Externally Reported Data 2014-15 Academic Year. Please find below the report detailing the academic child outcomes of MCPA’s first year of operation. In addition to the children’s successes in academic aspects, they have also made significant progress socially and linguistically. We are extremely proud of the achievements of our children and staff in securing these outcomes and are ambitious to maintain such high standards as we grow into our new building. At the time of publishing, 2015 national data had not yet been released, so comparative figures are given for the year before.
Year 1 Phonics Screening: Pass rate: MCPA 76.9% National 2014: 74% Manchester 2014: 72.3% Summary of Phonics Screening: Only 3 children who took the phonics test were not able to achieve the pass mark of 33/40, resulting in +2.9% against the 2014 national average and +4.6% within the authority.
Reception Attainment Figures: Good Level of Development : MCPA 63.6% National 2014: 60% Manchester 2014: 52.9% Average Point score: MCPA 35.9 pts
National 2014: 33.8
Reception Achievement (Progress) Figures: Average progress made: MCPA 8.67pts
National Expectation: 4pts
Summary of reception data: Following successful external moderation of the MPCA staff’s assessment judgements, the level of childrens’ progress has been confirmed as considerably higher than the national expectation. The attainment figures for MCPA are 3.6% higher than last year’s national good level of development and 10.7% higher than Manchester. Previous trends suggest that these figures will rise this year and that MCPA’s GLD will be broadly in line with national and considerably higher than Manchester’s average.