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Waiting to Gather

The hardest part of Covid has been not getting to gather together in person with my extended family, friends, soul sisters, and my church community. I miss my people!! This time apart has definitely affirmed how important connecting with people is, and I can’t wait to safely gather together again… hopefully soon! by Allison Orthner

SUPPLIES: Art Impressions stamp, Ranger gesso, Staz On ink, Tombow and Marvy Markers, Faber-Castell Pitt pens and Gelatos.

Scraps of Info

I was inspired by Christy Riopel’s fun layout in a past issue and used it to create a similar light-hearted entry in my Bible.


eyes and nose white. This will add 1. Gesso page. Let dry.2. When colouring, shape and dimension. Stamp image with StazOn ink, pretend which is permanent and won’t run the sun is directly when in contact with water. Select above and colours and supplies (crayons, establish where highlights and markers, watercolours, Gelatos, etc.) shadows would fall. Starting with that compliment one another. Limit your lightest colours, leave a white the number of different colours to strip on the top of items for the keep it cohesive. highlight. Also leave the area by the

3. Gradually add darker colours in the shadows, such as

under arms, under hairlines, and the bottom of items. You can also use darker colours to add in some fun patterns. If you leave something white, be sure to still add a shade of

TOGETHER IS THE BEST PLACE TO BE Allison Orthner, Calgary, Alberta

SUPPLIES: Art Impressions stamp, Ranger gesso, StazOn ink, Tombow and Marvy Markers, Faber-Castell Pitt pens and Gelatos.

TOGETHER IN UNITY Corlann and Jaren Alfred, Calgary, Alberta

SUPPLIES: Art Impressions stamp, Ranger gesso, StazOn ink, Staedtler and Crayola pencil crayons, baby oil, Q-tips.

Scraps of Info

Corlann gessoed her base page on both sides as well as the opposing page; she coloured with pencil crayons and then used Q-tips dipped in baby oil to smudge and blend her colouring.

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