MCPA 2015-16 Parent and Families – Annual Review Dear Parent/ carer This year has been an exciting year for Manchester Communication Primary Academy; we moved into our new school, welcomed new staff and children throughout the year and more than tripled in size. I would like to take this opportunity to share information with you; in addition a recording has been added to our website to show our children’s year in images. Numbers on role Sep-16 Nursery
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
We are now in the pleasing position of being almost full in all year groups apart from year 2. We have a waiting list for nursery and nursery places for September 2017 are already been allocated. Over 95% of our nursery cohort has joined our reception class which is excellent in terms of continuity for the children.
Curriculum Development EYFS children (nursery and reception) will continue to work towards/ exceeding the early learning goals. We are however implementing more challenging learning in the reception year to ensure that the children are ready to access the demanding KS1 curriculum in year 1; there will be more emphasis on reading, writing, mathematics and communication. We will continue to use the ‘Letters and Sounds’ system for phonics and children will continue to learn phonics in ability not age related groups. We currently use the Oxford Reading Scheme for EYFS and KS1 children and again this will continue into 2016/17. For reading and writing all learning will centre on high quality texts and KS1 & 2 children will receive spelling, punctuation and grammar sessions. In terms of mathematics we have moved to a new approach using ‘Maths No Problem’. This research-based approach emphasises problem solving enabling children to develop a relational understanding of mathematics. The foundation subjects are taught within projects which enable children to apply their learning; each project starts with an exciting hook and ends with a celebration that will involve parents.
New to KS2 – children in year 2 will get the opportunity to have swimming lessons next year, take part in Forest School session and we would like each year 3 child to take part in at least one extra – curricular activity next year. More information can be found on our website under your child’s class area. 2015-16 Outcomes Context: The current MCPA cohort of children is complex; over the last 2 years the student population of MCPA has risen from 12 to 144. The result of this rise is that 99 (69%) of the current 144 children did not join MCPA at the usual age of 4 years old. 64 of these 99 children have English as an additional language with the majority having arrived new to the country in the last 2 years. Other children have transferred to MCPA due to re-locating to Manchester, dissatisfaction with their previous school or for convenience. Externally reported data: EYFS: Good level of Development. 75% of MCPA’s reception cohort achieved or exceeded the national standard of a ‘Good level of Development’; this is 11% higher than the national average from 2015 and 12% higher than MCPA in 2015.
Y1: Phonics screening check. 76% of the children taking the screening check this year passed, of the children who were taking the test in Y2, 87% passed. For the majority of these children, this was their first opportunity to take the test, having been educated in other countries previously. Y2: SATs results. Reading 51.2% (12% exceeding)
Writing 51.2% (5% exceeding)
Maths 63.4% (20% exceeding)
Overall 51.2%
Although we are still awaiting the national average percentage for Reading, Writing and Maths, we do know that the KS2 un-validated results have an average of 53%; this would suggest that MCPA’s first year of SATs is very close to national average. A very good result when the context is considered:
38% of the cohort joined MCPA during Y2.
100% of the cohort joined MCPA after EYFS education.
73% of the cohort has English as an additional language.
51% of the cohort took phonics screening as they were either not in education in Y1 or did not pass in Y1.
Internal progress: Progress is measured across MCPA using a bespoke assessment system, within this system we would expect that children make at least 3 ‘steps’ in order to stay on track. Across all year groups and subjects and average of 3.7 steps was seen. Conclusion: The senior leaders and governors of MCPA are pleased with this year’s outcomes, those which are outlined above and the personal progress which our children have made; we believe that they reflect the hard work which our staff and children have put in over the year and are a positive sign of things to come. Detail of how pupil premium and additional sports funding can be found on our website. Parent Involvement We hope that parents and carers feel welcome and well-informed. We have has several well attended events across the year including celebration events, parent teacher reviews, health and learning workshops and open events. Mr Reed currently holds parent focus group meeting and we hope that more parents can get involved next year.
Feedback from the parents (June 2016)
Some parents did comment that they would like more homework for their children. Academy policy is for the children to complete a piece of literacy and mathematics homework in addition to spellings and daily reading. If more homework is needed then please visit our website that has a section called ‘More Homework Please’ you will find additional downloadable homework there. Staffing A Sad Goodbye We are saying goodbye to some of our children who are moving area – we wish them well in their new schools and will support their transition. We are also saying goodbye to two members of staff Miss. Fabian, our lovely admin and business lead has secured a job in a college closer to home – we wish her good luck in her new role. Miss Abdalla, year 1 teaching assistant is leaving to complete a masters’ degree in renewable energy at Dundee University; she has been awarded a full scholarship! Again we wish her well. A Warm Welcome We are delighted to welcome Mrs Drury as KS1 phase leader and Miss Reid who is joining the KS1 team. In conclusion, can we thank you for your continued support as we prepare for September and another fantastic year. Sue Farrimond