an die wut, die trauer, die tränen, den schmerz, das kämpfen, die wunden, die risse im asphalt. die utopie, den sandstrand deiner kindheit, die grauen wohnblocks deiner jugend, die zerrissenheit, verlassenheit, vereinsamung. an den ekel, den hass, die hoffnung, das gehen deines vaters, das stumme bleiben deiner mutter, dein stummes bleiben, dein verbleiben, die fragen, die furcht, das warten. an das warum, das wie und das wozu, das womit, und an das wann. an alle deine freunde und schwestern, an deine furchtlosigkeit, deine neue familie, das fehlen der alten. an deine tränen, deine wut, deine trauer, an deinen schmerz, bis der graue asphalt aufbricht und das kalte alte nichts sich öffnet. an die grauen wohnblocks deiner jugend, das zerreissen, das verlassen der vereinsamung. an den glauben an die utopie, an die utopie, an deine wunden, die sich schließen. an den strand, an dich. ‚bevor die glut in dir erlischt verlass die stadt die keine ist‘
LONGLAW ...Fleetwood Mac on emotional steroids. MARICÒN ...proud to be who we are! ETHER ...As Personal as
CAMI XVX & COLETIVO CHÁ ...Freedom to come and go.
it is Political.""
VEGAN MAKE SHARE ...AnythingUP will inspire me.
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Wir möchten uns an dieser Stelle nochmal sehr bei euch allen bedanken, die bei GoFundMe ein Abo abgeschlossen haben. Durch dieses System war es uns möglich, das beste und schönste aus dem Zine herauszuholen, wie ihr hoffentlich gerade sehen & fühlen könnt. Das hier ist von euch (unterstützt) und für euch (gemacht). Wie ihr bemerken werdet, können wir aus Gründen von Platz, Zeit und Energie nicht das Zine komplett zweisprachig machen. Sorry dafür.
So here we are: Overwhelmed by your genorousity for our fundraiser. This issue, and the other two which will follow this year, it would not have been possible without you. It is, as far as looks go, definitely the coolest so far. Loving the large format so much. Easy on the eyes and great for showing off on public transport, haha! And yes, we did not have time, space or the energy to make the whole zine bi-lingual. It‘s just not feaseable. German stuff is in German, international stuff is in Englisch.
IMPORTANT: This is part one of a trilogy. 2017 will be our first year of releasing three zines in total, and they are all connected. With your subscription until May 1st you are guaranteed all the fun of that. And you are part of an exclusive (pun intended) club, since we are not making more than yours and the ones for contributors. So we won‘t be tableing anywhere and won‘t put them in our bigcartel.
WICHTIG: Dieses Jahr werden die Zines zusammen hängen. Interviews erstrecken sich also über drei Ausgaben, es gibt wiederkehrende Kolumnen und ihr bekommt die beste xclusivx-Dröhnung indem ihr bis 1. Mai ein Abo abgeschlossen hattet. Ein exklusiver (!) Club soll das Printzine sein, der euch mit Abo und den Mitwirkenden vorbehalten ist. Ja, das heißt kein bigcartel und keine Merchstände.
Please note: The tote will be send with our summer or winter issue, we did not forget, our screen printer is just a little busy right now. The totes are already in town, they just need to be printed. ;) Oh, and: we changed the rewards for the two remaining issues, too. c xclusivxzine d xclusivxfanzine l f XCLUSIVX ZINE
Achtung: Die Jute braucht noch etwas. Ihr bekommt sie mit einem der anderen beiden Zines zugesendet, die fair trade/eco Rohlinge sind schon da, sie sind nur noch nicht bedruckt. ;) Achja: auf können Abos für Sommer & Winter 2017 abgeschlossen werden.
Zine _______ of 100.
THANK YOU FOLKS! C a r s t e n M i c h a e l A n d r é C h a r l e s I r e n e M a r c o V r e n i A n n e L o u i s M a n u A F R I E N D B e r n d P i a T i m K. Johnny (No Tolerance SHOWS) J a y & D a n i F R O G I
Dennis Tim D.O. Daniela Alex Ursi Charyse Dom Arne Stefanie Bruno Laura Sascha Camille Raphael Thorsten D. Fish Anna Malte Bernd Erik Dragon Johannes
Martin B. MaIk Martin H. Mirko Danial Sven T. Thomas K. Alice Daniel S Sandra LeRoy Mikesch Jonas Isaac Syrx Sarah Simon Heather Silvana Lucien Apu Clarissa
Ellena Nick Carlo INGMAR Niclas JOSEPH Daniel K CHRISTIAN STACEY BIANCA Joseph ANja Britta MARTEN MARCEL L. Franziska ALice EVA-MARIA KJELL irene
XCLUSIVX SPRING mmxvii Frogi: The HUMAN LEAGUE (25) „Veganism is the future, and luckily more and more people are waking up to that."
LONGLAW (11) „Portland is really great about doing mixed-bill shows..“ MARICON (16) „Being able to open yourself up to society doing what you love.“
COLINE VEGAN HANGRY POWERLIFTING (53) „In Geneva the vegan scene is starting to grow..“
ETHER (8) „For better or worse, doom is far less clique-y.“
Jack: OUTCAST AGENDA (30) „I feel very fortunate to have a vegan family, it‘s great!.“
IL PLEUT Screen printing (64) „I really enjoy simple design work.“
KLARISSA (84) „I learned that my ideas are valid and that I‘m strong and worthy enough to tell them.“
SXE SANKT PAULI (86) „Wir sind politisch und müssen nicht ‚politisiert‘ werden.“
MUSIC ANTI-FLAG (5) ETHER (8) LONGCLAW (11) Schwach (14) MARICON (16) Mixixtapes (18) A c t i v i s m RIOT TEA CLUB (23) FROGI, THE HUMANE LEAGUE (25) OUTCAST AGENDA (30) Little Bear Sanctuary (35) STacey, No! (38)
#instavegans (40) VEGAN SPORTS Coline HaNgry VEGAN Powerlifting (53) V G N N O M S Holger's Mocktail (56) CHICKPEA MAG RECIPES (57) ARTists Coletivo Chá (58) CAMILA ROSA (60) HEatheR,Vegan Police Shop (61) Daniel, IL PLEUT+SOUTH-
COAST RATS (64) EVA GENIE (67) ALY'S POETRY (71) M O R E Kortney Olson (72) Vegan Make Up Share (77) Klarissa (84) SXE Sankt Pauli (86) Feminist 'flix (90) COMICS (93) NIC'S REVIEWS (95) RITA HUMBUG (96)
Picture on the left & Cover Artwork>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Camila Rosa /// Sleeve Artwork>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rita Humbug
First things first, we are planning to blow up the release of the print zine with a big release of articles and features on, too --- so you all can share them with your friends that live far away and cannot borrow your copy. We also plan to release a flip-through PDF.
Diese Prinausgabe wird von einer Reihe von online Artikeln begleitet werden, damit ihr allen, die das Zine nicht von euch ausgeliehen bekommen können, sagen könnt, dass Vieles zum online nachlesen bereit stehen wird (zusätzlich zum Flip-PDF der gesamten Ausgabe).
Our newest member, Nic has a weekly spot every Tuesday where he shares his recent records with you. You can find an overview of those on page 95 in here.
Nic erzählt euch einmal die Woche von spannenden Demos und Neuerscheinungen. Den Überblick seiner Bewertungen findet ihr hier auf Seite 95.
Dan of Future Breed has been given a spot for his concert pics, too, in our next zine we will feature some rad shots of his, too.
Future Breed ist der Fotografenname von Dan, der inzwischen immer mal wieder mit schicken Galerien auf dem Blog vertreten ist. Abgedruckt wird auch noch was.
Famous Chickpea Magazine‘s noms are our weekly food re-blog & we also feature Cara in the print zine this year and were able to get a recipe from their own print zine into each of our issues!
Das Chickpea Magazine hat Kat immer aus der Ferne bewundert, aber noch nie in Händen gehalten. Cara & Bob haben uns erlaubt, drei Rezepte aubzudrucken & ein Interview gibt‘s hier im Zine dieses Jahr auch noch!
From time to time, Kat writes about her 1st listen to bands which contacted her through facebook or email. This way we found great bands so far, for example Maricòn whose interview is in this issue on page 16.
Ab und zu haut Kat online ihr 1st listen raus. Das kommt immer dann zustande, wenn Bands uns anschreiben, dass wir doch mal reinhören können, was sie so machen. So geschehen übrigens bei Maricon, deren Interview ihr nun auf Seite 16 findet.
ISSUE NO. 9: SUMMER 2017 ISSUE NO. 10: WINTER 2017 MUSIC HOMESICK. FEARLESS. Old Wounds. Tenue. THE PATH. WAKE OF HUMANITY. BOTTOM FEEDER. FAIM. A c t i v i s m Hard to Port. ON THE WILD SIDE #instavegans VEGAN SPORTS New Ethic - Holly & Ed. MARTIN. VGN NOMS Peter's Don't have a Cow & NEVER SETTLE. Holger's Mocktails. CHICKPEA MAG RECIPE. ARTists Peter, Green Panther 4
ANTI-FLAG „This is not radical, this is something we should all believe.“
in Luxemburg the night before this night here, so we made the bus driver stop in Cologne, hurried up, ran to the event, got to be a part of it, got back in the truck, and drove the rest of the miles to the next show. We would have wanted to be there the day before, when it was 30,000 or 40,000 people but it was great to make it at all.
Last time Kat talked to ANTI-FLAG was 2006, when shemet with Justin to chat in Stuttgart for her radio show. More than a decade later, Kat met Pat at their show in Karlsruhe and asked him all the questions Nic, our newest member in our xclusivx team and a massive AF fan, had prepared. Read for yourself whether she was successful in making Pat a little less „rehearsed“ in his answers. Because a band with such a long history has already been asked most questions you can think of...
So you made it work, because it was important to you, or, technically the busdriver made it work... You are right, the bus driver made it work, I slept while he took us there. We can‘t allow the the hate to be normalized. That‘s the danger of Trum, the rise of the right, hatred becomes normalized. Saying no to refugees and people who need a place to go and saying you cannot come here - if you are aloowing that to become the norm is dangerous for all of us. When you have people who are willing to stand up it has an impact on those people who are sitting at home on their couches and did not join the protest in the street, too. They are thinking „oh yeah, this is not normal, this is not the way it should be.“ And the only way they can start to feel that way is when they are witness to a protest. If everyone just thinks „oh, this is business as usual, we should not let anybody into our country“, it is very dangerous and it is very important to us to fight this.
Anti-Flag played an acoustic set in Cologne to oppose a gathering of the German right wing party, AfD, last Sunday - tell us about it! It was awesome! Each and evey time you get to meet like-minded people to stand up against hatred and bigotry is awesome. At a very young age, we were also exposed to protests, we thought it was the coolest thing in the world. And to be with poeple who are willing to stand up against authority like the police and to those who were protecting the AfD, that was fucking great and really exciting. To see the people coming out on a Sunday afternoon was a great experience as all protests are to me. Did somebody tell you about the AfD before that, or how did that event happen? We did not know all the specifics about the AfD, but we knew there was a right-wing party in Germany and we knew that they were shitty. And we were asked, hey, they are having their big meeting in Cologne, do you wanna come? We originally wanted to be there on the first day, but could not make it logistically, so we made it happen on the second day of the gathering. We played
So in a way, with Trump you are already living the reality of a leader of the right wing rising to power... Yeah, this is very predictable. When you see something like Trump‘s presidency happening, then you need to realize two things: a) you have to stand up to this, and b) when you bomb the Middle East or other regions, 5
the people don‘t have any place to live, where will they go? Of course they want to come to places where they don‘t have bombs thrown on them from the sky. Those people are displaces, seeking refuge, and when they come, the right wing becomes empowered. And there is always a right wing in every culture. People in small towns are afraid of the foreign people moving there, so they are looking for a strong man. And there is always someone appealing to this fear. It‘s a cycle. It will always happen like this.
some levels not interesting because it is so stupid and selfish. And of course, Obama did lots of horrible things, too, but at least he proclaimed being a feminist, but now you are stuck with a misog ynistic asshole in the White House. How important is fighting for feminism? Feminism is always important. As a white male, we like to gain power, we like to squash minorities, women being one of them. Feminism needs to constantly talked about. Here is what my struggle is: young women in the States don‘t consider themselves feminists because the marketing package it comes in does not appeal to them. So there is something to be said, which is the same thing for unions in the States, that all those values should be expressed so they appeal to the people and they make sense to them such as all people should be treated fairly, people should be paid the same way. This is not radical, this is something we should all believe.
...and those strong men appeal to the young and the old... They appeal to everybody who is afraid. The commerce of fear does not have a demographic, they can make everybody afraid. So we did know this rise of the right was going to happen. What I did not know was that this would mean having a crazy person from TV as leader of government in the US. But this is what the expression is right now. So we need to find against it and squash it down. Hopefully, this is as bad as it gets. But it‘s not only the guns of the Western world displacing the people, it‘s also climate change. The civilized countries are actively creating these situations and circumstances.
The tour runs under the motto „No Gods No Masters“, which is rad, but who would you hire then after you fired Trump? Bernie was pretty good, I would take him. I don‘t know if his ideas were all possible. But I would rather strife to great ideas that are potentially impossible than to shitty ideas that are potentially possible.
So to fight this we have to take counteractions, like you mentioned before. Is our vote also changing something, or is it rather as Emma Goldman puts it that „If elections would change anything, they would be illegal“? That‘s true. (pause) But I think, it‘s two things. One, you have to vote, but you also have to be in the streets and take action. Because your vote isn‘t going to solve the problem.
(telling Pat about the Humane Party and their candidate Clifton Roberts) Where else do you witness „the Great Divide“? Everywhere everyday, as a white male, there is a great dividewhat is available to me and what is available to the rest of the world.
„The democracy created Donald Trump as president. Therefore, democracy is inherently flawed, I accept that.“
As a vegan, too? Yeah, well, veganism is all about being wealthy enough and having enough power to choose the food that I eat rather than having to eat what is being given to me.
Sounds like a nice headline for the interview... (laughs) You can use that! (pause) The second thing is, the democratic process as we saw, does not necessarily give you a good leader. But what the democratic process can do is getting rid off shitty leaders fastest. The democracy created Donald Trump as president. Therefore, democracy is inherently flawed, I accept that. However, it will also get rid off him faster than any other political system would be able to.
For some time you lived the vegan dream and coowned a vegan restaurant, is that correct? Umm, no. So, I live the vegan dream, as myself. (laughs) Root 174 in Pittsburgh. I have an incredible friend who is a great chef, who is not vegan, and we owned this place, but we sold it and now I am partners with three other people and we own a restaurant that is not vegan at all.
Is that what „American Spring“ is about? That‘s what all our records about. To talk about these issues and educate people about them. This is an interesting time for a band like Anti-Flag, because we look for the subtle things the general people are not aware of. But with Donald Trump, it is so cartoon-esque, there is no subtlety hiding the shittiness...
Oh! How does that work? (laughs) Which part? Serving non-vegan food as a vegan, to non-vegan people. You are not Moby then? No, no, no, Moby is a much better vegan than I am.
I know, we can see it all the way from over here across the pond! (laughs) It‘s like a cartoon character of evilness. So, being in a band like ours, the target is so big and in
But he lives in Los Angeles, this is Pittsburgh, so is it different? There is many more vegans now than 10 years ago, of course, many more vegans in the world. However, Pitts6
burgh does not have the base of vegans to support a vegan restaurant. We are on the edge. There is a couple of little ones which are popping up. Which is great. But, my goal in life would be having a vegan restaurant...
Here is the thing. It is not my job to tell anyone what they should or should not do with their body. If they feel as they want to express their frustration with the meat industry, they can do that. PETA as an organiszation is very much about the spectacle. And that is a good thing for them, but it‘s is also their Achilles‘ heel. Sure, the spectacle guarantees attention, but it is not always the best way to change policies. What would be great to have organizations who do both, and you have groups who do that.
...with Moby! (laughs) Moby‘s got deeper pockets than me, I would like that him being my partner. And then you can team up and record songs together, you can play drums for him, too! (laughs) Yeah, you should manage Moby and I!
Are you still trying to make a point against fast fashion, too, producing merch sweat-shop free etc.? It is harder and harder to do it in 2017. What we do find is, that people are not as concerned about this issue as we are. And they do not want as expensive products as they have to be. Having said that, it is an important thing for us. This is a classic thing of the culture needing to change, but we are still living in the culture right now. So we have to find the balance between the culture that we want and the one we are living in. I could go into the woods, and live in a way that is non-polluting, non-detrimental to the environment, not hurting it, but if I am alone by myself in the woods, the culture still goes on and noone is critizising it. I am not saying that I am that important that I need to address it, but somebody has to. There are sacrifices to be made.
Funnily enough I wanted to ask you anyhow whom you wanted to drum for all your life... we know it‘s Moby! (laughs) And he will open up up a vegan restaurant with me in Pittsburgh! Tim in RISE AGAINST recently said he would love to create dangerous places, not only safe spaces, where there is no place for xenophobia or mysog yny at their shows, is that something you would like to achieve to? I think Tim is speaking as an ideal.We are all aiming for something like that. What is the reality like for your band? Reality is, we can‘t control who comes to our show. It‘s not my job to control it. My job is to express from us our vision. You can either take it or not, if you don‘t like it, that‘s fine. It is not in our power to say who gets to listen to our music and who doesn‘t.
Speaking of sacrifices: Anti-Flag never said they were a straight edge band, but... ...I am straight edge! Yeah, you, but what about the rest of the band? Fuck those dudes! Vegan straight edge al the way! They do what they do. It‘s not my job to tell them...I am not the fucking police.
Anti-Flag is against violence, is that still true? Yes. (pauses) Well, yes. On an individual level, violence is not helpful. In a protest environment, violence against objects is sometimes necessary to get people‘s attention. In a protest movement, violence against police and people only helps those in power. It‘s horrible. But when you see an old woman beaten by the police, that empowers the message of the protesters. When you see a black block kid punching a police officer, that empowers the power structure. If you are so passionate and the police are so fucked up that you need to punch them, you gotta make that choice on your own. But in an ideal situation, those are the consequences of violent actions. You can never destroy a power structure like a government or a church with violence. Because they will always have more capacity than we do. Where all of the non-violent movements have succeeded, which is also sad but true, when peaceful people have been beaten by an over-zealous powerstructure.
Ah, I am sensing a new headline...“It‘s not my job!“ That‘s the theme! It‘s not my job. (laughs) People are supposed to live like they want to live. Do you like most about touring that you can talk about your message and visions? No. What I love most about touring is being in rooms with other fuck-ups and weirdos. Every night we get to do this, and not everyone is as lucky as we are. Not completely like-minded. But in the similar direction. This is inspiring, this makes you feel at home, and it‘s just awesome. I tell people all the time, start a fucking punk rock band, so you can do this too and travel around the world, meeting cool people. An old mentor of mine, who lives in Germany now, came to one of our shows and said to me „You know, Pat, there are people who are not punk rock kids that aren‘t assholes as well.“ I said to him: „I have not found any yet.“ (laughs) The search for the non-assholes will continue forever! At home, we have the record label, we are able to eat, clothe ourselves and do not have to work at a bank or a 7/11. We created a great ecosystem where we can do things we are passionate about for which we are incredibly grateful as well.
Ah, yes, like Ghandi...he wan‘t such a great person either, at least that worked for him. (laughs) We all have skeletons in our closet! Talking about skeletons, you have a long history of collaborating with PETA, we are concerned because they are very lookist and sexist in their campaigns. What do you think about this? 7
„The boys club is dead.“
is against their best interests anyhow. It’s complete degradation of values and people refuse to admit that their main objective in voting for the Orange one was to protect whiteness.
What would ETHER look like if its music was a series of paintings? That is an interesting question. It would be very contrasting with not much middle ground, somewhere between beauty and tragedy with an overall tone of sadness and anger.
Your social media handles feature the appendix “coven” to the name ETHER - so, are you guys witchers? ;) We are not witches, but we are a secret or tight-knit group of associates.
Expressionist or impressionist then? I would say it could be either at any given point. There is some kind of deep connection between us as people and the music, and that may sound corny to say, but it is truly a cathartic experience for all of us. “Sabbath meets Crowbar meets Isis, but much, much sadder” is the description for you playing shows. What saddens you these days? Life is a generally sad experience, and fuck that “life is what you make it” generic epithet. That is simply a mechanism to downplay people’s existence and experience. During the early stages of writing the record, my wife left me to be a travelling hippie and not be tied down, so that loss is a recurring theme of the record, and that was one of the most traumatic events I’ve experienced thus far, and I should be thankful in perspective, but the following year or so after that was quite emotional for me and it is definitely reflected in the songs, even if lyrically, they are separate ideas. Outside of that, America is a sad place as a whole, depending on who you ask. If you are a patriot, you don’t have a concept of truth and/ or reality or simply refuse to acknowledge it. If you are a dissenter (if you have been following Amerikan politics, and many Europeans do, you understand the severity of what is going on politically and socially), its a fucking nightmare. It’s extremely disheartening to see people so polarized, and moreso on the side of the state, which
How did the band meet? On a short Remembering Never tour, we brought out our friends in a band called My Amends, on a drive from Philly to VA somewhere I rode in their van sitting next to one of their guitar players whom i wasn‘t really close to but we bonded over our love of doom stuff and New Orleans metal bands. As the age old “we should start a band like this…” conversation has taken place too many times, this one came to fruition. I was FB friend with our bass player Chip and put out a “who plays bass that can sound nasty?” post, and he responded, and my roommate at the time played drums for a couple practices, but he was more of a hardcore drummer so we asked Danny from RN to play and everything fell into place. Danny is more of a jazz influenced metal drummer (his dad is like the Dave Lombardo of Jazz drumming) so it was a challenge at first but it definitely adds a huge dynamic that is atypical of doom.
What do you (all) love about doom? Personally, it is the riffs (for the few remaining doom bands that riff ) and how vast the genre is, ranging anywhere from Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats to Lycus. That is a huge spectrum of scale. I know some of us love
it because of how heavy it is or how expressive it can be. At this point with this new record we’ve reached around the box so much it is difficult to properly describe us a doom band but it is the only thing we personally identify as.
we’re friends with have similar values with. If you compare the doom/sludge/metal scene to hardcore, what vast difference are you becoming aware of? For better or worse, doom is far less clicky, but HC has more organization and community. Its weird being on both sides of that, I don’t really know how to operate out of punk/HC ethic, because that’s all I’ve ever toured with.
Who plays strings on Under Ice and Sky on HUMAN ERROR? Our good friend George, who is the 5th member, or part of the Ether extension. George is easily one of the most talented people I have ever met and runs a solo act as Yankee Roses, which is fucking killer. George is also the vocalist for Miami HC band, Homestretch.
We always witness the overall sentiment, that metal is apolitical or even problematic (NSBM) while hardcore punk (not all of it of course) tries to smash the patriarchy, battle sexism, homophobia, racism and other oppressive mechanisms. What do you think about this? I would say that is pretty spot on. Its awesome to see a resurgence of HC bands getting pissed again and speaking about things. I recently saw Wolf Down and they spoke their beliefs during their set and it felt very real. Bands like Gouge Away kill it every performance, not necessarily because the band is on point every night, but moreso they speak from a place of authentic frustration. I would like to see more of this in metal, doom specifically. It’s definitely cool to see more women, people of color, LGBT people in bands, but I think society as a whole is shifting more progressively regardless, so people can feel more at ease when wanting to start a band or be a part of a scene. The boys club is dead. Existing in that box is a dangerous place.
By the way, what’s the biggest human error in your opinion? The greatest human error is simply existing. If people disappeared from the planet, the planet would flourish. Aside from that basic answer, any form of abuse, or physical and emotion infringement on others, would all fall under the category of error. Capitalism is a huge error, because with that perpetuates every harmful -ism against marginalized people. The list of human errors could take years to compile. And how do you write songs? Typically me or Devin (from now on referred to UD for Uncle Devin, long story) come up with some riff or riffs and just vibe out the rest. I write maybe 70% of the foundational riffs and UD writes some shit that kicks the riff up. It is a much easier process than any other band I’ve ever been in. I only write (use) riffs and parts that either make me want to punch thru a wall or hang myself, no room for in between.
„As a main rule for writing, if it isn’t sad or pissed it goes straight to the garbage.“
Where are you based and what is the scene like there? We are from South Florida. There is a cyclical hardcore scene and a much more subtle doom scene, but doom is on the way up. There are a few bands that were around that are still very much active and on top of their games like Shroud Eater, Consular, Orbweaver, Holly Hunt, and some others from Miami (south of us) and newer bands in our town and Lake Worth are coming up like Iron Buddha and Seven Serpents. We like to book diverse gigs because A) variety is the spice of life they say and B) south Florida has a lot of cool bands that don’t fit in anywhere really. I am really excited about the upshift of doom bands down here. Other cities in FL have great scenes with a lot of cool bands, Yashira, Shadow Hunter, Hollow Leg, and Unearthly Child from Jacksonville and Ad Nauseum and Junior Bruce from Orlando.
“There is Nothing Left for Me Here”, your new album, want to walk us through this one? The name was from a conversation with my ex wife when she told me her mother thought she should focus on herself and not on her marriage. The only thing I could think of was how unsalvageable our relationship was at that point. The name can be applied to many things, especially from a political standpoint, which I’ve learned to adapt it into. The record is as personal as it is political, as a majority of the lyrics were written in prime time election season. We touch on a few things such as the monstrosity of politics / public reaction to demagoguery, the demonizing of “other” and normalization of WASP values, capitalism as a stifling agent, etc. Musically, we have so many influences and for most of the writing I listened to Giant (and Braveyoung) for weeks and months on end, so I imagine there is some spillover there. There really is no other band to communicate emotion with minimal words quite like them. Aside from that, we like to incorporate everything we
With which bands in general would you like to share the stage or go touring with? Oh man, another thing we could talk about all day. Here is an abbreviated list: every aforementioned band, especially Uncle Acid, Oathbreaker, Wiegedood, Funerary, Crowbar, Braveyoung, Chelsea Wolfe, Windhand, King Woman, Neurosis, Zao, Full of Hell, Machine Head, Hirs, Life of Agony, Ultramantis Black or any band that 9
think represents the genre as we know it aka a lot of Sabbath-esque riffs for punch and softer Pink Floyd-esque parts for atmosphere. As a main rule for writing, if it isn’t sad or pissed it goes straight to the garbage. Danny from Remembering Never plays drums, so for a doom band, its all over the place, and the 3-string players also do some form of vocalizing and we all have significantly different voices. We are less individual players and more a collective of people with focused intent. Where the last record was written and recorded almost 5 years ago now and was really just heavy for the majority of the time, us as older, hopefully wiser people have grown up a bit. We went less for the wow factor of “how heavy we can make things” to more of a “how much we can make people feel”. Ava Maria is a song inspired by the novel, And The Rat Laughed, by Nava Semel. What was so fascinating to you about the story there that made you turn it into a song? If you are unfamiliar with the book, it is both fiction and non-fiction. Bare bones version, its a story about a little girl as a hidden child of the Holocaust (non-fiction) (and I will spare the details, but everyone should read the book, though its very taxing) and her experiences, and a later chapter is the fiction portion that is about a future that white washes the victim’s experience and creates a hero in the namesake of the girl’s major
source of trauma. I took a Holocaust class and this was one of the few books we read. This hits home in a lot of ways, and the downplaying of victims experiences is something that is seen every day.
„And Sabbath. always Sabbath.“ Other inspirations you want to share with us (books, art, events, people, genres)? Really, living and learning. Interaction with others and seeing how they tick and how their brain works with respect to their mother culture. It fascinating to see people so deeply indoctrinated into “normal” culture: beer, steak, & football Sundays, binary man/women relationships, frequenting major corporate stores and restaurants, surface value politics, religion, etc… these are the things that influence and frustrate us. My biggest inspirations are Fred Hampton, Harry Belafonte, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Daniel Quinn, Ella Baker, Emma Goldman, Huey P Newton, Angela Davis…. the list goes on really. And Sabbath. always Sabbath. c EtherCoven f EtherCoven
„We went less for the wow factor of ‚how heavy can we make things‘ to more of a ‚how much we can make people feel.‘.“
„50% intense, 30% sweet and 20% goofy.“ post-hardcore band. Alex responded almost immediately, “COUNT ME IN!” and Matt reached out to Stacey shortly thereafter. We all agreed that Jen had the perfect voice to fit the style music we wanted to write, and it all just came together so easily. It was pretty magical!
Congrats on your video! How did you make it happen? Our good friend Jeremy Hernandez has been a big supporter of Longclaw since the beginning. He’s an incredibly talented photographer and videographer, so we asked him to follow us around for a few days - while we were recording, practicing, playing shows, and just interacting with one another as we normally do. He did a fantastic job getting candid shots and live shots of us, and then put them together so beautifully. We specifically asked him to make the video “50% intense, 30% sweet, and 20% goofy,” and he definitely nailed that! We were also really excited about She Shreds Magazine wanting to premiere the video for our single, “Patterns,” on their site. Stacey has been a huge fan and supporter of She Shreds since their inception. The editor-in-chief, Fabi Reyna, is wildly inspirational and such a powerful influence for woman musicians everywhere.
Longclaw is not “your typical hardcore band”, how would you describe your sound? We’ve learned that we’re super hard to describe! People call us post-hardcore, emo, crycore, sad rock, etc. etc. We’ve been told we’re like a more spacey Jawbreaker or a sadder Get Up Kids. Matt likes to tell non-punk family members and coworkers that we’re Fleetwood Mac on emotional steroids, which is a very strange description but always seems to get the point across! Since we all are active in the hardcore scene, we tend to play a lot of hardcore shows. Before our first couple sets we were very careful to tell people, “fair warning, we’re not a hardcore band!” Thankfully nobody seemed to mind too much. Portland is really great about doing mixed-bill shows, so we’ve had some cool opportunities to play with bands in lots of different genres. We like to believe that Longclaw has a little something for everyone though - it’s emotional and often sad, but also undeniably catchy in a way that seems to interest a lot of different people. We’ve been really amazed by the amount of support we’ve gotten from all different sectors of the DIY music community.
Sounds perfect, all of it! Please introduce the band to us and tell us how you all met. Jen Hauser - vocals & rhythm guitar Alexander Case - lead guitar Matt Koenig - vocals & bass Stacey Spencer - drums We were all loosely friends before Longclaw started. Matt and Stacey had both participated heavily in the Pacific Northwest hardcore scene for half their lives. Alex and Matt had played music together a little bit already. Matt and Jen had been friends since she moved to Portland from the Midwest. So we’d all interacted, but the four of us had never all been in close quarters before we started practicing together! We recently discovered that one time all four of us were at a Lemuria show at an anarchist bookstore in Portland, but we didn’t know it at the time! The band formed after Stacey made a facebook post seeking other musicians to form a 90’s revival
How would you describe the EP “Patterns” in your own words? Our six-song EP has been really experimental in terms of creating new things with new people. We’re all doing something that’s a little outside of our comfort zone which definitely opens us up in new, scary, and exciting ways. We all agree that we’ve made ourselves very vulnerable in new ways to create these songs. At the same time though, we are saying things we’ve wanted to say
and playing things we’ve wanted to play for a very long time. Longclaw feels like we’ve all reached a new level of engagement in terms of our musical process. Stacey had taken an almost 10-year hiatus from being in any serious bands. Matt had been really active in punk and hardcore bands for years, but had never been in bands with women or played different styles of music. We’d all played with lots of different people, but we’d never experienced a band situation in which we could open ourselves up in this way. Jen wrote most of the lyrics for “Patterns,” and she describes it in this way: “This album was written halfway between a promise I made to myself, to acknowledge and integrate the grief I hold, and one to face and express my own anger. These two things are greatly suppressed or misdirected in our society, especially for women. These songs are the result of some of the first steps of unlearning and coming into an authority of your own. Discontinuing allowing louder, more societally excusable voices to overshadow your own.” Walk us through the songs please. The songs on this EP are: Dark Matter: This song is equal parts ethereal and heavy. It’s about being considerate and compassionate to people, and to yourself. We all have to remember that there are two sides to every set of feelings and beliefs including your own. Shorter Cliffs: This is the self-care jam - it’s about being softer on yourself, and being able to dive into something without losing your sense of self. Best Intentions: This song was written in response to sexual violence and misogyny in our scene. It’s about holding yourself accountable to your community, and
„I‘ve never had much fun writing music with men before.“ 12
not turning the other cheek or remaining neutral when you see injustice that needs to be addressed. Patterns: This is our first single, and it kind of sums up the entire EP. It is about a lot of things, primarily breaking and unlearning the patterns that make you feel small or invisible because you aren’t loud or expressive enough with your anger. Bad Dreams: This is our upbeat song about co-dependency! Haha. It’s a snarky take on modern romance that addresses how we sometimes want people around for the wrong reasons. Belly Up: This is about how doing the right thing is often not very fun, and how people often won’t understand your most difficult decisions, especially when those decisions hurt their feelings. The crux of this song is the line, “I just wish that doing what’s best felt any better than this.” How do you write the songs? We are extremely collaborative and we all bring something to the table in terms of the writing process. Alex likes to sit in front of his pedal board for hours at a time and record different riffs over and over again. Jen is constantly writing lyrics and sending us quotes she wants to incorporate into songs. We send a lot of videos, voice memos, and photos of notebook pages to one another to share ideas. We have dozens of song ideas that are in various stages of being figured out and “finished.” Even as we went into the studio to record “Patterns,” we were still adding parts and refining things as we laid down tracks. It’s a very fun writing process because we all get to have a say in everything we write, and we have a ton of respect for one another’s creative process. Stacey, you claimed in the interview for SHE SHREDS you are happy to have such a great bond with men in this particular group. Would you mind telling us how it was before LONGCLAW for you, not only in musical matters to work with male counterparts? I’ve never had much fun writing music with men before. My first band was an all-woman hardcore band called To See You Broken, and that was an amazing experience. After that though, I mostly played music with various men. Somehow I always felt belittled, or like I just wasn’t good enough. I’ve played music with men who constantly critiqued my drumming in very rude and hurtful ways - it was traumatizing! Also, sexism in music communities is so rampant, there are constant micro-aggressions that I’ve become highly sensitive to. It’s not always easy to handle. Matt and Alex have been extremely supportive and enthusiastic about playing music with me, and even when I’m doubting my own abilities they are always there to reassure me and validate my feelings. They really are two gems of human beings. Jen is one of the most emotionally capable and loving people I have ever met as well - she is on a whole other level, actually. I am constantly amazed at her ability to process and communicate her feelings, it’s aspirational for me.
„We are all vegan and support intersectional vegan organizations.“ I don’t think any of us could live with ourselves if we didn’t feel like we were trying to make our communities better in some small way. Our music reflects those feelings as well - we are not the types of people who talk the talk (via our songs) but don’t walk the walk. We are all putting as much work as we possibly can into helping people (and animals) around us in any ways we are able to.
What is Portland like to you all (bands, scene, activism)? We’re all really happy here. Jen and Alex are both from the Midwest, and feel that they’ve found a place they truly belong in Portland. We all have great support networks here - some overlapping, and some separate from one another. We’re all vegan, which is great becaue we get to eat so much good food together! Jen does suicide prevention volunteer work, and also attends a four year school for witchcraft which influences everything she does. Stacey is one of the founders of the group No! to Rape Culture, and does a lot of anti-sexual-violence and anti-oppression activism. Alex is a board member and foster home for One Tail at a Time, which is an allbreed, no-kill dog rescue. Matt has lots of hobbies and projects, from training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to hosting a podcast called Super Geeky Play Date. We’re all really busy with lots of stuff going on, but it keeps us engaged and active in several musical, activist, DIY communities in Portland.
Can you drop some names of people and organisations we should totally check out regarding your activism and inspiration? Stacey organizes with No! to Rape Culture ( which is a group of women and non-binary folks working to end sexual violence in the punk & hardcore scenes. Alex works with One Tail at a Time (@OTATPDX) which is a no kill, all-breed dog rescue program. Jen volunteers for multiple suicide prevention lines. We are all vegan and support intersectional vegan organizations - Food Empowerment Project and Better Eating International are two good ones! Also, we highly recommend finding groups in your area that support at-risk youth - in Portland, we have fundraised at shows for Youth Progress, for example. If your activism doesn’t help the youth, it will quickly become useless!
What has changed, now that Trump is President? It’s like a daily nightmare that we can’t wake up from. It’s really embarrassing and shameful. We are all very lucky in the sense that we have a lot of privilege though. We are also lucky to live in a state where at least we know we’ll have access to basic things like reproductive health care no matter what types of evil Republicans try to inflict upon the U.S. It feels petty for us to complain, as Trump’s presidency effects undocumented folks and people of color so much more than it does us though. Xenophobes and racists are now even more emboldened in this country since one of their own won the presidency - it’s been a scary and disturbing couple of months so far, and we are resisting in any way we possibly can.
We have to ask: Did you take your band name from the Valeryian steel sword in GoT or are you referencing to this beautiful bird from Ethiopia? Longclaw is named after Jon Snow’s sword (and it makes us very happy when people get the reference!) If you all would be birds, who would be which kind of bird? I guess in the spirit of Game of Thrones, we’d all be crows because we are messengers of dark words. :)
How important is social and political activism in your eyes? Very. We all engage in various activism in a number of ways. It keeps us grounded and keeps us going in life.
c longclawpdx f longclawpdx d longclawpdx 13
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„Auf der Bühne sind wir recht agil.“ Habt ihr euch echt beim Frittieren auf der Arbeit kennengelernt? Naja, also Martin (Schlagzeug) und Tobi (Gesang) kommen aus der selben Stadt aus dem hohen Norden und sind mehr oder weniger gleichzeitig in Berlin gelandet. Tobi hat dann bei Yellow Sunshine, ein vegan/vegetarisches Fastfood-Restaurant, aber eigentlich auch nur ne Pommesbude angefangen zu arbeiten und hat Martin, der da sowieso immer schon am Essen schnorren war mit eingeschleust. Bei der Arbeit haben wir Adrian kennengelernt und hatten dann irgendwann die Idee eine Band zu gründen. Markus (Gitarre), der Bruder von Tobi, ist dann irgendwann auch von Bremen nach Berlin gezogen und somit war Schwach vorerst komplett. Das war so 2013. Da Adrian zunehmend weniger Zeit hatte, ist Chris für ihn letztes Jahr eingestiegen. Allerdings spielt Adrian noch ab und an mal mit, was wir alle ziemlich cool finden. Vor kurzem ist Markus dann Papa geworden und deshalb ist Tilo seit diesem Jahr mit dabei. Ursprünglich sollte er aushelfen, wenn Markus nicht kann, bis jetzt haben wir aber trotzdem jedes Konzert zu fünft gespielt. Klingt auch geiler!
„Das mit dem Faultier ist auch aus der Idee entstanden, dass Youth-Crew Bands immer sehr starke und powervolle Tiere benutzen. Da dachten wir, es wäre ein super Gegenpart dieses Tier zu benutzen.“
Also seid ihr fast schon Metal? Wir machen jetzt deutschpunk youthcrew metal äh, ja genau. Leider gehen allen die haare aus. Außer Martin.
Welches Tier wäre denn jeder von euch wenn ihr keine agilen Punks wärt? Markus eine Schnecke. Martin ein Wurm. Tilo ein Kolibri. Tobi ein Brüllaffe. Chris ein Seestern.
Welche Fressbuden in Berlin sind denn heutzutage eure Lieblinge? Penny, Netto und die Stella Nera in NK. Der coolste Laden! Sahara mit der besten Erdnusssuce ever und der PufferImbiss neben Karstadt am Hermannplatz, der macht mega gute Kartoffelpuffer!
Seid ihr alle wie Faultiere oder bewegt ihr euch auf der Bühne etwas schneller? Nee, ich denke auf der Bühne sind wir recht agil. Außer wenn wir vorher zu viel gefressen haben. Das mit dem Faultier ist auch aus der Idee entstanden, dass YouthCrew Bands immer sehr starke und powervolle Tiere benutzen. Da dachten wir, es wäre ein super Gegenpart dieses Tier zu benutzen. Da es unserer Kein Bock Mentalität eher entspricht und es auch einfach völlig okay ist faul zu sein und nicht überall mitmachen zu müssen. Auf was habt ihr so generell kein’ Bock? Tiervergleiche ;) Interviews… Spaß ;) Kein Tofu bei Netto! Lohnarbeit.
Political! Powerful! Lovable! trifft das nur auf die Band oder auch auf die Leute dahinter zu? Ich denke, das kann man ja gar nicht trennen. Ob wir nun lovebale sind, muss ja jede_r der_die uns kennenlernt selbst entscheiden. Davon ab sind die meisten von
uns aber in Berlin in verschiedenen politischen Zusammenhängen unterwegs. Führt doch mal aus in welchen! Schützenverein...puff puff! z.B KOP- Kampagne für Opfer rassistischer Polizwigewalt.Dabei geht es vor allem darum, die rassisitsche Polizeipraxis in Deustchland aufzuzeigen und die Position von Betroffenen zu stärken. Die Gruppe dokumentiert Vorfälle, vermittelt Beratungs- und Hilfsangebote und unternimmt öffentliche Kampagnen, z.B. gegen Racial Profiling. Da kann ich an der Stelle auch nochmal Werbung für das Buch „Alltäglicher Ausnahmezustand“ machen, das von Aktivist_innen von KOP verfasst wurde und den Rassismus in Strafverfolgungsbehörden erstmals in einer Publikation beschreibt. Außerdem sind noch welche bei der radikalen Linken und bei der TOP (Theorie, Oragnistation, Praxis) aktiv. Beide Gruppen haben sich in Berlin als sogenenate „Postantifa“- Gruppen entwickelt und beschäftigen sich mit vielen Themen linker Politik, z.B. Klassengesellschaft, Kapitalismuskritik, Antifaschismus/ Antirassismus, etc. Tobi schreibt außerdem Bücher.... Martin: Ich glaube für mich ist SCHWACH schon der konkreteste Zusammenhang.
dem Weg zu unserer letzten Show in Xativa. Jedenfalls ist es schon ein geiles Gefühl zu sehen, dass soweit von zu hause weg Leute extra wegen uns auf Konzerte kommen und sogar unsere Texte können, obwohl sie gar kein Deutsch sprechen. Unsere Shows waren eigentlich auch immer gut, insbesondere Madrid. Außerdem haben wir viele alte und neue Freund_innen getroffen, coole Bands gesehen und ein bisschen Sonne gabs ja dann doch. Checkt auf jeden Fall La Mirada del Tigre, Tibia, Warsong, Nueva Generacion, Folie á Trois, und Mandanga aus! Und Bisonte! Machen wir! Gab es sprachliche Hürden oder ist Punk die lingua franca für alle? Die Hürden waren diesmal nicht so hoch. Die meisten von uns sprechen mäßig bis ganz gut Spanisch und deswegen konnten wir auch Ansagen machen, die die Leute da verstehen. Das kam auch ganz gut an. Und Punk verbindet, ist schon klar! c schwachhc f schwach.hc
Und, wie wars in Spanien? Kälter als erhofft, in Madrid hats sogar geschneit. Aber Tour war cool bizw. Ist cool, denn um genau zu sind wir, während wir eure Fragen beantworten, gerade auf
„Punk verbindet.“
both pics>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
„These next four years will be tough, but we have to stick together.“
How did you all meet each other? Hi I‘m Loren singer from Maricòn. It was probably 4 or 5 years ago I met my guitarist Lily and bassist Vanessa when I saw their old band Liquid and around the same time I met my drummer Guava in his band Happy in Hemet at a Halloween show. We are not speaking Spanish, but looked up the meaning of your band name, of course. What does it mean to you to have this term as band name? For us it‘s a positive embrace because our whole lives being in machismo families and being different getting called a Maricòn. We are proud to be who we are. Also for me it was tough to come out with my family thankful they accept me for who I am. But other people you know were not so lucky, I suppose? Definitely, it‘s hard for some people I know to come out to their families without them disowning them or making them feel terrible about themselves. Your album is called L.O.V.E. - Living Oppressed Violence Everywhere, is that the theme of your band and songs in general? Yes, just hitting topics about the struggle being a person of color/queer/ transgender etc in today‘s society. What are your own personal struggles if you want to share? I had to quit one of my jobs last year when I came out last year co-workers were spreading my business around and it started making me feel uncomfortable. Seeing people who I thought were friends change the way they act around me. Everyday basis when I got out in makeup there tends to be the usual people staring but I don‘t let it phase me. Did things change for the worse in Trump-times? Yes, there is so much change happening right now it‘s not good at all, but just gotta keep my head and keep pushing forward with our music. These next four years will be tough but we have to stick together. “Drifting from that PMA isn‘t the way to go/You gottta Stand Strong” - what do you do for self care and self love to keep the PMA? I like to break dance. Dancing has been a passion of mine that keeps me focused from negativity in my life. I also like to mediate by lighting a candle, deep breathes
while playing The Cure. What’s your own definition of queercore? Being able to open yourself up to society doing what you love Why is it so important to tell others that they are not in this alone? It‘s important because I never want anyone to feel like they don‘t have someone by their side. There are tough times ahead of us and we have to stick together. One of your songs is called UNIT Y - which kind of unity are you wishing for? One day we will learn to love one another and fight against anything that wants to try bring us down. There‘s a lot things going on where we live in our country and everyday I‘m happy to see people fight for what is right. What has happened for you as a band since the release of the tape in November 2016? We got to play with one my idols, Alice Bag. We are working on a new record to be recorded in May 2017 and hopefully out in summer on tape for Abnormal Broadcasting and vinyl for The Land in Between Diy. End of April we will be going to Olympia for Book your Own fest, and in summer we‘re playing Olympia Hardcore Fest. Overall so much positive from everyone who supports us and fun meeting new faces.
If you could pick any country in the world to go on tour, which one would it be and why? Japan there‘s so much history there with the scene from bands like GISM, Gauze, Framtid etc the country looks really beautiful from what I‘ve seen on travel channel or photos from friends that have been there. The food, culture, historic artifacts, and fashion. I also have a lot of love for everything Studio Ghibli. Describe the region of the Badlands for us? It‘s San Bernandino and Riverside County mainly PoC but some parts are nice and some parts are rough but I love where I live and wouldn‘t change it learned a lot growing up . What is your scene like? The thing I love about Southern California is that there‘s a lot of People of Color involved in the scene that are queer, vegan , trans, feminist, straight edge, non edge etc it‘s so diverse I love it! Any great bands from your area you would love to go on tour with? Alice Bag, Lock, Criminal, P.E.A.R.L., SUNK, Framecode, Fury, Marron, Nomads, Sister Mantos, and ABOVE
„I never want anyone to feel like they don‘t have someone by their side.“
Mixtapes MIT CARLO „Alles in sauberster Schönschrift und mit Textmarker gezeichnet.“
Hey Carlo, sag mal, was war dein erstes Mixtape? Hey Kitty Kat! Das erste “Mixtape”, an das ich mich erinnern kann, ist eine Aufnahme, die ich für meinen Opa gemacht hab, als ich so ca. 4 Jahre alt war. Ich hab da über ein Mikro einfach gefreestyled und irgendeinen Quatsch drauf gesungen, 60 Minuten lang hahaha. Mein Opa war davon aber so sehr berührt, dass er 20 Jahre später noch immer davon erzählt hat und es in seinem Schrank aufbewahrte. Das erste “richtige” Mixtape muss dann kurze Zeit später gewesen sein. Ich wurde damals schwer von meinem Stiefvater beeinflusst, der total 80er-mäßig samstags immer die SWF3 Hitparade vom Radio aufnahm. Er war dabei super sorgfältig, beschriftete die Tapes akribisch nicht nur mit Interpret und Titel, sondern notierte sogar die Laufzeit. Alles in sauberster Schönschrift und mit Textmarker gekennzeichnet. Ich erinnere mich, wie neidisch ich immer auf ihn war, weil er mit seiner Super-HighTech-Anlage die Songs ein- und ausfaden konnte, und somit verhindert hat, dass das Moderatorengelaber in die Aufnahme reinschredderte. Das ging mit dem Ghettoblaster, den ich besaß, natürlich nicht. Auf dem Tape müssten dann folgerichtig irgendwelche Top20 Hits von Anfang 80 gewesen sein, ich schätze Nena und Extrabreit und sowas hahaha.
Neunundneunzig Luftballons --- So richtige Kracher von damals? Ja klar, das und “Hurra hurra die Schule brennt” und Falco und so. Und ich erinnere mich an meine damalige absolute Lieblingsnummer, “Ich will” von UKW. Ein Original-Punksong, wenn man auf den Text achtet. Ich glaube der erste Text eines Radiohits, den ich vollständig auswendig konnte. Such den mal bei YouTube… ich war damals schon Rebell, ohne es zu wissen hahaha. Ein Freund schenkte mir dann die 7” zum 18. mit der Aufschrift “Nie wieder zu jung”.
Und dein erstes durchdachtes Tape mit “Konzept und so”? Das fing dann langsam an, als ich aus dem Radio-Hitparaden Alter rauswuchs, bzw allmählich bemerkte, dass es dahinter eine Menge wesentlich spannenderer Musik zu entdecken gab. Ich hatte mir bereits in unserer Dorf-Bücherei AC/DC und Maiden Tapes ausgeliehen, und wartete mit Spannung darauf, das erste mal Metallica oder Slayer hören zu dürfen, deren allgegenwärtige Schriftzüge mich schon länger in ihren Bann gezogen hatten, und das ultimativ böse und unübertroffene Härte suggerierten hahaha. Eines Tages hörte ich dann aber irgendwo “Boys don’t cry” von The Cure und bekam wenig später das “standing on a beach” Tape zugesteckt.
DAS war die Initialzündung für mich, DER entscheidende Moment meines Lebens, der die Weichen für meine spätere Entwicklung stellte. Jedenfalls ging es dann los, dass ich mit einzelnen Schulkameraden anfing Kassetten mit ganzen Alben, die wir geil fanden, auszutauschen… Ich glaube, das erste “richtige” Mixtape habe ich dann meiner ersten großen Liebe geschenkt. Der Klassiker: “Hier, all meine Lieblingssongs, die ich dir unbedingt vorspielen will”. Wir waren beide hochgradig musikbegeistert und bereicherten uns da konstant gegenseitig. Davon inspiriert fing ich dann an, alle meine Dudes ständig mit Tapes zu befeuern. Darunter war auch mein 6 Jahre jüngerer Bruder, der heute noch gerne erzählt, dass ich ihm das erste Slayer Tape schenkte, als er grade mal 8 Jahre alt war. Richtig Spaß machte es, als Skateboardfahren, Punkrock und Hardcore dazu kamen, und alles zu einer Kultur und einem Lebensentwurf verschmolz. Eine wahnsinnig aufregende und spannende Zeit, und unsere Tapes waren der Soundtrack dazu. All diese Erfahrungen hallen bis heute nach, und begründen, warum ich heute immer noch innigste Liebe zum Tapes mixen empfinde.
Was ist schöner: für dich selbst mixen oder verschenken? Das lässt sich für mein empfinden nicht vergleichen. Was beide Vorgänge gemeinsam haben, ist der Prozess. Trackauswahl, Zusammenstellung, Aufnahme. Die ganze Nummer ist durch die vielen Jahre ziemlich routiniert bei mir, ich weiß in etwa wieviel Songs auf eine Seite passen (je nach Musikstil), ich habe vorher schon einen Opener aus der Sammlung gepickt, und dann baut ein Song auf den nächsten auf. Ganz simpel. Durch die digitale Technik ist das ganze maximal perfektioniert, so dass zB am Ende einer Seite keine lange Leerlaufzeit mehr ist (Songs abbrechen zu lassen ist auch völlig inakzeptabel!). Das alles hat für mich dennoch fast meditative Züge, ich kann darin komplett abtauchen und die Welt um mich herum vergessen. Am liebsten Arbeite ich spät nachts an meinen Mixen. Ich habe dann das Gefühl, dass die Erde still steht und ich bin frei. Nachts kann mich nichts ablenken, kein Telefon, keine Mails, der Hund braucht mich nicht. Und ich habe nicht das Gefühl, dass ich eigentlich wichtigere Dinge erledigen müsste. Ich liebe das! Die Mixe für mich selber sind immer kleine Sammlungen der besten Songs der letzten 3-4 Wochen, die reingekommen sind. Anfänglich waren es die Platten, die ich grade gekauft hatte, inzwischen sind es die unzähligen Downloads, die noch zusätzlich jeden Tag dazu kommen. Das ganze ist rein praktischer Natur, ich höre meine Tapes immer über einen kleinen schicken Player im Badezimmer. Und der braucht ständig Nachschub, damit es nicht langweilig wird. Deshalb nummeriere ich die auch bloß, ohne Artwork.
„Das ist ein Garant für einen Haufen oft minderwertiger Songs, die willkürlich zusammengewürfelt werden. Ein guter Mix muss für mich einen Anfang und einen Abschluss, Höhepunkte und Atmosphäre haben.“ Es war damals so, dass ich mir nur äußerst selten Platten kaufen konnte. Ich bekam nicht viel Taschengeld, und mit den ersten Jobs hab ich eher andere Dinge finanziert. Das führte dazu, dass ich halt sämtliche Musik erstmal nur von Platten der Freunde auf Kassetten aufnahm, und in total aufwendigen Sessions mit vermutlich stundenlanger Spulerei von Tape zu Tape überspielte. Dabei war die Richtlinie stets: “Das ist mein bestes, neuestes Zeug, das du unbedingt hören musst”. Auf die Idee, ein “Konzept” zu entwickeln bin ich ehrlich gesagt nie gekommen. Das wäre mir auch total abwegig vorgekommen. Erst Jahrzehnte später bekam ich “Thementapes” von einer Freundin geschenkt, mit der ich eine viele Jahre andauernde Tape-Tausch-Beziehung pflegte, und die ebenfalls totaler Maniac ist. Meine Mixe sollten immer homogen zusammengestellt sein und einen angenehmen Hörfluss haben. Grobe Stil- oder Stimmungswechsel finde ich heute noch entsetzlich! Mir erschließt sich auch immer noch nicht wirklich der Sinn… wer will einen Mix hören, mit Songs in deren Titel zB das Wort “Summer” vorkommt, oder sowas?! Das ist ein Garant für einen Haufen oft minderwertiger Songs, die willkürlich zusammengewürfelt werden. Ein guter Mix muss für mich einen Anfang und einen Abschluss, Höhepunkte und Atmosphäre haben. Eine bestimmte Stimmung transportieren. Und darauf müssen die besten Songs oder Tracks vereint sein, die möglich sind. Hm. Genau betrachtet ist das ja eigentlich auch eine Art Konzept… nur nicht so eingegrenzt, in ein starres Korsett gequetscht.
„In meiner Facebook Trade-Gruppe zB macht jemand immer noch zusätzlich einen Umschlag um die Tapehülle, mit einem weiteren Motiv. Ganz einfache Idee, aber da wär ich nie drauf gekommen.“ Mixe, die von mir verschenkt werden, sind dann halt viel aufwendiger, weil sie natürlich liebevoll gestaltet werden müssen. Auch da sind die Abläufe relativ routiniert (Materialsichtung und Auswahl, Arrangement usw), sind aber jedes Mal auf ’s Neue eine Herausforderung. Ich empfinde riesigen Spaß dabei. Obwohl ich sehr selten mit einem Ergebnis vollkommen zufrieden bin… Sorgfalt gehört leider nicht zu meinen Stärken. Aber das ist auch der Grund, warum ich Trades so sehr liebe. Ich lerne immer noch etwas Neues dazu, weil jeder nochmal andere Ideen hat. In meiner Facebook Trade-Gruppe zB macht jemand immer noch zusätzlich einen Umschlag um die Tapehülle, mit einem weiteren Motiv. Ganz einfache Idee, aber da wär ich nie drauf gekommen. Oder die Trade Freundin, von der ich vorhin erzählte, erweiterte eine Hülle zu einer Figur, in dem sie Kopf, Arme und Beine einer Plastikpuppe dran klebte und alles so verrückte Ideen. Ich mag ja die Festlegung auf das Tempo der Songs, langsam, midtempo, schnell und dann arrangieren. Machst du auch mehrteilige Sampler, wie zum Bei19
viele Sinne wie möglich zu triggern. Geil, das sollte ich eigentlich mal wieder einführen..!
spiel Trilogien? Ja, natürlich. Vor allem dann, wenn sich viel angesammelt hat, der/die Empfänger/in schon lange nichts mehr von mir bekam, oder ich Styles spielen will, die für mich nicht auf einen Mix zusammen gehen. Tempowechseln schenke ich dabei aber ehrlich gesagt nur insofern beachtung, als dass sie auch den Flow nicht unterbrechen dürfen. Oder wenn sich das Tempo drastisch ändert, der schnelle Song, der auf den ruhigeren folgt, zumindest mit einem gemäßigten Gitarrenintro anfängt. Allerdings zählt auch bei mir die Regel: “All the DJs save the slowest Song for last”. Ich hab aber auch letztens einen Mix gesehen, wo jemand tatsächlich Songs mit gleicher BPM Zahl ausgesucht hat, weil die Empfängerin den beim Joggen hören wollte.
Welchen Mix würdest du für xclusivx zusammen stellen? … ich entscheide mich in diesem speziellen Fall mal für die CD, denn die Songs, die mir einfallen, sind alle sehr kurz, und die Liste für ein Tape würde hier den Rahmen sprengen. Aber auf einem XCLUSIVX Mix von mir müssten definitiv folgende Tunes zu finden sein: (nicht zwingend in dieser Reihenfolge!) 1. Gorilla Biscuits “new direction” 2. Minor Threat “minor threat” 3. 7Seconds “ not just boys fun” 4. Project X “straight edge revenge” 5. Mindset “nothing less” 6. Bane “can we start again” 7. Free “we live free” 8. Gouge Away “disease” 9. Amygdala “punkerxs del barrio” 10. Punch “not sorry” 11. G.L.O.S.S. “give violence a chance” 12. Iron “mark my hand” 13. Spirits “ eyes of love” 14. xBishopx “status quo hardcore” 15. Carnist “hell is… complicity” 16. Time To Heal “taking control” 17. Downtown Boys “wave of history” 18. Tiger Magic “together” 19. La Luna “house party” 20. Heart On My Sleeve “so i ran with scissors”
„Früher wurden von mir immer die coolsten Samples von Platten gerippt, später hatte ich meine Anlage auch an’s TV angeschlossen, und stand stundenlang am Mixer, um DAS Zitat aus einem Film oder alten Dokus oder Serien mitzuschneiden.“ Bei mir ist es total wichtig, dass es ein Intro und ein Outro gibt (das sind oft Intros und Outros von den kompletten Alben oder Instrumentals oder Akustiksongs), bei dir auch? Absolut ja, ich hatte das ja vorhin schon mal kurz erwähnt. Auch das hat bei mir viele Stadien der Entwicklung hinter sich. Früher wurden von mir immer die coolsten Samples von Platten gerippt, später hatte ich meine Anlage auch an’s TV angeschlossen, und stand stundenlang am Mixer, um DAS Zitat aus einem Film oder alten Dokus oder Serien mitzuschneiden. Ich hatte dann einige Tapes, wo ausschließlich solche Skits drauf waren, die dann auch mit ewiger Suche und Spulerei von Tape auf Tape gezogen wurden. Au mann, was für eine Arbeit..! Inzwischen hat auch das der Computer bequem gemacht… YouTube Suche, und dann hast du das, was du im Kopf hast, in wenigen Minuten auf deinem Tape.
Ich glaube, wenn man an einzelnen Stellen noch etwas an der Reihenfolge schraubt, wäre das eine ziemlich schicke Sammlung. Oder? Ja, gefällt uns schon ganz gut… wie bist du nun direkt bei diesem Mix für uns bei der Zusammenstellung vorgegangen? In diesem speziellen Fall hab ich mich an den Themen eures Zines und der musikalischen Ausrichtung orientiert, also Veganismus, Straight Edge, Feminismus etc. und Hardcorepunk, weshalb natürlich auch ein paar Bands mit rein kamen, die ihr gefeatured habt. Das würde ich normalerweise nicht tun, ich suche eigentlich lieber Beiträge, die dem Geschmack des Empfängers/ der Empfängerin entsprechen, und mögliche Neuentdeckungen bieten. Ist ja sonst auch langweilig.
„Oder ich versuche in der Gestaltung noch eine persönliche Note einzubauen, in dem ich bestimmte Sätze collagiere oder sowas.“ Welche anderen Details gibt es immer bei deinen Mixen für andere? Hm, gute Frage. Oft versuche ich durch einen bestimmten Song oder ein Zitat eine zusätzliche Verbindung zum Hörer / zur Hörerin herzustellen. Oder ich versuche in der Gestaltung noch eine persönliche Note einzubauen, in dem ich bestimmte Sätze collagiere oder sowas. Aber wenn ich so überlege... meine Mixe sind meist spontan und intuitiv, und sind abhängig von dem, was mir grade zur Verfügung steht. Im Songmaterial, genauso was die Gestaltung betrifft. In diesem Punkt sind andere glaube ich deutlich kreativer als ich. Warte, mir fällt grade ein… eine Zeitlang habe ich das Papier, mit dem ich arbeitete, immer leicht mit Patchouli bestrichen, um so
„Der Tiger Magic Song ist eine Ode an die Liebe zur Musik, und Heart On My Sleeve machen dir abschließend Mut, in dieser Welt zu bestehen.“ Was würdest du nun noch dran “schrauben”? Die Liste oben entspricht eher der Vorauswahl einer Aufzählung von Songs, die ich danach wie schon beschrieben zusammenstellen würde. Es ist ein bißchen wie das spontane, intuitive Auflegen als DJ, ich bilde erstmal kleine Blöcke von Bands und Styles, die in meiner Vor20
stellung gut miteinander gehen. Definitiv würde ich wegen des Intros mit “new direction” starten und vielleicht noch Minor Threat hinterher schießen. Damit es aber nicht zu berechenbar wird, sollte jetzt ein Umschwung folgen, vielleicht mit Mindset, danach Spirits und folgend ein bißchen Girl Power, wahrscheinlich Gouge Away... Je nach dem wie die Songs halt nacheinander harmonieren. Höhepunkte wären auf jeden Fall Bane und IRON. Das Finale allerdings würde ich so spielen, wie es da schon steht. Der Tiger Magic Song ist eine Ode an die Liebe zur Musik, und Heart On My Sleeve machen dir abschließend Mut, in dieser Welt zu bestehen, Risiken einzugehen und auch zu scheitern, aber niemals aufzugeben. Und mir gefällt die leicht melancholische Stimmung, in der der Mix abschließt. Ich mag das.
Tape-Player) Das ist schon wieder so Junge-Leute-Sprache, die ich nicht verstehe… ich hab nicht den Hauch einer Ahnung was diese Begriffe bedeuten könnten. Ich bin fast mitte 40, deshalb bin ich auch zu müde um jetzt Google aufzumachen und Wissen vorzutäuschen, das ich nicht habe, nur um zu verhindern, dass ich nicht als Trottel dastehe hahaha. 30er Tapes hab ich noch nie im Handel gesehen, außer natürlich diese Rohlinge für Demotapes. Deren Qualität ist aber derart räudig, die würde ich nie kaufen. 60er habe ich früher genommen, um halt komplette Alben zu “speichern”. Für Mixe nehme ich ausschließlich 90er, das ist für mich das perfekte Format, und die Laufzeit passt deutlich besser in meine Alltagsgewohnheiten im Bad. Bei einem 60er muss ich ständig während des duschens die Seite umdrehen, das nervt. (Ente und Tape-Player...herrlich! Meine Familie hatte eine rote und eine blaue. Leider liefen bei meiner Mom immer deren -Achtung- Schlagermixtapes, die sie sich von CD-Samplern kopiert hatte. Das befähigt mich allerdings immerhin heute noch Partysmasher wie “Santa Maria” oder “im Wagen vor mir fährt ein schönes Mädchen” textsicher zu sing-a-longen hahaha)
Voll gut! Du weißt, dass wir nun quasi den Mix haben MÜSSEN, oder?! Wie würde die Verpackung für das Mixtape aussehen? Hat unser Tape auch eine besondere Farbe? Eine besondere Farbe? Hm, deine Frage erinnert mich sofort an das Tape, das ich mal graffittimäßig besprüht habe. In Anlehnung an das fette XCLUSIVX Piece wäre das vielleicht sogar die beste Idee. Also keine einzelne Farbe, sondern schön knallbunt.
„Ich erinnere mich allerdings an meine ersten DJ-Erfahrungen in der Jugendhaus Disse, wo wir tatsächlich noch zusätzlich ein Deck am Start hatten und mit Tapes aufgelegt haben.“
Vinyl hat Saison, das kann ja leider nicht gemixt werden, aber wie unterscheiden sich deiner Meinung nach Kassetten von CDs? Zum Thema Vinyl mixen… Joachim vom Ox-Magazin ist sehr gut mit dem Chef von Cargo Records befreundet, und der hat ihm tatsächlich mal eine speziell für ihn gemixte 12” mit fünf seiner Lieblingssongs pressen lassen. Das Cover dazu ist eine Holzbox, in die die Titel hinten und das Ox Logo vorne hinein gebrannt wurden. Das nenne ich mal ein exklusives Geschenk..! Aber, um die Frage zu beantworten: Ein Tape zwingt dich, sich in seiner Vollständigkeit damit auseinander zu setzen. Davon abgesehen, dass sich ein geschenkter Mix nur in seiner Gesamtheit entfaltet, und ohne Unterbrechungen durchgehört werden sollte (zumindest die ersten Durchläufe), verleitet dich ein Tape weniger dazu, im Zweifelsfall einfach weiter zu skippen. Ein Tape fordert dich auch wenn du es bespielst dazu heraus, die 90 Minuten zu füllen. Du kannst nicht einfach sagen , “Hab keinen Bock mehr, scheiß auf die 20 Minuten, die noch möglich wären”. Zusätzlich kannst du auf ein Tape immer noch Intros und Outros, Samples und Skits aus dem Internet aufnehmen, das finde ich wie gesagt großartig. Und eine Aufnahme musst du natürlich auch sozusagen “begleiten”, du kannst deinen Mix währenddessen auf seine Tauglichkeit scannen, und eventuelle Schwächen sofort erkennen. Einen Rohling schnell durch den Brenner zu jagen ist einfach so mechanisch deutlich weniger liebevoll.
Du legst auch in Clubs auf, mit welchem Medium? Definitiv CD! Und nur gebrannte! Wenn ich mir die Platten und CDs ansehe, die ich früher mitgeschleppt habe, die dann durch runterfallen oder in der Hektik des Auflegens irgendwie anders zu Schaden gekommen sind, ärgere ich mich zu Tode! Seit dem ich nur noch CD-Rs dabei habe, muss ich nur noch eine kleine Mappe mit ca 100 Rohlingen schleppen, und bin für alle Fälle gewappnet. Und meine Schätzchen bleiben wohlbehalten zu Hause! Davon abgesehen hat man mit CDs technisch viel mehr Möglichkeiten als mit Vinyl, und du kannst selbst mit Rocknummern kleine Faxen machen, wie Intros loopen oder sowas. Ich erinnere mich allerdings an meine ersten DJ-Erfahrungen in der Jugendhaus Disse, wo wir tatsächlich noch zusätzlich ein Deck am Start hatten und mit Tapes aufgelegt haben hahaha… Dann nenn uns mal bitte deine 25 Dauerbrenner! Poah...das würde eine ganz ganz bittere Liste. Zur Zeit lege ich hauptsächlich auf einer Party auf, die einem Club namens “Exit” huldigt, der zwischen den späten 80ern bis 2008 die Dorfjugend hier bespielte, aber immerhin einen derartigen Kult-Status in Solingen besitzt, dass die Leute heute noch gerne da hin dackeln. Da spiel ich überwiegend den ganz fies ausgelutschten 90er Stuff, RATM und SOAD, Korn, Nirvana und derartige Scheußlichkeiten. Urgh! ABER: Das tolle daran ist, dass es damals eine Party gab, die uns HC Kids aus den umliegenden Kleinstädten bestens versorgte. Also finden sich dort auch immer ausser den üblichen Verdächtigen einer “Alternative Disco” die Punker aus der
Kommt drauf an, es gibt ja auch Lightscribe und CD-Edding :D hast du auch schon 30 und 60 min Tapes bespielt? (Ich hab das früher oft gemacht, wenn ich sehr kurze Alben für mein 1. Auto kopiert habe: eine Ente mit Stockschaltung und bloß einem 21
damaligen Szene ein. Und das gibt mir immerhin die Möglichkeit zwischendurch eben auch die GEILEN Sachen einzubauen, weshalb ich den Job überhaupt nur mache. Denn ich kann auch altes (Post)Punk und Hardcore Zeug spielen. Du willst eine weitere Liste? Gern, hier 25 Knaller aus der “coolen” Kiste, die da hervorragend laufen: Agnostic Front “gotta go” Biohazard “punishment” Black Flag “six pack” Boysetsfire “rookie” Civ “can’t wait one minute more” Comeback Kid “wake the dead” Cure “in between days” Dead Kennedys “holiday in cambodia” Earth Crisis “firestorm” Fugazi “waiting room” Gorilla Biscuits “start today” H2O “what happened” Helmet “unsung” Hüsker Dü “don’t want to know if you’re lonely” Ignite “sunday bloody sunday” Inside Out “burning fight” Joy Division “love will tear us apart” Madball “pride” Minor Threat “minor threat” Operation Ivy “sound system” Pennywise “bro hymn” Rancid “time bomb” Refused “rather be dead” Sick Of It All “step down” Smiths “bigmouth strikes again”
dann aber auch ärgern. Oder man macht es so wie bei den Techno-Compilations, bei denen die 3. CD dann immer der “Mastermix” ist...Die “Verschmelzung” von Songs funktioniert natürlich am besten mit sphärischen Outros/Intros, die man einfach ineinander blendet. Eine kleine Routine, die ich auch im Club immer ganz gerne bringe, und die mit dem modulieren durch die Effect-Section im Mixer geil funktioniert, ist das Ende von Refused “new noise” zu loopen (“The new beat! The new beat! The new beat! The new beat!”...), langsam zu flangern und da rein das Intro von Boysetsfire “after the eulogy” zu faden. Und dann spiel ich sogar noch, wenn ich Bock hab, in dieses lange Outro von “eulogy” wiederum das Intro von Killswitch Engage “last serenade” rein. Dabei muss man ziemlich exakt timen, damit der Einsatz bei Killswitch genau auf den Peak der Steigerung bei “eulogy” passt. Das geht auch genauso gut mit diesem alten Caliban Hit, dessen Name mir grade nicht einfällt… Wer sich jetzt verständnislos am Kopf kratzt, weil er /sie die Songs nicht kennt… ihr ahnt es… bei YouTube anhören, dann könnt ihr es euch vielleicht in etwa vorstellen. Oder, wenn ihr in NRW wohnt, einfach mal zur Exit-Party fahren. Da spiel ich euch das gerne live vor hahaha. Stichwort Audiophilie, nenn uns mal dein gesamtes Equipment zum Musik hören zuhause? Also ich hab 2 Technics MKII 1210, auf die ich schwöre weil sie aus Beton gebaut und die Panzer unter den Plattenspielern sind. Dazu ein Pioneer DJM-250 Mixer, mein 25 Jahre alter Grundig-Verstärker plus CD Player, und am Mixer ein Kabel, das für den Einsatz des Ipod bereit liegt.
Crossfade: yay or nay? Wenn du damit fließende Übergänge meinst, auf jeden Fall Yay! Bevor der Laptop Einzug in meine Mixereien erhielt, habe ich lange Zeit mit einem DJ-SetUp zuhause aufgenommen, das ich mir extra dafür zugelegt hatte. Davon abgesehen, dass ich mich Anfang der 00er Jahre überwiegend der elektronischen Musik und der DJ-Kultur zugewandt hatte, empfand ich es als Perfektion, auch Rocksongs auf meinen Tapes miteinander verschmelzen lassen zu können. Das waren ebenfalls unendliche Sessions und Lernprozesse, weil dich da natürlich jeder kleine Fehler zwingt, wieder von vorne anzufangen… Aber das schöne war, dass es halt das auflegen-lernen-und-üben mit dem Tapes mixen verbunden hat.
Hast du auch hier schon Sampler gemacht aus grottigen Youtube-Downloads oder ist das ein No go!? No Gos gibt es eigentlich gar nicht, zumindest fällt mir auf Anhieb keines ein. Jede Möglichkeit, irgendwo Tunes abzugreifen, die einen Mix bereichern, ist erlaubt. Tatsächlich ist es so, dass zwei der schönsten Tapes, die ich für mich selber gemacht habe, ein Akustik Mix ist, der aus YT Videos entstanden ist. Da sind ganz wunderbare Versionen drauf versammelt, die sonst nie veröffentlicht wurden. Auszüge aus Cardinal Sessions, oder Aufzeichnungen von TV Noir, einer Show aus Österreich. Eins meiner Lieblingssongs darauf ist eine “Dancing In The Dark” Interpretation von Dear Reader. Das war eine sehr schöne Session, ich hatte keinen Masterplan und nur einzelne Nummern oder Interpreten im Kopf, die darauf versammelt werden sollten. Ich ließ mich treiben, viele Vorschläge passten genau in mein Konzept und so hatte ich am Ende soviel Material, dass es für zwei reichte, obwohl ich nur eins geplant hatte. Als nächstes habe ich einen HipHop-Mix im Kopf, den ich mir aus Bandcamp-Tracks zusammen rippe… ich hab aktuell wieder einen sehr harten Rap-Rückfall. Also kurz gesagt, ich glaube am Ende sind wirklich alle Optionen erlaubt.
Ich hab bei CD-Mixes auch immer Crossfade eingebaut, ich fand das toll, was glaube ich nicht alle so empfinden :D überleg mal, welche zwei Songs besonders gut ineinander verschmelzen?! Ich glaube dass viele Leute das nicht so gut finden, ist der Punkt, den ich vorhin verschwiegen habe… nämlich der, dass die CD den Vorteil bietet, die Songs, die einem am besten gefallen, selber weiter zu verwenden. Das ist der Grund, warum ich zB DJ Kollegen ausschließlich CDs gemacht habe. Da ist das dann ja mit den Song-Anfängen und -Enden problematisch. Ich fände es zum Anhören großartig, weil es dann eben den Charakter eines DJ Sets hat. Im zuvor geschilderten Fall würde ich mich
„We wanted to make a change.“
hardcore scene against machism, also that not so many girls* (included queers&trans) were coming to punk/ hardcore shows. We wanted to make a change, to motivated girls* to contribute to the scene, and just take more place in the white dominated male punk hardcore scene in Vienna. We are influenced by the Riot Grrrl movement but more recently by all the bands and organisations coming from the U.S where girls* take place, create, scream, play music, organise events, write zines etc.
What does Riot Tea taste like? Imagine a cup of tea full of sweaty sweat and salty tears of patriarchy in which you dip a powerful glittery tea bag that spreads its flavour of revenge, you also soak an intersectional cookie in it, it’s bring all the tastes. It is an empowerment tea, after drinking it, you feel like planning yourself a little trip on the street, throwing up the used glittery tea bags on the bigotry society. How was the club born? It’s all starting around those cups of tea. We were going to the same shows and after some time we realised that there were not so many things happening in the punk/ picture>>>>Femtrail
What do you do for fun and activism? First of all, activism can be fun, and it is the fun side we decide to keep in it. At least for our collective. So when 23
„How could you tell yourself you are a feminist if you are basically drinking the milk of a mother who got her child stolen?“ we organise shows like we did for Nachthexen, Snob and La Sabotage last july, we also released our zine, brought cakes and it was more a cool hang-out event than only a show. By creating this event we also saw that there is actually many people (girls*, trans, queers) that came to our event and interested in the punk/hardcore scene. And this way, we all felt safe and had an amazing time together. So we decide to keep this as something really important : bringing girls* bands playing here and making those kind of events more often in Vienna. To finally also have our place.
an other kind of music, which is sad. „It is not about being equal to the white cis men in this society, but about the deconstruction atof the society at from its roots.“ Why do we all need feminism? Because feminism now is not about the fight of white women who want to have equal pay and more power in government. We need it because nowadays, feminism has to be intersectional, because it is not only about white cis abled women, but also about trans and queers, about people of color, about muslims women, about neurodiversity, about disability, about minorities and oppressions. It is not about being equal to the white cis men in this society, but about the deconstruction atof the society at from its roots. To let flows our differences, to show them, to embrace them.
We are making zines too. The truest idea of our zine is to give a medium to anybody who feels the need to share something, to do it. I often like only one or two things I do, it could not make a zine on itself, so having someone taking care of putting it together with other people is something great and that make me feel “proud” that I can do something and being a part of it too. For our second issue we decided to have a theme : Abusive Relationship. It can be trigger, but it is also everywhere around us, or we know someone, or we lived it in any kind of relationship (friendship, family, partners) and it is not only about sharing your story, but also your advices, how to heal, or just to let go your rage, your peace, your mind by writing, drawing, painting, photographing it. And it feels good to see that we are not alone. Plus, we have info-tables at some events in Vienna to inform about our zines and what we are doing and sharing flyers informing about issues and struggles. Everyone is welcome in the club and can take part of it by any kind of way. We also like to be able to talk with everyone and take ideas and critics to construct ourselves better. We want to be heard but not seen.
Is feminism inter-woven with veganism to you? I would like to make it clear that it is not because you are not vegan that you are a less better person than anybody else. I remember seeing t-shirt like “real women don’t eat meat” I was embarrassed. Because I do not eat meat I should place myself as better or, worst, “real”. It is so outrageous, and if you mix feminism and veganism then you know that “real” women is bullshit, what does that even mean “real”? Of course, being vegan is important and the other way is also strange and contradictory, how could you tell yourself you are a feminist if you are basically drinking the milk of a mother who got her child stolen and that rape is used to make the cows pregnant, it is so awful and so important to acknowledge that both are connected and that both need to fight for. But I was also eating meat and also drinking milk so why blaming someone for doing so? Go and talk to them, go and share your experience, go and explain the connection between those two fights that can be fought together.
Where is your homebase and what can be improved there? We are based in Vienna. I think a lot can be improved, doesn’t mean it was catastrophic before but that you can always improve the scene here. Moreover many booking organisations were stopping or booking less bands, less people in general are going to shows, or they choose a specific kind of music and do not support the smaller/
c riotteaclub 24
„A pretty happy guy that is frustrated with the world around him.“
they are concerned for the safety of their animal companions. We considered ourselves animal lovers long before being vegan and people would get animals and not know how to take care of them, and we would end up taking them in. Right now we have lizards, tarantulas, snakes, five permanent cats, a gerbil and the world‘s most affectionate chinchilla. Animals are not ours for entertainment and commerce, for a lot of people they want animals because they are pretty to look at or because they want them to “love them” and when their expectations aren‘t met they stop taking care of them properly or want to “sell” or get rid of them. Most times reintroduction of these animals to their natural habitat isn‘t an option. We‘ve kind of become a wayward home for “discarded” animals, We are lucky to be in a situation where we are able to share our living space with them.
If we would meet up in your favorite vegan spot to eat right now - what would you order to drink and to eat and what would you recommend me to pick? I generally try to eat pretty healthy but since I‘m just getting over being sick I could go for some comfort food like The Ignorant Chris combo (a double veggie burger with chilli cheese and onion ring) and fries from Viva La Vegan or a chic’n and waffles plate...or both...everything Miko and Chris cooks is awesome! I‘d probably suggest you try the jackfruit philly...soooo good. Which foods does your healthy diet include then? I eat a lot of fruit, tons of bananas, pasta, greens, tofu, beans, juices I have to take in a lot of calories so I try to keep them as clean as possible most of the time. If you‘re eating 4000 calories a day, you don‘t wanna be filling yourself with junk
Would you mind introducing some of them and telling us about their quirks? So without going into naming all of them I‘ll go through out mammals haha. We have carrot and all black cat that loves everyone, Sherlock a one eyed rescue from a hoarding situation. Pandora, a street rescue that hates everything but me. Spazz and Boots our first two cats that are just kind of fat and lazy these days. We are currently fostering a cat named Zephyr who has FIV and FELV so she is seperated from the other cats she showed up at our house next to dead on our front porch and was meowing a lot. I came home from riding and she was just there with her fur all matted and she was hissing and didn‘t want me near her but couldn‘t seem to get away we left some food and water for her and watched her for a few minutes and she started trying to get me to pet her picked her up and she didn‘t struggle so we took her to the vet and have been trying to find her a forever home but with her health issues most rescues can‘t take her because she can‘t be near other cats and
….what would you tell me about yourself so I get to know you and what you do? These days I‘m generally a pretty happy guy that is frustrated with the world around him. At constant odds with a culture I can‘t understand and just looking for an „escape“ which brought me to riding bikes as fast and as far as I can, football for the Atlanta Silverbacks with my Atlanta Ultras family. When I‘m not doing one of those things. Im more often than not hanging out with my partner Becca and our mini “zoo” of rescue animals and pets. Tell us more about the „mini zoo“, please, who else lives with you? The word „zoo“ is probably the wrong term looking at it now as it has such a negative connotation. Becca works with a cat rescue called Good Mews and we also work with Ahimsa House fostering animals for domestic abuse victims. A lot of times a victim will not leave because 25
outside she wouldn‘t survive. We also have a gerbil that we found in a Home Depot bucket at a local store. And of course Burrito, the chinchilla, who is currently trying to eat my phone case.
What is the scene like considering sexism and machismo? Luckily we don‘t deal much with that...partially because we don‘t put up with it. We have openly gay members, we have female members, we have a multi racial membership and we all pull for the same team and same city. We are as close to brothers and sisters as you can get. It‘s our responsibility to defend and stand up for our members in the same way we do our team. There is of course rampant sexism but I feel like with real football support it‘s so ingrained as a counter culture here that we are more inclusive than other places and quite a bit more proactive in combating that sort of ideology.
Aaaaaawwwwm chinchillas are the best! So, Frogi, you are an Ultra, what drew you to this culture and what do you cherish about it? I grew up playing and watching football. Atlanta has a rich history with the game, and the culture associated with it. We‘ve had a pro team here since the seventies. My dad was my coach growing up we went to games for women‘s proteam at the time (The Atlanta Beat) and I fell in love. When the AU101 started up we were three or four guys that wanted to support our team more passionately and show them they were appreciated. We grew into a family. The Atlanta Ultras are about supporting our team and representing our city, the diversity, the passion, the history. Football in the states is very different from anywhere else. We have closed leagues, matches are hundreds of miles away from each other, we have multiple leagues that all operate more or less independently, it‘s a pay to play system and it‘s over run at every level by corporate intervention. Support here in the states is also different, it‘s a lot of plastic empty chants and fake passion in a lot of cases, Supporters groups organized and kept in line by the front office. Football at its roots is about the common people about those that play it and support it. And that‘s what we are all about. For me singing at the top of my lungs for the Atlanta Silverbacks with my brothers and sisters and standing for what we doesn‘t get much better.
Are there any fanzines in the Ultrá scene? Not so much in the US we are a small contingency of supporters, there are more so private forums and social media. I know of some supporters “literature” books that are basically just photos of stickers all over Europe but I can‘t remember the name of it... Ever thought of writing for one or making one? I enjoy writing and have written for a few different mediums but the passion and time required to keep a zine going through more than a few issues is difficult. As you understand, it‘s a lot of sacrifice and a lot of planning and organizing. Between working, riding, home life, would be a very difficult balance. I organized a few news letters and websites for awhile and it gets very tiresome for me. Much respect for being able to follow through with this. It‘s awesome seeing the shit you put together.
„I committed to veganism knowing it was a counterculture.“
cleaned up but for me it‘s another level of this culture I had to shake off of myself before I could really be okay.
Well, thank you very much, and yes, it is very time-consuming. How did you hear about veganism? Growing up the idea of „vegan“ to me was some hippy shit that primarily yuppies and hippies were into. But then I was low on cash trying to continue to eat healthy, bought beans and greens and brown rice and cooked it a million different ways for that paycheck realized how much better I felt. I had always felt like something was “off ” about consuming animal products and I started reconsidering all I had thought I knew about animal agriculture and nutrition and ethics and it just kind of fell into place over night. I hear about people taking time to transition but for me it just clicked. Three years later I can‘t imagine how I lived my life any other way. It cleared my mind and perceptions in ways I never could have thought of.
What do you like about the straight edge? I love that there is an entire culture of people for whom radical sobriety is a relating factor. For me straight edge is not just about being sober, it‘s about solidarity, being steadfast in my beliefs, learning and challenging things without a crutch. If you wanna get fucked up every day and that works for you go for it, but for me the most exciting part of my day shouldn‘t be when I make decisions with my brain half off. Fuck bar culture. And what do you dislike about the scene? I‘m the wrong person to ask about the scene I don‘t go to shows often these days. I‘m not a huge people person. I don‘t do well with groups, I‘ve struggled with anxiety and depression most of my life and have found I function better keeping a small circle and doing my own thing. Just like any group there are positive and negative things that come with having lots of people involved. I have gotten more out of it than I could possibly explain. It‘s challenged my views and forced me to see things differently, it‘s helped me be more aware of myself and the world around me, it helped me learn to stand up for what‘s right, and how to see through the bullshit. It suffers the same problems forced upon it from the outside world not clear cut problems of its own making.
How do you experience being vegan in everyday life (the good and the bad) with work, family life, etc.? I committed to veganism knowing full well it was a counterculture and that it went against social norms. I have people that don‘t understand why I won‘t eat food they‘ve prepared and tell me I‘m rude, or I have people that want to become nutritionists when I tell them I‘m vegan, I get into it fairly regularly with people that don‘t get it or want to make fun of veganism or tell me that eating dead things is their choice and I should respect it and that comes with the territory...but by the time I went vegan, this shit was easy. Don‘t get me wrong, it‘s still a culture of resistance and standing up for the lives of animals at its heart. But you can walk to almost any store and get food with the word vegan on the package! It‘s on the covers of magazines, it‘s on the news. It‘s permeating popular culture. Veganism is the future, and luckily more and more people are waking up to that.
When are you most happy? I‘m the most relaxed and at ease when I‘m spending time with Becca making fun of bad television watching cartoons, eating food and relaxing. Outside of that I enjoy bikes and football. Which cartoons do you watch? Teen Titans Go is one of my favorites right now, we bare bears...pretty much anything on Cartoon Network. Of course ninja turtles, classic xmen, Spider-Man...I watch a lot of cartoons..
And in which way did straight edge enter your life? I always feel a little weird answering this. Growing up I was angry, I was angry at myself the world around me. Just angry at everything. I was vehemently against any and everything. I was negative, aggressive, and stayed relatively fucked up on either prescriptions doctors said I should be on or anything else I could justify. I lived a decent chunk of my life crawling from substance to substance angry and afraid and just...not well.At one point I ballooned up to 220 pounds at 5’6, had blood sugar issues got gout in my foot and was just medically and mentally unwell.I always knew about straight edge growing up Minor Threat, Earth Crisis, Youth of Today and Gorilla Biscuits, some of the more seminal bands were always some of my favorites. I was really into straightedge hardcore when I was a teenager. After a particularly shitty time of my life I woke up after an away match with my friends, a pretty rough night, and had one of those „I‘m never drinking again“ moments at around 21-22 and I never did. I came to grips with the idea I was “hiding” behind substance dependency and I didn‘t want to do it anymore. It might seem watered down to some that I spent so much of my life under the influence and then claimed straight edge a year or two after I got
Tell us about your bikes, what models are they and any specialities to them? I have tooooo many bikes.I have a Bianchi Super Pista built for the velodrome. I have a Heavy Pedal Zephyr 2.0 frame built up to deal with the street/training/fun with a similar setup, I have a Tribe bicycles steel frame i built up to commute/distance and messing around it‘s also the bike I took with me to Asheville. I just got a specialized Allez sprint comp road bike and it‘s a totally different feeling. I have a custom made Varco Cycles frame that I‘m currently building and painting that was designed to exactly what I wanted for a lugged steel frame that‘s being built up for fixed gear crits and making poor decisions a little too fast. Trying to give it a classic look with modern hardware I worked with my buddy Alan on getting everything just right so I‘m very excited to get it done. I‘m constantly swapping out parts and experimenting with new stuff and luckily I race for a great shop, Outback Bikes and they help keep me on the road 27
„When I first went vegan I felt like a sheet was being lifted from my eyes, like I was waking up from a bad dream.“
and help me learn more, push harder and correct all the weird mistakes I make. How many miles do you ride with it in an average week? I go everywhere by bike, junked my car a few years back. I live a few miles outside of the city so between commuting and training most weeks I‘m just shy of 200 when I‘m actually training and racing. Up until a few weeks ago that was all on a track bike. So we‘ll see what those numbers look like once i‘m out on the road bike more.
I got there, spread the word about what The Humane League is doing and talk to lots of people about why veganism is an important issue.
„I have ladies I ride with that have experienced similar things and it has ruined riding for them they don‘t feel comfortable with it.“
We are very picky and choosy with our support for NGOs etc. The Humane League got our stamp of approval :) Would you tell us a little more about your passion for exactly this organisation? When I first went vegan I felt like a sheet was being lifted off of my eyes, like I was waking up from a bad dream. You realize that animal use and torture is systematic and permeates every part of our society not just animal testing and dog fighting. You have to actively train your brain to see what‘s happening around you, to see how animal consumption is normalized at every level, from antiquated reports about its health and safety to commercials advocating its normalcy and even commercials which the soul point is to demonize veganism.The Humane League was countering that at a grass roots level. They were hosting events where you could just eat and talk, they were going to college campuses and handing out leaflets and people were actually responsive, they were writing letters and forming petitions. They were organized and intelligent with how they followed through with campaigns against animal abuse, and they were getting results. I don‘t remember how I first heard about them but I remember seeing they were hosting fundraisers where athletes would raise money for their campaigns by choosing a challenge and it got me involved. I started with a 100 mile ride to Macon on a track bike around two years ago and have been involved however I could since then. The Humane league has been voted the number one animal charity time and again. They have all but ended the formerly common use of battery cages for egg production and have been personally named by the egg industry head honchos as being a nuisance which is enough reason for me to put my support behind it. The Humane League is covering ground a lot of other animal charities never have and it‘s cool to lend my support how I can.
I consider my car a safe space, since the public eye is shut out, no bulies, no catcalls. When you consider getting around in your car and on your bikes, how would you compare getting around concerning other members in traffic? Honestly that‘s not something I think about much. I grew up with confrontation being a fairly common place occurrence and yeah I have people throw shit at me from time to time, run me off the road get aggressive, shout at me. I don‘t let it bother me much these days. I used to get hyper aggressive I‘d chase cars down get in their face try to fight, now days I handle things a little smarter. I have ladies I ride with that have experienced similar things and it has ruined riding for them they don‘t feel comfortable with it. So I try to kind of “guide” people to be a bit more assertive and try my best to be pro-active in countering that kind of behavior. People in traffic are a lot like internet trolls. They will scream shout throw things or whatever because they know after the next light they won‘t see you again, riding assertively helps to give them a reason not to keep that kind of shit up. I love the speed, the wind and the flexibility of cycling - what do you like? Everything. Outside of runners cyclist have it the easiest when it comes to doing what they love all you need is a bike and you can go wherever you can will yourself. You have to work hard you have to know what you‘re doing, make the right choices think ahead keep yourself focused to stay moving and stay safe. It‘s like life you gotta make your own path and work to keep yourself going. There‘s a rush I get when I‘m riding that nothing else comes close to.
What challenges do you witness within the vegan scene? We fight sometimes about the wrong shit. I‘ve seen people get haughty with one another over who‘s been vegan longer, or whether the couch they owned had oil products derived from animals to condition the fabric (not a joke this was a real argument) all in all I think that like with anything people can be passionate about that SOME people can have a superiority complex. People from all walks of life are waking up to realize that veganism is all around a better way to live across the board,
So, you are collecting miles on the road for THE HUMANE LEAGUE, too? Congrats on getting over your goal of 1,000 dollars! I sincerely appreciate it! My fundraiser this year for Team Humane League was riding a track bike from Atlanta to Asheville which was around 300 miles, up through the mountains. It was hands down the most rewarding thing I‘ve done on a bike. I climbed mountains with one gear and was able to eat a ton of awesome food when 28
so from each walk of life they bring different values and life experience so it‘s always a changing community. The fact is all of us are in this for different reasons but many of us are intentionally combatting a systematic disregard for non human life. There are going to be tons of challenges on every level. As a species we don‘t even treat each other right, the idea that we should treat non humans with compassion and respect is foreign to a lot of people. I don‘t want to tear down veganism for the challenges we face. Veganism has grown and evolved even since I became vegan and I feel like as a movement it will continue to overcome whatever comes up c thehumaneleague c humaneleagueatlanta c Atlanta Ultras c varcocycles f thehumaneleague f humaneleagueatlanta f frogidropout f Atlanta Ultras f outbackbikes_trackracing f rebecca_pruett_photography
„People in traffic are a lot like internet trolls.“
„We were the only family around who didn‘t consume animals, so I thought maybe we were the weird ones.“
So, let’s imagine we are having this chat during your favorite pasttime, which would that be? Hey Kat! It‘s going to be a bit hard to have this chat during my favorite past time since one of my favorite past times is reading. Ha! So lets pick something else and head out on a hike.
constantly about this matter, why do you think the ones who are so close to us get most upset with our choice to go vegan while they are not? I feel very fortunate to have a vegan family, its great. It makes day to day life when I‘m visiting home so much easier, not to mention holiday meals are super cool and drama free since everyone is on the same page. I think the ones closest to us can get quite judgmental when the topic of veganism pops up for a couple of reasons. 1. They are so brainwashed by what the mainstream tells us about vegan diets that they truly fear for our health, ha! And 2. Most people have love and respect for their family members. Many will even look up to us. However when we do something that so directly goes against what they have spent their entire lives buying into then they can tend to become quite defensive. Their morals are being put on trial by the choices we are making. People tend to become a bit agitated when their morals are questioned. Especially when it‘s by people close to them. Its important for us to lead by example and continue to be a positive influence in the lives of those around us. One day we can hope our family members and friends will see the light and make the right choice.
Where would the hike take place? Location is easy, the wilderness of the Pacific Northwest. What would we bring for food and drinks? Can you make a pit stop in Berlin and bring a pizza from Sfitzy‘s? Will be hard, but I can try :D What are your all-time favorite books to read? Thats a hard one, Ive read a lot of books over the years. Walden and Watership Down and Diet For A New America will always have a spot on my shelf. And where did you go on your coolest hikes ever? The Enchantments in Washington, numerous other hikes around the Pacific Northwest and we have hit some killer spots in the Swiss Alps, I love Switzerland.
What’s home like? Back where I grew up, which will always be home to me as well are my parents and a few good friends. The nice thing about vegan straight edge and hardcore is you instantly have friends and family worldwide. So no matter where I travel to I feel welcomed by other like minded people. One other thing that is cool, my sister volunteers with Sea Shepherd and spends a few months per year at sea on my ship. Im lucky to be able to share these experiences with some of the best people I will ever know.
How did veganism enter your life? I grew up in a small town in rural upstate NY, surrounded by dairy farms and close minded people. I was lucky though because my parents had made the decision in the early 80s to leave meat off their plates. Because of this, growing up, I never had meat in the house. We did however drink milk and we had some of our own chickens when I was a child so we ate their eggs. Back then it was still a pretty radical idea to be vegetarian and you were looked at like you were some sort of hippie weirdo. As I got a little older and ventured out to friends homes I quickly realized that we were the only family around who didn‘t consume animals, so I thought maybe we were the weird ones .? I dabbled with eating animals for a few years as a young teen, never giving it much thought as to where the food on my plate actually came from. As I got a little older I started to realize why my parents chose to eat the way they did and the values they instilled in me from a young age quickly re-emerged. Not long after this I was helping a local farmer for a day to off load bales of wood chips for his chicken farm. He also had pigs and some beef cows. The harsh way they treated and talked about the animals there really opened my eyes. These were living breathing sentient beings being treated as nothing more than objects signifying dollar signs. I was disgusted. I couldn‘t eat another animal from that day forward. Not long after I started to really realize how twisted and exploitive all animal agriculture was. I knew vegetarianism was not enough and that I had to be Vegan. My parents and my only sister soon followed my lead, now my entire immediate family is vegan as well.
What are you doing for fun when you are with them apart from eating ice cream in Brooklyn? My parents own a 14 acre veganic vegetable farm. They
Most people I know dream about having their family turning to veganism, you can consider yourself very lucky! We and so many others have to fight 31
grow more fruits and veggies than one can count. Its a nice sanctuary to spend down time at when I‘m on break. They have a vegan ice cream parlor in their store too. The ice cream in Brooklyn is good but my parents‘ place sure makes a mean vegan milkshake. Other than seeing friends and family in Upstate NY, I spend as much time as possible on the opposite coast, in Oregon and Washington state. I love it out there and one day plan to have a cabin in the woods somewhere out that way. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? Hmm, chocolate peanut butter or mint cookie Your favorite vegan spots in NYC are...? Champs, Cinnamon Snail, Dunwell donuts, Foodswings (RIP). NYC is cool in small doses, but I‘m a much bigger fan of the food in the Pacific Northwest or Austin, TX. So what is there to be found (Austin and the Pacific Northwest), do tell! More vegan food spots than you can even imagine. The best donuts I‘ve ever had are found at Wheatsville CoOp in Austin and the best burgers in the world are homemade at Arlo‘s. Some of the best vegan bbq in the country can be found at BBQ Revolution in Atx and Homegrown Smoker in Portland. The good friends I have in both places and the awesome nature getaways really cap these places off as some of my favorite spots in the US. And what’s really pretty about the Big Apple? The over all grandeur of the city is a sight to see, although Im not much of a city person. I try to avoid them
„I certainly hope people will wake up to the fact that we as humans are literally destroying this planet we call home.“
as much as I can. In all the years I have lived in New York State I have only been to NYC 5 or 6 times. And what’s really ugly about it? Too many people and too many people wearing fur! And we suppose many wearing wool and leather, you feel as if people are ever going to realize what they are doing to non-human animals? Wool, fur, leather. Its all messed up and completely unnecessary. I certainly hope people will wake up to the fact that we as humans are literally destroying this planet we call home. We are killing ourselves slowly and we are taking all other life down with us. As an activist its hard sometimes because we tend to see the worst in people and what humans are capable of. In one sense it feels like the world is on your shoulders and things look grim but on the other hand it helps to keep the fires burning inside. For those of us who are awake and aware it is our duty to take a stand against oppression and do our part to assist in total liberation. You were drawn to straight edge through ExC would you mind sharing your fave lyrics, face song and fave album? Growing up in upstate NY I was exposed to straight edge from an early age. When I started going to shows in Syracuse NY it was still a place with a large straight edge scene with lots of good straight edge bands. Bands like Earth Crisis really helped shape me into who I am today and they are a big reason why I started to claim straight edge. Lyrically they have so many solid albums. My favorite album would have to be Destroy The Machi-
nes, it is one of the most influential albums of that genre ever put out.Favorite straight edge lyrics though would have to be the entirety of Gomorrahs season ends.
12. Machine Head - Slanderous 13. Modest Mouse - The Cold Part 14. Ringworm - Justice Replaced By Revenge 15. Shelter - Back To Vrindavan 16. Shelter - Mantra 17. Shelter - Eternal 18. Unit 731 - Ascension 19. The White Buffalo - Home Is In Your Arms 20. 108 - Mantra Six 21. One King Down - More Hate Than Fear 22. 108 - Being Or Body 23. Earth Crisis - Slither 24. Earth Crisis - So Others Live 25. Integrity - Humanity Is The Devil
What was your first zine you read or owned? I never once associated myself or aligned myself with the hardline ideology but I definitely had a copy of Forward To Eden someone had given me at a show years back. It was worth a good laugh. I was never a big zine collector but I know over the years I have acquired various straight edge and anarcho zines Did you ever make one yourself or were planning to? I had plans to but unfortunately never got around to it. Maybe in the future!
How did you start OUTCAST AGENDA CLOTHING? In early 2011 I was in between jobs and in a bit of a rut. The tattoo shop I was managing closed out of the blue because the owner was trying to start a family and panicked a bit with the business. I was doing activism as much as I could and I wanted to start something that promoted ideals I thought were important. So I took the little money I had and printed a few designs and thats how this (ad)venture started.
If you could easily do it, which would it be about? I think id make one along the same lines as what Outcast Agenda stands for. Total Liberation and how we can make the first steps towards liberating ourselves and then using that newly found self empowerment to help others.
„Life is simpler with less material possessions.“
Who is designing the prints? I concept all of the designs. I used to do a lot of the designing myself but since I‘m always on the go these days I send off the concepts to a couple of good friends who have done design work for me in the past and they whip them up for me.
You are a constant wanderer, do you collect things or are you living a minimalist’s life? I do always seem to be on the go! My motto is „if it doesnt fit in my back pack then its too much“. Life is simpler with less material possessions. Other than a few odds and ends and a post card from here or there the only thing I have collected from my travels are memories and tattoos.
One motto is “The Passage to Self Liberation” - how can we liberate ourselves and what are your main goals with the project? I‘m a firm believer that we must free ourselves first before we can further the fight for liberation of others. Simply put, if we are trapped by the self destructive nature of drugs and alcohol, consuming corpses three times a day and going to our daily 9-5 with our head in the sand then we will never be anymore than just another statistic in society. We need to seek out truths, wake up, educate ourselves, take off the blinders and get active. „Be the change you seek“. With Outcast Agenda we strive to make wearables that promote these ideas. We want to help awaken people and promote people to get active.
Tapes, vinyl records or CDs? :) Ive got some of all of the above in crates at my parents. I used to be an avid collector of old 90s and early 2000s vegan straight edge stuff. Both tapes and vinyl. I dont collect so much anymore. Which essentials are you carrying with you in your travel backpack? Passport and iPod. If I can get around and have some good tunes than I am happy. Isn‘t there a way to name your 25 most played songs on the iPod? Please, share.
In 2017 you want to work with Wake of Humanity and Sect XVX, any news on that? In late 2016 we finalized some sponsorship deals with both Wake Of Humanity and Sect which is really great. I have known the guys in those bands for quite some time and they are all great dudes who are promoting the same ideals as our company so its a great fit. For 2017 we are sponsoring three bands, SECT, WAKE OF HUMANITY and WOLF DOWN.
1. Absence - Ill cast the first stone 2. Absence- Glory to your courage 3. Another Victim - For The Liars And Cheaters 4. Culture - Oath 5. Extinction - Ignominy 6. Grimlock - Crusades 7. Ignite - Let It Burn 8. Earth Crisis - To Ashes 9. Earth Crisis - The Wrath Of Sanity 10. Earth Crisis - Gomorrahs Season Ends 11. Lemuria - Pleaser
You are a Sea Shepherd acitivist, what it is like on your particular team, ship and the actions you are undertaking? Well I am the Bosun onboard the MV Bob Barker, I ma33
don‘t realize the massive negative impacts industrial fishing has on our oceans and our planet. We are currently trying to change that in a big way though. Through our latest campaigns in Antarctica and off the west coast of Africa we are putting a face to the fish and shedding light on the massive issues with consuming sea food. What are the favorite tunes you are listening to at sea and at home? Earth Crisis always, a lot of folk punk and always still spinning the 90s classic vegan metalcore bands.
„We met in Tasmania and got to know one another amonst the icebergs are so lucky to be with your fiancée at sea, well of Antarctica.“ You done! Any cool anectdotes from your adventures at
Who is sharing most of your adventures? I‘m a lucky guy because my fiancé is a photographer and videographer and she heads up the media onboard the Bob Barker. So we get to work and travel together all year long. This ship is really like my home now as I have literally spent years onboard it and my „family“ is with me.
sea or on land together? Well, we met in Tasmania and got to know one another amongst the icebergs of Antarctica, which is cool in itself. Since then we have sailed all over the world together, been to countless countries via land and sea and together we have contributed to numerous successful Sea Shepherd campaigns saving millions of lives. A word of advice, find someone who shares your passions and stick with them. Life will be good.
nage a team of 5-8 people at a time and we are responsible for the up keep and maintenance of the ship inside and out. On campaigns our rolls extend to all of the work pertaining to and driving operations of our two rigid hulled inflatable boats (RHIBs) which are our small fast boats we use during actions. Our ship is a 52 meter vessel built in 1950. She has been through a lot over the many years that she has been afloat at sea. Long before Sea Shepherd acquired her she was a steam powered whaling ship, converted to diesel power and part of the hull rebuilt by the Norwegian coast guard where it was used as a patrol vessel. Sea Shepherd purchased the ship in Africa where it had been used for a supply vessel for years. It has a rich history and it suits our needs well. It is the perfect long range vessel for the campaigns we take part in. Right now as I write this we are off the coast of Liberia helping to arrest illegal fishing vessels and put an end to Illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing.
The coolest place you recently travel to together? Last summer we did a lot of work around the west coast of Africa. We had the opportunity to spend some days deep in the jungles of Gabon. We saw forest elephants, hippos, nile crocodiles and all sorts of other creatures. It was awesome. Supposing you kinda dislike people in general as most of us do, what do you love about her the most? At risk of sounding all mushy I have to say that it is impossible for me to pick out what I love most about her. She is one of the most compassionate and passionate humans I have ever met. Shes undoubtedly one of the smartest people ive ever met, she has a big heart, a great sense of humor and Im lucky to have found such a perfect partner who is dedicated to causes that I fight for and for the fact that we are able to fight side by side for a better tomorrow.
What do you like about being at sea? I am absolutely in love with the ocean and that is a big reason why I dedicate so much of my time to help protect it. Its an added bonus for me that I happen to enjoy being out at sea so much. When you‘re out at sea its just you and your crew, you have to be self reliant and self sufficient. It is like experiencing complete solitude with 30 other people. Its quite magical f outcastagendaclothing c outcastagendaclothing
We are always shaking our heads seeing people wearing Sea Shepherd merchandise while eating a fish sandwich, since whales and dolphins seem to need protection but eels don’t, does this hypocrisy make you angry, too? Yeah, that‘s crazy to me too. How can someone support an organization that advocates the protection of our oceans and all the species who inhabit it yet sit there and chow down on seafood? Unfortunately, a lot of people cant see past dolphins and whales, and many 34
Christopher Little Bear Sanctuary
„For every animal someone buys there are hundreds at shelters that are euthanized.“ Hey there, please introduce yourself with all the facts we need to know about you, Christopher! I was born in Yonkers New York and lived in New York City for most of my life. I have a Bachelor of Fine Art in Photography from The School of Visual Arts in New York City. I also have a Bachelor of Science in Health Science from Long Island University in Brooklyn New York and Physician Assistant Board Certified from Long Island University - Brooklyn Hospital. I worked as a PA in human healthcare, specializing in HIV/AIDS medicine until I moved to Florida in 2003. In Florida I became a licensed Realtor and worked in the industry in Miami for ten years. Around the middle of 2015, I took a long look at my life as I was not happy personally or professionally. I had been vegan for six years and this had made my desire to work within the animal community grow strong. In December of 2015 I decided to take a chance and go back to school to become a Veterinary Technician with the goal of someday opening an animal sanctuary. On April 4 of 2016 I was given the opportunity to work full time as a vet tech with Choice Veterinary Services here in Florida. Since that day I have never looked back. Today I am happily married to my incredible husband Randy, who is also vegan, and we have just been pre approved for the purchase of farmland to start our animal sanctuary. Little Bear Sanctuary, named after my mom Ursula (little bear in Latin), will be a 501c3 (non profit) to provide shelter for farm animals to live out the remainder of their lives in peace.
Technician at Choice Veterinary Services in Punta Gorda Florida? My day job with Choice Veterinary Services is both challenging and rewarding. I don’t think many people realize what goes on behind the scenes in a veterinary office. We provide healthcare to both small, large, and exotic animals. A vet tech is a veterinary nurse - our skills consist of everything from exams, blood draws, xrays, surgical assisting,, dental cleanings, dispensing medications, and that’s to name a few. Euthanasia is without a doubt the most difficult aspect of my job. To finally be passionate about my career and to see my goals approaching are feelings that I don’t think I can put into words. I have never been happier.
„South Florida, where I live, has the largest homeless cat population in the country, figures place it around eight hundred thousand.“ Why are you an advocate for “adopt don’t shop”? I’m an advocate for adopt don’t shop because there are millions of stray animals in shelters across the U.S. and the world that need loving homes. There are high kill shelters in big cities across the U.S. that euthanize upwards of ten thousand animals monthly. South Florida, where I live, has the largest homeless cat population in the country, figures place it around eight hundred thousand. Animals in pet shops come from puppy
Can you elaborate on your day job as Veterinary 35
mills where the conditions are horrid and the animals are inbred and overbred causing so many health issues. Evolving toy breeds of dogs that weigh 3 pounds as adults have so many health issues - dogs are not meant to be so small. For every animal someone buys there are hundreds at shelters that are euthanized. I’ve volunteered at some of these shelters and the dogs and cats are starving for love and attention. The best breed is a shelter animal! They will show you unconditional love like you have never experienced. I also would like to point out that black dogs and cats are the most overlooked in shelters and they truly are the best! Please consider opening your heart and home to a shelter pet. Your life will be changed for the better in so many ways.
loose myself in a fantasy for a few hours. The monsters in real life are much more frightening. I’m a fan of a lot of the older films from the 50’s and 60’s. My favorite is an incredible black and white British film from 1960 called Horror Hotel (The City of the Dead) directed by John Moxey. It’s a must see for any fan of the genre. When did you go vegan and why? I have been vegan for seven years. I reconnected with a friend from high school on Facebook about eight years ago who is vegan. He posts the true horrors of factory farming and animal abuse, etc. I had been vegetarian (not strict) for two years prior. I truly had no idea of the lives of animals in a factory farm, the conditions, the torture, etc. The horrible videos and pics opened my eyes. I had a shift of consciousness and have been vegan ever since. I literally am vegan for the animals. The health benefits are a reward. Before I was vegan I was overweight, had high blood pressure, smoked cigarettes, had high cholesterol and was on multiple medications. Since becoming vegan I no longer need any medications, feel amazing, am healthy, and happy.
Adopting changes lives - who is living with you at home? All of our fur kids are rescues. We have three dogs and five cats. Naya is my first rescue, she is a shepherd mix from Miami Dade Animal Services, Cashmere is our pitbull mix who is from Animal Welfare League in Port Charlotte, and Koa is our newest arrival. She is a Belgian Malinois that we rescued from a person who could not take care of her after she was hit by a car. Our cats, Jagger, Giada, PJ, Max, and Penelope are all rescues from Miami from various shelters and also from the street.
How did you become an ambassador of FOR THE LOVE OF ANIMALS APPAREL? When I started my instagram account a few years ago, I came across @ftlaapparel and loved their t-shirts. I immediately purchased the Be Kind To Animals Or I’ll Kill You shirt. I had a few questions about the style and color so I contacted the owner and designer Kim Panzarella to ask her if she could modify the size of the text and I wanted a specific style of the shirt. I was surprised when she explained her process of silk screening and hand making each shirt. I had no idea of the work involved behind each design. When I received it I took a pic of myself wearing it and posted it to instagram. I ordered another shirt from the Hounds and Heroes collection which benefits the organization that supports our service men, women, and dogs. Again, I modeled it and put in on IG. She loved my pictures, we began speaking on a regular basis, got along really well. She asked me if I’d like to be her brand ambassador and model for her. How could I refuse? We both still laugh about how I wanted her to change her design in my first order. We are now great friends and I’m so happy to have her in my life.
„You will never forget the look on a rescue fur kids face when someone takes them for that walk out of the building. The overwhelming look and tail wags of happiness is something that will make your heart melt.“ What are recent rescue stories that moved you a lot? Every rescue moves me. If you ever get the chance to volunteer at a shelter I highly recommend it. You will never forget the look on a rescue fur kids face when someone takes them for that walk out of the building. The overwhelming look and tail wags of happiness is something that will make your heart melt. Dog fighting rings, kids lighting cats on fire, torturing strays or even very own pets - Why do you think are people being cruel to animals in the first place, because they cannot speak? I think there are many reason why people are cruel to animals. Mental illness, growing up in an abusive situation, lack of education, poor role models. If animals could speak we’d be living in a different world no doubt.
„I’m definitely a vegan food junkie at heart.“ On your instagram, you also show us your favorite vegan treats, can you name some which recently excited you? Oh how I love vegan treats! I’m definitely a vegan food junkie at heart. There are so many great new products that have become available. So Delicious makes some of the best vegan ice cream and who would have ever thought Ben & Jerry’s now has seven vegan ice creams! My favorite being the Coconut Seven Layer Bar and PB J & Cookies. The Alternative Baking Company makes the best soft batch cookies. Hail Merry miracle tarts are di-
Sometimes life seems like the most horrific horror movie - but you are into the genre of films, which are your favorites? So true! I’ve loved horror movies since I was a child. For me it’s an escape from the horrors of everyday life. These “monsters” in horror films are “not real” so I get to 36
vine! I love to bake so I’m always veganizing cake and dessert recipes. Follow Your Heart vegan egg has changed the way I bake! I can go on and on! LOL What is your favorite dish to make yourself? If I had to pick one, homemade Mac & Cheeze - but I also make a great Chik’n pot pie! And what will you most likely order when eating out? Pizza! I love pizza!
„If animals could speak we‘d be living in a different world.“
What is your region of Florida like vegan-wise? Where I live in Southwest Florida there are some great vegan establishment’s and the food markets have so many vegan options. We even have an organic pizza restaurant that makes the best vegan pizza with vegan cheese. Any spots you would recommend to our readers travelling there? Definitely! Chef Brooke’s Natural Cafe, Pizza Fusion, and Ginger Bistro all in Fort Myers. Ada’s Whole Foods and Earth Origins are the two best markets for vegan options. So, most exciting news for last, tell us all about your plans, hopes and wishes for your own animal sanctuary, please! We are very excited about our plans for the new sanctuary. We’re in the mortgage process and we expect to be opening in the Fall of 2017. In this area there are a lot of farm animals in need who are typically sent to slaughter when they can no longer be cared for. We hope to take in as many as we can over the coming years. We are in the process of our 501c3 paperwork. We feel it’s important to be a legal non profit not only to best help the animals but to also benefit our donors and volunteers so they can take advantage of all the tax benefits under the law. We also want to have this non profit legal status to educate others who donate their hard earned money to charitable organizations, especially when it comes to animals, as there are so many scams and fake accounts online. Always check an organization‘s status and stick with a registered 501c3 when you donate. f christophervane f littelbearsanctuary d vegan4aninmsl1 c christopher.r.vane c littlebearsanctuary
„A critical catalyst for the founding of this group was the existence of a complete and utter monster.“ Hi Kat! The Portland anti-sexual violence group (No! to Rape Culture) is going to answer these questions separately from the Seattle group (No Tolerance 4 Rape Culture). We are different organizations – collaborating and working together toward a common goal of ending sexual violence in the Pacific Northwest of the United States – but with somewhat different tactics, and different members. Think of us like “sister” organizations ☺ The Portland group started in response to the work that No Tolerance was doing in Seattle, upon realizing how much this needed to happen in our city as well. I am a member of the Seattle group, and founder of the Portland group, because I go back and forth between both cities. Hopefully that makes sense. Feel free to edit it however you see fit for the zine! (It could be one large story, or just done as separate interviews?)
DIY punk, hardcore, and metal subcultures. There are currently about 15 organizers working on content, event planning, etc., another 30 volunteers who are contributing in various ways, and then hundreds of people in the community around us who are engaging in our efforts. The organizers of No! to Rape Culture were all acquaintances and friends throughout Portland’s music communities who have been going to shows together, doing other activist work, and hanging out for the last several years! We came together to found this group in response to myriad accounts of sexual violence happening around us in the scene. A critical catalyst for the founding of this group was the existence of a complete and utter monster. As most people know, a man named Jim Hesketh had been living in Portland for years, playing in bands throughout the Northwest for nearly two decades. He sang for two hardcore bands, played hundreds of shows, and was a friend to many of us. Earlier this year, he was confronted and publicly called out for preying on young girls in the hardcore scene. As more and more of his history unfolded, it was discovered that his predatory behavior included allegations of nearly 100 counts of sexual coercion, abusive behavior, assault, and forcible rape. While it is obviously unacceptable that this person had been allowed to exist in our communities for 20 years, Jim became a case study for how a well-known member of the hardcore/punk scene could get away with appalling behavior. It was really shocking and eye-opening for all of us who knew Jim that this had gone on for so long, and that he was still an accepted member of the scene. As all of this was revealed over the course of about a week, several of us realized that we needed to do something.
„As most people know, a man named Jim Hesketh had been living in Portland for years, playing in bands throughout the Northwest for nearly two decades. He sang for two hardcore bands, played hundreds of shows, and was a friend to many of us. Earlier this year, he was confronted and publicly called out for preying on young girls in the hardcore scene.“ First of all, please introduce yourselves and how you met and founded No! to Rape Culture: We are No! to Rape Culture – a group of womxn, femme, and non-binary members of the Portland, Oregon
· We are not a crisis line, counseling, or a support group. While we can provide resources when needed, our focus is on prevention rather than reaction. · We do not do individual call outs or provide accountability processes as a group. Members of No! to Rape Culture may engage in these actions at times, but this is not the intention of the group. · We don’t gossip or share others’ experiences without their explicit permission. · We do not welcome law enforcement into our spaces, and we are opposed to the prison industrial complex. However, we will never shame a survivor for seeking legal recourse against a perpetrator. · We will not Google things for you or do all the work for you. Dismantling rape culture provides effort and accountability from everyone. · We do not cater to dominant / normative culture.
A few womxn in Seattle quickly formed the group No Tolerance 4 Rape Culture, and in a matter of days put together a large community meeting to discuss the current state of rape culture within the hardcore scene. The meeting was attended by about 200 people, and was extremely productive – but it really just opened up a conversation, it didn’t necessarily solve any of the root causes. In other words, we all knew that despite our urgent efforts, there was still a lot of work to do. Upon talking about this situation with several people in the Portland area – some who had attended the No Tolerance community meeting in Seattle and some who hadn’t – it quickly became clear that our city was in desperate need of a group with a similar mission. After spending some time and collaborating with No Tolerance, we decided to create a splinter organization in Portland. We loved the powerful message of womxn, femmes, trans folks, and non-gender conforming members of our communities saying “NO!” to the rape culture that exists around us, so we decided to use this as a spin-off of the Seattle group’s name. While we are doing some similar work, our mission is somewhat different. No! to Rape Culture is focusing heavily on prevention work specifically within the DIY punk, hardcore, and metal scenes in Portland, Oregon. Our full mission statement is this:
„We’ve done it all – bands, zines, photography, touring, activism, etc. etc. Our experiences are varied, but we are all very active in our communities. Many of us are vegan, some are straightedge, we are all hella feminist, and we all have strong beliefs rooted in radical anti-oppression politics.“
No! to Rape Culture is a group of womxn, femmes, transfolks, and gender-non-conforming members of Portland‘s DIY subcultures. We are an action-based organization that aims to dismantle the patriarchal structures within the music „scene.“ We strive to approach this work through an anti-racist, anti-oppression lens, rejecting the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy in which rape culture thrives. By strengthening the connections among people of historically marginalized genders, we intend to cultivate safer spaces, and eliminate abuse and sexual violence in our communities.
What’s your background (bands, projects, veganism, straightedge, feminism, etc.)? A lot of us have been in the scene for 10, 15, or more years. We’ve done it all – bands, zines, photography, touring, activism, etc. etc. Our experiences are varied, but we are all very active in our communities. Many of us are vegan, some are straightedge, we are all hella feminist, and we all have strong beliefs rooted in radical anti-oppression politics. To be an organizer for No! to Rape Culture, you must want to actively dismantle the patriarchal structures that exist in punk & hardcore, you must always try to view things through an anti-racist, anti-classist lens, and you can be any gender except for cisgender man.
What we do: · We educate folx of all genders through literature, workshops, and events. · We offer practical tools for all people to work on dismantling rape culture within their communities. · We focus on systemic change rather than individual call outs. · We can provide references for survivors and allies in need of crisis intervention, support, or other resources related to sexual safety & trauma. · We actively create spaces for female-identified/trans/ gender-non-conforming members of DIY subcultures to interact and connect with one another. · We work with other radical & social justice oriented groups to create stronger and more inclusive communities. · We reject toxic masculinity as the “norm” within our subcultures.
Currently, Danielle plays in a band called Screaming Skull. Stacey plays drums for a band called Longclaw. Anna Vo has a solo noise project, a post-punk band called Rash Deeds, several zines including Fix My Head, and fronts a band called Acracy. Emiko plays drums for Puppy Breath and works with Portland Vegans of Color as well as Social Justice Fund. Tish makes a zine called XGRRRLX and is working on starting a band that focuses on veganism, and anti-colonialism. Emma fronts the band Trust Issues. Jenn plays in Hard Sulks. As you can see, everyone has lots of projects and is super busy and involved in the scenes around us!
What we don’t do: 39
Which HC shows did you attend as teenagers and how did that change over the years and why? The members of No! to Rape Culture come from all over
the hardcore/punk/metal spectrum. I think most of us are attracted to fast, heavy, loud music because there are angry, aggressive parts of us that we simply can’t express in the “normal” world outside of punk shows. A lot of us are survivors. A lot of us got into heavy music because of fucked up things that have happened in our lives. With that said though, some of us are more into youth crew / posi core while others listen to mainly beatdown / moshy hardcore. Danielle’s band is dark, fast hardcore, while Stacey’s band is shoe-gazey and ethereal. Anna Vo has a band metal as fuck band as well as an arty post punk project. Jenn’s band is sad femme punk, while Emma’s band has the heaviest breakdowns in the Northwest. I would say that a lot of us have started to actively seek out music that isn’t just your typical het/ cis/white dude bands – we are trying to support bands that are femme or queer centric and include people of color, as we all realize that voices from more marginalized groups have not been amplified in our communities nearly enough. We are also working hard to promote shows where people who aren’t white het cis dudes are consistently on the microphone!
planned, which will hopefully give folks of marginalized genders some tools to feel a bit safer and more confident navigating potentially scary situations. We’re also putting together a Feminist Trivia Night fundraiser, a workshop-based camping trip for next summer, a book club that will focus on femme writers of color, and lots more to come!
„Moths are extraordinarily diverse. There are over 11,000 species of moths in the U.S. Though they are often overlooked, they actually outnumber butterflies 10 to 1 and come in all different sizes, shapes, and colors.“ Lastly, a note on why we use the moth as our logo: Moths are able to navigate through dark places, and are empowered by the nighttime. This is a time when femmes and gender non-conforming folks have too often been made to feel unsafe. We are working to change that culture and to create safer spaces for all genders. Moths have the ability to find light in darkness. Similarly, we hope that the work we do will help others find community, safety, strength, and connections in spaces that may have felt uncomfortable in the past. Moths are transformational in nature, and are agents of change. Not only do they transform themselves through their own metamorphosis, the also have amazing pollinating capabilities and are able to change their world around them. In this way, we hope to not only change our own behaviors, but also affect change in the communities around us. Moths are extraordinarily diverse. There are over 11,000 species of moths in the U.S. Though they are often overlooked, they actually outnumber butterflies 10 to 1 and come in all different sizes, shapes, and colors. Many moths have “eyes” on their wings as a defense mechanism. Their eyespots deter predators and keep them safe. Similarly, by seeing and acknowledging rape culture within our communities, we hope to deter and eliminate predators within our spaces.
Have you ever experienced a “safe space” inside or outside of the music scene, or anywhere else? Being at shows recently – with a group of badass femmes who are actively working to dismantle rape culture – is the safest most of us have ever felt. While progress on a larger scale will of course take time, it seems as though people are starting to listen to what we’ve been saying for decades – that shows weren’t comfortable and didn’t feel safe for a lot of us. Whether that was because someone in the scene had sexually assaulted us, or because some bro dude was spin-kicking into the crowd with zero regard for anyone else, navigating through these subcultures has been challenging for many of us. A lot of women have said things like, “I stopped going to shows because of the threat of sexual violence,” or even because of the reality of sexual violence, which is horrifying to think about. We hope that as we continue to do more workshops about consent and preventing abuse, and continue to engage with folks about the dynamics of privilege, power, and oppression that exist within our social spheres, our spaces will become safer for folks of all genders.
c NotoRapeCulture
What are the next steps for the group? There are several events coming up in Portland! We are working on a series of workshops, and each workshop has a corresponding zine so folks can take the message with them and share it among the people in their lives. Our first consent workshop & zine, “Consent & You: Tools for Healthy Sex,” will be an ongoing conversation at future shows. Next month we are doing a “Pizza Party Against the Patriarchy,” where womxn and non-binary folks can come meet, talk, eat pizza, do some self-care, and build stronger connections among like-minded members of the scene. This event already has hundreds of people RSVP’ed, which is awesome and shows how necessary it is for us to be making these connections. After that, we have a Radical Self Defense workshop 40
f# i n s t a v e g a n s 40
How important is activism to you?
Very important, although I‘m more of a quiet activist. I have anxiety so actively campaigning in public really stresses me out. I try to do my small part – charitable donations, petitions & spreading awareness through social media. I think leading by positive example on platforms such as Instagram is one of the best ways to encourage people to become compassionate. With the help of social media, veganism is spreading globally.
If you are straight edge, why?
I would say I‘m mostly accidentally straight edge due to my veganism, personality and intense dislike of alcohol!
most favorite meals?
I‘m a big fan of Asian food, especially Japanese dishes. I eat a lot of rice, tofu & miso soup. I love comfort foods like veggie stew & soups too. And can‘t forget PIZZA with extra vegan cheese!
Taking pics of food, yay or nay?
IG handle? majikmilk
Indea Vanmerllin
Definitely yay! As vegans, I think it‘s important to share just how well we eat so we can inspire others to lead a cruelty free life.
Cooking for friends or being cooked for? I love cooking for other people!
Your most overused hashtags?
Cis female; she/her. Bisexual.
#rats #fancyrat #veganuk #flowerporn #veganfoodporn #natureporn #vegangirl #earthling
Stratford-upon-Avon, England
#fancyrat #dumborat #flowers #naturelover
I‘m a crazy rat lady; an anime otaku; I‘m obsessed with The Walking Dead. My favourite movies are Lord of the Rings trilog y, The Labyrinth, Jurassic Park & anything by Studio Ghibli.
Just the fact that I never even knew about feminism until I was around 20 years old (about 3 years ago) highlights the fact that feminism is so important. As a woman who has been both physically sexually abused as a child and also emotionally abused by men, I think it‘s so important to talk about feminism. When I was a child, some part of me thought that such abuse was the norm so I never told anyone about my experiences until I was a grown woman, even though I‘d carried them throughout my whole life. It‘s important to talk about these things and not stay silent. For a long time I was scared to be female – I grew up wishing I was born male. I was taught that fear as a woman was normal and that my life had limitations because of this, both by other women who had also been abused, and by men who didn‘t care for change or didn‘t know any better. This is why feminism is so important.
Fun facts?
How long have you been vegan?
About 2 years. I was vegetarian for 6 years prior and really wish I‘d gone vegan sooner.
your IG account In 5 words? My loves: rats, flowers & food
10 favorite IG accounts?
In no particular order, my current favourites are: 1. plantifulsoul – amazing writings. 2. im.zollie – beautiful travel photos & such a positive soul 3. sweet_dreams_marian – my favourite crazy cat lady & fellow photographer. Her photos always make me smile :) 4. lucyalicephotog – fellow photographer & creative happy little soul. She always lifts me up! 5. mik_bron – beautiful happy soul. Wonderful nature photos + cute dogs! 6. _iheartvegan_ – hilariously real. Her posts always make me laugh. 7. thevegansoulflower – soul nourishing vegan food. 8. rat_attack_tat – RATS! 9. annadoshinaphotography - beautiful film photography. 10. masha_littlefox – cute animal overdose.
Why are you vegan?
For compassion. It started off for the animals but I soon realised this is also the best choice for humanity, the planet and for myself as well.
What do you do for fun?
I take photographs of everything! I love long walks appreciating nature and spending time with my rat babies :)
Favorite hashtags to search for? Why do we all need feminism?
I think a big part of feminism today is understanding that we should encompass all genders and non-genders – all those who identify as female and those who do not. Feminism breaks down stereotypes for all people. I strongly believe in a world where female, male, trans & all non-binary genders of all sexualities can express themselves safely without fear of prejudice. We all need equality and personal empowerment and this is so important.
THE Biggest influence to become who you are today?
The short answer: Myself. I think more than other people, circumstances have shaped me, for better or worse. However, it wasn‘t until I was able to truly begin loving myself (not just body positivity, but at a deep soul level) that I could really start to begin to grow as a person. Becoming vegan really changed my life and opened me up to a world of compassion; not just for our planet and the animals, but for humanity and, in turn, for myself.
Current role models?
My 4 rat girls: Lupin, Ori, Jiji & Mulberry. Animals teach us so much :‘)
Five most awesome bands ever?
Not all bands, but for a long time I‘ve loved: Lion Babe; Nujabes; Choro Club; Kali Uchis & Lana Del Rey
What is the most valuable lesson you learned in your life as a vegan?
IG handle?
Dani Elle
I‘m a pansexual female that is cis. VEGAN, atheist, feminist, Anti-natalist, pro-choice athlete
Johannesburg, South Africa
Fun facts?
I have a fat sphynx cat named Hugo, he‘s a spoilt only child. I am an avid crossfitter, the sport gives me life. I‘ve been living in Paris for coming on 8 years this year. I bike everywhere because I abhor public transport.
How long have you been vegan?
How to LOVE!
4 years in December, since 2012.
To anyone who isn‘t sure about veganism: it‘s changed my life and the lives of other people forever. Give it a try - you won‘t regret it :)
To reach non-vegans worldwide
What you wanted to add?
your IG account In 5 words? 10 favorite IG accounts?
Vegansidekick Incognetovegan The_handsome_hippie_ Go_vegan_or_ go_ fuck_off Sir_brad13y_biscuits Sianbon The300poundvegan Darrenvegan Plantbasedlogic
Why are you vegan? For the animals
What do you do for fun? Crossfit
How important is activism to you?
Very. Animals aren‘t going to be saved by silence.
most favorite meals? Pizza!!
Taking pics of food, yay or nay? Yay!!!
Cooking for friends or being cooked for? I love both!
Your most overused hashtags? #whateveganslooklike
Favorite hashtags to search for? #veganpizza
Why do we all need feminism?
Just Because inequality is so prevalent.
THE Biggest influence to become who you are today? My mother
Current role models?
I don‘t believe in role models. Humans are too flawed
What is the most valuable lesson you learned in your life as a vegan? Being kind is always the better option.
websites, other social media accounts, etc. you wish to be included?
What you wanted to add? I willl literally do anything to stop animal suffering and use.
IG handle? aly_ feels
Aly Wright Fields
Queer, non-binary (they/them/their pronouns), vegan straight edge, polyamorous, modded, tech nerd, punk rock poet, believer.
Boston, USA.
Fun facts?
I’m a published poet. I have some new-ish stuff coming out in an antholog y in spring 2017. Poetry is probably the most important part of my life aside from my beliefs and values. I am classically trained in piano but hardcore is my true love, so I mess around on guitar or bass and scream lots. Also, I have uncanny luck with famous people and concerts and stuff. For instance, when I was 18, I met Ian MacKaye once by literally just knocking on the door to the Dischord House. We had green tea.
your IG account In 5 words?
Queer folx, silly hashtags, FOOD.
How long have you been vegan?
Not very! I was on/off lacto-ovo vegetarian and vegan for the majority of 2016, went full vegan just before New Year’s 2017.
10 favorite IG accounts?
I’m pretty new to IG. Umm… one of my partner’s, Chelsea’s, I like seeing her all the time so I get notifications when she updates. xclusivx obviously. Eva from Gather/Rats in the Wall. Umm, I made friends with someone named Bruce, he’s at @ redscarexvx. AFI News HQ, Davey Havok. I cannot get enough of him. Alok Vaid-Menon. I can’t really name many more, I follow a lot of IRL friends so far but I’m always looking for new XVX mates!
Why are you vegan?
It seemed like the most ethically consistent way to live my life. I consider myself to be a person with strong principles and someone who tries to live through those principles. I felt like minimizing harm required full compliance with a vegan diet. Also, I was straight edge first, so the idea of respecting my body and the bodies and lives of others was already part of my moral framework. My political views also encompass harm reduction and the minimization of ALL forms of oppression. Becoming vegan just seemed to coalesce very well with the life I was already living and complete the circle that I had left open by not fully committing to veganism.
What do you do for fun?
No meat, no booze, no drugs, no fun! Hahaha. I like to write poetry, listen to music, go to shows, hang with my partner/ datefriends, cook, go out to eat, read, compose, and play video games. I’m also into political organizing, but that’s often not ‘fun.’
How important is activism to you?
Extremely. I consider myself an intersectional feminist, and I try to espouse anti-racist, anti-fascist, anti-ableist, anti-classist, pro-LGBTQ, anti-Islamophobic… (ad infinitum) points of view. My alignment with leftist politics has been for at least the last 10 years. I have sociolog y degrees, but even without the academy, being politically knowledgeable and engaged has always mattered to me. In high school, I would get into arguments with everyone. In college and grad school, I would
write papers. Now I try to get involved in actual groups and put my feet on the ground. I also try to listen more than talk these days. I attend and speak at rallies in the area. I make politics part of my romantic and social life, too-- it is inseparable for me. I just find it unconscionable that my privilege is dependent upon another being’s suffering.
If you are straight edge, why?
I am straight edge. I declared edge about two years ago but have been sober for a bit longer. Substances never interested me the way that they seem to distract and entice others. I found them a boring and needless distraction. Being edge allows me to be present, whether that’s with lovers, with friends, at work, in my activism, etc. The person I was with at the time was also edge (she isn’t any longer) and that was a big influence. But I have also lost friends-- in death both literal and metaphorical-- as a result of drug use. I’ve seen people fuck up their lives and it saddens me because the potential to do so much was being squandered in favor of the next high. Drug use and abuse are complex things wrapped up in class and gender and overall wellness, the same way that veganism is. I will never fault someone for having a problem. But drug culture, drinking culture-- these intangible values that are indoctrinated into our social framework, that say we need substances to have a good time or to forget what’s wrong, I just find them antithetical to how I want to live my own life and how I want to serve others. I cannot be good to others if I’m intoxicated. I just can’t.
most favorite meals?
There’s a lot! Ethiopian-- there’s a great spot owned by amazing people in Boston called Blue Nile, they have a six-dish combo called the Vegetarian’s Revenge and I can throw down on that like no other. I went on a date there recently and it was marvelous. I really like Indian, I learned how to make curries first when I started cooking about ten years ago (I was vegetarian at the time) and it’s a comfort food for me. Burritos are the perfect food-- I get mine the same way every time. Black beans, brown rice, pico de gallo, lettuce, guacamole, and hot sauce. I could survive forever on burritos and chips and salsa. My partner Chelsea made me this amazing brown rice garden lasagna with homemade pesto, cashew cream bechamel, and tofu ricotta. That was exquisite. I want her to make it again sometime but it’s a lot of effort. I make the same tofu scramble again and again for myself, regardless of the time of day, because I’m lazy and it tastes awesome .
Taking pics of food, yay or nay?
Absolutely! It’s fun. Just make sure to enjoy it.
Cooking for friends or being cooked for?
I like both. I like sharing meals with others a way of offering care. Most of my friends are omni so I like having the chance to provide them with vegan food they enjoy and can feel good about eating. But I love being spoiled. Chelsea is a phenomenal cook, like uber vegan gourmet when she goes all out. I’m a good cook, definitely, but nowhere near her level. I love when she makes food because I know I’m eating something nutritious and tasty. And I’m lazy as fuck, so I like getting take-out or going out for dinner a lot, too.
Your most overused hashtags? #xvx #nonbinary #theythem #theythemfemme #queeredge
Favorite hashtags to search for?
I don’t really spend a lot of time searching outside of #xvx or #veganstraightedge because I’m looking for friends.
Why do we all need feminism?
The patriarchy harms everyone. We need intersectional feminism because race, class, ability, sexual orientati-
on, trans or cis-ness, age, cultural background, and religion all impact the way one’s gendered life is experienced.
THE Biggest influence to become who you are today?
It’s really hard to pick one person, you know? My identity has so many different facets and my politics and morals are constantly being shaped and challenged. I guess if I had to pick a single person, I would say my friend A___, who is actually no longer in my life. He was my best friend for 12 years and we were soulmates, we felt and did and listened to all the same stuff. We were thick as thieves. But we lost touch because we didn’t see something the same way. Our lives and priorities had changed way too much I think. I tried to get back in touch with him last year but he didn’t respond. I still think about him everyday. He first exposed me to the ideas of straight edge. We share a lot of musical influences. He was my confidant and we nurtured one another. We balanced each other’s gendered energies as well. I’d like to think, somewhere deep down, he’d be proud of who I’ve grown to be. I still love him and I want him to be happy.
Current role models?
Hmm. Davey Havok is definitely one, but he’s a bit problematic at times. I think he has a blind spot to some of the moral issues that are important to me, or at least chooses not to politicize his points of view in ways that are meaningful to me. I do really appreciate xevageniex and admire her art and opinions and outspokenness. My former graduate advisor is perennially my hero, I admire her so much. Her name is Karen, she’s the smartest person I’ve ever met and she’s a great example of an academic feminist (or feminist academic). Prince! Tori Amos, Kate Bush, Laura Nyro, Bjork, Grimes… lots of musician sheroes. Patricia Hill Collins, bell hooks, Kate Bornstein... Yeah. That’s a lot!
Five most awesome bands ever?
Bands? Not solo artists? Swans (but Michael Gira is a crap person), Hüsker Dü, Talk Talk, The Appleseed Cast, and of course, AFI.
What is the most valuable lesson you learned in your life as a vegan?
Honestly, because I’m so new to veganism, I’m always learning constantly. I’m learning new ways to make old favorites, new ways to take care of my body, rying new food. So I guess so far the most important lesson is to just remain open-minded and excited. I feel such contentment and joy in being vegan and I hope that sustains me throughout my life.
What you wanted to add?
No questions about mods? :) I have a straight edge tattoo, amongst several other modifications. If I’m addicted to anything, it’s body modification.
Taking pics of food, yay or nay? Hell yea.
Cooking for friends or being cooked for?
I‘d rather be cooked for than cook for friends. Haha
Your most overused hashtags?
#whatvegansliftlike #tattedvegan #vegan #crueltyfree #plantbased #vegangains #veganfitfam #veganfitness #fitness #fitfam #sexyvegan #whatveganslooklike #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodporn #veganfoodshare #veganfortheanimals #plantbeast #veganfortheplanet #veganformyhealth #nycvegan #vegansofny #fuckfur #loa #lawofattraction #animals #animalrights #climatechange
Favorite hashtags to search for?
#vegan #tattedvegan #whatvegansliftlike #bikelife
IG handle?
Berto Calkins
New York City , United States
Fun facts?
I love motorcycles and watch YouTube videos about them all the time. It signifies freedom for me. I tie my laces with bunny ears. I love creating things.
How long have you been vegan? I have been vegan for 3 years.
10 favorite IG accounts? @badassvegan @mercyforanimals @johnnyxaro @meghanaro @natashakhawja @vinnyvegan @crisveganfit @livevegansmart @veganfoodshare @theenudenerd
5 LOCAL IG accounts? @myvegandaily @blossomdujour @plant_based_beast_ @secretattack @_ joeytorres
Why are you vegan?
I‘m vegan because I believe in doing the right thing and that is harming less.
What do you do for fun?
I listen to music for fun...yea, I‘m pretty simple.
How important is activism to you?
Activism is really important to me. Although I just started protesting, I believe activism in all forms are necessary.
most favorite meals?
When I‘m being good, I eat mostly fruits and also the „@ tattedvegan bowl“ (marinated kale, sweet potatoes, quinoa, black beans, guacamole) from Blossom Du Jour (plug ). When I‘m being bad, donuts and pizza because I‘m from NYC and it‘s only right.
Why do we all need feminism?
We all need feminism because if not, then women will continue to be taken advantage of on all fronts.
THE Biggest influence to become who you are today?
The short answer: Myself. I think more than other people, circumstances have shaped me, for better or worse. However, it wasn‘t until I was able to truly begin loving myself (not just body positivity, but at a deep soul level) that I could really start to begin to grow as a person. Becoming vegan really changed my life and opened me up to a world of compassion; not just for our planet and the animals, but for humanity and, in turn, for myself.
Current role models?
I wouldn‘t say that I have role models, but I do take positive pieces from numerous people. My influencers include my mom, my daughter, my friend Natasha and Roberto Clemente (google him!).
Five most awesome bands ever?
Well I mostly listen to hip hop, but I like linkin park, korn, flyleaf, phantogram and slipknot. Hip Hop: Childish Gambino, Kid Cudi, Logic, J Cole, Kendrick Lamar.
What is the most valuable lesson you learned in your life as a vegan? stand firm in your truth and be unapologetically you.
websites, etc. you wish to be included? YouTube: tattedvegan
body weight and I am so close! In addition, I love gaming, hiking and cooking!
How important is activism to you?
IG handle?
Tyra Eberwein
Feminist, activist, vegan lifter, female, she/her, believer.
I never know how to answer this question! I’m ethnically half Swiss and half Malaysian Chinese but grew up in Hong Kong, a very international city in China (but at the same time not a part of China! It’s all very confusing ).
Fun facts?
I shaved all my hair off last year! Before that, my hair was half blonde and half black. I was born without the top layer of my tongue. And I still eat pineapples despite it hurting hahaha, tastes too good! My hands shake 24/7 due to a genetic disorder. I don’t know how to ride a bike but can skate, longboard, scooter and rollerblade. I’m running out of ideas because I’m not that interesting!
your IG account In 5 words?
Simple healthy delicious vegan food!
How long have you been vegan? 8 months today! (March 1st)
10 favorite IG accounts?
I honestly have too many!! >.< I just randomly picked this from my favourites list! @earthfawn @countcolorsnotcalories @happylittlecloudberry @wildvegann @littleforesthealthretreat @ermigozali_vegan @kitchenofrezvan @poh.tato @oppa0716
Why are you vegan?
This question always overwhelms me for some reason… There is not quite one answer for this. First and foremost, for the animals. I used to watch videos on animal cruelty from my favourite Youtubers “That Vegan Couple” while eating my (sigh) 3 egg breakfast every morning. I don’t even know what I was doing, it honestly disgusts me when I now think about it. Anywho, one day it just clicks and I went vegan cold turkey (or should I say tofurky… I’m not funny). I knew I was a walking contradiction and so I made the ethical change, knowing it was also affecting the environment (and therefore my future) as well as my health. Not only that, but it helped me develop a healthy relationship with food. I never knew how to properly eat, it was always either way too much, or way too little, or not the right foods. Veganism introduced a lifestyle in which all my food represented love and life, instead of death and pain. I truly believe that those who eat animal products also eat the suffering and negative energ y of the animals. I cry thinking about it. I once had a mental breakdown when I was talking about the dairy industry to a teacher. There is too much pain in this world, and I do not want to be a contributor to it.
What do you do for fun?
I love weight lifting! It’s my life. Hence the instagram name “Lift Vegan.” I really enjoy feeling strong and hitting new personal records. My goal for this summer is to squat my own
Activism is so important, I feel like there is too much corruption in the world and not enough people realize or care. Education is key, but sometimes activism can come without action. I just wish the world was more fair and there was more that I could do.
If you are straight edge, why?
I honestly do not even know what straight edge is so I had to search it up. It’s funny because I am quite straight edge and I didn’t even know there was a term for it! I have never taken any drug, drunk alcohol (not even a sip offered by a parent), had sex, and do not believe in caffeine or prescription drugs. I guess I just believe in purity and that none of those things will benefit my life in the long term. A lot of these things do not solve problems, but rather help those suffering numb or forget the pain they are going through.
most favorite meals?
Sweet potatoes! Tofu, soba noodles, sushi, black rice, dim sum, all whole foods, fruits and vegetables really!
Taking pics of food, yay or nay?
Yes, I do it all the time, I am not ashamed.
Cooking for friends or being cooked for?
Definitely prefer cooking for friends! Or just, cooking for myself hahaha.
Your most overused hashtags?
#whatveganseat #eatrealfood #vegangains #veganfoodporn #yum
Favorite hashtags to search for? #whatveganseat #hkvegan
Why do we all need feminism?
Because it’s not just about women. It’s about humans, it‘s about men, its about equality and rights of the people. It’s about doing what is morally correct and treating all as one.
THE Biggest influence to become who you are today?
My mum, we have gone through hell together, both in a sense that we had an unhealthy relationship, and now that we have grown, we fight our hardships as a team. I have never met anyone as stubborn and strong as my mother, except me (and that in itself is a product of being her child).
Current role models?
Daniella May Lee Means! She isn’t vegan, but eats vegan once a week. She’s an AMAZING powerlifter from Hong Kong so its amazing that I have an athlete to look up to in my local area. She is so beautiful, strong and inspirational. She reminds me that women can lift and it doesn’t challenge or change one’s femininity. I hope to one day lift as much as she can!
Five most awesome bands ever?
Linkin Park, Blink 182, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco :)
What is the most valuable lesson you learned in your life as a vegan?
There is too much pain in this world, but you do not need to be a part of it.
websites, etc. you wish to be included?
My youtube account, I make videos on minimalism, vegan eats and recipes too! pJ4vVO4P5w
IG handle?
Alex Ciccone
Vegan af. If it’s vegan, I‘m there. If it isn‘t vegan, i’ll make it vegan.
Toronto, Canada
Fun facts?
Nerd at heart – love retro video games (SEGA). Soccer ( football) player – played provincial level soccer growing up. Position – defensive midfielder. Certified Personal Trainer – love strength training. Singer – music was a major part of my childhood. Classical pop is my genre of choice. Related to Madonna (yep – we’re the same Ciccone family name).
your IG account In 5 words?
Vegan: lifestyle, wellness, humour, fitness, awareness.
How long have you been vegan? 3½ years
Why are you vegan?
First and foremost the ethical treatment of animals. The health and environmental benefits are a nice bonus. For as long as I can remember I have always had a strong bond with animals. Growing up I had birds, dogs, fish, even lizards as pets. Although today I disagree with the domestication of certain species of animals, these experiences throughout my childhood were invaluable. Each and every moment with these animals taught me about their extreme loyalty, intelligence and unconditional love. Life lessons that were imprinted upon me, humanizing these amazing creatures. It become my purpose in life to protect them in every way that I can – becoming vegan was a start and then spreading the word through social media and activism is my day to day.
What do you do for fun?
Hanging out with friends and family – particularly my furbaby dogs – Asia (rescue from the Yulin Dog Meat Festival) and Aura (the bestest pug in the land)!
How important is activism to you?
Extremely. Without consistent efforts in activism the ability to make improvements in society is impossible. We must be vocal and lead the way. A plant-based world s one with more love, peace and harmony and I will fight everyday until the day I die for that.
most favorite meals?
A massive plain salad! --- ok, who am I kidding… give me a vegan burger and fries and let me go to town!
Your most overused hashtags?
#vegan #veganism #govegan #veganaf
Favorite hashtags to search for? #whatveganseat #hkvegan
THE Biggest influence to become who you are today?
My parents. Their unconditional love and support allowed me to follow my passions in life and for that I am forever grateful. In regards to my being vegan… Every single pet I have ever owned. As I mentioned above… Each and every moment with these animals taught me about their extrem loyalty, intelligence and unconditional love. They are the reason I am vegan. We must put an end to the exploitation. We must protect them.
What is the most valuable lesson you learned in your life as a vegan?
Treat others how you want to be treated. We are all one, let’s live like it.
websites, etc. you wish to be included?
IG handle?
Pete Reynolds
I guess I am a cis male, but it’s not really something I choose to identify myself as. I hope I can use whatever privileges I was born with to help those with less privilege.
What do you do for fun?
Hiking, traveling, riding my bike, playing drums, reading, watching movies, series and documentaries, baking, getting tattoos, bodyboarding, collecting and listening to records, hanging out with my companion rabbits, going to shows, finding good vegan food spots.
How important is activism to you?
Extremely important. If not now, when? If not you, who?
10 favorite IG accounts?
Yup, I am straight edge. My biological father died from an asthma attack due largely to the fact that he smoked and drank red wine. I have asthma through his genes. So I have always been a bit wary of doing stuff like that. Gabriel Kuhn’s book “Sober Living for the Revolution” had a major influence on me, and it was inspiring to read how sobriety can be used as a political tool. I’m not into that whole “American jock” or “Boston beatdown” version of it. I have a major issue with the fact that drinking culture is associated with the concept of “manliness”, and that it is often considered a rite of passage into “manhood” to drink/get pissed. I fucking hate that so much. I hate the way that people treat themselves and each other when they’re intoxicated. I think we can be dangerous together, and even more so if we are sober and our minds are clear.
5 LOCAL IG accounts?
Chana masala, pizza, burgers with sweet potato fries, nachos, bunny chow, scrambled tofu, all the fake meats, and pretty much anything Cara makes
South Africa, everywhere.
Fun facts?
I like watching Gilmore Girls, I love riding my bike, I love the process of things, I make ‘zines, I play drums, I enjoy baking, I do a travel blog with Cara.
your IG account In 5 words?
Nature, music, rabbits, veganism, friends
How long have you been vegan? About 3.5 years I think
@caraareynolds @annexcarolien, @willpotter, @mindfulwanderlust, @p_evilgreed @jmmoorephoto @shootfilmnotanimals @imhorngry_ @camixvx @thehardtimesnews @caraareynolds @robynhoodsquiver @xavierbriel @ tomunfun, @staynegative
Why are you vegan?
For a few reasons. The main one is that I really care about animals, and I try to avoid participating in their exploitation as much as I possibly can. I am against cruelty to animals. Animal agriculture is cruel to animals. I do not need to eat meat to survive or to be healthy. Therefore it is very logical for me to be vegan. I am also deeply concerned about environmental destruction, and animal agriculture is one of the most, if not the most, destructive environmental forces on the planet. I am also a feminist, and believe that it is wrong to exploit the reproductive system of female animals, humxn or non-humxn. There are other reasons too, but those are the main ones.
most favorite meals?
Taking pics of food, yay or nay?
Yay! I love seeing pictures of tasty looking food. Only when the food looks good though and the photo is good quality haha.
Cooking for friends or being cooked for?
Hmmm… I’m going to say being cooked for. While I enjoy cooking, I’m not very good at it. Baking for friends though!
Your most overused hashtags?
#vegan, haha. #riotsnotdiets… I actually don’t use hashtags unless I’m trying to promote something my friends are doing or something I want people to see.
Favorite hashtags to search for? #(insert city name here)vegan
Why do we all need feminism?
Because we all need the freedom to be who we are without the pressures of society and the oppression of patriarchy. Because we all need to learn that gender roles are constructs taught to us. Because there are more than two genders. Because we shouldn’t be forced into a gender based on the sex we were born with. Because we are more than favourite colours, clothes, hairstyles or signs on toilet doors.
THE Biggest influence to become who you are today? I don’t think that I could single out one specific person or thing.
Current role models?
I wouldn’t say I have role models, but I am currently inspired by Angela Davis, Paul Watson, Carol Adams, Steve Best, Greg Bennick… I’m always getting inspired by different things/people I come across.
Five most awesome bands ever?
Have Heart, Power Trip, Shipwreck A.D., Wolf Down, Tigers Jaw
What is the most valuable lesson you learned in your life as a vegan?
That human lives are not more important that animal lives.
websites, etc. you wish to be included? You can visit our travel blog here You can check out my portfolio at
Thanks for all the great work you’re doing! Total Liberation! more about Pete & Cara in issue 9!
IG handle?
Meg Olson
Identit? she/her
I’m from beautiful Washington state in the U.S!
Fun facts?
I’ve been playing violin for 13 years, so I’m a big classical music nerd ;) I also play some bass and guitar, but I’m not that good.
your IG account In 5 words?
Teenager, trying to stay true.
How long have you been vegan? 3 years
10 favorite IG accounts?, @xevageniex, @imjustabagofbags, @davideveganrider, @bakeanddestroy, @victoriavanviolence, @veganbeautyaddict, @tofoodiecutie, @skatergates, @ strng.mthr
Why are you vegan?
For a few reasons. The main one is that I really care about anThe reasons to be vegan are endless, but for me it’s an ethical choice more than anything. I felt like a hypocrite for eating eggs and dairy when I was vegetarian, and I wanted to do more for animals. In my journey of being vegan, I’ve realized it’s not simply a diet, but a whole way of life, that’s all about being kind to other beings. I’m never turning back!
What do you do for fun?
I like to go out to eat vegan food with friends , get outside to hike or skate (when the weather’s nice), go to shows when I
can, play music, and do creative projects like making patches or embroidery.
How important is activism to you?
I wish it were more important to me, to be honest. I want to get out and be active not only for vegan causes, but for socialism and anti-fascism as well, but I’ve never really been to a protest or anything, so it’s new territory. Hopefully by the time this is printed, I will have made a difference somehow!
I’m straight edge because I don’t need substance to make my life harder. I’d like to cope with things in my life headon and with a clear mind. Life is so much more positive and fun without drugs, and the instagram community has really influenced me to stay edge. It makes my commitment stronger to see other people living the straight edge lifestyle and generally being awesome, admirable people in the process.
most favorite meals?
Mashed potatoes and gravy, mac n’ cheeze, pizza, pasta, pho
Taking pics of food, yay or nay?
IG handle? roosa.x
Name? Roosa
Identit? she/her
Finland, Tampere
Fun facts?
I only wear white or black t-shirts, most of my shoes are too big for me and I wear hats 99% of the time.
your IG account In 5 words?
My everyday life, nothing spectacular
How long have you been vegan? 1,5 years
10 favorite IG accounts?
Yay, absolutely! Food posts are something everyone can connect to, and a great way to find new vegan restaurants/products.
yogalgo, ultimatexworrier, roobs_ grlclb, rblgvrl, em.partridge, tinyhatsnyc, girlwhereyouat, fixiegirls, ulrikkefalch, esk_tuulispaa
Cooking for friends, definitely. I love being the “mom” friend and cheering people up with food.
dfndtuukka, tottenheim, vvrni, herrapaddington, julia.lyuba
#xvx and #vegan
Why do we all need feminism?
I love animals, I love this planet and I love my body. Why would I consciously support animal cruelty and destroy our planet when I can choose not to?
Current role models?
Ride my bike and listen to music
Cooking for friends or being cooked for? Your most overused hashtags?
Because a woman’s place is in the revolution <3. Monami Frost! She’s so positive and I love all her videos so much. She influenced me to start claiming edge and she makes me want to cover myself in tattoos!
Five most awesome bands ever?
Wolf Down, Lowest Priority, Sunny Day Real Estate, Gorilla Biscuits, AJJ
What is the most valuable lesson you learned in your life as a vegan?
It’s truly easy to live vegan, and bunny cuddles are pure magic.
Thanks for reaching out to me!! Keep doing what you’re doing <3.
5 LOCAL IG accounts?
Why are you vegan?
What do you do for fun?
How important is activism to you?
Activism is really important, but I wouldn’t call myself an activist. My pockets are always full of stickers and that’s it.
I’ve never done drugs, but I have a complicated past with alcohol. It was a way for me to ignore all of my problems. Now I’m sober and I’ve learned to face everything, the good and the bad, and it has made me stronger. Why would I want to do anything that harms my body? Straight edge life is so much more fun!
most favorite meals?
Do oranges count as meals? I can’t say any specific foods, I love red lentils, chickpeas, spinach, curry, black beans and tofu. Also, tahini is good with literally everything.
Taking pics of food, yay or nay?
Yes and no. I enjoy looking at pictures of food, but I don’t do it myself. Food is for eating!
Cooking for friends or being cooked for?
Cooking for friends absolutely! (Except being cooked for by my mom) I love making food and I think that I’m a pretty good cook.
Your most overused hashtags? I don’t use hashtags
Favorite hashtags to search for? straightedge, xvx, galgoespañol
Why do we all need feminism?
Everyone should be treated the same way, there’s
nothing more I can say. Patriarchy must be destroyed.
THE Biggest influence to become who you are today? I can’t name just one person, I think (hadcore) music and my friends.
Current role models?
Jona Weinhofen is cool, I guess in some way he’s my role model.
Five most awesome bands ever?
Wolf Down, While She Sleeps, Moose Blood, Architects, Courteeners
What is the most valuable lesson you learned in your life as a vegan?
By not hurting other living creatures, I make myself, my body and my mind feel better.
We repost various pics on instagram of cool people and some of those are featured here for our recurring category #instavegans. Apart from that, we try to refrain from posting animal cruelty pictures. Why? Because we feel like preaching to the choir. Most of our subscribers are vegans already. And we personally cannot bear the images of animal abuse. They are the reason we went vegan in the first place. We show great food, because we believe in the power of demonstrating omnivores that we don‘t miss out on a thing. We are not presenting the food because we are vegan for our health. We are vegan for the animals. But we want to show the world how awesome vegan food is. And how cool (some) vegans can be.
Auf instagram zeigen wir einen Mix aus Essensbildern, Reposts von anderen Leuten, Zinearbeit und politische Botschaften. Die Essensbilder zeigen wir nicht, weil wir aus gesundheitlichen Gründen vegan leben. Wir leben vegan für die Tiere. Das tolle Essen soll nur zeigen, wie wenig Veganismus aus Verzicht besteht. Außerdem reposten wir andere vegan lebende Leute und deren Inhalte, die unsere Überzeugungen teilen. Ein paar davon stellen wir dieses Jahr in dieser Rubrik vor.
l web special for #instavegans coming soon to xclusivx.comm
f# i n s t a v e g a n s
C oline HaNgry Vegan Pâ&#x20AC;&#x17E;I decided o w toeforstart r l i f t i n g lifting to get stronger my climbing.â&#x20AC;&#x153;
Hey Coline, first of all, let’s start by introducing yourself to our readers, please. I’m a tiny vegan woman living in the cheese country. Switzerland. I’m vegan since 2007 and never wanted to go back to „normal’’ since then. Out of step since forever, I always loved to do what people didn’t wanted to :) What was your first touchpoint with lifting (how old were you, where was it, what did you feel)? I was a climber since a very young age. I’m born next to mountains so I had the chance to be carried there and I learned to climb around when I was 5 years old with a friend of my parents. I loved climbing, that freedom you can feel in the nature, the endorphins you get when you are close to fall but you finally made it to the top. I stopped for a few years then I went back on climbing later. My technique was pretty good but I needed some strength. I was climbing indoor and in the same building there was a gym so I decided to start lifting to get stronger for my climbing. But i never thought I would also fall in love for lifting stuff. It is so not at all like climbing. At the gym I always wanted to lift heavier every time I was going there. I never liked doing long series, I wanted to do short but heavy series, then I discovered that there’s a sport doing this… powerlifting ! I started like 2 years ago, the first year was chaotic. I was training alone, I didn’t know what I was doing, I was scared of doing squat so I was only doing deadlift and benchpress.
picture left page>>>>>> Sebastian Puiatti /picture this page>>>>>>>>>>> Anna Pizzolante
Then exactly a year ago I met a guy, the world champion in powerlifting, we were a couple for a year, and this is where eveything began. He taught me all the things I needed to know, he put my into squat, then I started with my first competition in October 2016 and now I’m going to the World Championship in June. Everything goes so fast! Sadly I never went back to climbing, and
I’m really starting to miss that. Summer is coming so I hope in July I’m going to be able to enjoy a sunbath on some rocks :) How did you experience the gender gap in your sport? Powerlifting is a manly sport for sure because strength is mostly a representation of men. I had some comment sfrom guys saying stuff like ‘’She’s lifting the same weights I’m warming up with’’ - „Hey dude! I’m 47kg and you are like 80 something, where is that comparison from?“ I love to help people out but I stopped because when I give advices to someone lifting a bar the wrong way, they don’t listento me because I’m a girl. Now I kind of hope they hurt themself to show them they should sit down and listen instead of feeling superior with their stupid pride. And to challenge that manly image of the sport, I like to wear skirt and dresses. You don’t have to be „hairy and boyish“ to be a feminist.
„I always loved muscles and veggies so Popeye was my very first good influence.“ Who were the people influencing you when growing up (in general, does not have to be sports related)? Popeye! Since kiddo I always loved Popeye! I was eating spinach to be strong like him. I always loved muscles and veggies, so Popeye was my very first good influence. But I don’t remember having someone has a role model influencing me. I was always comparing myself to boys and wanted to be strong, to fight, to play with boys stuff, I wanted to be a soldier, because I wanted to crawl in the mud. What’s you current status in numbers?
„I‘m going to be able to enjoy a sunbath on some rocks.“
I’m 1m50 for around 47kg. I squat 82.5kg, I bench 60kg and I deadlift 117,5kg. I hope doing much more the the world championship. I’m far behind the winners but I don’t care as long as I enjoy doing this.
„In Geneva the ‘’vegan scene’’ is starting to grow, but it’s pretty expensive.. I prefere to cook myself simple and healthy things made with love than buying prepared meals.“ How is it to be a vegan where you live right now? I’m vegan for 10 years now and at the beginning it was pretty hard to find something vegan from the market, even something vegetarian was already a miracle. In Geneva the ‘’vegan scene’’ is starting to grow, but it’s pretty expensive. I prefer to cook myself, simple and healthy things made with love instead of buying prepared meals. But now in organic shop it’s becoming pretty easy to get vegan stuff. Geneva isn’t completely ready for veganism, but Zurich is! Your favorite meals: pre-work out and afterwards? I don’t take pre-work out stuff cause my heart can’t handle the stress of it hahaha ! I usually eat about 1h15 before working out, and I eat tofu with lentils and quinoa with greens. Simple. I use some protein supplement as the Illumin8 from Sunwarrior (the best to me and taste so good). But seriously, having enough protein isn’t a problem at all as vegan as long as you eat right. Creatine can be a problem so I supplement myself with during breakfast. But overwise, my favorite meal ever ever ever is Ethiopian food!!! c hangrycoline f hangry_vegan
Pictures >>>>Jey Crunch >>>>Anna Pizzolante >>>>>Sebastian Puiatti
holger‘s mocktail Schwarztee Collins
Die Story
So gehts
Schwarztee aufbrühen, ca die doppelte Menge, die du für die Menge Wasser benutzen würdest. Während der Tee zieht, 2 Kugeln Szechuan Pfeffer zerreiben und zusammen mit 3-4 Kardamom Kapseln und ca 3-4 Orangen Achteln zum Tee geben. Eiswürfel ins Glas, 100 ml Tee darüber geben, 2 Orangenzesten schneiden und mit 2 Kardamom Kapseln ins Glas werfen und nach Geschmack mit Agavendicksaft süßen. Alles rühren, bis sich der Agavendicksaft löst und mit Tonic Water auffüllen.
Wake me up, then fuck shit up. Durch den starken Tee, bekommt der Drink nicht nur einen ordentlichen Kick sondern auch eine angenehm herbe Note. Ein richtiger Eistee für Erwachsene.
Du brauchst Sehr sehr starken, gerne auch schon leicht bitteren Schwarztee Kardamom 1 Orange Szechuan Pfeffer Tonic Water Agavendicksaft
... mehr von Holger in Ausgabe 9!
ICED CHAI (from issue 21)
Makes about 2 1/4 cups of chai concentrate Chai Concentrate Ingredients 1 tsp each ground cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, black peppercorns (or 1 tbsp each if using whole) 2-3 cinnamon sticks 4-5 allspice berries 3 pieces star anise or 1
Drink Ingredients chai concentrate non-dairy milk chilled brewed black or chai tea ice
tsp ground anise 1-inch piece ginger, sliced into medallions 1 vanilla bean pod, sliced open 3-4 tbsp whole-leaf black tea leaves 1 cup sugar (such as brown sugar, sugar in the raw, maple sugar, or maple syrup) 4 cups coconut milk ( found in the refrigerated section)* *This is our absolute favorite kind of milk to use here. We also tried canned coconut milk but found it too fatty for this drink. Almond milk would also work in this recipe.
Instructions 1. Pour all of the ingredients into a pot and turn the heat to medium. Stir to combine and let sit for about 40 minutes, partially covered, stirring every so often.
2. Put a mesh bag or cheesecloth (or a mesh strainer, if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve used whole spices instead of ground) into a large bowl and pour the
tea in. Let it strain through, then pour into your storage bottle. To make it easier to pour, do it in batches. 3. When youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re ready to make drinks, get out a large cocktail shaker. This part depends on how you like your drinks, but we like the ratio of 1/4 chai concentrate, 1/4 milk, fill the shaker with ice, and pour tea to the top. Shake it all together and pour into your glass(es), ice and all.
Coletivo ChA
„The drawings are invitations.“ Fernanda: My soul‘s color is green, haha. But in my drawings it is not so present, I don‘t know why... maybe cause I love many colors combinations, I would say I end up picking earthy tones, they match me. Mariê: Pink, for sure.
Could you please introduce yourselves --- cinco garotas + lambe-lambe + rua + joinville, what do those names mean? Camila: I‘m Camila Rosa, 28 years, designer/illustrator. I was born in Joinville/SC and I met Mariê in high school, so we‘re friends since 2002. The Collective Chá was born in 2010 when Marie and Ana had the idea of start drawing and put it on the streets. So, after some weeks, Marie invited me to be part of the collective. Cinco garotas + lambe-lambe + rua + Joinville means that we‘re five girls that do street art (wheatpaste drawings) and Joinville is the city that we had been living when the collective was born. Ana: I‘m Ana, 28 years old, copywriter. Although working with writing, I love drawing and expressing ideas through lambe-lambe. I was born in Jaraguá do Sul (Santa Catarina) and today I live in Curitiba (Paraná). Collective Chá a began with a sweet and sincere desire to color the streets and make dawn a space of ideas, thoughts, philosophies. And above all, it represents a moment among friends with many differences, similarities and love for urban art. It keeps us together. Fernanda: My name is Fernanda, I‘m 32 years old, I‘m art/illustration director, I lived in Joinville for 18 years now and I consider it my hometown. Coletivo Chá already existed with Mariê, Ana e Camila before I joined it. At that time I already used to have interest in illustration and I fell in love when I first saw their works on the street. As we knew each other, I asked if I could take part of it, and nowadays we are still friends beyond street art, but this was what put us together. Mariê: I’m Mariê, 28 years old, and I am a graffiti writer and also work with art in many surfaces. I think the girls have told enough about Coletivo Chá! lol (yes I’m the last one to answer this questions!)
What are the messages you want to transport with your artwork? Camila: Currently, my main message is to strengthen women. I try to translate women in struggle from an alternative perspective: latin-american, militant, not fitting in mainstream beauty standards, etc. Sometimes, I like to illustrate some women with other things that I also believe, like veganism and straight-edge, for example. Ana: Empathy, in every way. Animals, humans, relationships. I really hope that by passing through my drawings, people can put themselves in the shoes of others with less prejudice and misgivings. The drawings are invitations. An invitation to leave the comfort zone and realize that the pains of the other can also be yours. Fernanda: I have always been a dreamer, and a very mystic person, that reflects a lot in my drawings. I love the kids universe, so my characters are always full of stories behind them. I believe my drawings are little doses of playfulness and love in people’s lives, for them to believe there`s a bright and positive side in this chaotic world. Mariê: It really depends on what I‘m living at the moment I’m producing, and actually I express my life through art. But the main themes I work with are feminism, veganism, astrology and cosmic stuff. Well, then now you get to know a little about me! Streetart presents itself to many eyes, what do you love most about it? Camila: For me, the most interesting in street art that is for all the people, it‘s in the streets, anyone can see, can learn something from that, totally different from a museum, for example, that in many times you have to pay to feel that. Especially in Brazil, street-art it‘s the most accessible and inclusive form of art!
If each of you would have to choose a color that represents them, which ones would they be? Camila: I love so much pink and black, it‘s impossible to choose one haha! Ana: Turquoise. For me, it‘s a color that represents energy and strength. 58
we printed postcards with coletivo cha‘s designs as a gift to our subscribers instead of just putting them here inside the zine as pictures!
of funny stories! Mariê: When we are all together I feel genuine JOY. It’s doesn’t matter the circumstance! But yes, Bauru was very cool, and all the situations the girls mentioned above!
Ana: What I love the most is freedom. Freedom to come and go, to occupy spaces, to reach people who, in many cases, would never be reached on the wall of a museum. Fernanda: When I publish an illustration it`s like I`m sharing a little piece of myself and the street is like this, a part of every one who lives in the city. This is what I like the most; sharing my feelings and maybe causing a positive effect in who is watching it. Mariê: This is something very special when it comes to street art! It‘s really magic the fact that anybody can interact with it despite their social position/color/belief. Street art is democratic, is for everybody and takes part in the street environment.
You also work with kids, right, tell us more about that! Camila: We worked many times with kids, doing some drawing workshops and it was amazing! Kids are always very nice and easy to work, sometimes the problem is the parents hahaha. Because they create a big expectative and put a heavy pressure on the kids, for them to make the best drawing, to be the best and this is very sad to see. Ana: Kids are the best. It‘s always cool to work with them, especially because they‘re so free and always let the imagination flow more easily. Fernanda: My job as art director has always been targeted to kids... and our styles have much from this playful universe, because the colors and traces we use. So kids approach for enjoying it and having the freedom of painting and creating. It‘s not easy to take care of them at the workshops (they have much energy hahaha), but their games and stories are very inspiring. Mariê: Kids are very cool to work with, they are pure, they get really involved in the activities we propose. For them everything is magic, and then it kinda make me feel like that too. So I really like the vibe they have and of course I have fun cause kids are just.. kids!
You do streetart and many other ways of art, what do you like about the different mediums used? Camila: The majority of us chose to be an artist/illustrator/designer, so we have to use many different mediums to work, depends on the job and I like so much these possibilities because you can choose the best way for every illustration and the work it will never be boring. For example, if I want to draw something with many details and fast, I choose to use the Adobe Illustrator instead of hand drawing. Ana: For now, my drawings are all at hand. I love to take time out of my day to forget everything and put my feelings on paper. Fernanda: I think every technique is a different evolvement and learning. Handpainting is a therapy for me, besides it gives me neck and hands pain, haha. It`s the mean I feel most authentic. And using Adobe Illustrator/ Photoshop is great, it makes easier producing things after. Well, I like to intercalate and try to always learn a new way to do my art. :) Mariê: I’m very bad at digital softwares, but I‘m working to improve it, cause it gives me possibilities to spread my art faster and using digital tools I can make it more profitable (through putting my drawings in goods).
„When we are all together I feel genuine joy!“
f coletivocha c chacoletivo Camila Rosa f camixvx Fernanda Sponchiado f fesponchi Ana Caroline Dams f aninhacdc Mariê Balbinot f mariebalbinot
What are the most fun projects you all remember up until today? Camila: I think that maybe when we travelled to another city (Bauru, Sao Paulo) to give a workshop for kids about drawing and street-art. It was amazing and the reception was so good! I also remember when we painted some barrel of oil and glued some drawings with wheatpaste on for a shop window of a clothing brand. We had many fun projects, we always have fun when we are together :) Ana: There‘s a lot of cool projects we‘ve already had the chance to attend. All of them were always very light and fun. We once enrolled a project in SIMDEC and offered a lambe-lambe workshop in public schools. It was very nice. Fernanda: The workshop in Bauru was cool cause we travelled all together. It was really cool, as Camila said. But I really liked making a panel of drawings for an architecture project in a very traditional bakery back here in Joinville/SC. Even nowadays people come and talk to us about it to compliment. And of course, all the workshops with kids are very funny, we always go home full 59
CAMILA ROSA who are you? I‘m Camila Rosa, 28 years - vegan, straight edge and feminist. I‘m a designer and illustrator born in a small city in the south of Brazil called Joinville. where do you live? Since June/2016 in Brooklyn NY. top things about your city? There are many cool things in Brooklyn. I really like to walk around here, enjoy the time outside, go to the parks like Prospect Park and Brooklyn Bridge Park etc. Also, there are many vegan places to eat, so I‘m enjoying so much to live here right now. what do you do for fun and passion? When I‘m in my home, I like to draw as much as I can, because now I have time to do this. In Brazil, I worked full-time as a designer in an agency, so I didn‘t have time to dedicate myself to illustration. Besides that, in Brazil, I really liked going to punk/ hardcore gigs or to organise my only gigs. I have many friends who play in bands, so we are always involved in punk/hardcore. That was my passion since I was 13 years old. Here, I went to some gigs but it‘s not the same thing. And finally, I really like to watch movies, listen to music, read new things and cook vegan food! why do you do this? Because drawing today is my profession, so I need to practice every day and also because I love to do this. And I liked to go to punk/hardcore gigs because this is part of who I am, punk/hardcore taught me so many things in my life, that was where I heard for the first time about veganism, feminism and many other political things. how did you first start with doing artwork? I start to draw in 2010 with the Coletivo Chá - an art collective that I have in Joinville with 4 other girls. So, I always liked to draw, but I never tried to do in a more professional way or for other people. With the collective, this happened for the first time. Since then, I‘m in love with illustration and I‘m trying to make this my profession. It‘s too hard to live by just doing art in Brazil, so I always had to work with design and make my illustrations in my free time after work or on the weekends. Now I‘ve been having time to dedicate myself only to this and it has been awesome for me. what are your most favorite things you have ever done artistically? I think my favorite thing was when my work was featured in an U.S exhibition in February by The Amplifier Foundation + Women‘s March called „Hear Our Voice“ only by women artists. It was like heaven for me and I was really happy! any big plans or visions ahead? My big plan for the future is definitely establishing my career as an illustrator and to put my work on the world to help women. all bodies are beautiful - would you like to comment with your thoughts and not only with your art on this topic? We live in a world constructed by advertising and with many rules for women. Especially in Brazil, women have always to be skinny, have a big butt, big tits and this is totally disgusting and problematic! We have many girls who hate their own bodies, hating their weight since childhood, hate their curves, their hair, skin and many other things that you can‘t imagine. So we need to change that! We are in the second place on the ranking of plastic surgery in the world. We have a serious problem! We need to understand that we are all beautiful because the beauty is in our mind, it‘s only a construction of society! why do we all need feminism? Because every person that believes in a world with equal rights needs feminism! We need to build a new world where women and men can live without suffering from sexism. Where women don‘t die just because they‘re women. f camixvx c camixvx 60
Vegan Police Shop „I have had people email me saying they would not support me because of my name. It‘s kind of funny!“
and an artist now. Although, I do listen to bands like Chain of Strength and get super stoked when ‘True till Death’ comes on. Maybe I’m a closet straight edger.
Dear Heather, nice to meet you - we are going to your favorite place in our imagination for having cake and tea, tell me where we are! We are in Robert’s Creek, B.C at the Gumboot Cafe. This is the closest “vegan friendly” cafe and it’s 45 min away from my house.
„The newer crowd was a lot more sporty and “polished” and it felt more like a boys club. They were super into being straight edge but that’s kind of all they had going for them.“
What do you order most of the time? I usually order soup and then some kind of vegan treat and coffee. Usually about half of their treat selection is vegan.
Well, to live drug free you don’t have to be straight edge ;) what put you off in straight edge culture instead of pulling you in? I have a lot of love and respect for straight edge and hardcore and it was a huge part of my life. The first hardcore kids I hung with were straight edge but we went to every type of show and listened to a lot of different kinds of music. We just had tonnes of fun doing ridiculous stuff all the time. There wasn’t any judgement and there wasn’t a huge hardcore scene. It was just a small group of us. They were older than me so they slowly stopped going to shows and kind of leaving the scene and then a new wave came in. The newer crowd was a lot more sporty and “polished” and it felt more like a boys club. They were super into being straight edge but that’s kind of all they had going for them. So, I think it was just my own personal experience that made me feel slightly disconnected from straight edge. I enjoy being sober but it feels like my contribution to society comes in other forms and it’s just not front and center in my life.
Why do you like it here? Well, it’s a small hippie town and so it’s fun to visit because it’s very different from where we live up the highway. My kids really like it and they eat the food so that’s always a bonus. People are friendly here and there are usually some interesting characters to check out. On any given day you may see people in hooded cloaks playing flutes or casually walking around on stilts. My kids think it’s awesome! It’s a draft dodger town. Have you always lived in this place? No, I grew up in East Vancouver and moved to Toronto in my 20’s. I then moved to a little town outside of Toronto and got married and had my son. After my son was born, I was obsessed with the idea of raising him in B.C so we moved back out here and ended up on the Sunshine Coast.
„I love the lack of distraction. I love that I am surrounded by nature and that my children are growing up that way.“
How did you have the idea to start Vegan Police Shop? I was just learning how to screen print and testing out some different designs. I had been a “quiet” vegan for a very long time before that. I was volunteering at Cedar Row Farm Sanctuary and that really motivated me to try to do more for the animals. I made a few shirts and put them on Etsy thinking no one would buy them and it just kind of took off. There was was no business plan involved. I have had to figure that stuff out along the way.
What do you love most about the place you are living now? I love the lack of distraction. I love that I am surrounded by nature and that my children are growing up that way. I love that I kind of know every person I see. We are able to save a bit of money here as well and are eyeing spots neat the Rocky Mountains. We would love to buy some land and have a little sanctuary in the next few years. Buying anything here is very expensive because of it’s vicinity to Vancouver.
Did you get the name from Scott Pilgrim? :D No! I just recently watched that because people keep on asking me though. The movie is kind of cute and funny but it seemed to go on forever and I didn’t finish it. It’s kind of an inside joke because of all the people that harassed me and called me the “Vegan Police” just for simply existing as a vegan. So I finally stepped up to speak out for animals and decided to call my shop the VeganPolice shop. It made sense at the time, but I have actually had people email me saying that they wouldn’t support me because my name. It’s kind of funny.
How did you encounter veganism? I was exposed to veganism through the hardcore scene in the 90’s. I went to a lot of punk shows and when I was about 15, I started going to hardcore shows and meeting friends in that scene. Some of my older friends were vegan and I remember being so shocked that they didn’t drink milk. When I was 18, I picked up a pamphlet on veal crates at a show and finally decided to go vegan. Are you also straight edge? I never really fully identified with being straight edge even when I was very involved in the scene and didn’t drink or do drugs. I think I have always been more into the politics of hardcore and standing up against the status quo. I identify with being a vegan activist, a mother
Ahahahaha, because I went to the movies to see this film and it felt like it was 3 hrs long! :) I like it anyway though. What do you say to people calling you the vegan police? I used to get so annoyed and I didn’t really stick up 62
Theft of ideas has become very common with social media - any ways to defend yourself? I’ve done everything from emailing the person directly, which doesn’t always work, to filing claims. Certain sites will let you file claims easily and most of the time, it works. I have filed claims on sites like Teespring and and they are good about taking stuff down. People are smart to watermark images but it does take away from it, so I chose not to do that. The real problem is that it happens so frequently that if you don’t keep checking on it, it can get out of control. That’s what happened with my Ferocious Vegan design. made a shitty version of it and now there are a bunch of different versions on and someone is selling a shitty version of it on Ebay. Most of these people are not vegan, they just scout the internet for other people’s ideas. It is a huge time suck to file claims and argue with people about why it’s not ok to steal from other small businesses. One thing that has been pretty cool is that I have worked together with a bunch of other vegan t-shirt companies to get rip off ’s removed. Instead of being super competitive, we look out for each other. It is such a nice feeling and the support of the vegan community has been so amazing as well.
„I think the majority of shops on Etsy are female run which is really great.“
This sounds great, like real solidarity! Is Etsy a good platform to meet your needs as a craftswoman? It really is. I mean it’s not perfect by any means but it has given me the ability to be an artist for a living, so I have a lot of love for Etsy. It’s kind of getting swamped now but you can still find a lot of amazing stuff on there. I think the majority of shops on Etsy are female run which is really great. Patriarchy hurts all of us - in which kind of a world would you love to raise your son? It’s difficult to think about because we have a long way to go with so many things and climate change is already here. Things will get a lot worse before they get better but I do believe that things will get better. My son is 6 but he seems to understand certain things better than many adults do. I answer all of his questions and we talk a lot about politics, advertising, religion, sexism, racism, the LGBTQ community and veganism of course. I also have a 2 year old daughter and I will do the same for her when she is a bit older. They are both happy children and I want them to feel free to become whoever they want to be. I would love a world where were are looking out for each other, respecting all species, protecting the earth, not oppressing each other and valuing art and music. I would love to raise them in a world without capitalism. I think it will collapse one day and despite the chaos that will ensue, I have hopes that what would come after would be a beautiful thing.
for myself. I would just kind of laught it off. It’s funny because now that I have that shop nobody calls me that any more. Mostly they try to avoid the subject all together. ha ha. I am much better at standing up for veganism now but in a calm, collected kind of way ;) What is the working process on your designs like, what is your inspiration? An idea usually just pops into my head and then I think about it for a little while before I draw it out. My main thing is that I try to come up with something that hasn’t been done. I try to keep it positive. My kids inspire me a lot. Animals and food of course and good music. Which music would that be? Lately, I’ve been listening to a lot of ; Beyonce, Gouge Away, Lifetime, Man Afraid, Needles // Pins, G.L.O.S.S., Leatherface, Catharsis ( Crimethinc. ), Kendrick Lamar, Gillian Welch, 108 and Trial. Which are your personal favorites of designs you made? The ferocious vegan shirt is very close to my heart because it was just a weird idea I came up with and thought no one would be into. It kind of took off and now has been stolen by a bunch of people. It’s kind of crazy. f veganpoliceshop c veganpoliceshop 63
IDAniel: IL PLEUT + SOUTH COAST RATS „When I got a job at a big printing factory, but I hated that, there was no love for the craft.“
Daniel, hi, first of all, let’s start by introducing yourself to our readers with all we need to know about you, please. Hey, my name is Daniel and I run IL PLEUT screen printing with my friend Sam. I make shirts and zines under South Coast Rats and I play bass in Boxkite and Drug Victim.
vironmentally conscious as we can be company, but we don’t want to force our ideas down people‘s throats and be aggressive with our ideologies. But with South Coast Rats we can have fun. By keeping it separate, people who are not vegan will still come to IL PLEUT for printing their t shirts and they will always be made clean and cruelty free. Step by step y’know.
How did you get into screen printing? I started printing when I was 19 years old. I saw the work of Leave Your Mark, Heart Of Gold, Hotlife and Rise Clan and that inspired me to make make anarchist and vegan shirts as well as shirts for my bands and friend’s bands. Did it for years, just diy stuff ‘til about 4 years ago when I got a job at a big printing factory, but I hated that, I hated the people i worked for and there was no love of the craft, so after that job I told Sam I was interested in starting my own print company. He offered to do it with me which I was, and still am, so greatful for because I am not an adult and I’m rubbish with numbers and legal shit. So we set out to do it together, and we still are.
Do you remember your most favorite designs or color combos you have worked on in general? I really enjoy simple design work. White on black or black on white, but i’m a punk kid. Do you have any favorite zines currently or all-time? Lucida Console and Dog Days by Hamish of Bangers (r.i.p) fame are probably my all time favourite zines, just honest, funny and sad existential writing about life and tour life. I also really dig the writing of Aaron Cometbus, Matt Gauck and Jack Teagle comics. Evasion is an all time classic that i will read and re-read for the rest of my life. Bone Shaker bike magazine is great too, it’s articles are about the relationships between people and bikes, diy subcultures and the important roles the bicycle has played in positive social development. Ride or die! oh and Xclusivx, obviously. ;)
What is the difference between diy hand pulled and automatic? In all honesty not a whole lot. Automatic printing is quicker, but making the screens and setting up the jobs is the same process. I just like traditional printing, i like to know that each shirt was made by my hands not a machine. And when i buy a shirt i like knowing that someone worked hard to make it and put physical effort into it. I guess it’s just more personal. It creates a closer relationship between the maker and the client. At least for an old sentimental like me.
„We‘ve been doing a lot of work for charities & vegan groups.“
Who have you been working for with Sam as IL PLEUT? Recently we’ve been doing a lot of work for charities and vegan groups which feels incredibly rewarding. Mostly we print for bands, tattooists and illustrators. You can print on “anything flat”, was there ever a special surface you printed on? We did knickers once, and we’ve just taken an order for some leotards. But nothing weird yet, sadly. Got any ideas hit us up, i’d love to try it. What is your aim with your own blog at IL PLEUT, presenting the people behind your projects? I guess the blog is just a place for us to show others the work of artists we like. Some that we feel deserve more coverage and others that we just love and want to work with. That and it doubles up as a place to talk about our other projects and things we’re doing. Why did you found South Coast Rats? I started South Coast Rats with the aim to make righteous vegan, atheist, anarchist shirts, prints, zines and other junk with my friends. At IL PLEUT we decided we would rather present our ideas through our actions, we are a vegan, animal friendly, sweatshop free and as en65
„I started South Coast Rats to make righteous vegan, atheist, anarchist shirts, prints, zines and other junk with my friends.“
port others.“I recognised one form of oppression and now i recognise the rest, life is too short to make others shorter”.
Which music are you listening to while screen printing? If we’re not listening to the band we are printing for that day we’re listening to hardcore or pop, the big hits that get played A LOT are Have Heart, In My Eyes, Get Up Kids, True Love, Blacklisted, Ceremony, Taylor Swift, Carly Rae Jepson, Girls Generation, Braid, Tegan and Sara, Trapped Under Ice, Lemuria, Gorilla Biscuits, Angel Dust, Pennywise and Bouncing Souls.
What’s it like to be a vegan where you live right now? It’s not so bad, I mean, it’s only a small city so there‘s not a huge amount of specialist stuff but there‘s something like 1 million vegans in the uk right now so it’s not really hard to get vegan meat and dairy substitutes in super markets. There are only 2 vegan restaurants and 2 vegan grocery stores in town, but to be honest i’m pretty happy eating fruit and vegetables most of the time.
And apart from that? Outside of work I listen to a lot of screamo and I’ve started getting back into all the skate punk stuff I grew up on. But Zegota, Modern Life Is War, Defiance Ohio, Circle Takes The Square, Shelter are a couple of my all time favorites. Stuff I’ve been digging lately is Human Hands, Free, Pledge, Cayetana, Cavalcades, Youth Avoiders, I Recover, Macho Boys, and Stalled Minds. Since when are you vegan and why? I’ve been vegan for 10 years. I went vegetarian when i was 16 for animal welfare reasons and after a couple years realised that it was hypercritical as dairy animals are kept in awful conditions and suffer for a much longer time than meat animals. I am also vegan for the environment and for human rights too. We could do so much better as a species if we stopped farming animals and treating life as a product. I don’t believe that you can fight one source of oppression if you continue to sup-
Are you also straight edge? Yep. 3 years now, so i’m still a baby but i’ve never felt better and known myself as well as i do now. How do these factors both reflect on your work? Being vegan makes us more invested in sourcing everything we use free from cruelty in our work. Both South Coast Rats and IL PLEUT gives us a bigger platform to express these ideas than we do in our personal lives. I am never hungover for work. Mondays don’t suck.
c ilpleutscreenprint f ilpleutscreenprint f southcoastrats
„... And if it came too easy, it wouldn‘t be worth all the time that it took.“ Super fast, half-assed doodle bc I have to go to bed really early wahhh (based on an emo girl in Santa Cruz I had a crush on in college) #sloppy #90sEmoOnly #ThePromiseRing #sketch #doodle #coloredpencils
„I tried to start and finish each one before the album I was listening to was over.“ 67
Ehhhh Pinkerton was close enough to a 90s emo album... #Weezer #sketching #doodle #coloredpencils #90semoonly
What do you love most about it? I love how therapeutic these were to draw for me since they were so simple and I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;t worry about them looking perfect. I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;t have a plan in mind before starting them, I would just go for it. I actually never intended for them to be seen by anyone other than on my Instagram haha. I started having doubts, thinking I should clean them up and revise them since we decided to put them in this zine, but that sort of defeated the purpose, so here they are... sloppy and messy, but fun! 68
#Lifetime #90semoonly #sketch #doodle
Which of your friends would love this the most? Going back to the 90â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;s emo doodle project: I think my brother, who is my best friend, may have appreciated these the most because after seeing them, he ended up giving me some of his old 90â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;s emo records.
„...Here‘s a drug I haven‘t done, she won‘t let me have my fun, the pain has only begun.“ (Having a lot of fun with these emo girls) It‘s been a while since I‘ve aimlessly sketched for no purpose and I love it, even if it‘s quick and sloppy!) #90semoonly #KillHoliday #sketch #doodle #coloredpencils
The inspiration for this series I drew each one while I was listening to various songs (I was on a big 90‘s emo kick.) I simply wrote a random lyric from whatever song I was listening to on the drawing. They are all „doodles.“ Normally when I draw, I do a rough draft sketch, then another draft or two for line work, then color it. But these were all single drafts, and I didn‘t worry about making things precise, symmetrical, balanced, or any of the things I try to do with my other art. I tried to erase as little as possible. I tried to start and finish each one before the album I was listening to was over, so usually under an hour each. f xevageniex more artwork by Eva / in our next issues 70
Fuel I.
My father swears up and down that, when he was thirteen, he mistook an unmarked vat of kerosene for water. In this as in all things, he drank with gusto. Everything burned inside him for days. II. I cannot help but feel sick superiority when I tell someone I don’t drink. Vodka, whiskey—lesser spirits might heed whispered invitations to woozy, jet-propelled calamity. But each shot of firewater is exactly that to my guts: corrosion, all the way down. III. Walking down my street past the liquor store, I watch the neighborhood boys siphoning gasoline to trade for nips. Two teenagers hand the tube to a younger one. They say, Don’t worry, everyone swallows some the first time.
f aly_feels
. 71
KORTNEY OLSON: GRRRL.COM „United we stand, divided we fall! Isolation is the number one root cause of all ailments.“
parent’s had a VCR tape of Joannie Greggins ‘8 minute abs’. I used to do it on a regular.
YO KO, first of all, let’s start by introducing yourself to our readers with all we need to know about you, please. OMGoddess…. that could take WAY too long lol. I’m an insecure over-achiever who loves people. I’ve spent my entire life hating my legs, and as a result, ended up experiencing drug and alcohol abuse, a rape, an eating disorder and depression. I’ve made it my life mission to share all of the knowledge I’ve learned over the course of the past 10 years in helping me find self love, with other women.
How did you experience the gender gap in your sport? In BJJ and arm wrestling, there aren’t very many women to play with. They’re both picking up speed though, which is a blessing. Who were the people influencing you when growing up (in general, does not have to be sports related)? Prince, and my older brother. My older brother is 8 years my senior, so I wanted to do everything he did. I even use to try and pee standing up haha!
End girl hate - why is it so important to foster women’s solidarity? Because united we stand divided we fall! Women are born as loving, nurturing, caring beings. It’s only because of society that we create this characteristics like catty, backstabbing and bitchy. At our core we want to work together and lift each other up. And when we do that, we fill our cup of self esteem. We feel connected. Isolation is the number one root cause of all ailments in my experience. What was your first touchpoint with lifting (how old were you, where was it, what did you feel)? I honestly can’t remember. It would have been young. I used to follow my dad and brother around our home gym and copy what they did. I do recall my first thought to want to have a 6 pack at around the age of 7. My
What else did you copy, how did he shape you? My brother taught me to be resilient. Our parents were always fighting and screaming with each other, and he was my sanctuary. He taught me how to be one with nature.
What’s you current status in numbers (weights, reps etc.)? Nill at the moment. I’ve stopped weight training for a month and doing crossfit so I can solely focus on yoga and pilates. Reason being is I need to stop taking pre workout for an extended period of time. And in order to do that I need to walk away from the weights and reset my central nervous system.
I found yoga to be way more than excercise - how do yoga and pilates make you feel? The other day at the end of class while in dead bodies pose, I started crying for no reason lol. I’m finding that slowing down is something my soul probably needed for quite a while now.
Part of your time invested in your newsletters for grrrl clothing is writing encouraging words to your fanbase, about body image in particular. Why is this so important to you? Because I don’t want the next generation of girls to grow up hating their bodies. Starting this revolution is necessary in order for them to grow up strong and confident.
How did you have the idea for GRRRL? It came off the back of Kamp Konfidence, which was a weekend wellness program for teenage girls. It has the same mission and vision. Uniting women, and helping women learn to love themselves. We stopped doing Kamp K because one of my two partners got pregnant. So in the downtime, GRRRL was born. Now we can rebrand Kamp K and fund it ourselves through GRRRL without having to deal with any red-tape bullshit from government funding, etc.
The brand is always great in starting empowering challenges on instagram, a place where body image issues rage and influence girls and women - who comes up with those great ideas? It’s a mix of us all really. There’s about 7 of us who are scattered around the globe who work remotely. It’s a pretty cool business model :) Wanna introduce your GRRRL team to us? Too many to list really! All you have to do is search the #grrrlarmy and you’ll find the team. I consider every member of the grrrlarmy to be apart of the team. Because without their support, we would be nothing.
Which obstacles were happening when dealing with the government funding? Well, I was labeled as an ‘ex fetish porn star’ by the Australian media back in 2012. Because I had videos on an adult only website, that were nothing close to ‘adult only’, I was guilty by association, so to speak. So because I was the face of the brand, we got turned away. That story in and on it’s own is an incredible story. It is also how I became interested in the who, how and why of the media. Who owns it? What’s its purpose? Why is it so powerful? It’s not until you become directly affected by something, that you care to research it. Because of this experience, I was compelled to create Kamp Konfidence, which eventually turned into GRRRL.
The athletes that work with you, can you tell us why you picked each and every one of them? Again, too many to list! We have a lot of ambassadors across various sports and non sports. We work with females who embrace the brand and live that lifestyle. Being true, doing their best, and most importantly, being supportive of other women. You travel the continents to meet up with the GRRRL Army, what experiences are you taking with you from those encounters? That I’m a perfectionist who is impatient. I think we should be growing faster, but Rome was not built overnight! The thing I find the most amazing is how friendships are formed on the real. That’s the whole idea of this journey. Is creating real life bonds.
And what was your life like before that? Trying to figure out what my purpose was really. I knew I always wanted to help people, just wasn’t entirely sure how. You moved from Australia to Singapore, correct, which changes did you appreaciate by doing so ( food, culture, etc)? I moved from Australia to Thailand for 9 months so I could afford to work without getting paid. Sold everything in the house, even my bra’s, and hustled up enough money to live off of and run the business. Then moved to Singapore in November. The move made me really appreciate pavement and blinkers. I had a hard time dealing with kids on scooters without any kind of helmet while living there. I really appreciate Singapore for the cultural diversity and that everyone is able to live in peace in such a small country but yet having so many different religions in one place.
You are also set out to do a convention/meeting called BREAK FREE in Las Vegas this year, what to expect? Someone can learn to BREAK FREE from all the bullshit in their life! We’re covering everything from emotional eating and cellulite, to mind tools and shattering limiting beliefs, laughter yoga, keynotes on stories of resilience, and straight up bonding. I’m actually fan-grrrling a little bit knowing that one of my heros will be speaking, Jean Kilbourne who is the author of Killing Us Softly. I highly recommend every woman and child watch that documentary.
And what do you miss about home? My family. All things American. Like Costco haha! I just miss my people in general. I miss African Americans and Mexicans!
You overcame drug abuse and addiction. Wanna share your story? I’m afraid that is too long of a story lol. But anyone who comes to Vegas will get an ear full! We’ll also be live streaming the event for those who can’t make it.
Why is that? I grew up with the cultures and to not have them in your life, just feels empty.
Is bodybuilding an addiction too sometimes? 100%. Anything can become an addiction. I used to over train A LOT, some days doing BJJ, Bikirim Yoga, AND 73
„I don‘t want the next generation of girls to grow up hating their bodies“ Crossfit ONE DAY. Took me several years into recovery to realise that I was just replacing one addiction with another, which at the root core of it all, is poor body image. Hence why GRRRL is so important to me.
mind explaining to us and our readers what those stimulants are? (Is it energ y drinks, or herbs, or kreatine?) Pre-workout and modafinil.
True, true, I have been there, too. Do you think it’s possible to live life free of any addiction? (even though I am straight edge, I don’t, since too many things can become your “drug”) 100% possible. One of the best ways of finding balance (so I’m told) is meditation. I’ve tried to get into a regular daily routine for years! Everything from transcendental meditation to buddhist breathing techniques. I’ve recently been shown something called mBraining, which is basically 3 minutes, 3 times a day, where you listen to a tibetan bowl that chimes every 6 seconds. Breath in for 6, breath out for 6. But getting an empty head, helps us gain clarity and realise when we’re out of balance with anything in life, and bring it back in before it becomes problematic.
We are pretty sure you own an mp3 player - could you name your favorite songs on there? They can’t all be Prince! Bob Marley. Anything 80’s. I love classic rock as well. Eagles, Daryl Hall and Jon Oates haha! You are married to a man, but I read somewhere you identify as bi. I always battled bi-erasure in my life and I was wondering if that was ever a topic for you too? Never had an issue with it surprisingly enough. I’ve read a lot of women would get heckled by other lesbian women for being “confused” but I never directly got any flack for it. If you were an animal, which one would you be? Dog. they’re the ultimate definition of unconditional love
Tell us about „April without any stimulants“! Like bodybuilding, I’ve realised that I’ve used stimulants as a crutch since I was 17. In order for me to grow any further, I need to calm my farm. Time to see who else is underneath the GO GO GO mentality. I’m excited to meet the other side of myself.
xoKO f kortney_olson f grrrl_clothing c konfidencebykortney
Since we are not deeply into the matter, would you
From GRRRL newsletter by KoRtney Olson „Last week I posted about cellulite. Well it got removed and my page temporarily shutdown. Why? Because I posted a photo of my backside (displaying cellulite) and one of me in the bathroom, from the side that had a little too much side boob, sorry. get over it. #doublestandards #therealness #fphotoshop #wekeepitreal Cellulite: We All Have It If you’re not A) A woman or, B) A human being then you might not have cellulite. But, chances are, you are both, therefore rendering you with some amount of dimple or ripple. Some of us have more than others. Diet, genetics, and level of activity all play a part in the amount. For myself, I’m extremely active. I work out 6 days a week, eat clean, haven’t drank or done drugs in 7 years, take probiotics and a lot of other supplements, drink pure aloe vera juice every morning (even on an empty stomach), sleep 7 hours on average a night, and more or less love my life. However, I still find that I have a fair amount of cellulite on the back of my legs. I know that a majority of it, in my personal situation, is genetic. I also know that I create a lot of self-perceived stress, and stress is the root of all evil in my life lol. I also know that I take too many stimulants, and have jacked up my central nervous system over the past several years. I write this to remind you that a lot of us forget the simple fact, that most women have cellulite. Primarily due to the fact that most of us are not brave enough to post pictures of our ‘realness’ because we’ve been programmed to see it as repulsive, unsightly, and unattractive. So what most of us see, are images of ‘perfectness’ from every other female, besides ourselves. When you take a photo from the back with different lighting, it’s a completely different story, isn’t it? For me to get from having cellulite to next to no cellulite to compete, took a lot of ridiculous, hard work. Work that no one should ever have to do
(aka, compete in a physique show lol). I’m talking 45 minutes of fasted cardio every day, strict dieting, and aggressive weight training 5 days a week, for 4 months continuously. Point being, this didn’t last long. After a few months, the normal cellulite came back, despite the fact that I’m still, to this day, doing everything that I mentioned at the beginning of this email. So….. sometimes, this can mess with my head because I merely forget that A) I’m a woman, and B) I’m a human being. Consider this your friendly service announcement.“ „I often forget that cellulite is hereditary. For someone who trains like a beast - and earned the title „woman with the world‘s deadliest thighs“, from THE Stan Lee... I think it‘s safe to say this is part being human. But because we‘ve spent our entire life looking at ads that are airbrushed and „flawless“, we‘ve been programmed to think something is wrong with us when we‘re „human“. Ads sell us success and beauty. The whole point of advertising is to make us feel like we need something. The goal is to get us to consume. The cellulite creates a void. And filling that void can come in many different forms: Alcohol. Over training. Fat freezing procedures. Eating disorders. Or like most recent - self pity. Last week I forgot: Despite all of my efforts (not a drop of alcohol in over 7 years, training 5-6 days a week, eating clean), I still have days and even weeks, when I ‚dimple‘. I‘m also certain there‘s a hormonal imbalance. But the money spent on doing tests and addressing it could be spent on being of service to other people. When I get caught in self pity - I am absolutely useless to the world. When I get caught feeling sorry for myself - I cannot think of anyone other than myself. Being self-centered in the wrong way - destroys any chance of me being useful for the rest of the Women in the world. Instead of being grateful that I even have legs to walk on, or that I get to actually step foot inside a gym, when others have had their legs blown off in combat, or live in a country where Women don‘t have the right to go to a gym - I focus on „what am I doing wrong?“ ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING!
Imagine the cover of Vogue magazine with this photo on the front as „the norm“. Instead of headlines saying „sculpt the perfect head-turning booty“ or „what to wear to get that job“... ...and instead read „woman with world deadliest thighs teaches you how to crush life“, and advertising portrayed realness, a lot of us would find the capacity to find and serve our purpose. How can we do our best when we‘re busy fearing we look our worst?“
„I was pretty stoked to have Yahoo contact me last week wanting to do an artlce and video about my body positive mission. You know one of my missions is to help change the way women think of their bodies, and in particular, change the way they think of cellulite. I blame the lack of representation in mainstream media for creating the idea that cellulite isn’t the norm. Brands such as Nike and Adidas will only use a size small model in their advertising. What that does to the self esteem of the other 95% of us is shocking. A lot of women see their human normal traits and bodily functions as ‘flaws’, when in actuality, the only reason they’re seen as flaw and not normal, is because the cover of magazines and ads tell us so. I‘m like every other woman on this planet, I have poor body image days. We can have bad days. We can put on a few pounds, lose a few pounds, have cellulite, not have cellulite - it’s all normal and it’s all beautiful. We don’t have to be positive all the time, every day! Thinking negative thoughts is fkn normal!!! But because we’ve been so programmed by seeing airbrushed bodies in advertisements since birth, that undoing that programming from our subconscious takes a significant amount of work. But just as something can be un-programmed from a computer (like old, outdated anti-virus software), so we can remove these old beliefs that to be beautiful we need to be ‘flawless.’“
„For the entire month of April - I‘m not taking any stimulants. I‘m terrified AF, but I‘ve been abusing my adrenals since I was 18. I‘m now 35. I‘m also personally going to take a month off from crossfit and heavy weights and do yoga. Muscle has memory. I‘m always GO GO GO. And I feel like it‘s time to slow down and grow. I abuse caffeine just like I abused drugs and alcohol. I wasn‘t ready previously. But I am now. If anyone wants to join me - I‘ve created an accountability group on Facebook under the name #nostimsapril No coffee. No energy drinks. No pre-workout. We‘ve got this. ❤ Anyone can join.“ „As most of you know, I’m on day 10 of no pre-workout, day 3 of no modafinil, and day 2 with no coffee. I have been dependent on stimulants since I was 17 years old. I’m now 35. You do the math yo! But I can tell you one thing, it’s WAY too long. To give you a little backstory, I grew up as a ‘thick’ or ‘husky’ girl. Born with giant legs, I spent most of my childhood feeling self conscious. By time I got to Junior High, I was counting calories. Then, in high school I went down the path of dabbling with anorexia, limiting my calories to 500 a day. Then I discovered bulimia. Still of course I was very successful on the outside, no one thought much of my mental health. I mean, by time I was senior in High School, I was the associated student body president, in a Christian rock band, on the Eureka City Youth Council and was looking at a full ride scholarship to Stanford. But all of that stopped pretty short when I discovered methamphetamines. SO much easier than my previous attempts to shrink my legs. AND a lot more exciting. Yes, that is of course until about 9 months into it, I tried to stop and found that I could not. Fast-forward to 29 years old, I finally got off of everything. After sending myself to rehab the day after I turned 21, the legal drinking age in America, I spent the next several years battling new demons such as alcohol and narcotics. I finally “figured it out” at 29. Although I’ve been clean and sober for nearly 7 ye-
ars, I’ve still been dependent upon stimulants. Over the past 6 years plus change, I’ve learned to stay clean and sober through working a program of recovery and addressing my demons as best as possible. But I never addressed my need to always be GO GO GO! Despite thinking about it for the past couple of years, I never made one attempt. So by time I got clean and sober, I was still unhappy with my body. Not realising that it wasn’t just my body that was making me unhappy. I thought happiness would come through being happy with my muscular physique, but it never worked for more than an hour. I’ve been an avid crossfitter and body builder pretty much full time since I got clean and sober. Although I’ve been lifting weights since I was 17, I didn’t really get serious about it until I actually got off of speed. Lifting weights and competing in body building became my new addiction. With all of that, of course - comes pre-workout. There was never a time I can recall working out without some kind of pre-workout. And I’m not talking about the light stuff. I’m talking about the kind that used to have the good shit in it. Like NOxplode, JACKED3D, and KRAZE before the USA banned the ingredients that made them REAL good. In about 2012, I discovered modaphinil through a guy named Dave Asprey, creator of bullet proof coffee, and owner of bulletproof exec blog. Modaphinil reminded me of ADHD medication, and although it wasn’t habit forming like ADHD medication (did I mention I used to take Adderall because I conned 2 different doctors into believing I was ADD?), I was still dependent upon it. I could take ¼ of a pill, or a ½ and not obsess on taking more like I did when taking Adderall. Over the last year, I’ve been taking Benadryl at night to sleep, and started noticing more and more that my wrists were starting to shake. I also started noticing my body starting to lock up in areas I used to be quite flexible in. I was always too busy, or rushed to do any kind of mobility work. Fast-forward to this exact moment, and I’ve been out of the gym since March 24th, without taking any pre-workout. I took my last ¼ of a modaphinil a few days ago. And had my last coffee yesterday. I don’t intend to fully stop taking the previous named for the rest of my life. I’ve only created a goal of stopping for the month of April, then reassessing the situation. But so far, this is what I can tell you:
Getting off stimulants has been the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. Even while doing yoga earlier today, I noticed something next level. At the end of class, when we were laying in the dead bodies pose, I started crying. I thought maybe it was because of the slow music playing throughout class, but couldn’t put my finger on it. Then for a minute, I felt like I was actually taking care of myself on a deeper level than ever before. Previously, anytime I’d hear slow music, I’d turn it off quickly. Like can’t stand slow music. So maybe that’s just a way of me ignoring some kind of hurt or sadness in my life. Stimulants are a great way to make us forget about the deeper lying issues, just as drugs and alcohol do. Just because something is legal, doesn’t mean it’s helpful. And the temporary fix doesn’t do us justice. As I continue to press on through April, I’ll be sure to keep you updated on how it goes. Love KO“
Vegan Make Up Share
„I wasn‘t allowed to wear make up in middle school, but I did. I would take it off before going home. “ Dear Creestal, welcome to this interview and please let’s start by telling us and our readers more about yourself. What should we know about you? Hiiiii my name is Crystal Sanchez, but I‘m known as @ Creestaaal and @veganmakeupshare on social media Why did you became a vegan? I became vegan for the animals. And how did you claim straight edge for you? Well, I‘ve always been straight edge, but I didn‘t know the term till I read an interview of FOB and Andy Hurley spoke about Vegan straightedge in a magazine (long ago)and that‘s how I looked into the straight edge term and started claiming edge in high school. You are a supporter of Eva (Rats in the Wall, ex-Ga-
ther), which other bands are close to your heart? My music interests go from Punk, Hardcore, Metal,Classic Rock and everything in between to be honest... and also pop because i love dancing. You run @veganmakeupshare with a larg following. Since when have you been into make up? I been into makeup since middle school, I wasn‘t allowed to wear it but i did. I would wear it in school and take it off before going home. Who were the role models you thought were inspiring for your looks? My inspiration for makeup comes from soooo many places to be honest bahahahaha, 50s-90s but I also do love to have a bare face and focus on Skincare. I really don‘t have makeup role models. Art, nature anything can and
picture above>>>>>>MUA: @muatonyyanez( photography: @snapsstudio)
will inspire me.
Jeffree star cosmetics ( Vegan)
Do you find wearing make up empowering and feminist? I believe if you want to wear makeup you should do it!!! If you don‘t want to wear makeup then don‘t! Do it for yourself! Make up can be empowering artistically but it‘s also empowering to have a bare face and learn to love your pure self. Fuck what society thinks is the „Proper way „ makeup should be applied like for a „girl“ and for those who don‘t know makeup is gender-less.
Instagram can be a tough crowd, how do you counteract negativity on this platform? Let‘s be honest I get a lot of negativity on social media because I‘m vegan. I‘m also an empath soooo it can be tough. I used to cry a lot!! I get bullied a lot!!! But @ Hurleyxvx taught me that some people have nothing better to do with their time. Just to block them. I used to just be my nice self back to them when people would go after me and it just never works. I started taking Hurley‘s advice and I just now block accounts everyday unfortunately.
When did you make the cut to only use cruelty-free and vegan products, was it the same moment you also changed your diet? I became Vegan for the animals and I didn‘t educate myself on anything to do with beauty. I had absolutely no makeup or beauty products for years. In 2012 I started officially modeling and when I would do photoshoots I noticed that some lashes and brushes are made with fur, then I realized cosmetics and Skincare was tested on animals. After my first alternative model photoshoot @Veganmakeupshare was born and I went full fledged Cruelty-Free and vegan products only. I realized how much education was needed and I been spreading awareness ever since. I became a blogger after a few months and I still continue to create vegan friendly products for everyone by reaching out to brands and explaining to them why Cruelty-Free is the way to go and eventually push vegan friendly products in the market.
What are the perks of having such a popular account? The perks are that I‘m spreading awareness to famous people, they are learning from me and they are applying what I‘m teaching them to the real world. I „inspire „ many to learn from all my research and they spread awareness. It definitely would be nice from time to time to get recognized though bahahahaha, but I do it for the animals that are being continuously (Murdered&brutally )tested on. Sooo In the end this is why I accept to model, do interviews and blog. I just want to continue to be a resource so others don‘t have to struggle with their beauty products. No animal has to die for your vanity. There‘s no excuse for animal abuse. f Veganmakeupshare f Creestaaal l /UCJcrRhO-Hwq4UgHuNzxB6jg cjdm Creestaaal Pacifica Muse️Frida Kahlo Inspirational Woman mua: @Creestaaal photography: @makeup_mars
Tell us about your favorite brands you are supporting? Theres soooo many brands I could literally fill out this entire Zine with names!!!! You can find every brand I support on my Website: or you can check out @Veganmakeupshare on Instagram. Here are some:
Pacifica Beauty ( Vegan) Lunatick Cosmetics Labs ( Vegan) KatVonDBeauty (Cruelty-Free with vegan friendly products) Blackmoon Cosmetics ( Vegan) Dermae ( Vegan) Johnny concert ( Vegan) Fairy girl ( Vegan) Aromi beauty ( Vegan) Arctic Fox hair color ( Vegan) Manic panic( Cruelty-Free with vegan friendly products) Trustfundbeauty ( Vegan) Modern minerals ( Vegan) Feral cosmetics ( Vegan) Schmidts Natural‘s ( Vegan) Necromancy Cosmetica ( Vegan) Pnk digger ( Vegan) Kiss my face (Cruelty-Free with vegan friendly products) Melt cosmetics (Cruelty-Free with vegan friendly products ) 79
Photography: HugoVPhoto( mua: Kelly Eden) Vegan ink: James Spooner/ Cruelty-Free lingerie: Purrfect Pineapples/
„After my first alternative photoshoot @veganmakeupshare was born and I went vegan products only.“
Mad max inspiration shoot: Freedom not breeder (muah: @makeup_mars) photography: @thummsup
â&#x20AC;&#x17E;I get bullied a lot! But @hurleyxvx taught me that some people have nothing better to do with their time.â&#x20AC;&#x153;
Mua&Photography: @makeup_mars
Klarissa „One of the best lessons for me was learning to say NO.“
but so delicious. I was also really keen on the „peanut conspiracy“ which was a salted short bread , chocolate ganache, peanut butter mousse and salted caramel in a thin chocolate form with caramelised peanuts on the top. This pastry was 3 days of work but was sooo worth it! If speaking about treats I was not baking, I think chocolate and lemon pie were always my favorites.
Hey dear Kla, so nice to finally have you here, while we have been to so many brunches at OH LALA Berlin. :) would you mind introducing your story with OH LALA briefly to our readers? Hey xclusivx ! Thanks for thinking of me for your next issue, i m excited and honored. So, I‘m a french woman, I moved to Berlin in 2008 and after some years of enslavering work in a call center, I dreamt of something bigger. I was a good cook and my parents believed in me that I could offer nice french food in Berlin. The shop was first not fully vegan, as the concept was french food, but ater months of training on developing all my favorite recipes in veganized versions, I was ready to take a step and stopped offering vegetarian options. We started a brunch on the weekends. It was a big success and after making a brunch 100% glutenfree for some friends visiting and seeing the positive feedbacks, we decided to specialised in vegan/glutenfree food. It was before the boom of the GF, it was not to participate in the super healthy trend (research of the standardised beauty) but really to offer good food to my friends, who couldn‘t eat when visiting me. Developping vegan pastries has been my personnal activism, i really wanted to show the world that vegans can eat everything and even better than non vegan options. A lot of our customers were not even vegans but discovered recipes and ideas by eating our brunches or food. The shop was open for 6 years. And even though the shop was a success, I made the hard decision to close it in last September. Back in the days, I opened a small shop and I was really naive about what it is to be a boss. I wanted to cook and bake and in the end I was doing not only this but plus the shopping, plus the administrative work, plus all what a boss with a 10+ employees team has to do. It was just too much, and after those 6 years, I had lost most of my social life, my love life, my health and my joy of doing what I was doing. It had been an amazing aventure and I‘ve no regrets about anything.
„But I do believe that ending capitalism, would really help on so many levels.“ Isn’t it horrible we all have to to “Lohnarbeit” for money to be able to live?! In an utopia with unconditional basic income, do you think there would be less mental health issues than with 40+ hrs weeks? I think it s horrible we all need to work to get money in a world where some firms make billions . It‘s also horrible that success is too often connected to how much people earn. But mental health issues are not only coming from work. I think the world is really fucked up and even if everybody could choose to work or not and still having a basic income, we would still face violence, racism, rape, war, familly‘s disfonction or all the others reasons why someone can get mental health issues. Sad reality that a basic income would not save it all. But I do believe that ending capitalism, would really help on so many levels. And if we were to meet up in Sweden right now, sitting together chatting, where would it be, what would we be drinking and eating? So since I closed the shop, I‘m living between Berlin and Sweden were my partner lives. We would then probably meet in Göteborg, at the syndikalistiskt forum, a political café where I spend lots of time and participate on some events. I‘m not a hot beverages drinker, so I would drink a Solimate ( which is cold mate drink, done by a refugees helping collective. And because I would do them for our meeting, we would be eating a semla, swedish pastrie, cardamome cake, marzipan and wipped cream!
„I was also really keen on the „peanut conspiracy“ which was a salted short bread , chocolate ganache, peanut butter mousse and salted caramel in a thin chocolate form with caramelised peanuts on the top.“ You really succeeded in showing the world, delicious pastries can be vegan! What was your personal favorite treat ever? And don’t you say Trèsor! :D Haha, no, the Tresor was not my favorite, I was not even able to eat a whole one by myself :) I think from those I was baking my favorite was the Perverse Chocolate Cake, it was my favorite cake ever when I was youger and it took me superrrr long to develop the veganized recipe and then afterwards veganized and GF. Soo much work
Sounds amazing, I am totally in...and if we would meet in Berlin, where would we sit down to talk? If we were in Berlin, we would meet at the Black Sheep Café, vegan cute place owned by queers womyn. Their homemade juice and kombawa teas are delicious. And also, we would go and eat the best pizza at la Stella Nera in Neukölln.
I have never been to their place, we really should go there when we meet up! What would you describe your life to be now in comparison to before? My new life is radicaly different. Last year has been full and changes, I moved four times in 10 months, I stop-
ped my big (70h/week) project and I listened to my wishes. Luckily, the closing of Ohlala gave me enough money to not having to work for a while. I‘m travelling between Göteborg and Berlin but also to France and around to see people I didn‘t see for a long time and I miss in my life. I started to do lots of things like thai boxing , learning language, and political activism. I‘m feeling super good and I am clearly having the time if my time at the moment :)
through so much oppression and/or violence situation, that they (we) survived on fragile ways. I think as well that when you start to open your eyes on the world, you cannot not see anymore the racism, patriarchy, misogynie, rape culture, transphobia, but also all the catastrophic consequences of the capitalism, and it can lead you in a deep depression. As a woman, queer, feminist and antifa, I try to be aware of those issues and support to my small own level .
What do you enjoy most about thai boxing? I think, thai boxing is a really fun way to do sport. I‘m overweight and not trying to lose any weight, but i want to be fat and fit. I used to be on my feet 12h/ day and carrying lots if heavy stuffs in the kitchen. I needed to reconnect with physical activity. But I can‘t deny, what I really like is the realise the force I was and how I‘m able to fight. As an activist I know that fighting is a reality that will come soonet or later and being prepare physically and mentally for it is exciting !
Self-care is a big new word in the scene, what do you do to unwind, apart from the fun stuff mentioned above? I think that self care can start with working on saying no to what we don‘t want to do. Not accepting to put responsibilities on our shoulders when we feel we need a pause. Self-care is also getting surrounded by people who make you feel good. It can be in millions of different ways but if you realise that everytime you see a certain person, you feel extremly tired or down after, stop seeing this person.
„I think aswell that when you start to open your eyes on the world, you cannot not see anymore the racism, patriarchy, misogynie, rape culture, transphobia, but also all the catastrophic consequences of the capitalism, and it can lead you in a deep depression.“ Has mental health had any role in your life before you experienced difficulties of your own? I experienced some issues after 3 years of working like crazy, and not listening to my body. I went through a bad burn out, had to close the shop for a while and had to seek help in a psychiatric unit in a hospital. I know many people who experience some mental health issues. I think that our world is really hard and many go
I have been to a psychiatric hospital myself and I really appreaciated the things I learned there to grow as a human being. Can you name something you took with you from there, some kind of life lesson? As I said before, I think one of the best lessons for me was to learn to say „No!“. The other lesson was to unlearn to be sorry. I was excusing myself for everything, I learned that my ideas are valid and that I‘m strong and worth enough to talk about them.
artwork by sarah @revolutions. per. minute
SXE Sankt Pauli
„Ausgestattet mit veganem Kaviar und alkoholfreiem Sekt, einige anfangs auch mit dem X auf dem Handrücken.“
versteht sich von selbst.
Moin, Moin, erstmal vielen Dank für eure Zeit. Habt ihr euch in der Südkurve kennengelernt oder über die Straight Edge Szene? Das fing bei einem großen Teil von uns über Konzerte und die Hardcore/Punk Szene an, vor allem auf den Hamburger Shows, meistens in der Roten Flora. Daraus ist dann ein kleiner Kreis aus sXe-Leuten entstanden, die zusammen viel vor der Eisbande rumhingen und dann beschlossen, gemeinsam als Crew ans Millerntor zu gehen. Andere kannten sich bereits aus dem Mittelblock in der Südkurve und wir vernetzten uns. Die Südkurve ist ja so groß, dass man nicht auf dem Schirm hat wer da eigentlich alles steht.
„Wir haben bei Heimspielen, dass abwechselnd jemand aus der Gruppe Wasser von Viva con Aqua holen geht.“ Ich ertappe mich öfters dabei, dass ich bei Heimund Auswärtsspielen genervt bin von betrunkenen Menschen und mich zum Teil auch unwohl fühle. Wie ist das für euch als Edger in einer Kurve zu stehen oder in einem Bus zu sitzen, wo viele Menschen stark betrunken sind und geraucht wird?! Grundsätzlich ist es eine persönliche Entscheidung, ob ich straight edge lebe oder nicht. Wir haben keinen „missionarischen“ Anspruch. Aber wenn jemand durch den Konsum von Drogen oder Alkohol andere Leute bedrängt, belästigt oder sonst wie blöd angeht, haben wir da durchaus ein Problem mit. Solange „leben und leben lassen“ funktioniert und die Leute sich noch soweit unter Kontrolle haben, dass sie die Grenzen anderer Menschen respektieren und nicht verletzen, sollen sie doch konsumieren was sie wollen. Aber wenn diese Rücksichtnahme nicht mehr stattfindet, ist es doch grundsätzlich nervig, egal ob Edger_Innen oder nicht. Und wenn wir mal ehrlich sind, dann ist es doch auch ätzend, wenn die Leute so voll oder breit sind, dass sie den Support nicht mehr hinbekommen. Wir haben bei Heimspielen seit ca. 2 Jahren eingeführt, dass abwechselnd jemand aus der Gruppe Wasser von Viva con Aqua holen geht. Zum einen, um uns mit alkoholfreiem Nass zu versorgen und nicht den Caterer im Stadion, sondern direkt das Wasserprojekt zu unterstützen. So kommen je Spiel auch Menschen in unserem Umfeld, die nicht im Fanclub organisiert sind, in den Genuss.
Wann genau war der Punkt an dem ihr gedacht habt, jetzt gründen wir den Fanclub „Straight Edge St. Pauli“? Unsere Crew bestand ja zum Teil aus SXElern, die vorher bereits in diversen anderen Gruppen aktiv waren. Wir hatten Leute von USP und den St. Pauli Skinheads bei uns. Das erste „Straight Edge St Pauli“ Banner wurde dann am 1.3.12 an den Zaun gehangen und wir waren als „SXE FCSP“ geboren. Nach der Gründung sind wir immer regelmäßiger als Gruppe zu den Spielen gegangen, auch bei Auswärtsfahrten in Sonderzügen, ausgestattet mit veganem Kaviar und spritzigem alkoholfreiem Sekt, einige anfangs auch mit dem X auf dem Handrücken. Wir wollten zeigen, dass wir auch ein Teil davon sind, auf unsere Art eben. Wir sind aus unterschiedlichen Gründen Edger geworden - der es am längsten ist, seit über 17 Jahren. Edger gibt es ja mehrere in der Süd, aber seit 2012 haben wir eben versucht uns auf unsere Art in der Kurve als aktive Fangruppe zu beteiligen und zu vernetzen. Durch unsere ständige Präsenz, unsere mit viel Liebe gebastelten Fahnen, Doppelhalter, Sticker und dem lauten Support (meist rechts der USP-Trommeln) wurden wir dann doch schnell akzeptiert. Zu unserem 3. und zu unserem 5. Geburtstag haben wir kleine Choreographien gebastelt. Auch haben wir es uns nicht nehmen lassen, die eine oder andere Tapete im Stadion zu zeigen. Meistens im Kontext gegen Nazis. Wobei wir auch bei „Recht auf Stadt“ Demos als Unterstützer aktiv waren. Anfänglich wollten wir auch eigene Konzerte durchführen, was von einigen von uns auch ohne den Fanclub lief und so blieben diese Projekte schlussendlich doch getrennt.
Inwieweit spielt bei Straight Edge Sankt Pauli Veganismus eine Rolle? Veganismus spielt durchaus eine Rolle, ist aber keine Voraussetzung, um bei uns Mitglied zu sein. Wir haben uns auf die klassischen Grundsätze von straight edge geeinigt: Keine Drogen, keine Zigaretten, kein Alkohol. Alles darüber hinausgehende ist die Entscheidung jedes einzelnen Mitglieds. Seht ihr euch hauptsächlich als Fußballfanclub oder gibt es auch Aktionen die ihr als SXE St. Paulidurchführt, wie zum Beispiel Shows veranstalten? Wir sehen uns als Fußballfanclub, der ultra-orientierten Support macht. Unsere Doppelhalter kennt hinter uns jede_r ;-) . Wir helfen nach unseren Möglichkeiten Choreographien durchzuführen und übernehmen auch Aufgaben der Kurve (z.B. Spendensammeln oder die Basch verkaufen). Unser Wirkungsfeld ist explizit aufs Stadion und sein Umfeld konzentriert und nicht auf die Straight-Edge-Szene.
Was bedeutet für euch Straight Edge als Fanclub: reiner „Lifestyle“ oder sober living for the revolution? Wir sind alle politische Menschen und setzen uns auch außerhalb des Stadions für eine „bessere“ bzw. andere Gesellschaft ein. Sei es im Tierschutz, bei antifaschistischen Initiativen, der Arbeit mit Jugendlichen oder als MusikerIn - „Straight edge“ zu leben ist ein Aspekt von vielen, um eine Gesellschaft zu verändern. Deshalb wird es nie „reiner Lifestyle“ sein, der uns verbindet, sondern das Leben von Überzeugungen. Aber sind wir mal ehrlich, es gab auch bei uns „Verluste“, wo wir einige Mitglieder_innen an den Konsum „verloren“ haben. Dass die dann nicht mehr bei uns mitmachen konnten,
FCSP gilt ja für viele als Vorzeigeclub was den Kampf gegen Sexismus, Homophobie und Rassismus angeht. Jedoch veröffentlicht das Aktionsbündnis gegen Homophobie und Sexismus Sankt Pauli öfters 87
„Hier zeigt die Fankultur ganz klar, dass wir sehr wohl einen großen Anteil an sozialem Bewusstsein haben.“
sellschaftliche Klima immer mehr und fortschrittliche und emanzipatorische Ansätze werden um Jahrzehnte zurückgeworfen. In den Stadien kann man das hervorragend beobachten. Gruppen, die sich gegen diese Tendenzen in ihrer Fanszene gestellt haben, sind mit Repressionen von Staat, Vereinen und Verbänden konfrontiert. Ultragruppen wie zum Beispiel in Braunschweig und Aachen wurden sogar als „Nestbeschmutzer“ von der eigenen Fanszene geächtet. Gut finden wir hingegen, dass in vielen Stadien Refugees Welcome Banner und Aktionen aufkeimen. Hier zeigt die Fankultur ganz klar, dass wir sehr wohl einen großen Anteil an sozialem Bewusstsein haben und nicht die dummen grölenden Fußballassis sind (also nicht nur). In Babelsberg wurde z.B. soviel Geld gesammelt, damit nach Rojava ein Feuerwehrauto gespendet werden konnte.
mal Texte und Eindrücke von Spieltagen wo dann eben doch nicht alles so rosig ist. Wie ist eure Wahrnehmung bezüglich Sexismus und Homophobie in der Kurve? Wir stehen bewusst in der Südkurve. Hier gibt es ein gemeinsames Verständnis von Zusammenleben und Umgang miteinander. Wenn da Leute aus der Reihe tanzen und sich nicht an diesen Grundkonsens halten, gehen wir das gemeinsam an. Manchmal kann man das in Gesprächen klären, die Kurve selber ist aber kein Diskussionsforum, so dass Situationen gibt, in denen auch einfach nur Ansagen weiterhelfen. Die Süd steht für eine Kurve fern ab von Diskriminierung jeglicher Art und wer sich in die Süd stellt, hat sich daran zu halten. Unsere Gesellschaft ist leider häufig ein sexistischer, homophober, rassistischer und xenophober Ausfall. Das geht uns überall gegen den Strich – nicht nur im Stadion. Wir nehmen aber leider auch wie du wahr, dass es beim FC Sankt Pauli eine Diskursverschiebung diesbezüglich gibt und reaktionäre, „unpolitische“ Positionen immer mehr in den Vordergrund drängen. Bestes Beispiel dafür ist die Skandalisierung der Dresden-Tapete von USP im Februar 2017 („Schon eure Groszeltern haben für Dresden gebrannt. Gegen den doitschen Opfermythos!“). Diese Entwicklung finden wir scheiße. Fußball ist auch immer ein Spiegelbild der Gesellschaft. In den letzten Jahren ist der Rassismus in der Mitte der Gesellschaft angekommen. Wie spiegelt sich das eurer Meinung nach in den Stadien wieder? Wie gerade schon ausgeführt, verschärft sich das ge-
Gibt es eine Politisierung in den deutschen Stadien? Wir sind politisch und müssen nicht erst „politisiert“ werden. In anderen Stadien ist das zum Teil anders. Wir sind nicht so schizophren und behaupten, dass man sein politisches Ich am Stadioneingang ablegen könne. Wir sind und bleiben politisch! Wir verstehen uns auf jeden Fall auch als ein Teil der aktiven Fanszene beim FCSP. In anderen Stadien kommen aber leider bei schwachen oder fehlenden aktiven Fankulturen oft rechte Strukturen vor. Wir betrachten so Tendenzen wie in Düsseldorf sehr kritisch! Gerade in Düsseldorf haben einige von uns viele Freunde und kennen sich in der Fanszene gut aus. Dass Nazis, Hools und „unpolitische“ Ultras der linken Szene regelmäßiger an den Kragen gegangen sind, haben wir auch im Stadion in Düsseldorf
nicht unkommentiert gelassen (Solitapete). Naja und am Ende ist das ganze Leben doch politisch und es gibt keinen unpolitischen Moment. Entsprechend ist z.B. schon eine vereinsinterne Positionierung zu verschiedenen Themen, die Organisation von Mehrheiten auf Mitgliederversammlungen oder die Auseinandersetzung mit Spielzeiten und Verbandsreglements Politisierung und Aktivierung von bis dato „unpolitischen“ Menschen (sofern sie sich dafür interessieren und eine Meinung bilden). Beim FC Sankt Pauli sind die Ausgangsvoraussetzungen dafür besser als anderswo, weswegen wir es auch in der Verantwortung der Fanszene vom FC Sankt Pauli sehen, mit anderen solidarisch zu sein.
auch die 45Grad, da sie über deutlich korrektere Gruppen berichtet als z.B. die Blickfang Ultra. Zudem ist die 45Grad besser geschrieben ;-) Und natürlich die Basch, die USP-Postille ;). „Abgesehen von quantitativem Müll ist Blickfang Ultrá qualitativ durch viele rechtsoffene bis rechte Gruppen (z.B. aus „Kotzbus“) ein Zine in dem viele extrem uncoole Gruppen eine Plattform suchen. Den Südkurven-Weg, in der BFU nicht zu schreiben, finden wir daher richtig.“ Und was haltet ihr von „Blickfang Ultra“, das es ja immerhin breit verfügbar an Bahnhofkiosken gibt? Keine Ahnung, noch nie gelesen. Nein Quatsch. Es gibt auch das Transparent Magazin oder die 45Grad an vielen Bahnhofkiosken zu erwerben. Es gibt also Alternativen. Abgesehen von quantitativem Müll (Bayer Leverkusen Ultras schon wieder auf Malle am posen, *gähn*) ist die BFU qualitativ durch viele rechtsoffene bis rechte Gruppen (z.B. aus „Kotzbus“) ein Zine in dem viele extrem uncoole Gruppen eine Plattform suchen. Den Südkurven-Weg, in der BFU nicht zu schreiben, finden wir daher richtig.
„Wenn es dem allgemeinen „Sankt Pauli Feeling“ zuträglich ist, wird alles gerne mitgenommen. Sobald es aber mal ein bisschen weh tut, ein bisschen weg von „Party-Pauli“ geht, tun sich Abgründe auf.“ Es gibt viele verschiedene Fanclubs in der Südkurve mit unterschiedlichen linken Ansätzen. Wie hoch ist die Reflexion innerhalb der Fanszene grade auch in Bezug auf Choreos und Tapeten? Sagen wir mal so, es wird kurvenintern schon viel diskutiert. Aber in der Regel findet man einen Konsens. Manche Sachen finden auch wir nicht so nice. Die Frage wird wohl aber auf die USP-Tapete im Bezug auf das Dresden Spiel gemeint sein. Auch wir haben uns da unsere Gedanken gemacht. Wir fanden zunächst die schnelle Positionierung des Fanclub Sprecherrates (FCSR) und des Vereinspräsidiums nicht so geschickt. Wir sehen in der zugegeben provokanten Tapete aber einen wichtigen und richtigen Punkt angesprochen. Es geht um den Geschichtsrevisionismus der unter anderem in Dresden zutage kommt. Mit anderen Gruppen, die einen linken Anspruch haben, sehen wir kurvenintern eigentlich keine Probleme. Aber die Fanszene beim FC Sankt Pauli ist ja keine homogene Szene. Es gibt einen Haufen unreflektierter Ansichten, einen Haufen unkritischer Menschen und einen Haufen Aussagen, die es deutlich zurück zu weisen gilt. Die Reaktionen auf Choreos, Tapeten und eben auch Pyro ist ja immer wieder auch ein guter Gradmesser dafür, wie es um die Reflexion wichtiger Themen bestellt ist. Wenn es dem allgemeinen „Sankt Pauli Feeling“ zuträglich ist, wird alles gerne mitgenommen. Sobald es aber mal ein bisschen weh tut, ein bisschen weg von „Party-Pauli“ geht, tun sich Abgründe auf. Nicht nur bei Auswärtsspielen gibt es immer wieder (auch handgreifliche) Auseinandersetzungen, weil Leute nicht kapieren wollen, dass bei uns diskriminierende Beleidigungen wie „Fotze“ oder „Schwuchtel“ sowie Naziklamotten nicht geduldet werden.
Welche Ziele und Wünsche habt ihr für euch, die Gruppierung und den Verein? Wir wollen mehr werden, aktiv und laut in der Kurve bleiben und als Fanclub von Nicht-Edgern nicht kritisch beäugt werden, sondern als ein Bestandteil der aktiven Süd verstanden werden. Und selbstverständlich wollen wir, dass Sankt Pauli in der Champions-League gegen Barcelona und co spielt, der G20 Gipfel doch nicht ins Viertel kommt und es vegane Donauwelle für alle gibt (ein Gruß an unsere ehemalige Gruppenbäckerin). Gibt es noch etwas was ihr zum Abschluss sagen wollt, was wir vergessen haben zu fragen? Vielen Dank für das nette Interview mit den anregenden Fragen, wir finden das XclusivX Fanzine derbe gut und freuen uns deshalb riesig für euer Interesse. Ansonsten kommt nach Hamburg ans Millerntor, supportet mit uns im Block für den FCSP, denn St.Pauli ist die einzige Möglichkeit! Forza FCSP !
Welche Zines aus der Ultraszene würdet ihr uns empfehlen und warum? Auf jeden Fall das Transparent Magazin, weil es kritisch die Entwicklungen im Fußball – auch international – beleuchtet und weil man es als „ultranah“ bezeichnen kann, ohne dass es den „Ultra-Lifestyle“ abfeiert. Klar 89
skam(transl. SHAME) is a Norwegian web series
by director Julie Andem that went from a national hype to a global phenomenom. Everything about this is genius: the characters are very authentic, the music is well-chosen, the air times of clips are posted in real time on NRK‘s website, the topics hit close to home for a whole generation. Excessive research of teenage life has gone into this project, and it delivered four exciting seasons evolving around one main character at a time: Season 1: Eva Season 2: Noora Season 3: Isak Season 4: Sana The series deals with coming out, rape culture, religion and manages to achieve an insight into the mind of the characters. I personally was touched the most by sesong 3, where Isak falls in love with Even, an older boy from his school. His peer group is immensely supportive, even knowing about pansexuality and helping him through struggles. As I do not intend to spolier you here, I will just say the season also deals with various forms of mental illness. BRILLIANT!
SKAM wurde vom norwegischen Hit zu einem internationalen fandom, Regisseurin Julie Andem hat sogar fan art in die vierte Staffel eingebaut, die Darsteller_innen haben eigene Social Media Profile und alle Clips werden in Echtzeit gepostet. Am Ende der Woche werden alle einzelnen Clips zu einer Episode zusammengefügt. Dazwischen finden Gruppenchats und Instagrampostings statt, die wie Puzzleteile ein Ganzes ergeben. Jede Staffel hat einen MAIN character, durch diese Person sehen wir alle anderen Beteiligten. Bahnbrechend ist dieses Konzept, also wurden die Rechte in die USA verkauft. Bislang übersetzen Fans die Episoden und stellen sie auf Google Drive (sucht ihr am besten auf tumblr oder instagram), da aufgrund von Musik-Copyright die original Seite inzwischen einen Geoblock eingrichtet hatte. SEHENSWERT! 5/5
The Good Luke Cage Wife
I liked the season, it‘s nicely intertwined with JESSICA JONES and DAREDEVIL. To us, it might be a rare sight to watch a show with almost only PoC. I loved it, the characters are three-dimensional. Great season, entertaining, great soundtrack, I loved the live appearances in particular. a So viele bekannte Gesichter, aus HOUSE OF CARDS, THE GOOD WIFE und SONS OF ANARCHY. 4/5
Seven seasons pure suspense, but I am REALLY into law&order shows so it was not hard to get me hooked. Alicia kicks ass, Diane does even more so! Kalinda‘s sexuality is portrayed well, too. a Diese Serie ist von Anfang bis Ende spannend, der Cast sehr glaubhaft und ich mag einfach gern Anwaltsserien. Den Powerfrauen Alicia, Diane & Kalinda schau ich so gerne zu, und liebe es, Peter zu hassen. 5/5
RiverThe Fall dale
This one goes deep, deep under your skin. With a familiar face from THE GOOD WIFE ;) Gillian Anderson is my crush since the good ol‘ X FILES days, she is fierce in this one, just like in HANNIBAL. If you like crime series like LUTHER, this one is for you! Also, loving the setting in Belfast, I been there as a teenager and seen the violence there myself. Stella Gibson defies every cliché that is thrown her way, she is just breathatkingly ballsy. a Als toughe Ermittlerin nimmt sich Gillian Anderson in dieser Serie, was sie will. Die Atmosphäre der Serie erinnert mich an LUTHER und ich musste aber häppchenweise kucken, da die Morde sehr, sehr krass dargestellt sind. Der Cliffhanger am Ende der ersten Staffel ist ultrafies! 5/5
Pleasing aesthetics, great tunes, beautiful cast members... I never read the ARCHIE comics, but this series is really fun to watch. I like the inclusion of a gay couple. a Lässt sich leicht anschauen, recht unterhaltsam, auch wenn ich die ARCHIE Comics nicht kenne. Die Farben und die Musik gefallen mir am meisten. Manche der Charaktere sind eher platt dargestellt. 3/5
13 Reasons Why
Please like me
This show deals with rape culture, bullying, slut-shaming, mental illness and suicide. They explicitly put trigger warnings at the beginning of the drastic episodes. I got hooked as late as the last 4 episodes, I found the show too fabricated until this point... a Toller Hauptdarsteller, super Soundtrack, wichtige Thematisierung von Vergewaltigung und Suizid. Kontrovers diskutiert! 4/5
The Australian series is so refreshingly awkward and authentic to watch! Josh Thomas created it and starrs in it, too. It‘s naturalistic to see a gay guy struggle with his quirkyness and his mentally ill mom. a Was für eine erfrischend-ungelenkige Serie. Multitalent Josh Thomas hat die Serie erschaffen und spielt auch die Hauptrolle. The title song alone will be stuck in your head for days! 4/5
Getting away with murder I cannot praise Viola Davis in this one enough. But also all other characters get under your skin. LGBTQIA+ representation is overflowing, a familiar face from GILMORE GIRLS, and exciting cases with flawed people on every side of the courtroom. The personal background history of Annalise Keating alone could fill seasons and seasons to come. Race, sexual identiy and gender are greatly covered. Amazing! a Diese Serie hat mich sofort in ihren Bann gezogen, so viel Spannung, so tolle Charaktere, gute Fälle und sehr viel menschliche Makel.
Alle haben Leichen im Keller, alle tragen etwas aus ihrer Vergangenheit mit sich... Annalise Keating als zentrale Rolle zieht mich komplett in ihren Bann. Eine bisexuelle WoC, die sich privat und beruflich durchzusetzen weiß, und dennoch so zerbrechlich ist. Die Serie war zu dem Zeitpunkt als ich das hier schreibe, leider nur mit zwei Staffeln auf Netflix vertreten. Ich brauche auf jeden Fall viel mehr davon! 5/5
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GREG'S COMICS Comic Book Review#244: Tomboy (2014) Tomboy ist die Autobiographie von Liz Prince, die übrigens für das herausragende Werk „Would you still love me if I wet the bed?“ verantwortlich ist. Liz Prince beschreibt ihr Leben von einem Moment in welchem sie vier Jahre alt war und sich geweigert hat ein Kleid zu tragen bis in die späten Teenie-Jahre als sie sich einer lokalen Punkszene angeschlossen hat. Es macht nicht wirklich Sinn hier ins Detail zu gehen. „Tomboy“ ist eine autobiographische Story, die zu keiner hippen, coolen Comicreihe gehört. Sie ist in sich abgeschlossen, ergo macht es kein Sinn großartig zu spoilern. Hauptsächlich geht es um das Tomboydasein von Liz. Sie kann sowohl in ihrer Kindheit als auch in ihrer Jugend nicht immer dazugehören, weil sie nicht den gängigen Stereotypen entspricht. Sie ist ein Tomboy. Ein Mädchen dass jedoch sich nicht „typisch mädchenhaft“ kleidet und auf keine Prinzessinenmärchenponyschlösser steht. Folglich ist sie bei vielen Mädchen unbeliebt weil sie nicht Mädchen genug ist. Eigentlich müsste sie bei Jungs beliebt sein, weil sie eher wie ein Junge rüberkommt. Ist sie aber trotzdem nicht, weil sie ein „komisches“ Mädchen ist. Natürlich finden sich auch Ausnahmen und eine Menge Leute mit welchen sie gut klarkommt. Trotzdem werden die Freundschaften aufgrund von verschiedenen Faktoren auf die Probe gestellt u.a. wegen Jungs. Es ist ein weiter weg von „Ich bin scheinbar kein Junge aber auch kein Mädchen, wer bin ich dann?“ zu einem selbstbewussten Menschen, der weiß wer er ist. Ich finde das ganze sehr bewundernswert. Zwar kann ich mich nicht vollends in sie reinversetzen, jedoch verschiedene Standtpunkte nachvollziehen. Und zwar weil ich desöfteren nichtmännliche Sachen gemacht hab, nichtmännlich geweint hab, auf nichtmännliche
Sachen abgefahren bin und nichtmännlich gesessen bin. Sicher gehen meine Problemchen nicht so weit wie die von Liz, jedoch kann ich ihre Erfahrung auf irgendeine Weise nachvollziehen.Außerdem mag ich die Tagebuch-Erzählweise als auch den einfach, punkigen Zeichnungsstil.
8/10 Pfandflaschen Comic Book Review#249: Bitch Planet, Vol. 1: Extraordinary Machine (2015) „Bitch Planet“ ist einer von diesen Comics die zwar in den 2010er Jahren rausgebracht wurden, allerdings von der Optik her problemlos aus den 70er stammen könnten. Oder ein (feministischer) Exploitation-Film sein könnten. Geschrieben von Kelly Sue Deconnick, gezeichnet von Robert Wilson IV. Rausgebracht bei Image Comics. Das erste Volume enthält die ersten fünf Ausgaben. Die Handlung spielt in einer nicht näher definierten Zukunft. Die Welt (oder zumindest die USA) wird von Männer regiert. Nicht im heutigen Sinne, sondern im wortwörtlichen. Männer haben die Zügeln in der Hand und bestimmen die Regeln. Es heißt nicht mehr Mother Earth sondern Father Earth. Diejenigen 93
Frauen, die nicht in das gängige Muster passen (sei es ob sie zu fett, zu dünn, zu sexuell, zu prüde sind) werden zum Aufenthalt auf einen Knast-Satelliten(?) verfrachtet der umgangssprachlich „Bitch Planet“ genannt wird. Die Frauen, die dort landen wehrten sich explizit gegen die von den sogenannten „Vätern“ (die alle scheinbar nur das Beste wollen) aufgestellten Standards (welche auch immer das sein mögen). Diejenigen die auf der Erde leben fügen sich den Regeln jedoch. Die Hauptstory dreht sich um die neue Insassin Kamau Kogo, die irgendwann ein Inhaftierten-Team zusammenstellen soll, welches an einen Spiel gegen eine männliche Mannschaft teilnehmen soll. Und zwar in einem rugby-mäßigen, scheinbar äußerst brutalen Spiel. Einerseits mag ich den Comic sehr, weil er mit viel Details besticht. Achtet mal auf jede respektlose Aussage, auf dieses „Sweetheart“ das der männliche Reporter der Anchorwoman sagt. Oder dass Frau dem Leser aufzeigt dass sie sich trotz all ihrer „Unebenheiten“ sich selbst so liebt wie sie ist. Andererseits erinnert er mich an diese ekligen BDSM-Comics, die ich mal online gelesen haben und die von eben solch einer Zukunft erzählen, in welcher Frauen rechtlich den Männern unterlegen sind und diese sich auch Frauen als Sklaven halten. Wobei so derbe ist es hier natürlich nicht. Trotzdem musste ich daran denken. Dieser Comic nimmt keine Gefangenen. Sehr direkt. Sehr in your face. Sehr empfehlenswert.
8/10 Pfandflaschen
ueber Greg a.k.a. xStricherx Erster Comic, den du gelesen hast?
Du kommsch mir immer mit so tricky fragen! Ich weiß es nicht. Der erste Comic, an den ich mich erinnern kann ist auf jeden Fall eine Ausgabe von Batman gewesen, auf polnisch. Zu der Zeit als Jean-Paul Valley Batman wurde und gegen Bruce Wayne kämpfte. Es könnte aber auch eine Ausgabe von “Komiks Gigant” sein, eine Art “Lustiges Taschenbuch”, ebenfalls auf polnisch. Oder halt eine von den vielen “Donald Duck”-Zeitschriften. Irgendwas dazwischen.
Letzter Comic, den du gelesen hast? Amazing Spider-Man Volume 4#25 (2017)
Deine Regeln fürs Sammeln?
Das sammeln, was gefällt. Nicht von zahlreichen Events reinziehen lassen, die dafür da sind dem Leser die Kohle abzuknöpfen. Aus der Phase bin ich schon länger raus. Es ist völlig egal, ob man mit der #1 anfängt oder mit #753493. Wenn ihr seht, was euch gefällt, greift zu und nehmt das Schätzchen mit nach Hause. Falls ihr die älteren Ausgaben nachholen wollt, könnt ihr das immer tun!
Deine Regeln fürs Lesen?
Für mich gelten folgende Regeln. Erst den Abo-Stapel lesen, danach kommt alles andere.
Der wertvollste Comic in deinem Besitz?
Was den materiellen Wert betrifft, so sind die ganzen alten US-Comics, die ich habe nicht besonders wertvoll. Generell besitze ich eher cheapos als irgendwelche teuren Schinken. Ein paar Ausnahmen gibt es natürlich doch z.B.: die komplette Trade-Paperback-Sammlung von “Transmetropolitan”. Ein Cyberpunk-Klassiker der von einem kritischen Journalisten handelt (angelehnt an Hunter S. Thompson), der sich u.a. mit korrupten Politikern anlegt. Sehr zu empfehlen!
Der Comic, der dein heiliger Gral wäre?
Schwierig. Siehe erste Frage. Ich will den Batman-Comic wieder haben. Erste schwarz/weiß-Ausgaben von den Turtles-Comics. Oder die bereits erwähnten lustigen Taschenbücher - ich hab sie alle nicht mehr und weiß auch gar nicht wie die Geschichten heißen. Die erste Ausgabe von Preacher. Das wären so meine heiligen Grale. cf upthenerdpunx Interview Teil 1 von 3 : mehr in unseren kommenden Zines!
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RITA HUMBUG top things about your city? the size, the darkness, the busy streets, the overwhelming amount of people, the stress it’s a moloch that could eat you alive if you’re not cautious enough. I think my artwork is strongly influenced by both my love and hate for this city. what do you do for fun and passion? sketch, draw and paint on stuff why do you do this? I don’t know - I guess mostly because it re-assures me of very basic stuff like my existence on this shithole of a planet. How did you first start with doing artwork? when I was a child my father used to draw with me - I think that’s when my passion for pens and paper started. I’m 100% self taught in doing art, and I didn’t follow a strategy or any plan … I just do it because it’s something I actually love. what are your most favorite things you have ever done artistically? any piece of my heart or mind poured out onto a sheet of paper, a canvas or a wall. I love every thing I do artistically and I hate most of it at the same time. any big plans or visions ahead? keep on keeping on. tear-away sleeve artwork & text by RITA humbug diese ausgabe hat ein abtrennbares cover & wurde exklusiv fuer uns von rita humbug gestaltet!