Secret Garden… All the EYFS staff would like to welcome you back after the Easter Holidays. The children have all grown so much! This term we will be getting GREEN FINGERS! We are looking at growth and how flowers grow and we will be gardening in our own Nursery plot of land! Inside the setting we have our Nursery Garden Centre and our small world area is a ‘Secret Garden’ where fairies will come and visit us and leave special things for us to find!
Over the next few days your child’s spring observation report shall be coming home for you to look at. The photographs are wonderful and they show you what lovely learning your child does throughout the Nursery week. Please share this report with your child and talk about what they have done! Our special news this week is that all 5 of our caterpillars turned into butterflies over the holidays and the children waved goodbye to them today as they flew away… As always, our door is always open for you to come and talk with any of the EYFS team if you have any concerns or worries.