Soprano Alto Tenor Bass
Commissioned by the Vancouver Bach Choir, Leslie Dala, Music Director Premiere performance at the Orpheum Theatre, Vancouver, BC, December 3rd, 2017 for mixed choir, brass quintet and piano
Soprano Alto Tenor Bass
Commissioned by the Vancouver Bach Choir, Leslie Dala, Music Director Premiere performance at the Orpheum Theatre, Vancouver, BC, December 3rd, 2017 for mixed choir, brass quintet and piano
Mykola Leontovych arr. Kathleen Allan
1st Trumpet in Bb
2nd Trumpet in Bb
Sing, p little - bird,sweetswallow - bird,Allcomealong - tohearyoursong.Singusthetale,
What p p p
sweetswallow - -tail, Whatholdstheyear,sorrow - orcheer?Only - youknowwhatshallbeso
Singitaloud, - tellallthecrowd!Mas
cresc. poco a poco -ter,comeout!"What's - itabout?!" - Swallow - ishere,
or cheer? Mas
cresc. poco a poco -ter,comeout!"What's - itabout?!" - Swallow - ishere, or cheer? Mas
cresc. poco a poco -ter,comeout!"What's - itabout?!" - Swallow - ishere, Mas pcresc. poco a poco
-ter,comeout!"What's - itabout?!" - Swallow - ishere,
willshesing?Whatwillitbring?Sickness - orhealth?Hardship - orwealth?
ringintheyear!What mf cresc.
willshesing?Whatwillitbring?Sickness - orhealth?Hardship - orwealth?
ringintheyear!What mf cresc. comes? Hardship - orwealth?
ringintheyear!What mf cresc.
willshesing?Whatwillitbring?Sickness - orhealth?Hardship - orwealth?
Fly, f little - swallow, - wewillallfollow - Into - thehouse
Fly, f little - swallow, - wewillallfollow - Into - thehousewhere
Fly, f little - swallow, - wewillallfollow - Into - thehouse
Fly f little - bird, we'llallfollow - you,
whereallgather - near.
allgather - near, all gather - near. mp Swal sub. p -lowbird,
whereallgather - near.Whatholdstheyear?Singlittle - bird,sweet mp swal sub. p -lowbird.
we'llallgather - near.
Singtousabout - thecoming - NewYear, Tellusofajoyous, - happy, -
Sing New Year, Tellusofajoyous - happy -
Singlittle - bird,sweetswallow - bird.Only - youknowwhatshallbeso, Tell p us of the
happy, - happy, - happy - New Year.
New Year, All mf gather - 'round,there'snotasound,Whileweawaitsingintheyear,swallow - ishere. All mf comealong - to New Year. Sing
your swal -
Sing, p little - bird,sweetswallow - bird,Allcomealong - tohearyoursong.
toknowourfate. Ah p hearyour song. p low song. p
Then,quiet - -ly,dulcet - andsweet,tuneshighandlowbegin - toflowfromswallow's - throat,whichnotebynote
tellwhat'stocomeforev'ry - -one. "Lambs
cresc. poco a poco willbeborn,sheepwillbeshorn,
to come. Lambs
cresc. poco a poco arebornand to come. Lambs
cresc. poco a poco arebornand Lambs
cresc. poco a poco arebornand
grasswillgrowtall,babies - willcrawl,Chicks mf cresc. willbehatched,roofswillbethatched,
mf cresc. willbehatched,roofswillbethatched,
sheepareshornandChick mf cresc. ens
sheepareshornandChicks mf cresc. willbehatched,roofswillbethatched,
chickens - willrun,songswillbesung.
chickens - willrun,songswillbesung.
Storms f willbringthunder -
Storms f willbringthunderrun andsongsaresung.
chickens - willrun,songswillbesung.
Storms f willbringthunder -
Storms f willbringthunder -
butifyou'reunder - shelter - that'sbuiltwithloveandgoodwill,
butifyou'reunder - shelter - that'sbuiltwithloveandgoodwill, sempre f
butifyou'reunder - shelter - that'sbuiltwithloveandgoodwill, sempre f
butifyou'reunder - shel- terthat'sbuiltwithloveandgoodwill,
willprosper - inthecoming - NewYear,Youwillhaveajoyous - Happy - NewYear,
You sub. p willprosper - inthecoming - NewYear,Youwillhaveajoyous - Happy - NewYear,
cresc. poco a poco
willprosper - inthecoming - joyous, - happy - happy - New
cresc. poco a poco
willprosper - inthecoming - joyous - happy - prosper - -ousyear,
You cresc. poco a poco
willprosper - inthecoming - joyous, - happy - happy - NewYear,oh
cresc. poco a poco
Wewillabide, - Loveatourside,Sweetswallow - song,singing - along. - We will
Wewillabide, - Loveatourside,Sweetswallow - song,singing - along. - Sickness - andhealth,
Wewillabide, - Loveatourside,Sweetswallow - song,singing - along. - We will Wewillabide, - Loveatourside,Sweetswallow - song,singing - along. - Sickness - andhealth,
abide, - Love atourside, sweetswallow - song,
hardship - andwealth,Sorrow - andcheerallcomenextyear,Wewillabide, - Loveatourside,
abide, - Love atourside, sweetswallow - song, hardship - andwealth,Sorrow - andcheerallcomenextyear,Wewillabide, - Loveatourside,
sing ing - along. -
Sweetswallow - song,singing - along. -
sing ing - along.p
Sweetswallow - song,singing - along. -