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3. Curriculum Enrichment
The curriculum of different programmes are a combination of fundamentals, current and advanced trends in science, technology and humanities aimed at holistic and multi-disciplinary approach. During the assessment period, KITS offered 678 value added courses with a total participation of 77% of students. Several courses are interdisciplinary and technology-driven inculcating personality and skill development. 350 courses relating to cross-cutting areas are included in the syllabi: 7 in gender, 75 in professional ethics, 48 in human values, 107 in environment and 113 in sustainability. Curricula are enriched with blended and project based learning to cater to Industry 4.0, SDG, NEP, and requirements of statutory bodies: 75.98% of the students are exposed to internships and field projects.
4. Feedback System
The Institution has a structured online feedback process, covering all the stakeholders, namely students, faculty, employers, parents and alumni. The feedback obtained is analysed every semester and action is taken for improvement and revision of curricula and syllabi.
High priority is given for curriculum development and enrichment, and KITS has succeeded in placing and providing higher education opportunity for 93% of its students.
Teaching-learning and Evaluation
Teaching and Learning is the raison d’etre of KITS and its efforts to serve students of diverse backgrounds and capabilities are depicted hereunder.
Faculty members with experience, required qualification and diversity are the academic strength and research asset of KITS. There are 468 faculty members constituting an STR of 15:1 and 20% are from other States. 78.4% have Ph.D. with an average career experience of 9 years in KITS, and 28 of them have post-doctoral experience. The excellence of the faculty is evidenced from 766 national and international awards/recognitions covering 33% of faculty. Students represent 33 States/UTs from diverse education and socio-economic background with a demand ratio of 1:10. Advanced and slow learners are identified during the Induction programme and appropriate bridge courses are offered for enhanced and inclusive learning experience. Students with a CGPA of 8.0 and above registered for 307 self-study courses; 7507 MOOC certified learners have gained through T-shaped learning. On an average, 15 students are assigned to a faculty mentor. Experiential learning is exemplified by the international internship opening for 237 students in universities/ organisations through IAESTE and other programs. 149 ICT enabled classrooms; 5575 courses uploaded in the in-house LMS, a digital library, remote access to laboratories of other reputed institutions enable effective teaching and learning. Flipped Classroom, Think-Pair-Share, Jigsaw, Plickers, Moodle, Google-Forms, Kahoot, Flubaroo,