dialogues flow*
*DOWN to the place where it restores what the sky dries from the sea, whereby rivers gain what flows in them
“no, look UP”
01/ intro and hello dear passangers our journey could start anywhere, but this one starts in dante’s divine comedy. it is a comedy as much as a tragedy. we hear many voices, they are building the whole spectrum of the journey from deep DOWN of inferno. there are many roads leading from the forest, down to the valley, coming through the gates of hell, river Acheron, line of sinners, river Styx, tombs, river of blood, forest of three souls, wall and then to the STAIRS of purgatorio. in order to get out, we go UP. DOWN = UP you can recognize miniatures in forms of dialogues, revealing themselves and neutralising given situation in nine circles of hell. they could be anyone, but in order to neutralise the moment they have to work in pairs with their antonym. for the given situation, I prepared my own interpretation of the synonyms and antonyms of the each circle.
please, enjoy the dialogues flow!
fed up “
Dr. Seward, Dracula
take up a burden that you can’t bear “
Old Spencer, The catcher in the Rye
“ How are we to get the life without getting the soul also? ”
“ don’t
“ Life is a game, boy. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules. ”
“ I was
Offred, The handmaid’s tale
stay up there ”
Serena, The handmaid’s tale
“ Thank you, those radishes are pretty. ”
“ why didn’t you
blown up ”
“ Your time is running out. Not a question, a matter of fact.”
Holden Caufield, The catcher in the Rye
“ grand duke would get
cooking up, back there ”
“ what are the boys
from up North ” “ you’re
“ I don’t want any souls, indeed, indeed! I don’t. I couldn’t use them if I had them, they would be no manner of use to me.”
“ Oh. . . well, about Life being a game and all. And how you should play it according to the rules. He was pretty nice about it. I mean he didn’t hit the ceiling or anything. He just kept talking about Life being a game and all. You know. ”
Helen, Iliad
stand up to a hundred “
put up my iron dagger “ Francesca, Divine comedy
“ Zeus planted a killing doom within us both, so even for generations still unborn we will live in song ”
“ bragging how each man could
“ But if your great desire is to learn the very root of such a love as ours, I shall tell you, but in words of flowing tears ”
“ I will dry-beat you with an iron wit and
Juliet, Romeo and Juliet
fed up so soon with all that wealth ”
Tybalt, Romeo and Juliet
“ For stony limits cannot hold love out, And what love can do, that dares love attempt. Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me ”
“ are you
“ Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries That thou hast done me; therefore turn and draw ”
eats up that plant
“ Atilla, Divine comedy
“ full soon the canker death
back up to the bright world ”
Achilles, Iliad
“ to make our way
brought this matter up against me ” “ often the armies
“ Now my spirit stirs me to meet you face-to-face. Now kill or be killed! ”
“ I would also have you know that on the other side the riverbed sinks deeper more and more until it reaches the deepest meeting place where tyrants moan ”
Harry, The thirst
going up the road “
“ Out of curiosity- why is this particular case so important to you? ”
“ a car
Olga, Dirty hands
set up a secret committee of six members “
Garcin, No exit
“ Where could I put you up? Comrades come here every day. They come and go as they wish.”
“ we
wake him up ”
Estelle, No exit
“ All right, let’s put our cards on the table. I as-sure you I’m quite conscious of my position. Shall I tell you what it feels like? A man’s drowning, choking, sinking by inches, till only his eyes are just above water.”
“ What’s the good of worrying, anyhow? We’ve got to take what comes to us, and I’ll stick to the green one.”
stand up for itself
” Hugo, Dirty hands
“ why distort a past that can no longer
ganging up on me to make me talk ”
Bellman, The thirst
“ you’re
tear up the paper ” “
“ Politics. Predators need meat. And remember that I’m a tiger”
“ The orders? There was no order, not any more. Orders leave you all alone, after a certain point. The order stayed behind and I went on alone and killed alone—and I no longer even know why. ”
Rust, True detective
building up a wall of solitude around you “
waked up “ Pilot, The little prince
“ Well, once there was always dark. If you ask me, the light’s winning. ”
“ she is
“ There will surely be enough grass for him, it is a very small sheep that i have given you ”
“ you are here beside me, you have just
Stevie, The machinist
gets up, goes toward her, and looks at her ”
Reznik, The machinist
“ Well, don’t look so surprised. Even a call girl can scramble an egg.”
“ he
“ I haven’t slept in a year. ”
sat up for me, of course ”
Little prince, The little prince
“ she’d
straightening things up ”
Ronald, True detective
“ I’m going to finish
pull up the shades ” “ I think I’ll
“ I thought it took God seven days to make the world.”
“ No, no, no! i do not want an elephant inside a boa constrictor. A boa constrictor is a very dangerous creature and an elephant is very cumbersome. Where i live, everything is very small. What i need is a sheep. Draw me a sheep. ”
Estragon, Waiting for Godot
hold myself up, I’ve never fallen yet“
“ Don’t touch me! Don’t question me! Don’t speak to me! Stay with me! ”
“ but I
Stilitano, The thief’s journal
gather me up, dear, fold me to your heart “
“ I’m going to check on Sylvia before I go home. Want to come along?”
“ so
Matthew, The dreamers
beat me up and throw me out ”
Isabelle, The dreamers
“ Yes, I’m drunk. And you’re beautiful. And tomorrow morning, I’ll be sober but you’ll still be beautiful. “
“ why you didn’t have your men
“ I can’t stop you, I’ve got no arms. ”
Jean, The thief’s journal
make up your mind ”
“ Me? Why not? If he’s got a big pile. I rob a lot of other people. There’s no reason not to. What about you? Answer me. ”
fed up being hungry ” Vladimir, Waiting for Godot
“ people join the party because they get
fixed up beforehand ” “ so it was all
“ Christ! What has Christ got to do with it. You’re not going to compare yourself to Christ!”
Natasha, War and peace
“ Squealer, Animal Farm
keep it up for hours on end
wake up with her
The neighbour, I stand alone
“ Tactics, comrades, tactics! “
“ and
“ But the earth is covered with buddies, especially when you need something. ”
“ I wanna
get up in the morning
” Sonya, War and peace
“ I’ve been told it happens and you’ve probably heard it, but only now have I experienced this love. This isn’t like before. As soon as I saw him, I felt that he was my master and I was his slave and that I couldn’t help loving him. Yes, slave! ”
“ remember? It’s a reason to
“ But why these secrets? Why doesn’t he come to the house? Why doesn’t he seek your hand directly?“
” The Butcher, I stand alone
fucked it up
“ Living is a selfish act. ”
“ you mean, you
break up, I would probably disappear ”
Mollie, Animal Farm
“ if we had to
looking up from his strip of paper ” “ without
“ Will there still be sugar after the Rebelion? ”
Sancho, Don Quixote
making up to him “
set up ”
“ Señor, I’ve already conveyanced my wife to let me go with your grace wherever you want to take me. ”
“ but all the time you were
Hector, Breaking bad
coming up before any judge “
re te , The ie
“ La familia es todo. ”
“ I am not
lectra, The ie
“ Have you never thought of running away? ”
“ you’re well
“ I’m used to being beaten. Perhaps they’d shut me up in one of the rooms in the tower. That wouldn’t be so bad; at least I wouldn’t have to see their faces. ”
Gus, Breaking bad
are up, talk or be off with you ”
“ May his death satisfy you. ”
“ the five minutes
up to it ” Don Quixote, Don Quixote
“ and asked you to be my wife, you weren’t
burning up ” “ your forehead is
“ “I do not understand you, because I do not know what “I am so plaint” means.”
Gatsby, The great Gatsby
look up “
shut up with his dead “
Mother, The fortunate pilgrim
“ I wanted somebody who wouldn’t gossip. Daisy comes over quite often—in the afternoons. ”
“ no, don’t
“ Didn’t you hear what I just told your sister? We are poor. Now go. ”
“ but each of us is
Old man, 1984
up to, those palace folk ”
Barman, 1984
“ Ark at ’im! Calls ’isself a barman and don’t know what a pint is! Why, a pint’s the ’alf of a quart, and there’s four quarts to the gallon. ’Ave to teach you the A, B, C next. ”
“ what are they
“ And what in hell’s name is a pint? ”
grows up into a decent, god-fearing man ”
Sal, The fortunate pilgrim
“ that’s how one
tidied itself up nicely of its own accord ”
Mr. Carraway, The great Gatsby
“ it
nail up your mouth, cut your tongue out ” “ you can
“ I hear you fired all your servants. ”
“ If you never give me two cents will you be rich? ”
Benjamin, The graduate
mix them up with their sweet talk “
mess one’s face up, don’t they “
Don Vito Corleone, The godfather
“ Look, maybe we could do something else together.”
“ they
“ A man who doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man. ”
“ tears always
Sara, Requiem for a dream
up to my neck ”
Little John, Requiem for a dream
“ Purple in the morning, blue in the afternoon, orange in the evening. ”
“ here’s me in it
“ I know its pretty big but I didn’t take it out for air. ”
picked me up last night ”
Clemenza, The godfather
“ that’s why you
Mrs. Robinson, The graduate
open up, police ”
is up ” “ it’s just as hot at night here as when the sun
“ Do you find me undesirable? ”
“ It’s a Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes. ”
02 space observation parallel worlds of inferno (and further as we will se as well of purgatorio) are abducting the space in order to get UP and keep the rotation and translation happening. UPs are becoming our gnomons and we can look at them statically as columns and transmissions of loads. neutralising dialogues on a plane surface are our shadows and we can look at them as our foundation. they are reciprocal and can not work without each other. they create a sort of a thorus for their own world and can not live together on the same geometrical level as you can not own a place at the same time.
inferno and purgatorio = abduction of space
“ but I
nail up your mouth, cut your tongue out ”
“W ell
“ you can
brought this matter up against me ” “ often the armies
hold myself up, I’ve never fallen yet“
UP = gnomon = column
“ u f Now ac e- my to- sp fac iri e. t st No irs w me kil lo rb e
e tog coul eth d d er. o s om ”
et me here , th w e l as igh alw t’s ay wi s d nn ar ing k. ” If yo
DIALOGUES = shadows = foundation
sin k t “I de s de hat wo ep ep on uld es er th a t m m e o lso ee ore the ha v tin a r g p nd sid e yo lac mo e th u k no e w re e he unt rive w re il it rbe tyr re d an ac ts he mo s t an he ”
ev “ Ze en u for s pl ge ant ne ed ra a tio kil ns lin sti g d ll u oo nb m or wit n w hi e w n us ill b liv oth ei , ns on
fed up so soon with all that wealth ”
“ u f Now ac e- my to- sp fac iri e. t st No irs w me kil lo rb e
“ Are you
eats up that plant ”
“ Full soon the canker death
“ I will dry-beat you with an iron wit, and
brought this matter up against me ” “ often the armies
back up to the bright world ” “ to make our way
put up my iron dagger “
“ d w For Th ha sto er t l ny efo ov re e c limit thy an s c kin do, ann sm tha ot en t d hol ar are d lo en s v o s lov e ou e top a t, to ttem me pt ” .
“ tho Boy u h , th as is s t d ha on ll n e m ot e; exc the us re e th for e e t in ur jur n a ies nd dr aw
“ Full soon the canker death
“ Are you
fed up so soon with all that wealth ”
put up my iron dagger “
eats up that plant ”
brought this matter up against me ”
back up to the bright world ”
“ I will dry-beat you with an iron wit, and
“ often the armies
“ to make our way
lovers lust ego
03 translation in order to get from the monochromatic to chromatic domaine, we have to put the dialogues into communication. through this communication the space starts to open UP. synchronisation and decoding starts here. we think about it as of three basic colours- red, green, blue- and having the possibility of entering any time, at any point, enjoying the chosen media all the time.
break up, I would probably disappear” “ if we had to
“ You mean, you
fucked it up ”
keep it up for hours on end “ “ and
“ Liv
ing i
h ac
t I’m
g to
to do
to ge
t it. ”
““ Pu rp after le in the noon m , ora orning , nge in th blue in t h e ev enin e g”
04 absorption of the dialogues through our journey we get to the STAIRS, which are our neutral element and a place of opening UP of seven terraces of purgatorio. the chosen dialogues and their colours get absorbed and they slowly become meaningless. it is the point where we start to realize there is no specific relation or scale, we just get into the flow of our helicoid, which is driven by the main axis and our second neutral element, RIVER LETHE.
lethe= forgetfulness
p r i d e
just as I loved you in the mortal body, so do I love you when loosed from it therefore I stop, but why do you come here love that discourses with me in my mind why do you distrust do you not believe that I am with you and guiding you for the sake of that peace which I believe you all await, tell us where the mountain slopes so that it is possible to climb it for losing time displeases most those who know most without your asking, I confess to you that this is a human body you see, by which the light of the sun is split upon the ground do not marvel, but believe that not without power that comes from Heaven does he seek to surmount this wall whoever you are, as we walk turn your eyes to me consider if you have ever seen me back there I beg you, when you return, go to my lovely daughter, mother of the honor of Sicily and Aragon, and tell her the truth, if something else is being said after I had my body broken by two mortal thrusts, I gave myself up, weeping, to him who gladly pardons horrible were my sins; but the infinite Goodness has such open arms that it takes whatever turns to it O sweet father, turn and look back at how I am left alone, if you do not stop never have I seen so clearly as I now discern, there where my wit had seemed lacking, that the middle circle of the daily rotation, which is called Equator in science, and which always stands between the sun and winter, for the reason you give is as far from here toward the north, as the Hebrews saw it toward the hot region but if it pleases you, I would gladly know how far we have to go, for the mountain rises farther than my eyes can first it is necessary for the heavens to turn around me outside here as long as they did in my life, since I delayed my good sighs until the end come along now, see, the meridian is touched by the sun, and on the shore of ocean night already covers Morocco with its foot why is your soul so entangling itself that you slow your pace what do you care what they are whispering there we were all killed violently, sinners until the last hour, then light from heaven awakened us, so that, repenting and forgiving, we came forth from life at peace with God, who pierces our hearts with the desire to see him though I stare at your faces, I recognize none, but if anything I can do can please you, well- born spirits, tell me, and I will do it, by that peace which, following the feet of this guide, from world to world makes me seek itself ah, so may the desire be fulfilled that draws you to the high mountain, with good pity help mine there where its name becomes empty I arrived, pierced in the throat, fleeing on foot, and bloodying the plain O you from Heaven, why do you deprive me that evil will, desiring always evil, took counsel with its intellect and moved the vapor
it seems, O my light, that in a certain text you expressly deny that prayer can bend the decree of Heaven; and these people pray for just that: would their hope, then, be in vain, or is your saying not fully manifest to me my writing is plain, and their hope is not deceived, if one looks well with sound mind, for the summit ofjustice is not lowered though the fire of love fulfill in an instant what those who are stationed here must satisfy however, do not desist from such a deep doubt until she tells you, she who will be a light between the truth and your intellect I don’t know if you understand, I mean Beatrice: you will see her above, on the summit of this mountain, smiling and happy but see there a soul who, sitting all alone, is looking toward us: that one will teach us the quickest way for you and your father, held fast by your greed for things up there, have suffered the garden of the empire to be laid waste many have justice in their hearts but loose the arrow late, so as not to come to the bow without counsel, but your people have it ready on their lips not for doing, but for not doing, have I lost the sight of the high Sun that you desire and that I knew too late there is a place down there, not saddened by torments but only by darkness, where the laments do not sound as shrieks but are sighs but if you know and can tell us, give us some sign by which we may arrive more quickly where Purgatory has its true beginning there are souls hidden here on the right, if you consent, I will lead you to them, and not without pleasure will they be made known to you one could of course descend and walk wandering along the shore, while the horizon holds the day closed up nature had not only painted there, but of the sweetness of a thousand odors made a single one, unknown and fully blended before the little sun remaining goes to its nest from this rise you will better know all their gestures and faces than if received down in the glen among them now let us go down into the valley among the great shades, and we will speak to them, it will be a great grace for them to see you coming through the grim places I arrived this morning, and I am in my first life, though I am acquiring the second by this I do not believe her mother loves me any more, since she gave up the white fillets, which, wretched, she will yearn for again journey through her one readily understands how long the fire of love lasts in a female, if sight or touch do not frequently kindle it my greedy eyes were still seeking the sky, especially where the stars are slowest, like a wheel closest to the axle the four bright stars that you saw this morning are low over there, and these have gone up where those were among the grass and the flowers came the evil slither, now and again turning its head and licking
w r a t h its back like a beast that smooths itself so may the lamp that leads you on high find sufficient fuel in your free will to take you to the flowering summit if you know any true tidings of Val di Magra or any nearby place, tell me, for I was once powerful there I have never been through your lands, but where in all Europe does anyone dwell where they are not celebrated the fame that honors your house is loud among lords and in the countryside, so that he knows of it who has never been there custom and nature so privilege them that, even though the wicked
head of the world lead it astray, they alone walk erect and scorn the path of evil believe so, the sun will not lie down seven times in the bed that the Ram covers and straddles with all four feet, before that courteous opinion will be fixed in the center of your head with larger nails
than the speech of others, if the course ofjudgment is not stayed have no fear, be assured, for we are at a good point, do not pull back, but give free rein to every strength you have now reached Purgatory, see there the bank that encloses it around, see the entrance there, where
the bank seems divided earlier, in the dawn that precedes the day,when your soul was asleep within you on the flowers that adorn the earth down there, a lady came, and she said: ‘I am Lucia, let me take up this sleeper, so will I ease him on his way here she put you down, but
first her lovely eyes showed me that open entrance, then she and your sleep went away at the same moment speak from there, what do you wish where is your escort and may she advance your steps in goodness, come forward therefore to our stairs ask humbly that he open the lock whenever either of these keys fails, so that it does not turn correctly in the lock this passage will not open
one is more precious, but the other requires much art and wit before it unlocks, because it is the one that untangles the knot enter, but I warn you that whoever looks back must return outside here we must use a little skill, clinging to the side that recedes, now here, now there do not fix your mind on one place alone yes, they are singing lord, avenge my son who has been killed, so that I am broken-hearted now wait until I return whoever will be in my place will do it for you what will another’s good be to you, if you forget your own now be comforted, for it is fitting that I fulfill my duty before I move: justice demands it and compassion holds me here behold on this side, but their steps are slow master, what I see moving toward us do not seem to be persons, and I know not what, my sight is so confused the heavy condition of their torment buckles them toward the earth, so that my eyes at first had to struggle but gaze fixedly there, and disentangle with your eyes what
s l o t h
comes under those stones: already you can make out how each is beating his breast I can bear no more o our Father who are in the heavens, not circumscribed, but because of the greater love you bear those first effects up there, praised be your Name and your Power by every
creature, for it is fitting to give thanks to your sweet Spirit our strength, which is easily subdued, do not tempt with the ancient adversary, but free it from him who spurs it so ah,so mayjustice and mercy soon unburden you and let you move your wings, and may they lift you according to your desire, show us on what hand the stairway can be found most quickly and if there is more than one crossing, teach us which has the gentler slope, for he who comes with me, because of the burden of Adam’s flesh that clothes him, against his will is slow to climb come
with us to the right along the bank, and you will find a pass possible for a living person to climb I would look at this man who is still alive and is unnamed, to see if I know him and to make him have pity on this burden the ancient blood and noble works of my ancestors made me so
arrogant that, forgetting our common mother, I looked down on every man so much that I died for it and because of it I must bear this weight here among the dead until God is satisfied, since I did not do it among the living I would certainly not have been so generous while I lived,
because of the great desire of supremacy that my heart was intent on here we pay the toll for such pride: and I would not be here yet, were it not that while still able to sin I turned to God oh vain glory of human powers, how briefly it stays green at the summit, if it is not followed
by cruder ages the clamor of the world is nothing but a breath of wind that comes now from here and now from there, and changes names because it changes directions what more acclaim will you have if you strip off your flesh when it is old, than if you had died before you left
off which is a briefer space compared with eternity than the blinking of an eye to the circle that turns slowest in the sky your renown is the color of grass that comes and goes, and he makes it fade who brings it unripe out of the earth your true words instill good humility in my
heart, and you reduce a great swelling in me, but who is he of whom you spoke just now he has walked like that, and still walks, without rest, since he died, this is the coin which must be paid by whoever presumed too much back there the very rim of life, must stay down there and not come up here, if good prayer does not help it, for as long a time as it lived, how was he allowed to come here
if a spirit that delays, before repenting, until
I will say no more, and I know my saying is obscure but not much time will pass before your neighbors will act so that you
g r e e d can gloss it leave him and pass on, for here it is good that each propel his bark with sail and oars, as much as he can turn your eyes downward, it will be good for you, to smooth your path, to see the bed where the soles of your feet are resting you have thirsted for blood,and
with blood I fill you raise your head, it is no longer time to walk so bent over see there an angel preparing to come toward us, see how the sixth handmaid returns from serving the day adorn your face and actions with reverence, so that he may be pleased to send us upward,
come, near here are the steps, and the climb now is easy to this invitation they very rarely come, O human race, born to fly upward, why do you fall at so little wind master, say,what heavy thing has been lifted from me, so that while going up I feel almost no exertion when the Ps that still remain on your forehead, almost effaced, are, like the first, entirely gone, then your feet will be so vanquished by your good will that not only will they feel no labor, but it will be a delight to them to be urged upward if we wait here for people to ask I fear that perhaps our choice will be too much delayed o sweet light in whose trust I enter on the new path, do you guide us you warm the world, you shine above it, if some other reason does not weigh more, your rays should always lead us love those from whom you have had evil this circle whips the guilt of envy, and therefore the cords of the whip are braided of love the bridle needs to be of the opposite sound, I believe, from what I perceive, that you will hear it before you reach the pass of pardon but probe the air fixedly with your eyes, and you will see people sitting ahead of us, and each is sitting alongside the cliff speak, and be brief and to the point o my brother, each of us is citizen of one true city, but you mean to say ‘who lived in Italy as a pilgrim and with these others here I repair my wicked life, weeping to him so that he may grant himself to us and lest you believe that I deceive you, hear if I was mad, as I tell you, when the arc of my years was already descending they were routed there and turned in the bitter steps of flight, and seeing them hunted down, I took joy from it greater than all other joys now I fear you no more as the blackbird did for a little sunshine but who are you, who go asking our condition and have your eyes unsewn, I believe, and breathe as you speak? my eyes will be taken from me here, but for a short time only, for they have offended little by being turned with envy much greater is the fear that holds my soul in suspense for the torment below, and already the burden down there weighs on me who then has led you up here among us, if you expect to go back down oh, this is such
think that this day will never dawn again
a strange new thing to hear who is that, who circles our mountain before death has given him flight, and opens and covers his eyes at will from along its banks I bring this body of mine, to tell you who I am would be to speak in vain, for my name does not yet much resound why did he conceal the word for that river, just as one does of horrible things down to the place where it restores what the sky dries from the sea, whereby rivers gain what flows in them virtue is avoided as an enemy by everyone as if it were a snake, whether through bad influences
on the place or because of ill custom that goads them it keeps falling, and the more it swells, the more that cursed and baleful furrow finds the dogs becoming wolves descending then through many deep lagoons, it finds foxes, so full of fraud that they do not fear capture by any ruse then, coming down, it finds curs who snarl more than their power justifies, and from them, disdainful, it twists away its snout for within those bounds it is so full of poisonous thickets that it is too late now for cultivation to root them out the ladies and the knights, the labors
and the leisures that love and courtesy made us desire, there where hearts have become so wicked whoever finds me will kill me that was the hard bit that should keep one within his track but you take the bait, so that the old adversary’s hook draws you to him, and therefore rein and lure do little good therefore he beats you who discerns all things what is that, sweet father, from which I cannot shield my sight sufficiently soon seeing these things will not be heavy for you but will give you pleasure as great as nature has disposed you to feel he
knows the harm done by his greatest fault, and therefore do not wonder if he reproaches us so that it may cause less weeping but if the love of the highest sphere bent your desire upward, you would not have that fear in your breasts because you are still thrusting your mind
back into earthly things, you are plucking darkness from the true light and the more people bend toward each other up there, the more there is to love well and the more love there is, and, like a mirror, each reflects it to the other what is the matter, that you cannot hold yourself but have walked more than half a league with your eyes veiled and your legs stumbling, like one whom wine or sleep b ends over o my sweet father, if you listen, I will tell you what appeared to me when my legs were taken from me so now who are you who cut through our smoke, and speak about us just as if you still divided time by calends answer, and ask if one goes up on this side o creature who are cleansing yourself so as to return beautiful to him who made you, you will hear a marvel, if you follow me still in the wrapping that death unties am I go-
ing up, and I have come here through the anguish of Hell in faith I bind myself to you to do what you ask, but I am bursting within a doubt, if I cannot free myself from it either your speech deceives me or it is testing me you see the brightness that already shines whitening through
the smoke, and I must leave it I am the one who grieve, mother, for your ruin more than any other’s this is a divine spirit, who directs us to the way upward without being begged, and he hides himself within his own light but that you may yet more clearly understand, turn your mind
to me, and you will take some good fruit from our delay son, has been without love, whether natural or of the mind, and this you know hence you can comprehend that love must be the seed in you of every virtue and of every action that deserves punishment now because love can never turn its face away from the well-being of its subject, all things are safe from self-hatred there are those who fear to lose power, favor, honor, or fame because another mounts higher, and thus are so aggrieved that they love the contrary and there are those who seem so
outraged by injury that they become greedy for revenge, and thus they must ready harm for others I do not say,that you may seek it out for yourself the mind, created quick to love, can move toward everything that is pleasing, as soon as it is wakened into act by pleasure as fire
moves upward because of its form, which is born to rise to where it may last longer in its matter the moon, delayed almost until midnight, now made the stars seem fewer, shaped like a copper bucket still on fire but this somnolence was taken from me suddenly by people who were
coming round upon us from behind quickly, quickly, that time not be lost through lack of love we are so full of the desire to move that we cannot stop I am a sweet siren, who enchant the sailors on the deep sea, so full of pleasure am I to hear let it be enough for you, and strike
the earth with your heels if you arrive here exempt from lying down, and wish to find the quickest way, let your right hands be ever on the outside straighten your legs, rise up, brother and why you alone repeat these worthy praises sometimes one speaks loud, another
soft, according to the affection that spurs us now to greater, now to smaller steps no ignorance ever assailed me with so much desire to know nothing that the rule of this mountain allows can be without order or beyond custom lower down, there may be tremors great or little,
but up here wind hidden in the earth has never shaken it, I know not why why did your face just now show me a flash of laughter now you can grasp the greatness of the love that burns in me toward you, when I forget our emptiness, treating shades like solid things why do you
05 forgetfulness this is the place where we meet irena. she is awaiting us in the river and we are ready for the next journey. this is where the real flow starts. this is where dialogues get puzzled together. through our double helix we get the changing spectrum and the mechanics.
down = inferno up = purgatorio lethe = the neutral element = vertical forgetfulness = waterfall unfolding of up and down = double helix
06 encoding- decoding the final step to approve the overcoming of the obstacle of the river lethe is media, which is read through data. it shows how each sphere of the miniatures reveals something new.
we prepared short video, showing the dialogues and reciprocal circulation of the element of the water.
you can enter and exit anytime, the flow will not stop. it will bring you around again and again.
inferno media
river Lethe
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