Holiday Borrowing Remember to keep reading over the upcoming winter break! We welcome student borrowing over the winter recess period and this week have added over 100 new titles to our Fiction shelves. Encourage your daughter to stock up on fabulous reads for the holidays! Wheelers eBook Platform We continually update our eBook collection, allowing access to some great reads. Our 7—12 students can access our entire eBook collection via the Library Canvas page. Simply click on Wheelers eBooks under the Digital Resources tab and click sign in. There are dozens of brand new titles added every week. The Wheelers eBook platform can be searched via Popular reads, Latest Additions, New Releases, Series works, Authors and Categories. Offering over 1,000 full texts of Fiction and Non-Fiction. Requests for specific eBooks from our students are also very welcome! Parents—please familiarize yourself with this e-lending platform to ensure your daughter is selecting age appropriate reading material. If you have any concerns do not hesitate to contact me. Digital Resources A reminder that all Year 7—12 students may access a range of digital resources from home to assist in completing their homework and assessments. Via the Library Canvas page students can log on to W orld Book Online, Britannica School, Britannica I mageQuest, Questia School, JSTOR and a range of curriculum areas through the Facts on File databases. There is also links to the State Library of NSW, the National Library of Australia, Trove and Mosman Municipal library. Parent Library All parents are welcome to borrow resources housed in the Rennie parent library collection. For further information please click on the Parent Library on the Library Canvas homepage. To ensure privacy all resources will be in sealed satchels and a new sealable satchel will be included for easy return to the library. Your daughter will be sent a message through Canvas to collect the sealed satchel on your behalf from the Reference desk and the resource may be returned the same way.
Year 12 Study Week The Rennie library will be open to Year 12 students in the 3rd week of the holiday break. Monday 10th—Friday 14th July, from 9am—3pm. Library Opening Hours Please note the adjustment in library opening hours from Semester 2, 2017 onwards. Monday—Thursday 07.30am—5.00pm Friday 07.30am—4.15pm
Mrs Mace Head of Library & Information Services