Curriculum Area/Content
Ks4 - options Key Stage Four Examination Offers GCSE Drama – Edexcel BTEC Performing Arts
Year 7 – Performing arts
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Year 7
Baseline activity focusing on music, acting and dance. Developing group work, confidence and building characterisation skills: movement, gesture, body language, facial and vocal expression.
“Matilda” Exploring characters and characterisation. Exploring the story of Matilda whilst developing musical theatre techniques.
“Blood Brothers” Use of script and drama conventions. Develop understanding of the text through singing, acting and dance.
“Blood Brothers” Take part in the preparation for a live performance. Demonstrate performance or production skills and techniques in a performance. Develop skills in communication, team-work, reflection and creative thinking.
Summer 1
Theme based project
Theme based project
(Project Based Learning)
(Project Based Learning)
Year 8 – performing arts
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Year 8
Bugsy Malone. Working with a script. Focusing on vocal expression, acting, singing and dance.
Bugsy Malone. Developing body language and gesture. Creating a whole group musical performance for showcase.
“Across the decades”.
“Across the decades”.
Taster sessions and workshops in preparation for KS4.
Taster sessions and workshops in preparation for KS4.
Students will be exploring and developing knowledge from stereotypes across the decades.
Students will demonstrate performance skills and techniques in devised performances. Develop skills in communication, team-work, reflection and creative thinking.
Year 9 – BTEC Performing arts Â
Autumn 1 Autumn 2
Year 9
Introducing Performing Arts through acting, singing and dance workshops.
Spring 1
Unit 3 preparation Unit 3 preparation Students will start a journey on becoming a professional actor. They will be introduced to important acting skills and learn the specific demands in performance. They will develop psychical skills and imagination to create characters or roles.(Drama autumn 2 and Spring 1)
In this unit students will explore and develop music performance skills. Helping them to adapt each styles of music they may perform. They will begin by exploring and developing the essential techniques, through teacher led practical sessions. They will be required to play an active part on their own development by reflecting on their own progress.(Music Autumn 2 and Spring 1)
Spring 2
Summer 1
Through a combination of practical experience and written assignments, learners will develop knowledge, skills and understanding needed for a career in the sector.
Students will study each sector of Performing Arts including dance, technical support and design, acting, singing, music technology, costume design and Stage makeup.
Students will chose their specialist area in preparation for Unit 1: Individual showcase.
Year 10 - gcse Drama
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Year 10 Edexcel GCSE Drama
Unit 1 Practical Exploration and Documentary Response. The theme is based on the events of 9’11.
Unit 3 MOCK performances. Students will perform to an audience and be assessed. Students will watch a live theatre performance.
Preparation for Unit 3- Students will work in set groups and rehearse a devised or scripted text.
Unit 1+2 documentary response and live review to be sent for verification. Unit 3- Students will continue to rehearse in preparation for their final exam.
Unit 3Course Finished Performance Exam for External Moderator.
Year 11 - gcse Drama
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Year 11 Edexcel GCSE Drama
From Page to Stage-Students will develop their skills in performance through characterisation, team work, audience communication and voice and movement.
Students will explore themes from a variety of play texts looking at different genres i.e. comedy.
Students will be placed into groups for Unit 3 and start rehearsals.
Students will continue to rehearse in their groups to refine their assessment pieces.
Unit 3. Students COURSE will rehearse and FINISHED. perform to a live audience. They will be assessed by an external examiner.
KS4 Performing Arts