1 minute read

afternoon sun rays

Figure 2.8 - In a humid climate, shading (Chajja) and shutters on the veranda prevent afternoon sun rays

(Source - Solar passive features in North-East India's vernacular architecture by Manoj Kumar Singh)


2.2.6 Natural ventilation of building

Ventilation -

The physical characteristics of air are used to remove heat or give cooling to occupants through ventilation, which is a natural cooling approach.

Function of ventilation -

The three main functions of ventilation are for

i. The supply of fresh air ii. Physiological cooling iii. Removing heat from, on adding it to, the thermal mass in the building structure

The supply of fresh air -

Fresh air is required in buildings to:

• Provide sufficient oxygen • Dilute odours, e.g., body and food • Maintain safe levels of carbon dioxide emissions from occupants and combustion.

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