Curriculum area tech

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KS4 - OPTIONS Key Stage Four Examination Offers  GCSE Graphics - AQA  GCSE Resistant Materials - AQA  BTEC Engineering - Edexcel

KS3 OVERVIEW  Course Overview  D e s i g n Te c h n o l o g y i s a p r a c t i c a l s u b j e c t wh i c h r e q u i r e s t h e a p p l i c a t i o n o f k n o wl e d g e a n d u n d e r s t a n d i n g . K S 3 wi l l t e a c h p u p i l s t o t h i n k l i k e a d e s i g n e r , wo r k i n g i n t h e r e a l wo r l d a s t h e y l e a r n c r e a t i v e l y h o w t o a p p l y a n u m b e r o f d e s i g n p r o c e s s e s t o t h e i r o wn wo r k .  Wi t h i n D e s i g n a n d Te c h n o l o g y we a c k n o wl e d g e t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f o u r s t u d e n t s developing practically and academically and have therefore designed projects t o e n h a n c e a n d d e v e l o p t h e s e e l e m e n t s , a l l o wi n g s t u d e n t s t o r e a c h t h e i r f u l l potential.  A t k e y s t a g e t h r e e s t u d e n t s s t u d y a wi d e r a n g e o f t e c h n o l o g y s u b j e c t s t h r o u g h p r o j e c t b a s e d l e a r n i n g . A c a r o u s e l s y s t e m a l l o ws s t u d e n t s t o s p e n d t i m e wi t h i n different subject areas such as Product Design, Resistant Materials, Graphics a n d E l e c t r o n i c s . Th i s i s i n o r d e r f o r l e a r n e r s t o d e v e l o p t h e i r c o r e s k i l l s a n d a l l o w them to progress practically and academically throughout this key stage.  Wo r k i s c o m p l e t e d wi t h i n b o o k l e t s wh i c h a r e d e s i g n e d a n d s e t o u t i n a G C S E s t y l e , wi t h b r a n d i n g a n d l a y o u t s u n i v e r s a l t h r o u g h o u t t h e d e p a r t m e n t t o e n s u r e c o n s i s t e n c y . Wo r k i s m a r k e d a n d g r a d e d i n l i n e wi t h G C S E c o u r s e s .  Th e d e p a r t m e n t o f f e r s a d i v e r s e r a n g e f r o m S TE M a c t i v i t i e s , I C T a n d wo r k s h o p s k i l l s . Th e n a t u r e o f d e s i g n a n d t e c h n o l o g y i s s u c h t h a t i t s h o u l d p r o v i d e opportunities for students to engage in activities that are challenging, relevant and motivating. Giving students enjoyment, satisfaction and a sense of purpose, and enable them to feel they can play a constructive role in a technological s o c i e t y . Th a t i s wh y a t M C A we h a v e i n v e s t e d i n t h e l a t e s t ‘ s t a t e o f t h e a r t ’ m a c h i n e r y a n d e q u i p m e n t t o p r o v i d e o u r l e a r n e r s wi t h t h e b e s t p o s s i b l e l e a r n i n g experience.


Course Overview I n the Technology department, KS4 begins in year 9 as we understand that students require a personalised approach to suit their individual abilities and talents in preparation for adult life. We offer a selection of GCSE and BTEC qualifications that allow our learners a smooth transition into apprenticeships, employment or further education.

Key stage 4 pathways currently on offer are:

BTEC Engineering: provides an engaging, robust, broad -based introduction to engineering. It provides underpinning knowledge, understanding and practical skills that reflect the needs of employers and higher and further education professionals. I t presents knowledge, skills and understanding in a meaningful work -related context, to allow learners to understand theory and application.

GCSE Graphic Products: This course enables students to display creativity and innovation, using a range of graphic and modelling materials. Students will be enthused and challenged by the range of practical activities and encouraged to learn to use, understand and apply colour and design through images. They will design and make a range of products using graphic media and new technologies to prepare them for the world of work.

GCSE Resistant Materials: This course allows students to develop the ability to design and make products with creativity and originality, using a range of materials and techniques. This GCSE requires students to develop their knowledge of woods, metals, plastics and composite materials. Other materials may also be used and the use of new technologies is also encouraged. This course has 60 per cent controlled assessment in order to recognise the importance of practical work within this subject.

GCSE Textiles Technology: Encourages students to develop their creativity by investigating fabrics and construction and allowing them to apply decorative techniques to create quality fabric products.

YEAR 7  The technol ogy aspects of the year 7 STEM curriculum will allow l earners to explore the design process, focusing on the five key skill areas; research, ideas, making, planning and evaluating, these will be incorporated into each STEM project. Towards the end of year 7 l earners will take part in a number of mini skills projects in preparation for year 8. These skills projects will allow for pupils to l earn about the different pieces of equipment and machinery including the l aser cutter, 3D Printer and more traditional methods.

 By the end of each term in year 7 I will

Year 7




Know how to carry out different research methods, including how to skilfully use a number of various search engines correctly. Be able to identify general material groups. Be able to write a list of design requirements for a final outcome. Would be able to produce a range of realistic ideas with labels using either isometric or perspective drawing. Develop and improve a range of design ideas further by using 3rd party feedback. Learn how to render and apply those skills to your design ideas.

Know how to carry out a product analysis. Be able to list some tools and equipment and know how to safely use them. Be able to measure and mark out with accuracy. Have gained knowledge of the 6R’s. Renewable and non-renewable resources. Be able to evaluate a final outcome by identifying what worked well and what didn’t.

Project based skills projects: Know how to use basic hand tools and equipment (Tenon, Coping saw, file, bench hook, glass paper.) Be able to set up and use a bench drill. Have knowledge of the laser cutter, vacuum former and line bender. Be able to describe the difference between CAD and CAM. Know how to use basic 2D Design tools. Be very aware of the importance of Health and Safety and PPE within a Technology classroom.

YEAR 7 Year

Autumn1 Sailing Forces and effects

Autumn2 Survival project? Particles (States of matter) Pure and impure Environment and adaptations Heat transfers


AF1: Use of model (helicopter) AF4: Fair testing, repeating data. AF5: Patterns in data, inconsistencies in data, conclusions, evaluate working methods.

Tech Skills

Presentation: Colour theory, rendering, graphic design, Annotation (Sail graphics design)


Spring 1 Communication -BT Electricity and magnetism. Electric messages then and now.

Spring 2 Project Cells, tissues and reproduction. Variation.

Summer 1 Project Food and energy transfers. Microbes.

Summer 2 Project Acids and alkalis and chemical reactions.

AF4: Use of equipment, reducing risks (pure and impure separation) Heat transfers AF3: Presenting data AF5: Interpreting data from different formats and writing conclusions. (SMSC link)

AF1: Use of models to explain phenomena (electrons/voltage) AF2: Scientific and technological applications linked to underpinning ideas, how developments affect society.

AF1: Use of models (make a model of cell). AF2: How the application of science impacts on society, ethical and moral issues relating to scientific developments.

AF3: Presenting scientific ideas (journey of a cheese sandwich creative writing) AF5: Writing conclusions (food tests)

AF4: Planning an investigation by identifying variables, choosing equipment and data intervals, reducing risk. AF5: Interpreting and evaluating data, drawing conclusions from data and evaluation of working methods.

Design/Making: Create a range of design ideas for a survival product? i.e a spork Model the idea.

Basic Electronics: Circuit diagrams, basic symbols, computer modelling/prototype (make telegraph handset).

Research Smart Materials: Modern materials that are used in new products. Smart wire, thermo-chromic inks

Mechanisms: Different types of mechanisms. Transfer of energy, making models of CAMs and Levers. (Use laser cutter)

Design/Making: Using design skills and Mechanisms work, design a product to safely lift and move a chemical vessel from a distance?

YEAR 8  Year 8 Technology consists of a number of project rotations which enables l earners to focus on and explore the design process. They well l earn how to develop realistic design proposals as a result of the exploration of both users’ needs and design opportunities. They will al so l earn how to develop the skills to critically anal yse, evaluate, test and refine their own ideas whilst designing and making. 

By the end of each term in year 8 I will..


Year 8

Be able to carry out research independently. Be able to explain the importance of research. To know how research can be carried out and why it must be. Be able to identify different materials by their correct name. Be able to describe basic material properties.



Be able to verbally explain what a specification is and be able to write one with explanations. . Have create detailed design ideas with basic annotation and that show a development and improvement with 3rd party feedback. Be able to understand the importance of modelling an idea. Be able to list the majority of tools and equipment used for each project and know how to use a range of tools and equipment with precision and control. Be able to produce step by step plans of the main stages of making. Be able to evaluate my work by checking against a design specification.

Know how to use the disk sander, Fret Saw and Sublimation printer. Have basic soldering skills. Be able to use 2D Design to create a document that can be laser cut independently. Be able to safely use a craft knife, safety rule and protective matt. Be able to identify a number of SMART materials. Have basic Isometric creating skills. Know why packaging is used. Have knowledge of finishes and know how to apply them. (Paint, varnish, wax).

YEAR 8 Year


8 Tech Skills During Year 8 students will complete the following Technology projects

Autumn1 AF2: Development of scientific ideas (periodic table) AF5: Interpreting data, explaining data by writing a conclusion.

Speaker project, 3d design, designing to a brief, electronic assembly, 3d modelling, laser cutting


Scooter design (Autodesk Inventor) project, Designing, scale, presentation, Computer Aided Design (CAD)

Spring 1 AF1: Modelling magnetic fields AF2: Link applications of science to their underpinning ideas AF3: Presenting data appropriately AF4: Variables, repeating data AF5: Interpreting data, explaining data, writing conclusions and evaluating working methods.

RM Project – Money box, Research, specification, Tenon saw, coping saw, half round file, different wood materials, CNC machine

Spring 2 AF1: Use of models to explain processes and phenomena. AF3: Presenting data AF4: Variables, repeating data, reducing risk AF5: Interpreting data, explaining data, writing conclusions.

Summer 1

Summer 2 AF2: Impact of scientific developments on different societies


Year 9 involves students beginning the year by taking part in a carousel system that allows pupils to attend subject based taster sessions on the different pathways offered at GCSE. Students will then opt for the pathway of their choice via an application process. By the end of each term in year 9 I will …

Autumn Be able to confidently use a variety of different research skills and resources to inform my design rationale. Be able to compare and contrast material properties and apply to my design ideas.

Year 9



Know what a specification is, know why one is used. Produce detailed design ideas influenced by research including detailed annotation about (appearance, function, safety and target audiences opinion). Develop ideas using formal drawing methods (isometric, perspective) Be able to name tools and equipment and explain their correct uses. Be able to work independently and accurately to produce a final product. Be able to produce step by step plans which include alternative making methods and materials. Be able to evaluate my final outcome in detail and refer

Have knowledge of the line bender and vacuum former. Knowledge of a basic 3D Design package or Creative Adobe suite (Photoshop/Illustrator). Be able to create perspective drawings. Know a range of different types of SMART materials and their properties. Have knowledge of colour theory. Be able to expand on my knowledge of finishes to include plastic dip coating. Be aware of the four different scales of manufacture production. Be able to give a basic explanation for ergonomics and anthropometrics with an example of a product. Know how to apply Quality assurance and quality control checks to their work. Will be able to correctly identify a range of products inspired by different design movements. Gain confidence in answering basic GCSE exam questions.

KS4 Year Group




Autumn 1 2013

Autumn 2 2013

Design and Make Assignment 1 Introduction to skills needed for GCSE Coursework and knowledge base

Spring 1 2014

Spring 2 2014

Design and Make Assignment 2 Building on skills from Assignment 1, Extending on how to achieve the higher grades in coursework Design and Make Assignment 1 Design and Make Introduction to skills needed for GCSE Assignment 2 Coursework and knowledge base Building on skills from Assignment 1, Extending on how to achieve the higher grades in coursework GCSE coursework

Summer 1 2014

Summer 2 2014 Start GCSE coursework

Start GCSE coursework

Exam Preparation

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