RoW Monitoring & Reporting System for NHA Why? •
Major issues and challenge faced
by National Highway Authority
To address these issues, NHA developed e-MARS keeping in mind three considerations:
(NHA) is incomplete RoW
Low Cost: The system should be cost effective;
Widely Deployed: The technology should be in wide use;
Lack of visibility and mechanism
Easy to use: The process should be comprehensive and simple to execute by the target surveyors and supervisors;
for updating of inventory
including the encroachments and
RoW usage;
There is need to design a simple mobile application for collection of data comprising of three simple and easy steps:
Manhandling of RoW activities in
Evidence based encroachment reporting and cataloguing.
improper manner and deficient
Recording Data;
Taking Picture; and
Monitoring of RoW activities
Identifying location through built-in GPS.
and provision of evidence based encroachment reporting and cataloguing.
Storage of data will be cloud based and can be retrived through online application based on Google map. Data reporting should be viewed and used online as per requirment of the user.
What is RoW (Right of Way) NHA issues NOC’s for Access / approaches from RoW to private land and lease of RoW for construction.
The Design & Process Diagram and get pictures from 4 angles with their GPS coordinates. •
All the survey data is temporarily stored on the device during the survey.
Maximum Drop-Down options are available in the application to minimize human errors.
transferred to the NHA database server
Key Features •
The e-MARS is designed by using IT tools and techniques so that accurate and reliable RoW inventory could be made
through Wi-Fi, 3G or EDGE which is then available on the cloud. •
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Data containing access roads, RoW types and pictures with GPS
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coordinates; Through Wi-Fi, 3G and EDGE services, data is directly sent to a Web Server; A Web-Based (ASP.Net) Application is developed and hosted on web server to retrieve the data using API (Application Programming Interface) services of Google Map; Identification of NOCs for revenue generation from RoW types i.e. Access / approaches to private land and lease of RoW for construction; Evidence based, transparent and concise system; User friendly system i.e. for the data collector as well as end user; and All the data is kept at one place.
How it Works •
The process starts with the surveyor carrying an android device to the specified location on Highway, with the application installed in it.
The application enables the surveyor to find the encroachment, fill up the fields
Now every concerned officer with the clearance of this data can monitor the
available in managed database shape; effectively and efficiently. Android Based Smart Phones / Tabs are used for data collection;
At the end of the survey all the data is
tagging process and the data collected from e-survey. •
This web based application shows amenities on the Google Map.
The Application gives facility of advance search and can respond to the queries on data like routes, region, business type etc.
Maintenance Unit
This e-survey report was automatically uploaded on the internet and is downloadable. A User Manual was developed for the guidance of surveyors. The Supervisor also monitored data
Select Maintenance Unit
collection activities online.
Graphical Representation of Amenities in Pilot Phase
Impact •
As a result of 16 km survey on N-5 using e-MARS, 674 amenities were found in total. O ut of 674 amenities only 38 are registered, generating Rs.17.82 Million revenue per annum.
The Potential revenue from additional 611 amenities identified by system is
17.82 Million
Extpected Revenue collection from 611 amenities
150.76 Million
Existing Revenue collection from 38 amenities
Impact on Revenue
Approx. Rs.150.76 Million per annum.
The results of survey make it an efficient and cost-effective solution.
If done accurately, the national rollout of the survey will yield maximization of revenues generation for NHA.
Friendly Highways National Highway Authority NHA HQ, 27, Mauve Area, G-9/1, Islamabad
20140530 Final Version