Science and Technology
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Manchester Communication Academy Subject: GCSE Additional Applied Science Exam Board: OCR Written Exam: Exam date: 12/6/15 and 15/6/15 2 x 1 hr papers worth a total of 40% The exam is presented as a series of short answer and longer answer questions. Extended writing questions are worth 6 marks and there may be two on the paper. Each paper contains a mixture of questions from all three sciences and are worth a total of 100 marks.
Practical- What %age of overall grade? Practical assessment is worth 60% of the overall grade and is calculated from a science work related portfolio that consists of controlled assessment in standard procedures, suitability test and a work related report. All coursework will be completed by Easter. There are a total of 120 marks available for the coursework element of the course. Any other information you feel may be relevant‌ Students are encouraged to attend after school sessions to ensure that they do not fall behind with coursework. Although we will provide plenty of practice exam papers, further papers are available at Our Support Package Support is offered in lessons from both the class teacher and support teachers. This includes teaching in small focus groups. Students are also encouraged to visit The Workshop where they can study independently or book in with a teacher for one to one sessions. Students are also invited to attend one to one sessions during half term holidays and after school. What students should be doing at home? Students need to complete their revision based on the revision schedule below. They should also be completing the exam questions in their workbook. Students can also make flash cards for each topic and revise key words. Students should answer past exam papers and self-mark using the relevant mark scheme. Revision schedule‌.
Useful websites: BBC Bitesize How parents can support their child‌. It would be beneficial to the students if someone at home could test them regularly on their revised topics and make sure that they stay on track with their revision schedule as well as checking that the student is up to date with their coursework. Science and Technology
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Science and Technology
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