UNIT II: Legal and Regulatory Framework Structure of Mutual Funds - Key constituents - Organization structure of Asset Management Company Role and Function of AMFI - SEBI Regulators - Know the Due Diligence - Investor Grievance and Redressal standards - AMFI Code of conduct for Intermediaries UNIT III: Scheme Related Information & Fund Distribution and Channel Management Practices Mandatory Documents – Purpose - Objective – Significance - Non-Mandatory Disclosures - Mutual fund distributors, Classification - Modes of distribution - Pre-requisites to become Distributor - Due Diligence Process - Nomination facilities to Agents / Distributors and Commission to Nominee - Change of distributor UNIT IV: Net Asset Value, Total Expense Ratio and Taxation Fair Valuation Principles, Compute NAV, Dividends & Distributable Reserves, Concept of Entry and Exit Load, Accounting and Reporting Requirements, Various taxes of mutual funds UNIT V: Investor Services & Mutual Fund Scheme Selection NFO Process - Types plans and options - Periodicity of Statement of Accounts - types of Investors, Cut-off time and Time Stamping, KYC requirement - operational aspects of systematic transactions –Non-Financial Transactions - Change in Status of Investors -Transactions - Scheme Selection- Preferences and Riskprofile, Risk Levels - Investment strategy, -selecting options - Know about Do’s and Don’ts in mutual fund schemes. Text Books: 1. NISM, Series VA- Mutual Funds Distributors Module, Delhi: Taxman 2. Ankit Gala and Jitendra Gala (2007), Guide to Indian Mutual Fund: Buzzing stock publishing house, Mumbai Reference Books: 1. Sundar Sankaran(2019), Indian Mutual Funds, New Delhi: Vision books 2. John C. Bogle (2015), Mutual Funds, New Delhi: Wiley 3. Soheli Ghosh(2016), Mutual Funds in India, New Delhi: Regal Publications 20BC2043 SMART TRADING – FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS Credits: 4: 0: 0 Course Objectives: 1. To explain the concepts of fundamental analysis and its steps 2. To acquire the knowledge on financial statements for interpreting companies financial strength 3. To know various valuation methodologies and identifying suitable method to define the correct price Course Outcomes: After completing this course, they should be able to: 1. Remember the relevance of fundamental analysis in investing 2. Understand the basic concepts of Time Value of Money 3. Apply the fundamental analysis concepts in real life 4. Analyze financial statements 5. Evaluate the various valuation methodologies while buying assets 6. Develop own recommendations of stocks based on fundamental analysis UNIT I: Fundamental Analysis: An introduction Introduction to fundamental analysis, Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), Arguments against EMH, Steps in Fundamental Analysis. UNIT II: Basics terminologies Concept of “Time value of Money”, Interest Rates and Discount Factors – Opportunity cost, Risk-Free Rate, Equity Risk Premium, The Beta, Risk Adjusted Return (Sharpe Ratio). COMMERCE AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE (2020)