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CHAPTER 6 Scrutineering and Technical Conformity

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Scrutineering and Technical Conformity

1 2 General


a) To ensure compliance with all Rules, KA will carry out inspections. b) KA reserves the right to: (i) Carry out these inspections at any time and on any item. (ii) Apply any Seal, Identification Tag, Barcode and/or Marking at any time on any item. (iii) Add to the inspection procedures contained within the Rules at any time. (iv) Alter the inspection procedures contained within the Rules at any time. c) By entering a KA sanctioned meeting the Competitor implicitly states: (i) They accept the governance of KA in regard to all Rules. (ii) They will comply with all Rules at all times throughout the Meeting. (iii) Their Kart and Apparel conforms to all applicable Rules. (iv) They make any item, and/or themselves available for inspection at any time. (v) They will comply with all Official instructions within the time allocated for compliance. (vi) The responsibility for safety with all items is theirs. (vii) They will not use compliance with a prior inspection as defence in relation to noncompliance in a current inspection. (viii) They will not tamper with and will maintain the integrity of all Seals, identification Tags,

barcode and/or Markings at all times

1) Prior to leaving the in-grid / scales area after each session they will check all Seals, Identification Tag, Barcode and/or Marking’s for loss, damage or illegibility. 1. Any such loss, damage or illegibility must be reported to the Chief Scrutineer immediately. d) In the event of a Competitors Disqualification from a Meeting or part thereof due to noncompliance on the grounds of safety, they are not permitted to protest or appeal the decision. e) Inspections take the following forms: (i) Scrutineering (Safety Compliance and Administrative Checks) 1) Are to ensure a Kart and Driver compete on Track in a condition that provides for their and other competitors safety under all Competition situations. 2) Are to provide officials with administrative information in regard to all aspects of a Competitors entry in a Class. (ii) Technical Conformity Tests 1) Are to ensure all aspects of the Kart and Drivers performance is within the Rules of KA as they specifically relate to the particular Class entered.


a) May be carried out by either of the following authorised persons: (i) The Chief Scrutineer or their delegate; or (ii) The Competitor b) Prior to a Competition, their complete Kart, or a replacement component, being allowed to take part in the relevant Class Competition: (i) Scrutineering must be conducted by an authorised person.



(ii) The Competitor must submit to the designated Meeting Official the correct Scrutineering Form relevant to the Class being entered. This signifies, independent of the type of authorised person, the Competitor has checked all items, and their Kart and Apparel complies with all Rules relevant to the Class entered. 1) It must be completed in full. 2) If a paper Scrutineering Form is used, it must be signed by fully completed with the signature of the authorised person who carried out the Scrutineering. 3) If the digital Scrutineering Form is used, it must contain the name and Licence Number of the authorised person that carried out the Scrutineering. (iii) A Kart and/or component must have affixed to it the correct Scrutineering Sticker and/or Seal, Identification Tag, Barcode and/or Marking supplied by the designated Meeting Official after compliance with Rule (ii) above. c) Any Kart damaged during a Meeting must be presented to the Chief Scrutineer at the designated

Scrutineering Bay. (i) It will only be released to the Competitor upon the direction of the Chief Scrutineer.

Technical Conformity Testing

a) May be carried out on any item. (i) May require the removal of the item from the Kart. (ii) Should removal be required it is the Competitor’s responsibility to remove and refit the item and to present it in a clean and tidy condition. b) Must be conducted by the Chief Scrutineer or their designated representative, or by an authority approved by KA. c) A Competitor or their designated representative may be present at the time of the Technical

Conformity Test. d) When nominated for Technical Conformity Testing an item is therein deemed to be in Parc Fermé conditions. (i) It will remain in Parc Fermé conditions until released by the Chief Scrutineer. (ii) It must be sealed and identification tagged by the Chief Scrutineer or their designated representative. 1) The Competitor will be provided with a receipt. (iii) Parc Fermé conditions expire after 21 days, unless: 1) KA specifically direct it to continue. 2) A protest or appeal is made in respect of the item. (iv) Technical Conformity Testing must occur during the Parc Fermé conditions. (v) The Chief Scrutineer has control of the item whilst it is in Parc Fermé conditions. 1) Depending on the specifics of the situation, the Competitor may still use the item whilst it is in Parc Fermé conditions. (vi) If the item has been removed from the possession of the Competitor during application of the Parc Fermé conditions it must be returned to the Competitor no later than the Parc Fermé conditions expiry time.

Minor Ineligibility

a) The Chief Scrutineer, having noted an item of minor non-compliance, must advise the Competitor regarding rectification of the non-compliance. b) Having so advised the Competitor, before the Competitor is permitted on to the Track, the Chief

Scrutineer must provide the Stewards a note in the following form:


(i) “In my view, the minor non-compliance noted herein and advised to this Competitor does not improve the performance to such an extent that the Competitor should be Disqualified from this Meeting, and thus they may compete in this condition for this Meeting only.” c) Upon receipt of the note referred to above, the Chief Steward of the Meeting may then permit the Competitor to participate in the Meeting. d) If the Chief Steward of the Meeting has specifically approved the participation of a Competitor, then no Protest or Appeal on that ground by any other person will be accepted in respect of that

Meeting. e) Where a question of eligibility is raised during or after Competition and that matter would have been treated as a “minor ineligibility” if raised at scrutiny the Chief Steward of the Meeting may treat the matter post Event in the manner as determined above.


a) Save for factory fitted seals on engines used in the 4SS and 4SE Classes, only seals supplied by

KA are permitted to be used. Other seals may be fitted but will have no regulatory value. b) Once supplied and instructed to be fitted, must be remain in place at all times. c) Other that 4SS and 4SE factory fitted seals which must not be removed under any circumstances, a Seal must only be removed by the Chief Scrutineer or their designated representative. d) Tails on plastic seals must be left at full length. e) All engines must have provision for sealing. f) Sealing must be done in accordance with these Rules. g) Specific Details for Engine Seals (i) Unless specifically stated in individual Class definitions and/or the Homologation papers, all engines must be fitted with solid sealing nuts appropriate for the respective engine type. (ii) A Solid Sealing Nut has a cross drilled hole of at least 3mm diameter in one end that allows the fitting of an engine Seal/Tag. (iii) Once fitted with the Seal/Tag it must not be able to turn. (iv) Only one (1) nut must be used per stud. (v) Engine Seals/Tags are typically fitted to the following nuts: 1) Extended Cylinder Head 2) Cylinder 3) Or Exhaust Nut (vi) Engines with Integral cylinder and cylinder head studs. 1) Two (2) sealing nuts must be used. 2) They are to be fitted on adjacent studs. 3) The 3mm cross hole in each nut must be above the cylinder head cooling fins. 4) The cylinder head cooling fins must not be drilled. (vii) Engines with Cylinder head studs independent of Cylinder Studs. 1) Two (2) sealing nuts must be fitted. 2) They are to be fitted on adjacent studs. 3) The 3mm cross hole in each nut must be above the cylinder cooling fins. 4) One (1) internal hex cylindrical nut must be fitted on a cylinder to crankcase drive side stud. a. It is not to have a cross drilled hole. (viii) Water Cooled Engines. 1) Two (2) sealing nuts must be fitted. 2) They are to be fitted on adjacent cylinder head studs. 3) The exception to this are all Rotax engines.







13 Technical Conformity Tests

a) General (i) Unless specifically stated, or requested by the National Technical Commissioner, Technical Conformity processes are to test and check for compliance, not to record absolute measurements. (ii) Where the use of a gauge is required, the approved item or a gauge approved by either the National Technical Commissioner or the State Technical Officer must be used. b) Tolerances (i) Where the Rules refer to a Maximum or Minimum measurement, that measurement is absolute with no tolerance applicable. (ii) Unless otherwise specified the tolerances given in Appendix 1, Table 2 apply to all measurements.

Cylinder Head Volume Measurement

a) Purpose (i) To ensure the Cylinder Head Volume is within the specifications allowed in relation to the Class entered.

Measuring Engines Controlled by Exhaust Port Timing

a) Purpose (i) To measure the minimum piston travel to ensure it is within the specifications allowed in relation to the Class entered.

Port timing Check with AKA Piston Travel Rods

a) Purpose (i) To check the exhaust transfer split, and in piston port engines the exhaust to inlet split, to ensure they are within the specifications allowed in relation to the Class entered.

Control Muffler Checks

a) Purpose (i) To ensure AKA14 and AKA39 Control Mufflers are as per the specification.

Clutch Testing

a) Purpose (i) To ensure correct functionality of any clutch fitted to an engine on a Kart.

Fuel Testing

a) Purpose (i) To ensure all Fuel conforms to the requirements of a KA permitted fuel.

Tyre Testing

a) Purpose (i) To ensure all Tyres are used as supplied and without the use of illegal agents or solvents.

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