Curriculum area science 2014

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Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Year 7

Sailing Forces and effects

Survival project? Particles (States of matter) Pure and impure Environment and adaptations Heat transfers

Communication BT Electricity and magnetism. Electric messages then and now.

Project Cells, tissues and reproduction. Variation.

Project Food and energy transfers. Microbes.

Project Acids and alkalis and chemical reactions.

AF1: Use of model (helicopter) AF4: Fair testing, repeating data. AF5: Patterns in data, inconsistencies in data, conclusions, evaluate working methods.

AF4: Use of equipment, reducing risks (pure and impure separation) Heat transfers AF3: Presenting data AF5: Interpreting data from different formats and writing conclusions. (SMSC link)

AF1: Use of models to explain phenomena (electrons/ voltage) AF2: Scientific and technological applications linked to underpinning ideas, how developments affect society.

AF1: Use of models (make a model of cell). AF2: How the application of science impacts on society, ethical and moral issues relating to scientific developments.

AF3: Presenting scientific ideas (journey of a cheese sandwich creative writing) AF5: Writing conclusions (food tests)

AF4: Planning an investigation by identifying variables, choosing equipment and data intervals, reducing risk. AF5: Interpreting and evaluating data, drawing conclusions from data and evaluation of working methods.


Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1



Autumn 1

Year 8

Atoms, elements and compounds and the periodic table. Lungs and gas exchange.

AF2: Development of scientific ideas (periodic table) AF5: Interpreting data, explaining data by writing a conclusion.


Autumn 2 + TECH 3WKS / TECH 3WKS

Spring 1 Application of forces and electromagnets.

AF1: Modelling magnetic fields AF2: Link applications of science to their underpinning ideas AF3: Presenting data appropriately AF4: Variables, repeating data AF5: Interpreting data, explaining data, writing conclusions and evaluating working methods.

Spring 2 Types of reactions. Respiration.

AF1: Use of models to explain processes and phenomena. AF3: Presenting data AF4: Variables, repeating data, reducing risk AF5: Interpreting data, explaining data, writing conclusions.


Summer2 Energy resources Domestic/static electricity.

AF2: Impact of scientific developments on different societies

YEAR 9 Set number

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


P1: Visible light and the solar system. C1: Earth, sea and atmosphere

P1: Waves and the universe C1: Fuels

P1: Waves and the Earth. C1: Fuels

B1: Varia;on

B1: Interrela;onships

Controlled Assessment Skills

CA Part B: Making and recording Observa;ons (Refrac;on and reflec;on) CA Part C: Conclusions (%O2 in atmosphere)

CA Part C: Conclusions (making spectrometer)

CA Part A: Planning, CA Part B: Observa;ons, Part C: Conclusions (Combus;on of different fuels)

CA Part A: Planning (tongue rolling or height).

CA: Part B observa;ons and Part C: Conclusions (inves;ga;ng an;bio;cs)


C1: Earth, sea and atmosphere CA Part C: Conclusions (%O2 in atmosphere)

P1: Electromagne;c spectrum C1: Materials from the Earth CA: Part A: Planning (Sun cream on UV beads) CA: Part B Observa;ons and Part C Conclusions (Thermal decomposi;on of different carbonates) C1: Materials from the Earth CA: Part B Observa;ons and Part C Conclusions (Thermal decomposi;on of different carbonates)

B1: Varia;on

B1: Interrela;onships

CA Part A: Planning (tongue rolling or height).

CA: Part B observa;ons and Part C Conclusions (inves;ga;ng an;bio;cs)

P1: Visible light and the solar system CA Part B: Making and recording Observa;ons (Refrac;on and reflec;on)

P1: Waves and the universe CA Part C: Conclusions (making spectrometer)

Controlled Assessment Skills

P1: Visible light and the solar system CA Part B: Making and recording Observa;ons (Refrac;on and reflec;on) B1: Varia;on

P1: Waves and the universe CA Part C: Conclusions (making spectrometer)

C1: Earth, sea and atmosphere CA Part C: Conclusions (%O2 in atmosphere)

C1: Materials from the Earth CA: Part B Observa;ons and Part C Conclusions (Thermal decomposi;on of different carbonates)

B1: VariaFon

B1: InterrelaFonships

CA Part A: Planning (tongue rolling or height).

CA: Part B observa;ons and Part C Conclusions (inves;ga;ng an;bio;cs)

B1: Interrela;onships

Controlled Assessment Skills

CA Part A: Planning (tongue rolling or height).

CA: Part B observa;ons and Part C Conclusions (inves;ga;ng an;bio;cs)

C1: Earth, sea and atmosphere CA Part C: Conclusions (%O2 in atmosphere)

C1: Materials from the Earth CA: Part B Observa;ons and Part C Conclusions (Thermal decomposi;on of different carbonates)

P1: Visible light and solar system CA Part B: Making and recording Observa;ons (Refrac;on and reflec;on)

P1: Waves and the universe CA Part C: Conclusions (making spectrometer)

7 & 8

B1: Varia;on

4 Controlled Assessment Skills

5 & 6

CA Part A: Planning (tongue rolling or Controlled height). Assessment Skills 9 & 10 P1:

Controlled Assessment Skills

Visible light and the solar system CA Part B: Making and recording Observa;ons (Refrac;on and reflec;on)

C1: Materials from the Earth

P1: Visible light and the solar system

CA: Part B Observa;ons and Part C Conclusions (Thermal decomposi;on of different carbonates)

CA Part B: Making and recording Observa;ons (Refrac;on and reflec;on)

C1: Materials from the Earth

B1: Varia;on

CA: Part B Observa;ons and Part C Conclusions (Thermal decomposi;on of different carbonates)

CA Part A: Planning (tongue rolling or height).

YEAR 10 Set number

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1


P1: Visible light and the solar system. C1: Earth, sea and atmosphere B1:Variation

P1: Electromagnetic spectrum C1: Materials from the Earth B1: Variation

P1: Waves and the universe C1: Fuels part 1 B1: Interrelationships PART 1

P1: Waves and the Earth. C1: Fuels part 2 B1: Interrelationships part 2

P1: Generation and transmission of electricity C1: Acids B1: Responding to change part 1

Controlled Assessment Skills

CA Part B: Making and recording Observations (Refraction and reflection) CA Part C: Conclusions (%O2 in atmosphere) CA Part A: Planning (tongue rolling or height).

CA: Part A: Planning (Sun cream on UV beads) CA: Part B Observations and Part C Conclusions (Thermal decomposition of different carbonates) CA Part A: Planning (tongue rolling or height).

CA Part C: Conclusions (making spectrometer) CA: Part B observations and Part C: Conclusions (investigating antibiotics)

CA Part A: Planning, CA Part B: Observations, Part C: Conclusions (Combustion of different fuels) CA: Part B observations and Part C: Conclusions (investigating antibiotics)

Summer 2

P1: Energy and the future C1: Obtaining and using metals B1: Responding to change part 2 Controlled Assessment X3 (Edexcel current year).

P1: Visible light and the solar system CA Part B: Making and recording Observations (Refraction and reflection)

C1: Earth, sea and atmosphere CA Part C: Conclusions (%O2 in atmosphere)

B1: Variation

P1: Waves and the universe

C1: Materials from the Earth

B1: Interrelationships

CA Part A: Planning (tongue rolling or height).

CA Part C: Conclusions (making spectrometer)

CA: Part B observations and Part C Conclusions (investigating antibiotics)


B1: Variation CA Part A: Planning (tongue rolling or height).

P1: Visible light and the solar system CA Part B: Making and recording Observations (Refraction and reflection)

B1: Interrelationships

Controlled Assessment Skills

C1: Earth, sea and atmosphere CA Part C: Conclusions (%O2 in atmosphere)

CA: Part B Observations and Part C Conclusions (Thermal decomposition of different carbonates) C1: Materials from the Earth

7 & 8

B1: Variation


Controlled Assessment Skills

CA Part A: Planning (tongue rolling or Controlled height). Assessment Skills 9 & 10 P1:

Controlled Assessment Skills

Visible light and the solar system CA Part B: Making and recording Observations (Refraction and reflection)

CA: Part B observations and Part C Conclusions (investigating antibiotics)

C1: Materials from the Earth

P1: Waves and the universe

CA: Part B CA Part C: Observations and Conclusions Part C Conclusions (making (Thermal spectrometer) decomposition of different carbonates) P1: Visible light and the solar system

CA: Part B Observations and Part C Conclusions (Thermal decomposition of different carbonates)

CA Part B: Making and recording Observations (Refraction and reflection)

C1: Materials from the Earth

B1: Variation

CA: Part B Observations and Part C Conclusions (Thermal decomposition of different carbonates)

CA Part A: Planning (tongue rolling or height).

YEAR 11 Set number

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

1,2 (AddiFonal)

P2: Sta;c and current electricity P2: Controlling and using electric currents B2: Building blocks and cells part 1

P2: Mo;on and forces P2: Work and Power B2: Building blocks and cells part 2 B2: Organisms and energy part 1

C2: Atomic structure and Groups of the periodic table. C2: Ionic compounds and analysis and Covalent compounds and separa;on techniques

P2: Nuclear fission, nuclear fusion and using radioac;ve materials B2: Organisms and energy part 2 B2: Common systems

C2: Chemical reac;ons and quan;ta;ve chemistry.


Controlled Assessment skills





3,4,5,6 (CORE)

P1: Visible light and the solar system. C1: Earth, sea and atmosphere B1:Variation

P1: Electromagnetic spectrum C1: Materials from the Earth C1:Fuel part 1

B1: Interrelationships P1: Waves and the universe P1: Waves and the Earth. C1: Fuels part 2

P1: Generation and transmission of electricity C1: Acids B1: Responding to change part 1

Controlled Assessment Skills

Full controlled assessment practice: Part a, b and c. (Investigating oxygen in the atmosphere).




7,8,9,10 BTEC

Unit 3: Energy and the Universe

Unit 3: Energy and the Universe

Unit 4: Biology and our environment

Unit 4: Biology and our environment

P1: Energy and the future C1: Obtaining and using metals B1: Responding to change part 2


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