers to work out where to focus attention and resources, so that unacceptable risks can be reduced and over-the-top actions on trivial risks can be avoided. Look upon risk assessment as a useful working tool to help prioritise action – and ensure that the process is not overcomplicated. Applying the ‘Goldilocks principle’ will help to save time and money in the long run: safety should be balanced – neither too lax, nor over the top, but just right. Installing new equipment in times of restricted resources will be difficult if not impossible, so local authorities should recognise the value of good annual inspections and routine safety checks. Spotting issues such as the early stages of wear and tear, or vandalism, enables them to be dealt with before they become expensive problems. Cost saving can be taken even further by ensuring that authorities’ own staff are trained to carry out regular inspections, with in-house training available from external organisations such as RoSPA. GETTING THE BALANCE RIGHT Although, thankfully, in the UK notifiable fatal and serious injuries in the workplace are reducing, there are still more than one million injuries to workers annually and more than two million cases of ill health caused or made worse by work. Many thousands are still dying prematurely as a result of conditions such as occupational cancer. The annual cost to the economy is in the region of £30 billion. Despite this scale of tragedy and loss, companies that are hard pressed, especially during tough economic conditions, may ask quite understandably why they should devote precious money – and even more precious time – to upgrading their health and safety management regimes. The Goldilocks principle can equally be applied to the workplace, with employers needing to ensure that environments are safe so far as is reasonably practicable. The real importance of this is that it allows proportionality of response to risk, taking account of different variables. The only alternative to this is a rising scale of specific prescriptive solutions laid down in law. Not only would this would be cumbersome but it would lead to both ‘under-hitting’ and ‘over-hitting’. Reasonable

practicability allows for fine tuning. Making sound judgements about such risk/ cost optimisation can pose real challenges for those firms lacking the necessary skills or access to professional expertise, particularly where options must be chosen from a range of solutions. For example, to take a case related to public safety, reasonably practicable water edge treatments to prevent drowning can vary from little or no action, to shelving and/or planting edges and erecting signage, through to extensive physical barriers at the extreme. TRAINING Training in the risk assessment process to ensure staff get it right is an investment that will pay dividends; not only in preventing serious accidents, but in directing resources where they are needed most, rather than wasting money on trivial issues that present a negligible risk. When it comes to investing in health and safety, it is not just a case of doing so because it is the right thing; it is also underpinned by a very strong business case. Furthermore, although it might seem wholly counterintuitive, that case is even stronger when times are tough than it is at other times. The reason is very simple: accidents and ill health caused by work (not to mention non-injury incidents which are much more numerous) impose massive costs on business. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has estimated that the ratio between insured and uninsured costs arising from accidents

Health & Safety


lies in the range of 1:8 to 1:36. So in the worst case, for every £100 recovered from the insurer, the business loses about £3,600. A WORTHWHILE EFFORT Properly-focused action to prevent accidents makes very good economic sense. Putting some effort into prevention in the right way can save a lot of money and heartache further down the line – both for local authorities and for society as a whole. Everyone knows that prevention is better – and cheaper – than cure. At an NHS and societal level, the financial burden of accidents is eye-watering. In 2001, the annual cost of accidents to the NHS in England alone was estimated at £2.2 billion. This figure could now be in the region of £5-7 billion. The cost to the NHS is just the tip of the iceberg; home and leisure accidents prompting a trip to A&E cost UK society as a whole £94.6 billion every year. Numerous studies have shown that accident prevention projects are easy to implement, inexpensive to deliver and have impressive return on investment potential. In Dudley, a falls prevention programme comprising home assessments and exercise sessions, for which the £158k a year costs were funded by the primary care trust and council, saved £3 million over five years due to the corresponding reduction in hip fractures. Getting health and safety judgements right is not always easy, but if they help to save lives without wasting scarce resources, then the effort involved is surely worthwhile. L




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The ability to get the cash in makes the difference between the success or failure of an organisation. But what makes a good credit manager, asks the Institute of Credit Management If there is one good thing to come from the ongoing financial difficulties businesses face today, it is that they have finally woken up to the critical importance of cashflow. Whether they realise it or not, they have also recognised the vital role of good credit management, and the value it can bring to their business. Of course for those of us that consider ourselves credit professionals, this eureka moment has been a long time coming. It has always been our challenge to convince others that an investment in credit management, people and resources can actually be linked directly to an improvement in the bottom line. A GOOD CREDIT MANAGER We believe that successful businesses have certain characteristics, and one of those characteristics is good credit management. Modern credit managers do much more than simply defining the policies and practices businesses follow in collecting payments from their customers – although this is still an essential task. Today they pro-actively and positively input to many departments, functions and procedures to improve business flow and customer service, as well as focusing on their main role of protecting their organisation’s investment in debtors and recovering debt. Their remit of course varies in different organisations and industries, but is increasingly becoming much more strategic, given that large organisations are known to have strategies for either non-payment to help their own bottom line profit, or at least significantly delaying payment causing the supplier to finance them at no cost. KEEPING CASH FLOWING At its most fundamental, a credit manager will oversee the sales ledger function, including raising invoices in a timely and accurate manner, speedy cash posting and accurate allocation of that cash, agreeing invoice formats with larger customers, and ensuring sales teams are capturing data accurately to prevent subsequent invoice queries. In times of crisis, as now, it is these fundamentals that become more important than ever. Credit managers may be assessing risk on new accounts and existing customers by way of credit information providers, reading financial accounts and establishing trading histories, something that is becoming

increasingly important as they are obliged to share greater risk with their insurers. They may be involved in the creation, maintenance and management of a full credit policy – internal documents that identifies procedures and policies that govern the credit function. They may also be negotiating and agreeing terms of business with new and existing customers or suppliers, including payment terms and setting up service level agreements and credit limits, and reporting to directors on age and profile of debt, potential risks of bad debt, overtrading accounts, areas of suggested training and general customer service observations. They are also likely to be overseeing or monitoring the activities of tracing agents, debt collection agencies, solicitors, insolvency practitioners and other third parties, and finding alternative ways of doing business such as escrow accounts, guarantees, back-to-back deals, etc, when other methods may have been rejected. ACCESSING PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT So why is it, given the importance of good credit management, that some still fail to grasp the fundamentals of cashflow? Should, those involved in the credit industry do more to help those working in the public sector gain greater access to the professional help they require in managing their finances? This very question was put to an ICM Think Tank – a group comprising some 25 experts from all aspects of the credit industry. They concluded that help is indeed available, but

Written by the Institute of Credit Management


intentions often go out of the window when day-to-day business activities get in the way. Credit teams want, wherever possible, to be given the advice they need and then the time to go off and do it themselves. So what degree of practical help is available? In 2008, the ICM and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) combined to publish a series of Managing Cashflow Guides. Each of the guides provides a checklist and tips to give businesses advice at a glance. There are guides on negotiating payment terms, invoicing, chasing payments, factoring, credit insurance and what to do if a customer goes bust – all with the principal objective of getting paid. The guides are now backed up by the ICM’s new Business Directory – CreditWho? – which acts as an online portal through which a range of cashflow services can be promoted and representing the key credit management areas already highlighted in the ICM/BIS Managing cashflow guides.

Money Matters


PROMPT PAYMENT The guides are an integral part of a much wider campaign spearheaded by the ICM and BIS around the issue of prompt payment that led to the launch of the Prompt Payment Code. At the beginning, there was, understandably, some cynicism towards the code, with suggestions that it was simply a government stunt that would have little impact on improving payment cycles. The cynics, I am delighted to say, were wrong. Signatories to the Code have grown steadily, especially within the public sector. Far from paying ‘lip service’ to the idea of prompt payment, the code has led directly to an improvement by the public sector in payment performance, with 19 out of 20 invoices now paid within 10 days, and a similar number of Local Authority invoices paid within 19 days. What is evident is that the code and the wider prompt payment drive is creating a new culture within certain sectors that promotes paying on time as being good for business. Of course, there are still many challenges

Modern credit managers do more than simply defining the policies and practices businesses follow in collecting payments from their customers – although this is still an essential task. that it was not immediately apparent where they can go to find it. They concluded also that we need to think harder about how we can get the message across to local authorities and businesses in general that good credit management and the ability to get the cash in is the difference between success or failure. More initiatives are not necessarily the answer. It isn’t that the training, advice or support isn’t there. It is just that good

ahead. It is still fashionable to single out the few examples of poor practice – especially within larger organisations – rather than highlight the good practice of the many. What has become patently evident, however, is that credit managers can help themselves enormously by getting the basics right, and not allowing their invoices to be in any way held up or disputed for lack of incorrect billing address or purchase order. L




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The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development’s 2011 Annual Conference and Exhibition will explore how HR can help organisations achieve high performance during times of change ‘New business realities. Fresh HR perspectives’ is the theme of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development’s (CIPD) 2011 Annual Conference and Exhibition, taking place in Manchester on 8-10 November. The event will explore how HR can play its part in ensuring organisations achieve high performance during times of major change. A packed conference programme of 59 seminars will tackle the business issues and environment currently faced by all those in the public and private sector. It is designed to provide insights into overcoming workplace challenges such as engagement, employee development, reward, performance and talent management. Business and HR experts will be sharing what’s worked for them and leading academics will be bringing the latest thinking to the conference. KEYNOTES The opening and closing keynote speeches will be delivered by two leaders who have helped develop world-leading innovation in business. Sir Terry Leahy, former CEO of Tesco, will reveal the secrets of inspiring people to consistently exceed expectations. Marcus Buckingham, global management expert and authors will focus on helping people take a strengths-based approach to management. The year’s event encompasses a mix of masterclasses, workshops, panel discussions and case studies, split into four conference streams. These are: ‘creating high performing organisations’, ‘building HR capability’, ‘models for progressive leadership’ and ‘future-fit for business’. A masterclass looking at the tools and techniques for future-proofing your organisation will be presented by David Robinson, New Ways of Working programme director at Hertfordshire County Council. He will be joined on the platform by Peter Thomson, author of ‘Future work: how businesses can adapt and thrive in a new world of work’. The thorny issue of absence levels will be explored in a panel discussion entitled ‘Attendance management: driving down the cost of absence’. The panel speakers will be Bill Gunnyeon, chief medical

adviser, DWP and Glenn Laming, employer services director, Legal and General. There is increased flexibility this year to enable delegates to tailor their conference visit, attending one, two or all three days. New keynote-only tickets are also available. EXHIBITION FOCUS HR and development professionals will also have an opportunity to check out what’s new and pick up plenty of practical tips and advice at the free CIPD Exhibition which runs alongside the conference in Manchester Central hall. Leading suppliers of HR products and services will be highlighting their latest innovations and showing how they are developing practical solutions that address the business challenges facing people management and development practitioners. Employment law updates, the impact of social media and getting talented people on the right career path are among the topics that are being explored in a series of free bite-sized sessions in the Exhibitor Exchange Theatre. Those trying to get to grips with pension reforms and the impact of autoenrolment in 2012, the National Association of Pensions Funds will be shedding some light in one of these half-hour learning sessions. And TUC-unionlearn will be highlighting the potential benefits for employers of the modern apprenticeship programmes. YOUNG JOB SEEKERS INITIATIVE The CIPD will also be telling people about its new pilot mentoring initiative for young job seekers in one of these showcase sessions. Working with the Department for Work and Pensions and Jobcentre Plus, the CIPD recently launched this initiative in Coventry and Warwickshire, an area where youth unemployment is particularly high. The main aim of the pilot is to link up CIPD members with young unemployed people for one-to-one mentoring and support, aiming to build up their confidence and employability skills. Early feedback from the project is very positive, and demonstrates how the local HR community is willing to support its young people. The Exhibitor Exchange is one of a

number of free features at the exhibition, complementing on-stand activities. A new Skills Shop will help HR practitioners in their own career development. There will be advice on how to develop more effective communications skills, how to use stress management techniques and tips and advice on coaching others. Key findings from the CIPD’s latest HR Outlook survey will also be presented. This report focuses on the views of HR leaders and covers issues important to senior HR professionals, ranging from key priorities for HR to succession within the function and development of skills. Another new element at the 2011 show is a series of exhibition ‘hubs’ focusing on recruitment and talent management, employee benefits and HR software. These are designed to help visitors home in on specialist areas of HR.

Human Resources


ACE INTERACTIVE Delegates can also engage in discussion and debate with fellow practitioners before, during and after the event through the CIPD’s online social networking resource, ACE Interactive. Participants can join in conference and exhibition-related discussion, become a member of the CIPD’s Linked In and Facebook groups or comment on Twitter via the show hashtag, #CIPD11. A linked schedule of networking and social media events will also run throughout the three days of the show in the ACE Interactive Zone. The timetable of events includes speed networking, where participants can meet new contacts and find common ground, and open discussion sessions on issues including leadership, innovation and culture. Other sessions include how to blog, where visitors can meet HR experts and bloggers to gain insight, updates and offer opinion on the latest on blogging and social media issues. ‘Shaping the future’, will feature key insights from the CIPD’s major programme on driving long-term performance, a longitudinal action research and engagement programme examining ‘what drives sustainable organisation performance’ in practice. Exhibitors at this year’s show reflect the broad span of organisations offering HR-related services and support. They include universities and business schools, employee benefits providers, online learning specialists, consultancy services, talent management experts, government organisations, change and OD professionals, and health and well-being specialists. Delegates can pre-register for a free exhibition ticket online at ace/prereg. Visitors will receive a fast-track entry badge, a newsletter and vouchers featuring event-only competitions and offers, as well as a free show guide at the event. L FOR MORE INFORMATION Pre-register at




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Ordnance survey has document storage mapped out with Box-it

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Ordnance Survey’s head office move to a new facility in Southampton has created the need for outsourcing some business services, including secure storage and management of documents (both current and archive) as well as historical artefacts requiring safe preservation. Document management company, Box-it UK, was selected through a formal procurement process with the acquisition going through an OCG framework agreement with the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) for both document storage and document scanning solutions. Ordnance Survey had previously occupied spacious premises but technological advancements and greater use of outsourced business services have reduced the need for such large premises.

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Box-it’s project management team catalogued/barcoded all items for efficient tracking and retrieval. The logistics team recorded the transfer to its purpose-built storage facility, while IT created a modified online management system allowing Ordnance Survey to have archive control. They can now order online, by email or fax to receive next day retrievals as standard and request urgent retrievals electronically within four hours. “We are extremely pleased with the service provided by Box-it. Our records are now at the right place at the right time; saving us time and money,” says Vernon Birkett, records and HR projects manager at Ordnance Survey. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 01962 830200

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THE RIGHT TO BE INFORMED The Institute of Translation & Interpreting discusses the importance of using only qualified and experienced translators and interpreters, and offers guidance for working effectively with them

Translation and interpreting in the public sector has changed dramatically in the past 20 years. In accordance with the Human Rights Act 1998 Article 6, 3a, everyone has the right “to be informed promptly, in a language which he understands and in detail, of the nature and cause of the accusation against him” and (3e), “to have the free assistance of an interpreter if he cannot understand or speak the language used in court.” Today we must cater for a greater variety of languages and dialects than ever before in an increasing number of situations covering all aspects of public life including housing departments, job centres, benefit offices, social services, police, prisons and the courts. According to research, total UK public sector spend on translation and interpreting is £500 million and forecasts predict that this figure is set to rise substantially in the future. It is crucial that the public sector ensures it is working with high quality translation and interpreting professionals, not just to be confident it is receiving a good return on investment, but to ensure it fully meets the stipulations of the Human Rights Act 1998. CHALLENGES A key challenge is balancing spend with quality. It can be very tempting to hire the services of the cheapest and most geographically available translator or interpreter, but due to the very nature of the work, it can be impossible for the client to ascertain the quality of the translation or interpreting taking place in another language. There are some cases where nonprofessional interpreters pass themselves off as qualified, and have actually carried out interpreting assignments in serious situations. This can be very dangerous especially in the health and criminal justice system. Such imposters may have an unethical agenda and may not interpret accurately, resulting in a wrongful conviction. THE WAY FORWARD It is essential to check qualifications and credentials. This too is a challenge as there are an estimated 10,000 people in the UK who market themselves as professional translators and interpreters. Obvious checkpoints are confirming qualifications, references, and memberships of professional bodies. Employing a member of a professional body will provide you with a translator or interpreter who has at least met stringent admissions criteria and who signs up to a Code of Professional Conduct; quite often these professionals take part in

Continuing Professional Development to maintain the currency of their skills. A professional will always be happy to provide evidence of qualifications and memberships; interpreters, for example, will often hold the Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (DPSI) and be listed on the National Register for Public Service Interpreters. Translation companies should have or be working towards a recognised certification standard such as ISO, or the European Quality Standard BS EN15038. USEFUL TIPS Once you have your professional translator or interpreter in place it is important to know how to work with them and provide training to staff who will work alongside the translator or interpreter. For social services, face-to-face interpreting is always the preferred way of working, while police, courts and prisons may be able to make use of video conferencing in the future. Some simple basics can help ensure the process runs smoothly. Here are some

Translation & Interpreting


a mistranslation of a document can have dramatic and long-term consequences. A mistranslated witness statement or patient or claimant notes could have serious detrimental consequences for all parties. SMOOTHING THE PROCESS FURTHER The use of technology can be a great benefit to dealing with situations swiftly and cost effectively. However, care must be taken not to rely too heavily on automatic translation programs as these will never deliver the level of accuracy required. Face-to-face interpreting should always be used for complex situations or when discussions are likely to be lengthy. This ensures a more caring, personal service and creates a greater understanding of the communication process because the interpreter is able to identify and respond to cultural body language and religious beliefs that may not be obvious to public sector staff. Telephone interpreters should be considered in emergency situations for immediate assistance to help establish facts. It is also

A mistranslated witness statement or patient or claimant notes could have serious detrimental consequences for all parties. examples of best practice in a situation requiring an interpreter. Firstly introduce everyone and define their roles. Establish some ground rules to ensure communication only takes place through the interpreter and stress that the interpreter can only communicate what is said and cannot offer any additional information or advice. Also ensure that everyone speaks directly to each other and does not speak to the interpreter. Maintain eye contact with the client, if culturally appropriate and speak clearly and naturally. Summarise the discussion at regular intervals to ensure that everyone understands everything that is being said and ask yourself whether you believe everyone understands and if you have obtained all relevant information. After the discussion it is good practice to obtain feedback from the interpreter – particularly regarding any difficulties in the interpretation or with any personalities – and to check that the interpreter has not been traumatised in any way. Remember that conveying sensitive information can be equally distressing for the interpreter. Translation is no less of a problem. In fact,

the case that some individuals may actually prefer to use telephone interpreting as it is more anonymous. However, it is remote and not recommended in all cases. With recent technological developments, the potential for video interpreting is worth exploring. Video can provide a practical compromise between face-to-face and telephone interpreting. Video could also work well for Sign Language and perhaps even lip speaking, while text to speech is advisable for the visually impaired or illiterate. THE FUTURE With increased citizen mobility we could find that there are more non-British EU citizens choosing to come to the UK, so our requirement for professional translation and interpreting services could increase. The best way to handle this growing demand is to consider the advice offered in this article: always use qualified professionals; train staff in how to work with interpreters; invest more, not less; and forge strong relationships with language providers. L FOR MORE INFORMATION



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Emergency | ISSUE 2

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National Crime Agency appoints head; Plans to be operational by 2013 Chief constable of Warwickshire Police Keith Bristow has been appointed as the head of the National Crime Agency. The Home Office began the search for a senior officer with a ‘proven track record in both strategic leadership and in driving down crime’ to lead the agency earlier this year. However, it had to increase the original salary and extend the contract to encourage more chief constables to apply. Bristow will earn £214,722 a year in the post. Bristow, who was head of crime for ACPO from 2009 to 2011, will be heading the national agency after leading the country’s second smallest force for five years, where his salary was £130,000 a year. He also served as operations manager and director of intelligence at West Midlands Police and, in 2002, was appointed as director (UK) of the National Criminal Intelligence Service. Bristow said the agency will “ensure that criminals are identified, pursued and brought to justice; their groups dismantled and their activities disrupted.” Phil Robson, chairman of Warwickshire Police Authority, said Mr Bristow was “an outstanding and transformational leader,” while Simon Payne, from the force’s federation, said it was a “proud moment for the force.” Sir Hugh Orde, ACPO president, said: “Under his leadership, the NCA offers law enforcement agencies and the police an opportunity to raise their game against some of the most dangerous and harmful criminals in the UK.”

West Midlands Police aims to tackle gang culture A task force is to be set up by West Midlands Police to tackle gangs. A team of more than 20 officers will attempt to disrupt street gangs which are operating in the West Midlands. Former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has been talking to police to look at the extent of the problem. TO READ MORE PLEASE VISIT...

Home Secretary Theresa May said that, in his new role, Bristow will “develop an agency of powerful operational crime fighters who will ensure those who commit serious and organised crime are tracked down, pursued and brought to justice.” The NCA will have specialist operational capabilities that add value to those in police forces and other law enforcement partners, such as those working on cyber crime, economic and environmental crime, human, wildlife and drug trafficking and child exploitation. It will incorporate the UK Border Agency and the Child Exploitation and Online Centre, and plans to collect and analyse its own and others’ intelligence, building and using a comprehensive strategic and tactical picture of serious and organised criminality. The NCA will be ‘fully operational’ by December 2013, the Home Office said.


Great Western explores relocation with merger now on the cards Great Western Ambulance Service (GWAS) has announced it is working with South Western Ambulance Service (SWAS) to explore the creation of a partnership by October 2012. In August, GWAS announced that because it was ‘not viable’ for it to become an NHS Foundation Trust, it was seeking a partner to join forces with in order to improve patient care for the future. GWAS currently serves Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, the greater Bristol area, and parts of Somerset, while the SWAS covers parts of Dorset and Somerset, Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Ken Wenman, chief executive officer of SWAST will become the interim CEO for GWAS on November 1. Jennie Kingston, currently SWAST deputy CEO and director of finance and performance, will be appointed acting CEO at SWAST. GWAS chairman, Peter Carr, who has been leading the search for a partner, said the move would bring benefits of combined resources and “will provide more capacity to improve and innovate.”


Emergency Business


He added: “As one of the first ambulance trusts to become a Foundation Trust, SWAST has already proven itself to be a strong and successful organisation.” In another development, an unused fire control centre in Taunton could be taken on by the merged ambulance service. The premises, built in 2007, currently stand empty after plans for regional fire control centres were scrapped last year. Ken Whenman said using the facility was “not impossible” for the combined service. He stated: “Both Great Western Ambulance Service and ourselves have always been interested in a control room in Taunton, and we’ve been talking to the fire service about that in the past so I wouldn’t say that anything is impossible,” he said. It was meant to serve Somerset, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall and the greater Bristol area. Computer problems meant it was never opened and it was eventually scrapped, along with eight other regional fire control centres, in December 2010, and stands empty at a cost of £5,000 per day.

West Sussex Fire Service issues open fire warning With darker, colder nights, West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service has issued a warning about chimneys. Open fires and wood burning stoves can become a serious safety hazard if simple precautions are not followed. Community fire safety officer, Jackie Boyle, said: “The weather has turned considerably colder and we know people are turning to open fires.”

Hampshire and TVP create Information sharing dept Hampshire Constabulary and Thames Valley Police (TVP) have taken a step towards greater collaboration with an agreement to create a department for delivering information management. The police authorities for the two forces have now formally agreed the landmark move – and it has been confirmed that the department will be hosted by TVP. This latest move should realise significant cost savings.

Fire Brigades Union comments on safety of Sputh Yorkshire FRS’s appliances South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service is investigating the safety of its fire engines after they were condemned as being unsafe. The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) said the service’s Combined Aerial Rescue Pumps (CARPs) had suffered from mechanical breakdowns and fires. John Gilliver, the FBU secretary for South Yorkshire told the BBC: “They’re appalling, they’re an absolute joke.” TO READ MORE PLEASE VISIT...



Emergency Business



ESSENTIAL RESCUE SKILLS EXAMINED London Fire Brigade recently hosted the UK Rescue Challenge London 2011, which saw fire and rescue services from across the country compete in four complex rescue disciplines, including trauma, urban search and rescue, rope rescue, and extrication With nearly a year of preparations, hundreds of firefighters and literally tonnes of heavy duty specialist equipment, this September saw London Fire Brigade hosting the country’s biggest and most prestigious firefighter event, the UK Rescue Challenge London 2011. The Challenge, hosted by the Brigade on behalf of UK Rescue Organisation (UKRO) at London’s Excel Centre, saw teams compete in four complex rescue disciplines, including, trauma, urban search and rescue (USAR), rope rescue, and extrication. DEALING WITH REAL LIFE INCIDENTS Based on reconstructions of real incidents, firefighters used their skills and specialist equipment to cut trapped casualties out of crashed cars, rescue people from cranes and collapsed buildings as well as provide emergency medical care until the paramedics arrived. Hosted in the capital for the first time in the competition’s nine-year history, the challenge attracted teams from 36 fire and rescue services across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Four international teams from the Republic of Ireland, Germany and Spain also took part in the event. London’s own team came first in the USAR discipline, with the Brigade’s trauma and rope rescue crews making it into the top three. Deputy assistant commissioner Mark Andrews said: “Firefighters from across the country and Europe used the challenge as an opportunity to test and hone their skills, trial new equipment and try new ways of rescuing people. Different brigades took the opportunity to learn from each other which will ultimately help improve how we rescue casualties at real incidents. “Our own teams did exceptionally well, particularly the rope rescue and USAR crews, as this was the first time they participated in the competition. Well done to all the participating teams and a huge thank you to everyone who supported us.“ COMMUNITY SAFETY VILLAGE In addition to the challenge, the free event also featured a Community Safety Village where members of the public were able to learn about how to prevent and escape from fire.



Throughout the two days, around three thousand of spectators were drawn to the real-live water demonstrations, where firefighters used boats and specialist equipment to rescue casualties from water. Additionally, visitors were able to see a parachute display and various community safety demonstrations, such as the Brigade’s sniffer dogs exercise and a life sized hazard house, highlighting potential fire hazards in the home. On the first day, nearly a thousand school children from local primary schools across Newham visited the Village. They were treated to a variety of demonstrations, including a schools’ team workshop, a ‘sniffer’ demonstration by the Brigade’s fire investigation dogs, the ever popular hot fat fire exercise and a specially-tailored outreach competition. A state of the art Hazard House, outfitted by IKEA, was created by the Brigade to help children learn about potential fire hazards in the home. During the second day, firefighter families and friends from across the UK as well as the general public came along to learn about fire safety and various community initiatives run by the Brigade. Newham Borough commander Wayne Browne, assisted by his local firefighter crew, also delivered a number of presentations outlining the fire service provision in Newham and discussing the impact of the proposed Olympic travel routes, which will have a huge impact on traffic levels in the borough. KITCHEN FIRE HAZARDS A cooking challenge took place on both days, with firefighters from East Ham and Silvertown, with help from catering students from Newham College, competing to win the honours in the cook-offs. Whilst the cooking was underway, the audience was told about the common causes of kitchen fires and how easy it is to prevent a cooking-related fire from happening in the first place. London Fire Brigade’s community safety partnerships manager Kathryn Bloomfield said: “The Community Safety Village was a huge success. We were very pleased with the feedback from both, members of the public and the visiting schools, and are now looking forward to starting Community Safety preparations for next

year’s World Rescue Competition, to be hosted by the Brigade in 2012.” A trade exhibition with representatives from the key fire industry organisations and a rescue skills conference also ran alongside the challenge. Chair of UK Rescue Organisation (UKRO) Steve Apter said: “UKRO working with London Fire Brigade have put on a fantastic challenge that has provided an opportunity for firefighters to test their skills and enhance their learning within the extremely challenging environment that they face when attending real incidents. “This year’s event was a success and we look forward to the next year’s challenge.” L FOR MORE INFORMATION

UK Rescue Challenge London 2011 results Rope Rescue Challenge – Best Overall team: 1st: Strathclyde Fire & Rescue 2nd: London Fire Brigade 3rd: West Midlands Fire Service

USAR Challenge – Best Leader 1st: London Fire Brigade 2nd: Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service 3rd: Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Service

Rope Rescue Challenge – Best Technical Team: 1st: London Fire Brigade 2nd: Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service 3rd: West Midlands Fire Service

USAR Challenge – Best Medic 1st: London Fire Brigade 2nd: Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service 3rd: Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Service

Rope Rescue Challenge – Best Medic: 1st: London Fire Brigade 2nd: Strathclyde Fire & Rescue 3rd: Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Extrication Challenge – Best Team: 1st: Royal Berkshire Rescue Team 2nd: Avon Fire & Rescue Service 3rd: Central Scotland Fire & Rescue Service

Rope Rescue Challenge – Best Leader: 1st: Strathclyde Fire & Rescue 2nd: London Fire Brigade 3rd: West Midlands Fire Service Trauma – Cornwall Fire Brigade

Trauma Challenge – Best Team: 1st: Hampshire Fire & Rescue Service 2nd: London Fire Brigade 3rd: County Durham & Darlington Fire & Rescue Service USAR Challenge – Best Overall Team 1st: London Fire Brigade 2nd: Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service 3rd: Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Service USAR Challenge – Best Technical team 1st: London Fire Brigade 2nd: Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service 3rd: Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Service

Emergency Business


Extrication Challenge – Best Officer in Charge: 1st: Royal Berkshire Rescue Team 2nd: Avon Fire & Rescue Service 3rd: Surrey Fire & Rescue Service Extrication Challenge – Best Medic: 1st: Royal Berkshire Rescue Team 2nd: Dorset Fire & Rescue Service 3rd: Avon Fire & Rescue Service Extrication Challenge – Best Technical Team: 1st: Royal Berkshire Rescue Team 2nd: North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service 3rd: Surrey Fire & Rescue Service

Headcorn parachute centre display at UK Rescue Challenge

London Trauma team award



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Emergency Business


Taking place 23-24 November at Stoneleigh Park, Coventry, the Emergency Services Show and Conference is the key event for anyone involved in emergency planning, response or recovery The last couple of years have seen unprecedented incidents take place in the UK – the riots, adverse weather conditions, spates of domestic and wild fires – all of which provide a natural wake up call for organisations to update emergency and business continuity plans. With new threats and challenges constantly arising, emergency planners need to adapt their plans to deal with this ever changing environment. What was made apparent during the riots was the large role social media has in today’s society – an area that emergency and resilience professionals will need to continually adapt to in these challenging times. Whilst the riots may have passed, the aftermath of the events is ongoing. Lessons learnt and ongoing investigations need to continue and networking and collaboration between all of those involved in an emergency will remain pivotal to ensure that events like these are minimised in the future. After all, whether everyday incidents or larger disasters, the correct plans need to be in place to ensure public safety is not compromised – collaboration is key.

MULTI AGENCY COLLABORATION Now in its sixth year, the Emergency Services Show is a firmly established annual show that promotes multi agency collaboration by bringing together all stakeholders involved in an emergency – from the strategic planners and first responders, to the manufacturers and suppliers of equipment and services used by these leading professionals. With over 380 exhibitors and approximately 4,000 visitors attending the successful show last year, the Emergency Services Show’s overall aim is to improve public safety. WHO CAN ATTEND? The Emergency Services Show 2011 is considered critical for those with a role in emergency planning and business continuity. From buyers and specifiers, emergency planners to responders,

this show unites colleagues, contemporaries and suppliers. Every year emergency and resilience professionals with a role in emergency planning, business continuity, operations, procurement, training and recruitment, attend. “A very worthwhile exhibition that any emergency planner would benefit from attending,” said William Read, chairman, Emergency Planning Society – West Midlands Branch. ENDLESS OPPORTUNITIES Exhibitors will be displaying all manner of products and services including: business continuity and outsourcing, communications and IT, personal protective equipment, first response equipment, station equipment, training and education, vehicles and vehicle equipment and medical equipment. Many exhibitors will also be carrying out a number of live demonstrations throughout the two days. David Brown, show E



Emergency Business


EVENT PREVIEW Proposed presentation themes include n Terrorism n Business continuity n 2012 Olympics n Environmental issues n Safety/Red tape n Social media n The Big Society For further information on the conference programme please visit the website:

E organiser, Emergency Services (MMC) Ltd, remarks: “As well as allowing exhibitors to showcase their latest products and services, the exhibition provides an ideal way for professionals to discuss cooperation, ideas and initiatives and learn from each other in preparation for major events taking place over the coming years or prepare for the unexpected.” There will also be approximately 100 end users exhibiting within the Emergency Response Zone. This zone (essential for operational staff and emergency planning officers) is made up of category 1 and 2 responders, professional, government and voluntary organisations, and hence

Mountain Rescue and the Association of Lowland Search and Rescue (ALSAR). Additionally a water cannon from Northern Ireland police will be on display, allowing visitors to view first-hand a piece of equipment that’s use was widely discussed by English politicians to quell the riots in England. DOING MORE WITH LESS At a time when budgets are being squeezed, this free to attend exhibition provides the perfect opportunity for visitors to research methods of ‘doing more with less’ funds. Visitors will be able to speak to exhibitors about how they may operate more effectively

The Emergency Services Show is a firmly established annual show that promotes multi agency collaboration by bringing together all stakeholders involved in an emergency – from the strategic planners and first responders, to the manufacturers and suppliers of equipment and services used by these leading professionals. offers perfect networking opportunities to affiliated organisations. The Emergency Planning Society, Emergency Planning College, Flood Forecasting Centre, the Health Protection Agency, Inland Flood Rescue Association (IFRA), Institute of Civil Protection & Emergency Management, Community Heartbeat, UK Power Networks, Global Rescue Services, National Chemical Emergency Centre and the British Red Cross are just a few of the organisations exhibiting in this specialist area. There is also a dedicated UK Search and Rescue Zone including



and efficiently, thereby resulting in the highly desirable outcome of ‘more for less’. David Brown comments: “In these uncertain times it is more important than ever for all emergency professionals and associated agencies to communicate with one another, this may allow resources to be shared and budgets to be maximised. The Emergency Services Show offers the unique opportunity to meet with specialist equipment and service suppliers from the UK and abroad to facilitate mutually beneficial buying arrangements and discuss new important innovations and products.”

CONFERENCE This year, the two day conference will be hosted in the dedicated conference centre (opposite the exhibition centre) at Stoneleigh Park. To help organisations cope with a markedly different environment and overcome the challenges of the future, this year’s conference will be free of charge to attend. This is in recognition that organisations budgets have been cut and in many cases restrictions put in place regarding individuals attending events. However, it is vital that emergency and resilience professionals continue to learn and network amongst one another to allow both professional development and learning, with the overall aim of improving public safety. Each day of the conference will be targeted at different job roles. Day one will be aimed at senior management in the emergency services. Whilst day two will target all professional and non-professional operational emergency planners and responders involved in facilitating the planning, response and recovery process, in multi agency incidents. Through presentations from key industry experts, the conference addresses the key issues, both current and forthcoming, for a co-ordinated approach to UK resilience which is pivotal to meet organisations future challenges with fewer resources. The format of day two will provide delegates with the flexibility to select sessions they wish to attend throughout the day. These sessions will be free to attend on a first come first served basis, however registration is essential. The conference will be CPD certified. L REGISTER NOW FOR YOUR FREE VISITOR PASS To register for your free visitor pass or to learn more about attending the Emergency Services Show 2011, please visit the event’s new website

WEL Medical launching the new iPAD SP1 at the Emergency Services Show WEL Medical is the main distributor for the CU Medical range of defibrillator/ monitors including the new iPAD SP1 – the AED that is redefining expectations. WEL Medical will be officially launching the iPAD SP1 at the Emergency Services Show, where you can discover how features like ambient noise detection, one set of pads for adults and children, CPR detection and ‘smart pad’ technology are making the iPAD SP1 the new benchmark for AEDs (for a sneak preview visit In addition the rest of the CU Medical range will be on display, along with the Infunix range of patient monitors and Boscarol range of suction machines. Aftersales care is important, and with a national network of service engineers, WEL Medical

has the capability to ensure that your medical equipment is maintained to required standards. Service maintenance contracts are available for a huge range of medical equipment, whether or not it was originally purchased from WEL Medical. Based in Aldershot, Wel Medical specialises in supplying the pre-hospital, first aid and trauma market with equipment and consumables ranging from training manikins and simulators, through to pharmaceuticals, IV fluids, trauma kits and emergency splints. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 01252 344007

Uniform Boot on new Mitre Blue Light website It is now easier than ever to get hold of some of the best safety and emergency services standard issue boots, including the brand new men and women’s Uniform Boot, through the new Mitre Blue Light website. The revamped site – – includes an online shop so your purchase of some of the most advanced safety boots on the market is only a click away. The brand new Uniform Boot, which is calf height for men and a little shorter for women, can be worn comfortably for long periods and is ideal for the emergency services and security industry. Come and try the new Uniform Boot out for yourself on stand 157 at the Emergency Services Show – we are sure you won’t be disappointed. As well as the brand new Uniform Boot, Mitre Blue Light

Emergency Business


is holding a sale of some of its most popular ranges of boots through its new website. The Rapid Reaction boot is available online at £74.99, down from the normal price of £89.99, while the Legion Boot is also in the sale at £55.99, down from £69.99. FOR MORE INFORMATION To find the very best in safety footwear visit the Mitre Blue website –




Emergency Business


Pulse oximetry and noninvasive monitoring

Nightsearcher – products to light up the future

Masimo Corporation is one of the world’s most admired medical technology companies credited with revolutionising pulse oximetry and noninvasive patient monitoring. A global medical technology innovator, Masimo has been on the forefront of patient safety and a beacon of innovation in healthcare for more than 20 years. What began as a private garage start-up in 1989 is now a highly successful publicly-traded company employing over 2,500 people worldwide with product revenues that have increased four-fold in the last five years. Masimo has a portfolio of clinically-proven products that lead the way in innovation, performance and patient safety by giving healthcare providers the information they need to optimise clinical decision-making. Products include Masimo SET® pulse oximetry – the market-leading gold standard pulse oximetry technology solution, and Masimo rainbow SET® Pulse CO-Oximetry

NightSearcher Ltd are one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of a range of portable floodlights, searchlights and flashlights. Our high quality professional products are designed to give many years of service. We are major suppliers to the police, fire services, military, railway infrastructure industries, utilities, industrial companies, local councils, amongst others. Registered to ISO 9001:2008 standard, many of our products are NATO-coded. The Solaris Range is NightSearcher’s new generation of portable rechargeable lighting systems. The newly designed head, fitted with 18 LEDs, offers individual optics per LED to maximise light coverage and minimise glare. Available in a range of sizes to suit all applications, the largest unit

– the first-and-only non-invasive blood constituent monitoring platform that measures many blood constituents that previously required invasive procedures. In addition, with technology license and OEM agreements with leading patient monitoring manufacturers spanning the globe, Masimo’s advanced oximetry technologies can be found inside of today’s top multiparameter brands – such as Atom, Datascope, GE Medical, Medtronic, Philips, Spacelabs and Zoll, among others. FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact: Noel Coussens Head Office: 01256 479988 Fax: 01256 473684

Celebrating 30 years of saving lives across the UK International Rescue Corps is a specialist volunteer Urban Search and Rescue team responding to natural and man made disasters all over the world using our specialist skills and equipment to rescue trapped people. As a UK based charity supported entirely by donations, we offer our services completely free of charge, whether in the UK or overseas. The original Urban Search and Rescue team – IRC was formed having watched the scenes of chaos and devastation portrayed in the media following the 1981 Italian earthquake. We have now operated for over 30 years with an outstanding track record of saving lives and are one of the world’s most respected search and rescue teams. Our Members – Often, the first introduction that people have to the International Rescue Corps is when they see the distinctive royal blue overalls in television news footage of a disaster,


whether at home or abroad. You may have seen or read about IRC’s involvement in missing person searches, or helping rescue the victims of train crashes; floods; earth quakes and factory explosions. All our members are volunteers and come from all different walks of life. The transformation of a new member to a fully-trained Operational member is a process that takes a minimum of three years. Certified College Course – We are the only UK search and rescue team to be classed as an educational institution via the National Open College Network. This means that we are robustly audited and our teaching methods and assessments are verified at several points throughout the year. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 01324 665011


generates an incredible 24,000 lumens spread over 100m. Each of the range offers high/low flashing modes and is designed to pulse every 30 seconds when the battery is running low. NightSearcher’s Panther LED is the new version of the very popular Panther searchlight. It produces a very impressive 1,500 lumens of light, and a powerful 750 metre beam. It has four modes: high power (six hours running time), low power (12 hours running time) flash and strobe. An optional lithium-ion battery version is available, which weighs 1.6kgs. FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact: Bernadette Grima Tel: 023 9238 9774 Fax: 023 9238 9788

Together we can protect children from harm Child protection may not be the first thing your teams on the frontline think about within their work. But as professionals who regularly come into direct contact with children and their families, they are in a position to help ensure that the children they meet are protected from harm. However, how they do this may not seem clear, which is where the NSPCC comes in. We can work with you to: • provide you with an up-to-date knowledge of child protection • show you what to do if you have concerns about a child • help you to better prepare your service to protect children. The NSPCC is the UK’s leading authority on child protection.

With more than 125 years of safeguarding experience, we have a depth of insight and experience no other child protection training and consultancy provider can offer. We also offer an extremely flexible service, which means we can work with you to tailor what we provide so that it meets your needs exactly. Discover how together we can better protect children from harm by visiting us at stand 428 (Hall 3) at the Emergency Services Show 23-24 November, Stoneleigh Park, Coventry. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 0844 892 1026

First choice supplier for quality rescue equipment

Commercial vehicles built with an enviable pedigree

Safequip is one of the leading suppliers of technical rescue equipment to the emergency services, utility, and resilience sectors in the UK and overseas. We offer a wide range of equipment and PPE for use in fire, water, and technical rescue environments, and have become the first choice supplier to many of the UK’s professional rescue services. With the increased risks posed from terror threats, coupled with the increase in volatile weather patterns resulting in serious flooding, Safequip has developed many products that are widely used by the rescue services, providing the rescuer with the appropriate equipment

With a history stretching back to 1891, Scania is one of the world’s oldest and largest commercial vehicle manufacturers. As such, the company has been a leading supplier of fire appliances for more than 100 years. Today, Scania vehicles are in service with fire and rescue services worldwide. In the UK, Scania has been a major supplier of fire appliances for the past 30 years and now has vehicles in operation with fire and rescue services nationwide. In addition to a premium 18-tonne gvw chassis with purpose-built crew cab ideally suited to Type B water tender applications, Scania offers rigid and articulated truck chassis catering for a broad spectrum of emergency services transport needs. The flexibility of the Scania range is made possible by the company’s modular build programme, a system pioneered by the company more than

and protection they require to operate safety and effectively in these high risk environments. Our customers include UK fire and rescue services, NHS trusts, police services, ambulance HART, maritime coastguard, RNLI, local authorities and many search and rescue and resilience organisations around the UK and abroad. An area of business we like to pride ourselves on is expert advice and support we can provide to our customers, so that they can make the right decision when purchasing rescue equipment. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 01259 727835

RADSAFE CLG: radioactive material transport emergency arrangements Radioactive materials are transported by road, rail and sea to support the nuclear, industrial and medical industries. Radioactive materials have been transported around the UK for over fifty years without any significant incident taking place. The requirements for transporting radioactive material are agreed internationally and published by the International Atomic Energy Agency. The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2009 currently state the requirements for the transport of radioactive material in the UK. These regulations require that there are appropriate emergency arrangements in the event of an incident involving the transport of radioactive material. RADSAFE coordinates the transport emergency arrangements for its members. RADSAFE is owned by the major nuclear organisations in Great Britain and coordinates

the emergency response of its members to an incident. RADSAFE has established a single call centre for any notification of an incident which may involve its packages on 0800834153. RADSAFE’s members are Magnox, EdF Nuclear Generation, URENCO, MoD, Rolls Royce, Sellafield, GE Healthcare, Energy Solutions, and Westinghouse. RADSAFE provides free awareness training to the emergency, fire, police and ambulance services throughout the year. RADSAFE will be on stand E67 at the Emergency Services Show, 23-24 November, Stoneleigh Park, Coventry. FOR MORE INFORMATION

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half a century ago and which allows for a large number of vehicle types to be constructed from a relatively small number of basic building blocks. A particular strength is that Scania is the only heavy truck manufacturer to offer a factory-fitted crew cab, which can accommodate a crew of up to eight. Moreover, Scania’s all-steel crew cab is a fully integrated product designed in-house that complies with the stringent Swedish cabtest safety standards. FOR MORE INFORMATION

An essential field-tool for the needs of today’s emergency services The LXE Marathon Field computer combines all of the missioncritical features and connectivity mobile workers need to perform successfully while operating outdoors. It offers anywhere connectivity, extreme ruggedness and superior performance. Its IP rating of 65 enables it to cope easily with 1.2m drops on concrete and its weight of less than 1kg, coupled with its compact size, make it ideal for use within the emergency services. Police, fire and other emergency teams can be directed to an incident quickly and accurately via the mobileassisted built-in GPS. Once at the scene, the Marathon™ is undocked to issue temporary credentials with

a USB-attached mobile printer, which can be later scanned using the Marathon’s bolt-on 2D imager. It also comes complete with a 2MP camera. Ultimately, as LXE explains, the Marathon serves those who serve others. For the full list of specifications or to purchase the Marathon please visit The Marathon is available from Renovotec, LXE’s best preferred partner in Europe. Renovotec are a leading provider of mobile computing and automatic data capture solutions. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 0845 293 0450



Emergency Business


Providing a voice and support in the world of resilience planning The Emergency Planning Society is a driving force in the world of resilience. The government regularly consults with us and we provide a voice for our members to influence change at the highest level. Our members represent all areas of the resilience profession and as a society we work hard to ensure their voices are heard. We provide a forum through our extensive networks, to share our experiences and disseminate good practice. As a member you can be part of this international network of professionals that can provide support and give you a voice that’s already acknowledged as a leader in this field. It’s your voice and

your future. Look out for our series of exciting interactive webinars and events featuring top speakers on the hot issues in the world of resilience. Interactive worldwide webinars include: • No Escape: Time to Surf the Social Media Tidal Wave and Survive • Targeting the Olympic Games: Terrorist Threat or Media Hyperbole? • Terrorism: Fact or Fiction? Events include Surviving the Social Media Broadside, Cyber Sabotage 2012, and Law, Liability and Self-Defence. FOR MORE INFORMATION Twitter: TheEPS1

Efficient climate control for commercial vehicles Webasto, a world-leading manufacturer of commercial vehicle heating and air conditioning systems, is exhibiting at this year’s Emergency Services Show, on stand 180. The stand will display advanced diesel-powered air and water interior heaters, widely specified by all emergency services for a wide range of vehicle types, including passenger transfer and PSUs. Webasto combines both interior heating and air conditioning systems to create its easy-tooperate and simple-to-install OE or retro-fit climate control system, operated via a smart LCD screen with one button control. There’s good news from Webasto on fuel economy


measures too: by fitting an AirTop 2000 diesel powered, blown air cab heater, rather than generating interior heat from an idling engine, significant savings will result. On the largest engined vehicles, one hour’s idling can consume up to two litres of fuel, but if the vehicle’s engine was off during this period the fuel used heating the cab with the AirTop 2000 heater would be only a tenth of a litre. And for total peace of mind Webasto now provides a truly nationwide repair and maintenance service, backed by over 150 mobile engineers on call 24/7, with each engineer monitored by live vehicle tracking. FOR MORE INFORMATION


Specialist communications solutions – worldwide SMC was established in 1958 and initially specialised in antenna support masts, towers and HF antennas. It is now recognised globally as a specialist communications company. Over the last 50 years the SMC product range has grown to include pneumatic telescopic masts, aluminium lattice masts, high-level photography solutions, Mil specification antenna positioners and two way radio products, including GPS, AVLS and data transfer. SMC is able to advise, design, supply and install mobile communications systems, from the simple to more complex and integrated networks. The business operates throughout the world markets including the Americas, Africa, the Middle and Far East, the Pacific

Rim, Europe and developing countries. Our customers include those in the following sectors: military, security, aid agencies, petrochemical, exploration, marine and broadcasting. The very nature of communications and its rapidly advancing technology dictates the same commitment SMC has to quality as it does to substantial investment in the future of the industry. The customer, however, will remain at the forefront of our business and continue to shape the course of communications development within SMC and the industry. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: +44 (0)23 8024 6200

Providing invaluable care and support across the UK St John Ambulance responds to hundreds of local incidents and major accidents each year. We play a crucial role in supporting the emergency services when help is needed. Our volunteers and staff are fully-trained and always on hand to offer assistance and support to those in need. They respond quickly, providing vital help when major emergencies, road accidents, weather incidents and fires occur. In the winter pressures of 2010/2011 we provided assistance across the country, supporting the statutory ambulance services. St John Ambulance volunteers crewed 4x4 vehicles to help patients that couldn’t be reached in traditional ambulances. They clocked up hundreds of hours helping deliver babies, treat broken limbs and set up rest centres for those unable to reach their homes in the heavy snow. Volunteers also used 4x4s

to transport community nurses who would otherwise have been unable to reach patients relying on them for their routine care and medication. Our services were recognised as invaluable by the emergency services, and our collaboration ensured that those in need continued to receive help when they were at their most vulnerable. FOR MORE INFORMATION Sue Battersby, National Accounts Manager (Service Delivery) St John Ambulance, 27 St John’s Lane, London EC1M 4BU Tel: 020 7324 4219 Mob: 07814664832 Fax: 020 7324 4001

CDTI’s telecoms repair service is backed up with 40 years experience CTDI is the largest independent company for the repair of telecommunications equipment worldwide. With over 40 years of expertise and knowledge regarding repair of telecommunications equipment, the company has over 260 development engineers designing repair specific tests. Its test and repair portfolio includes over 56,000 unit types including ICT medical. A wide range of engineering, test and repair services are available including a swap or rental service and inventory management. CDTI also offers a supply chain management solution for purchase and sale of new

and redeployable equipment, brokerage assets, management and evaluation, asset recovery, remarketing of surplus equipment and end-of-life management. The company can also offer customer specific models based on customer requirements, which will include a companyowned e-business solution exclusively for CTDI customers. Certifications include ISO 9001 (since December 1996), ISO 14001 (since January 2000) and TL 9000 (since February 2005). FOR MORE INFORMATION

RVG provides vehicle livery for the emergency services market throughout the UK RVG is a market leader in the supply of vehicle markings and applicators of vehicle graphics in the UK. Based in Weston-Super-Mare, the company operates within the emergency services, Chapter 8 and commercial livery markets. Having been established for over 12 years, RVG have developed significant expertise and knowledge in all these operating sectors, and is renowned for the provision of high quality products and consistent quality in service delivery.

RVG works closely with all the major vinyl suppliers to ensure it remains aware of the latest industry technology and development, and can offer its clients the most innovative solutions. The company is able to provide a one stop shop service from design, supply and installation, or the ability to pick one of these service elements. It is not restricted by location and its fitters operate through the UK. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 01934 421400

Draeger’s equipment range helps save lives With 100 years experience in the emergency response market, Draeger Safety offers a complete safety solution. Whether involved in a road incident, civil disaster or terrorist attack, emergency services personnel have to deal with a wide range of hazardous chemical and biological agents and protect both themselves and others against them. For safety as well as efficiency, they need personal protective equipment that works together to meet the main objective - saving lives. Designed to ensure comfort for the wearer and compatibility with other personal protective equipment, the Draeger range includes the latest in compressed air breathing apparatus, electronic monitoring and telemetry, helmets, hazmat kits and non-invasive drug and alcohol testing systems. The new reusable Draeger CPS 7900 gas-tight chemical protection suits incorporate a

Emergency Business


tear-proof, five-layer, laminated D-Mex material for maximum wearer protection, even when being dragged along the ground or any other abrasive surface. Also new is the UCF range of thermal imaging cameras. With ATEX (European product directive for hazardous location equipment) approval applied for, these single-handed cameras are believed to be the first intrinsically safe models. In addition, they feature technology that combines both the traditional firefighting and normal modes to provide a clear, single image with no blind spots. FOR MORE INFORMATION

Ferno’s 40 years experience in patient transfer systems

Ferno (UK) Limited has created a global range of products unrivalled in quality and design. The company is a world-leading innovator, manufacturer and supplier of medical equipment to emergency medical services, fire & rescue services, hospitals and other major industries. Ferno’s vision is to be the first choice of quality and innovative products combined with excellent after sales service. We lead where others follow. Each of the Ferno new range of trolleys has been tested in accordance with BS EN 1789:2007 and each is fully interchangeable in the Ferno Two Part Locking System, making them the most versatile and cost effective ambulance trolleys available, negating the need for dedicated vehicles.

With 40 years experience in this highly specialised field, Ferno can source and create bespoke patient transfer equipment to meet your exact requirements. The company can also utilise its global network of group companies to deliver your precise needs cost effectively and efficiently. As an ISO 9001 accredited company, with highly skilled and experienced designers and using state-of-the-art technologies, Ferno’s vision for the future is one of sustained design and development of pioneering products. This vision is a complete solution for patient transfers. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 01274 851999 Fax: 01274 851111



Emergency Business


Holmatro contributes to the daily success of rescuers across the world Holmatro Rescue equipment develops, manufactures, supplies and services high-pressure hydraulic, pneumatic and mechanical rescue equipment. Its product range includes cutters, spreaders, combi tools, rams, wedge and lifting jacks, door openers, pumps, lifting bags, shoring systems and many accessories. Holmatro products meet all relevant international standards such as EN 13204, NFPA 1936 and UL. With a comprehensive dealer network on all continents, two manufacturing plants in the Netherlands and USA and

sales offices in The Netherlands (head office), USA, China and UK, Holmatro offers its products and services to fire and rescue organisations all over the world. By developing innovative and high-quality rescue solutions, the company contributes to the daily successes of rescuers in performing their life-saving tasks. FOR MORE INFORMATION Zalmweg 30 - P.O. Box 33 4940 AA Raamsdonksveer The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)162 58 92 00 rescue@holmatro

Frequentis technology active in over 85 countries

For over 60 years, Frequentis has designed, manufactured and installed innovative communication and information systems to meet mission and safety critical challenges. Its control centre solutions operate in more than 85 countries and in the UK, and it has delivered major systems to the Metropolitan Police Service, Lothian & Borders, North Wales and City of London police forces and the Essex and West Sussex Fire Services. Frequentis undertakes ground-breaking R&D and keeps operational requirements at the heart of its activities. Complete control room solutions involve voice and data communication systems for wide-ranging applications including public safety, public

transportation, maritime, air traffic control, peacekeeping and disaster relief operations and homeland/national security. Frequentis combines state-ofthe-art design with reliable technology, focusing on usability, so operators can concentrate on the task at hand rather than trying to cope with the technology. Solutions are devised that support networking and integration, ensuring compatibility with legacy and future technologies, scalability and efficient interaction with other systems and users. Frequentis strives to demonstrate excellent project management skills and flexibility. FOR MORE INFORMATION

Intersurgical’s i-gel makes Astrium suite can address public safety challenges airway access quicker Intersurgical manufactures and supplies a wide range of medical devices for respiratory support, including oxygen therapy products, breathing filters and resuscitation systems. The i-gel is our revolutionary single use, supraglottic airway, which is now indicated for use in resuscitation as well as in anaesthesia and is included in the European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2010, where it is described as ‘very easy to insert and requiring only minimal training’. A number of case reports and clinical studies have highlighted the potential advantages i-gel offers in the resuscitation scenario, where seconds can make all the difference. With


its unique, soft, non-inflatable cuff, valuable time is not wasted deflating and inflating. This allows a patent airway to be established in the quickest possible time. In many cases, insertion can be achieved in less than five seconds. For those personnel suitably trained and experienced in the use of airway management devices and advanced life support techniques, i-gel offers a new and exciting option for establishing a patent airway during resuscitation. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 0118 9656 300


Astrium Services works closely with public safety and homeland security organisations, providing comprehensive GIS data, resilient mobile communications and national managed services. Over the last ten years, Astrium has invested significantly in the development of innovative software solutions specifically designed to address the modern challenges faced by public safety and emergency organisations. The company’s collaborative approach with the UK Fire sector customers and its blend of expertise has resulted in the development of SAFEcommand™, a product suite including strategic planning and resource management through to mobile data communications and emergency response. SAFEcommand™ systems and software addresses four essential areas: data management, mobile information retrieval and communications,

asset tracking and emergency preparation and response. This comprehensive range of solutions increase operational effectiveness and service delivery for blue light and homeland security organisations. Astrium Services GEOInformation division comprises the earth observation and imagery exploitation expertise of Infoterra and Spot Image, offering sustainable geospatial solutions. Astrium, a wholly owned subsidiary of EADS, is dedicated to providing civil and defence space systems and services. EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. FOR MORE INFORMATION

txttools delivers millions of messages to mobiles and landlines in minutes

Tyco’s new high rise nozzle saves operator time in fire situations

txttools allows you to send and receive SMS txt messages to multiple people (or an individual) in an instant using your computer. Two way communication that is quick, to the person, to the point, secure and cost effective. You can schedule messages to go later in the day, week, month or year. You can also see when the message has reached the handset. This two-way communication tool is a great way to engage with your community. Bb Connect is a powerful, multimodal tool that allows you to send voice, SMS and e-mail to your entire community in an instant. It is used as a tool to send messages to management teams and community leadership. In the event of an emergency,

Tyco Fire Protection Products (TFPP) is part of the world’s largest fire protection group, Tyco International, and is a leading manufacturer/supplier of special hazard and water based fire suppression & detection products, grooved piping products, metal framing and pipe support systems. Over the past 50 years, heavy emphasis has been placed on research and development resulting in innovative and life saving products and technology specifically designed to meet the company’s commercial, residential, industrial, governmental and institutional customers’

Connect will allow you to very quickly take control of any situation by effectively speaking to the people who need to know. Millions of messages can be delivered to landlines, mobile phones and email addresses in minutes.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact: Steve Walker Tel: 0161 875 0402


Michelin tyres help keep running costs down With 109,000 employees and sales organisations in more than 170 countries, Michelin is the worldwide leader in tyre manufacture. Dedicated to the improvement of sustainable mobility, Michelin designs, manufactures and sells tyres for every type of vehicle, including aircraft, cars, bicycles, earthmovers, farm equipment, trucks, motorcycles and even the US space shuttle. Michelin has 72 production sites in 19 countries throughout five continents. The company also publishes travel guides, hotel & restaurant guides, maps and road atlases, and offers electronic mobility support services on ViaMichelin. com. Research and development is undertaken in technology centres in Europe, USA and Japan. In the UK, Michelin offers a range of tyres suitable for vehicles used by all the

needs and requirements. One of its latest products is a high rise nozzle developed for the fire & rescue services. This nozzle is suitable for general fire fighting situations as well as high rise, high risk environments. It eliminates the need to change nozzles dependent on circumstances and saves essential minutes in critical situations when lives are in danger as well as reduce maintenance and purchasing cost.

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emergency services. These include Winter tyres for cars, vans and ambulances which offer fleet managers an option to help ensure vehicles remain operational in a variety of difficult driving conditions such as on icy, snow covered roads. Michelin’s low rolling resistance summer tyres help keep running costs to a minimum as they combine long life with reduced fuel consumption. Also offered is a variety of 4x4 tyres to suit every type of vehicle, from road based SUVs to vehicles operating in difficult access areas such as mountain rescue duties.

Toughbooks can operate where other laptops can’t Operational procedure in the emergency services is quite literally a matter of life and death. Acting efficiently and effectively at the scene of an incident can be the difference between a successful outcome and a tragic one. Many organisations in the emergency services sector are turning to Toughbooks, equipped with Intel®Core™ i5 vPro™ processor, as their mobile toolkit of choice because they are able to operate in conditions where others devices simply fail. Their connectivity means field professionals are constantly in direct contact with data, applications and office-based support teams. They can deliver multiple functions, in the most

mobile and reliable form factors, saving time, effort and cost. Panasonic Toughbooks are engineered to withstand drops, spills, dust and grime, and to perform in the harshest environments. Rugged reliability, low cost of ownership and accolades from reviewers are reasons why Toughbook computers keep winning over the world’s toughest users. Contact Panasonic to find out how Toughbooks can work with you, how they are already helping other organisations, and how they can help overcome the challenges faced by emergency services personnel. FOR MORE INFORMATION




EmergencyBusiness Business Emergency


Venson’s partnership with blue light fleets can help increase efficiency Venson understands that bluelight fleets operate in particularly challenging environments and that’s why it offers a distinct blend of engineering competence, financial analysis and dedicated customer service ensuring that its solutions deliver maximum value. The company’s close, twelveyear partnership with emergency service organisations has given it a unique insight into the fleet needs of this demanding and fast-moving market. Venson’s services help reduce costs and increase vehicle availability, while guaranteeing that stringent Health & Safety and security

standards are met. Testament to this is its client retention rate of over 95 per cent, year on year. Current clients include East of England Ambulance NHS Trust, West Midlands Ambulance NHS Trust, South Central Ambulance NHS Trust, South East Coast Ambulance NHS Trust, Nottinghamshire Police, Merseyside Fire and Rescue and Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 08444 99 1402

Realistic training for a wide variety of incidents At Merseyside Fire & Rescue Training & Development Academy (TDA) we boast facilities to rival those of any Fire & Rescue Service in the country and indeed any training facility anywhere. We provide conference and teaching rooms and a 60 seat lecture theatre, all with fully interactive IT facilities. The firehouse was one of the first purpose built breathing apparatus training venues in the country. Alongside state of the art facilities including a realistic fire training building, a range of fire behaviour training units and a road traffic collision training compound, we can provide realistic training for the wide variety of incidents that industrial emergency response operatives may be expected to attend. TDA offers training to industrial, retail and commercial sectors within Merseyside and nationally. Bespoke training can be tailored to meet the needs of individual customers, but examples include: fire risk


assessments, fire marshal training, fire awareness, fire extinguisher training, industrial firefighting, and ships firefighting. We also provide STCW95 basic and advanced training, e-learning, health & safety IOSH/ Nebosh training, and driver training, as well as training on working at heights, confined space, command & control, and hazardous area response. Training can be undertaken at your place of work, at the TDA or other venues, dependant upon the customer. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 0151 296 5000 suzannewaite@


Water-Jel products make a difference for burns victims

Water-Jel Technologies is a market leader in emergency burn care products for the pre-hospital treatment of burn injuries. The company has been in place for over 25 years, with its manufacturing site in New Jersey USA and International head office in Hertfordshire. Presently, its burn care products are used by the military, fire & ambulance services in the UK and internationally. Immediate action taken by pre-hospital care providers can make a significant difference to the outcome for the burned patient. The goal of pre-hospital burn management is to stop the burning process, cool the burned area, relieve pain, and prevent further injury. It is therefore essential that pre-hospital

care providers are trained to assess burns accurately and take proper interventional steps while preparing and transporting the patient to definitive care. Water-Jel products are consistent with both wet and dry burn treatment protocols since they stop the burning process and do not contribute to hypothermia or interfere with debridement. There are no active ingredients and the watersoluble gel can be easily washed off at the hospital. These products represent an important option for prehospital burn management. There are many clinical articles published to prove the efficacy of Water-Jel products. FOR MORE INFORMATION

Atlas solutions from Ultra Electronics make incident management easier Ultra is an expert in providing emergency and operational planning, and incident management software solutions to a broad UK and international customer-base. Atlas products are used by blue light, government, military, private organisations and emergency planners across the resilience community for operational planning and incident management. Ultra works with BT to deliver the National Resilience Extranet (NRE), with the Cabinet Office Civil Contingencies Secretariat and Department for Communities and Local Government. The NRE is a secure and accredited browserbased tool that supports multi-agency collaboration for both planning and response to emergencies and exercises. Recently, the NRE was used to coordinate the response to the public disorder riots, allowing the agencies involved to see how

the situation was developing. Atlas AIMS is an incident management system that effectively manages an organisation’s response. Atlas OPS is an emergency planning system that can be used prior, during and post incident. Its integrated briefings, accurate audit logs listing all actions, decisions and full order of events ensure it is the tool of choice for many blue light organisations. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 01772 907 600


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Training workshops for ambulance staff formed a large part of the show content at Ambulex, which rose from the ashes of Ambex in 2009 and this year experienced a record number of visitors The July 2011 event took place for the first time at the Fire Service College and was formerly opened by Michael Jackson, general manager fleet services, Scottish Ambulance. Ambulex has come a long way since its formation in 2009 following the demise of Ambex. Exhibitors this year also included a number of private and voluntary ambulance providers reflecting the growing importance of these operators. A record number of visitors from the NHS Trusts and private and voluntary service operators attended the event. These included nine senior NHS Ambulance Trust fleet managers. There were also international visitors from as far away as Hong Kong, Australia, The Middle East and Europe. With all the major UK and European vehicle builders and equipment suppliers exhibiting, Ambulex provided a comprehensive meeting place to view all that is new in the Ambulance industry. It provided an excellent environment for exhibitors and visitors to discuss new

products, new opportunities and network with contacts. To add to the occasion several exhibitors chose Ambulex to celebrate milestone anniversaries including Oxylitre (50 years), Ferno (40 years), ASBF and Banbury Ambulance (25 years) and KAM-Ambulance Mobile (20 years). Another first at Ambulex was the inclusion of training workshops and central to this was OxSTaR, the Oxford University Simulation, Teaching and Research Centre who ran a selection of taster courses. Other features this year included the Fire Service College’s minibus tours of their unique scenario training

ground, plus CQC supported a workshop on certification and compliance, with Backhouse Jones Solicitors providing free legal advice. The organisers report positive feedback from exhibitors and visitors with many booking space for next year including new exhibitors. The organisers confirm their ambition to grow the event for 2012 and beyond, with many initiatives set to be announced over the coming twelve months. This includes sponsorship of the Ambulance Supplier of the Year award as presented by Emergency Business Magazine. L FOR MORE INFORMATION New developments and the latest news for next year’s event are being posted on the Ambulex website:

Ambulex provided a comprehensive meeting place to view all that is new in the Ambulance industry. It provided an excellent environment for exhibitors and visitors to discuss new products, new opportunities and network with contacts. A GOVERNMENT BUSINESS SUPPLEMENT



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The Lodore Falls Hotel is truly unique as a conference and meeting venue, offering a vast range of activities in the 40 acres of private grounds. With a large choice of air-conditioned function rooms seating up to 200 delegates, all with natural light, up to date equipment, hot and cold drinks stations and the hotel’s friendly porters at hand all day to assist. From adventurous lake and waterfall activities, abseiling, rock climbing, quad bike and mountain biking to the more sedate events such as winetastings, champagne & canapés reception, upmarket picnics by the lake or the extraordinary theatre trip with private launch from the hotel jetty to nearby Keswick’s stunning Theatre by the Lake – the choice is yours.

Don’t forget we offer some of the finest facilities in the Lake District including: Indoor & outdoor pools, tennis & squash courts, gymnasium, sauna, hot tub and beauty salon.


If there’s one event most organisations hold each year where the need for a return on investment is relaxed in favour of the need to bring people together for a jolly good time, it’s the annual Christmas party. But how do you celebrate on a shoestring? Traditionally, the end of year get-together is an event where the organiser is aiming to show generosity and gratitude; no one wants to look like a Scrooge. But, in 2011 there’s a different reality. To say money is as limited as Ebenezer’s Christmas cheer is an understatement. This year there’s no shame in trying to save a few shillings. Some will question whether, in this austere climate, it is justifiable to hold a Christmas party at all without looking like wasting tax payers’ money. Achieving value for money will be paramount. Vicky Hogg, product manager at Office Christmas, the UK’s largest Christmas party agent, which books over 80,000 people into Christmas parties each year, says: “The Christmas party is an essential part of company life and is a marker of value and appreciation for staff. At the end of a tough year, there is no better value for money way to say thank you to staff and boost morale going into the New Year. You don’t have to spend vast amounts of money, but putting time into thoughtful planning and careful consideration of your guests’ needs will deliver a successful event.” Organisers will be visibly seeking to achieve more on a lower budget, but what options do they have? CHRISTMAS PARTY TRENDS Hogg has seen three trends emerge in the Christmas party sector: “The Christmas party market continues to fragment with shared parties becoming an attractive alternative to the traditional exclusive event that large groups would typically book. Budgets have reduced but employers recognise the value of having a Christmas party to thank staff, so are contributing a fixed amount to subsidise the Christmas party, with guests making up the rest of the budget themselves. As a company we’ve had to accommodate this change in buying habit by being more flexible on group numbers and payment methods, so that guests can pay in instalments individually, this is particularly useful to our public sector groups of nurses, emergency service workers

and other sectors whose shift patterns make collecting money a challenge logistically.” With money tight, it is not unheard of for parties to be paid for entirely by the attendees, Hogg says: “Some of our groups pay for Christmas parties entirely out of their own pocket so budgets and value have come under greater scrutiny than ever. Customers are happy to spend money on a Christmas party but want good quality and value for money more than just a cheap deal. We’ve seen a 10 per cent increase in spend per head on Christmas parties this year but customers are shopping around more than ever, doing their homework and looking for the best value their money can buy.” Achieving value for money starts at the venue, but that doesn’t mean finding the lowest cost venue available. If your guests feel like the event is cheap because the venue does not live up to expectations, they will feel undervalued and demotivated; you will have wasted your money and would have been better not providing a Christmas party at all. Finding a venue that can deliver beyond your expectations without cutting corners can be a massive task. VENUE QUALITY ASSURANCE Fortunately, there is a means of choosing a quality Christmas party venue that is gaining momentum. Endorsed by Visit England, adopted by hundreds of venues, and increasingly demanded by event organisers is the meeting industry association’s AIM (Accredited in Meetings) a national standard for meetings and events. These professional event buyers, from both the public and commercial sectors, demand AIM because

Written by the Meeting Industry Association


they know the standard enables them to achieve the most from their budgets, with no unforeseen or surprise costs. Because of the stringent grading criteria an AIM venue has achieved, event organisers are confident their event is in the hands of hard working, well trained, highly motivated people, and all their needs will be met with the minimum of fuss. Gary Payne, director of One Great George Street, an AIM Gold venue, says: “Our customers are enquiring more and more about AIM accreditation and our Gold level status. Many are specifically looking for unique venues in ideal locations. AIM offers them the reassurance that their customer service and quality expectations will not only be met, but exceeded, despite the variety of venues included – many a bit different from purpose-built venues and multinational brands and chains.” There are around 500 venues across the UK boasting AIM accreditation, so there’s plenty of choice, no matter what sort of party you are planning this festive season. In addition, along with Visit England, AIM has received widespread endorsement from other major tourism bodies, such as Visit Wales, MPI UK & Ireland, ABPCO (Association of British Professional Conference Organisers), as well as 29 of the country’s regional destinations.

Conferences & Events


AIM GRADING CRITERIA AIM venues set the standard because they have achieved 50 grading criteria that include: location and accessibility, lighting and heating, security, whether the venue space is adequate and suitable for the type of events the venue promotes and how transparent the published prices are. The party organiser can be sure that these grading criteria have already been checked on their behalf. Venues must also comply with 10 legal acts, relevant to their services: • Health & Safety at Work and Fire Safety • Disability Discrimination • Employers Liability • Data Protection • Sale & Supply of Goods • Trade Descriptions • Consumer Protection • Weights & Measures • Race Relations, Sex Discrimination, Disability • Discrimination and Age Discrimination • Licensing Laws Jane Longhurst, mia chief executive, says that, because of AIM, “party organisers have a choice. They can take a risk and choose a venue that has made no commitment to delivering against stringent Best Practice E

Value starts at the venue, but that doesn’t mean finding the lowest cost venue available. If your guests feel the event is cheap because the venue doesn’t live up to expectations, they will feel undervalued and demotivated. Volume 18.11 | GOVERNMENT BUSINESS MAGAZINE


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Emirates Stadium is not only known as one of the world’s most breathtaking sporting arenas, it is also renowned as a groundbreaking meetings and events venue. Boasting an array of versatile, modern and luxurious suites, our dedicated and experienced events team will work with you to create events that are as inspiring as the setting, delivering tailored solutions to ensure every detail is perfected to create a truly memorable experience for you and your guests.

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04/10/2011 17:03

CHRISTMAS EVENTS E standards, or they can choose one of the many venues and suppliers that have achieved AIM and thereby guarantee that they can deliver value for money and fantastic service levels.”

Look at non-traditional venues, you can find great atmosphere and unusual spaces in great locations at a fraction of the cost.

AIM VENUE FINDING To ensure event organisers can easily find AIM Christmas party venues that have all the facilities and services they need, the mia has launched Solution – a free-to-use venue search and automated enquiry tool. To use Solution buyers fill in and submit a simple online form, providing contact details and information on the type of event they are organising, including desired location. The search results returned include only venues and destinations that have achieved AIM and can meet the requirements of the brief. Each venue that meets the requirements receives a copy of the brief and has the opportunity to respond with a competitive proposal, saving substantial time and money; you might say it’s like all your Christmases come at once. Not surprisingly, Solution is already proving incredibly popular, as Sali Gray of The Business Advancement Consultancy explains: “When one of my clients asked me to arrange accommodation in a geographic area with

which I was unfamiliar, I spent fruitless hours surfing the internet. I then remembered the mia and was delighted to see that you now offer the Solution venue finding service. I completed the requirement form and was introduced to a selection of first-class venues. After much deliberation, (they were all lovely) I made a booking with one of them. Congratulations to you on this brilliant system, which has saved me so much time.” CHRISTMAS PARTY MONEY-SAVING TIPS As well as using an AIM venue, the following tips will help you save money when organising your Christmas party: Consider weeknights where you can get the same party for up to 40 per cent less than a Friday or Saturday. If you’re reducing the number of attendees, consider looking at shared party nights with private dining options – then you have the privacy to deliver speeches, awards and special thanks whilst also benefitting from

all the atmosphere of a bigger celebration with more entertainment than would ordinarily have been within reach. Look at non-traditional venues, you can find great atmosphere and unusual spaces in great locations at a fraction of the cost. These venues are also capable of holding huge numbers of guests with state of the art sound and lighting already in-situ. Use specialist event agencies. They know venues inside out and will know where good deals, special offers or last minute availability can be found. They will have relationships with major venue brands all over the country and their buying power can make your budget work harder for you. Think about the economies of scale and get as many people together for your event as you can. The bigger the group size, the better your buying power on a per-person basis. L FOR MORE INFORMATION

A warm welcome will await you at Hinsley Hall Conference Centre

Rock UK – the perfect venue for your next off-site team away day

In several acres of landscaped grounds just off the main road to Otley and the Dales, and only 2.5 miles from Leeds City centre, Hinsley Hall offers a comfortable cost-effective venue for all. The attractive listed building set in the Headingley conservation area underwent a complete internal refurbishment whilst carefully retaining many of the original features. Hinsley Hall has 50 refurbished en-suite bedrooms, and 11 well-appointed meeting rooms completely equipped with AV services. The meeting rooms are suitable for groups of various sizes from four to 90 and all rooms have large windows giving lots of natural daylight. Hinsley Hall also has a library, bookshop and chapel with free wi-fi available throughout the building. With ample free parking facilities, a well stocked bar, comfortable lounges to relax in and good food and true Yorkshire

Rock UK adventure centres are perfect for off-site team away days. If you’re bored with the same old view of a hotel car park or the same standard corporate set up then think outside the box and book your next off-site training day at Rock UK Frontier Centre. Set in over 120 acres of stunning countryside with beautiful views across the Nene Valley and Stanwick Lakes, it’s the perfect location away from all the hustle and bustle of your office. The centre has a purpose built meeting facility equipped with complementary Wi-Fi and modern sound and projection equipment. From your enquiry through to the end of your stay our dedicated service team will deliver a consistent and quality service throughout. Facilities Include an interactive white board, sound system, DVD player, Wi-Fi access, and projection equipment.

hospitality, Hinsley Hall is the perfect choice for your event. We offer very competitive, good value rates for day meetings and residential conferences. Our experienced and friendly staff are here to relieve you of the burden of organising your meeting/ conference. Their help and expertise will ensure a successful event and an enjoyable stay. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 0113 261 8000 Fax: 0113 224 2406

Conferences & Events


The Centre also offers a flexible room layout, space for up to 40 delegates, unlimited complementary hot beverages, a choice of menus, and free parking. Why not include some adrenaline fuelled, adventurous team building activities during your day. Day delegate rates start from just £17.50 pp per day. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 01933 654100



Refreshingly different. Satisfied customers are everything to us at The University of Leeds. We care about your business and go the extra mile to match your needs. We aim to offer something special. Such as superb conference facilities, award winning catering, hotel-style bedrooms and FREE use of our new swimming pool and fitness suite, plus excellent service – all in the heart of an award winning city. So if you want your event to be that little bit different, get in touch with us now! t: 0113 343 6100 e:



Conferences & Events


This country is home to some of the best universities in the world and for the event organiser, they are increasingly providing some of the highest quality conference and events venues available With state-of-the art audio visual support, a mix of old and new facilities and first-rate on-site accommodation, academic venues provide a one-stop-shop approach to modern conferencing. Complementing their great facilities, universities are also a great source of speakers and support material, therefore enabling a link with research and development that is being undertaken by the students. But it is not only the organiser and venue that benefits. Profits that are generated from playing host to meetings and events are reinvested directly into the universities. This revenue means buildings can be updated, whilst research programmes

and other learning facilities benefit from a boost in resources, helping to pave the way for the country’s next generation of business and thought leaders. It is because of this benefit that the meetings and events sector is today recognised as a core revenue stream for the academic venue, with its importance placed almost equally as high as the income received from students. As such, most operate under a dedicated brand with a specialist team of managers, and continually invest in the upkeep and improvement of their facilities. Where others may have ceased, this investment has continued right throughout the difficult economic climate, with the academic venue E

Complementing their great facilities, universities are also a great source of speakers and support material, therefore enabling a link with research and development that is being undertaken by the students. Nottingham Conferences



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ACADEMIC VENUES E being seen as a safe investment, supported heavily by the stable and regular income brought in by students which has been largely unaffected by the economic downturn. REFURBISHMENT In September, the doors of Scarman, the largest of Warwick Conferences’ three training and conference centres, re-opened following an extensive £2 million renovation and refurbishment programme. As part of this, six syndicate rooms have been upgraded to incorporate built-in AV equipment and low energy lighting has been introduced in line with Warwick Conferences’ ongoing commitment to reducing the environmental impact of its venues. The investment forms part of a multi-million refurbishment programme announced in the latter part of 2010. In addition, earlier this summer, a new £20 million sports centre opened its doors at Lancaster University, which was also awarded the BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating. This sets the standard for best practice in sustainable design. As well as university members, the state-of-the-art centre is available for conference delegates use, and features an eight-lane swimming pool, eightcourt sports hall, climbing wall, gym spread across two levels, four squash courts and a studio for dance, martial arts and fencing. Despite the continued investment seen widely across the sector, academic venues have still been able to maintain a competitive offering for delegates. “For academic venues, it is just about making the most of the facilities that we already have in place when they are not being used by the students,” explains Janette FosterHyde, Liverpool John Moores University. These range from meeting and conference rooms, to IT suites and full catering services. It is because of this we can often offer a competitive price over a purpose-built conference centre.” FLEXIBLE OFFERING With large scale facilities that have been built specifically to create the optimum learning environment, the academic venue is a popular choice for hosting associations and for other large scale conferences and conventions. But with the addition of some of the more unique sections of the university being opened up for use, away from the traditional lecture theatres, they have also become a popular choice for gala events, awards dinners and Christmas parties. Sports facilities are also another great asset, playing host to tournaments and team building for many different groups. ACCOMMODATION All of the venues are supported by a vast amount of modern accommodation on site. Where much of this is only available outside of term time, many now have purpose built accommodation or hotels on site, which are useable all year round. In addition, many work closely with E

Keele Conferences & Events Case Study

Conferences & Events represents the entire conference and events portfolio of Keele University, offering some of the most diverse and popular facilities that are available in Staffordshire and the central England region. In June 2011, Keele Conferences & Events played host to the Chartered Institute of Professional Development (CIPD) Centres’ Conference which has been held at Keele for over 10 years. The event, which took place 22-24 June 2011 was aimed at centres offering foundation, intermediate and advanced programmes for CIPD, focusing on collective roles in building current and future capability of the profession. A total of 350 delegates attended and it was split into two different streams, offering a variety of content across the three days. The CIPD took the decision to utilise Keele’s conference management service during the conference, which provided them with online booking and session management support, as well as assistance during the registration period. As part of this, Keele Conferences handled all pre-bookings via an online system. This detailed each individual’s requests for the sessions they wanted to attend, as well as preferences for catering and accommodation. Keele Conferences then created a tailored confirmation for each delegate, which was handed out as part of each individual conference pack. The event began with registration for stream one delegates in the Chancellor’s Building, right at the heart of the Keele campus. This was managed by the Keele team. Delegates then went on to take part in a series

Conferences & Events


of plenary and syndicate sessions also in the Chancellor’s Building, followed by networking in the exhibition suite. At the end of the working day, the magnificent 19th century Grade II listed mansion house, Keele Hall, hosted the delegates for predinner drinks and Keele University’s executive chef Peter Walters and his team put on a gala dinner. On the morning of day two, the remaining content from stream one took place, with a cross over leading into the start of stream two. Here, the conference management team had to work hard to ensure all registrations were complete for the second group of delegates, whilst those in stream one were concluding their sessions. This would make way for a smooth and prompt switch over of groups after lunch. All delegates stayed in the university’s onsite accommodation and were able to take advantage of a minibus, organised to run between the residences and the Chancellor’s Building at the beginning and end of each day, and between the residences and Keele Hall in the evening. Carolyn Hill, CIPD’s events manager, says: “All bookings for the conference were handled by Keele’s Conference Management team and system, including despatch of joining information, delegate lists and badges. This system made my life so easy, meaning that I could get reports and updates on the delegate numbers, for instance, very easily. We have held our event at Keele University for a number of years now and I am always impressed at the level of service and professionalism we receive.”



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ACADEMIC VENUES E neighbouring accommodation providers to offer low-cost options to delegates. At The University of Nottingham, construction is currently underway as part of the creation of a new £20 million ecofriendly 200-bed upmarket hotel. Built to the highest environmental standards, the hotel will feature state-of-the-art technology to reduce carbon emissions, as part of the university’s strategy to become an ever more environmentally-friendly institution. It will feature executive-style rooms, meeting and conferencing rooms and a gym, as well as a restaurant and bar. Work is due to be completed for opening by the end of 2012. LEADING THE WAY In 2011, Keele Conferences and Events launched ‘Keele Event Services,’ providing event support and management to its association clients, as their annual conferences and events travel around the country. This serves as an extension to Keele Conference Management, the event management and delegate booking support that is currently provided at Keele University. Sam Booth, head of Keele Conferences & Events, says: “Keele Event Services is something that we evolved into offering, as a result of reacting to client feedback and also from understanding the needs of transient business. It reflects the

Conferences & Events


Liverpool John Moores University

importance we place on helping our clients to grow and develop their events, regardless of where they are located.” With advances like this and the investment continuing, academic venues have continued to flourish, with many predicting a positive outlook for the sector. Looking forward, Kirstie Danzey, marketing manager for Nottingham Conferences at the University of Nottingham, says: “We predict growth for 2012 based on a number of factors. firstly, lead times are starting to extend, helping us to forecast and plan further out. Secondly, August 2011 was

the best August for several years, which is usually a quiet month. Thirdly, key new clients are looking to place repeat business for the next two to three years on the basis of successful conferences held this year.” Danzey continues: “For 2013, the new hotel, sited adjacent to the East Midlands Conference Centre will enhance the existing range of conference facilities provided by Nottingham Conferences further. Whilst being a revenue stream in its own right, the new development will have a positive impact on events that can utilise both the EMCC and hotel.” L

Harper Adams University College – our unique venue, your unique event

Egrove Park, Oxford Egrove Park is Saïd Business School’s purpose-built executive education centre situated in 37 acres of parkland two miles from Oxford city centre. Service, flexibility and personal attention are the keynotes at Egrove Park. Facilities include: • Wide range of meetings rooms – from a lecture theatre seating 112 to smaller syndicate rooms for break-out sessions • The latest high-tech and multimedia facilities and full IT/AV support from our Microsoft Certified Technicians • 63-en-suite study bedrooms • On-site gym, sauna, squash courts, an all-weather tennis court, a croquet lawn and a snooker room • Award-winning food and drink • Easy accessibility by road or rail with plenty of free, secure parking To find out more call Jill Grieveson on 01865 422757, email or visit

If you are looking for a high quality conference venue in the West Midlands, Harper Adams is the ideal choice. From conferences and corporate parties, to training and team building, to weddings and other celebrations, this is the place to hold any event. The campus combines contemporary facilities with a peaceful rural environment and a friendly, welcoming service. Facilities include an impressive library, IT training rooms with computing and engineering design suites, and large lecture theatres. The campus also features specialist laboratories, teaching rooms, the College Farm, postgraduate and professional development centre, and West Midlands Regional Food Academy. Our facilities include modern, high-spec AV and multi-media equipment, and video conferencing facilities are available. WiFi with free access is also available.

Our award-winning culinary team pride themselves on food that is local, ethically sourced and beautifully prepared in pleasant surroundings. The majority of our ingredients come from local producers, the College Farm, or are Fairtrade accredited. The venue is located just 20 minutes away from the M54 and M6 motorways, and close to Telford, Stafford and Shrewsbury. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 01952 815324



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With an ancient royal heritage sitting comfortably alongside rich cultural diversity, London offers a wealth of choice for event organisers and a memorable experience for conference visitors London is a city of dichotomies. It is at once historical and contemporary, providing an ancient royal heritage alongside a rich cultural diversity reflective of the modern world. It is the business centre of Europe and at the same time remains the greenest big city on Earth. It is a city of strong British traditions, yet is quirky, fun and constantly surprising. For an event organiser looking to bring an event or corporate activity to the capital, there are endless options to choose from. With spaces to cater for the most intimate meeting to the largest of congresses, suitable for budgets large and small, London – old and new – is sure to hold the key to your event’s success. GRAND SPACES The London events landscape is constantly evolving with new venues opening up each month. But it’s not only the brand new spaces that are adding new dimensions to London’s offering – in 2011 we have seen a raft of traditional London buildings that have been given a new lease of life. The revered Society of Antiquaries is now open for external events, providing six historic venues in the heart of London opposite the world-famous Fortnum & Mason store on Piccadilly. The Society’s library is the leading archaeological library in the UK, and the hallowed book-lined rooms range in size from small meeting spaces to the grand interiors of the Entrance Hall and Council Room, which jointly can accommodate up to 100 delegates. The Marriott St Pancras is a Victorian masterpiece finally unveiled earlier this year after years of renovation work. A gothic treasure located next to Eurostar terminal at St Pancras International,

the 5-star hotel harks back to the golden age of rail travel. The grand staircase is as dazzling as the day Queen Victoria opened the hotel in 1873, and provides a stunning entrance to a number of event spaces of varying capacities. Internationally acclaimed chef Marcus Wareing’s team will run the elegant British brassiere and bar, The Gilbert Scott, named in honour of the building’s original architect – and the venue’s art deco interior is perfect for infusing some old-world glamour into your event. ALONG THE RIVER Heading further south, the quirky OXO Tower has long been a famous landmark along the River Thames. The design of the building was a cheeky solution for designers to sidestep laws that banned advertising along the river. This year the iconic Tower’s recently relaunched bar, brasserie and restaurant, all run by London institution Harvey Nichols, will be celebrating its 15th anniversary in September. Take your group to celebrate and soak up the magical views of the London skyline. The Cutty Sark is set to be restored to its previous glory in 2012. The last and most famous tea-clipper, located at the heart of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Maritime Greenwich, has been closed following a fire in 2007. Its much anticipated reopening will offer visitors to once again step aboard the historical vessel. BRAND NEW PLACES From grand old spaces we now move on to brand new places. W Hotel in Leicester Square burst onto the scene earlier this year and has fast become a hot spot for high-profile celebrity bashes. The Spice Market, a Southeast Asian restaurant located on the hotel’s ground floor provides a unique blend of the ethnic old world feel of the New York Spice Market and the contemporary architecture of the

new W building. It is the perfect spot for an evening meal after a trip to the theatre. They say it’s all in a name and indeed, One New Change is adding a fresh retail landscape to the City of London. Offering 60 retail stores, several restaurants, including Jamie Oliver’s Barbecoa, and a public roof terrace with stunning views of nearby St Paul’s Cathedral, it’s perfectly placed for business visitors to the city seeking refuse from the hustle and bustle. An exciting addition to the destination in 2011 will be Bread Street Kitchen, a lively new restaurant and bar from the team at Gordon Ramsay Holdings. The warehouse-style venue will offer a relaxed dining experience that draws inspiration from the East London aesthetic that surrounds it. Another haven for shopaholics, Westfield Stratford City will trump Westfield London in Shepherd’s Bush as Europe’s largest urban shopping centre. At 1.9 million square feet, the centre will transform London’s retail offering. As we rapidly approach 2012, we look forward to even more new openings that will further change the face of London’s events landscape. The London skyline is set to be transformed with the addition of a brand new, dynamic architectural landmark, The Shard. Once complete, The Shard will be the tallest building in Western Europe, providing a vertical city of high quality offices, top restaurants and a 5-star Shangri La hotel. The building will be topped by London’s tallest observation tower with breath taking 360 degree views of the city. Set to open in 2013, the luxury hotel will offer 195 rooms as well as a number of meetings and function facilities for event organisers in a prime location at London Bridge. The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games represent an amazing opportunity for businesses and groups to use the Olympics as a key motivational tool or theme for business events and meetings. The exciting programme of cultural and sporting events taking place around Games time not only provide fantastic and free downtime activities for attendees, but allows event planners to use the games as a backdrop to incentivise delegates with the opportunity to be at the heart of a global celebration. London & Partners (previously known as Visit London) has a dedicated team in place to assist any business bringing their events to London, offering free and impartial advice. L FOR MORE INFORMATION


Conferences & Events



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OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS FOR FRANCHISING With more than half a million people working in the industry in 2010, according to a survey by NatWest and the British Franchise Association, franchising seems a popular career choice for many seeking new careers, offering people the chance to start their own business, expertly supported by an established brand Exhibitions are an effective way of discovering more about the industry, to meet franchisees, discuss options with franchise businesses, and gather advice and support. Next year, there will now be even more opportunities to attend a show, with six major franchise events in the UK, including two taking place in Birmingham and London in the spring. New for 2012, the National Franchise Exhibition returns to the NEC in Birmingham on 24-25 February 2012, followed by The British & International Franchise Exhibition between March 16-17, at Olympia, London. Visitors to the recent National Franchise Exhibition at the NEC in Birmingham enjoyed the perfect introduction to the world of franchising and were able to meet with more than 150 franchise businesses covering a range of sectors, as well as advisors and franchisees. Carl St. Paul, a leisure industry worker from the West Indies, says the show was very informative: “The businesses available covered every sector, and I received lots of information that I would not have otherwise gained if I had not have visited the show.” Retail business owner Binda Tatla from London concurred: “There was a variety of exhibitors who were all really interesting. I came here to gain knowledge of the sector, so I think I achieved that.” Many new franchises introduced their businesses at the event, including Green King Meet and Eat, Jim’s Mowing, Wilkins Chimney Sweep, Just Shutters, and Energy & Carbon Management; exhibiting alongside established names such as McDonald’s, Subway and Cash Generator.

The positive atmosphere was noted by many. Exhibitor Berkeley Harris of WPA, observed how visitors “clearly have an air of confidence about themselves that British franchising is clearly the future of the British economy. Franchising has always done well through difficult times and 2011/2012 looks set to be no different.” The UK’s largest franchise event also had a number of free features offering support and guidance from banks, accountants, solicitors and franchising experts. Exclusive to the National Franchise Exhibition was an extensive free conference programme, including seminars by the British Franchise Association (bfa) on key franchise-related topics. These seminars proved popular, and drew large audiences, as Lynne Lyons from Lincoln, a manager at a local authority, explained: “The seminars were very good and an easy way to find out further information. We’ve come away with a more refined idea of what business might suit us.” The Franchisee Panel held multiple sessions



due to popular demand, which were very well received by visitors, according to Neil Smith, a customer services director from Epsom: “The Franchisee Panel gave a good insight into the work that you have to invest. The panel were very open and honest about their earnings. The exhibition is a good way to find new ideas to review.” SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEURS One of the highlights of the show for many was the series of Growing Your Own Business seminars. Successful entrepreneurs addressed a packed audience and shared the secrets of their success. Among the speakers were Hannah Wolsey, managing director of Urban Coffee Company, and the company’s co-founder Simon Jenner, who discussed where fledgling businesses can find support, marketing objectives, and how businesses can have a positive social impact. “These events are great for trading ideas and learning from other, more established companies,” Wolsey said. Adrian Goodsell, franchise exhibitions manager at organisers Venture Marketing Group, said: “There was a buoyant, positive attitude towards investing in franchises among the many visitors at the NEC. This bodes well for the six events that we will be staging around the country in 2012 with the support of the bfa.” NEW FRANCHISE EVENT For those considering franchising as a career option, there will be business opportunities and valuable advice at two major franchise events taking place in the spring next year. The National Franchise Exhibition returns to the NEC in Birmingham on February 24-25, 2012, and The British & International Franchise Exhibition takes place March 16-17 at Olympia, London. Both events showcase a broad range of E

Feedback from visitors and exhibitors at our recent shows has indicated that, despite the current economic climate, there is plenty of opportunity and support available for those who want to become involved in franchising.

POSITIVE ATMOSPHERE There was a busy, dynamic atmosphere at the show with plenty of activity on the stands including meetings, demonstrations, briefings and even the occasional celebrity – former England Rugby prop Jeff Probyn joined Bar Sports on its stand to discuss England’s performance in the Rugby World Cup with visitors.




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CAREER OPPORTUNITIES E franchise businesses that cover virtually every sector with ideas to suit every budget, lifestyle and skill. There are also many free features which provide visitors with all the support they need in order to investigate and progress a move into a new career as a franchisee. Most importantly, these franchise exhibitions are exclusively supported by the British Franchise Association (bfa). Visitors can have confidence in the franchise businesses exhibiting as only companies that follow the Association’s code of ethics are able to exhibit. A good way to begin a visit to the show is at The Franchise Starting Point. Here, experts from organisations including the bfa, banks, accountants and franchisees will provide visitors with help in considering their options and finding a businesses that suits their requirements. Visitors who need guidance in assessing their career path and planning future job moves should head to The Careers Clinic. At this feature, a group of professionals will work with visitors to define their goals and objectives in order to create a practical and useful career plan. The informative and inspiring Franchisee Panel is always popular with visitors year after year, and offers an insight into life as a franchisee. The panel of business people who have made the move into franchising share their real life accounts of making the transition

from employee to being self-employed. Both shows also feature an extensive free conference programme which includes seminars by the bfa on key franchise-related topics. Among the issues covered are: how to find funding, who you should go to for legal advice, and what a franchisor looks for in a franchisee. In addition, there will be a series of seminars on key franchiserelated topics including an introduction to franchising, families in franchising, high level franchising, growing your own business and executives in franchising. WIDE RANGE OF EXHIBITORS Exhibitors at the shows cover a wide range of industries and visitors can meet face to face with the franchise owners to discuss opportunities. These businesses span a wide range of areas such as food and drink, travel, property and home care. Businesses confirmed so far for The British & International Franchise Exhibition in London include as Auditel, Cloud Bookkeeping, Computer Xplorers, Go Cruise, Home Instead Senior Care and Property Search. Keith Spengler, a telecommunications manager from Banbury and visitor at a recent franchise exhibition, said: “We really enjoyed ourselves at the show and saw many innovative ideas and eye-catching stands. It is a great way to review a diverse range of businesses.”

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Idara Udoh, a bridal industry franchisee from Bristol, added: “Franchising has helped me to develop my existing business well, and at a faster pace than it would have done otherwise. The show has helped me to see lots of opportunities in one day and I am leaving with plenty to consider.” Adrian Goodsell, franchise exhibitions manager at Venture Marketing Group, organisers of the National Franchise Exhibition and the British & International Franchise Exhibition, said: “Budding franchisees should put these dates in their diaries and come along. Both shows are packed with business opportunities, support and guidance, all under one roof, and offer a real insight into what is a very healthy industry. This is a superb way to find the right franchise.” Feedback from visitors and exhibitors at our recent shows has indicated that, despite the current economic climate, there is plenty of opportunity and support available for those who want to become involved in franchising. The National Franchise Exhibition takes place at the NEC Birmingham on 24 and 25 February, and the British & International Franchise Exhibition takes place March 16-17 at Olympia, London. L FOR MORE INFORMATION

Business Doctors: The new BusinessLink As the fastest growing network of business support professionals, Business Doctors are seeking new franchise partners to fulfill the growing demand from the SME market. With the demise of businesslink and the lack of credible business support available to the UK’s 2.2 VAT registered business owners, Business Doctors are ideally placed to provide practical, down to earth support with business growth and strategy implementation. As a Business Doctor, it would be your role to establish and grow your business in a chosen location and to deliver a firstclass service to local businesses. You will offer guidance and advice to business leaders when it matters to them most. Apply your professional experience and business acumen to develop your own truly successful business, and join a proven business concept – a

blueprint for your success. Make use of a fully supported lead generation and client acquisition system, and utilise innovative customer-focused business tools and processes. As a Business Doctor, you will also benefit from a strong brand identity and established reputation, as well as a complete management franchise package which includes full training and ongoing support. Territories available throughout the UK. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 0845 2197077






DELIVERING MUCH MORE THAN SIGNS Nordis signs has more than 20 years of expertise in the design, production and supply of a wide range of signage products Nordis specialises in the management and supply of roll-out corporate identity programmes on a fast-track or long-term basis. No matter what size your business, branding and the image you project are vital to differentiate yourself from the competition. We can help you create a personality for your company, everything we do is geared towards providing you with the best possible service at the most cost effective price. As specialists in road signs, public sector signs and bespoke commercial signs, Nordis also offers a full design and installation service. Traditionally trained operators run the design studio on up-to-date equipment, supported by the latest software. The company has its own in-house facilities to produce, design and artwork, enabling it to maintain its control on its strict quality ethic. QUALITY ACCREDITATION Nordis Signs also has the facilities to handle customers’ own PC-formatted artwork. The business has attained and maintained ISO 9001:2008 including the Sector Scheme 9a accreditation, which reflects its proud commitment to quality, whilst the excellent value that Nordis offers is confirmed by the high proportion of repeat customers. As an equipment supplier, Nordis also prides itself on dependability. Registered in 1972, Nordis Signs (then



Nordis Industries) was created to provide meaningful employment to disabled people in the local area. Disabled people who can work and who want to work face a myriad of barriers. They have fewer opportunities to develop skills and experience, face practical obstacles, such as inaccessible transport, and often experience negative attitudes from employers. “We endeavour to help this disadvantaged group reach their potential; to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to enable them to fully participate in meaningful and sustainable work. Our recruitment process prioritises disabled people,” says office manager Lindsey Bosson. With a large proportion of the workforce having a disability, Nordis Signs continues to be registered as a Supported Business. Its commitment to its staff has also been recognised with an ‘Investors in People’ accreditation since December 2001. This IIP accreditation is under the May Gurney umbrella and is re-assessed every three years. Graphic and Sign Technician Nathan Houghton believes there is public stereotyping in relation to mental health and disabilities, such as the idea that disabled people ‘can’t do stressful jobs’. Nordis wants to transform the lives of disabled people and those who experience

complex barriers to work by providing sustainable employment opportunities. Nordis believes that work is a key element of an independent and fulfilling life, and that everyone has skills and abilities to offer. Accordingly, it works extensively with people to help them to identify, develop and make the most of those abilities. NATIONWIDE COVERAGE Nordis has a sister sign shop in East Sussex which provides signage across the South of England and into London. Opened by May Gurney in 2006, the business has developed rapidly from a local contract level to a national supplier of traffic and corporate signage. It is May Gurney’s intention to develop the East Sussex business in line with our Northampton signs business and encourage the employment of local disabled people,” says general manager Steve Wright. “Offering a full design, build and install service to our clients places us in an excellent position in the market. With May Gurney’s background as a service provider to local authorities our skills base and staff are well able to deal with signs ranging from the smallest health and safety sign, to motorway gantry signs. With a product range including posts, clips and other sign accessories we are a ‘one stop’ supplier. Nordis Signs is a real pleasure to manage and with our design and manufacturing skills we can satisfy all our clients’ signage needs.” L FOR MORE INFORMATION Nordis Signs,Cornhill Close Lodge farm Industrial Estate, Northampton NN5 7UB Tel: 01604 596910 Fax: 01604 758470 ESCC Highways Depot The Broyle, Ringmer, East Sussex BN8 5NP Tel: 01273 336848 Fax: 01273 482979




Written by Len Williams

NEGOTIATING THE RIGHT RULES FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAGE CE marking for road traffic signs will be a legal requirement from 1 July 2013. So what does this mean for local authorities? It was 15 years ago that the European Commission agreed to do something to remove trade barriers in Europe. But while European Directives did emerge, they were effectively unenforceable guidelines. Then the New Approach Directives were introduced. The purpose of these Directives was to provide a framework for approving and CE marking products. CE marked products would then be accepted by all the member states in the European Economic Area without the need for further testing or certification. One of these directives was the Construction Products Directive (CPD), which covers materials and products for use in the construction industry. The CPD works in a slightly different way to other directives as it always uses European Standards or ENs to implement the CE marking process. A product cannot be CE marked against the CPD unless a European Standard or an ETA (European Technical Approval) document has been harmonised to the directive. Over 10 years ago work was started on a European Standard for Fixed Vertical Road Traffic Signs called EN12899-1. This standard was published in May 2000 and is in the process of being harmonised to the CPD. When this process is completed it will be necessary for all manufacturers of traffic

signs, traffic sign posts and retroreflective material for use on road traffic signs to conform to the essential requirements of the construction products directive for the attestation level set for this product. As the attestation level for fixed vertical road traffic signs has been set at level 1 the process for conformity is quite extensive. What that means in real terms is that road sign manufacturers must have their products assessed by a third party to the performance requirements of the standard EN12899-1. They must also implement a Factory Production Control system in accordance with EN12899-4. A notified body such as BSI, SGS or LRQA appointed by the Department for Trade and Industry to implement CE marking will assess this Factory Production Control system on an ongoing basis. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR SIGN MANUFACTURERS? LASMA (the Local Authority Sign Manufacturers Association) has been in discussion with the various notified bodies over the past year to try and resolve what could and will prove to be an expensive addition in costs at the same time as local authorities are being asked to reduce costs.

What is a CE mark? CE marking is a declaration by the manufacturer that the product meets all the appropriate provisions of the relevant legislation implementing certain European Directives. CE marking gives companies easier access into the European market to sell their products without adaptation or rechecking. The letters CE stand for ‘Conformité Européenne’ which means ‘European Conformity’. They are a declaration by the manufacturer that its product meets the requirements of the applicable European Directive(s).

As part of the discussions with the notified bodies one of the main issues raised was defining the terminology of ‘placing the sign on the market’. The definitions of ‘placing on the market’ and ‘making available on the market’ in Article 1 of the Construction Product Regulations (CPR) derive from horizontal EU legislation (including Regulation 765/2008) which relates to the marketing of products more generally, and the issue of what these definitions cover. There is an argument that where there is a tendering process, then the product could be classed as being placed on the market, but that the case is less strong if there is no tendering process. Ultimately it is for the LAs to take their own advice and study the Regulation for themselves: the responsibility to CE mark rests with the manufacturer (or in some cases the importer or distributor) of a product, and thus it will be for the local authorities (if they are the ones manufacturing these products) to make the decision on whether or not they need to CE mark. L FOR MORE INFORMATION



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The publishers accept no responsibility for errors or omissions in this free service Acclaimed Security Argos Arsenal Emirates BHSF Box-it Business Doctors Call Credit Group Camco Canopies UK City Cruises Compliant Access Equipment Counter Terror Expo Countrywide Signs Coventry Museum Elements Outdoor Arts GMC Landscapes Hampton Court Palace Harper Adams Hinsley Hall Huawei ICM Imperial College London Kyocera Language Line Leston Stationary Marmot Resources MIC Hotel & Conference Centre mruk Research Nordis Signs

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Nottingham Conferences OKI Oxford Said Business School Panasonic Pro Seminar Public Property Summit Riverford Organic Vegetables Rock UK Sally Walker Language Services Specsavers Strand Palace Hotel Sun Spirit Taylor & Francis Teal The Lodore Falls Hotel University of Bristol University of Leeds University of Westminster University of Winchester White Associates

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