Karrisa Indraiasa 2018 Portfolio

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karrisa indraiasa - portfolio 2018

What’s the meaning of my “pintless look” cover? It was a doodle that i made with my head blank, when it’s chaotic. So it represents my current mind situation without thinking at that time, like doodle diary. I can say it was pointless because there is literally no points there, it’s all cursive. The name of the doodle is “Fikiranku” in case you’re wondering.

Hi, welcome to my design journey :) First of all, Thank you so much for letting my portfolio interrupt your precious time. Xx, Karrisa Indraiasa


collaboration called bo/lo

My flexibility allows me to create different

with Silvanovias

styles of ar tworks and easier to work with. Sometimes it feels strange when I list down the spontaneous ideas. Always curious to

Star ted Design freelance

2015 - 2017

Design Freelancer for PAVETTIA Natural Skin Care

work and explore new things.

(rebranding, repackaging & product photography) 2016 - 2017

Design Freelancer for PLATO online-based law firm



Ps Pr Mu


Design Freelancer for

2007 - 2010

SMP Al-Azhar Bintaro

2010 - 2012

SMA Al-Falah


2014 - 2018

Binus International

(packaging design)

University 2015 - 2018


(photography for web design)


Nor thumbria


W Laundry

University Newcastle











Warm tones




Sunset cityscape


Design Freelancer for Furry Tale online-based pet grooming (branding)


Volunteer of the ASPAC Awards

OTHER INTEREST Music Instruments

Design Freelancer for


1st winner for ASPAC Packaging Workshop

2016 - 2017

Internship for DESiGNLab as Graphic Designer

Fiction Novels Movies


Karrisa Indraiasa

Bir th

06 - June - 1995


0812 8735 0675






Karrisa Indraiasa


Jl. Flamboyan Jelita


Salmon Skin 2018

Design Freelancer for HTG (Hope Tech Global) Ningbo - China


Design Freelancer for Mammy’s Soulfood Delivery

A4/17, Rempoa


Design freelancer for SAKE


Assistent Director of Masgib’s music video “TRAUMA”







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table of contents



01. pavettia

objective Pavettia once named Keyra natural wants to enhance their product personality to target market through their new image with re-packaging and rebranding. concept the overall design have to contain three main keywords; natural, beauty, and artisan. visual since Pavettia is an artisan natural skincare, enhancing the main ingredient of every product in their packaging as beautiful as possible is the main strategy

REAL PROJECT in collaboration with Silvana Novia Sari (illustration & Graphic design) KEY WORDS natural beauty hand-made FIELDS branding packaging product photograhy

karrisa indraiasa - portfolio

SOFTWARE Adobe Illustration Adobe Photoshop


karrisa indraiasa - portfolio


karrisa indraiasa - portfolio


02. perempuan


objective this is a repackaging of jamu mutu tinggi from Jamu Jago focusing on their female selection and making a new female series out of it. because Jamu is an underestimated compound that simply able to do magic to a human’s body with the power of herbs, this project aims to change the perspective of young generation about elders are the only ones who still drink Jamu. concept compact, playful, feminine with a touch of originality applies to everything in this product. both rebranding and re packaging, the logo, packaging and shapes of product. visual The chosen color which earthy colors are represent the originality of jamu, when the doodles that applied in the packaging plays the playful concept. Feminine comes from curvy strokes that comes from the doodle, which not contains any strong strokes that symbolize masculinity. I also change powder to cubes to make it more compact (1 box equal to 12 sachet) and easy to serve (put the cubes in hot water without spilling).

karrisa indraiasa - portfolio

THESIS PROJECT KEY WORDS fun natural feminine modern FIELDS branding re-packaging illustration product photograhy SOFTWARE Adobe Illustration Adobe Photoshop


karrisa indraiasa - portfolio


karrisa indraiasa - portfolio


03. aiklo

objective Because treats sometimes related to something delicious and unhealthy, I want to show public that there’s actually healthy but also delicious products. The tag line “kids and body treats” are the best to explain Aiklo really well. Because kids are often “allergic” to something healthy, i want the customers giving Aiklo as the “treats” for their kids. concept Appealing and educating is the key since these are children’s product. So I decided to put the illustration of the main ingredients at the top and facing the cap as if the kids are drinking straight from the fruits. There will be the explanation about the efficacy of the fruit itself. visual Overall from packaging to the labeling, since these are product for kids, Packaging contains spin cap to avoid the product to spill, and available to save for later plus it’s safe to inserted them to bag. As for the label, the main icon are there to make it easier for kids to get familiar with the product.

karrisa indraiasa - portfolio

CLASS advertising KEY WORDS kids beverage healthy FIELDS branding illustration packaging advertising SOFTWARE Adobe Illustration Adobe Photoshop


C: 5% M: 28% Y:70% K: 0% R: 241 G:187 B:103 C: 7% M: 46% Y: 85% K: 0% R: 231 G:151 B:65 C: 17% M: 74% Y:98% K: 5% R: 197 G: 95 B: 44

C: 31% M: 16% Y: 86% K: 0% R: 185 G:187 B::73 C: 45% M: 31% Y:76% K: 6% R: 145 G:149 B:91 C: 45% M: 31% Y:76% K: 6% R: 145 G:149 B:91

C: 2% M: 14% Y: 42% K: 0% R: 248 G: 217 B:159 C: 40% M: 95% Y: 52% K: 31% R: 122 G: 34 B: 69 C: 46% M: 94% Y: 53% K: 48% R: 93 G: 24 B: 55

C: 2% M: 3% Y: 11% K: 0% R: 250 G: 242 B: 224 C: 27% M: 46% Y: 21% K: 0% R: 189 G:145 B: 165 C: 46% M: 94% Y: 53% K: 48% R: 93 G: 24 B: 55

C: 4% M: 24% Y: 6% K: 0% R: 237 G: 200 B: 211 C: 15% M: 43% Y: 21% K: 0% R: 213 G: 156 B: 168

karrisa indraiasa - portfolio

C: 15% M: 43% Y: 21% K: 0% R: 213 G:156 B: 168


print ads

karrisa indraiasa - portfolio


bus stop

karrisa indraiasa - portfolio


creative print & traffic light holo concept

karrisa indraiasa - portfolio


04. Indo


objective Indo Krip Krip is a noodle snack from Indofood exist back in the beginning of 80’s to the end of 90’s and now they will be back with new packaging. they targeting middle to low class chlidren, placed at school stalls and roadside stalls. concept fun, colorful and stand out is a must for a kids’ snack. especially this snack is going to be placed in the middle of bunch other snacks. to put it in short, snacks are compiting for spotlight. visual since the client’s research said that mascot are effective, they recommend to have either a person or animal mascot. I choose a person so I can make a noodle out of it’s hair. I made 2 options, stripes and curls. stripes only to represents the flavor color in more clean way because there are already somuch things going on, when the curls to represent both flavors and the shape of the noodle chips.

CLASS intership project KEY WORDS kids snack fun FIELDS packaging illustration

karrisa indraiasa - portfolio

SOFTWARE Adobe Illustration Adobe Photoshop


05. massimo

vignelli book

objective this is an appreciation book for Massimo Vignelli known as godfather of graphic design, he’s also known for bringing the modern design to US. concept overall layout for this book based on all of his works to make the feel of his work more intense. visual the cover inspired by one of his books “The Vignelli Canon”. because he’s the one that design New York Subway, layout, colors, lines, and font are based on that. CLASS visual communication KEY WORDS NYC subway map modern Vignelli’s work FIELDS typography literature illustration

karrisa indraiasa - portfolio

SOFTWARE Adobe Illustration Adobe InDesign


karrisa indraiasa - portfolio


karrisa indraiasa - portfolio


06. tragic

tuna campaign

objective tragic tuna is a campaign from WWF about overfishing and illegal tuna fishing causing the population of tuna decrease drastically over the past few decades. concept the most often occasion of people “meet” tuna is in high end sushi markets visual a box of tuna sashimi with spoon. with current pathetic facts and “satirizing” message.

CLASS photography KEY WORDS tuna clean sarcastic compassion FIELDS photography campaign typography SOFTWARE Adobe Photoshop karrisa indraiasa - portfolio


07. kdrta


objective child domestic abuse in indonesia are high, it was seen as if it was not a problem. but we also realize that it will bring so much bad effect for the kids’ life. especially if the ones that hurt them are their own parent(s). concept Because my target market is Indonesian citizen, they often hurt their kids using house hold goods. visual facts with number of incident and horror ambience, because it will give more tense to the audience, with that tense, the message will deliver easier.

CLASS visual communication KEY WORDS horror kids violence FIELDS campaign photography typography SOFTWARE Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustration

karrisa indraiasa - portfolio


karrisa indraiasa - portfolio


08. flower


objective this project is based on “flower power” movement back in 70’s againts war with peace. concept rope as the “weapon” covered with flowers. visual shirtless woman to represent the purity, red pinkish make up to represents her sensitive side, facial expression looking gloom but a glimpse of hope, as the model wrap her “weapon” around their heads and body represents to protest and protect herself with peace.

CLASS photography KEY WORDS beauty shoot flower peace serene FIELDS photography make up arts fashion styling

karrisa indraiasa - portfolio

SOFTWARE Adobe Photoshop


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