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Fitness Matters
So You Want to Lose Weight?
Diet books have a formula. If you look at numerous books you’ll see they all approach losing weight in pretty much the same way. They start by identifying a reason why you’re struggling to lose weight, and show you how your health could be made so much better by eating the method stated in the book.
They convince you that your health problems aren’t your fault, that you’ve been misled, and promise a new method to help beat this enemy. They set out a rigid plan and promise that if you follow it you will finally be set free – this way of eating will be the miracle cure.
This is a multi-billion pound business and, the reality is, if you keep falling off the wagon you’ll then buy into another method to try.
I manage a condition through being good with food, so I’m the first to realise how important food is and the devastating effect the wrong foods can have on our bodies, but I also realise that life is short and you have to pick a plan that you can maintain, which becomes a way of life. Change starts with your mindset; that’s the most important thing. Make changes slowly. Focus on a small change each week and achieve that week’s goal. Then, add another the following week.
The average person knows that eating more vegetables is good for them, but may not understand how to identify protein in a meal. They probably know that eating too much fast food is not ideal but often knowing isn’t the problem, it’s understanding how to do it. This is why diets often fail, because they don’t help people to eat better by just telling them what to avoid, you help people by giving them better systems that allow them to adapt to what they prefer and make better choices.
You need to build better habits or rewire the way your brain thinks about obstacles, so you’re strong enough to handle a curveball, rather than a rigid plan that isn’t built for real life. If you want to become healthier, stop stressing over every single food you eat and instead focus on methods of self-improvement, habits, mindset and stress reduction. If you possess the ‘how’, then the ‘what’ becomes easier.
By Alex Robinson
Level 4 Personal Trainer with additional qualifications in GP referrals – Pre- & post-natal exercise. Personal Trainer for over 15 years, supporting and helping people to meet their goals in fitness and lifestyle changes, from losing weight to running marathons. 01773 512410 • 07817 337861
Hatton Boxing For Fitness Classes
at Ripley School Of Boxing
ARR - Personal Training ARR-Training Alex Robinson PT
‘If you have been thinking about improving your fitness or want to lose weight, I can help’. • I have been a Personal Trainer for over 15 years, supporting and helping people to meet their goals in fitness and lifestyle changes, from losing weight to running marathons. • Over the years I have competed in various amateur sports to a high standard, including 24 hour endurance running to cross training events. • I am a Level 4 Personal Trainer with additional qualifications in
GP referrals - Pre & post natal exercise
Master Trainer in corrective exercise
Hatton Boxing for Fitness - Boxercise Master Trainer
CIMPSA & NRPT registered.
A fantastic class to help get you fit while having fun! Suitable for all fitness levels Tuesday 7.30pm Thursday 7.30pm Booking is essential as places are limited
Call me on 07817 337861 I can help you change for the better! alex.robinson.pt@gmail.com
Level 4 obesity and diabetes specialist