CO N D I T I O N S O F E N R O L M E N T FA M I LY D E TA I L S This contract is between the parents or guardians (‘the Parents’) who signed and returned the Application for Enrolment in respect of the student named in the Application for Enrolment (‘the Student’), and Queenwood School for Girls (‘the School’).
CONDITION S OF ENROLMENT 1. The Parents accept the School’s offer of a place for the Student on the terms set out in these Conditions of Enrolment. Students enrolled in the School, and their Parents, must accept that, although they have rights, they also have responsibilities to others within the School community and to those within the wider community.
FEES 2. Fees will be charged in accordance with the Schedule of Fees, which is determined from time to time by the Board of Governors. 3. Each Parent is jointly and severally liable for the payment of fees and for the payment of any additional charges incurred with the consent of either parent. Each Parent is jointly and severally liable for costs incurred by the School including legal costs in recovering or attempting to recover fees or charges payable. 4. A Student will not be admitted at the commencement of a term if fees for the previous term remain unpaid. The School may, at its absolute discretion, terminate a Student’s enrolment where any fees and charges levied by the School, including any fees required to be paid prior to commencement at the School, are overdue and remain unpaid. 5. A Student will not be permitted to attend co-curricular or sporting excursions, tours or camps, unless all amounts owing to the School have been paid in full, including the costs associated with the excursion, tour or camp. 6. Parents must give the Principal a full term’s notice in writing of their intention to withdraw the Student from the School, ie no later than the last day of the holidays prior to the girl’s final term of enrolment. If notice is not given in accordance with this clause, the Parents must pay an additional charge of one full term’s fees. 7. No remission of fees either in whole or in part will be given should the Student be absent from the School for any reason.
E X P E C TAT I O N S A N D B E H AV I O U R 8. The School’s rules and disciplinary policies apply to the conduct of the Student at all times when she is at School or engaged in activities connected to School. Where there is evidence of misconduct by the Student at other times, the School may apply its rules and disciplinary policies if the Principal decides, in her absolute discretion, that the interests of the School or the members of the School community are affected. 9. Parents are responsible for any loss, damage or liability incurred by the School arising from, or in connection with, any failure by the Student to comply with the School’s rules and disciplinary policies.
13. The Principal may, by giving one term’s notice to the Parents, terminate a Student’s enrolment if there is a serious breakdown in the relationship of trust and co-operation between the Parents and the School. 14. The Principal may, by giving reasonable notice, require the Parents to withdraw the Student from the School at the end of a school year where the Student has, in the Principal’s opinion, failed to make satisfactory progress in terms of attendance, effort, participation, behavioural or disciplinary standards.
AT T E N DA N C E 15. Each Student must attend School throughout the school year. Attendance is required from Monday to Friday during the prescribed hours and at such other times as notified by the School in advance. 16. The School will determine from time to time which activities are compulsory and will notify Parents of the requirement for attendance. It is a condition of enrolment that Students must attend compulsory events such as assemblies, extra-curricular activities, camps, excursions or important events such as Speech Night. 17. Obligations to attend for disciplinary reasons (for example, a weekend or holiday detention) take precedence over other obligations. 18. In exceptional circumstances the Principal may, in her absolute discretion, grant leave of absence during term-time. Requests for leave must be made in writing well in advance and must give details of the exceptional reasons for the request. 19. If the Student is absent without prior notice (eg because of minor illness), Parents must notify the School by 9am on the day of absence, and must provide an explanation in writing on the first day of her return. Where no written explanation is received, the absence will be reported to Parents and an explanation will be required. In cases of illness, the School may in its absolute discretion require Parents to provide a certificate from a suitably qualified medical practitioner stating that the child should not attend School on the days of absence. 20. The School may terminate the enrolment of a Student in the case of extended or repeated unauthorised absence from School.
H E A LT H A N D S A F E T Y 21. Parents must inform the School immediately of any disabilities, medical conditions or other needs or circumstances affecting a Student, and must update the School immediately in writing if these change. The Parents acknowledge that the School cannot always meet a Student’s existing, future or potential special needs. 22. In order to maintain a safe and orderly environment for all students, the Principal or her nominee may: (a) search the Student’s bag, locker, electronic device or other possessions where there are reasonable grounds to do so; (b) carry out computer surveillance and monitor the use of computers, email, the internet, social media or the School network.
10. Serious or repeated breaches of discipline may result in suspension or expulsion of the Student. Procedures for these sanctions will be applied in accordance with the principles of procedural fairness. In the event of suspension or expulsion, the School is entitled to retain or be paid, as the case may be, that term’s fees.
23. Parents must abide by the School’s policies and procedures which are designed to protect its students (eg adults signing in at Reception or management of traffic when collecting or delivering students to School).
11. Parents must support the Student in abiding by the School’s rules and expectations and must act consistently with the School’s policies.
24. The School accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to the Student’s personal property and does not insure against such loss.
12. The School may terminate a Student’s enrolment if the Parents’ conduct undermines the good order of the School or causes serious or repeated harm to the School or the members of the School community.
25. When a Student participates in a School excursion or activity, whether compulsory or voluntary, the School will not be liable for any injury or illness, whether physical or mental, or loss of property suffered by the Student in the course of, or because of,
such participation. Nothing in this clause is intended to exclude liability which at law may not be excluded. 26. The School will not be liable for any injury or illness, whether physical or mental, or loss of property suffered by the Student in the course of, or because of, any activity in which the Student participates which is not an official School activity, whether or not it is an activity which involves any person or persons who are students, parents, teachers or other persons of any kind whatsoever who are associated with the School.
C O M M U N I C AT I O N A N D C O N S E N T 27. Parents must inform the School in writing immediately of any change to their home address, postal address, telephone number or other contact details, including emergency contact names and details. Parents must also provide to the School any court orders relating to the Student and her Parents. Information sent to the nominated postal or email address of the Parents will be deemed to have been received by the Parents. 28. Information for Parents may be published in the School Newsletter, published on the School’s website or Portal, posted to the Parents’ home address, given to the Student to take home or emailed to the Parents’ nominated email address. Any letter posted to the Parents at the address appearing in the records of the School will be deemed to have been received when in the ordinary course of post it would reach that address. 29. Should the School require instruction, authority or direction from the Parents on any issue concerning the Student (including consent for medical treatment) then the School may act upon the instruction, authority or direction of either parent (without obtaining the consent of both Parents).
P R I VAC Y 33. The School will collect personal information about the Parents and Students which may be necessary for the School to function and conduct its activities. The School will deal with such information in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
OT H E R M AT T E R S 34. The School may alter these Conditions of Enrolment from time to time, and any alteration will be binding upon the Parents as if originally embodied in these conditions. Notice of any alteration will be provided to the Parents via usual School communication channels and the alteration will take effect as of the date specified in the notice. Subject to the authority of the Board, the Principal may vary a School policy, practice or procedure at any time with or without notice to Parents. No indulgence granted in respect of any of the Conditions of Enrolment shall constitute a waiver of these conditions. 35. The School does not warrant that it will achieve any particular outcome in respect of the Student. 36. The School does not warrant that it can control the behaviour or activities of other students or parents. 37. The Parents accept that the School has absolute discretion in respect of its operational matters. This includes but is not limited to decisions about subject and extra-curricular activity offerings and availability, timetabling and teacher allocation.
30. Should the School be unable to contact the Parents or should the School consider it impracticable to communicate with the Parents in the event of an emergency, the School will take such action and do such things as it considers necessary or expedient for the welfare and health of the Student. The Parents agree to indemnify the School in respect of any costs or expenses which the School incurs as a result of the School taking action pursuant to this clause. 31. In the event of accident or sudden illness where the Student is under the School’s care, the School will endeavour to contact the Parents as soon as possible. If, in the judgment of the School, urgent medical treatment is required, the Student may be given first aid or taken for treatment to a hospital or doctor. The Parents give consent for any necessary first aid, medical or surgical treatment in such circumstances, and agree that the School will not be liable for the consequences of any such decision. The Parents will be liable for any expenses incurred in connection with such treatment. 32. The Parents authorise the School to take and use (on an ongoing basis, even after the Student ceases to attend the School) any photographs, video or sound recordings of the Student and any other reproductions or adaptations of the Student’s likeness (‘the material’), either in full or part, in conjunction with any wording or drawings, in any School publication, production and presentation. Parents and Student have no rights in the material nor in any School publication, production or presentation which includes the material. The Parents may, by notice in writing to the Principal, withdraw such authorisation in relation to publications specifically developed by the School for the purpose of advertising or marketing.
Queenwood School for Girls SENIOR SCHOOL 47 Mandolong Road, Mosman NSW 2088, Australia | JUNIOR SCHOOL 6 Queen Street, Mosman NSW 2088, Australia. POSTAL ADDRESS Locked Bag 1 Mosman, NSW, 2088, Australia. P + 61 2 8968 7777 | F + 61 2 8968 7778 | | | ABN 83 000 532 696