Busy streets, an overflow of people, cars, fumes and constant noise. The city is a convenient place to be, everything you need in walking distance, an abundance of cafes, restaurants and shops right there at your fingertips, but boy, can it be stressful. The constant overstimulation of being surrounded by busyness can really mess with ones wellbeing - both mentally and physically. They say that the city never sleeps, but living in it shouldn’t have to mean you don’t either. So how can we possibly compromise? How can we find a way to live in a world of daily bliss while living in the most stressful part of the country? Let’s find out.
Persona Profile
This is Caitlin and Ryan. They’re twenty something working professionals, who have been together since way back. He’s your average bloke, working in the IT industry with a love for all things tech and nerd. She’s your Wellington darling tea loving, crafty do-gooder. Working in communications and eager to make it somewhere. They’re both striving to climb the corporate ladder, but it’s a stressful struggle that works them to the bone.
Their drive to make it is crucial to success, but means that they have little time to focus on eachother and their individual wellbeings.
We spend 90% of the time indoors, where air is generally more polluted than outdoors” Burchet et. al.
The Situation WHERE ARE THEY?
Caitlin and Ryan live in a small apartment within a big city. Yes, it’s a little messy - but they both have high stress jobs from 9-5 every day, and often have to bring that work home with them, so understandably things can get a little cluttered! Living in such a tiny place in the middle of the city means they don’t have room to define work spaces, and the disruption of loud cars blaring outside of their window only adds to their stress.
Plants have been proven to increase productivity by 70%. NASA, via Chadwicks
The city Caitlin and Ryan live within is full of green spaces, however the couple are very busy people and hardly have any time to utilise those spots.
City-dwelling is great when it comes to getting a quick commute to work, but the overstimulation of people on the busy streets and in the workplace itself means that Caitlin and Ryan are feeling completely drained by the time they step foot into their apartment.
How can we use the benefits of house plants to grow a happy work AND living environment at home?
Caitlin and Ryan need a way to be relieved of their work stress and feel connected to each other and their space when they come home by having a calm and relaxing home environment. This could be done by gaining the benefits of an urban green-space in their home environment.
They hope in attaining this it will reduce their stress and improve their relationship.
Peace lily Playtimes over
I turn a bit yellow if I’ve had too much sun!
- Use nature to improve indoor spaces. - Overcome people’s fear of killing plants. - Educate people on the benefits of plants. - Think plants are very cool as opposed to high-maintenance.
Other than being a great plant for referencing a Simon Pegg film, Peace Lilies filter your airspace and remove the dampness and mold.
Cacti Looky no touchy
These prickly plants are not only very cute, but they’re easy to take care of as well! Make sure their soil stays damp and you can fill your house with them!
Escape the concrete jungle and venture into a lush arboreal abode. Your wellbeing will thank you.
eeling If I’m f erky, p pretty es I’ll im t e m so ! flower
Aloe Vera The swiss-army plant
I’m su p to gro er easy w and take care of!
This baby is full of wonders! Heal your burns or relieve swelling, use this plant as a mental aid or even eat it for a snack. That’s right, eat your plant friends.
Response Plantapp Carlos Pariente A.
An app that leaves you no more excuses if your plants die! Plantapp sends reminders for when to water your friends and even uses geolocation in order to give you the best tips for your plant survival. Plus the plants have faces.
A few plants Ben Biondo
Biondo’s classic design collection explores different species of plant, each with a botanical illustration alongside origin and care facts. Biondo, Ben. “A Few Plants”. Ben Biondo. 2017. http://www.
Pariente A., Carlos. “Plantapp - U Plant App” Behance. 2015. Plantapp-U-Plant-App-
The Green House Ryue Nishizawa
F is for forest Fedrigoni - Freelife
In population-dense Tokyo, it’s hard enough to find privacy, let alone a house that doesn’t make you feel squashed. Nishizawa combined the transparency of glass with a garden on each level that provides the dweller with surprising space whilst also keeping out prying eyes.
Fedrigoni started a campaign that strived for ecological sustainability whilst also explaining the connection they have with nature. Both their visual book and their products are printed on a material that is recyclable and one of the most eco-friendly used in the world.
Hunter, Jennifer. “Where Do You Put a Garden In Tokyo?”. Apartment Therapy. 2014. where-do-you-put-a-garden-in-tokyo-everywhere-206715
Fedrigoni. “F is for Forest”. Happycentro Design. 2016. https://
3 Ways to Wellbeing
Handy tips to help you grow!
take notice Look around!
It’s the small things! Plants can bring daily joy if you are mindful and noticing all the intricate beauty within them. It’ll give you something to focus on that is separate from your own problems and struggles. You need it, don’t lie.
keep learning Plants have so many secrets!
There is so much to learn about what plants can do for us, different species benefit us in different ways, find a plant that’s just right for you.
connect See what we did there? Eh?
Improved living spaces help to calm us down, meaning we are in a better headspace to connect with others, allowing our relationships to start blooming.
Conclusion SO WHAT NOW?
Through our visual brief we hope to have brought the beneficial elements of the house plant to life as a kick start to reducing city-living stress. Greenspace within the home is just as important as in public spaces, as of course we spend a considerable amount of time in our houses, apartments and flats. So, introducing plants that not only liven up the space but provide benefits such as air filtration and a reduction of dampness, whilst also taking forgetful plant owners into account, suggests a solution that is really as easy as popping to the market and bringing home some new friends.
Kate Bennett & Imogene de Bie REFERENCES Chadwicks. “Air Purifying Houseplants That Improve Your Health” Chadwicks “The Home of Building Materials.” 2016. http://www.
Burchett, Margaret, Fraser Torpy, and Jane Tarran. “Interior plants for sustainable facility ecology and workplace productivity.” Proceedings of HMAA Conference. Faculty of Science, University of Technology, 2008.