Government Business Magazine issue 18.4

Page 1 | VOLUME 18.4



Recover outstanding debts and improve cash flow

Effective solutions provide long-term cost savings



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Government Business | Volume 18.4

Dear Reader, How much better or worse off will you be in the coming year following the budget? With council tax to be frozen or reduced this year in every English council, will local authorities be able to provide adequate services for all citizens? Are the green initiatives introduced enough in the fight against climate change?

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| Volume 18.4


Recover outstand debts and impr ing ove cash flow

Effective solution provide long-terms cost savings

The questions following George Osborn’s budget are many, and not easy to answer. If you’d like to give it a try or share how your organisation is coping with delivering more for less, please e-mail me on



One way to keep the cash flowing is making sure you collect outstanding debts. If your organisation is struggling with this, why not use an external debt agency? Read more about the benefits this can bring on page 11. This issue also contains features on how to tackle carbon without straining the budget (p.25), how investing in effective security solutions will help reduce losses associated with theft and vandalism (p.43), and what Belfast and Derry can offer the event organiser (p.73).

A unique and enjo

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emeRGeNCY SeR VICe AWARDS – Rec ognising out

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Enjoy the issue.

Sofie Lidefjard, Editor

GOVERNMENT BUSINESS MAGAZINE If you would like to receive 12 issues of Government Business magazine for £95 a year, please contact Public Sector Information, 226 High Road, Loughton, Essex IG10 1ET. Tel: 020 8532 0055, Fax: 020 8532 0066, or visit the Government Business website at: P NEWS P FEATURES P PROFILES P CASE STUDIES P EVENTS P AND MORE

8 PUBLISHED BY PUBLIC SECTOR INFORMATION LIMITED 226 High Rd, Loughton, Essex IG10 1ET. Tel: 020 8532 0055 Fax: 020 8532 0066 EDITOR Sofie Lidefjard ASSISTANT EDITOR Angela Pisanu PRODUCTION EDITOR Karl O’Sullivan PRODUCTION DESIGN Jacqueline Grist PRODUCTION CONTROL Reiss Malone


ADVERTISEMENT SALES Julie Watson, Stephen Day, Kelly Scott, David Morgan, Bernie Miller, Jane Fraser, Jo Tuohy, Chris Grant, Chris Smith SALES ADMINISTRATION Jackie Carnochan, Martine Carnochan ADMINISTRATION Victoria Leftwich, Lucy Carter PUBLISHER John O’Leary GROUP PUBLISHER Barry Doyle REPRODUCTION & PRINT Argent Media

© 2011 Public Sector Information Limited. No part of this publication can be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any other means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the editorial content the publisher cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher. ISSN 1362 - 2541 THE BUSINESS MAGAZINE FOR GOVERNMENT



06 NEWS 08 EMERGENCY SERVICE AWARDS This inaugural event will recognise excellence across the police, fire and ambulance services

11 MONEY MATTERS Employing an external debt collection agency does not mean losing control, or putting ones reputation at stake, says the Credit Services Association How will the 2011 Budget affect payroll departments, asks Diana Bruce from the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy provides a feature on investment strategy for local authorities for the new financial year We preview the Association of Corporate Treasurers’ Annual Conference – the largest treasury conference and exhibition in the UK

21 MARKET RESEARCH With budget cuts and new policies being implemented, gaining the public perspective has become more useful than ever, writes the Market Research Society

25 BUILT ENVIRONMENT The Energy Services and Technology Association looks at how new carbon reduction targets might be achieved The Heat Pump Association explains how heat pump technology can help reduce both energy consumption and carbon emissions We preview Sustainabilitylive! – the home of five leading environment exhibitions

37 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Organised in association with the British Institute of Facilities Management, The Facilities Show is the leading meeting place for the industry

43 SECURITY The British Security Industry Association explains how investing in effecient security solutions will help reduce losses associated with theft and vandalism IFSEC 2011 is the opportunity to make informed decisions, compare solutions and discover the most cost effective technologies

48 HEALTH & SAFETY Safety & Health Expo 2011 promises to be more innovative and informative than ever before

51 PUBLIC SAFETY The UK’s largest, dedicated fire safety event – International Firex – it is a must for anyone involved in any aspect of fire safety

59 FRANCHISING In times of cut backs and redundancies, owning a franchise could provide a great career alternative

65 CONFERENCES & EVENTS Rachael Bartlett from Warwick Conferences explores the benefits of using an academic venue for your next event Derry and Belfast in Northern Ireland make unique and enjoyable conference destinations

81 CATERING AVEX 2011 is a must-attend for anyone involved in providing a vending and water service in their organisation

83 TRANSPORT The Commercial Vehicle Show, together with Workshop 2011, is the biggest single sourcing opportunity for the UK road transport and logistics industry



Government Business | Volume 18.4

NEWSINBRIEF Grants boost for a digital Gwynedd Money is available for people living or working in Gwynedd towards improving internet connection in areas where broadband is unavailable. Individuals, companies or groups of people could be eligible for up to £1,000 each towards a broadband connection using alternative means such as 3G, wireless or satellite under the Welsh Assembly Government’s Broadband Support Scheme. Councillor Dyfed Edwards, leader of Gwynedd Council, said: “As a council we firmly believe that no Gwynedd household or business should be left behind because they live in a not-spot and we would urge people who experience problems to take advantage of this new grant scheme.”

Encouraging more recycling in Warwick District Council Waste collection crews across Warwick are working in partnership with the Community Recycling Team identifying and recording properties presenting excessive amounts of waste, in order to highlight residents who may need additional support. The team also give out thank you cards to properties that are recycling. Residents can send the cards back to the team to be entered into a monthly free prize draw where they can win £50. Councillor Shilton, portfolio holder for Neighbourhood Services, said: “It is alarming the amount of recyclable material households are still throwing away. It’s simple – the more we recycle the more money we can save as a result, which in the end is helping us keeping council tax the same as last year.”

Online survey will shape waste services in Wandsworth Households in Wandsworth are being invited to help shape the borough’s refuse, recycling and street cleaning services over the next eight years by taking part in an online survey. Town hall chiefs are drawing up a list of services to include in the borough’s new waste contract and want to find out if these choices reflect the views of residents. Councillor Sarah McDermott said: “We provide a whole range of extra, non-essential waste services. We are now drawing up a new contract for all our waste services and would like to know which of the extra ones residents think are important and would like to keep.” Examples of non-statutory services currently provided include the on-demand collection of garden waste, carrying out nightly refuse collections from flats above town centre businesses, and the routine cleaning of bulk waste containers on housing estates. If residents decided these services were not a priority and could be replaced with more cost effective alternatives, it would save council taxpayers more than £1.2m a year. The council also carries out twice daily sweeping of some busy roads and pavements. Reducing this to one sweep a day would save council tax payers £300,000 a year.



Council tax freeze delivered across England very English council has taken up a government offer to fund the first ever council tax freeze. With council tax more than doubling since 1997, ministers were determined to protect hardworking families and pensioners on fixed incomes this year and set aside a £650 million funding pot to support councils willing to freeze or reduce their council tax. Official statistics on council tax levels show the average Band D council tax set by local authorities in England will remain unchanged at £1,439 for 2011/12 as a result of a zero per cent increase on last year’s council tax level. This is the first time ever that 100 per cent of local authorities have reduced or frozen council tax since its introduction in 1993/94. 378 authorities have been able to freeze their council tax whilst 43 have opted to reduce it.


Every eligible English local authority will now receive grants equivalent to them having increased their council tax by 2.5 per cent. This will be paid in ten equal instalments from April 2011. No further capping action is required in 2011/12. The capping threshold in recent years was a 5 per cent council tax rise. Stopping such a rise this year saves a typical household up to £72 and if an average 2.5 per cent rise had occurred the saving would have been £36.

First solar panels on council homes unveiled he first photovoltaic solar panels to be installed on council-owned housing in Portsmouth have been unveiled. The panels were installed to the roof of the two-bed house as part of refurbishment works before the house is allocated to a new family. Similar works are also taking place at a nearby property. The solar cells will transform the sun’s energy into electricity, which will provide most of the occupants’ electrical power and lighting. Other works to the homes include improving their loft and wall insulation, installing eco-efficient gas


central heating and excluding drafts. It’s estimated that the panels will save the occuping family approximately £200 per year on their energy bills, and will generate 1,500kW of energy per year. Over 25 years, the panels will save around 25 tonnes of carbon. Councillor Steven Wylie, the council’s executive member for Housing, said: “These panels are an exciting step towards how we could be refurbishing houses in the future. Apart from saving a local family money on their energy bills, they are helping to reduce the carbon footprint of the home.”

Government Business | Volume 18.4

Environment Agency helps England adapt to climate change he Environment Agency has been given more government funding to provide practical advice to help businesses, organisations and communities prepare for climate change. The Environment Agency (EA) will take on a new, additional role as the government’s delivery body in England for advice on climate adaptation. This will cover the actions needed to build the UK’s resilience to the projected changes, such as hotter, drier summers, warmer, wetter winters, and an increased risk of severe weather and flooding. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) will provide the EA with an additional £2 millon per year to deliver climate adaptation advice, an increase on the current £1.5 million per year budget paid to the current delivery partners, the UK Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP) and the


UK’s regional climate change partnerships. EA will use its existing structure and links with local communities and businesses to increase the reach of adaptation advice across the country. EA plans to focus on key sectors such as health, water, transport, engineering and finance. In each sector EA will seek to work in partnership with the relevant trade or professional bodies and regulators to tap into relevant expertise and share knowledge on each sector’s adaptation needs. Environment Agency chairman Lord Chris Smith said: “We look forward to playing a key role in helping businesses and local authorities adapt to climate change. “These extra responsibilities enable us to build on the work we already do to tackle flooding and coastal erosion and manage precious water resources, water quality, wildlife and habitats.”

Crackdown on persistent parking offenders f you persistently park illegally your car could be removed” is the message from Peterborough City Council as part of a clampdown in the city. The council is taking action against persistent evaders who have received three or more parking fines, which have not been paid. Parking enforcement officers have been given the registration numbers of vehicles owned by these individuals


so they can keep en eye out for them when making their routine checks. When the enforcement officers spot one of the vehicles on the list parked in a public place, they will alert the council who will take appropriate recovery action, which could result in the car being clamped or removed. For the vehicle to be returned, the owner will have to pay all outstanding parking fines plus any additional costs.

Scotland addresses critical infrastructure resilience strategy to improve the security and resilience around critical infrastructure in Scotland has been published. Scotland’s first ever Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) Strategy addresses resilience issues from risks such as flooding, pandemic influenza, extreme weather and terrorism. It will establish a coordinated approach to security across nine sectors, both devolved and reserved, that deliver essential services. These are energy, transport, finance, communications, water, food, health, emergency services and government services. The Strategy will see the Scottish Government work with the UK Government, emergency


services and infrastructure operators. Finance Secretary John Swinney said: “The Scottish Government has a key role to ensure Scotland’s resilience is as strong as it can be. The Strategy is leading policy development – it is the first of its kind in the UK and has been developed in collaboration with the UK Government. “Addressing a wide range of risks in a holistic way will deepen understanding of the interdependencies between different sectors. We will do this by assessing risks, prioritising the key security and resilience issues and working in partnership across the spectrum of UK and Scottish Government, industry and local responders.”

NEWSINBRIEF Joint approach to grass cutting saves £100,000 South Staffordshire Council and South Staffordshire Housing Association (SSHA) have joined forces to change the way the district’s open spaces, shrub beds and trees are looked after. The partnership is expected to save the local taxpayer and housing tenants over £100,000 a year. Councillor Mrs Joan Williams, (deputy leader) Environmental Services at South Staffordshire Council, said: “Teaming up with the housing association is going to offer great value for money for the local taxpayer and could save over £100,000 a year. By working together in this new and innovative way we’re maintaining a top quality local service but driving the costs down.”

New business continuity website Surrey Business Continuity Forum has launched a website to provide business continuity advice to small and medium-sized enterprises in Surrey. The advice will help ensure all businesses in the region are able to withstand disruptions, from natural disasters such as flooding, to problems arising from terrorist attacks, and are able to continue operations and recover from effects quickly.

Cuts force councils to resort to short term road repairs A survey of 20 UK councils by RAC has revealed that road conditions across the country continue to decline as the impact of government budget cuts has forced many councils to undertake short term repairs rather than fund permanent solutions. 12 of the 20 councils questioned, including nine in rural areas, reported that the focus of their road maintenance strategy has now switched to short term repairs. The research found that almost six months since the comprehensive spending review, budgetary worries are adversely affecting a number of councils. Some councils are protecting road budgets using new private schemes and others are supplementing money from central government with extra spending. The lack of available funds has meant a downward spiral for road quality. Half of councils questioned said that, heading into winter 2010/11, they had not yet completed repairs resulting from the cold snap from the previous year. These findings are supported by research among RAC patrols who reported a 25 per cent increase in callouts resulting from potholes and poor road conditions over the past 12 months, with wheel and tyre damage the most common problem.



Government Business | Volume 18.4


RECOGNISING EXCELLENCE ACROSS THE EMERGENCY SERVICES The Emergency Service Awards takes place on 7 April at Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium and will recognise outstanding achievements in the fire, police and ambulance services across the country THE INAUGURAL EMERGENCY SERVICE Awards will celebrate excellence within the fire, police and ambulance sectors, recognising outstanding achievement by teams working to deliver effective and innovative public services. Taking place at Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium on 7 April, the Awards will be presented by Nicholas Owen of BBC News. The Emergency Service Awards are divided into four categories – police, fire service, ambulance and multi-agency (which can be entered by any emergency service). AMBULANCE AWARDS The Ambulance Trust of the Year Award, sponsored by Venson, is presented to the trust that has embraced change and demonstrated an increase in response times and the ability to provide treatment at the scene of an accident. Trusts that have made



it to the shortlist include South Western Ambulance Service, West Midlands Ambulance Service, and London Ambulance Service. The Ambulance Technology Award, sponsored by Ferno, is taken home by the most innovative and successful application of a new or emerging technology to assist in ambulance service operations. The shortlist is made up of Yorkshire Ambulance Trust, West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust, and East Midlands Ambulance Service. The Incident Response Award, sponsored by Intersurgical, is awarded to the ambulance trust that has successfully reduced incident response times across its operations by the introduction of new processes, equipment and technology. Yorkshire Ambulance Trust, South Central Ambulance Service, and South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust, will battle it out for the top prize.

The Award for Ambulance Service Innovation, sponsored by Water Jel Technologies, recognises the ambulance service that can demonstrate innovation in providing a new service to the community or by delivering existing services in a new and effective way. The shortlist comprises North East Ambulance Service NHS Trust, West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust, and East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust. FIRE SERVICE AWARDS The Award for the Fire Service of the Year, sponsored by Draeger, will go to the fire service that reports exceptional all round performance, and can demonstrate a reduction in incident numbers. Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service, Humberside Fire and Rescue, and Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue are all in the running for the top spot.

Image courtesy of Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Government Business | Volume 18.4


The shortlist includes Staffordshire Police, Dyfed-Powys Police, and Bedfordshire Police.

The Ambulance Trust of the Year Award, sponsored by Venson, is presented to the Trust that has embraced change and demonstrated an increase in response times and the ability to provide treatment at the scene of an accident The Award for Fire Service Innovation, sponsored by Holmatro, rewards the fire service that can demonstrate innovation in providing a new service to the community or by delivering existing services in an effective way. The shortlist is made up of Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue, Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service, Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service, Merseyside Fire and Rescue service, All Wales PPE Project, and Bedfordshire & Luton Fire & Rescue Service. The Fire Safety Education Award, sponsored by Astrium, is awarded to the fire service education project that has successfully engaged with the local community and helped to raise awareness of fire safety to a particular community group. The shortlist includes Humberside Fire & Rescue Service, Bedfordshire & Luton Fire & Rescue Service, Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, Cleveland Fire Brigade, and Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service. The Workforce Development Award recognises the fire service that has a workforce development strategy which provides employees with skills, competence and motivation. Making the shortlist this year is Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Service, East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service, and Bedfordshire & Luton Fire & Rescue Service. Fire Service Technology Award, sponsored by Tyco Fire Protection Products, goes to the most innovative and successful application of a new or emerging technology to assist in fire service operations.

Battling for top prize will be Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Service, Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service, and Humberside Fire and Rescue Service. POLICE AWARDS The Police Force of the Year Award, sponsored by Michelin, will recognise the police force that reports exceptional all round performance, and can demonstrate efficiency, effectiveness and a reduction in crime brought about by its recent actions. The shortlist comprises Cleveland Police, Hertfordshire Constabulary, Lancashire Constabulary, Northumbria Police, and Surrey Police The Award for Police Innovation, sponsored by CTDI, will go to a particular police authority project that demonstrates innovation and has assisted in delivering improved results for the force. Devon and Cornwall Constabulary, Greater Manchester Police, and Leicestershire Constabulary are all up for this award. The Police Force Technology Award, sponsored by Ultra Electronics, goes to the most innovative and successful application of a new or emerging technology to assist in police operations. The shortlist comprises Staffordshire Police, Avon and Somerset Police, National Policing Improvement Agency, Metropolitan Police, and Gloucestershire Constabulary. The Community Engagement Award, sponsored by RVG, is awarded to the police authority that has forged closer links with the community through awareness programmes.

MULTI-AGENCY AWARDS The Outstanding Service Award, sponsored by Panasonic, recognises the emergency service that is judged to have delivered an outstanding service to the community and can demonstrate an increase in its operational performance over recent years. In the running for the Award are South Central Ambulance Service, London Ambulance Service, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, and Thames Valley Police. The Emergency Service IT Award, sponsored by Analysys Mason, is awarded the the emergency service that can demonstrate an effective and innovative use of IT in order to increase service levels and/or efficiency. The shortlist comprises Humberside Fire & Rescue Service, Leicester Constabulary, and South Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust. The Control Room Award, sponsored by Frequentis, is awarded to the emergency service control room operation that can demonstrate how technology, partnership working and process design have helped to create a highly effective incident response and emergency management unit. Up for the Award are London Ambulance Service, East of England Ambulance Service, Cleveland Police, and Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service. The Transport & Logistics Award, sponsored by Babcock International, is awarded to the emergency service that has made improvements to the logistical and environmental performance of its transport operations through vehicle procurement, training, fleet management technology, travel planning, and so on. The shortlist includes South East Coast Ambulance NHS Trust, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, and North Yorkshire Police. Public Communication Award, sponsored by txttools, is awarded to the emergency service communication campaign that engages with the community and delivers its messages successfully and cost effectively. The shortlisted organisations are Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service, Great Western Ambulance Service, Merseyside Police, Metropolitan Police, and Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service. Lastly, up for the Emergency Services Supplier of the Year Award, is G4S Care and Justice Services, Babcock International, Volvo, VectorCommand, and Airwave.


Emergency Recognising outstanding achievements in the Police, Fire and Ambulance sectors



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Debt Sale offers immediate and tangible benefits: • Increased cash flow and cash reserves • Greater profit for a healthier trading picture • Higher overall returns compared with traditional methods • Consistency in forecasting recoveries • Improved productivity of existing resources

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Better practices, better people and better systems deliver better results.

Government Business | Volume 18.4



Dr Roger Lucas, president of the Credit Services Association, says there has never been a better time to engage an external collections agency for your outstanding debts

AT A TIME WHEN BUDGETS are being further constricted, and public sector workers are under increased pressure to demonstrate value, the need to focus on debt has never been more crucial. So what’s stopping local government and those in the wider public sector from exploring the value of outsourcing their collections to a third party? To some, the thought of employing an external debt collection agency (DCA) to recover council money is an anathema. They need to be persuaded that the popular portrayal of debt collectors in the media isn’t true. Whilst many councils are still comfortable using bailiffs, and a similar number will think nothing of engaging a solicitor, the use of an external DCA is considered by some to be a step too far, with an inherent threat of losing control of the recovery process. SUCCESSFUL DEPLOYMENT Not everyone, of course, thinks the same way. A good number use private collection agencies very successfully: users include the Department of Work & Pensions (DWP), the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and the National Health Service as well as many local councils, deploying agencies for all manner of collections from mainstream to sundry debts. Whilst the commercial sector and the public sector are different in many ways, they are similar in the sense that cash is king; without it, they cannot deliver the services on time and on budget promised to their respective customers. Improving cash flow means having a sound credit management strategy; a sound credit management strategy includes an informed policy on collections, and the possibility of engaging with external debt collection agencies. So for those that have yet to be convinced, how do we overcome their concerns? BE IN CONTROL Some believe that in outsourcing to an agency they will lose control of the debt and the debtor – and will not have control over what is done and said on their behalf. Cost is also a concern. Senior management employ credit controllers or departments to stop debts occurring in the first place. To employ an agency therefore, in their minds at least, is doubling up on costs – creating additional expense. It is in effect paying for the same service twice – and would mean admitting that their own collections team has failed. It seems strange that some appear to be comfortable with the concept of writing off a debt and losing money as a result, but most uncomfortable with the prospect of paying to recover it! Employing a third party to collect debts – and

ABOUT THE CREDIT SERVICES ASSOCIATION The Credit Services Association (CSA) is the only national association in the UK for companies active in relation to unpaid credit accounts, debt recovery agencies, tracing and allied professional services and has a history dating back to 1902. The CSA’s knowledge of the industry remains second to none, and as the industry continues to grow and develop into a more complex specialist market the CSA is on hand to provide members with up-to-date information, on issues affecting the industry now and offering advice and guidance along the way. Members offer a wide range of

bespoke credit services, including credit investigation, status enquiries, company searches, credit control expertise, credit insurance support and debt purchase. The CSA works for the benefit of those companies active in relation to unpaid credit accounts; debt recovery, tracing and allied professional services. As part of its function the CSA aims to promote best practice throughout the industry. The CSA has developed its Code of Practice which all members must adhere to. This code is now the benchmark for Best Practice in the industry, assuring quality and professionalism in the services members provide.




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Government Business | Volume 18.4


Whilst the commercial sector and the public sector are different in many ways, they are similar in the sense that cash is king; without it, they cannot deliver the services on time and on budget promised to their respective customers specifically a member of the Credit Services Association – does not mean losing control, or putting ones reputation at stake. Members of the CSA adhere to a strict Code of Practice (the same Code that was used as the basis for the OFT’s Guide), and for the most part appoint a board director responsible for compliance. There are specific procedures and rules that these members follow with teams dedicated to a specific task – and that is recovering debt. A CORE SERVICE For CSA members, their business, their training, and their motivation is all about achieving results for their customers. They are professionals who pride themselves on their ethics, adhering to the very latest TCF (treating customers fairly) policies,

and indeed promote compliance as a competitive advantage. Collections is not a bolt-on service to other services that they may undertake, it is core. They will deploy a series of skills in consultation with their client, rather than one size fits all. Their methodology is one of engaging the debtor, not confronting them, separating those that “cannot pay” from those that “will not pay”. It is this collaborative approach that reaps better results, and maintains the creditor/ debtor relationship for the future. CSA members are also only paid on results. Of course that means that they have to be efficient, but often the very fact that a debt has been referred to an external agency makes it more serious in the eyes of the

debtor who has previously avoided or ignored several attempts by the local authority to collect what is rightfully theirs to collect. Whilst certain legal firms may operate a no win no fee service in specific cases, in the debt collection industry, no win no fee is pretty much accepted as the industry standard. Clients, therefore, have quite literally nothing to lose and everything to gain. The market for debt collection continues to grow because organisations – including many within the public sector – are increasingly recognising how agencies should be utilised as an integral part of a credit management strategy. And with credit teams increasingly measured on reducing the volumes of debt and increasing the amounts collected, now is the time to look at the advantages that bringing in outside support can deliver.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Credit Services Association Wingrove House, Ponteland Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE5 3AJ Tel: 0191 2865656 Fax: 0191 2860900 E-mail: Web:

Have you considered all of your debt recovery options? It’s worth taking a better look at Lowell T A TIME when central and local governments are under pressure to reduce costs, it becomes more important than ever to recover monies owed. With an estimated £34 billion of outstanding public sector debt (as at end 2009), the need for cuts could be softened if these debts were collected. According to the credit reference agency Experian*, based on the experiences of the private sector, around 30 per cent of uncollected debt can be retrieved with the right collections strategy. If that’s the case there are £10 billion of potential recoveries in the public sector, something which is well worth exploring. Traditionally, companies have been faced with two outsourcing choices for debt recovery; to sell to a debt purchaser or outsource to a debt collection agency (DCA) on a commission-only basis. Today that decision isn’t as clear cut, with ‘right to collect’ and ‘outsource to sell’ being two important options to consider. Debt sale – straight debt sale involves the debt purchaser taking on legal ownership of the accounts and is an area where Lowell has established itself as the UK’s leading provider. Lowell buys consumer debt from a range of organisations, effectively managing the recovery of those debts by working closely with each customer to build a realistic and affordable repayment plan. Debt sale offers immediate


and tangible benefits: • Increased cash flow and cash reserves • Greater profit for a healthier trading picture • Higher overall returns compared with traditional methods • Consistency in forecasting recoveries • Improved productivity of existing resources Right to collect – with right to collect the legal ownership of the accounts remains with the original creditor, with a licence to collect being granted to the purchasing company for a set period of time. Right to collect offers those companies that are unable to sell their debts, or have limitations in place in terms of the amount of debt they are able to sell, a chance to experience many of the benefits of debt sale. Outsource to sell – the latest addition

to Lowell’s suite of debt recovery options is our outsource to sell option, which allows companies to outsource accounts for collection on a commission basis initially, with the option to sell them to Lowell at a later date. This new offering allows companies to benefit from Lowell’s experience, without committing to debt sale. *An Experian report – Quarter 4, 2009

FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Lowell today to find a better way forward for your debt recovery. Tel: 0113 2856612 E-mail: Web:



Government Business | Volume 18.4


GETTING TO GRIPS WITH PAYROLL CHANGES Diana Bruce, senior policy liaison officer at the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals, looks at how the 2011 Budget will affect payroll departments


GEORGE OSBORNE said in his budget introduction that this budget was not to be a tax raising one but that it was also not to be a giveaway, the result being “a fiscally neutral budget”. One of the government’s key aims, he stated, is to make it easier for businesses to employ individuals and to continue working on reducing the burdensome red tape of regulation. Announcements to help young people included funding additional work experience and apprenticeship places and an expansion to the University Technical Colleges programme to establish at least 24 new colleges. There was good news for the construction industry and first time home buyers alike as from the proceeds of the bank levy, £250m will be provided to help 10,000 first time buyers to purchase a brand new property. The government will also provide equity loans, jointly funded with house-builders. There was not such good news for the non domiciled as the annual charge is being increased from £30,000 to £50,000 for those who have been in this country for 12 or more years; however, if they invest in UK business there will be certain tax reliefs available to them. It was great to hear that £100 million will be given to local authorities to help repair the potholes our severe winter caused. Judging by the state of the roads, certainly north of the border, I really don’t think £100 million is going to be enough. Fuel duty has thankfully gone down, AMAPs (Approved Mileage Allowance Payments) have at last gone up, the 50p tax is apparently temporary, Corporation tax is to go down, Income tax and NICs alignment is up for consultation – and the list goes on. So let’s take a closer look at some of the areas that affect our profession.

next year after a period of consultation. Whether this will be a public consultation we don’t know, but they include: • the provision of meals on cycle to work days • late night taxis for non-business travel • the daily relief on the first 15p for luncheon vouchers. The OTS also recommended abolishing contracting out tax relief for all pension schemes but this hasn’t been confirmed. As previously announced contracting out tax rebates paid to occupational schemes are set to be scrapped for defined contribution schemes in 2012.

TAX RELIEFS The Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) had previously recommended the abolishment of 47 tax reliefs. The chancellor announced the government’s agreement to abolishing 43 of those which in turn removes about 100 pages from tax legislation. It sounds a lot but is really only a drop in the ocean when you consider there are over a thousand tax reliefs and only 159 of them were actually reviewed. There is therefore still a lot of work to be done in this area. Some of the reliefs that are going have now become obsolete, such as the millennium gift aid and the payroll giving ten per cent supplement. Others will be abolished

MORATORIUM FOR SMALL BUSINESSES One announcement was a moratorium for small business, aka exemption. The government plans to drop some existing proposals for specific regulations, which would have cost business over £350 million a year. One of these is to introduce an exemption for micro-businesses and start up businesses from ‘new domestic regulation’ for three years from the 1 April 2011; however there was no detail in the 104 page budget as to what exactly this refers to. The department for Business Innovation and Skills did announce recently that they are looking for small businesses to be exempt from having to produce two set of accounts and there were also announcements about


INTEGRATION OF NICS AND PAYE A key area for payroll is the ongoing simplification of the tax system and as indicated in the review of tax reliefs the issue of the complexity of tax and National Insurance

plans to remove workers’ rights to request time off for training at companies with fewer than 250 staff, and to scrap regulations giving parents of children up to the age 17 the right to request flexible working. There have also been rumblings about maternity rights being under threat. As ever the devil will be in the detail which is yet to come on this whole area. COMPANY CARS We were expecting some severe increases in taxes on company cars but the changes are relatively tame. Legislation is to be introduced in the Finance Bill 2011 to reduce the appropriate percentages by one per cent for all vehicles with carbon emissions between 95g and 220g. Zero emissions cars will remain at zero per cent and ultra low emissions cars with emissions up to 75g will remain at five per cent.

Announcements to help young people included funding additional work experience and apprenticeship places and an expansion to the University Technical Colleges programme to establish at least 24 new colleges Contributions, albeit not a new subject, will now formally be addressed through a public consultation on the options for merging the two. The chancellor did say that the purpose is not to increase taxes but to simplify processes. An implementation date was not announced, just that this would take a number of years to complete but one would assume that it will be in this parliament.

These changes will all come into affect from April 2013. There was no surprise to see that the Fuel Benefit Charge will increase from £18,000 to £18,800 with effect from 6 April 2011. Employees and directors who are provided with a company car and who also receive free fuel from their employers are subject to the fuel benefit charge. APPROVED MILEAGE ALLOWANCE PAYMENTS (AMAPS) The AMAPs rates have increased after remaining stagnant for more years than I care to remember. Well, one of them is increasing anyway, the 40p rate will increase to 45p. Where employees use their own cars for business mileage they can claim reimbursement from their employers through the AMAPs which is not regarded as a taxable benefit. There is currently a higher rate of 40p per mile for the first 10,000 miles of business use and 25p per mile thereafter. The 25p rate, however, will not be changing so good news for the first 10,000 miles but those with high mileage will unfortunately not feel any benefit above the 10,000 miles. The legislation

Government Business | Volume 18.4


in place for employees for the passenger rate of 5p will also be extended to include volunteers where they claim the AMAP rates. INCOME TAX AND PERSONAL ALLOWANCES Fortunately for payroll there were no last minute changes to the Income tax and personal allowances for the 2011/12 tax year. An increase of £630 for the under 65s’ personal allowance was announced for the 2012/13 tax year which will apparently take approximately another half a million employees out of income tax. The government has said that its goal is still to reach a £10,000 personal allowance. The basic rate will be reduced accordingly to £34,370 but the higher rate threshold will be staying the same. There will be a change to the underlying indexation basis for direct taxes to the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) from April 2012. For the duration of this parliament, the annual increases in the employer NICs threshold, the age related allowance and other thresholds for older people will be over-indexed compared to the CPI and will increase by the equivalent of the Retail Prices Index (RPI). The CPI is generally lower than the RPI so we will need to wait and see what the impact of this change will actually be.

FURTHER CHANGES Further consultation will be taking place on the Simplification of Regulatory Penalties and a consultation document will be published in June 2011 to consider further options. The government has previously made proposals to allow HMRC, with appropriate safeguards, to obtain the working papers of dishonest tax agents, to penalise them and publish their details on HMRC’s website. Consultation will be taking place on this measure and the government will continue to informally consult stakeholders and will issue a consultation document and revised draft legislation in July 2011. The government will shortly publish its finalised Tax Consultation Framework alongside a summary of the comments received on the draft Framework published last December. The framework sets out the approach the government will take to consulting on most changes to tax policy and legislation and it also sets out when, generally, consultation will not be appropriate and commits the government to explaining why it has not consulted or has departed from the framework. Consultation will begin in the autumn to explore how the administration of the personal tax system can become more

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transparent for individuals. HMRC will develop and introduce a new online tax calculator and downloadable applications by April 2012. This will enable taxpayers to calculate both the annual tax and National Insurance contributions they can expect to pay and their overall effective tax rate. You never know this could reduce the number of queries that come in to payroll and employers alike. For more information see IR35 The government has considered three options on IR35 set out in the OTS’s review of small business, published earlier this month on HM Treasury website. It has decided that it cannot put substantial tax revenue at risk and will therefore retain IR35 and make improvements to the way in which it is administered. These improvements will provide greater pretransaction certainty, including a dedicated helpline staffed by specialists; provide greater clarity by publishing guidance on those types of cases HMRC views as outside the scope of IR35; restrict reviews to high risk cases carried out only by specialists teams; and promote more effective engagement with interested parties through an IR35 Forum to monitor HMRC’s new approach.

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Government Business | Volume 18.4


SHOULD SECURITY LIQUIDITY AND YIELD STILL BE THE PRIORITIES? Mandy Bretherton, technical manager, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, discusses investment strategy for local authorities in the new financial year LOCAL AUTHORITIES are currently having a difficult time. In the wake of the Icelandic losses they are being required to make the largest amount of savings required post war. This also redirects the spotlight onto treasury management activities in terms of increasing investment returns and reducing borrowing costs in order to reduce the requirement to cut front line services. The CIPFA Treasury Management Code and the Communities and Local Government Investment regulations both state that the key principles in relation to investment should be security of principal, followed by liquidity and only when these two are fulfilled, should yield be considered. This article will consider whether these SLY principles are still the most appropriate strategy in the current financial climate and what the knock-on implications may be for borrowing strategies. IMPACT OF THE CSR Even before the comprehensive spending review, the local authority treasury management landscape was looking bleak. Yields on investments were low and capital programmes were being reviewed with the prospect of reduced funding. Things took a turn for the worse on 20 October, when the CSR required the main lender to local authorities – the Public Works Loans Board – to increase their rates to one per cent above gilts. The previous rate had been around 13bp above gilts, making the CSR increase 87bp. The logic behind the increase was to “better reflect the availability of capital funding”. In 2009/10 new loans were £5,080m (England, Wales and Scotland). The additional interest rate cost would have added £44m to local authority budgets. The increase in borrowing costs has heightened the focus on borrowing with many authorities reviewing their strategies. Local authorities are allowed to borrow money in advance of when they need it. They are able to do this up to three years ahead and must be clear about their strategy in relation to this in their Treasury Management Strategy. The strategy must be cleared by those who approve the budget, before the start of the financial year. They must also be clear as to the value for money of this course of action and how they ensure the security of such monies borrowed in advance. The government has been worried about local authorities borrowing in advance of need since the collapse of the Icelandic banks where the Audit Commission’s report ‘Risk



and Return’ highlighted that authorities had £31bn of investments and £71bn of borrowing. Since then it has introduced a new question which is asked when local authorities borrow from the PWLB, which queries when the local authority anticipates spending the money to which the loan is related. CIPFA RISK STUDY During 2010 the CIPFA Treasury Management Network undertook a study of local authorities which attempted to identify the amount of treasury management risk that faced authorities. This study compliments the service provided by the CIPFA Benchmarking club, which enables authorities to compare their historical performance to others. The study on the other hand looks at risks facing an authority going forward, i.e. how much risk there is over the forthcoming years and what is the likelihood of specific scenarios coming to fruition. Both approaches enable local authorities to compare their position to others. The Risk Study covered 180 authorities and considered both their borrowing and investment portfolios and compared these to their approved capital programme and associated financing

requirements. It provided individual authorities with a profile of their treasury management risks compared to other authorities. INVESTMENTS In relation to investments, the study shows the different types of investments which local authorities have, including the Debt Management Office. Post Iceland there was a major flight to safety with many authorities placing money with the Debt Management Office, which is part of Her Majesty’s Treasury. This initial flight has now receded somewhat, with ONS statistics showing only £1.2bn being deposited there at the end of Quarter 3 2010, compared to £5bn at its peak in Quarter 3 2009. This is demonstrated by Figure 1. What is not so clear is the extent to which these investments are being placed in less risk averse areas or whether authorities are using internal cash to finance their capital expenditure prior to borrowing. Going forward the study will provide more details in relation to this as comparative data will become available. The study will provide information about the overall risk of default for all authorities, especially in relation to the length of time

Government Business | Volume 18.4


investments are made for. Many authorities that invested in Icelandic banks did so prior to the change in the bank’s credit ratings and were tied into investments of several years. The longer the term of an investment then the greater any potential risk of default. Having shorter term investments does reduce the risk of default, however, it does introduce interest rate risk when investments mature. BORROWING Local authorities can borrow to either fund short term cash flow fluctuations or in the medium term to finance capital expenditure. In relation to borrowing, the study identified that there are a number of strategies that a local authority may pursue. One strategy an authority may follow is to reduce its exposure to fluctuations in interest rates and borrow in advance of need for its planned programme over the next three years. This has the impact of increasing counterparty risk as the money is likely to be invested until it is required, however, it does reduce interest rate risk around potential future borrowing. Authorities following this policy would have avoided the additional borrowing costs following the PWLB increase. Alternatively, it may decide not to borrow initially but to utilise its cash balances first and borrow at a later point. This has the benefit of reducing counterparty risk as there will be both less investments and less borrowing initially, however, it will increase the interest rate/ refinancing risk in terms of the rate required to be paid when the borrowing is undertaken. It also assists in achieving the government’s aim of reducing the overall public sector deficit, which local authorities of course feed into. Authorities following this strategy would face additional borrowing costs following the PWLB increase. Many authorities will not pursue one or the other strategy completely, but may follow a mixture of the two. Borrowings continue to be predominantly with the PWLB, with the proportion of PWLB debt remaining broadly the same each year as demonstrated by the ONS statistics in Figure 2. With the increased PWLB rates there is more interest from the market place which may lead to a shift in this proportion over time. The study considered the risks around another area of local authority borrowing in the form of market loans known as Lender Option, Borrower Option or LOBOs. Typically these have fixed interest rates with the lender having the option on specified dates to change the rate. If the lender exercises this option then the borrower has the option to accept the rate change or to repay the loan. This creates the potential for refinancing risks if a lender increases the rate at a time when rates are high. These loans also create interest rate risk when interest rates fall as authorities are then effectively trapped at a higher rate than they would be able to achieve in the market place.

Figure 1

Figure 2

The study will provide an indication of the level of risk in relation to this type of product. There is an inherent link between the borrowing and investment strategies of a local authority and it is difficult to consider one in isolation from another. For example, a borrowing strategy to borrow in advance of need, leads to additional investments. The benefits of the study are that is considers just these interrelationships and helps us to understand the complexities. Following on from the study, the Treasury Management Panel is producing a Risk Management Toolkit. This will provide practitioners with a helpful, easy to use reference document to enable them to review the treasury management risks that they face. It will give practical best practice examples of tools used and enable local authorities to be clearer about their own appetite. It will introduce the concept of a benchmark against which risk can be measured, enabling a more effective review of outcomes and performance. CONCLUSION The current economic climate is placing unprecedented pressures on local authority

finances. Authorities are reviewing all areas of their budgets, maximising income and reducing costs wherever possible in order to reduce the impact on front line services. Inevitably, and quite rightly, treasury management activities must form part of that analysis. So should the original SLY principles remain? Local authorities invest public funds and must be accountable for their actions. The security of the principle invested must always remain of paramount importance. It is also important that authorities have access to funds when they need them and hence liquidity is key. It is thus still the case that yield should only be considered once the first two principles have been met. Authorities should be clear in their strategies about their appetite for risk and their approach to managing treasury management risks, but maintaining the focus on their key SLY principles and ensure that they undertake a proper option appraisal of investment decisions.




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Government Business | Volume 18.4


RISK, REGULATION AND THE RECOVERY We preview the largest treasury conference and exhibition in the UK – the Association of Corporate Treasurers’ Annual Conference – taking place 10-11 May at the ACC Liverpool SPEAKER HIGHLIGHTS • Juliet Davenport, CEO, Good Energy • Mervyn Davies, Lord Davies of Abersoch, CBE • Michael Kirkwood, chairman, ONDRA Partners and non executive director, UKFI • Angela Knight, chief executive, BBA • Sir Terry Leahy, former CEO of Tesco • François Masquelier, senior vice president, head of Treasury & Corporate Finance, RTL Group • Barbara Ridpath, chief executive, ICFR • Andrew Shilston, finance director, Rolls-Royce

IN TODAY’S CHANGED financial world, the role of treasury and how it adds value to the business has taken on a considerably higher profile. From promoting stability and growth to safeguarding against risk, effective treasury management is a complex and specialised part of the business and having the right skill set is essential. The Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) qualifies, supports and represents professionals working in treasury, risk and corporate finance. As the leading professional body for international treasury, the ACT is ideally placed to keep treasury and finance professionals abreast of latest industry developments and facilitate the sharing of knowledge and expertise. The ACT Annual Conference is its flagship event and is tailored to the needs of all those performing treasury or finance functions within their business or anyone with a vested interest in treasury – whatever the size of their organisation. FOCUS ON CRUCIAL ISSUES What sets the ACT Annual Conference apart is its attention to the detail of treasury management in practice alongside a focus on the crucial issues facing treasury and finance professionals in business and the wider global economy. Each year the programme draws upon the ACT’s extensive network of experienced practitioners and experts to deliver strategic presentations from market leaders together with practical comment on

all aspects of treasury from those in the field. 2011 will be no exception with a brand new programme and a refreshed two-day format, which has been designed to offer the most effective and productive use of your time out of the office. With over 600 attendees in 2010 there will also be plenty of opportunities to meet with other finance managers, treasurers, finance directors, CFOs and CEOs. PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE Topics to be covered range across the entire field of treasury. What solutions are available to optimise cash and liquidity management? What are the biggest risk management challenges in the current economic environment? How can pensions be best protected for the future? With the main theme of the conference centred around risk, regulation and the recovery, the ACT Annual Conference is the forum to ensure that you are prepared for whatever lies ahead. Programme highlights include: • keynote addresses from leaders in the world of business, finance and regulation • in-depth track sessions on a wide range of key treasury topics • interactive workshops, clinics and live treasury theatre • exhibition with 60 stands of treasury product and service providers THE EXHIBITION In the brand new setting of the ACC Liverpool, on 10-11 May 60 treasury product

and service providers will be gathering to show off their wares. From international banks and technology suppliers to treasury consulting firms, the exhibition brings together leading players in finance and treasury. As an integral part of the conference experience, the exhibition is designed for delegates to develop existing relationships and forge new links, all under one roof. MEET THE ACT Thinking about becoming ACT qualified? Interested in an ACT training course or event? Want to find out more about corporate membership? Or simply wondering what it is the ACT actually does? The ACT team, tutors and member practitioners will be on hand throughout the conference to meet with delegates – whether you are a long-standing ACT member or brand new to the ACT. GALA DINNER Taking place after the close of the first day, the gala dinner will be held at the breathtaking Liverpool Anglican Cathedral. It is the largest cathedral in the UK and with its magnificent gothic arches, the central space offers historical beauty with a modern twist. Guests will be welcomed by the Very Revd Justin Welby, Dean of the cathedral, a former group treasurer and currently the ACT’s advisor on ethical and personal issues.

FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information on what the ACT can do for you visit For further information on the conference visit






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Government Business | Volume 18.4


GIVING A VOICE TO THE SILENT MAJORITY With tighter budgets and the raft of new policies brought in by the coalition government, obtaining public views through research is now more useful than ever SINCE THE GENERAL ELECTION last spring, the new coalition government has, like most new administrations, introduced a considerable number of policy changes and new programmes, alongside the much-reported deep budget cuts. In this very new and challenging landscape, market and social research has an even more important role to play for civil servants and professionals working at all levels in government. Accountability, evidencebased decision making, public views, cost efficiency, ROI and making the right policy decisions – as well as the right political ones – are all key issues that sit at the forefront of decision-makers’ minds. “It’s a common misconception that the public sector has stopped commissioning research and seeking consultancy support. With tighter budgets and the raft of new

policies and programmes that the coalition government has brought in, research is actually becoming even more useful,” says Sinéad Jefferies, director at Opinion Leader, a MRS Company Partner. “However, the commissioners are becoming more stringent in defining the benefits of research, so it’s about making sure the research will genuinely add value and isn’t just nice to know.” RESEARCH THAT MATTERS The challenge for decision makers is to identify what kind of research will be most helpful and where to source the most effective research from. There are many kinds of research which have been used to inform public sector policy and decision making, including: • Attitudinal – to assess perceptions and opinions relating to customer

satisfaction and preference in the provision of services and products. • Policy development, implementation and evaluation – to evaluate each stage of complex policy development. • Public consultation – to acclimatise government thinking with public opinion and to provide supporting evidence for policy decisions. • Communications – to enable two-way dialogue with key stakeholders and guide on the most effective channels for communication. • Public relations – to understand the behaviour and attitudes of target audiences, to ensure successful media positioning and branding. AFFECTING BEHAVIOUR There is currently an increasing focus on how to effect behavioural change, so called ‘nudge’



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Government Business | Volume 18.4


policy, for which research is an essential component in measuring effectiveness. Government spending is also being reduced and a host of new policy programmes have been introduced across the board, which need to be consulted on, implemented, communicated and then evaluated. For all of these areas, research can provide an accountable and accurate basis for decision making. Good research allows those that are not usually heard to be listened to – in the new world of cost-cutting and new policy, there is a risk that these people can be disenfranchised. “Commissioning effective research ensures better policy – research gives a voice to the silent majority, with representative findings and inclusive methods,” says Sinéad Jefferies. “The most valuable research,” says Vanella Jackson, chair of the Market Research Society (MRS) the regulatory body for market, social and opinion research in the UK, “is welldesigned, addressing whichever business or policy that needs to be addressed and is done in adherence to the correct professional and ethical guidelines.” The MRS Code of Conduct ensures ethical practice throughout the sector through regulations and guidelines. Research suppliers that are MRS company partners and individual research practitioners that are members of MRS have to abide by the MRS Code, and in turn, users of research can be assured that employing an MRS accredited provider results in reliable and robust research. REFLECTING A CHANGING WORLD Representative and ethical research also ensures that policy is based on sound evidence, that it can be evaluated successfully and that costs can be kept to a minimum during implementation. “Research is a key ingredient of accountability,” says Sinead. What about how the research itself is conducted? Society and the way we interact with one another and our community/ environment has changed so much in recent years that it is difficult for policy makers to keep pace with the change. Again this is where research can provide essential insight. “Today, research goes beyond the traditional and the merely quantitative – it’s not all about clip boards, or about focus groups. It’s about engaging with everyone, but in a meaningful way” says Vanella Jackson, MRS chair. “Good research will open up whole new areas for discussion, and a good researcher will have the knowledge and insight to interpret the findings in a way that adds tremendous value to their clients’ understanding.” Often, the public sector has been more willing than the commercial world to open up to new research methods. New approaches such as online communities, online forums and social media tracking allow research to both specifically target and more generally encompass hard-to-reach groups, who can get left out of policy decisions, public communication

programmes and public consultations. These online tools allow the impact of policy on the most vulnerable in society to be seen. However, Sinéad Jefferies injects a note of caution and advises that some of the more cutting edge techniques “should always be used as part of a portfolio of complementary methods”. Those wanting further information on market research should visit the MRS website to start with – It includes A Newcomer’s Guide to Market Research, as well as the annually updated Research Buyer’s Guide (, which lists MRS Company Partners and organisations with MRS members, their contact details, geographic area and industry/sector specialisms. All organisations and individuals listed in the Research Buyer’s Guide are committed to adhering to the MRS Code of Conduct. In addition, LARIA (the Local Authorities Research & Intelligence Association), has its own website ( and works closely with the MRS. LARIA can offer bespoke advice specifically to local, public sector, healthcare providers. CASE STUDY: ADULT AUTISM STRATEGY In 2010, MRS Company Partner Opinion Leader conducted a series of engagement events on behalf of the Department of Health in order to develop the government’s Adult Autism Strategy. The research involved engaging with stakeholders including adults with autistic spectrum conditions (ASC), carers and families of people with ASC and a wide range of professionals. “I feel like I am walking on a tightrope all the time, but everybody else is able to walk on the ground,” said one adult with autism. Adults with ASC are a diverse audience, with each individual experiencing unique challenges in everyday life including difficulties with verbal and non verbal communication, social interaction and sensory issues such as extreme sensitivity to noise, light and colour. To overcome these research issues, a range of methods was used to ensure that everyone had a chance to be heard – these included an online community of people with ASC, online group discussions, video ethnographies, 360 degree case studies, group discussions and in-depth interviews. Opinion Leader set up an advisory group which included adults with ASC, family members and carers to help design stimulus materials and generate discussions which were appropriate for those across the autistic spectrum. All of the team members at Opinion Leader received training on how to communicate with people with autism. “You need to forget about the ‘normal’ rules of communication and learn how to communicate with each individual in a way that works for them,” said one National Autistic Society trainer. Adopting a truly person-centred approach

Vanella Jackson, chair of the Market Research Society

to the research enabled Opinion Leader to generate a degree of insight which would not have been possible using traditional research approaches. Opinion Leader has used similar approaches in other work it has conducted for government clients, with great effect. The research and engagement activity conducted by Opinion Leader has been used to ensure that the Adult Autism strategy produced by the Department of Health (published in March 2010) is fully grounded in the experiences of people with ASC, carers and professionals. “The Autism Project Programme is underpinned by the dual principles of co-production and inclusivity. Programme activity and the development of the strategy and statutory guidance have been informed by the views of external partners, particularly service users and family carers. The Opinion Leader research, through its innovative programme of engagement and dialogue, helped DH to secure their active participation in the work of the programme at all levels and ensure that the voice of service users was heard at the highest level in government,” said a spokesperson from the Department of Health. Meanwhile a spokesperson from the Central Office of Information (COI) said: “This piece of research was groundbreaking in the way it challenged our thinking on traditional research techniques, using a truly person led approach to tackle the considerable challenges of engaging with adults with autism across the spectrum. It provided vital, rich insight into the experiences, needs and priorities of adults with autism to form a significant part of the evidence base for the government’s adult autism strategy.”





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13/8/08 12:30:26

Government Business | Volume 18.4


TACKLING CARBON WITHOUT STRAINING THE BUDGET A government-wide plan to reduce carbon emissions was launched at the beginning of March, with the backing of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister. Alan Aldridge from the Energy Services and Technology Association (ESTA) looks at how these targets might be achieved THE CARBON PLAN is about the way government, both central and local, can tackle the nation’s carbon footprint. Within that, it has a number of things to say about the role of the public sector. The Plan notes that: “While the public sector represents only around three per cent of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, it has a responsibility to lead the way in reducing them.” It also reiterates some specific commitments. David Cameron said that carbon emissions from the government office estate would be cut by ten per cent within the year to 2011. A series of other environmental targets for 2015 are contained in the Greening Government’s Operations and Procurement programme. As one example of the activities being undertaken, departments taking part in the Energy Efficiency Whitehall competition are installing nine innovative technologies in their buildings. These range from phasechange ceiling tiles that absorb heat during the day to behavioural change programmes. LOCAL GOVERNMENT And it is not just central government. A week after the main announcement, Energy Secretary Chris Huhne signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the vice-chair of the Local Government Association, Richard Kemp, which sets out how central and local government would work together to achieve the goals set out in the plan. Yet this is all against a background of spending cuts and stretched resources. So how can public sector bodies make the most effective use of scarce resources and make the greatest reductions in emissions? If finance is tight, then renewable energy technologies may not be the most costeffective way of approaching the issue. One of the phrases currently much in favour is the negawatt – i.e. the energy saved because it was not needed in the first place. Energy efficiency is all about ‘negawatts’ – reducing demand and therefore consumption. The waste hierarchy that was much discussed a few years ago has ‘reduction’ as the first step in any effective resource management process. So reduction needs to be the first part of any energy or carbon reduction strategy as well. DISPLAY ENERGY CERTIFICATES Now many larger public buildings – those that are visited by a large number of the public – already have to measure their emissions

and energy consumption. These buildings are required to have Display Energy Certificates (DECs) which provide an annual assessment of how efficiently the building is being operated and what the annual emissions are. They also indicate a typical rating for the type of building. As a snapshot of how the building is actually performing, they are more useful than one based on designed performance. This is because buildings very rarely match their specified performance levels. Equipment may not be calibrated correctly, there will be ‘drift’ over time (see Figure 1) and perhaps most importantly there are people in them who open windows and leave lights on. DECs provide a simple but useful way of comparing improvements in energy performance year by year, as well as a simple way of constructing a league table of the worst performing assets across an organisation’s estate. This can be turned into a priority list for assessment and action. DECs were a concept first set out in the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) which was then transposed (in Euro-speak) into national legislation. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the use of DECs based on actual operating performance [metered data] is mandatory and must be updated every year. This reflects the government’s understanding that DECs provide a very useful facilities management tool in helping to manage the building estate. A re-casting of the Directive has extended the scope of DECs to cover virtually all buildings (public and private sector) over 250m2 that are visited by the public. The new regulations start to take effect from 2012 with size thresholds reducing over the next few years, so a large proportion of public sector buildings will be required to have these certificates in the very near future. VISUAL REPRESENTATION DECs have other functions, especially in the central government estate. Some departments now have guidelines about the energy performance criteria of the office space they let or lease. DECs give a visual representation of performance in a series of coloured bands from A (excellent) to G (poor). Clearly, the decision to rent only buildings in band C or above helps reinforce an organisation’s green credentials, but it means saving money as well. The difference in annual energy costs per square metre between one band and another can be around £3-4 at current

energy prices. Multiply that up over a whole building and the figure can be substantial. There are now a number of electronic systems which collect meter data and automatically produce approved DECs. This eliminates the cost of bringing in outside experts to compile and authorise them. For an organisation with a number of buildings that can result in a substantial saving in itself. The DECs provide a list of typical projects which could save money – but these are generic and may not necessarily apply to the particular building that the DEC applies to. Automatic Monitoring & Targeting (aM&T) systems do more than just compile DECs though. They provide much more fine-grained detail about how buildings are performing and will help energy and facilities managers target areas where consumption is excessive. By identifying and addressing excessive consumption, the overall building energy profile can be optimised with consequent savings in energy costs – and emissions (see Figure 2). MANAGEMENT AND CONTROLS There are a number of areas where energy can be used unnecessarily. It is spring time now and the clocks recently went forward. Among energy managers this is traditionally a time for extra checks. If the timeclocks controlling energy-consuming equipment have not switched over to BST, either automatically or by manual resetting, then the heating, lighting, etc, will be coming on later (perhaps leading to manual overrides and thermostat adjustment by chilly staff in the morning) and, importantly, switching off an hour later than usual when it is no longer really needed. As the external temperature rises, heating demand will tail off and cooling demand will rise. It is essential to check the set-points for both systems and establish a dead zone of 2-3 degrees where neither is operating. Otherwise, the two systems may cycle on and off around these temperatures, effectively working against each other – and doubling energy consumption. ‘Drift’ has been mentioned before and M&T systems are essential in detecting this and addressing it. Also, when equipment breaks down, it does not necessarily switch off. If the settings become jammed or a temperature sensor fails, this can lead to the equipment being always on. This again should show up in the charts produced by the M&T system from the metered data. These examples are all instances where



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Government Business | Volume 18.4


the key issue is not so much the equipment itself but rather the effective management of energy. A low energy lightbulb will still waste energy if it is operating when it is not needed. Often the focus is on the purchase of energy-efficient equipment and effective management is forgotten. Yet the two go hand in hand and attention must be paid to both. LIGHTING Take lighting as an example. Not all areas of a building have the same requirements. Those near windows can make use of daylight while the inner core of a building may need more artificial light. Storage areas and conference rooms may only need intermittent lighting, perhaps with occupancy sensors. It may be appropriate to use daylight sensors for window areas so that optimum use can be made of natural incoming light. External security lighting may need both Passive Infra Red (PIR) and daylight senors. On the other hand, in areas where people are working, a single strategy mechanically imposed control may not give the best results – for example, individuals can feel dis-empowered and this may affect motivation and productivity. Sensitivity is needed here. Task lamps may be appropriate where fine-detail work takes place, with lower background lighting for corridors and communal areas. Yet this will need some default timeswitching so that lights are not left on overnight or at weekends. Managing energy use is not just about equipment; it involves looking at the whole picture and making sure that energy use meets the needs of the people in the buildings without wasting this valuable resource or contributing needlessly to climate change.


Figure 1. Performance drift over time

Figure 2. By monitoring performance over time a daily pattern of behaviour can be established (red line). Targeting areas of excess consumption can optimise energy usage and reduce demand (blue line).

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Government Business | Volume 18.4


THE HEAT IS ON The Heat Pump Association explains how heat pump technology can help reduce both energy consumption and carbon emissions HEAT PUMPS supply more energy than they consume by extracting heat from their surroundings. Consequently, they now form an essential part of the solution for reducing both energy consumption and carbon emissions, and can also provide their heat from renewable sources such as the ground and solar heated ambient air. A heat pump is an efficient and space saving means of heating a wide range of premises. It can also provide cooling to these premises should there be the requirement. Where heat pumps are used for heating, they are capable of highly cost-efficient energy applications because they tap into a limitless supply of ‘free’ heat – either the surrounding air or heat captured in the ground or water, such as a lake. HOW THEY WORK The vast majority of heat pumps work on the same principle as the domestic refrigerator utilising a vapour compression cycle, but for heating the heat hump utilises the hot end of the process. The vapour compression process utilises low grade heat that is normally too cool for human or process requirements and lifts the same quantity of energy to a higher temperature that is then suitable for human comfort. Depending on the application and type of heat pump, gains of 300-500 per cent are normal. When dealing with heat pumps, and because efficiency cannot be defined as above 100 per cent, the term used is actually Coefficient of Performance (COP), so the COPs for the above example would be 3 to 1 and 5 to 1. In its simplest form a COP is calculated by taking the HEATING OUTPUT divided by the POWER INPUT. Heat pumps are normally classified by their heat source and means of delivery, for example air to air, air to water, water to air, water to water, ground to air, and ground to water. USE IN SCHOOLS Heat pumps offer a robust solution for heating in schools. Despite the demise of the Building Schools for the Future programme, the use of heat pumps in schools offer a number of advantages: • a simple and cost effective installation compared to some alternative technologies • ongoing schools building programmes can benefit from heat pump systems that improve the environmental footprint and reduce running and operational costs • a low carbon technology that helps to reduce CO2 emissions • a renewable heat technology to satisfy the UK’s renewable obligation. Also, installed in places of education, heat pumps will provide a valuable learning tool for

students who will gain awareness of the use of low carbon and renewable heating systems and see this as the norm in their future careers. As an example of the worth of heat pumps, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, ground source heat pump systems in schools in the USA reduce energy use by 25 per cent to 50 per cent compared to traditional systems and although no such similar study is available for the UK, the expectation is the same. POSITIVE OUTCOMES The education authorities that have invested in this area have been very positive as to the outcomes. We shouldn’t forget the financial considerations either as the lower energy costs, while an ongoing advantage, also result in good payback periods due to the fuel savings. All types of heat pump, as listed above, can offer a solution for schools and the choice may well depend on factors such as cost, available space, hours of operation, availability of heat source, and layout of the building. If the schools of the future invest in heat pump systems they should consequently provide more energy efficient operation, generate less CO2 and utilise heat from renewable sources thus addressing most of the green agenda. Importantly they will also have lower operating costs. Written by Tony Bowen, president of the Heat Pump Association, and Terry Seward, HPA secretary CASE STUDY: THE PEOPLE’S PARK Hadrian Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Ltd. of Washington, Tyne and Wear installed a Daikin Air to Air VRV heat pump heat recovery system, supplied by HPA member Space Airconditioning plc, at Saltwell Park for Gateshead Council as part of a £10 million restoration project. Known to the local community as the ‘People’s Park’, Saltwell Park was first opened to the public in 1876 and was designed to provide a haven for the working people of Gateshead to visit. Standing in 55 acres of landscape, woodland and ornamental gardens, the Gothic mansion Saltwell Towers lay in ruins for many years. The project started in 1999 with the complete restoration of the mansion. Gateshead Council wanted to provide an Interactive IT Activity Centre that was bright and modern within Saltwell Towers, but this had to be achieved within the strict regulations of a Grade II listed building. The comfort of visitors was very important, and Hadrian Air Conditioning & Refrigeration were asked by Gateshead council to design a system that would offer

the ultimate in climate control in the most cost effective way but that would blend in with the internal fabric of the building. “The Daikin VRV heat pump heat recovery system was chosen due to its excellent efficiency characteristics and compatibility with the restrictions of a Grade II listed building. Daikin ducted fan coils offered excellent performance as well as being able to integrate with the architect’s vision of the aesthetics required internally. In addition, the high performance heat recovery system enables extremely efficient heating during the winter months,” said Alan Unsworth, Hadrian Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Ltd. CASE STUDY: SWIMMING POOLS In a typical municipal leisure centre with a 25m learner pool, a heat pump based system can save over 250 tonnes of CO2 emissions per annum compared to a recuperator based air handling unit. In this energy-conscious, budget-dominated age, it would take a brave pool operator, or a rather aged ostrich, to bury their heads in the sand, when it comes to a quick fix solution that will not only save energy, but will also reduce running costs and all for a minimal capital outlay that will see pay-back within a matter of years. Taking a pro-active lead, British manufacturer Calorex, is constantly striving to improve the carbon footprint for businesses both within the recreation sector but also to a broad scope of business sectors from manufacturing to information technology. Employing around 120 staff at its Essex base, Calorex has traded and grown successfully for more than 25 years. The company provides the very latest heating and ventilation heat pump systems for indoor and outdoor pools and has a worldwide customer base to prove it. Using heat pump technology to maximise energy efficiency is core to Calorex’s product range and close to the company’s heart with company figurehead, Tony Bowen, the current president of the UK Heat Pump Association. HUMIDITY AND CONDENSATION Calorex systems have been successfully installed up and down the UK and all over the world where pool managers tackle the perpetual challenge of balancing the need for high water temperatures and the excess of humidity and condensation caused by evaporation from the pool surface. Unchecked, not only does this cocktail create an unpleasant environment for swimmers and poolside staff, if moisture levels remain uncontrolled, the building fabric and its content will suffer untold damage. A typical leisure centre pool can contain up to a million litres of water heated to around 30°C. Water evaporates from the surface at a rate of hundreds of litres every hour. Evaporated water needs to be removed or it will turn to condensation that will immediately start to cause problems. Before heat pumps, that valuable energy would have just been expelled to the outside



Government Business | Volume 18.4


atmosphere. Heat pumps cleverly provide the means of recovering that energy. Air is passed through the evaporator, a finned coil, where it is continuously cooled. The water vapour is condensed to give up its latent heat and runs away as water. At normal pool temperatures, 2kWh of latent heat is recovered for every three litres of water vapour condensed. The air temperature has been lowered by the removal of sensible heat to enable the dehumidification process to proceed and both the sensible and latent energy come together in the refrigerant gas. This is now raised to a higher temperature by the compressor and used to heat the pool water as well as the pool air. When the humidity rises above the target level, a compressor is switched on, together with the integral heat pump circuit and the heat recovery dehumidification process starts. Latent and sensible energy available in the moist air is recovered and returned to the pool water and air, via the built-in heat exchangers. If the recovered energy is insufficient to meet the water and/or air heating load, the unit’s integral low pressure hot water heat exchangers redress the balance. As an added bonus, the system cleverly takes care of the pool environment by incorporating

automatic fresh air control. Introduction of fresh air that also passes through the heat recovery process at up to 70 per cent of recirculated air is kept to a minimum to satisfy occupancy and dilution demands, reducing to virtually zero during unoccupied periods. Should natural solar gain increase the air temperature of the pool hall, the units can even provide air conditioning by dissipating unwanted heat into the exhaust air. OFF THE SHELF A thermodynamic heat-recovery dehumidifier comes complete with a control panel, air temperature and humidity and water temperature sensors, pool air and pool-water heat exchangers – in fact everything necessary to control the pool environment, and it will fit into a plant room space substantially smaller than that needed for a conventional system. Because the complete unit is in one insulated case and has been factory tested and setup, it is very simple to fit. All controls and sensors are inside, and it only requires a three-phase power supply, connection to the LPHW headers, connection to the pool water circuit, condensate drain and duct connections. A commissioning engineer is provided at start-up to ensure all is well.

When the overall costs of using a heatpump, heat-recovery dehumidifier are considered, it is important to remember that heat-pump dehumidifiers will recover sensible and latent heat that will be returned back into the pool water giving an efficiency of 300-350 per cent. Passive units cannot do this, offering only 50-60 per cent when external air temperatures are favourable. Modified office AHU units are far less efficient than dedicated heat pump units in swimming pool heat recovery. They are also not designed for a swimming pool atmosphere, which is reflected in their operating life. In fact, dedicated swimming pool equipment will always give better service than something simply cobbled together for individual jobs. Systems for wet leisure environments are specialist because they need to be designed to tolerate the harsh environment of a pool hall and its associated water treatment chemicals, such as chlorine. All components have to be specially selected resulting in extensive use of coatings, treatments and plastics.




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Government Business | Volume 18.4


A NATIONAL STANDARD FOR SUSTAINABLE HOUSING BRE is exhibiting at Sustainabilitylive! 2011. Here, the organisation discusses the latest in the BREEAM suite of environmental assessment schemes – BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment THE PACE OF SUSTAINABLE housing refurbishment must dramatically increase if the UK is to meet its carbon reduction commitments, prevent rising levels of fuel poverty and deliver much needed improvements to the country’s housing stock. We must also measure and monitor the success of refurbishment projects in improving sustainability, and promote the most efficient and cost effective refurbishment and retrofit measures. To support this, BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment is being developed. The latest in the BREEAM suite of environmental assessment schemes, BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment is now at an advanced stage of development. The new scheme is intended to play a key role in the drive to improve the sustainability of UK housing. It will measure the progress made by refurbishment and retrofit projects in achieving key sustainability issues, providing a sustainability indicator for existing homes. This will give recognition for those achieving carbon reduction and other sustainability targets. Delivered through a competent persons training scheme it aims to encourage and advise on the most effective use of refurbishment methods and technologies. THE CHALLENGE The size of the housing refurbishment challenge is clearly illustrated by the UK’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 80 per cent by 2050. Consisting of some 26 million dwellings, UK housing is the oldest in Europe and is the single biggest contributor to the country’s CO2 emissions. Existing homes have an average Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D/E, and more than five million are F/G rated. To reach an 80 per cent carbon reduction, the average EPC rating will have to be brought up to a band B or better, a level only currently achieved by one to two per cent of the housing stock. To meet this and other sustainability targets, the pace of refurbishment must be rapidly stepped up. And we must make sure that housing refurbishment is carried out in the most sustainable way – both in terms of the energy strategy adopted and wider issues such as materials and waste. This is where the new BREEAM scheme will play its part. WHY BREEAM? BREEAM is the longest established and most widely used environmental assessment method in the

Wingrove Road, Newcastle, currently being assessed under the new BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment scheme

world. It is well known in the UK construction industry and has a 20 year track record of raising the bar for the environmental performance of buildings. The Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH), a key element in the government’s drive for zero carbon new housing, was based on EcoHomes – the BREEEAM scheme for homes. The role of CSH as a route to improving the sustainability of new homes has prompted growing calls for a similar scheme for the refurbishment of existing homes. But delivering sustainable housing is a more straightforward proposition when you have a blank canvas to start with, as is the case of a new home. Existing homes, with their enormous variety of build methods and conditions, represent a greater challenge. To highlight the areas that will have to be addressed when dealing with this added complexity, a number of refurbishment projects were experimentally assessed under CSH – as part of the development of the new BREEAM scheme – and any difficulties were identified.

In addition, workshops were held with stakeholders, including registered social landlords (RSLs) and architects, to gain their views on the areas that the scheme needs to cover. Based on the development team’s EcoHomes/ CSH experience and stakeholder input, a draft BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment standard was drawn up. The overarching aim of the standard is to promote the principles of sustainability into housing refurbishment practice. It sets out the issues we need to focus on when refurbishing our housing stock and provides a means of measuring progress. This is whilst recognising and accommodating the limitations and variety of dwelling types in the housing stock. The new technical standard was then tested in an extensive pilot scheme. PILOT SCHEME The pilot has involved assessing 202 properties, including a wide range of building types – lowrise flats, Victorian terraced properties (in a conservation area), a care home conversion,



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Government Business | Volume 18.4


traditional semi-detached properties and others. They also have a wide geographical spread, being located in Newcastle, Brighton, London, Manchester and elsewhere, recognising the strong localism agenda. As a national standard, it needs to be adaptable to local needs. Assessments are being carried out by licensed CSH and EcoHomes assessors to establish the progress made in refurbishing the properties to a high level of sustainability, particularly in the key areas of CO2 emissions and fabric performance, water efficiency, waste minimisation, accessibility and flooding. “Almost all of the design stage pilot assessments are now complete,” says Gavin Summerson of BRE Global. “And a number of the projects have now also finished on site – all will be completed by early next year. The pilot assessments have been based on the refurbishment designs specification. A final certificate however is based upon what was achieved once the works are completed. “This has been generating a lot of information about how well the scheme works, which will be collated and analysed for any lessons that can be learnt. These will feed into the development of the final version of the standard to be launched in 2011.” Feedback from the pilot has been invaluable and the achievements made very encouraging, with most of the projects achieving more than 60 per cent carbon savings, and some going beyond 80 per cent. Allan Ronald, sustainability manager at Higgins Construction, has been closely involved with two of the pilot projects. One is a late-1940s semi-detached house in Essex, and the other a Victorian end terrace in the London Borough of Newham. “They were two completely different projects with different housing types,” he explains. “We used varying solutions in terms of, for example, the renewable technologies fitted and the insulation strategies – in one property internal insulation was selected, and external insulation was applied to the other. “We engaged a BREEAM assessor to advise us from day one and he became strongly integrated within the design team. I think problems can occur when project teams prepare a design and then try to address the issues in BREEAM or CSH. The best approach is to work with the assessor and come up with a design in which sustainability has been considered from the outset – not wait until the end and say, ‘we had better stick some renewables on here somewhere’. “Our clients in these projects had clear ideas about what they wanted from these refurbishments, which included an 80 per cent carbon reduction, eliminating the risk of fuel poverty and a standard approach to refurbishment that they could roll out over the rest of their housing stock. “We have delivered on all three points,” says Ronald. “In the Essex property for example, we achieved an 89 per cent carbon reduction

and cut estimated annual running costs from £1000 to £300. Our energy strategy included installing a ground source heat pump and A-rated appliances – there’s no point refurbishing a property to high sustainability standards and then using an antiquated fridge freezer that burns loads of energy. We also installed an energy display device that monitors energy use by the individual appliances. “Other sustainability issues covered by the pilot scheme were also addressed, for example by fitting out one of the bedrooms as a home office, converting the old outside toilet into a secure bicycle store, and planting a wildflower garden. “Successful sustainable refurbishment takes a combination of good practices,” says Ronald, “including good insulation, good use of renewable technologies and a good understanding of how the building works. And this is what you get from BREEAM – the criteria in the scheme help you to address these issues.” WHAT NEXT? Early in 2011 the technical lessons learned from the pilot will be used to finalise the BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment technical standard, and then other aspects of the scheme will be completed. “Our focus is now shifting to the operational side of things,” says Gavin Summerson. “We are developing tools that will be used to operate the scheme, and training courses for those that will be using the standard. We are also working to streamline the assessment process to ensure that it is as cost effective, minimises bureaucracy whilst maintaining a robust process. “The aim is to integrate the actions required to achieve the desired BREEAM rating into the normal design process so they add minimally to the work and costs involved. Such a concept was recently illustrated in the BRE Trust paper Integrating BREEAM through the design process. The putting a price on sustainability publications and the housing industries progress in making Code level 3 almost cost neutral has paid testament to the fact that sustainability can be achieved at minimal cost through well planned and thought out design. And we’re also reviewing the potential for a preapprovals process for particular house types and refurbishment techniques, which will allow building firms and social landlords to develop refurbishment packages that can be rolled out across the country without each project being separately assessed. This is part of a full review of the assessment evidence requirements, which aims to make the process robust but not overly onerous.” Consultation with stakeholders is continuing and the National Refurbishment Centre and its group of prominent industry partners will be a key part of this. “A large stakeholder group, including those involved in the pilot

version, will continue to input into the standard and help to shape it,” says Summerson. INCENTIVE SCHEMES Sustainable refurbishment techniques, such as improved insulation, need not be costly and can often be a relatively small element of necessary maintenance work. But the very high carbon reductions achieved by some of the pilot projects often require the installation of relatively expensive renewable technologies. However, government incentive schemes such as Feed In Tariffs for renewable energy production and the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) can make this financially viable. “Installing renewables added about £20,000 to each of our pilot project costs,” says Allan Ronald, “but we estimate the FITs and RHI payments will bring in almost £2,000 a year and so pay off this investment in ten years. And of course, this is in addition to the energy saving costs from using renewables.” Due for launch in Autumn 2012, the government’s Green Deal will make grants available to householders to sustainably refurbish their homes – primarily through improving insulation. “Whilst details of the Green Deal are yet to be finalised, we are working to ensure that BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment can be flexible enough to align with and support the Green Deal,” says Gavin Summerson. “BREEAM can provide a means of adding value to refurbishments, whether funded through the green deal, through planning policy requirements or other mechanisms. It will do this by accrediting refurbishments, to ensure that the expected carbon savings are achieved, other opportunities for improving the sustainability of homes are identified, and progress towards meeting carbon reduction targets is monitored.” RECOGNISING SUSTAINABILITY A BREEAM rating is a very widely acknowledged badge of sustainability. “BREEAM immediately provides a credible environmental label,” says Allan Ronald, “which gives recognition to the property, to the contactor and to the client – demonstrating their environmental credentials and working towards their carbon reduction goals – so it ticks all the boxes as far as I am concerned.” BRE is exhibiting at Sustainabilitylive! (Stand No U46) held at the NEC in Birmingham, on 24-26 May, showcasing BRE Training and BRE Energy Assessor Accreditation Schemes together with BREEAM and GreenBookLive. Sustainabilitylive! is the UK’s leading event for environment, energy and sustainability professionals, providing latest industry insights, expert advice, latest product innovations and guidance on how to reduce your environmental impact. It features a comprehensive seminar and conference programme covering latest hot topics.




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Government Business | Volume 18.4


THE UK’S LEADING ANNUAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT EVENT Organised in association with the British Institute of Facilities Management, the Facilities Show has established itself as the leading meeting place for the industry AS LONDON MAYOR, BORIS JOHNSON announces a £70 million pound fund to stimulate London’s low carbon economic growth, positive talk about sustainability is being converted to positive action, encouraging behavioural change. Carbon reduction and cutting costs are amongst the main concerns for facilities managers – those responsible for implementing this behavioural change – with a clear focus on energy usage, concentrating on reducing energy bills and improving energy efficiency. Increasingly organisations are investing in carbon management strategies to support the facilities manager and specifically address the carbon footprint of the business. Whilst what’s best for the organisation is attended to, it is also important to concentrate on the public aspect. Dealing with an organisation’s carbon footprint and the public’s perception is becoming more and more important to business and is reflected by the significance companies are placing on their corporate responsibility objectives. This form of corporate self-regulation promotes a positive impression on both internal and external stakeholders, whilst demonstrating that the organisation is taking responsibility where carbon reduction and sustainability is concerned, and is of considered importance. Further to these concerns, there are additional, far-reaching issues, such as improvements to ensure equal access in a building, health and safety obligations, recycling and waste management targets, and added economic and legislative pressures. It is therefore fair to say that in-house FM teams and outsourced FM providers are faced with a number of operational challenges. INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENTS To this end, suitable and relevant guidance and advice is needed to make sure that facilities management specialists stay on top of such industry developments, ensuring that effective, sustainable solutions are implemented, and government and stakeholder objectives are adhered to, whilst operating a premium FM service and instilling the necessary organisational behavioural change. With an overarching focus on the varied and combined role of today’s FM professional, the Facilities Show 2011 is set to explore and examine best practice strategies to ensure that effective and sustainable FM solutions are put into practice. As expected from the Facilities Show, educational content is a vital aspect of the

event. The Facilities Show seminar theatre, sponsored by moneypenny and the Facilities Management Journal, is set to provide thought provoking debate and insight into key industry issues such as compliance, security, risk management, cost control, TFM, outsourcing and churn management. The comprehensive 2011 seminar programme includes a line up of leading industry figures, including: • Julie Kortens, head of corporate services at Channel 4 and current BIFM FM of The Year, who will host a session on ‘The Profile of FM’ – Exploring ways in which the profile of FM can be raised • Steve Gladwin, CEO of HOCHTIEF Facility Management UK Ltd, will discuss ‘Engaging the CEO’. Steve will examine how the knowledge of an organisation’s corporate strategy coupled with a fundamental understanding of fiduciary director duties, assists facility managers to speak the language of board directors • Paul Caddick, operations director at PHS Compliance, is set to address how a facilities manager or other duty holder goes about assessing risk on their own site during ‘From Risk to Compliance’ • Megan James, audit services team leader at Safecontractor, will host a session on the selection and assessment of contractors. This seminar will consider legal duties and obligations around the use of contractors, the traditional view on

competent contractor selection, what can it mean if it goes wrong and the next chapter – considerations for buying organisations. Contributions from Mitie, the Fire Industry Association and music licensing company PPL, are also included in this year’s seminar programme. OPERATIONAL CHALLENGES In-house and outsourced FM providers are constantly faced with a number of far-reaching operational challenges, including applying improvements to ensure equal access in a building; strict health and safety obligations and recycling and waste management targets, in addition to added economic and legislative pressures and corporate responsibility objectives. As a result, suitable and relevant guidance and advice is needed to make sure that facilities management specialists are able to provide a premium FM service, whilst adhering to such demands. A professional and educational learning environment such as the Facilities Show offers the development opportunity to do just this. The Sustainable FM Academy, sponsored by powerPerfector, educationally supported by FMX Magazine, returns to The Facilities Show for 2011 with a lively programme of debate and case studies offering expert opinion from the likes of: • Andrew Brown, editor of FMX will lead a panel discussion addressing the role of facilities managers in improving the energy



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Government Business | Volume 18.4


efficiency of the UK’s existing building stock. Panellists will offer insight into the link between FM and design systems and how FMs can use the drive to reduce carbon as key business opportunity Panel members include: Brett Goodyear, head of operations for EP&T UK; Adam Matthews, business development manager, Autodesk; David Clark, partner, Cundall, and Marc von Briel, managing director of Schueco UK • Greg Davies, head of service development at Elementus will present ‘The perfect storm – A climate for FM’. With rapidly changing health, safety, environment and energy legislation, perception and practise, the business climate looks increasingly warm for facilities management. What future opportunities does this really offer the profession? • Simon Grinter – head of facilities and squares management, Greater London Authority, is set to host ‘Benefits of sustainability in FM’. In this session you will hear organisations sharing their real-life experiences of how they have managed their sustainability programmes. You will learn from their experiences in how you can make social, economic and environmental savings for your organisation. • Helen Hensel is a senior surveyor on the sustainability team at Drivers Jonas Deloitte. A regular speaker at conferences, Helen has written various publications, on the topic of CRC. This CRC presentation will update you on the proposals to simplify the scheme and outline what you need to do now to ensure compliance and help mitigate your organisation’s CRC liabilities.

BIGGER THAN EVER BEFORE The Sustainable FM Academy continues to be one of the main focuses of the show. As the UK’s leading annual facilities management event, the Facilities Show, organised in association with the British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) prides itself on supplying free educational content to the FM industry, the opportunity to network with leading industry experts and the chance to explore innovative products and services. 2011 sees the largest show in the Facilities Show history in terms of the number of exhibitors, which include recognised industryleading companies such as PHS Compliance, Bauder, Bosch Thermotechnology, Panasonic, FSI, LTT Vending and Refreshment Systems. Key features at this year’s event include: The Energy Management Zone, sponsored by powerPerfector; The Prop IT Trail; Green FM Trail and the Approved Operator Parking Zone, hosted by the British Parking Authority (BPA) and its Approved Operator Scheme (AOS). In 2010, 35 per cent of visitors to the Facilities Show were responsible for the energy management of their building. Showcasing exhibitors offering specific energy management products, services and advice, The Energy Management Zone offers guidance, education and support in this growing area. As FM professionals are increasingly looking towards new innovations to make their organisation more efficient, sustainable and productive, the Prop IT Trail provides an area dedicated to cutting edge products and suppliers of new technologies. Exhibitors within the Prop IT trail include FSI, Tabs FM and Tempus MTAS. The Green FM Trail highlights exhibitors

offering advice, products and services in response to the every growing green challenge, helping visitors reduce their environmental impact whilst creating more efficient, sustainable workplaces. Exhibitors on the Green FM Trail include: Anabas; Balcas Brites; Cleardrains; Environmental Waste Management; Greenability; Integrated FM Ltd; Mil-tek GB Ltd; Overton Recycling and Signature Aromas Ltd. A highlight of the Facilities Show 2010, the Approved Operator Parking Zone, returns for the second year. Operators involved in all aspects of car park management business will once again exhibit under the banner of the BPA and AOS. The Facilities Show, taking place at the Birmingham NEC from 17-19 May, provides the UK FM and estates profession with a wealth of vital industry knowledge by exploring the key areas of the FM agenda. The Facilities Show brings together the UK facilities management profession, the latest industry developments, including products, services and legislation, and the UK’s leading facilities management experts under one roof. Encompassing professionals from facilities management, security, fire, and health and safety sectors, the Facilities Show 2011 is co-located with IFSEC, International Firex and Safety and Health Expo. All are free to attend for all pre-registered visitors.

FOR MORE INFORMATION For further information on the Facilities Show 2011, its features, or to register for your free pass, please visit and follow us on twitter @facilities_show for the latest information.

Flat roof waterproofing and green roof solutions LAT ROOF waterproofing solutions are the mainstay in the construction industry and Bauder delivers reliable roofs that meet the individual needs of each building, whether it’s for new build or refurbishment. Bauder’s diverse portfolio of waterproofing ensures that the correct solution is used on each project. High performance bitumen membrane systems – robust long-term performance waterproofing that can accept levels of maintenance traffic without additional protection. They give high thermal performance when incorporating PIR insulation. Single ply roofing systems – reinforced synthetic membranes provide lightweight durable waterproofing that is cost effective, quick and safe to install, and sealed at joints for a continuous layer across the roof. Cold liquid applied – based on advanced PMMA resin technology this


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Government Business | Volume 18.4


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Alongside our core design and plan capabilities we are able to provide further specific functional support, be it advice on operational matters and help with the financial business models, or statistical analysis to identify new revenue stream opportunities. We really do stay with you every step of the way. GREEN BELIEFS What’s more we will through the course of our work help you demonstrate your green credentials; the heart of every Grosvenor Continental project is a pledge to deliver sustainability. We consistently adhere to the responsible sourcing of our raw materials; we use FSC wood certificated partners and products that do not require harsh chemicals in their daily care. We even offer to recycle your old catering equipment as well as utilising hybrid cars in our car fleet. Our willingness to stand by our green beliefs is also evident in our partnership with COOL EARTH®; this has already resulted in the preservation of nearly 100 acres of previously endangered rain forest from our efforts and those of our customers.

In working with Grosvenor Continental you can be assured of our commitment to reducing our carbon impact on the environment. Today more than ever there is a real need to maximise the use of your expensive property portfolio. With this in mind, now is the perfect time to capitalise on potential opportunities to breathe new life into catering and public areas whilst creating valuable revenue streams. Grosvenor Continental really can help. To demonstrate our desire to help you make the right decisions for your business and maximise the performance of you facilities we offer a free trial of one of our Evolution Modular Systems. This allows you to take a low risk approach in moulding the future of your catering service. TAILORED SOLUTIONS If the trial proves successful we will work with you to develop the correct solution for your business including a range of finance packages including attractive leasing arrangements, an affordable alternative to seeking full capital funding from your business at the outset. In short we will help develop the business plan, deliver and install the system free of charge. You then trial the service for an agreed period before you buy, lease or return it. We can’t say fairer than that can we?

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Government Business | Volume 18.4


HIGH NET WORTH SECURITY Power, diamonds, yachts, fame. None of if adds up if you don’t feel safe going about your everyday life. Peace of mind is knowing you have the best possible protection for yourself and your family. In business, at leisure and in your home AT SPS WE SUBSCRIBE to a culture of excellence in every aspect of our 360° security approach. We have a wealth of experience in security risk management and have been entrusted with the safe keeping of scores of high net worth clients since 1991. Many who have retained our services over the years. Operating in over 70 countries, flexible and proactive in our approach we have the specialised skill to assess threats and implement an integrated and professional security package specifically tailored to each client’s needs and at considerably less cost than many other security providers. SENIOR SECURITY PROJECT MANAGER At SPS accountability is key. Accordingly every client is assigned their own personal senior security project manager who is directly responsible for creating and overseeing security measures that offer the highest level of protection. Each manager heads a tried and tested team drawn from the military, police and government offices. Each member is a dedicated specialist in countering threats and should the worst occur they are capable of handling any crisis at home or in the most remote corners of the world. PROTECTION AND SURVEILLANCE FOR CLIENTS AND FAMILY MEMBERS This includes gathering information of preexisting situations, constantly assessing the probability of new threats and providing covert or overt personal protection. Always mindful of our client’s need for privacy SPS’s team will operate within your lifestyle as unobtrusively and diplomatically as possible whilst affording you the optimum protection. TRAVEL SECURITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES As well as assessing your personal level of threat we have our finger on the pulse to potential adverse developments worldwide. We will accordingly manage all travel plans, transfers and accommodation. This includes liaising with private jet companies, regular airlines, airport and dock authorities and providing highly trained drivers and armoured cars if necessary. We will also work with your existing travel, publicity and PA teams to ensure that every personal need is taken care of. SPECIALIST SECURITY PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR PROPERTIES SPS can provide personal protection in



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ranging from 30 to 120m. We also specialise in new build security and have 100 per cent record for first time verifications in regard to ISPS. OTHER TAILOR MADE SPS SERVICES • Technical anti-bugging sweeps • Surveillance and counter surveillance • Event security management (such as weddings and banquets) • Personal/family/staff security training • Supply and installation of security equipment • Incident management, kidnap and ransom workshops • Professional security trained chauffeurs • Specialist and innovative art and high value item protection • Risk assessments and due diligence investigations

FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information please contact Simon Barlow, SPS company security manager at

Government Business | Volume 18.4


THE ROAD TO PUBLIC SECTOR SECURITY James Kelly, chief executive of the British Security Industry Association, explains how investing in effective security solutions during an economic downturn will help organisations reduce losses associated with threats such as theft and vandalism

THE PUBLIC SECTOR is facing the deepest budget cuts in the last 25 years, with staff and resources being stretched to the limit. It is therefore not surprising that operational and purchasing decisions are increasingly being made based on cost considerations alone, often at the expense of quality. SECURITY BREACHES Security breaches such as theft and vandalism are financially onerous and have a number of negative repercussions on a public sector organisation, affecting customer service levels, downtime and, potentially, customer deliveries and production processes. It is therefore important that, even when faced with considerable cuts to spending, the security aspects of an organisation are not overlooked, as investing in the protection of premises will provide long-term cost savings by dramatically reducing the likelihood of crimes occurring. Public sector buildings often have a large transient population and hold expensive equipment as well as confidential data on site, therefore becoming a very attractive target for criminals. To counter the number of threats faced on a day-to-day basis, public sector organisations are often recommended to adopt an integrated approach to security, whereby a combination of products and services work together to ensure all aspects of protecting the premises are covered. Moreover, by following a few simple steps, such as seeking expert advice, choosing a reputable supplier, correctly

maintaining the systems and ensuring that clear strategies are in place, the public sector can guarantee the success of security strategies. ACCESS CONTROL Access control has long held a valued place within the public sector, helping to monitor the flow of authorised personnel around the premises while playing a vital role in health and safety and visitor registration. Now, access control and visitor monitoring systems can also be utilised as part of intelligent solutions that work alongside Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) to help public sector organisations save money on their energy and heating bills. A BEMS can typically control up to 80 per cent of a building’s energy usage, so it’s clear to see how using access control to optimise the system to suit the variable usage and occupation of a building can streamline energy usage. Applying heat-loss algorithms, for example, BEMS can determine the minimum amount of heat required for a particular area, reducing the amount of energy consumed and avoiding unnecessary wastage. Identifying patterns of visitor behaviour can stop the unnecessary heating of unoccupied heating zones, saving fuel and reducing CO2 emissions. In addition to integration with BEMS, access control systems can also be incorporated with other essential security measures including intrusion detection, video surveillance and CCTV analytics.

INTRUDER ALARMS Public perceptions of intruder alarms have tended to be somewhat negative over the years, with many people questioning their effectiveness in terms of generating a prompt police response due to the high rate of false alarms. Thankfully, developments in alarm system technology and continued liaison between the police and the private security industry have succeeded in driving down the rate of false alarms to unprecedented levels, equating, according to research by the British Security Industry Association (BSIA), to there being as few as one false alarm every five years. This means that police response is now all but guaranteed. A professionally designed, installed, maintained and monitored intruder alarm system linked to an approved Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) – with priority links to the police – offers a high level of protection against undetected intrusion, and therefore limits the time available for criminals to inflict loss or damage. Monitored systems provide further peace of mind to the business that alarm activations will be immediately dealt with. CCTV CCTV is an effective method of protection and can be installed all over a site whatever the size. It is a prominent security measure that often acts as a deterrent as well as catching evidence of crimes taking place on the site. Specific applications of CCTV such as Video Content Analysis (VCA) can also be used to enhance the security on a premise. VCA is the automatic analysis of CCTV images to create meaningful information about the content. Potentially any ‘behaviour’ that can be seen and accurately defined on a video image can be automatically identified and an appropriate alert raised. This element of CCTV can be used to alert an operator of any unusual behaviour or a left package somewhere on the site, so that the appropriate action can be taken. INFORMATION DESTRUCTION Generally speaking, public sector organisations hold large quantities of confidential data, making them vulnerable to data breaches. By taking simple steps internally, organisations can reduce the risk of data breaches occurring. Measures include ensuring all unwanted documents, CDs and DVDs are properly shredded, wiping clean the information held on old computers before



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Government Business | Volume 18.4


has not been successfully defended in a court of law then the cylinder manufacturer should have a reputation for defending their patents in the UK. Manufacturers who are not prepared to inform locksmiths of patent numbers and patent expiry dates should be viewed with suspicion.

James Kelly

disposing of them and regularly changing network as well as PC passwords. Leaving shredding to individuals can compromise security as the document is not always thoroughly destroyed and can often be pieced together. Therefore, employing a professional data destruction company will ensure law compliance and the highest standard of service, giving organisations the peace of mind that the interests of their clients, staff or patients are protected. An information destruction supplier should be able to provide sacks that cannot be tampered with and bins to match the office furniture, and that can only be accessed by key. To provide further protection, each collection and sack should contain a unique code so that customers can access a full audit trail of their paper once it has left the building. The law sets clear rules for the destruction of personal information, and a company that guarantees under contract that destruction is done securely and effectively should carry it out. The process consists of waste collection by secure transport, inspection, removal and destruction of rubbish, and the shredding, pulping and recycling or incineration of other material. SECURITY GUARDING For large and high profile buildings, security officers patrolling the premises are a fundamental aspect of security, providing an immediate response to intruder detection. Guards deter criminals, are a useful for manning access points and entrances and are often also responsible for managing technological aspects of a site’s security solutions, such as CCTV or access control. PHYSICAL PROTECTION Physical protection systems vary from security rated locks for gates and entrance points to security grilles or shutters. These measures can all be used in combination to protect premises both from intrusion and against vandalism, helping harden the site against unlawful entry.

The main benefit of employing such systems is that they make an intruder’s task difficult, time-consuming and noisy, therefore often deterring criminals before attempting a breach. Of course, their effectiveness is directly related to the intruder’s skill and determination, which, in turn, depends upon the perceived benefits of crime. In addition, to ensure such systems are correctly implemented, key control strategies need to be in place. CLEAR STRATEGIES Regardless of the security solutions adopted, clear strategies need to be in place to ensure that the measures are always correctly implemented and understood by all staff involved. Security solutions that are not supported by thorough and trialled strategies will prove worthless, so it is important to give careful consideration to how each security measure will be implemented in practice to ensure money spent on it is not wasted. When it comes to key control strategies, they are essential not only to ensure that authorised staff have immediate access to relevant areas, but also to avoid the risk of unauthorised people getting hold of a key. An unauthorised person gaining access to an area or premise using just a key has the advantage of leaving no evidence of a forced break in; therefore it may be a considerable amount of time, if ever, before the breach is detected. There are two main ways of ensuring key control is achieved, firstly by strictly monitoring the issue of keys, particularly sub masters and masters. It is good practice to record the key references against the individual who has been issued the key and record when they are returned. Secondly it is equally important that an individual cannot get a key duplicated at a local heel bar or locksmith without the appropriate authorisation from the owner of the master keyed system. In order to implement this it is crucial that the key profile should be protected by a manufacturer’s current patent and if the patent

CHOOSING THE RIGHT SUPPLIER Regardless of the scope of an organisation’s security strategy, choosing a reputable supplier is crucial to ensuring its success. Quality suppliers will be able to assess the nature of work conducted onsite and the individual threats and risks that the premises may face, to determine what security measures will be required for a specific premise. Moreover, it will ensure that systems are correctly installed to get the best result out of them, and that they comply with national and international legislation and best practice standards. Without previous security experience, however, identifying a company that has the most relevant skills and experience to assist in the quest for effective protection of premises can prove a challenge. For this reason, employing an expert to help throughout the process of identifying and procuring security solutions can prove invaluable. Security consultancies can help public sector organisations choose reliable and quality suppliers, maximising return on investment and providing significant long-term benefits and often cost savings. A consultancy will conduct a thorough risk assessment, providing essential advice on security reviews and audits, development of security polices and strategy, guarding services, systems design, tender management and security awareness training. They will work with their client to identify threats and ensure that business continuity is addressed, therefore eliminating the chance for corners to be cut. Based on this assessment the security consultancy will then suggest various measures that could benefit the premises. These may differ depending on the requirements and risks faced by each client but they could include the likes of access control, information destruction, CCTV, manned guarding and property marking. With the government’s proposed public sector budget cuts at the forefront of public sector consciousness, it is vital that security is not ignored and corners are not cut, and although it may not seem so at the beginning, taking advantage of the expertise offered by a quality security organisation can lead to future savings and efficiencies. BSIA members meet strict quality criteria and as such, the Association’s website is a great place to start when considering your next security investment.

FOR MORE INFORMATION To locate a supplier in your area, or to find out more about the solutions mentioned in this article, visit



Visit the website to view the categorised product finder

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Government Business | Volume 18.4


DISCOVER SECURITY SOLUTIONS Compare solutions and discover the most cost effective innovative technologies at IFSEC, the world’s leading global annual security event, uniting more than 22,000 security professionals with more than 700+ world leading companies, spread over six product areas PUBLIC SECURITY IS ALWAYS going to be one of the major issues affecting both local and central government. As a result risk management with the inclusion of new ideas and innovations is crucial in the security arena. If security matters are not handled responsibly, the end result could be catastrophic. As such it is imperative that those in charge of security operations are always one step ahead. For this reason alone, security professionals from across the globe will descend on IFSEC 2011, the world’s leading annual security event. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME Typical of IFSEC events, the comprehensive 2011 conference schedule promises an educational and informative programme. Running alongside the exhibition, the IFSEC Conference is comprised of a totally-revamped series of modular sessions where experienced end-users and respected security professionals will share their insights into industry best practice and the successful application of the latest technologies. The series modules, developed for security managers, directors and professionals, have been designed to encourage networking and engagement in thought provoking debate. Delegates are set to learn about the advances in security technology and how it’s being applied in practice, by an impressive line up of expert speakers. The conference programme will feature: • Four industry vertical modules – retail, financial services, utilities and transport • Overarching focus on technology IP-based security, CCTV, thermal imaging, converged systems • Cyber terrorism – what it means for businesses and how to make cost-effective plans • Addressing the convergence of physical security and IT security • A high level keynote panel discussing the regulation of the industry in a post-SIA world. Each session is chaired by a leading industry figure such as Brian Sims, editor of Security Management Today Online; James Willison, principal consultant, Incoming Thought & Convergence Lead, ASIS UK, and Andrew Mason, head of Business Continuity at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Packed full of significant, educational content the 2011 conference programme is also supported by additional contributions come from an array of distinguished security experts, covering corporate crime, cyber terrorism, retail security, business continuity management and transport security. The extensive IFSEC exhibition will be divided

into product area categories: Access Control, CCTV, Intruder Alarms, Integrated Security/ IP& Network Security, Public Security and Security Solutions. A number of industry recognised companies such as ASSA ABLOY, Samsung, Tyco and Y3K will be exhibiting alongside key exhibition features including the Intelligent Integration Zone and the international pavilions. Following its successful introduction last year, the Intelligent Integration Zone returns to IFSEC 2011. Sponsored by Integrated Security Manufacturing Ltd (ISM), specialists in the manufacture and development of graphical security control management systems, the Intelligent Integration Zone is a key feature of the IFSEC exhibition and a must attend for any security professional responsible for handling the security of an organisation. ISM together with its six zone partners will be demonstrating how Genesys™, its own integration software, integrates perimeter protection, video surveillance, digital CCTV recording, access control, intruder alarms and alarm/call strips. The international feel of IFSEC is compounded throughout the international pavilions where Belgium (returning for its second year at IFSEC) China, Canada, France, Italy, Korea, Taiwan and the USA will showcase a variety of the latest industry products and developments from across the globe. Catering for the security engineers of tomorrow, security apprentices will also be showcasing their skills by taking part in the Engineers of Tomorrow – UK Apprentice Skills Challenge, during the four days of IFSEC. Throughout the challenge contestants will be required to partake in a number of exercises that test their competencies alongside their mental and physical capabilities. THE FUTURE OF SECURITY COMPETITION In addition, the Future of Security Competition, a brand new feature for IFSEC 2011, will aim to find the next generation security innovations. Run in association with Global Security Challenge, an organisation known for its impressive track record as a central hub for security innovators, start-ups, investors and events around the globe, competitors will compete against each other in a live judging session at IFSEC. This exciting competition is open to researchers, innovators, universities and SMEs worldwide. Entrants must present a technological innovation that can be used to prevent, defend against, recover from or cope with any kind of terrorist

incidents or other criminal acts. Now in its 38th edition, IFSEC is the chosen destination for security professionals from across the globe. Taking place 16-19 May at the NEC Birmingham, visitors from all disciplines within the security market can expect to indulge in exceptional educational content, to engage with key decision makers and industry experts, network with top-tier security professionals and sample the latest in technological developments at this premier industry event. Encompassing professionals from security, fire, health and safety, and facilities management sectors, IFSEC 2011 is co-located with International Firex, Safety and Health Expo and The Facilities Show. All are free to attend for all pre-registered visitors.

FOR MORE INFORMATION For further information on IFSEC 2011, its features, or to register for your free pass, please visit Follow us on Twitter @IFSEC and join our LinkedIn group for the latest information.



Government Business | Volume 18.4


TIMES ARE CHANGING – MAKE SURE YOU KEEP UP Safety inspection cuts set in motion stricter organisational health and safety management WITH THE PRESENT NEWS that health and safety inspections are to be cut by a third, decision makers within business need to take a serious look at health and safety processes within their organisation. Work and Pensions Minister Chris Grayling has announced that future health and safety inspections should only focus on high risk operational sites such as nuclear, construction and chemical industries, meaning an overall reduction of around 11,000 inspections a year. With such proposals being driven through, it is more important than ever to address, manage and ultimately shape how public safety initiatives are being delivered within individual organisations. CHANGES IN HEALTH AND SAFETY LAW Health and safety law and practice in the workplace has developed considerably over the years with the introduction of the primary statutory instrument – the Health and Safety at Work Act – in 1974, and more recently, the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act, introduced in 2007. A significant landmark in law, organisations can now be found guilty of corporate manslaughter as a result of “serious management failure resulting in a gross breach of care”. As such, it has become crucial that health and safety management within an organisation is handled appropriately and executed effectively and efficiently. In addition to the inspections cuts, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is to introduce a charge for employers who endanger public and employee safety, by making them pay for the cost of investigations that determine they were in serious breach of the law. Such costs would be in addition to any fine imposed by the courts, should the organisation be found guilty. Whilst the end to routine inspections in medium and low-risk industries will soon be upon us, the latest top-level statistics (2009/10) presented by the HSE state: • 1.3 million people who worked during last year were suffering from an illness (long standing as well as new cases) they believed was caused or made worse by their current or past work • 152 workers were killed at work, a rate of 0.5 per 100,000 workers, signifying that health and safety matters in the workplace is still a major concern for industry. Legislation and regulation are the main drivers of health and safety in the UK and keeping abreast of developments in this area is a key part of the practitioner’s role. Visitors to



Safety and Health Expo 2011 are invited to attend the SHP Legal Arena, sponsored by The HSE Recruitment Network. Attendees will receive advice on some of the key legal developments of the last year, as well as analysis of some of the biggest cases and decisions in health and safety and related law from leading barristers and solicitors across

the three day programme. For example: • Kevin Bridges, partner at Pinsent Masons, and the solicitor who represented Cotswold Geotechnical Holdings in the first corporate manslaughter trial, will be providing advice on how to defend HSE prosecutions • Paul Verrico, solicitor-advocate at Eversheds, will be bringing delegates up to date

As Europe’s leading annual event for the health and safety industry, Safety and Health Expo is proven to offer attendees the latest and most relevant industry advice, concentrating on best practice operations

Government Business | Volume 18.4


with recent events relating to individuals’ liability for health and safety offences • Michael Appleby, a partner at Housemans, will offer a practical guide to appealing enforcement notices • Steffan Groch, partner at law firm DWF, will consider the proposed changes to RIDDOR, and what impact they could have for health and safety • Alison Gray, of Dickinson Dees solicitors, will examine how practitioners can ensure their contractors are meeting their health and safety responsibilities. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH In addition to injuries and deaths occurring in the workplace, occupational health is another element of health and safety that also needs to be addressed. According to the HSE “28.5 million days were lost overall (1.2 days per worker) 23.4 million days due to work-related ill-health and 5.1 million days due to workplace injury in 2009/10”. The Occupational Health Theatre, sponsored by Posturite, is a new feature for Safety

and Health Expo 2011. Focusing on health in the work place, the Occupational Health Theatre places particular emphasis on topics such as stress management, ergonomics, behavioural safety, equality and diversity and other core topics that help promote a better quality of life in the workplace. LATEST DEVELOPMENTS As the only health and safety event with the support of all the leading industry bodies – RoSPA, BSIF and IOSH – Safety and Health Expo 2011 brings together those responsible for health and safety and looking for the latest developments from across the sector; more than 300 market leading companies providing the latest products and services; and a wealth of recognised industry professionals. With a primary focus on strengthening health and safety knowledge, including legislation and regulation, Safety and Health Expo works to achieve this by offering a number of free, interactive, educational features, alongside the extensive exhibition. This includes the Product & Innovation Hub, sponsored by ARCO, where visitors are invited to experience a number of exciting innovations in vibration and noise, head protection, slips, trips and falls, training, hand protection and working at height. Steve Pointer, head of Health & Safety Policy, EEF (The Manufacturers Association) will present Risk In A Changing Political Environment’, focusing on Implementing Common Sense, Common Safety’ – future government reviews & approach; EU directives and the European Commission’s approach, and what the changing realities mean for risk management Thomas Martin, joint managing director, Arco, addresses pragmatic approaches to deal with the basics of health and safety management; how training and consultancy reduce risk and improve safety in the workplace and the importance of product innovation in the keynote session ‘Health and safety in practice’. HOT INDUSTRY TOPICS The Access Industry Forum Knowledge Base will incorporate demonstrations and discussions. Hot industry topics such as access and working at height will be debated with fresh insights and perspectives from a number of guest contributors. Jason Anker was paralysed from the waist down due to an avoidable incident while working at height. He discusses this in ‘The impact of my life after a fall – a victim’s perspective’. Design vs. Cost vs. Safety, a panel discussion with senior representatives from industry, including the Access Industry Forum, Association for Project Safety and Royal Institute of British Architects, debating successful planning techniques to work at height. Although a number of deregulatory measures and extensive budgets cuts are currently being introduced by the government,

including that of reduced health and safety inspections and the 35 per cent cut in budget for the HSE, the purpose of health and safety regulation is to protect people, preventing serious injury and ill health. INDUSTRY ADVICE As Europe’s leading annual event for the health and safety industry, Safety and Health Expo is proven to offer attendees the latest and most relevant industry advice, concentrating on best practice operations. In addition to presenting visitors with the opportunity to share ideas, and opinions the 2011 expo will also help to guide practitioners through the maze of health and safety regulations and legislation. Safety and Health Expo brings together those responsible for health and safety in the private and public sector, more than 300 market leading companies providing the latest products and services including the British Red Cross; Draeger Safety; Health and Safety Executive, BM Polyco, Cirrus Research, Latchways, Posturite, Scott Health and Safety and ARCO, and a wealth of recognised industry professionals. Taking place from the 17-19 May at the Birmingham NEC, UK, Safety and Health Expo incorporates more than 16,000 visitors from a range of sectors including manufacturing; construction; utilities; oil and gas; transport; food and logistics, creating an opportunity for attendees to gain unrivalled insight into how the health and safety industry is developing while exploring the most pressing issues within the health and safety arena. UNITING HEALTH AND SAFETY PROFESSIONALS Uniting professionals from health and safety, security, fire and facilities management sectors, Safety and Health Expo 2011 is co-located with IFSEC, the world’s leading annual security event, International Firex, one of the largest dedicated fire safety events in the world and The Facilities Show, the UK’s leading annual facilities management event. All events are free to attend for pre-registered visitors.

FOR MORE INFORMATION For further information on Safety and Health Expo 2011, its features, or to register for free entry, please visit



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Government Business | Volume 18.4


RAISING FIRE SAFETY STANDARDS The UK’s largest dedicated fire safety event – International Firex – will be showcasing products and services from over 150 exhibitors, and featuring a free seminar programme on legislation, standards and best practice it is a must for anyone involved in any aspect of fire safety AS SUGGESTED by Fire Minister Bob Neil, industry needs to take ownership of the direction for the future of fire safety by raising standards and driving improvement itself. Industry needs to take control, leading from the front and not rely on the government to make these changes However, with elements such as the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order, Building Regulations and additional legislation for those operating within particular premises where the safety of occupants is paramount, it is clear the extent of fire safety regulations is extremely far reaching, and as a result not easily governed. COMPLIANCE End users directly accountable for fire safety in their premises and places of work, facilities and health and safety managers, and building control officers, amongst others, have a

responsibility to ensure that comprehensive fire safety legislation is adhered to, and an effective fire safety strategy and risk management plan is in place. As compliance and regulations evolve and become more comprehensive, it is imperative that the underlying principles and requirements of said guidance are fulfilled. One of the most recent pieces of fire safety documentation to be issued is the additional guidance for operators of residential care premises. Published by the National

Association for Safety and Health in Care services (NASHiCS) and the Chief Fire Officers’ Association (CFOA) the extra guidance has been produced to enhance the existing government fire risk assessment guide for the sector and ensure compliance with the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order, which came into effect in 2006. Focusing on fire prevention and assessment requirements International Firex presents the latest in approvals and compliance, current

Focusing on fire prevention and assessment requirements International Firex presents the latest in approvals and compliance, current fire safety legislation, industry best practice and standards



Government Business | Volume 18.4


safety legislation, industry best practice and standards. Visitors to International Firex are invited to attend the comprehensive seminar sessions running alongside the extensive exhibition, free of charge. The sessions, developed to address and highlight key issues within the fire safety sector, are set to be delivered by an impressive line up of industry experts. Colin Todd, managing director at CS Todd & Associates and chairman FIA Risk Assessment Council, Simon Ince, manager of Personnel Certification Schemes, Warrington Certification, and Stephen Adams, BAFE, will explore Fire Risk Assessment from three different perspectives,

incorporating Lord Young’s theme of taking a common sense approach to health and safety. Martin Shipp, technical development director, BRE Global, will address the fire safety challenges of the modern methods of construction, exploring themes such as the fire risk issues surrounding timber frame vs. brick or block construction. High profile fires in timber framed buildings have raised a great deal of concern of late, although it is important to note that many of these have been buildings under construction, rather than completed ones. However, the recently published new guidance on fire safety on construction sites from the Health and Safety Executive, aims to

establish clearer routes to ensuring the safety of people on sites. Additionally, addressing the latest statistics, it is the government’s suggestion that even though completed timber framed buildings suffered greater fire damage than other types of construction, they have not resulted in a higher risk of injury, and as such, one method of construction should not be demonised over another. Dave Berry, vice chairman, FIA Risk Assessment Council, is set to discuss the management of fire safety in buildings, focusing on BS999 and the varied approaches that can be used to meet Building Regulations for fire safety in new and existing buildings. He will look at current recommendations and guidance on the design, management and use of a building to achieve acceptable levels of fire safety for all people in and around buildings. Jonathan Herrick, fire safety policy manager of the West Midlands Fire and Rescue Service, Nick McMahon, partner at Reynolds Porter Chamberlain solicitors, and Colin Todd will take part in an industry panel debate deliberating fire safety enforcement and prosecution issues Developed for fire safety professionals from across the board including fire safety managers, fire alarm installers, systems designers, consultants and fire safety engineers, the seminars are intended to encourage engagement and establish thought provoking debate, ensuring that delegates come away having learnt about the advancements in the fire safety arena and how to apply the teachings in practice. The seminar programme will also feature the following topics: • Fire Protection of Electrical Equipment: BS 6266 • Developments in water mist systems – emerging standards • Lifecycle costs in fire detection systems • Changes to emergency lighting • Compliance or denial for system installers In addition to the extensive educational opportunities on offer, International Firex provides the ideal occasion to showcase a broad range of specialist fire safety solutions. Within the extensive exhibition, companies such as Advanced Electronics, C-Tec, Kentec, Apollo Fire Solutions, EMS Radio Fire & Security, Hochiki Europe (UK), Cooper Fulleon, Fireco, Kidde Products Limited, Nittan, Detector Testers, Detectomat, STI Europe, Fike Safety Technologies, Fike Protection Systems and Tyco Fire Suppression Systems & Building Products will be exhibiting the latest in specialist fire safety solutions. TOA Europe will also be showcasing a range of its voice evacuation systems that have recently been passed as EN-54 compliant at the event. Furthermore, industry bodies including the Association of Specialist Fire Protection, Fire Industry Association, BSI Global, LPCB (BRE Global) can also be found amongst those organisations exhibiting. Five unique feature areas are incorporated



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Government Business | Volume 18.4


distributors, the latest Fike suppression and alarm fire safety products are essential aspects of the Fike Village where the emphasis will be on innovation and technical expertise. LPCB RED BOOK PAVILION Successfully launched in 2009, this key feature returns to International Firex to provide visitors with vital information on third party approval schemes and product testing currently undertaken by the BRE Global/ LPCB. The free seminar programme and exhibitor village will also provide advice and guidance on the importance of third party approval.

With a vast audience of key decision makers and qualified fire protection professionals, International Firex is one of the largest dedicated fire safety events in the world, showcasing the latest in a wide range of products and services from more than 150 exhibitors within International Firex: ASFP Passive Fire Protection Zone; Learning Zone; LPCB Red Book Pavilion, Fike Village and FPA info zone. ASFP PASSIVE FIRE PROTECTION ZONE This combined hospitality and free seminar area hosted by the Association of Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP) will focus on products, services and best practice in built-in fire protection. With a strong emphasis on professional expertise and the requirements for approved installers and contractors, the Passive Protection Zone will provide visitors with exclusive access to industry experts and knowledge. The seminar theatre within the Passive Protection Zone will host a number of presentations from specialists in the passive protection field. Each 20-minute presentation is designed to inform visitors about responsibilities with which they may be unfamiliar and offer practical solutions. Seminar sessions on passive fire protection will include themes such as: • Designing buildings with appropriate built-in fire protection • The Risk Relay – fire safety communication between designers, builders and occupants of buildings • Fire risk assessments and passive fire protection • Saving lives and property and

FPA INFO ZONE The Fire Protection Association will be hosting a series of free seminars and surgeries covering a variety of topical issues including timber frame fires, fire risk assessment competency requirements and business continuity planning. Visitors will also have the opportunity to meet with the experts for informal one-on-one sessions. The info zone will also be a place for visitors to relax and network with free refreshments and regular demonstrations of new FPA products and initiatives including FPA Academy – a new online learning portal.

INFO4FIRE.COM LEARNING ZONE The Learning Zone will be run in association with the Fire Industry Association – the UK’s leading trade organisation for the fire safety sector. There will be a range of free seminars and presentations on fire risk assessment, fire alarm system design, emergency lighting, business advice, portable extinguisher maintenance and fire safety legislation. If you’re an installer of fire alarms or have concerns about fire safety requirements and legislation, this is where you will find the answers.

FIRE EXCELLENCE AWARDS Held every two years and coinciding with the International Firex exhibition, the Fire Excellence Awards 2011 celebrate the best products, services and individuals in the fire safety industry. The Fire Excellence Awards offer the chance to gain unrivalled industry recognition as an award winner or finalist. For further information on entering or attending the awards visit The Fire Excellence Awards take place at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole during the evening of Tuesday 17 May. With a vast audience of key decision makers and qualified fire protection professionals, International Firex is one of the largest dedicated fire safety events in the world, showcasing the latest in a wide range of products and services from more than 150 exhibitors. As such the prospect of networking with experts from all aspects of the fire safety industry and exploring the latest products, services, regulations and best practice techniques, is not one to be overlooked. Taking place at the NEC Birmingham from 16-19 May, International Firex is co-located alongside IFSEC, the world’s leading annual security event, Safety & Health Expo, and The Facilities Show. All are free to attend for all pre-registered visitors.

FIKE VILLAGE Fike Village will provide a relaxed and informal area for Fike Protection Systems and Fike Safety Technology customers to meet and entertain key specifiers and end users attending the show. Working with a number of key

For further information on International Firex 2011 or to register for free entry, please visit

staying out of court Surrounding the zone – also for the first time at International Firex – will be a dedicated area comprising suppliers of passive protection products and services. Companies attending are: Chiltern International Fire; European Association for Passive Fire Protection; Exova Warringtonfire; Fire Protection Coatings Ltd; Firestopit; Glass & Glazing Federation; Hillmoore Fire Protection Lt; Hilti (Great Britain) Ltd and Promat UK.






International Firex is part of the Protection & Management Series, uniting fire protection with security, safety and facilities management professionals. IN ASSOCIATION WITH




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Pyroplex – active in passive fire protection

AFG Flameguard – the experts in fire prevention

YROPLEX LIMITED has an ever-increasing worldwide reputation as a leading manufacturer and supplier of high performance fire containment systems, across the door, glazing and construction industries. Pyroplex Limited has taken an active approach to passive fire protection. Our commitment to new product development and our collaboration with fully accredited test houses enable us to develop an extensive worldwide testing programme. This testing programme has resulted in our full range of construction products achieving EN Classification. All Pyroplex® systems are endorsed by the Pyroplex® brand, guaranteeing architects, specifiers and installers that Pyroplex® Fire Containment

HIS IS THE SLOGAN of the Dutch AFG Group which has recently announced it is joining forces with DSPA UK Ltd to introduce its entire product range into the UK under the name AFG Flameguard Ltd. “The most exciting AFG product is the Fire Risk Assessment,” says John Maxfield, CEO of AFG Flameguard. “The template has been accredited by KIWA in Holland as complying with Dutch standards and they are adapting the template for UK Building Regulations.” In addition, these new products will be launched at International Firex 2011: • Flame Guard paints & coatings: For most materials, especially for cables (radiation proof), steel and wood structures. • Spray mortar: Developed for protecting structures and pipes in the oil and natural


Systems have been tested and approved to the highest possible standards. This includes third party approval through leading schemes such as Certifire and IFC. Pyroplex Limited’s global network of agents and distributors is specifically focused on fire protection, which ensures that all Pyroplex Limited customers receive the highest level of service and technical support. Pyroplex Limited will be exhibiting at International Firex this year showcasing a range of new and innovative passive fire protection systems. Visit us at stand G54.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: +44 (0)1905 795432 Fax: +44 (0)1905 791878 E-mail: Web:


gas industries. • SEAC Passive Fire products: Grills, blocks, dampers, pillows – a wide range of quality products. • Supernova signs: Providing colour glowing signs in darkness for over 16 hours. Plus of course the DSPA product range of condensed aerosol generators, which are proving to be a cost effective fire suppression system for server, plant or switchgear rooms, voids or similar hard to reach areas.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 01580 200198 or 07917 769133 E-mail: john.maxfield

Promoting best practice in fire-resistant glazing HE GLASS AND GLAZING FEDERATION (GGF) promotes best practice in the manufacture, testing, specification, application and installation of fireresistant glazed systems. This concept is demonstrated by our unique, ‘A Guide to Best Practice in the Specification and Use of FireResistant Glazed Systems’. The latest edition of this definitive guide was developed by the GGF’s specialist Fire Resistant Glazing Group (FRGG) which represents manufacturers and installers from all aspect of the fire-resistant glazed systems industry. The FRGG’s aim, through the GGF, is to work with the fire safety community and promote the use of fire-resistant glazing as an architectural element that provides a high level of built-in, passive fire protection, helping to ensure life safety and providing property and asset protection. The GGF promotes the installation of fire-resistant glazed systems by experienced member companies that ensure


Hosiden Besson announces new range of sounder units OSIDEN BESSON has manufactured market leading sounders for over 25 years. New for 2011, Hosiden Besson has announced the launch of the new range of sounder and sounder strobe units, the Banshee Excel Range. This range will allow the user to have multiple solutions for all sound and light applications. The sounders are available with either a Rocking Armature Capsule or innovative Piezo Horn for even lower current consumption, with 32 selectable sound options, tested and approved to EN54 - 3. The strobes are available with either a Xenon tube or high intensity LEDs in a wide range of colours for utmost customer flexibility. The Banshee Excel Range utilises the same push and twist bayonet fixing made popular on


the existing range enabling it to be fully interchangeable with current installations. Why be ordinary when you can excel?

FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact: Sarah Yates, business manager Tel: 01273 861166 Fax: 01273 777501 E-mail:

the products installed are of the correct specifications and of equal importance, are installed by suitably trained and qualified installers. To this end, the GGF through the FRGG, has developed industry leading training and qualifications that will be available in 2011. All GGF members have met the strict membership requirements and are required, as a condition of membership, to work in accordance with the principles and practices of the GGF’s Best Practice Guide.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Glass and Glazing Federation 54 Ayres Street, London SE1 1EU Tel: 020 79399100 Fax: 0870 0424266 E-mail: Web:



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We are looking for individuals to join our franchise network. Chemex supply top quality cleaning and hygiene products and services to a massive marketplace. New franchisees are trained to help customers with the running of their businesses. For more information please contact Michael Wilson on 0121 565 6315 or email

Government Business | Volume 18.4


READY-MADE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Are you looking for a new challenge and want to become your own boss? Welcome to the world of franchising THE RECENT ECONOMIC cutbacks that have hit areas such as the public sector have prompted many to review their careers and look at alternative options including running their own business. A recent survey carried out for The British & International Franchise Exhibition shows an increase in the amount of people thinking about becoming self employed – 97 per cent of respondents stated they had considered becoming their own boss in the past five years, up from 93 per cent at this time last year. FRANCHISING APPEAL A popular way to achieve this is to invest in a franchise, which offers all the advantages of a successful proven business. This helps to address the uncertainties and difficulties commonly faced at the start-up stage. The survey reflects this, showing that 83 per cent of respondents have considered investing in a franchise as a route to working for themselves.

Tom Endean from the British Franchise Association (bfa), the voluntary self regulating governing body for franchising, explains the appeal of becoming a franchisee: “Owning a franchise business under an established brand offers the experience, credibility, support network and structure of a proven business. “A franchise business has a tried and tested business model, which is transferable and can be taught. This is then supported

by the franchisor and training provided. As a franchisee you also own the business and so can eventually realise your capital investment by selling the business.” FINDING THE RIGHT OPTION Franchises incorporate many sectors from food and drink, travel, home improvement, care work, auditing and technology, covering a range of skills, interests and budgets. It is likely

TA franchise business has a tried and tested business model, which is transferable and can be taught. This is then supported by the franchisor and training provided. As a franchisee you also own the business and so can eventually realise your capital investment by selling the business



Contract & Area Managers supporting Franchisee operations

Looking for a new start? Want to run a profitable, recession-resistant, management business? If so, an Ecocleen Management Franchise could be for you. Reap the rewards of our well established brand and proven system to build a fantastic business. Our franchisees can answer yes to these questions, can you? I’m comfortable dealing with people I have a real desire to succeed I’m happy to put in the effort I’ve had some management experience I like to make sure a job’s done right I have some funds to invest No cleaning experience? No problem – we’re here to help you succeed just like Jerome Rellis has: “I joined Ecocleen with no previous cleaning experience, purchased a single postcode and now run one of the largest regions. I am living proof of the Ecocleen opportunity.” Your franchise fee gets you: n A large defined territory n One weeks’ residential training n ‘On the job’ training with a current franchisee n Extensive Sales & Marketing support n Professional Website n Stationery n Ops Manual

To hear more about this excellent opportunity call Paul Smith on 0800 612 6756

Government Business | Volume 18.4


EVENT INFORMATION To register for The British Franchise Exhibition, call 0844 2578668 or visit Callers can purchase tickets by credit card for £8 each or £7 each for two or more. Admission on the door is £10. Visitors can, however, gain free admission by using the promotional code GBJ when they register on the website. The British Franchise Exhibition is open from 10am each day, closing at 5pm on Friday 10 June and 4pm on Saturday 11 June. For the latest news and updates about the British Franchise Exhibition, follow the exhibition on Twitter at join The Franchise Exhibitions Group on Linked In or become a fan of the FranchiseInfo group on Facebook.

there is a franchise to suit most requirements. For budding franchisees it is just a matter of identifying a prospect, then check and reflect to see if they are right for the particular business and the business is right for them. A visit to a bfa accredited franchise exhibition, such as The British Franchise Exhibition at Manchester Central 10-11 June, is a good way to research options. It allows visitors to meet owners and franchisees from a choice of more than 50 businesses gathered together under one roof. There are also experts to answer questions and seminars covering all aspects of franchising. The franchised brands on show cover a wide range of sectors, including Action Coach, Alphagraphics, Auditel, Cash

Generator, Dublcheck, Fastsigns, Roomzzz Aparthotel UK and WPA. What’s more, the exhibition is the only franchise event in the North endorsed by the bfa, meaning that all companies exhibiting have met the Association’s code of ethical franchising. Alongside the exciting list of exhibitors is an extensive free seminar programme, a wide-ranging conference, and key features such as the Business Plan Clinic, sponsored by Lloyds TSB Commercial, and the popular Franchisee Panel which all help to create this first-class, informative and worthwhile event. “The 2011 British Franchise Exhibition in Manchester will offer everything a potential business owner needs to research and

develop a new career in franchising, from business opportunities to advice on growth, expansion and strategy,” said Adrian Goodsell, franchise exhibition manager at Venture Marketing Group, organisers of The British Franchise Exhibition in Manchester. CONFERENCE PROGRAMME A comprehensive conference programme of more than 20 seminars will run throughout the two-day Manchester event with presentations from keynote speakers, franchisees and franchisors. Topics will cover a range of subjects including ’Executives in franchising’, ‘Highlevel investment franchising’, ‘Franchising your business’ and ‘Growing your own business’. Visitors who are new to the industry can have all their questions answered in one location before exploring the show and its opportunities. The Franchise Starting Point enables people to meet industry

The Camping and Caravanning Club – your biggest adventure yet ANY FRANCHISE opportunities promise the earth – but we deliver. The earth, or namely green spaces, is what the Camping and Caravanning Club is all about. The other thing we pride ourselves on is our people. Known as the ‘friendly club’, we have worked hard for our reputation, which is what keeps our 500,000 members coming back for more. As a Camping and Caravanning Club franchisee, you will be part of one of the most successful outdoor organisations in the UK. With access to our whole member network, you have a guaranteed audience from day one, who are hungry for new places to camp


and a friendly face to welcome them. Working in partnership with the Club, we will give you help, advice and assistance to get you started – and will support you once you are up and running. We will promote you to all our members in exactly the same way that we promote all our sites; online, in print and through our various media contacts.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 0870 128 7240 E-mail: franchiseinfo@ Web:



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Government Business | Volume 18.4


Geoff Hughes

experts, consultants, lawyers, bankers and franchisors, for free one-to-one advice. McDonald’s will be holding franchisee recruitment Open Days exclusively on-site at the exhibition. Visitors can meet with McDonald’s staff and gain a unique insight into being part of one of the world’s biggest brands. With two sessions a day and one-on-one meetings to discuss future career prospects, the McDonald’s Open Days are expected to attract many potential franchisees looking to invest and learn more about the secrets behind the success

of the famous family restaurant. Sessions can be booked at The many business opportunities along with the free conference and packed programme of seminars, form the perfect introduction to the world of franchising. “By visiting The British Franchise Exhibition, aspiring business owners can find opportunities and gather all the information they need under one roof. We’ve worked hard to ensure visitors can access essential information and advice to help them to decide whether franchising is right for them and, if it is, what franchise best suits their career goals. They can’t miss this opportunity,” concludes Adrian Goodsell. CASH GENERATOR In 2009 Geoff Hughes, from Kent, was made redundant from his career spanning nearly three decades in the public sector and later the private sector in the rail industry. Determined to set up his own business, but not wanting to take too big a risk on his own, Geoff was convinced that franchising was the ideal option. He attended several franchise exhibitions, but kept returning to Cash Generator, a company to which he had been introduced by his brother Michael, who was already a Cash Generator franchisee.

SureSlim – a business opportunity that ticks all the right boxes PEN A SURESLIM Franchise and become part of the fastest growth market in UK. SureSlim’s unique tailored eating plans guarantee weight loss and wellbeing. SureSlim’s approach to weight loss is different – it works with the body’s metabolism to ensure clients lose pounds and inches fast whilst boosting overall health. SureSlim products and services have proven themselves over and over, and the systems you need to build a secure, stable and profitable business with longevity have been tried, tested and measured, from signing new clients to retaining existing ones. The role of the franchisee is to focus on selling SureSlim eating plans and merchandise in an effective environment that motivates and supports clients throughout their weight loss journey.


SureSlim make a difference and offer real job satisfaction. The rewards are huge and you benefit from being part of an expanding company in a growth industry with a proven brand and products. “SureSlim discovered my husband’s underactive thyroid. He lost 42lbs on the plan and his health has improved dramatically,” said Maggie, SureSlim Ascot. The wellness industry will exceed £1 trillion in the next ten years. Be part of it – call now!

FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 0844 5857500 Fax: 0844 5857570 E-mail: Web:

Geoff says: “I had witnessed my brother’s success and I liked the idea of working for myself. Attending exhibitions enabled me to research all my franchise options however Cash Generator stood out as the perfect solution for my new career path.” Geoff admits it has been a great learning curve since he opened the store, but one that is proving rewarding. Geoff continues: “Time management and keeping on top of the finances have been the most important skills to master. The training Cash Generator provided has proved invaluable and they continue to provide ongoing support, which is a great help. “I am thoroughly enjoying being my own boss. It is satisfying to know that when I put in the long hours it is for my own benefit and that of my family, something I am proud to do.” Geoff has quickly gone from redundancy to establish himself as a successful retail entrepreneur, and now has plans to open an additional three outlets in just five years.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 01235 820470 Fax: 01235 832158 E-mail: Web:

Earn over £80,000pa* with ChipsAway HIPSAWAY is the UK’s leading minor automotive paintwork repairer. Established over 16 years ago, it has a proven business model providing high earnings potential and, depending on your ambitions, the opportunity to expand and develop into a management franchise. Franchisees benefit from unrivalled training and ongoing support from a team renowned for its long and successful history in franchise development, as well as national advertising campaigns including television, and a 24/7 UK based call centre passing on millions of pounds worth of repair leads. As brand leader, ChipsAway provides a business opportunity with the potential to earn over £80,000pa* and generate a great living from day one. What’s more, recent market research shows ChipsAway specialists currently deal with less than three per cent of potential repairs across the UK. With over 34 million vehicles on the road in the UK alone, franchisees enjoy a massive,


rapidly growing marketplace. • Proven demand – £25m worth of repair leads passed to the network in 2010 • Fantastic earnings potential – many achieving over £80,000pa* • Regular national advertising – including TV • Unrivalled training and ongoing support • Brand leader • Management expansion opportunities – develop into a multi-van and multi-unit operation *Figures based on existing franchisees

FOR MORE INFORMATION Call now for your franchise information pack and book your place on one of our free, find-out-more Open Days. Tel: 0800 731 6914 E-mail: Web:



Hospitality at Senate House at the University of London Outstanding hospitality and service are vital elements in creating a successful event. Our team of experienced staff will take care of the finer details leaving you worry free. Here at Senate House you are in capable hands. We provide a range of hospitality menus to suit any event from a private meeting to a prestigious dinner or reception. We can cater for any group of up to 480 people making Senate House the perfect venue for all your hospitality needs.

Great Times at the Tel: 020 7862 8127 or email us at:

We look forward to welcoming you to the University of London in the near future.

Government Business | Volume 18.4


LEARN THE VALUE OF ACADEMIC VENUES The combination of expert staff, the advantages of a university setting, and a core focus on quality content have shown event organisers that academic venues are the ideal solution for their delegates, writes Rachael Bartlett, head of sales and marketing at Warwick Conferences THE QUALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM of academic venues is a far cry from perceptions of them being ‘fit-for-purpose’ or ‘adequate’ – and conference and event organisers are waking up to that. PROFESSIONALISM In the past some have overlooked academic venues, but clients are increasingly recognising the elevated service, technology and flexibility provided. This can be seen in all aspects of the offering, including accommodation, dining and meeting facilities and, most importantly, experienced and passionate people. An event is rarely a success simply because of space, facilities or even because a rock-

bottom deal has been negotiated. All are influencing factors, but success is more often a direct result of the skill and passion held by the people that make it happen. Empathy with the event organiser and delegates, attention to detail, focus and experience are the key ingredients academic venues excel at delivering. UNIVERSITIES Universities are historically attractive employers and retain staff for a number of years, so a problem or request that staff have not handled or catered for is a rarity. Indeed, Warwick Conferences has more than a dozen employees who have been working at one of its venues – Scarman – since it opened in 1991

and many others with similar service records can be found throughout our business. A key offering provided by many academic venues that especially resonates with customers is the appointment of a dedicated event manager to each conference. Giving organisers a convenient single contact for all queries and requests allows trust and mutual knowledge to build up, so academic venues can tailor the client’s time to perfection. ACADEMIC DISTINCTION Close ties with learning excellence and the ability to link with academic colleagues to enhance events adds further value. For example, a medical conference can enjoy a keynote

Abden House drawing room



University of Surrey Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH



of people who view our facilities book their next event with us Whether you are organising a small presentation, a large-scale meeting or an ambitious residential conference, when you choose Surrey Conferences you are in safe hands.

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Government Business | Volume 18.4


speech from an esteemed lecturer in the field. Another advantage of academic venues is that they are specifically geared towards earnest conferencing and can provide bespoke packages, from luxurious to fundamental. It is the case that many academic venues have built dedicated venues to offer all year round residential facilities. The ethos and dedication this provides is useful for organisations that are required to use their money cost-effectively and transparently. But competitive rates do not mean compromise on standards in facilities, service, accommodation and catering – for example, many venues now boast chefs that have won prestigious culinary awards once seldom found outside the kitchens of 5-star hotels. People shouldn’t assume all academic venues are just student rooms, many now have at least one bespoke high quality conference centre with everything up to bespoke 4-star equivalent as part of their package. Warwick Conferences currently has three – Scarman, Radcliffe and Arden. This flexibility, seldom found elsewhere, means academic venues can handle small events to conferences with 1,500 or more delegates. It is for this reason that conference centres are used by significant organisations, such as blue chip companies, senior policy makers and politicians. FOCUS As university enterprises, academic venues are able to take a long-term view of business because they do not have to respond to the short-term demands of shareholders. This permits an ongoing commitment to quality and service as they have been able to resist any excessive cost-cutting programmes. Renewals and improvement programmes in particular have continued at a high level because there is a belief that delivering high quality, in both service and facilities will mean a stronger business in the long term. Similarly, many academic venues have continued to invest in training people across the board. While venues have considered other potential revenue streams, from Christmas parties to weddings, many academic venues have rejected them due to consideration of appropriate business mix. As soon as you mix a social event with a business meeting the likelihood is that at least one party will end up dissatisfied. The question is when does a conference or meeting venue become a hotel or multi-purpose facility? The answer is when the customer thinks so. Additionally, many academic venues are based within a university campus. As a result they can offer a convenient single location to eliminate the headache of travel between venues, accommodation and social activities. They may also be able to offer a high level of confidentiality, security and privacy and may explain why so many high profile and respected organisations, especially government bodies, select them for their conferencing needs.

John McIntyre Conference Centre restaurant

Salisbury Green Hotel

Dining facility at Reading



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To organise your meeting, conference or launch contact our Events Team on 020 7514 8514,, London SW1P 4JU

Government Business | Volume 18.4


KUCEL 86x125mm Advert_Layout 1 28/03/2011 14:53 PageCentre 1 John McIntyre Conference COST-EFFECTIVE While many venues have clearly had to adjust their pricing strategies as a consequence of the recession, academic venues have largely avoided entering a rate slashing competition. Excessively reducing rates invariably leads to a compromise on standards and investment in areas of the business such as staff, improvements and maintenance. This is a concession it is unwilling to embark upon as they know customers have come to rely upon and expect high levels of service. That said some clients have been lured away by the prospect of lower rates. However, the majority of these customers have since returned as they recognise that despite a slight differential in a 24-hour rate, the inevitable compromise on aspects like service standards, cleanliness or quality of food, plus the creep of additional costs for extras, has had a detrimental effect on their event’s objectives. The academic sector now rightfully accounts for a significant percentage of the multi-billion pound events, conferences and meetings sector. The combination of expert staff, the advantages of a university setting, a core focus on quality content and attractive rates have shown organisers that academic venues are the ideal solution for their delegates – whatever the question. CASE STUDY Warwick Conferences was graded highly by the teachers of tomorrow after a major education training event was held there. The Coventry-based collection of training, conference and events venues welcomed more than 1,000 educators for the Teach First National Institute. Over 550 of the participants attended for the full three weeks with more than 400 additional participants arriving for the second week. Teach First is an independent charity with a mission to address educational disadvantage by transforming exceptional graduates into effective, inspirational teachers and leaders in all fields. Feedback from Teach First revealed that more than 95 per cent were very satisfied or satisfied with their experience at Warwick including the check-in, technology, catering and accommodation. Comments included: “Excellent organisation and communication throughout.” “The facilities at Warwick Conferences are wonderful.” and

Flexible Event Spaces KUCEL offers flexible, functional, contemporary event spaces in and around Kingston. Our affordable hire rates include room, external space and day delegate rates. Regular clients include film companies, exhibitions, health classes, church groups and adult education. Quite simply whatever your event KUCEL has the space for you! Visit or call 020 8417 5519



Woburn House Conference Centre is situated at the north end of leafy Tavistock Square in the heart of Bloomsbury. It is conveniently positioned for conference delegates from all over the UK and overseas as it is a short distance from Euston, Kings Cross and St Pancras railway stations. The meeting rooms seat from 10 to 160 people, with full audio visual facilities including video conferencing and technical support. Our Catering service has a variety of menus on offer to suit every taste, dietary requirement and budget. Visit the website at for further information.

Government Business | Volume 18.4



Salisbury Green Hotel

“The catering has been absolutely amazing.” Teach First director of leadership development Amanda Timberg said: “Warwick Conferences took on the organisational and logistical challenge of Teach First’s biggest ever Summer Institute and delivered beyond our expectations.

“We are looking forward to returning to the first rate service we received last year.”

FOR MORE INFORMATION To find out more visit:

The University of Warwick is one of Britain’s leading Universities. It offers arguably the best University conference facilities in the UK. Branded as Warwick Conferences, it is highly successful with an annual turnover in excess of £20 million. Warwick Conferences consists of three purpose built training and conference centres: Scarman, Radcliffe and Arden, offering dedicated conference facilities all year round and the Conference Park, which utilises the main campus facilities. Over 300 meeting rooms, from boardrooms to tiered auditoria are fully equipped with the latest technology, 600 sq. metres of exhibition space, a 1,200 capacity hall and the largest Arts Centre outside of London. It is considered to house the widest choice of meeting space in the UK – all located on a 700-acre rural setting on the outskirts of Coventry within a few minutes of the motorway network, high speed rail links and Birmingham International Airport.

Experience the luxury of organising an conference or event at Imperial College London


ONSISTENTLY RATED among the world’s best universities, Imperial College London is a science-based institution with a reputation for excellence in teaching and research. The College is also one of the UK’s largest academic conference venues with three out of nine campuses in and around London offering conference facilities. Imperial offers over 200 event spaces such as meeting rooms, lecture theatres, concourse areas, exhibition spaces, and unique historical town houses, located at its main campus in South Kensington in central London and at its Hammersmith and Charing Cross campuses in West London. Our South Kensington campus is located just minutes from the Royal Albert Hall, Hyde Park and London’s famous museums, and benefits from a vibrant neighbourhood and excellent transport links. Many of our unique spaces are located on this campus, from the Great Hall, our largest permanent venue which seats up to 740 delegates theatre-style, to the Queen’s Tower Rooms, a modern glass-fronted banqueting and exhibition space which overlooks the Queen’s Lawn and Imperial’s famous Queen’s Tower,

offering guests a unique space balancing history, quality and the contemporary. At certain times of the year, the Queen’s Lawn, a 1,600 square metre space located in the centre of the campus, houses a marquee suitable for exhibitions, dinners, conferences and much more. It can be used as a standalone venue or as an extension to the Queen’s Tower Rooms a few metres away. Our two historic executive venues, 170 Queen’s Gate and 58 Prince’s Gate, are available all year and are perfect for private dining and more intimate events for up to

120 guests. These two self-contained venues are ideal for really impressing your guests and creating that wow-factor. With its unique design and room layout flexibility, the College has venues to accommodate a wide variety of corporate and private events from high profile conferences to intimate dinners and receptions. Imperial offers more than just space to hire – additional services have been developed to make the organisation of your event smoother and to make you and your guests feel special. Our award-winning in house catering, dedicated events team and excellent on-site technical support means your event is handled with expert care and attention. During the summer months, accommodation at the South Kensington campus is transformed into 3 to 4 star hotel-style bed and breakfast facilities and year-round, we can help you find the best hotel accommodation at carefully selected local hotels.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 9494 E-mail: Web: conferenceandevents



Derry Visitor & Convention Bureau

Welcome to Ireland’s North West conference capital Create a memorable experience for your delegates in the Walled City of Derry and beyond

For Further information contact the bureau team: t: 028 7137 7577 e:

Government Business | Volume 18.4


NORTHERN IRELAND’S CONFERENCE SCENE A rich cultural heritage, vibrant city life and nearby stunning beaches and coastline make Derry and Belfast in Northern Ireland unique and enjoyable conference and event destinations 21ST CENTURY BELFAST is a dynamic business destination, which balances modernity and innovation with a rich heritage and a thriving cultural scene. Belfast’s maritime heritage is currently providing a focal point for development as the city marks the centenary of the building and completion of the world’s most famous ship, RMS Titanic, which will add an extra dimension to what Belfast can offer the meetings and conference organiser. MARITIME HERITAGE A ‘titanic’ endeavor is underway in the former shipyards now known as the Titanic Quarter. The Titanic Belfast building is currently being built to celebrate the industrial and maritime

Over looking Belfast from Cave Hill

heritage, and spirit and vision of the people who built and sailed in RMS Titanic, adding a further dimension to what Belfast can offer the conference and meetings market. Titanic Belfast promises to be an architectural gem and will be the largest built visitor attraction in Northern Ireland, Opening in April 2012 it will include: • A major interactive exhibition housed in nine galleries over four floors • A Titanic-Themed Banqueting Suite, seating upto 750 diners, with additional facilities for pre-function entertaining and exhibitions • Gallery for temporary exhibitions • Community, arts and education facilities • Cafes, restaurants and shops

Titanic Belfast will bring the story of the RMS Titanic home to Belfast where she was conceived, designed, built and launched, and will provide a landmark tourism, leisure and cultural facility for Belfast and Northern Ireland. In the meantime, boat and walking tours of the docks and Pumphouse can be arranged for groups of various sizes. The Thompson Pumphouse and Graving Dock provides an alternative venue for smaller events too. MEETINGS AND EVENTS IN BELFAST The regeneration of Belfast over the last ten years has seen the city open of some of the finest conference and meeting facilities in these islands. An additional 31 per cent



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Government Business | Volume 18.4


in accommodation provision provides the versatility to welcome conventions and events of varying sizes and scale hosted in purpose built venues such as the Waterfront Hall, Odyssey, the universities, and business hotels. More unusual venues include the Ulster Folk & Transport Museum. Belfast’s universities are centres of academic excellence and pioneering research which have been central to welcoming association conferences but also provide memorable conference and meeting venues, such as the extensively renovated Great Hall or seminar rooms located around the picturesque quadrangle of Queen’s University. Claire Bradshaw, Belfast Visitor & Convention Bureau’s conference manager, is responsible for promoting Belfast as a conference and meetings destination and it buoyed by the on-going investment in the tourism and meetings infrastructure. She said: “Investment in our tourism and meetings infrastructure has been critical in attracting key associations business to Belfast. In the next year we will welcome the International Seed Federation, the World Transplant Games and the Soroptimists International GB and Ireland. “As well as the more typical investment in purpose built venues and hotels, unique and unusual venues such as Belfast Castle, City Hall, the Ulster Museum and Crumlin Road Gaol have upgraded and refurbished their facilities to attract the conference, meetings and events market. Belfast’s arts and cultural scene is flourishing and investment in this sector is adding yet more interesting venues for meetings and conference organisers. “The new £18m Lyric Theatre in Belfast’s Queens Quarter will raise its curtains 1 May, whilst the six-storey MAC (Metropolitan Arts Centre) in the Cathedral Quarter will open its doors for the first time in February 2012. Both will offer world-class programmes of theatre and contemporary art, as well as versatile events space.” Belfast’s conference venues and support services are known to work that extra bit harder in delivering a successful meeting or event. In partnership with the industry, the Convention Bureau is continually looking at value added services to attract conference and meetings business to Belfast. As Claire concludes: “We’re here to help. The services of the Bureau are free and include information gathering; the organisation of site inspections; venue and programme suggestions, the preparation of bid documents; literature for delegate packs; and a free on-line accommodation booking service.” DERRY Derry is becoming an increasingly popular conference destination due to the development of venues such as the Millennium Forum, the ease of access via City of Derry Airport and cost effectiveness in comparison to other key UK cities.

River Foyle at night

Tower Museum, Derry

Belfast Castle



Government Business | Volume 18.4


Artist’s impression of the new Titanic Belfast

Belfast’s maritime heritage is currently providing a focal point for development as the city marks the centenary of the building and completion of the world’s most famous ship, RMS Titanic, which will add an extra dimension to what Belfast can offer the meetings and conference organiser The region offers a mix of urban delights through the cultural city of Derry alongside the rural bliss which Donegal has to offer. Derry is a compact, accessible and culturally rich destination offering an array of meeting venues ranging from cultural places, art galleries, spectacular theatres and the Guildhall, the city’s premier civic centre. GOOD TIMES AHEAD For the city of Derry-Londonderry the time is now; 2011 will see the opening of the city’s iconic Peace Bridge over the River Foyle, leading to he redevelopment of the historic Ebrington Barracks, where an outdoor arena and public space will bring new life and energy to the city centre. 2012 welcomes the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race as the build up to the

momentous year of 2013 which will mark the 400th anniversary of the historic city walls and celebrating winning the first ever UK City of Culture. There is no better time in this city’s history to bring your event to the area and allow your delegates to see what the region has to offer. The City of Derry offers the experience of a buzzing, youthful city full of life alongside a destination steeped in history. Experience the many cultural delights the city has to offer ranging from its newly regenerated Guildhall Square and learn about its famous history at award-winning museums. Soak up the atmosphere at one of the live music venues, intimate theatres and state of the art auditoriums. Chill out at an array of cosmopolitan cafes, bars and restaurants. Explore the world-class

shopping centres and high quality craftshops the city has offer. Just a few minutes drive from Derry takes you to Donegal where you can enjoy stunning beaches and coastline, outdoor activities including angling and cycling, and of course some of Ireland’s finest links courses. EASILY ACCESSIBLE The City of Derry airport, located just seven miles from the city centre offers direct flights from London Stansted, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow Prestwick, Paris, Tenerife and Dublin. The city also boasts an excellent Airporter service which operates 12 daily scheduled services to Belfast International and Belfast City Airports. Derry as a conference destination has a number of different types of venues on offer; the Millennium Forum is the only purpose built conference facility in the region which offers conferencing flexibility offering meeting space from two delegates to 1,040 delegates. The Millennium Forum also has 15 breakout room which can hold from 12 to 100 people. Residential properties in the city include 4-star City Hotel, 4-star Tower Hotel and 4-star Hastings Everglades. The City Hotel, situated on the banks of the River Foyle, is home to an entire floor dedicated to conferencing. The venue can accommodate up to 350 delegates and offers a number of breakout rooms and exhibition space. Hastings Everglades Hotel is



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Government Business | Volume 18.4



BELFAST – INTERESTING FACTS Pneumatic tyres were developed by vet John Boyd Dunlop, in his workshop off May Street in 1888. The first mummy ever to be displayed outside Egypt created a sensation when unwrapped in Belfast in 1835. Princess Takabuti is still one of the great attractions of the Ulster Museum The titanic took three years to complete. Harland & Wolff employed 15,000, with up to 5,000 working on her on her at any one time. Belfast’s Sirocco Works invented air conditioning and the Royal Victoria Hospital became the first building in the world to be fitted with air conditioning. Famous sons and daughters: the writer CS Lewis; the musicians Ruby Murray, Van Morrison and James Galway; painters William Conor and John Luke; actors Ciaran Hinds and Kenneth Branagh.

Belfast City Hall

Grand Opera House, Belfast

located a couple of minutes from the city centre, and has a Grand Ballroom which is one of the largest hotel suites in the North West and can accommodate up to 400 guests. The Tower Hotel is the only hotel located within the historic city walls and this hotel occupies a unique central location, making it the perfect venue for your meetings or conference. The Tyrconnell Suite can cater for up to 250 delegates. COUNTRY ESTATES Incentive properties available in the area are 4-star Beech Hill Country House Hotel and Drenagh Estate. The Beech Hill Country House Hotel is idyllically situated amongst 32 acres of parkland. Famed for their gourmet cuisine, the new Beech Hill Marquee is the perfect location for gala dinners and can be themed or branded to suit any concept. Whilst Drenagh Estate is a well established country house set on 100 acres, Drenagh’s long established family and ancient heritage, beautiful antiques and spectacular setting ensure it is a much sought after venue. The Derry Visitor & Convention Bureau is the lead organisation in promoting the City of Derry and it’s hinterland as a conference destination. The Bureau is a one stop shop offering free, impartial advice to assist with all aspects of planning your conference or event: • Sourcing venue availability and collating quotations • Co-ordinating site visits • Co-ordinating social programmes and entertainment • Arranging civic receptions • Negotiating accommodation rates • Providing promotional literature for delegates • Liasing with local service providers • Providing transport and access information


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Government Business | Volume 18.4


THE BUSINESS OF REFRESHMENT VENDING AVEX 2011, the international vending and water exhibition, is an absolute must for anyone involved in providing a vending and water service in their organisation

AVEX WAS THE FIRST exhibition for vending when it started in 1969 and it has remained the premier showcase for the vending industry, attracting exhibitors and visitors from around the world. Held every two years, AVEX is an absolute must for anyone involved in providing a vending and water service. Taking place on 15-16 June at NEC Birmingham, AVEX will allow visitors to see the best products and services in one place, from more than 100 exhibitors including many household names such as Kenco, Cadbury, Mars and Nestlé. Exhibitors from around the world including the USA, Europe and China will be showing their latest technologies and products. Alongside the regular exhibitors this year we will see some big names exhibiting for the first time. VENDING AND WATER PARTNERSHIP AVEX is owned and organised by the Automatic Vending Association (AVA), who represent the £1.65bn refreshment vending industry and their members cover every sector of the industry. In 2007 AVEX expanded to include the sector of the industry providing water refreshment to businesses and the AVA partnered with the European Drinking Water Cooler Association (EDWCA). This partnership has ensured that AVEX delivers the best on vending and water and AVEX 2009 proved to be the most successful yet, reporting that 93 per cent of exhibitors would exhibit again. Refreshment vending is big business with more than £1.65bn spent through

the slot each year. In addition to the more than 500,000 vending machines in use in the UK, there are a further one million installations providing chilled water, i.e water coolers, point of use and bottled coolers. At AVEX every element of the industry is represented – big brand names, specialist suppliers, buying groups, ingredients, machines, coolers, vending surrounds, healthier choices, and lots lots more. For 2011 we also have a few less conventional products – come along and see for yourself. WHY ATTEND? AVEX offers a unique opportunity to meet the right people in a very time efficient way. • Discover new technologies • Identify new products • Do business with key suppliers • Meet specialists and experts • Maximise sales and manage costs • Save time and money • Face to face meetings • Free seminars • All under one roof Vending offers fantastic opportunities with attractive reliable and secure machines. It offers around the clock service for your staff and customers earning you extra revenue with no additional staffing costs. You can vend all sorts of items; drinks, confectionery right through to shower gels, toothbrushes, leisure accessories, and so on. The possibilities are endless and why tie up a busy reception when the machine can display the product,

handle the sale and provide total security for the products and the cash very effectively. EXTEND YOUR CATERING FACILITIES A cost efficient vending and water service can extend your catering facilities by providing additional unmanned service points and by being available when the other catering is closed, perhaps providing the early breakfast service – cereals and milk, orange juice, yoghurts and muffins. Bean-to-cup coffee machines using large paper cups offer superb quality and match up to the range of coffees offered by the high street coffee chains. When these are strategically placed they can provide the coffee shop experience at half the price of the coffee shop and offer you a great extra income stream. You can also set up a coffee bar in a designated area. With a bean-to-cup machine you have the very best in coffee served just how your staff and customers want it – a fresh vend is so much better than a jug which has been left to stand. There is the option of having the machine on free vend (for conference delegates) or coin operated for casual visitors. You can vend into attractive big paper cups or if you prefer into china mugs – the choice is yours. You could also consider a coin or card operated vending machine in the lift lobby on each floor. EXPERTS ON HAND At AVEX, specialist vending operator companies will be on hand to give advice and arrange to get an audit of your premises advising what will work for you, your staff and your customers and give you an indication of the earning potential. Free seminars will run throughout the show. Presenters include the Royal Mint, The British Heart Foundation and the director general of the European Vending Association, who will be sharing their expertise and knowledge to ensure you get the best from your vending and water service. Subjects include: healthy eating, debt management, allergen labeling and how to spot a fake coin. Full details are available on the AVEX website and there is no need to book as the seminars will be held on the showfloor.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Register now at to get free entry and a free catalogue. For further details contact the AVEX team on 020 8661 1112 or e-mail



Solutions that work for you

Thule – the business We deliver quality solutions that help get the most out of your working day! So products like Thule Snow chains, Side steps, Towsteps and Towbars and Ladderrack systems to help you maximise your output and maximise your safety. Thule, who took over the renowned Brink Towbars brand back in 2006, now offer a comprehensive range of products to assist you in your working day. Contact Tony Jones on 07977 407 666 for further information.

So if you are in business think Thule.

Government Business | Volume 18.4


THE CV SHOW IS BACK IN BUSINESS The Commercial Vehicle Show returns to the NEC Birmingham as the only specialist road transport exhibition in the UK FOR VISITORS, the Commercial Vehicle Show, together with Workshop 2011, is the biggest single sourcing opportunity for the UK road transport and logistics industry and its three year absence has been deeply felt by operators and their suppliers, large and small. With around 300 exhibitors signed up for this year’s event, the organisers say this year’s CV Show is on course for success. The event will be held at Birmingham’s NEC from 12-14 April. As the UK continues to emerge from recession, this vital show will help to create market growth by producing a business to business event that will represent all sectors of the road transport and logistics industry. The show has attracted truck makers like DAF, Hino, MAN and Mercedes-Benz as well as van makers Fiat, Ford, Nissan and Volkswagen among a huge and growing line-up of firms offering supporting products and services.

and repair business in 2011, making an ideal combination. With many operators extending leases and running their vehicles for longer, maintenance is becoming even more important, creating a wide range of new opportunities. The show’s website – – was launched at the beginning of 2011. It carries all the information about the show, its exhibitors with their stand numbers and how to get to the NEC, as well as all the latest news. Pre-register for the CV Show and the organisers will send you an e-mail with your unique registration number. For the first time, they won’t send out tickets in advance but you can print out your ticket when you arrive at the NEC. This also entitles you to an Early Bird Breakfast deal in the NEC’s restaurants, so you can arrive early, beat the queues and get breakfast while you work out which stands to visit first.

REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE Workshop 2011 will again run alongside the CV Show. This is the only national shop window for the UK car and commercial vehicle maintenance

RECOVERY OPPORTUNITIES The organisers expect over 300 exhibitors and some 15,000 visitors for the three-day event. “All the signs say this year’s will be

a particularly good show,” says Paul Everitt, SMMT chief executive of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, one of the Show Partners. “Although times are still tough, there are encouraging signals to say that the recession is easing. Now many firms want to make the most of the recovery opportunities that the event represents.” Franchised dealers, independent and fleet workshops, and a huge range of supporting businesses for operators and the commercial vehicle industry will show products and services that can help firms cope better with increasingly aggressive competition. Many firms have delayed investments in new hardware or software and the CV Show with Workshop offers a great shop window for firms planning new investment. The event is set to attract a large number of people from all areas of the industry. Fleet engineers, transport, fleet or logistics managers, owners, managing directors and other senior people from every sector of the UK road transport business all come to the NEC. They aim to meet suppliers, find out what’s new within the industry, discuss deals and talk serious business. The organisers expect the event to deliver millions of pounds worth of business to



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Government Business | Volume 18.4


an already wide and growing range of firms. “The Show covers a broad spectrum of products and services to support your business,” said Paul Everitt. For three days the CV Show will be the focus of the industry, with exhibitors using it as the main platform to launch lots of new products and services. PRODUCTS & SERVICES Since 2000, Kraker Trailers, based in the Dutch town of Axel, has been producing moving floor trailers, continuously developing new ideas in technology and production techniques. The company has an extensive product range from the BEST, with a volume of 92m3 and weight of 7,530kg, to specialist trailers for all types of operation. Kraker Trailers is represented in England by the SJC Group. The companies will exhibit together at the CV Show, where a Kraker moving floor trailer will be on display. Following record UK LCV sales in 2010, Renault will have seven UK show debuts at the event. Taking pride of place in its 14-strong vehicle display on stand 5E100, will be Renault’s 100 per cent electric Kangoo Van ZE (Zero Emissions). Also on display will be new additions to the Master range: four factorybuilt products – Box Van, Dropside, Tipper and 17-seat minibus, as well as two locally converted products – Luton Van and Curtainside. Hyundai will exhibit at the CV Show for the first time with two versions of the iLoad in Panel and Crew van format on stand 4E140. Also making an appearance will be the first Police-converted version of the iLoad, on loan from Cambridgeshire Constabulary. Hyundai Motor UK has become a preferred supplier to the UK Police Authorities. Mark Baxter, Hyundai UK’s product manager commented: “Hyundai is committed to increasing the awareness of the iLoad and sees the CV Show as an ideal opportunity to demonstrate the iLoad’s capabilities to the wider light commercial vehicle user audience.” NEW SYSTEM LAUNCH Bott will launch its new lightweight in-vehicle modular storage system. Bott Vario is the result of a three-year multi-million pound development programme, offering industryleading functionality with sleek, modern aesthetics. Its flexibility means it can easily be installed into any vehicle type, and is suited to a vast range of sectors. Kevin Woodward, managing director of the Vehicle Enhancement Division of Bott, said: “The CV Show will provide us with a platform with which to reveal our new product to a wide range of new and existing customers. Bott Vario can be installed in any vehicle type, so we look forward to meeting fleet managers working in a range of sectors, including utilities, service, telecoms, materials handling, civil engineering and rail.” Alcoa Wheel Products has manufactured

The event is set to attract a large number of people from all areas of the industry. Fleet engineers, transport, fleet or logistics managers, owners, managing directors and other senior people from every sector of the UK road transport business all come to the NEC. They aim to meet suppliers, find out what’s new within the industry, discuss deals and talk serious business



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Government Business | Volume 18.4


For three days the CV Show will be the focus of the industry, with exhibitors using it as the main platform to launch lots of new products and services forged aluminium wheels for trucks, trailers and buses for more than 60 years and claims to be the global market leader. It will show a wide variety of its products at the event. Alcoa wheels are forged from one solid block of aluminium and withstand the most severe tests. The company offers a five-year unlimited mileage warranty for its wheels which are lighter than steel wheels. The award-winning Nissan commercial vehicle range will get even bigger when the company’s new large van, the all-new NV400 makes its UK premiere. The Nissan LEAF will also make its CV Show debut. Nissan’s LCV sales and marketing director, Francis Bleasdale, commented: “The NV400 adds the finishing touch to the top of our ever-increasing commercial vehicle range and the LEAF, Nissan’s purpose-built 100 per cent electric family car, is expected to prove a real talking point at the show.” Long term CV Show exhibitor Search Impex

will have over 60 trucks on its stand. Owner Jim Newsome says the CV Show always proves an excellent selling opportunity for his business, with steady interest in the firm’s huge range of promotional models. New product debuts at the CV show will include EyeDrive Systems’ latest collision avoidance system. Mobileye C2-270 uses a windscreen-mounted camera and sophisticated electronics to detect pedestrians, lane markings and traffic hazards. The system will warn the vehicle’s driver of potential hazards and, the firm says it “cuts traffic accidents by more than 50 per cent”. Locks4Vans specialises in locking solutions for commercial vehicles and 2010 saw it become the largest supplementary automotive lock manufacturer in the UK with around 16,000 locks sold in the UK and Irish markets. It returns to the CV Show in 2011 with the launch of its new locking products including the new ‘Ultimate’ lock. This is a hardened

steel slamlock which is available in key operated and remote control formats. Allen Developments will launch its new Ground Access Rail for semi-trailers. This product enables drivers to connect and disconnect truck and trailer from ground level, eliminating the need to climb on and off the catwalk, and resulting in a safer and cleaner working environment. This system has already been adopted by several major supermarket fleets. Leading dry freight bodybuilder Bevan Group will be using its first appearance at the CV Show as a platform to promote its market-leading aftercare service. The West Midlands-based company is best-known as a builder of dry freight box and curtainside bodies to some of the biggest names on Britain’s roads. Its Aftercare and On-site Repairs division has also forged a reputation for excellence and the Bevan team will be focusing on this at CV Show 2011. VEHICLE PARTS Imexpart, one of the UK’s leading independent truck parts specialists, will use its stand at the CV Show for the exhibition debut of its CaptiveX range of replacement parts for Iveco trucks. Available in early 2011,

Thule business solutions Isotrak helps reduce that work for you your transport management costs W E DELIVER quality solutions that help get the most out of your working day. Products like Thule Snow chains, Side steps, Towsteps and Towbars and Ladderrack systems help you maximise your output and also your safety. Thule, who took over the renowned Brink Towbars brand back in 2006, offers a comprehensive range of products to assist you in your working day. The Thule Towstep, for example, has star shape perforations to produce a safe but extremely gripping surface designed with the health and safety of the operator in mind. Repeated use for access to and from the vehicle increases

the risk of slips trips and falls. The full width approach along with the surface design can aid the reduction in these instances in addition to avoiding scraps from abrasive surface alternatives. Designed to withstand the elements of an aggressive environment, the Thule Towstep is finished in a low-gloss powder coat. The tread plate is heavy duty open mesh, designed to allow mud and ice to clear naturally. These are typical of Thule’s exceptional attention to detail and build quality.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 07977 407666 E-mail: Web:

SOTRAK, the UK’s market leader in tracking and transport management software solutions, delivers business results that radically improve the logistical operations of its customers providing significant cost savings and a competitive advantage. Uniquely, Isotrak provides a wholly managed service including the widely adopted Active Transport Management System (ATMS), which utilises vehicle tracking and telematics to enable fleet reduction and significantly reduce their customer’s fleet road miles, fuel consumption, empty running, carbon emissions and store and depot turnaround times. Better routing, delivery on time and lower cost per delivery has kept Isotrak’s customers competitive in difficult economic times. Customers including the likes of Skanksa, Tesco, ASDA, Eddie Stobart, Robert Wiseman Dairies and more, collectively save 66,000 tonnes


of CO2 which equates to a staggering saving of 24,626,866 litres of fuel every year. The business positions itself, with good reason, as market leaders, proven by numerous customer wins from competitors, in excess of 90 per cent control of the grocery retail tracking market and 100 per cent of UK letters delivered using Isotrak technology, as well as a growing presence in new markets such as utilities and construction. The Isotrak team will be exhibiting at the Commercial Vehicle Show on stand 5H94 (opposite the DAF stand).

FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: +44 (0)1908 540700 Fax: +44 (0)1908 540790 E-mail: Web:



Visit the website to view the categorised product finder

Stay safe with Vision Alert warning and safety products ISION ALERT is one of the leading warning and safety specialists in Europe. All of our products, from beacons and lightbars to reverse alarms and warning lights are designed to maximise vehicle visibility and reduce accidents all around the world. As part of the ECCO Group we have a global presence and supply our safety products to more than 45 countries from our production facilities in the UK, USA and Australia. Choosing the right product for the right application is vital. As specialists in warning and safety products we can offer expert advice on a comprehensive range of effective visibility solutions to really get you noticed. Our Customer Service team is always


on hand to offer expert sales and technical support, ensuring that we get the right product to you at the right time. Our in-house design engineers work in partnership with our customers to best understand their needs and produce practical, innovative lighting and warning solutions for safety on and off road. With our strong engineering and manufacturing history you can be sure that specifying Vision Alert means choosing the very latest technology. Visit us at the CV Show 2011, stand 4B62.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: +44 (0)113 2375340 Fax: +44 (0)113 2375360 E-mail: Web:

Enclosed bunded tanks moving forward A ENVIROTANKS is researching and innovating its ENVIROTANK product ranges to make sure future needs are met. The cylindrical Envirotank can be specified with a 1:50 slope to provide easier tank management for drainage. Many customers now require tanks split into different compartments (as specified) in order to store diesel, gas oil, lubrication fluids, Adblu etc. within the same tank footprint. Depending on the function of the tank, many different types of pumps and dispensers are provided factory fitted and tested. All our enclosed bunded tanks are compliant with The Control of Pollution Regulations. Please do not hesitate to


contact our Birmingham Sales Office if you wish to discuss any requirements and technical issues or arrange for an engineer to visit your site.

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Wilcomatic has wash equipment for any shape of vehicle the UK’s W ILCOMATIC, leading independent supplier


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and manufacturer of vehicle wash equipment, in association with its sister companies Wickham Gensol and Working Water, can supply high quality equipment and chemicals to efficiently wash any size and shape of vehicle. Wilcomatic’s boast that it can wash anything with an engine, has led to the development of the innovative Jet Stream, its latest commercial vehicle wash system. Installed on both the C5000 Magnum and Taurus Gantry wash machines, it is specifically engineered to clean any shape of vehicle efficiently. The C5000HP Jet Stream moving gantry moves along the vehicle at the optimum speed while the vehicle remains parked. This removes the driver element of the more traditional drive-through. The equipment and

environmentally friendly wash chemicals from the Wilcomatic group of companies include: moving gantry washes, the newly launched high pressure Jet Stream, jet washes, brushless vehicle washes, valeting equipment, wash buildings, water recycling equipment, rainwater harvesting and MOT under-chassis washes. The group also supplies heavyduty vehicle washing systems for waste sites, local authorities, civil engineers, power stations, landfill sites, building companies and similar organisations. All this makes Wilcomatic equipment ideal for washing all types of trucks, ambulances, vans, tankers, military vehicles and many more.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 020 86495760 E-mail: Web:

Government Business | Volume 18.4


the new range will offer both fast moving Iveco parts and some that are harder to find outside the franchised network. The company holds more than 10,000 Iveco parts in stock covering all popular UK applications. Imex also supplies parts for MAN and Mercedes trucks and has an all-makes engine range. It does bumpers and cab panels, too. Zenloc says it will exhibit its groundbreaking Zenloc Portable Alarm at the CV Show. Launched in 2010, it won an innovation award and is now successfully winning orders with owner drivers and hauliers alike. The alarm is easily portable and can be quickly attached to a vehicle that needs protection. Once attached, it is self-arming and if moved, will emit a 120DB tone and a strobe light, sending a message to a small remote receiver kept by the driver. A unique coded electronic key built into the receiver can deactivate the system. Carnation Designs will use its stand to highlight the flexibility of its genisys system for specialist vehicle builders and operators. Already a leading provider to the emergency vehicle market, Carnation produces a fully customisable, easy-to-integrate solution for control of auxiliary electronics and related power management in virtually any vehicle. This offers a programmable alternative to hard-wired

Although times are still tough, there are encouraging signals to say that the recession is easing. Now many firms want to make the most of the recovery opportunities that the event represents relays and fuses, using solid-state technology to ensure a vehicle can adapt to changing needs. WORKSHOP Confirmed exhibitors for the Workshop include Gemco, Jubilee, Maha, NGK Texa, Unipart GES, V-Tech and Würth. Joining them at Workshop for the first time will be Draper, Maha, Somers, SPX, Stertil and Valeo. These are global firms selling successfully on world markets. Between them, these exhibitors already offer a huge range of tools, parts, services and equipment. They can equip and stock virtually any automotive workshop, regardless of size or specialisation. Major tyre manufacturers and tyre service firms will be also at the show, with ATS Euromaster, Bridgestone, Direct Tyre Management and Michelin featuring a wide range of their tyres for fork lift trucks through

Workshop design – from concept to reality

to road-going tyres for the biggest commercial vehicles, as well as tyre management solutions. Michelin, one of the world’s largest tyre manufacturers, has reconfirmed its commitment to the CV Show and will use the event to debut its latest Michelin X® Energy™ Savergreen range – a single line-up providing hauliers with safe, fuel-efficient, long-lasting tyres for steer, drive and trailer axles. The Commercial Vehicle Show is owned by the CV Show LLP, comprising the Road Haulage Association, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders and IRTE Services Ltd, the trading company of the SOE (Society of Operations Engineers).


M many years experience

TIR Training Services – the new way to train your LGV drivers

in workshop/bodyshop design for both greenfield and brown field projects. We have worked on many major turnkey projects for both armed forces and emergency services workshop projects, along with major car and commercial dealership projects including equipment supply and project management. The turnkey project package We can offer is as follows: 1. Initial consultation to ascertain the project brief to help generate costs for the package offered. 2. On brown field sites conducting site surveys on buildings, working with site contractors and architects to ensure smooth progress in the project. 3. Working on green field sites, following the same path as section 2, producing initial design drawings to put the process into action. 4. To survey any existing equipment to be re-used in design for refurbishment costs.

HE 2011 Commercial Vehicle show will see the launch of a new way to train your drivers, unlike anything else in the UK. After demonstrating simulator based LGV driver training at the Commercial Vehicle Operator Show in 2010; TIR has been working with employers and their partner company, US based L3, to create the ultimate driver training solution for 2011. Housed in a brand new custom built mobile training unit, the simulators are at the centre of a training experience like no other. Tim Watson, TIR’s commercial manager, said: “The development of our simulator based training comes from our desire to be market leaders in driver training; our clients have said that the ability to train for extreme weather conditions, fuel efficiency and slow speed manoeuvring using simulation is a great opportunity;



5. To compile a wish list of new workshop equipment and services to be built into the design with specifications and budget prices. 6. To produce working drawings, detailing workshop layouts, setting out and floor recess detail for main contractor. MSL designs and manufactures hanging service modules with air and electrical services. We supply a package of workshop equipment and services tailored to suit your needs.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel/Fax: 01793 574565 Mobile: 07710 446490 E-mail: graham@cesltd.

delivering maximum benefit with minimum downtime. The mobile solution means we can bring this training to your door. Simulator based driver training is proven to increase fuel efficiency and reduce accidents; offering a great way for our clients to increase profitability in 2011.”

FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information on simulated driver training courses contact TIR Training Services on 08456 434494 or visit



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Assero Employment Protection provides the public sector with budgetary certainty and reduced risk


INTONS IS A FULL SERVICE legal firm based in North East England serving clients throughout the UK and further afield. We provide practical, pragmatic and robust legal advice to a broad range of public and private sector clients, enabling us to draw on substantial experience to identify solutions to employment issues. All our 22 partners and over 85 lawyers work together in one modern office and we pride ourselves on providing a highly personable, partner-led service. Acting mainly for employers, our team of fully qualified employment solicitors covers the full range of employment issues, from drafting of terms and conditions, senior appointments and departures, restructurings, union negotiations and TUPE to unfair dismissal, redundancies, discrimination and disputes in the courts and tribunals. All public sector organisations currently face huge challenges due to the government spending cuts and this puts intense pressure on already busy HR and in-house legal teams. The main challenge is to achieve the required savings without exposing the employer to the risk of added costs from employment litigation. Sintons’ employment team can help plan the overall strategy and approach to these changes, developing a timetable that enables the employer to implement the process

properly. Trade union involvement and the legal complexities involved in the process mean that getting early legal advice is imperative to minimise overall costs and avoid claims. Our employment protection package, Assero, is an innovative fixed fee package that will cover all the advice from start to finish and can provide protection from costs involved including defending claims and any payments negotiated or awarded by a tribunal. Assero is available on highly flexible terms including monthly payment making it highly suitable for public sector organisations of all sizes. We recognise that public sector organisations need to conform to purchasing and tendering protocols, and can provide guidance. Having a clear plan and a realistic time scale may not make handling the human aspects of change much easier, but our help can make the process proceed smoothly. Our employment team are all highly experienced in dealing with

complex restructuring and reorganisations. We will help you achieve your aims and leave you with a workforce who has been dealt with fairly and is not disillusioned by the process. Our employment team is proud of its reputation for providing pragmatic, clear advice, understanding in depth our clients’ needs and helping our clients achieve them. “Sintons has been excellent with regard to response times, knowledge of both our organisation and the voluntary sector. Their advice has always been appropriate and reflects the type of organisation we are and wish to be. Value for money has been exceptional. They compare favourably with others, not least because of their approach to corporate social responsibility which has resulted in a generous amount of pro bono work in addition to paid work. I would, and have, recommended Sintons to others,” says Susan Bickerton, chief executive, Norcare Limited, Sunday Times’ 100 Best Places to Work in the Public/Third Sector 2011.

FOR MORE INFORMATION For information on Assero please call Mike O’Beirne on 0191 2263790 or e-mail For all other employment law advice call Keith Land, Partner, 0191 2264892 or

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