Food Journey - Makassar

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This is, ‘s Journey

table of content 1. About Makassar 3. destination 1 Coto Makassar 5. destination 2 Ikan Bakar 7. destination 3 Pallu Basa 9. destination 4 Sanggara’ Belanda 11. destination 5 Kue Kembang Seruni 13. How to Cook Es Pisang Ijo 15. destination 6 Pallu Konro 17. destination 7 Sop Saudara 19. How to Cook Barongko 21. Destination 8 Bollu Peca’

Tanjung bira #MAKASSAR


Makassar R


enamed from Ujung Pandang be Makassar, the largest city in eastern Indonesia this is the gateway to eastern Indonesia once the door to adventure to the Tana Toraja highlands. A place where you can enjoy stunning panoramic and

cultural wonders of society. Makassar is the capital of South Sulawesi province and are in the middle of the Indonesian archipelago with the flight of the busiest in the east. Airport Sultan Hassanudin today is one of the most modern airports in Indonesia that connects travel-

ers from the island of Sumatra, Java, Bali and Kalimantan, and Sulawesi itself around. Meanwhile toward the far eastern Indonesia be continued flying to and from the Moluccas and Papua. Since the 14th century, Makassar was also known as a sea port of the busiest in the ar-

chipelago, where merchant ships from China, India, and Cambodia did commodity transactions silk, tea, and ceramics were exchanged with cloves, nutmeg and pearls from the Moluccas as well as with gold and forest products from Sulawesi. The 16th century, when Europe dis-

covered the cruise lines to the island of spices they were looking for this, is the Spanish and Portuguese then make Makassar as an important gateway for storing spices before they were sold to Europe. Meanwhile, on the southern peninsula of Sulawesi, Bugis ethnic

group, Makassar, and Mandar has been famous since ancient as sailing skill in the oceans and make pinisi nimble waves crashing. They also succeeded in developing the fishery, agricultural land management for commodities.




Coto Makassar


ra Coto Nusanta 90173 onesia Makassar, Ind 0173 Jl. Serui, 9 0 07:00 - 16:0

Coto Makassar Nusantara is located in Jalan Nusantara in font of Home Port of Makassar. Warung Coto Nusantara is one Culinary Travel Destinations In Makassar. something special from Coto is in the soft flesh. Many key officials or the minister who visited Coto Nusantara after arriving in Makassar. Even Chef Juna had been stopped at this coto Makassar restaurant. in the last visit, the price per bowl Rp 14,000 and Rp 2,000 for ketupat.


Ikan Bakar Parepe’



Coto Makassar is basically a soup dish consisting of cow meat and innards, such as intestine, tripe. lung and even brain. Delicious rice cakes known as Burasa accompany the soup. One’s bravery to take the challenge of eating suspicious looking meat will paid off just by tasting the honest-to-goodness soup. Nonetheless, innards are always optional. Some people like their Coto Makassar just filled with meat, rice cake, and a spoonful of sambal (chili souce)


Turi Ikan Bakar   pa Address: Jl. Amanagap No.1, Ujung Pandang, Kota Makassar, Phone:(0411) 321419




It is one of the culinary mandatory in Makassar. Only serve typical dishes Makassar named Pallubasa. The contents of culinary fry sliced beef ​​ medium size. The sauce is more akin to a dark colored rawon. However, different from rawon, Pallubasa not use kluwek as a liquid . Taste? Rather thick, fresh and not too ‘hard’ marinade . The meat is quite tender and easy to chew. The price is also quite affordable. For better

location: Pallu Basa Onta Jalan Onta, Makassar, Indonesia


Pallu Basa



Sanggara’ Belanda Dutch Sanggara cake , actually a cake ( banana fritters ) were given the sauce ingredients to add to the deliciousness . Sanggara in Bugis - Makassar , South Sulawesi means “ fried bananas “ , because it means fried bananas Sanggara Netherlands Netherlands . This time sicampur will share with you the recipe how to make Sanggara Netherlands . This culinary uses the same materials as traditional recipes banana cake barongko , just use a different type of banana , banana kepok barongko use while sanggara dutch use plantains. Dutch Sanggara delicious enjoyed during the morning or evening with a glass of tea .



Warung Bu Entin jl.saudara, Makassar


Warung Bu Entin jl.saudara, Makassar

Kue Kembang


Chrysanthemums flower cake is a traditional cake yangb come from Makassar . Chrysanthemums flower named because it looks similar to chrysanthemums or commonly called as well with chrysanthemum flowers . How to make it in a way to wear fingertip pinch pinched thumb and forefinger to form the petals of chrysanthemums . This cake has a savory taste because it is processed by using coconut milk . Surely it would make this cake more special and interesting to try . To enjoy the privilege of this cake , you do not need to bother to come to Makassar because of course you can make it yourself at home . This time we will share original cake recipe fireworks chrysanthemums maccasar which is very distinctive and practical .





it’s time for.. how to cook Es Pisang Ijo - All banana steamed until cooked , if it remove and set aside . - Now , blender suji leaf with water of approximately 80 ml to ​​ really - really smooth and blended. - Strain water blenderan suji leaf earlier , and set aside. - Now , mix the water blenderan earlier with rice flour , sugar , corn starch , pandan leaves ( not mixed nor anything - anything ) , wheat , milk , and salt to taste , and stir - stir until completely - completely flat , and dull. - Form the dough before forming a thin and flat sheet , this batter later to peel a banana . - Put a banana that had been steamed over sheet dough , roll - roll the banana until it is covered with dough . - Steam until the color changed to green.

what you need: 80 ml ​​sugar. 150 grams of rice flour . 50 grams sago . 10 pandan leaves . 10 leaves suji . 50 grams of flour . 200 ml coconut milk 13

- First , sliced ​​pandan leaves that you have provided, and blend until smooth . - Strain water blenderan pandan earlier. Mix water with a sieve before sugar and rice until well blended - average . - Stir - stir the mixture with a small flame until it becomes thick . - If it is thick , remove from heat and allow to cool.






Address : i Jl. Dr. Sam Ratulang si , Makassar - Sulawe Selatan Phone : 0411 858822

Starting from a street stall , established in 1968 at the Field Karabosi - Makasar , Eating Sop Konro Karabosi able to captivate its customers to be able to survive and grow up to stand several branches in Jakarta , Makassar and Surabaya . Eating house developed since 1993 in ivory palm region is indeed remarkable , with a menu mainstay soup konro that gives a distinctive taste makasar which according to its owner Hj.Hanaping a secret recipe handed down from his family and ? Just be passed down to his family only because it involves secret recipe . In addition konronya soup so delicious restaurant scene was so comfortable supported by a friendly service to make customers more comfortable and always want to come back again to enjoy a variety of menu meals are served in the dining house Sop Konro Karabosi .



Sop Brothers is a unique culinary Pangkep, South Sulawesi form fry dishes combined with beef, noodles and potato cakes. A bowl of soup you served with a plate of rice. Sop Brothers is derived from Pangkep district about 60 km from the city of Makassar. If a visit to Pangkep so often encountered Warung Sop Brothers + sponge grilled fish (fish) at the roadside. Pangekp is known as sponge fishing town, so most of the stalls combine soup and fish cake brother because it is one inseparable package. With the growing recognition of this unique culinary Pangekp, then in the city of Makassar even more stalls serving Sop Brothers, but there are some stalls do not serve cake grilled fish menu. Although already in Makassar but there is one thing that is never lost, which the stall name is always the name of Warung Pangkep although in Makassar. Currently Sop brother is one of the culinary worth a try if visiting Makassar. As the Makassar I highly recommend you Jalan Warung Sop Pangkep Irian, of course, located in Irian road as the name suggests. Not hard to find a stall because it is located in a side street close to the Central Market Makassar, it is also close to Makassar Karebosi Field. irian road now renamed the street Dr. Wahidin S. Husodo but the best known is the way irian.



s 65 Sop Saudara Andala Jl. Andalas ,no. 65, Makassar 443521, Indonesia


it’s time for.. how to cook


- The first step is, chopped bananas , cored black .

- Furthermore crushed banana or can be directly blended and mixed with coconut milk , sugar and salt . - After that enter off the beaten egg , stirring until blended . - Take 2 pieces of dayn bananas , then give 2 tablespoons vegetable cake batter . wrap shape tum, continue until all the batter is used .

what you need


- 4 Comb Banana - 20 Grain Eggs - 2 Kg Sugar - Vanilla taste e grated - 3 seeds already in th coconut - 1 Canned Milk - 1 Liter Water

- Lastly steamed for about 25 minutes until done . Cool briefly, then put in the refrigerator until now will be presented to make it more palatable




Bolu Peca’



Warung Bu Entin jl.saudara, Makassar

Loads of variety of pastries from Indonesia , ranging from steamed sponge cake , banana cake and other pastries . Well now I add another peca sponge cake , the cake that was already familiar to you that from Makassar , because cake is a cake Khasa peca city of Makassar . This cake is a cake that typically arise when society bugis hold a special day or days other official , which requires no dish sponge cake peca dihidangannya . So it is definitely guaranteed kelezatanya , because usually pastries presented no events are usually fit very nice meals . The main ingredients of making this cake is brown sugar and glutinous rice flour is mixed in such a manner , and be a very tasty dish of this .


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