Portfolio 2013

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Katerina Examiliotou Portfolio 2013

cv contents professional diploma academic visualisation random things i do

Education Katerina Examiliotou 25/04/1986

examiliotou.a@gmail.com +32 487929085 (BE) Rue Faider 26/003 1060 Bruxelles Belgium

2004-2011 Master of Architecture Democritus University of Thrace, department of Architectural Engineering 2012-2013 Postgraduate Educational Programme on Urban Environment “Agents of Change”, Strelka Institute for Architecture, Media and Design


skills software MAC OSX/WINDOWS Autocad Autocad 3D Rhino V-Ray SketchUp Pro

Networks and Interactive Landscapes/intervention in the area Limnio in the city of Xanthi/ December 2007/Xanthi/Greece 4th International Sinan Symposium/Water and Architecture/April 2008/Edirne/Turkey The significance of Philosophy in Architectural Education/October 2009/Patra/Greece

Languages Greek English French Spanish Russian

Photoshop InDesign Illustrator Video editing other hand-drafting sketching model-making

selected publications Median Magazine / How smart is too smart: An essay on smart cities and the case of Moscow /August 2013 http://medianmagazine.com/post.php?articleid=19

Strelka Institute, Education Programme- Research Report: (Re)Charge Information. How to Debrief the City: “This is Smart-a!”/ June 2013 http://issuu.com/strelkainstitute/docs/recharge_ information

E-life2011, 2nd Panhellenic Interscientific Congress of the Hellenic Association for the Study of Internet Addiction Disorder /April 2011/invited speaker Internet; a virtual space, a heteropopia and an invisible city/Research paper and lecture at DUTH,Department of Architecture Engineering /July 2010 http://issuu.com/tolis_a/docs/etero_topies

work experience 10/12-6/13


Institute for Architecture, Media $ Design / Moscow, student - researcher 09/11-08/12

OMA/AMO, internship

Office of Metropolitan Architecture/ Rotterdam ,

09/11-04/12_Parc des Exposition-Toulouse/Building optimisation, event hall and urban study/pre-schematic design and schematic design. 04/12-05/12_Kunsthalle Hermitage/AMO/exhibition of the Hermitage’s collection of display cases and vitrines/layout & studies 05/12-06/12_Floriade 2022 Holland Centraal 2/Masterplan for the city of Zoetermeer(candidate for hosting floriade 2022) 06/12-07/12_AMO/research and visualisation for AMO’s and Rem Koolhaas’s educational projects(Strelka,Harvard), lectures, publications etc.

01/10-05/10 Stavros Dendrinos/ Athens, internship




06/10-08/10 Kosti E.Keventsides/architectural office/Athens, internship Freelancing_3D Visualizer

* references available upon request



Student Exhibition/ Moscow [STRELKA]

Floriade 2022 Holland Centraal 2[OMA]

Parc des Exposition/ Toulouse[OMA]


archive_the new library?/ Thessaloniki


old quarry

seeking the balance

by the harbor



Student Exhibition/ Moscow [STRELKA] [2013]

Strelka students of 2013, were given the opportunity to design, organise and curate the final exhibition that is being held every year in the institute’s yard. Within the general framework “Agents of Change”, we decided to propose a change from the poster presentation that was happening until then. We found that a “biennale” solution with 4 individual pavilions, one per studio, would be ideal. The uniformity and the coherence of the framework speaks of Strelka, the common umbrella we were all under while the individuality of the inside would illustrate the uniqueness of each studio. In our studio (Re)Charge Information, with our moto being “Control the Data>Change the City”, we wanted to illustrate that the cities consists of data which by owning, understanding and using lead to change of the existing city paradigm. To do so, we created an interactive installation. Its main piece was a city model made out of newspapers and 20.000 postcards with data about Moscow. The model despite its being abstract would transform to city through its shadow. The postcards and the newspapers that formed the buildings were free for people to take and by doing so, they would reveille more data. By taking control and changing the datascape the city scape changes as well.



Floriade 2022 Holland Centraal 2[Masterplan] [OMA][2012]

OMA is representing Holland Central, with a site in the middle of the Randstad,

in Zoetermeer, with 5 million inhabitants in a 50km radius. OMA has designed a circular plan that connects a variety of existing conditions on the site, all presently related to horticulture: high-tech green houses, a future agro-innovation campus, an Olympic-grade leisure park and traditional Dutch landscape near the source of the river Rotte, which visitors can explore by bike or by boat. The design focuses the fair’s activities into five concentrated zones covering essential aspects of modern horticulture: technology, innovation, the global market, leisure, and culture. The park includes a 2,500-seat openair theatre, a Land Art zone, global village, and a cable-car connection spanning across the ring.





















25 26 27 28 29


Meer dan 60% van de tuinbouwers binnen 50km







Tuinbouw VENLO

Begrenzingen - Waterstructuur




Masterplan - Velden en Routing





Adventure World 5ha Station Bleizo Entree

PARKEREN 2 lagen 15ha



Openlucht Theater 2.500p

Xpo 10.000m2


CULTURE PARK - flexibele zone 50ha

presentatieruimte 4.000m2


Catalogus Catalogus

20m diameter

Map- The Netherlands

Entry/Tickets/Gift Shop



Zen Garden

Bicycle Parking

Children’s Playground

Open Air Theatre

Synthetic Surface Garden


Outdoor Yoga

Catalogus Catalogus





Land Art

Wine Tasting

Vertical Agriculture


Speed Dating

Pie Chart Info Circle

The Globe

Parc des Exposition_Toulouse [pro SD & SD

Phase][OMA ][2012]

Visualised BY ArtefactoryLab

The new Parc des Expositions (PEX), in the innovation zone of Toulouse, southern France, is a project that is not only about architecture, but infrastructure. PEX is designed to be a machine that can produce an infinite amount of possibilities. The 338,000m2 project is a compact mini-city – an antidote to the sprawl of a standard exposition park, and a means to preserve the surrounding French countryside. Rather than spreading across the entire available 150 acre site – a patchwork of open fields and sporadic developments – OMA chose to designate a "virtuous" strip, 2.8 kilometers long and 320 metres wide, crossed by the RD902 highway. The strip will act as a zone for future developments and link the river Garonne at one extreme and the Airbus A380 factory on the other. Within this strip, PEX occupies a relatively small area: a continuous low-lying structure 660 metres long, 316 metres wide, and 24 metres high. PEX consists of three parallel bands: the multifunction Event Hall, with a massive doorway allowing performances to spread outdoors; a 40,000m2 columnfree Exhibition Hall; and, in the middle band, a 160,000m2 parking silo for 6,500 cars. The structure of the exhibition spaces and Event Hall forms a continuous three dimensional grid that extends to include the façade and roof, providing a generic "plug in" system for services and for exhibitors in the exhibition halls. Exhibitor and Truck access to the exhibition halls is at grade from either the north or south side of the exhibition halls, with the Exhibition Hall in the southwest having a full height door sliding the length of the façade for oversize objects. An existing farm – preserved in its current state and as part of the exhibition hall sequence – provides a restaurant and agricultural amenity. PEX, both monumental in its horizontal scale and subtle in its overall impact, will be the new gateway to Toulouse…


Visualised BY ArtefactoryLab

Event Hall

Visualised BY ArtefactoryLab

Event Hall configurations


archive_the new library? [2010-2011][apostolidis/examiliotou]

l i b r a r y

a r c h i v e

The holy grail of architecture. home of all our desires, home of all our dreams.

The archive is a new kind of library which incorporates the way people act, learn, live through the internet. Its concept applies the ideas of multitasking and overlapping that internet is all about.

The place where all history, all people's knowledge has come together. consisting the DNA of humanity, consisting the endless archive of our dream, if you like. Purify yourself while entering thus what you are about to experience is beyond the material. You are in the entrance, you are about to face the masters, you're about to inhabitate their worlds, you're about to create your own. So hesitate no more. Remove your clothes, rub your skin, let your body dry out of its juices. You are ready now. Take the step inside, barefoot and naked in your soul. Prepare to lose yourself while trying finding you. And when the journey ends, you‘ll be a different man. Then, let the water baptise you again into the new you.

The main goal is to create a space where the real and the digital being are present at the same time, a space where people communicate, learn, expose/exhibit, entertain, an interactive public digital archive where the data can be a document, a book, a piece of art, a song even a person. This data is being difused to the city through two different nets, a real one:the Underground and a digital one:a Wifi net. The latter attempts a potential digital urbanism as it can transform a public square into a reading room.

Exploded Axonometric
















_επί τ _επί τ

μικρές μικρές στιγμές που γ στιγμές που μγ σε κάποιους μ σε κάποιους άλλους, σε σε άλλους, κοντά στο σε κοντά στο δίκτυο, στις δίκτυο, στις στιγμές κάπως στιγμές κάπως εγκλωβισμένο εγκλωβισμένο προστατευτικό προστατευτικό υποχωρήσει κά υποχωρήσει κά και στον ορίζ και στον ορίζ στον αέρα στον αέρα τα πλησιάζουν πλησιάζουν τα

In that single gigantic instant I saw millions of acts both delightful and awful; not one of them occupied the same point in space, without overlapping or transparency. What my eyes beheld was simultaneous, but what I shall now write down will be successive, because language is successive. Nonetheless, I’ll try _επί της Εγνατίας _επί της Εγνατίας

to recollect what I can.

J.L.Borges_The Aleph


old quarry_video art workshop facility

[2009][team:apostolidis/alvanoudis/examiliotou/ tempriotis]

The project requests a semi-permanent mutlispace where art workshops will take place for a limited amount of time per year. The requirements for such function include flexible work and exhibition spaces as well as minimum accomodation spaces for every individual. The main challenge consists into embracing the rocky intense landscape. The concept is to create a large scale scaffold, a grid within the quarry. Work spaces and accomodation spaces have the same basic dimensions with the first ones spreading horizontally and the latter vertically. The site is divided into two areas, a public one which exposes itself to the city through a big square and a more private one. The latter attempts to turn towards the rock creating spaces for the artists’ community and encouraging communication and collaboration.

seeking the balance_urban refugee housing complex in Athens [2009][team:apostolidis/giwtaki/examiliotou/palaiogianni]

This project is about replacing small refugee houses with a large scale housing and commercial complex in order to upgrade the living conditions of the existing families, creating at the same time a commercial and cultural center for this problematic area of Athens. The design concept encorporates the scale of the existing neighborhood into the new complex. To achieve this, the circulation cores of the buildings are semioutdoor structures creating shared spaces among the apartments. Â The housing zone is developed like a puzzle, with three different types of apartments occupying the higher levels of the complex above the first two hosting public functions.Â



residence trade-entartainment office culture

by the harbor_entertainment center in Thessaloniki


This project aims at the creation of a big flexible space which can host different kinds of entertainment (music hall, club, restaurant, lounge bar). The site is located by the harbor, at an industrial area, and is marked out by an adjacent old iconic factory. The intension here is to create a rough and brutal environment which would appear as it was emerging out of the ground. This was achieved by using angled concrete surfaces for both walls and floors. The outdoor space is as important as the indoors and it has been handled as an urban park. The concept transforms it to a funnel, an extension of the sidewalk which spreads among the buildings and rises up towards the harbor.


[research thesis/2010][team:apostolidis/examiliotou]


a virtual space an heterotopia an invisible city

This research attempts to examine the architectural space beyond any kind of material boundary, posing questions like where and how we live and what the outcome is of our existence. Our main examination tool is the internet, viewed as a virtual space, as a heterotopia and also as an invisible city. Space is presented within fluid and/or overlapping limits which define connections between people or are defined by them. The internet, being an open data system, has been structured according to the interactive relations among its users. These relations compose a network, the intersections of which are its own users who are able to change their status from transmitter to recipient and vice versa. This network consists of a parallel and virtual reality which offers the user an exit out of her/his physical presence. Out there, the user is able to develop another possible life, enriching her/his reality and therefore the space she/he lives in. The overlapping of the physical and digital space, redefines the sense of “private space” as it is becoming “public space” through a new flexible limit which administrates the data flow, the computer screen. The status of a user raises a sense of relativity, which leads us to read it as a synchronized presence in two different spaces. The internet functions as a heterotopia, according to Foucault’s definition, as it consists of coexisting overlapping spaces of contradicting character. In there, the Information along with Time are gathered in a hyperarchive which is open to adjustments and changes by its users. There is also an exit and entrance process and the whole system operates as an illusional space compensating for any kind of sexual expression that may occur. However, the digital space is considered a heterotopia due to the fact that it serves as a digital mirror in which one’s reflection redefines the position in her/his physical world and creates a real placeless place. There is an honest kind of existence within the digital world due to the fact that the human presence there can remain theoretically anonymous. This digital level of existing, becomes solid -even a description- as it is constructing an invisible digital city to dwell, with every choice she/he makes and every relation she/he develops. This city -continuous and international- is expanding, transforming and being destroyed like any other city. It contains the same qualities and the same form everywhere accommodating its cyber citizens but at the same time adapting to every single one of them and their choices, paths, stops. This digital walkabout leads to Architecture that intends to create life spaces. Nowadays, life also takes place in this digital world. There, in that heterotopia, I have the chance to include the whole world in my house and there is a city where a part of me dwells and constructs to dwell. In this place, the spatial designed field seems to include an everyday capacity to differ, a trivial otherness, that space designing should consider in order to find the way to make little utopias come true.

*500 words summury of a 16.000 words research http://issuu.com/tolis_a/docs/etero_topies


Refugee Center/module section_ Diploma Project [Sofia Giotaki& Ludia Phillis Palaiogianni]

Summer House on a rock_Rtech Architects

Exit through the Prison_Diploma Project [Despoina Papadopoulou].

Cultural Center in Keratsini_Diploma Project [Mary Giatra]



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