The Seven Joys of Mary

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firstgoodjoythat Mar y-had, it was thejoyofone, to

Hewas firstherson.When

he was firstherson,goodman,andbless ed - may He be.

Thenextgoodjoythat Mar y-had, it was thejoyoftwo, to see herownson

Thenextgoodjoythat Mar y-had, it was thejoyoftwo, to see herownson

The mf nextgoodjoythat Mar y-had, it was thejoyoftwo, to see herownson

Je sus-Christwhenhe was sent to school.Whenhe was sent to school,goodman,and

Je sus-Christwhenhe was sent to school.Whenhe was sent to school,goodman,and

Je sus-Christwhenhe was sent to school.Whenhe was sent to school,goodman,and

bless ed - may He be.

Oh, Fa ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni--

bless ed - may He be.

Oh, Fa ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni--

bless ed - may He be.

Oh, Fa ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni--

ty, Oh Fa ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty. -

ty, Oh Fa ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty. -

ty, Oh Fa ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty. -

make mp theblind

make mp theblind make mp theblind

nextgoodjoythat Mar y-had, it was thejoyofthree, to see herownson Je sus-Christ to

maketheblind to see, goodman,andbless ed - may He maketheblind

Fa mf ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty, - Oh be. Oh, Fa ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty, - Oh

Fa f ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty,ty, - The mf nextgoodjoythat

Fa f ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty. - The mf nextgoodjoythat

Fa f ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty. - ding

Mar yhad, it was thejoyoffour, to see herownson Je sus-Christ to readthebible-

Mar yhad, it was thejoyoffour, to see herownson Je sus-Christ to readthebibledongdingdongdingdong dingdongdingdongding o'er. To readthebible-o'er,goodman,andbless ed - may He be. Oh,

o'er. To readthebible-o'er,goodman,andbless ed - may He be. Oh, dongdundundundunbless ed - may He be dingdong

Fa ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty, -Oh, Fa ther,-Son,and

Fa ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty, -Oh, Fa ther,-Son,and

Fa ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty, -Oh, Fa ther,-Son,and bong mf bong bong bongbong

Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty. -

Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty. -

Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty. - The mp bong bongbong dun f dun dukadundun dukadundun dukadundun


nextgoodjoythat Mar y-had, it was thejoyoffive, to see herownson dundun dukadundun dukadundun dukadundun duka dun Oh mp dun duka

To f bringthedeadalive,-goodman,and

To f bringthedeadalive,-goodman,and Jesus-Christ to bring

bless ed - may He be.

Oh, Fa ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor

bless ed - may He be. Oh, Fa ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor

bless ed - may He be.

Oh, Fa ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor dundun dukadundun dukadundun dukadun.

Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty, - ty, The mp

Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty.ty, - ty.ty,

Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty,ty.dundun dukadundun duka dun(nn). The mp

nextgoodjoythat Mar y-had, it was thejoyofsix, to see herownson Je susChristup

nextgoodjoythat Mar y-had, it was thejoyofsix, toto see herownson Je susChristup onthecru ci

- may He


Fa ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty, -Oh, Fa ther,-Son,and

Oh, p Fa ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty, -Oh, Fa ther,-Son,and

Oh, p Fa ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty, -Oh, Fa ther,-Son,and du p dun(nn) Ho ly -Ghostfor all e

Fa ther,-Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e


last goodjoythat Mar y-had, it was thejoyofsev'n, to

The p last goodjoythat Mar y-had, it was thejoyofsev'n, to ty, The p last goodjoythat Mar y-had, it was thejoyofsev'n,her

The p last goodjoythat Mar y-had, it was thejoyofsev'n, to

see herownson, Je sus-Christ, as cend-ing- into - heav'n. f Oh

see herownson, Je sus-Christ, as cend-ing- into - heav'n. f As -

son ascend- ing- into - heav'n. f As -

see herownson, Je sus-Christ, as cend-ing- into - heav'n. f As

cending- into-heav'n,goodman,andbless ed - may He be.

cending- into-heav'n,goodman,andbless ed - may He be.

cending- into-heav'n,goodman,andbless ed - may He be.

Oh, mp Fa ther,-Oh, Ho ly -Ghostfor all, Oh, Fa ther,-Oh, Fa mf ther,-Son,and

Oh, mp Son,and Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty, - Oh, mf Son,and

mp Oh, Fa mf ther,-Son,and Oh, Fa mf ther,-Son,and

Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty, -Oh, Fa ther,-Son,and 158

Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty, -Oh, Fa ther,-Son,and

Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty, -Oh, Fa ther,-Son,and

Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty. -

Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty. f -

Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty. f -

Ho ly -Ghostfor all e ter -ni- ty. ff

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