Total Lectures 45 Hours Reference Books 1. Suri C. T. and Jin Z.H., “Fracture Mechanics”, 1st Edition, Elsevier Academic Press, 2012. 2. Alberto Carpinteri, “Applications of Fracture Mechanics to Reinforced Concrete”, CRC Press, 2014 3. Prashant Kumar, “Elements of fracture mechanics”, 1st Edition McGraw Hill Education; 2017. 4. Simha K R Y, “Fracture Mechanics for Modern Engineering Design”, Universities Press 2001. 5. Anderson L, “Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications”, 4th Edition, CRC Press; 2017 Recommended by Board of Studies Approved by Academic Council
12th September 2020
Course code DESIGN OF PRESTRESSED CONCRETE STRUCTURES L T P C 20CE3018 3 0 0 3 Course Objective: 1. To understand the principles of pre-stressing 2. To learn the analysis and design of the prestressed concrete elements 3. To understand the concepts of prestressing techniques Course Outcome: At the end of the course students will be able to 1. List the prestressing techniques 2. Understand the concepts of prestressing techniques 3. Analyse prestressed concrete structures 4. Design prestressed concrete structural elements 5. Appraise on the quality parameters of PSC structures 6. Investigate the rationale for failure of a PSC structure Module: 1 INTRODUCTION 7 Hours Review - basic concepts of prestressing- IS 1343-2012 code provisions - factors affecting strength and deflection - layout of cables - risk of extreme events; including blast, impact, seismic and fire effects introduction to ACI and BS code provisions Module: 2
8 Hours
Behaviour of flexural members - determination of ultimate flexural strength – code provisions - design of flexural members - design for shear, bond and torsion - design check list Module: 3 CONTINUOUS BEAM 8 Hours Analysis and design of continuous beams - methods of achieving continuity - concept of linear transformations - concordant cable profile and gap cables –design of cantilever beams Module: 4 POST TENSIONED CONCRETE SLAB 8 Hours Design of one way and two way spanning floors - flexure in flat slab - tendon profile - anchorage bursting reinforcement Module: 5 PIPES AND COLUMNS 8 Hours Types, IS 783 guidelines, Analysis and design of prestressed concrete pipes - compression members tensions members - sleepers CIVIL ENGINEERING (2020)