What´s new in AIESEC Skia?
Hey Skia! Welcome to our 3rd edition of Presidents' Times. As you see we are constantly coming with innovations and now we are going to have our editions in issue format. There were a lot of things happening during the last month: FMs, BoP, MC selection (nobody got selected), MC to MC transition... Do you want to know more, find GCPs and connect to other LCs in Skia? Our newsletter is for you than. Always yours, Nadin MCP 12-13
MC NEWS Finally we had selection of our 1st NST members, 2nd round is waiting for you. Also we have started out MC2MC transition when Edu, Sveta and Mihu moved to Slovakia. It was amazing to see almost full team meeting you in the bus station! I have visited CEE and WENA MCP meeting in Helsinki, Finland where we discussed business model of national planning, shared GCPs with other 31 MCPs. Also I had Steering Team meeting in Rotterdam, Netherlands together with AIESEC International and MCPs of India, China, Brazil, Canada, Russia, Colombia, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Bahrein. We created Global strategies to achieve 2015 goals with 2 PAIs and Slovakia will be the one piloting one idea till IC (woohoo!! Updates in LC planning). Other topics were potential changes in AIESEC Way, global financial model, EWA, expansions to other countries, rebranding of AIESEC, IC agenda. I really try to insure that Skia is heart globally during this year and we are implementing key strategies to be an example for others. More details are to come during LC planning and CEC!
Our first BoP (Board of Presidents) meeting
For me this first BoP was for sure a memorable one It was so amazing to feel this „spirit of cooperation“ in there and that we were sharing the experiences we got so far and gave advices to each other. And that was the best feeling for me – to see that we are heading to the same goal, to take @ SKIA where it has never been before. And according to that I truly believe that we will be able to make the right decisions for @ SKIA The big things are coming, as I like to say. On the other hand we got to know each other even more thanks to awesome teambuilding by Nada Stranska. Im really looking forward to the next BoP! Lucka
I had a really great time at May BOP with our Queens. It's great to feel for a while as a teammember when all the time people and your team look at you as teamleader. I really enjoyed our evening teambuilding, I felt like a willow, haha ;) I have a feeling that this year with Queens is gonna be legendary! Naďa Those two days were not just about work, discussions and making important decisions but as well full off unforgettable moments. I dont want to write a novel so I will mention for example memorable night with girls at MC flat when we decided at 2 a.m. to make a video. Another was our teambuilding when we were laughing all the time, when Mata was trying to guess who was mosquito or when our lovely MCP Nadin chose butterfly for me (we know about the reason why :D)... Nika
I think that first BoP was really interesting and we had some ,,hard" discussions. But what will stay in my mind for forever is a moment from our evening teambuilding, when me, Lucka, Katka and Nika wanted to make some video for AIESEC Slovakia with towels on our heads :-D We didn´t make anything ,,clever" but it was very funny :-) RenÄ?a
Our memorable moments from BoP...
Nadin as a willow...
Check the video! :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es7hCJSG8LA&feature=youtu.be
BA ü OGP: 17 RA/ 4 MA/ 1 RE
ü Team-leader elections & selection - in
total 10 candidates, out of which we have so far chosen 7 team-leaders for autumn newies ü Leadership Body afternoon - half a day
spent with the whole leadership body t o g e t h e r, c r e a t i n g L C s u m m e r programme, activities and positions
ü ICP: 6 RA/ 9 MA/ 4 RE ü Stakeholders meeting realized
with 12 companies ü Audit
realized - fullfilling criteria for status A
ü Zuzka Maderova accepted for
CEED in LC Prague in august ü My, myself & I project - fulfilled
plan of matches (10) and delegates signed up (100)
ü 2nd round of EDUCATE Slovakia project
successfully started, we have 5 interns here (Hong Kong, France, India, Ukraine, Hungary) + Launch of (still local) project EDUCATE Slovakia: Kids surprise, focused on kindergardens ü Talents
of Tomorrow conference, organized by CU + gaining grant of 1000 € for organizing the conference
ü Eurovea cooperation set for
Global village happening in july ü Educate Slovakia: Kempelen
project realizing
ü VP IC GIP Kubo Kulhanek as the only
Slovak delegate at international conference CEELDS :) (besides Peti being faci there)
NR TT ü matched old TN Meduška
ü 5 new fullmembers elected ü audit successfully done ü event for members with R&R
(Best of Bests) ü organized great and big OPS ü LC ü LC visit with Peťo H. - very useful
visit from MC absolved (Maťka D. and Katka K.)
and nice day ü one GCDP TN raised ü amazing karaoke DISCHARGE ü presentation about AIESEC for ü OGP rocks :-)
an organisation for secondary school students done (ŠUSka)
BB ü Bystrička was very active this month! And the
results can prove ü We started the second round of Educate
Slovakia in the middle of May and this time in Zvolen. I read the questionnaires from the kids and I couldnt stop smiling because they are simply loving it Also there are many new RA on the way from the ICP, so we are excited to have more interns in the house in the upcoming months. ü From the OGP side, we are currently having a
boost in receiving the applications and according to that we decided to organize an OPS in the middle of July. ü We finally started to concentrate more on future
IG PO. We had a meeting in Kosice, we founded the bank account for them and the loan from MC funds is on its way. And to this point I would like to thank Lucka Mullerová for taking the challenge and becoming the official IG manager! We are very much looking forward to LC plannings since we will plan together with Presov. Big things are coming for them as well!
KE ü The beginning of May was for
LC Kosice full of celebration and a bit stressful because we had 2nd round of election for EB 12/13. Now its my pleasure to introduce you new member of my unique EB team Natalia Sicakova, as LC VP Public Relations 12/13. ü Another amazing thing which
special person and tis my finance girl Evka Tabaková, who was and still is doing amazing job in her FA and even though she has lots of work with finishing up some finance stuff from the last term, she as well took the challenge of taking care of financial operations in Presov, so I would really like to admire her for that.
happened in the end of month was participation of our two members on international conference in Poland, thanks to our cooperation with RMKK (Rada Mladeze Kosickeho kraja - Youth Councilof the Košice Region). Girls had opportunity to spent amazing 7 days in wonderful town Gdansk. This conference, called Stereotypes in Europe, was focused on cooperation with NGOs in Europe and was organized by Program Youth in Action.
ü Last, but not least, lets take it from the general
ü And the last but not least big
ü We successfully selected 3 new teamleaders for
the autumn. Congratulations to Dominika Lépešová – GIPi TLD, Zuzka Medzihradská – GCDPi TLD and Ivan Raffaj – OGP TLD! Good luck with your teams! ü Also I would like to use this space to thank one
point of view. Last week we had a stakeholders meeting where we had maybe less stakeholders as we hoped for, but for sure they left with the feeling that we are a reliable partner and Im sure that the cooperation with them will be now even further. Also we established some kind of communication with the municipality of BB and we should finally have a meeting with them any time soon. We really hope for the cooperation with them as well
achievement for us is our new cooperation with University of Pavol Jozef Safarik, specifically Faculty of Public Administration.
NDK 2013