Calendar • Tuesday, 6/14: TDSA Annual Meeting, 7:30pm in the TDSA Gym • Wednesday, 8/24: First Day of School
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Parshas Nasso
Candle Lighting for Friday, June 17: 7:21pm/8:32pm
L’Hitraot, Eighth Graders! Cheers rose and tears fell as an overflow crowd filled Congregation Beth Jacob’s Heritage Hall to celebrate the graduation of TDSA’s Class of 2016. The 31 students listened attentively as Rabbi Einzig welcomed the crowd and Mr. Mike Wein brought greetings from the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, of which we are a constituent beneficiary. Rabbi Ilan Feldman reminded them that they have the strength and foundation to meet the inevitable challenges of the future. Lauding her 19 years of stellar teaching and administration, Mrs. Rabinowitz presented a farewell gift on behalf of the school to Mrs. Lisa Stroll and gratefully acknowledged the three decades that Mrs. Susan Krohn has dedicated to our students. Six graduates shared perspectives on their experiences at TDSA, which were reflected in the “Memories” slide show featuring each graduate, created by Tali Afrah and Yoeli Minkowicz. Rabbi Einzig named Eli Golding and Aaron Gerchikov as recipients of the Keter Shem Tov Award from the Torah Communications Network. Rabbi Einzig also expressed his appreciation for each student as individuals and reminded them how their teachers truly believed in them and had the confidence that they would each develop in the own unique way, with their own unique strengths. These students certainly fulfilled their mission! Mrs. Rabinowitz also took a moment to acknowledge Rabbi Einzig for all of his contributions and his willingness to share his knowledge and expertise with all around him. The biggest ovation came as the students received their diplomas and a Tanach purchased for each one by our PTA. With the final switch of the tassel from right to left, the senior class marched out toward their joyous families and a bright new beginning. Congratulations to our 2016 graduates: Moshe Adler, Shraga Alterman, Yosef Asa , Tzvi Meir Cavalier, Jahaziel Clemente, Yehuda Deutsch, Amos Diener, Shmuel Estreicher, Pay Feldman, Binyamin Freundlich, Dovid Gelbtuch, Aaron Gerchikov, Gavriel Golan, Eli Golding, Shlomo Goldstrom, Antheny Iskhakov, Yehuda Khalili, Shally Lipszyc, Yoel Minkowicz, Abraham Schoen, Yaakov Shkarofsky, Daniel Warga, Benyamin Zavulunov, Talia Afrah, Nina Barayev, Devorah Berkowitz, Chava Blanks, Leeyah Urielle Lovett, Devorah Russo, Tamar Shoshana Stein, and Batya Rivkah Varon.
This week’s Spotlight is sponsored by a very grateful colleague in honor of the combined nine decades “plus” of education, inspiration and devotion to TDSA’s children, faculty and staff given by Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Bryant, Rabbi Einzig, Mrs. Hotz, Mrs. Krohn, Ms. Marx, Coach Moore, Mrs. Pitochelli, Mrs. Shenk, Mrs. Stein, Mrs. Stroll, Mr. Stroll, and Mrs. Yablok during their years at TDSA. Thank you for all that you meant to us. Each week’s Spotlight may be sponsored with a donation of $18 to TDSA PTA. Please email Mrs. Levin at by Wednesday to arrange sponsorship.