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Hotspot of biodiversity -a campus in the foot hills of Western Ghats
519 students qualified in competitive examinations, of which 67 entered into Civil Services. 3038 students appeared for the BEC of Cambridge and qualified; KITS is a recognized centre for conducting this examination. Online/offline redressal mechanism is available for the students to report grievances, such as ragging, academic and residence-related issues including sexual harassment. KITS provides facilities for indoor and outdoor games, and the star facilities are the stadia, gymnasia and play courts spread over 15 acres. An average of 15 events/year including Karunya Evangeline Memorial Tournament were organized and students won a total of 104 awards. Students zealously participate in a host of extracurricular activities organized under the aegis of NCC, NSS, YRC, Karunya Arts and Literary Association, and other clubs; 1005 such activities were organized and 136 awards were won. Alumni have contributed Rs.342 lakh for welfare activities. Students are connected to the alumni network through social media platform - AlmaConnect and Karunya Alumni Business Network (KABN). Alumni members serve in statutory bodies and support their alma mater in the form of guest lectures, career guidance, internships and placement.
Governance, Leadership and Management
KITS in its vision and mission statements clearly articulates its commitment for academic excellence, socially relevant research in water, food, healthcare and sustainable energy, and value inculcation. TLP caters to the advancements in science and technology leading to quality research, publications, patents, products and grooming the students to be industry-ready. Aligning with the vision, KITS organizes visits to care homes as a part of extension activity for students, who are motivated to develop devices and products to address healthcare issues.
Karunya follows a decentralized system of management wherein the HoDs prepare the budget in consultation with faculty and operate the same. The curricula are developed jointly by the department, CDC and BoS, the members of which are academicians, industrialists and alumni. The decisions of BoS are presented at the Academic Council. The apex statutory body of KITS is BoM chaired by the Vice Chancellor. There is also a Planning and Monitoring Board. The research activities are coordinated by departmental research committees. Board of Research and Consultancy is the apex body to draft policies, monitor and evaluate research. IPR Cell and Karunya Business Incubation Park registered under Section 8 of MIC support patenting and entrepreneurship. As part of e-Governance, campus is paper-free and administrative, financial and academic matters align with Digital India Initiative. The performance appraisal policy streamlines annual assessment of faculty and their assessment promotion. API indices and experience as per UGC norms are the criteria for promotion. 328 faculty members were supported for their academic/research performance in the form of professional incentives, awards, travel grants, foreign visits and industrial exposure. Majority of staff are provided accommodation on campus. 345 professional development and administrative training programmes were conducted. Funding was obtained from industries for developing products and processes, and in the form of equipment. KITS has a vibrant IQAC with a senior professor as Director and faculty coordinators. An IQAC advisory committee is constituted as per UGC norms. All quality initiatives are audited by IQAC. The finance section is headed by a chartered accountant. Internal and external audits as per statutes are