KPetrocheilou Portfolio

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Arc hit e c t ure por t f olio Katerina Pe t roc he ilou

This is m e



volunt e e ring

2011-2013_ University of Patras, Greece, Department of Architecture, Master degree Diploma (grade 8.5/10) 2007-2011_ University of Patras, Greece, Department of Architecture, Bachelor degree Diploma 2010-2011_ Erasmus exchange program in Guimarães, Portugal 1995-2007_ Anavissos public schools (grade 19.3/20)

09 2013-now_ MONUMENTA program “Recording and Promotion of the 19th and 20th century’s buildings in Athens” 11 2013_ Athens Photo Festival 07 2013_ Astrocamping in Thassos island, Greece (reception) 11 2012-01 2013_ AIESEC Greece Team member

work ex per ienc e 2014 11-now_ BOARD (Bureau Of Architecture Research and Design), Rotterdam (6 months internship- 3 months internship+) 2013-2014_ participation in the research program about vegetation and landscape in 3 archaeological sites in Greece, in collaboration with the Agricultural University of Athens (supervisor: dr. Maria Papafotiou) (one year) 2012_ Polyanna Paraskeva and Associates, Athens (2 months internship) 2009_ Point Supreme Architects, Athens (2 months internship)

co mpet itions 2015_ Child friendly public space in Ukraine ( - International architectural competition 2015_ Cool school - design for an extreme climate (buildingtrustinternational. org) - Open competition 2014_ Redesigning the Piraeus coast - collaboration with FFF Architects - 3rd prize! 2014_ Unknown Porto (revistaunidade. com) - Call for Projects 2014_ Rome motorino check point ( - young graduates competition 2012_ Sustainable market square in Casablanca ( - student competition 2011_ Tourist accommodation prototype in Santorini ( - student competition 2010_ Park design in Athens (new green park) - student competition

e x hibit ions wor ks hops - s e m ina rs 2014_ Participation in the exhibition Imagine the City Patras 2014 2014_ MEeting of Design Students Dublin: The Casino Marino Pavillion 2014_ 3d print taxonomies Workshop by formDEcode research center 2013_ learning processing and eclipse seminars 2012_ AB-Use workshop (University of Patras), learning about parametric methods in architecture (Maya, MEL programming language) 2011_ Participation in the exhibition “Design 2011: ecology - new technologies” with the Foukas-Matrakidou architectural office, Athens 2011_ “Defensive architecture in Peloponnese” conference 2011_ Ecoweek workshop: Architecture for Humanity group 2009_ Design Lab: Lighting Lab seminar, Ecoarchitecture seminar

la ngua ge s greek_ mother tongue english_ fluent (CEFR B2 level) french_ fluent (CEFR B2 level) italian_ fluent (CEFR B2 level) spanish_ fluent (CEFR C2 level) special knowledge about spanish culture (3 months course (2013) in the Instituto Cervantes de Atenas) portuguese_ basic communication (Beginner’s level course during Erasmus period) dutch_ 3 months elenentary course

s of t w a re s kills Autodesk Autocad 2014

{ 2D 3D

3D studio Max with Vray Maya(MayaEmbeddedLanguage) Revit Ecotect Adobe

Photoshop InDesign Illustrator Microsoft Open

} Office

Rhinoceros 3D 3d printing Processing Programming language Eclipse Grasshopper DIALux evo Artlantis Sketchup Operating systems Windows Mac OS

hobbie s photography (digital and analog)_ 06 2014_“Just one” exhibition, A-thens (participation) 10 2013-now_ member of Metapolis photography group, Athens 05 2013_2nd Patras Photomarathon with Honorable mention 05 2012_1st Patras Photomarathon lindy hop swing dancing tennis traveling around almost all Europe, a bit of Asia and Africa watching 1001 movies you must see before you die reading crime novels, mathematics fiction books etc. constant learner through , and similar open courses

p .04

2014-15_BOARD, Rotterdam MONU magazine, Rotterdam

p .14

2013-14_Ancient landscape Agricultural University of Athens

p .15

2009_Contribution Point Supreme Architects, Athens

p .16

2015_ Find your play! Child friendly space Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

p .18

2014_ The unknown Porto Revista Unidade Inbetween - Maia Circus

p .20

2012_burj souquare AC-CA Casablanca Sustainable Market Square

p .22

2013_Open sustainability museum and park in the fortress of Rion (Project Thesis)

p .26

2012_Living (and Playing) in the City _Case study in Patras (Theoretical Thesis)

p .28

2011-2012_Physical Architecture Structures for environmental education

p .30

2014_Global Green: MEDS Casino Marino Pavilion

p .31

2014_FormDecode 3d print taxonomies

p .32

2007-now_ photography

p .34

2007-now_model making




university projects


professional experience

This Por f olio inc lude s

I am a passionate young architect from Athens, Greece, currently living in Rotterdam, Netherlands, in order to discover different mentalities and ways of working. I am capable to deal with different kind of projects in small or big scale. During my studies and the work experience I already have, I learned how to be effective in team work, achieving difficult goals, and communicate with people from different countries. I got improved through travelling abroad (almost all Europe) and Erasmus exchange program in Portugal. I never missed the opportunity of attending Seminars, Workshops and Lectures all over Greece, concerning Architecture and also hobbies that I love, such as photography and arts.


School extension | 2015 | Geesthacht, DE | International Architecture Competition | © Board | team: Bernd Upmeyer, Apostolia Sofiadi

[2nd A re al c onne c t ion: bridge a nd s qua re




To unite the two existing separate schools into one, BOARD proposed a 120m long and 1 floor high bridge building that connects the schools both spatially and functionally. The new building will be clearly identifiable from all directions and provide the new united school a specific identity, an address and a welcoming character. Since the sports areas between the schools already function as connecting elements, BOARD added another ‘sports area’ in the form of a 100m running track inside of the new building to the existing school areas. In the middle of the existing stairway between the two existing schools and directly under the multifunctional room of the new building, BOARD proposed a central school square. The column-free building is conceived as a flexible learning and working landscape. Between the rooms there are always common areas or common rooms, which allow, together with the connecting corridor, synergies between the different usages, as spaces can be grouped and expanded. In that way, social areas and rooms for independent learning and working are created. The openness and transparency of the spaces can be changed flexibly over time with the help of opaque lightweight walls or transparent glass walls, and allow possibilities that range from the traditional teacher lecture to alternative forms of teaching with an open classroom, where students can devote themselves independently to a learning project.



Bertha-von-Suttner Platz 35.55m

1 2 3 4 5 6 7








Sekretariat Gemeinschaftsraum


Koordinat. Schulleitung

Stufenleitung Archiv

Stellv. Schulleit.

Elternsprechz. Arztzimmer

Multifunktionsraum Lehrmittel





Gruppenraum Gruppenraum 46.40m



Gemeinschaftsraum 43.75m

41.83m Kiosk

Bertha-von-Suttner Platz 35.55m

scale 1.1000

Glass partition Lightweight wall







adaptability and evolution of the classrooms

Green roof Aluminium sheet Steel beams Wooden acoustic panel Sun protection stainless steel tissue

Triple glazing

Wooden bench Radiator Wooden floor Composite steel and concrete floor Aluminium sheet Downlight

Chair from the chair stock

detail of the facade scale 1.100


Wien Museum Neu | 2015 | | Open 2-phase Design Competition | Š Board | team: Bernd Upmeyer

U nder the squa re a nd ove r t he t re e s


The museum of Vienna is currently located in Karlsplatz among other important buildings, such as the University and the Musikverein. But also in a place that is considered to be the centre of the drug scene in the city. We propose the extension of the building, preserving the facades and the main features of the existing situation, underground as well as in the square with pavilion like forms. The central foyer is opened to an auditorium that leads the visitor underground where he can visit the temporal exhibitions in an adaptable space, that gives him the opportunity to access the pavilions that host the permanent exhibitions. In the level of the park the museum opens up with more possibilities to enter the exhibitions or have a coffee and taste the sacher torte, in the coffee places. There is also the possibility to admire a view to the city and dance waltz in the Vienna room and terrace in one of the pavilions. More pavilions that are independent from the use of the museum are proposed to be spread in the square as a continuation of the already existing, such as the Wagner pavilions.



MONU Magazine #22 | 2015 | | interview transcription | © MONU magazine | team: Bernd Upmeyer, Beatriz Ramo

Inte r view of Je a n-L ouis M is s ika


In the past century, the rise of globalism, of relatively cheap international transport, and above all, of the “world city” has fundamentally changed the way we think about citizenship and the nation state. To accommodate that change, we have also had to invent a new kind of “Transnational Urbanism”: at the more esoteric end of this scale are ideas such as JG Ballard’s “city of the 21st century,” a geographically scattered “city” made up of the interconnected no-man’s-land of international airports, which was recently exemplified by Eduardo Cassina and Liva Dudareva’s hypothetical proposal for Moscow’s Central Business district. At the other end of the scale are pragmatic choices that must be made by cities such as New York, London and Hong Kong that truly affect the lives of people not just living in the city, but around the world. To probe this topic, MONU Magazine has dedicated their latest issue to the topic of Transnational Urbanism. In this extract from the magazine, MONU’s Bernd Upmeyer and Beatriz Ramo interview French sociologist and Assistant Mayor of Paris Jean-Louis Missika to discover how the city is positioning itself as a 21st century global city, and how it is absorbing and adopting change in everything from the creative class to smart cities and 3D Printing. source:



Floating Theatre | 2015 | | International Competition | © Board | team: Bernd Upmeyer, Apostolia Sofiadi




A unique mom e nt - The a t re A rc hit e c t ure C om pe t it ion





Eisfabrik We propose to use the existing machines of the ice-making factory on the opposite bank of the Spree river in Berlin to produce a floating stage out of block ice pieces. Block Ice Block ice is typically 20cm wide and deep, and 150cm long. With water and salt, 4225 pieces can be “glued” together to create a 13m x 13m large stage that floats on water. Balance Such a floating platform would be ideal to stage a theatre version of the Academy Award-winning animated film “Balance” from 1989, the year in which the Berlin Wall fell. Balance between East and West As the site was the boundary between East and West Berlin before 1989, the five strange men of the performance will not only balance on a platform, but as well between east and west. Ephemeral Stage As the stage is made of ice blocks, it will melt after a couple of days in the water transforming the performance into an ephemeral event and a unique moment. Audience Space and Facilities We propose to locate the space for the audience and all the facilities for the theatre on the land using the existing resources of the Holzmarkt as much as possible.



housing project | 2015 | commissioned project | Š Board | team: Bernd Upmeyer, Apostolia Sofiadi

B -hous e


This house is located in central Germany, close to a big city. It is ideal for a young couple that is not financially able to build a full house at once. The design is developped in steps, depending on the demands of the client. In the first step only a small core of 75 m2 is to be constructed, that already contains bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom. The final step could contain also children bedrooms, professional space, closed parking, tearoom and garden storage, and a guestroom. It’s not predefined nor the order that the building will develop, or what will be the final form. Following the needs for adaptability, the external walls are made of panels easy to be replaced in a grid of light columns. The central core of the initial structure is based on walls that are load bearing and host all the infrastructure too.


possible development of the construction


Floriculture and Landscape Architecture lab | 2013-14 | Agricultural University of Athens | Individual work | supervisor dr. Maria Papafotiou

Aegina, Mes sini, Am phipolis la nds c a pe

For one year I worked as architect researcher in the Agricultural University of Athens, in the lab of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture. The research -supervised by dr. Maria Papafotiou- had as theme the control of vegetation in archaeological sites in Greece. Other researchers had the task to study the different kinds of vegetation that grow there and how they can coltrol them through the use of different techniques. My field of study included the use and experiment of different materials of paving and the design of a new landscape in three archaeological sites: in Aegina, Messini and Amphipolis. In all three sites it was aimed to use subtle moves without destroying the existing landscape, but experiencing it differently. It was very important to guide the visitor through the whole site, with the choice of shortcuts, offering views to interesting places, which are now often overlooked.

contribution during work experience | 2009 | Athens | Point Supreme architects | internship


Point Sup re m e A rc hit e c t s 2009

My first work experience during my studies was in the Point Supreme Architects office (Konstantinos Pantazis, Marianna Rentzou, Beth Hughes) and it had a huge impact in my way of thinking and working. I had the opportunity to participate in different projects and different tasks in an international environment: concept, model making, sketching, collages, meeting clients, researching in and out of the office for materials, inspiration etc. were just few of the things I did during 3 months of internship. Six d.o.g.s was the transformation of five previously autonomous spaces into a cultural centre in the centre of Athens, and for me was really interesting to discover how you can define the concept through numerous simple models. Metaxourgio student housing was an international competition that let me try different solutions through model making and collages. The strategy is to focus on the two most critical levels of the city; the ground floor plane and the roof top level, to effect the injection of new architectural form to the area. The in-between levels of the building masses can afford to remain ‘normal’, surrendering to market pressures - a balanced merging of the extravagant and the generic. -Ismo café has cubic volume divided by two walls that frame the public areas. Point Supreme’s intervention was to design installations on these perpendicular walls: a giant eye and mouth that combined appear as a cubist face in the space. My conrbution to this project was to construct a model in scale 1.20 after the project was already completed.

Child friendy spaces | 2015 | | International Competition | team: Spyridonos G., Kondyli B.


F ind your play ! Find your Play!

1. Railway Station 2. Central Bus Station 3. Children’s Music School 4. Cinema Theatre “Kosmos” 5. Puppet Theatre 6. Children’s Library 7. Remains of Bastion’s Fortifications

Railway Station

Green spaces 1

2 7



Site 3

Cinema Theatre “Kosmos”


Site 2


Central Bus Station

scale 1.2000

Remains of Bastion’s Fortifications entrance of the city

Children’s Library and the Puppet Theatre

Rest Area

existing children spaces


possible extensions

Site 1 The central circle is kept and enlarged so that it works as a compass in the square. It’s a desicion point Library for the users and a landmark for Children’s the entrance of the city. The travellers, that arrive by train or bus, are approaching to this central point, and circulating around they can orientate themselves and have an overall view of the square and thus, the city. As an alternative, they can jump on the trampoline, that actually is the compass, and experience the square from a different angle!

Focusing in the child-friendly spaces that currently exist in the city, we create some areas with a different identity each one. They are all placed in a grid of concentric circles related to our compass, and in the direction of their actual location in the city. Their clearly defined shape gives the sense of the space, and helps the navigation of the child on its own. Additionaly, we create an information point for the visitors that enter the city, and a rest area, for whom wants to enjoy the space under the trees, or keep an eye on his child playing around.

We propose a configuration based on the current potential of Ivano Frankivsk as a child-friendly city. We try to point out all the strength that it already has. Moreover, we believe in a space that evolves in time; when new playgrounds, or other children spaces will be added in the city, this can be reflected in the square with new play areas under the same logic.

Children’s Music School

Info Point Railway and Bus Stations

Remains of Bastion’s Fortifications

security zone

Site 5

Children’s Music School

Puppet Theatre

Cinema Theatre “Kosmos” Cinema Theatre “Kosmos” playground


We create a security zone in the two sides of the triangle leaving intact the entrances that already exist, and connect the square to the railway and bus station. An inclined surface prevents the views to the street and ensures security for the children. This configuration also calls for more play! For that reason we propose a security fence on top of the slope that prevents any accident.

Even though we propose two clearly defined entrances from the east, and one main axis of circulation, there are no boundaries on the west where there is a housing area and a street of low circulation. We propose some paths that facilitate the connection of different areas of the square but do not keep the children from experiencing and discover all the area, under safe environment.

We choose to keep as a very important feature of our square, the existing situation and especially the trees. The design is based on their preservation and intervening only in the gaps between them, or under their branches. Some of the proposed interventions use the trunks and others only their shadow. Children should experience nature as much as possible.

Children’s Library and Puppet Theatre

scale 1.500 Railway and Bus Station and the Compass

Information point and the Remains of Bastion’s Fortifications

Frontal Views as seen from the Compass Children’s Music School

scale 1.100

Remains of Bastion’s Fortifications

The city of Ivano-Frankivsk has evolved from a fortress. Unfortunately only a few remains can still be seen. But imagine you can play around them, and even dig and discover more hidden secrets.

scale 1.100

Children’s Library and Puppet Theatre

While you walk going to the city, you see a wall. And sometimes you see behind this boundary; behind this curtain. As in puppet theatre everything takes place behind this mysterious “wall”. And when you pass on the other side, you can change the wall taking parts off and build your own story. In the same way you build images with your mind while reading a book.

scale 1.100

scale 1.100

Cinema Theatre “Kosmos”

Mirrors make you see the inner you. It’s a distorted version of reality. But deep down the reflection is a representation of what we see. Just like cinema movies are a distorted version of a story, based on real events or not.

Railway and Bus Station

You can climb this slope and you can see from there the Stations. This is where the travellers arrive in the city! And from there a slide can help you feel the speed of trains! Or just rolling the slope down! You are free to play all around!

scale 1.100

Railway and Bus Station

You can climb this slope and you can see from there the Stations. This is where the travellers arrive in the city! And from there a slide can help you feel the speed of trains! Or just rolling the slope down! You are free to play all around!

The Pryvokzalny Square is the nearest square from the train and the bus station, thus the entrance of Ivano-Frankivsk city, in Ukraine. The aim of our project is to create a new square that constitutes the entrance to the city, allow the quick transition of pedestrian by giving a clear path towards the city center, but at the same time attract the pedestrians for a longer stay in the place. The project addresses to different age groups, by providing a variety of choices for resting and walking, but it is mostly directed to adolescents and children. Moreover, the Pryvokzalny Square, due to its physical position near the stations, has the role to welcome visitors and create the first impression during their first acquaintance with the city. Additionally, the square acts as a landmark for more children friendly places which are spread out to the whole city. The design is organized around a central spot, an actual trampoline which functions as a “compass”. From that spot the visitor can have an overview of his possibilities and decide the path he wants to follow, and the game he wants to play. Every separate children space represents other spaces spread in the whole city, showing the dynamics of it. Our proposal can be developed in time as more playgrounds are created in Ivano-Frankivsk.

1. Railway Station 2. Central Bus Station 3. Children’s Music School 4. Cinema Theatre “Kosmos” 5. Puppet Theatre 6. Children’s Library 7. Remains of Bastion’s Fortifications

scale 1.2000


Railway Station

Green spaces 1

2 7


Rest Area

5 4

Site 2


Central Bus Station

scale 1.2000

Infoentrance Point of the city Railway and Bus Stations

Children’s Library and the Puppet Theatre

Remains of Bastion’s Fortifications

Rest Area


Site 5

Site 1 The central circle is kept and enlarged so that it works as a compass in the square. It’s a desicion point Library for the users and a landmark for Children’s the entrance of the city. The travellers, that arrive by train or bus, are approaching to this central point, and circulating around they can orientate themselves and have an overall view of the square and thus, the city. As an alternative, they can jump on the trampoline, that actually is the compass, and experience the square from a different angle!

Focusing in the child-friendly spaces that currently exist in the city, we create some areas with a different identity each one. They are all placed in a grid of concentric circles related to our compass, and in the direction of their actual location in the city. Their clearly defined shape gives the sense of the space, and helps the navigation of the child on its own. Additionaly, we create an information point for the visitors that enter the city, and a rest area, for whom wants to enjoy the space under the trees, or keep an eye on his child playing around.

existing children spaces possible extensions

Children’s Music School

We propose a configuration based on the current potential of Ivano Frankivsk as a child-friendly city. We try to point out all the strength that it already has. Moreover, we believe in a space that evolves in time; when new playgrounds, or other children spaces will be added in the city, this can be reflected in the square with new play areas under the same logic.

Info Point Railway and Bus Stations

Cinema Theatre “Kosmos” Remains of Bastion’s Fortifications

Cinema Theatre “Kosmos” security zone

Site 5

Children’s Music School

Puppet Theatre

Children’s Library and Puppet Theatre

Railway and Bus Station and the Compass

scale 1.500 Cinema Theatre “Kosmos” Cinema Theatre “Kosmos” playground


We create a security zone in the two sides of the triangle leaving intact the entrances that already exist, and connect the square to the railway and bus station. An inclined surface prevents the views to the street and ensures security for the children. This configuration also calls for more play! For that reason we propose a security fence on top of the slope that prevents any accident.

Even though we propose two clearly defined entrances from the east, and one main axis of circulation, there are no boundaries on the west where there is a housing area and a street of low circulation. We propose some paths that facilitate the connection of different areas of the square but do not keep the children from experiencing and discover all the area, under safe environment.

Children’s Music School We choose to keep as a very important feature of our square, the existing situation and especially the trees. The design is based on their preservation and intervening only in the gaps between them, or under their branches. Some of the proposed interventions use the trunks and others only their shadow. Children should experience nature as much as possible.

Children’s Library and Puppet Theatre

scale 1.500

Frontal Views as seen from the Compass Children’s Music School scale 1.100

Railway and Bus Station

You can climb this slope and you can see from there the Stations. This is where the travellers arrive in the city! And from there a slide can help you feel the speed of trains! Or just rolling the slope down! You are free to play all around!

scale 1.100 Remains of Bastion’s Fortifications

scale 1.100

scale 1.100

Cinema Theatre “Kosmos”

The city of Ivano-Frankivsk has evolved from a fortress. Unfortunately onlysee the Mirrors make you a few remains can still be seen. But imagine you can play around them, and even dig and discover more hidden secrets. deep down the reflection

Children’s Library and Puppet Theatre

While you walk going to the city, you see a wall. And sometimes you see inner you. It’s a distorted version of reality. But behind this boundary; behind this curtain. As in puppet theatre everything is a representation of what we see. Just like takes place behind this mysterious “wall”. And when you pass on the other cinema movies are a distorted version of a story, based on real eventsside, or you can change the wall taking parts off and build your own story. In the same way you build images with your mind while reading a book. not.

scale 1.100

Railway and Bus Station

You can climb this slope and you can see from there the Stations. This is where the travellers arrive in the city! And from there a slide can help you feel the speed of trains! Or just rolling the slope down! You are free to play all around!

scale 1.100

Cinema Theatre “Kosmos”

Mirrors make you see the inner you. It’s a distorted version of reality. But deep down the reflection is a representation of what we see. Just like cinema movies are a distorted version of a story, based on real events or not.


Unknown Porto | 2014 | Revista Unidade .pt | International Competition | Individual work

M a ia C irc us

A drop between fast and slow, intercity and neighborhood. This proposal tries to combine different elements, creating a new society inside the already existing one. And this society is constantly changing as the people come and go. Its core is the artists that have the possibility to stay in the modules, and the passers-by, that alternate every few hours, its inhabitants. Everyone contributes here with different ways, as nobody could exist without the other one. The proposal is developed based on three axes, joining three circles: the industrial chimney (past), the roundabout (present), the circular building that I create as the third vertex (future) of this triangle that moves through time. I choose to preserve some of the ruins in order to preserve somehow the identity of the place, combining a prevailing shape used as a landmark. The visitor has the opportunity to rest and relax during his trip, but also meet art and education, and even entertain himself. A promenade by the railway is a parallel movement to and from the surroundings, (the metro station, the university), but at a lower speed.




free view of the art process out




small art exhibition out

biggest exhibition



fusion of the inside with the outside




private moments of the artist with light control sip structural system

double u-profiled glass







Eight modules are created to host eight artists for a specific period of time. Different specialties are intended to coexist: 01. architecture 02. sculpture 03. painting 04. poetry 05. music 06. dance 07. cinema 08. photography sip structural system =Structural Insulated Panel: composite building material with structural properties same as an I-beam or I-column

02. 01.

u-profiled glass =annealed glass for high light diffusion 01. artist’s workplace 02. folding bed 03. working desk 04. folding table 05. kitchen 06. wardrobe 07. storage for art material

visitors’ path

ground floor plan of the artists’ module scale 1:50


Sustainable market square | 2012 | ac-ca .org| International Competition | team Charami M., Polyzogopoulos K., Spyridonos G.

B urj s ouq-ua re

The merchants always used to gather in the caravanserais, to rest during commercial trips, while they also had the opportunity to exchange ideas and promote their merchandise in the courtyard, this special square. A place that seems to be equally social in the Arabic culture, is the mosque with its grandiose minaret that makes it visible from all the parts of the city. Based on those two forms, we create a public place where a perimetric promenade leads you to an observatory to the city. The market opens towards the internal square and permits the entrance in 3 parts of the plot. At the same time it’s a public passage, always open independently of the timetable of the market. Many of the products remain on the shelves forming a colorful façade to the street even after the closing of the market. The triangular shaped construction consists of repeated wooden frames, which permit the eye contact towards the interior. For the shading of the market blinds are used, with extra glass panels that when closed protect the exhibition shelves and transform them into the lighting source of the square and the boundary with the city. The water from the market and the rain, is led through channels to the square creating different spatial conditions during the day and the year, and end up watering the trees, that offer shade and create better microclimate. The square space permits the realization of events and cultural activities that everyone can watch from all the sides of the market.

21 scale 1.100

rain water

watering trees


water square

when the market is closed the glass panels are shut, separating the public space from the “exhibition“ shelves



when the market is open the glass panels are used as a protection from the rain

wooden structure

water course in the square - microclimate

scale 1.200


Thesis Project | 2013 | University of Patras | School of Architecture | team Charami Maria | supervisor professor Constantopoulos E.

Ope n s us taina bilit y m us e um a nd pa rk

The city of Rio is situated in a strategic position in the map of Greece, always connecting the Peloponnese with central Greece. Until 2004, the travelers –Greek or foreign that arrived in the port of Patras- used the ferry boats to move and Rio used to be a convenient break for their trip. Nowadays after the construction of the bridge most of them bypass it. The fortress of Rio, that is the area of intervention of our thesis project, lies in a problematic spot between the two ports (that function depending on the wind), almost under the bridge. Taking into consideration the nearby University of Patras, we want to give an educational character in our proposal. The fortress is situated in the edge of the city and is exposed to the elements: wind, rain, storm, groundwater elevation‌ So, the energy sources, which we can use for the autonomy of the project and also the education of the visitor, are abundant. An open museum of sustainability is to be created, combined with a park in the yard of the fortress.






seasonal sections - different water levels scale 1:500

freely rotating panels yes 2 changing conditions of light wind energy converted to light

faรงade material lab levels light eco



scale 1:200

frontal views



Research Thesis | 2012 | University of Patras | School of Architecture | individual work | supervisor professor Constantopoulos E.

( ) play liv

ing in t he public s pa c e

Nowadays, within the urban space, the child seems often to be isolated inside the house. The changes made in the city’s form and size, render its environment hostile. But when the child goes out to the urban space, most of the times with the company of its parents, it prefers mostly unpredictable places. Even when it uses the ones created specifically for its play (squares, playgrounds...), the child tries to find out new ways, «better» and more amusing, to use the equipment provided. During the first years of its life, while it’s still trying to figure out and get used of its possibilities, the child plays with its mother in playgrounds or squares, and shows big interest to touch everything around it. As it grows up, though, group activities start to fascinate it. The child begins to discover and surpass its limits. It creates its own rules and games. Within the public realm, the child learns how to live in community. It makes its first friends and observes the adults surrounding it. It seems, and it is, extremely important that it has the possibility of this contact already since its first steps. That’s why social life would be essential to get transferred in the space in-between, in the streets that once were the heart of the city.



Chapter 1 (the child’s conception of space - several theories) senses maturation through assimilation and accomodation topological - projective - Euclidean space scale Chapter 2 (the child and the contemporary urban landscape) contemporary city why the environment of the city is important for the man and especially for the child? places created for the children the space in-between child-friendly cities security Chapter 3 (multi-functionality and child) together and apart age and social mixing development of the child’s character through laying rules and limits: their definition by the child multi-fuctionality Gibson and the ecological approach children need motivation participation in the design process why participatory design is necessary? forms of participatory design; the PIP model positive results


Chapter 4 (fieldwork) “the children don’t play” Patras age distribution of children in the analysed places Aghia Sofia’s area different types of places squares - pedestrian streets playgrounds schools informal play places Conclusion

PART A (theories)

PART B (fieldwork)


Physical Architecture | 2012 | University of Patras | School of Architecture | team Charami Maria | supervisor professor Grivas K.

Cour s e [k ɔ ː s ] n. A s erie s of le s s ons , a rout e f ollow e d...

The site of the intervention is the Strofyliá forest (19000ha), near the city of Patras (southern Greece), which is a unique ecosystem protected by NATURA 2000 among others. The main tree is the pine (pinus pinea) and the area hosts a big number of bird species in the lagoon nearby. It was requested to propose a small construction with the following characteristics: (a) minimum surface, (b) zero energy footprint, (c) biodegradable materials, (d) light temporary structure. Trying to achieve a better solution, our proposal is based on the idea of a repeated triangular unit, which generates many different versions when combined. Even though this system can be applied in a wide range of the area, we choose to create a specific number of structures along a specific route. Taking into account all the aspects of the site, we propose a centre for environmental education that consists of information, meeting and playing points and some lodgings. For the construction we use local natural materials, specifically reed and rope. On the triangular frame we apply three different types of overlay depending on the use: the lodging demands protection from the rain and privacy, so we create a dense layer of reed leaves; for the shading we use units with thin reeds that allow part of the sun to pass through; and when the unit serves as a floor, we choose a durable overlay made by thick reeds. The units described are based on the ground and suspended on the trees around when needed.


step 1 2 materials: reed & rope

step 2 main frame

step 3 3 different overlays

step 4 5 different structures

plan - top view

section - front view

construction of the main joint

scale 1.250


Global Green MEDS: Meeting of Design Students | 2014 | Dublin Castle | Team work | architect Douglas Carson

Cas in o M a rino Pav ilion

This temporary pavilion was erected in Dublin Castle in the summer of 2014 as part of the Meeting of Design Students conference. Design and erected with the students in two weeks, the pavilion’s form took inspiration from the China Closet room within the Casino at Marino, a National Monument. Constructed using the latest advancement in Irish timber panel technology and ‘green’ Irish spruce trunks without glue, nails or screws it aimed to represent the range of possibilities with Irish timber and European talent.

3d print+Rhino+GH | 2014 | formDEcode Architecture research center | Individual work | conducted by Chlorokostas V., Peteinarelis A.


3d print t a xonom ie s

This 3-day introductory Rhino+Grasshopper course took place in the formDEcode Architecture research centre in Athens, Greece. The aim of this course was to learn and comprehend grasshopper and rhino fundamentals for the purpose of preparing 3D-printable geometry. I was taught about basic 3D modeling techniques and various grasshopper definitions, including weaverbird, t-splines and mesh (+), in order to design different versions/mutations of a single yet fundamental form, describing an object or an architectural detail, that was afterwards 3d printed at formDEcode. The result was reached after a number of diferrent versions and many experiments trying to discover as many tools of the programs used. It is a column shaped formed that will be part of an exhibition together with the models of the others members of the course, as soon as the experimentation will be completed.


Phot ogra phy



M ode l m a king


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