H&W cooking

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Curriculum Area /Content

Health and Wellbeing- Cooking and Catering

Year 7 Cookery/Catering Â

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 7

Introduction to cookery at MCA. The unit of work being studied is 'Healthy Habits'. The practical focus within this unit of work is basic cookery skills and the theory focus is the eatwell plate. Each week students will be introduced to a different ingredient for example: vegetables in week 2, chicken in week 3, mince in week 4, baking ingredients in week 5, and an unusual vegetable amongst this age group (sweet potato) in week 6. Practical skills include frying, boiling, using the grill, shaping, whisking, weighing, measuring, pouring, enrobing and presentation skills. Within this unit of work students will produce a range of dishes including vegetable stir fry, chicken fajitas, beef koftas, pancakes, thai green curry and breaded chicken goujons and sweet potato fries.

This is a repeat of Autumn 1 with the other half of the year 7 cohort who were studying 'Health' during Autumn 1

During this half term students will study a 'Multicultural Meals' unit of work which focuses on nutrition and provenance of food/ingredients. This will enable them to recap and build on skills introduced in the first term and will also allow for the introduction of new skills. This unit of work enables students to broaden their horizons and learn the multicultural influences of some of the most popular dishes in the UK today. In comparision to their Autumn lessons, these lessons include two component dishes/higher skills. The dishes to be produced include Italian pasta bake, Chicago town non yeast pizza, Chinese bourbon chicken with noodles, Indian chicken tikka skewers and vegetable couscous, Jamaican Jerk meatballs with yellow rice and a Valentine special - love cakes.

This is a repeat of Spring 1 with the other half of the year 7 cohort who were studying 'Health' during Spring 1

This is a finale to the year whereby students make challenging dishes using all the guidance and information provided to them throughout the year. This unit of work is called 'What makes Britain Great' and focuses on popular dishes from around Great Britain including Scones from England, Cottage Pie from Wales, wheaten bread from Ireland and scotch egg from Scotland. Students will also plan and produce their very own great british dish taking account of nutrition and provenance of ingredients chosen.

This is a repeat of Summer 1 with the other half of the year 7 cohort who were studying 'Health' during Summer 1

Year 8 Cooking/Catering

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Year 8

• Healthy Habits: Following the summer break, students are given the opportunity to polish up on basic skills this half term and develop some new skills whilst focusing on producing meals with a healthy twist. Some of the skills covered within this unit of work include frying, boiling, blending, baking, scooping, mashing, folding, grating, proving, kneading and rubbing in. The dishes on the menu for year 8s this half term include Thai green curry and rice, wholemeal spaghetti bolognese, cockaleekie soup, loaded potato skils, chilli and homemade tortillas, carrot cake, wholemeal pizza and a Hallowe'en special of witches fingers.

• This is a repeat of Autumn 1 with the other half of the year 8 cohort who were studying 'Health' during Autumn 1.

• During this half term • This is a repeat of students will study a Spring 1 with the other 'Multicultural Meals' unit of half of the year 8 work. This will enable them cohort who were to recap and build on skills studying 'Health' during introduced in the first term Spring 1. and will also allow for the introduction of new skills. This unit of work enables students to broaden their horizons and learn the multicultural influences of some of the most popular dishes in the UK today. This unit of work encourages students to focus on two component dishes/higher skill dishes. On the menu this half term is Danish Marble cake, German pretzels, Jamaican patties, American burger, Japanese Katsu curry and rice.

Summer 1

Summer 2

• Preparing for Key Stage • Four. In this unit, students focus on moving from two to three component dishes involving a higher set of skills than they have demonstrated before. This unit of work is to prepare them for key stage four with a long term view of future employment. On the menu for this half term is making homemade pasta in a pasta workshop, making homemade pastry in a pastry workshop, lasagne with homemade pasta and white sauce, chelsea buns. This year will culminate in a Ready Steady Cook finale to showcase the talents of the students.

This is a repeat of Summer 1 with the other half of the year 8 cohort who were studying 'Health' during Summer 1

Year 9 Cooking/Catering

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 9

• In this unit of work, students are virtually visiting a different style of catering establishment each week to amalyse the different type of dishes on offer. This is enabling key stage 3 students to make the transition into key stage 4 providing them with an opportunity to put learning into context. The menu includes curry and side dishes from Akbars Indian Restaurant, Bella Italia spaghetti bolognese, Nandos butterflied chicken, peri peri chips, luso beans and macho peas, bread influenced by Martin's bakery, decorative cakes inspired by Patisserie Valerie and Chinese sweet 'n' sour chicken.

• In this unit of work students will be producing a range of high skilled and multi component dishes, whilst studying the eatwell plate and linking each dish to a different section of the plate. At the same time students will be investigating the nutritional considerations for these dishes including GDA as well as the provenance of the ingredients they use looking at seasonality. On the menu will be a Hallowe'en themed curry, Roast dinner, apple crumble, lasagne, calzone, fruit pie and cottage pie.

• In this unit of work students will be investigating the five mother sauces during the practical element of their lessons and health, safety and hygiene during the theory lessons.

• We introduce this half term with a nutritionist from Manchester council coming into school to discuss food labelling and the traffic light system and how that assists in making healthier food choices. Students will then begin a provenance unit where we will cover factors including home grown, rearing, seasonality and social and environmental factors affecting food choice. This will include a food miles investigation and a range of practicals including deboning and filleting a fish

• Students will develop • their understanding of the provenance of food, looking into organic and fairtrade products and developing practicals using these ingredients. Students will then look into maanufactured foods and how these foods are produced in industry as well as comparing the nutritional value of manufactured foods to "homemade dishes" in the classroom

Students will develop an understanding of the factors that affect food choice including special dietary needs for health and religious reasons, looking at how to develop recipes to suit those with particular needs and also look at ethical and moral reasons surrounding vegetarians and vegans

Year 10 Cooking/Catering Â

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1


Year 10

This half term focuses on international cuisine and two course meals. This will set the context for their coursework later this half term . The lessons have been planned around three main focus points practical skills, coursework and exam technique. Lessons will be delivered in a way that enables students to use their coursework completion to consolidate exam content.

Lessons this half term will again focus around three main focus points practical skills, coursework completion and exam technique. Students will work independently within controlled assessment lessons, each investigating their own unique range of countries.

This half term focuses on completion of practical examinations ensuring all necessary preparation has been made by the students.

This half term students will complete their coursework and focus on revision for final exam in June, concentrating on exam technique

Lessons this half Final GCSE Exam term will consist of revision for final exam, concentrating on exam technique

Year 11 Cooking/Catering Â

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1


Year 11

This half term focuses on international cuisine and two course meals. This will set the context for their coursework later this half term . The lessons have been planned around three main focus points practical skills, coursework and exam technique. Lessons will be delivered in a way that enables students to use their coursework completion to consolidate exam content.

Lessons this half term will again focus around three main focus points practical skills, coursework completion and exam technique. Students will work independently within controlled assessment lessons, each investigating their own unique range of countries

This half term focuses on completion of practical examinations ensuring all necessary preparation has been made by the students

This half term students will complete their coursework and focus on revision for final exam in June, concentrating on exam technique

Lessons this half Final GCSE Exam term will consist of revision for final exam, concentrating on exam technique

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