2 minute read
Reuse of treated sewage for irrigation
Infrastructure and Learning Resources
KITS has an excellent infrastructure and advanced learning resources to cater to efficient teaching-learning process, cultural and sport activities. The Institution commands vast ICT resources; the ICT enabled lecture halls purvey a learner–friendly ambience and foster an authentically interactive pedagogy.
131 state-of-art laboratories and workshops with cutting-edge technologies and professionally trained technical staff are available for practical and observational learning. KITS has an excellent centralised computing facility-Computer Technology Centre- providing network, computing and educational services. The CTC houses 15 laboratories, 44 high-end servers with 81TB storage area network, green computing by server consolidation, uninterrupted internet connectivity with 774 access points with a bandwidth of 1500 Mbps, and a student-computer ratio of 4:1. Rs.265 lakh is provided in the annual budget to upgrade and maintain IT infrastructure. An air-conditioned and fully automated Central Library of 3083.30 sq. m. area is available with an Integrated Library Management System, equipped with 1,40,913 volumes, 219 printed journals, 2377 ejournals and 2,00,042 e-books. The library has access to e-ShodhSindhu and Shodhganga. Web based AutoLib Software with mobile app is used for in-house operations. Library resources, INFLIBNET and digital library with web OPAC are accessible 24x7. KITS invests an average of Rs.143 lakh per annum for library resources. Sports complex of 15 acre includes 3 stadiums (2 indoor and 1 outdoor), athletic tracks (2–400m, 8 tracks), 44 play-fields, 7 fully equipped gymnasia and 3 auditoriums of 1,500-10,000 capacity. The Department of Physical Education encourages prodigies by providing experienced coaches and trainers. Centre for Extension Activities conducts talent–hunt and competitive events for identifying and nurturing talents through 19 clubs. KITS has campus facilities comprising of 100 bedded rural community hospital, post office, bank, ATMs, telephone exchange, guest house, restaurants, petrol station and police outpost. The green and biodiversity-rich campus of the Institution has sustainable energy conservation facilities like, 115 kW solar-power plant, 4 biogas plants, 7958 LED lights, vermi-compost unit, 5 sewage treatment plants and a waste paper recycling unit.
Student Support and Progression
KITS provides a student-centric and student-driven ecosystem aiming at the educational career of each student and their welfare on campus. Towards that, KITS has established scholarships, benevolent funds, skill development programmes leading to competitive examinations, placement and higher education, opportunities for extra-curricular activities, industrial exposure, alumni engagement, and value inculcation to groom students to be responsible citizens.
Students from economically weaker section are supported with institution/ state/central/minority scholarships. In the last five years, Rs.2011 lakh has been made available as scholarship, of which Rs.1521 lakh and Rs. 490 lakh cover 3960 and 285 students under merit-cum-means and sports quota respectively. The Centre for Training and Placement caters to skill development, placement, higher education and organises competitive examinations. The average percentage of students benefitted by career counselling and guidance for competitive examinations is 83%. An average of 66% of students are placed annually; 28% of students progressed to higher studies making a total of 94% during the completed academic year.