Curriculum Area /Content
Year 7
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Year 7
Global Understanding Project (Incorporates Humanities and Languages)
Beyond Belief (Religious Education and Citizenship)
Claimants to the Throne (History)
Extreme Environments (Geography)
Ethical Exploration (Religious Education and Citizenship)
The Tudors: Beheading, Burning and Betrayal (History)
• Hablo Espanol/ ParlezVous Francais • Introduction to French and Spanish • Where are French and Spanish spoken? • What are the characteristics of the countries where French and Spanish are spoken. • Geography of the world inc continents. • Location and knowledge of place – Africa/ South America
•Values – What are they? How do they link to us and MCA? •What is belief? What does belief mean to you? •The 6 main religions: Christianity/ Islam/ Judasim/ Hinduism/ Sikhism/ Buddhism
• Why people had claim to the throne • Battle of Hastings – Why did William invade England? What factors contributed to his victory? • How William of Normandy gained and kept control of the country – - Building of castles -Doomsday book -Fuedal system Language
• Tropical climate – -wildlife -Tribes -The plight of the rainforest • Arctic environments • How do humans cope with the cold? • Climate change
•Human Rights •Police •Current news stories such as the migrant crisis •Exploring moral and ethical issues to form balanced opinions
• How did the Tudors come into power? • Henry’s reign • Henry wives and lifestyle • Bloody Mary
Year 8
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Year 8
Industrial Revolution (History)
Population Explosion (Geography)
• Rural England • The Industrial Revolution -Impact of technology -Working conditions -Living conditions -Modern impact of the Industrial Revolution.
Push and Pull factors Megacities Slums World Population
•Wealth and Poverty Problems caused by poverty Christian, Sikh and Muslim responses to wealth and poverty Humanism
Short and long term cause of the war Trench Warfare Lions led by Donkeys Peace/ Treaty of Versailles
Disasters around the world Earthquakes Tsunamis Hurricanes oFlooding Causes and effects of disasters
Examples of evil and suffering in the world Moral and Natural Evil Christian and Buddhism responses to evil and suffering Real life examples of how people put their beliefs into action
Year 9
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Year 9 GCSE History Foundation
USA (From GCSE Module) Civil Rights
GCSE Geography Foundation
The Development of the USA •Civil Rights Movement •Emancipation and abolition •Jim Crow Laws •Klu Klux Klan •NAACP •Black Power •Political changes in the USA
Spring 2
Summer 1
The Development of Germany in the USA Transition
Germany in Transition
Germany in Transition
The Development of the USA
•The great depression •Post World War 2 developments •Social Change
•Nazi’s – How did they consolidate their power? •Nazi economic, social and racial policies.
•Nazi methods of control •Hitler’s foreign policy
•Overview of World War 2 •Cold War •Search for world peace
Urban and Rural processes Urban and Rural and change in the UK – part processes and change in the UK – 1 Where is Manchester? What is it like? How does part 2 it compare to other UK cities? •How is a typical city structured? •How does shopping change the urban landscape? •Case study focus: Manchester •Fieldwork focus: Impact of out of town retailing on smaller town centres
How are UK towns/cities changing? •What happened to Manchester Docks and the mills in Ancoats? •How are inner-city areas being regenerated? •How are rural areas changing? •Case study focus: Manchester •Skills focus: OS map reading
Spring 1
•Impact of the first World War •Recovery of the Weimar •Nazi rise to power
Urbanisation – Urbanisation – cause and effect – cause and effect part 1 – part 2 •Why is the world becoming more urban? •What are the reasons for this global phenomenon? •What is the impact/challenges of this growth on cities at different levels of development? •Case study focus: Mumbai, India (NIC) •Skills focus: Using maps/data
•How can we reduce inequality and improve people’s lives in global cities? •How can global cities be made more sustainable? •Case study focus: London, UK (HIC) •Skills focus: Using maps/data
Global perspective Shaping the landscape, on development Rivers and river issues management •What are global patterns of development? •How and why have countries become more interdependent? •What are the causes and consequences of uneven development? •What are the advantages and disadvantages of MNCs? •Case study focus: UK (HIC), India (NIC) and Kenya (LIC) •Skills focus: Using maps/data
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How does a river change from source to mouth? •Why do rivers flood and what are the consequences? •How can flood risk be managed? •How can the drainage basin of a river be managed to reduce the risk of flooding? •Why is river flood management often controversial? •Case study focus: Carlisle, Cumbria Skills focus: DME
Year 10- History
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Year 10
Germany In Transition 19191947
How was life in Germany affected by the war years ? Early impact of war years – Blitzkrieg The Home Front Treatment of Jews during World War Two – Einsatzgruppen, the Final Solution Latter years of the war – Total War, role of the Volksturm
Part A Pre-WW1. What was was the role of women pre 1914?
Weapons and tactics The Elizabethan Age – what was the 1558-1603 Lifestyles of rich and poor military How did life differ for the rich and in Elizabethan times thinking/strategy in poor Contrasting lifestyles of rich and poor; homes and fashion; causes of WW1?
How did developments in Germany from 191929 affect the rise of the Nazis ? How and why did Hitler get appointed Chancellor in January 1933 ? How did the Nazis consolidate their power during 1933-1934 ? How did Nazi social and economic policy affect life in Germany ? How did Nazi political control affect life in Germany ?
• How did Nazi racial and religious policy affect life in Germany ? • How was life in Germany affected by the war years ? • How much opposition was there to the Nazis during the war years ? • How difficult were conditions in Germany following total defeat in the war ?
How much opposition was there to the Nazis during the war years ? Opposition from civilians - youth and religious groups Opposition from the military How difficult were conditions in Germany following total defeat in the war ? Defeat of Germany - Nuremberg Trials De-nazification and division Controlled Assessment Part A (800 words). The Impact of WW1 on Women’s Lives. Pupils INVESTIGATE the role of women before WW1.
Change & Continuity – 1914-16. Jobs, money and status. How did women’s lives change during this period? 1916-18. The Vote, munitions and Land girls. The extent of change. Did women’s lives change that much? Source analysis – analyse 5 sources and complete CA (Part A) Part B (1, 200) Was General Haig a ‘Butcher’ or ‘Hero’. Historical interpretation exercise. What is an interpretation? What influences such interpretations? Background to WW1 and type of warfare used before WW1.
The Somme – was it a massacre or tactical gain? Haig Interpretations of his actions – Butcher and hero. Source analysis. Complete CA.
The Elizabethan Age 1558-1603 Elizabethan government How successful was the government of Elizabeth I? The coronation and popularity of Elizabeth; Royal Court, Privy Council and councillors; local government; the role of Parliament; taxation and freedom of speech
poverty; issue of unemployment and vagrancy; government legislation including the Poor Law 1601 Popular entertainment What were the most popular types of entertainment in Elizabethan times? The importance of popular entertainment; cruel sports; the Elizabethan theatre; design, plays; attitudes towards the theatre
Year 10- Geography
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Year 10
Weather and Climate
Climate Change
What are the differences in climate within the UK? •What factors create the variations in weather and climate experienced within and around the British Isles?
What are the causes of and evidence for climate change? •What is the greenhouse effect and how have people’s actions affected this process? •How conclusive is the range of evidence for climate change?
Why does the nature of tourism differ between one place and another? •What are the factors both physical and human, that affect the nature of tourism? •In what ways and why is tourism changing?
Retail and urban (build on K&U from Y9)
Water DME (practice) Climate Change (build on K&U from Y9) DME Controlled How should rivers be Assessment managed? 15% GCSE
How does the weather create hazards for people? •What are these weather hazards associated with high and low air pressure systems over the British Isles and with tropical storms? •How do weather hazards affect people, the economy and the environment? Can we manage weather hazards? •How can technology be used to (i) forecast extreme weather and (ii) to reduce the impact of its effects?
What are the alternative futures? •What are the possible effects of climate change? •Why are the effects of climate changes so unfair to LICs? •How can technology be used and people’s lifestyles changed to reduce the impact of climate change?
What are the impacts of tourism? •What are the impacts of the development of tourism on: - people and the economy? - the environment? •Benidorm, Spain •Phuket, Thailand How can tourism be developed in a sustainable fashion? •Lake District National Park •Ecotourism - Kenya
In what different ways are European city centres being renewed? •How are European city centres changing? •What are the effects of city centre changes on their day time and night time geographies? What are the current patterns of retailing in European cities? •Where does retailing occur in the city? •How is retailing changing and what effects does this have upon people and the environment? How do changes in European consumer choice have a global impact? •What are the impacts of increasing consumer choice on people in developing countries, and on the global environment?
•How successful are different management approaches to the problem of flooding? •Should we change our approach to river and floodplain management in the future DME practice question: •What is the most sustainable option to reduce the impact of flooding in Carlisle
How can technology be used and people’s lifestyles changed to reduce the impact of climate change?? DME practice question: •What is the best combination of transport changes to get MCA staff who usually drive to work (on their own) to reduce their carbon footprint?
Year 11- History
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Elizabethan Age 1558-1603
Elizabethan Age 1558-1603
Exam Prep and Revision
Exam Prep and Revision
USA Political, social & economic charges
• Germany in transition
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Elizabethan government How successful was the government of Elizabeth I? The coronation and popularity of Elizabeth; Royal Court, Privy Council and councillors; local government; the role of Parliament; taxation and freedom of speech Lifestyles of rich and poor How did life differ for the rich and poor in Elizabethan times Contrasting lifestyles of rich and poor; homes and fashion; causes of poverty; issue of unemployment and vagrancy; government legislation including the 1601 Poor Law Popular entertainment What were the most popular types of entertainment in Elizabethan times? The importance of popular entertainment; cruel sports; the Elizabethan theatre; design, plays; attitudes towards the theatre The problem of religion How successfully did Elizabeth deal with the problem of religion? Religious problems in 1559; aims of the Religious Settlement; the ‘Middle Way’, Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity; reactions to the Settlement
Lifestyles of rich and poor How did life differ for the rich and poor in Elizabethan times Contrasting lifestyles of rich and poor; homes and fashion; courses of poverty; issue of unemployment and vagrancy; government legislation including the 1601 Poor Law Popular entertainment What were the most popular types of entertainment in Elizabethan times? The importance of popular entertainment; cruel sports; the Elizabethan theatre; design, plays; attitudes towards the theatre The problem of religion How successfully did Elizabeth deal with the problem of religion? Religious problems in 1559; aims of the Religious Settlement; the “Middle Way”, Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity; reactions to the Settlement The Puritan threat Why did the Puritans become an increasing threat during Elizabeth’s reign? Puritanism; challenge to the Settlement; Puritan opposition in Parliament and Privy Council; measures taken to deal with the Puritan challenge The Catholic threat Why were the Catholics such a serious threat to Elizabeth? Early toleration; excommunication in 1570; recusancy rebellion of Northern Earls; Throckmorton, Babington; role of Mary Queen of Scots The Spanish Armada How much of a threat was the Spanish Armada? Reasons for the Armada; war in the Netherlands; course of the Armada- events in the Channel, Calais, “fireships” and return to Spain, results of the Armada
• The race issue • Foreign policy
• Elizabethan Age
Year 11- Geography
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2
Year 11
Weather & Climate
Exam Prep & Revision
Exam Prep & Revision
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What are the differences in climate within the UK? How does the weather create hazards for people? Can we manage weather hazards?
• What are river processes and what landforms do they create? • How should rivers be managed?
Water Basin Management • What is the most sustainable option to reduce the impact of flooding in Carlisle? Unit 1 Exam Prep and Revision • Water • Development • Population • Climate Change Unit 2 Exam Prep & Revision(workshops) • Retail and urban change • Weather and climate
• Globalisation • Active Zone
Paper 1 Mock exam-week beginning 22/2/16 Paper2 Mock exam- week beginning 29/2/16 Revision homework topics and work shop topics to be decided at end of Spring 1
• Tourism • Retail & Urban Change Revision homework topics and work shops topics to be decided at the end of Spring 2