Dear Parent/ Carer, We have a lovely start to the school term this week; we are delighted with all of our children who have been quick to settle and make new friends. The children have been polite, thoughtful and eager to learn; they are a credit to you! I would also like to thank the MCPA staff team who have worked really hard to make the children’s first week of school a success. Working together -‐ If you need to have a chat with a member of staff you can do this in the morning before school or after school; however, if you do need to discuss something in private or at length we would be grateful if you could make an appointment. Attendance and punctuality -‐ has been fantastic this week -‐100%; if you do need to make a medical appointment for your child we would be grateful if you could try to make it after school. We do have a school nurse who is able to assess children if they feel unwell and recommend treatments; she can also support any medical needs. British weather -‐ is as you know unpredictable! We may still have some sunny days ahead of us, so can you please make sure that your child has a hat and sun protection if sun is forecasted and a warm coat for when it turns colder. Food and drink –the children are provided with healthy snacks and water and milk during the morning. A free healthy meal (Halal and vegetarian options are always available) is provided at lunchtime, please find the next two weeks’ menu detailed below. If your child really does not like the hot meal we can offer a sandwich; we would be grateful if you could let us know if there is a day that you would prefer your child to have a sandwich. Children can drink water throughout the day whenever they wish. Celebration – Each Friday at 1:45pm you are welcome to come and see what your child has been learning. We will also send home, via email, your child’s learning profile throughout the year. Each week we will reward two children who have really excelled; they will take home a certificate and a book to keep at home. All of our children have earned a certificate today! Have a lovely weekend Sue Farrimond (Principal)
A message from Miss Chick We have all had a busy week at MCPA. We have learnt each other’s names and settled very well into our daily routine. All the children have taken part in a variety of activities, from writing, counting, dancing, drama, painting and P.E; it has been a fun, busy week! All the children have been rewarded throughout the week for excellent behaviour and respecting each other. I am very proud of them all. Lunch menu
Main meal
Beef Lasagne
Turkey & Vegetable Pie
Lamb Korma
Roast Turkey, Stuffing and Gravy
Battered Fish
Quorn Chilli
Cauliflower, Broccoli and Sweet Potato Bake
Pasta in Tomato and Basil Sauce
Cheese Whirl
Vegetable Chow Mein
Vegetables & Salad
Garden Peas/Mixed Salad
Mixed Veg/Mixed Salad
Sweetcorn/Mixed Carrots and Mushy Salad Cabbage/Mixed Peas/Mixed Salad Salad
Marble Sponge with Custard/ Chocolate Crispie Crunch/Orange Cookie
Eves Pudding & Custard/ Iced Finger/ Chocolate Shortbread
Pear & Chocolate Sponge/ Jelly and Peaches/ Melting Moments
Sticky Toffee Pudding & Custard/ Muffin/ Fruit Flapjack
Cornflake Tart & Custard/ Rice Crispie Bar/ Cookie