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Determination of free fatty acid content in fats and oils

Course Outcomes

The students will be able to 1. demonstrate the spectroscopic techniques of analysis 2. quantitative estimation of biomolecules 3. prepare nanomaterials 4. analyze samples using electrochemical techniques 5. separate compounds using chromatographic techniques 6. perform conductance based experiments


1. Qualitative tests for carbohydrates 2. Quantitative method for amino acid 3. Quantitative method for protein estimation 4. Quantitative method for cholesterol estimation 5. Synthesis of biodiesel from vegetable oil 6. Preparing batteries from fruits and vegetables 7. Estimation of nucleic acids by absorbance at 260 nm and its hyperchromic effect. 8. Determination of iron by potentiometry 9. Estimation of iron by spectrophotometry 10. Construction of a Galvanic cell 11. Analysis of Water 12. Investigation of biodiesel fuel and petroleum based fuel using IR spectroscopy 13. Extraction of lipids and analysis by paper chromatography and TLC. 14. Determination of free fatty acid content in fats and oils 15. Qualitative and quantitative estimation of adulterant in common food items 16. Estimation of non nutritive sweeteners 17. Estimation of effects of antioxidants usage in foods. 18. Observation of the effect of anticaking agents in foods. 19. Estimation of thickeners and their effects in foods. 20. Measurement of electrode potentials of metals/alloys (Minimum 10 Experiments to be conducted)

Text Books:

1. Elias A. J., “A Collection of Interesting General Chemistry Experiments”, Revised Edition, Universities Press, 2007 2. Khosla, B. D., Garg, V. C., and Gulati, A. R., “Senior Practical Physical Chemistry” Chand & Co.: New Delhi, 2011. 3. Garland, C. W.; Nibler, J. W. and Shoemaker, D. P., “Experiments in Physical Chemistry”, 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2003. 4. Halpern, A. M. and McBane G. C., “Experimental Physical Chemistry”, W.H. Freeman & Co. New York, 2003. 5. Jain and Jain “Engineering Chemistry” 16th Edition, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company, NewDelhi, 2017

20CH1005 Principles of Environmental Chemistry Course Objectives

Enable the students to 1. develop to understand the water technology, waste water and its treatment 2. conversant with the fundamentals of Corrosion and corrosion control 3. acquire knowledge about solid waste management

Course Outcome

Students will be able to 1. understand the various factors in water quality 2. learn the various water purification process and their applications 3. describe the process of corrosion

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