Melchizedek Priesthood Prayer To break free from Generational Curses
Kathleen Malligan
Unless otherwise indicated, all scriptural quotations are from the Interlinear Bible-Hebrew Greek-English. Jay P. Green, Sr. General editor and translator, sovereign Grace Publishers Lafayette, Indiana 47903 U.S.A. Prayer Strategy – Melchizedek Priesthood Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba Toowoomba Queensland 4350
© Copyright 2015 by Kathleen Malligan All rights reserved Apart from any fair dealings for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the copyright act, no part of this book may be reproduced. All rights reserved, no portion of this book may be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent by the author and is not permitted and is unlawful according to the Australian Copyright Act. ISBN © 2014 Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba All Rights Reserved on teaching material Kathleen Malligan
Cover by Kathleen Malligan Printed by Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba PDF file and flash book transfer by Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba
Have you ever thought that you have to find each and every ancestral curse?
So great is the finished work of Calvary and our identity in Christ that we do not have to identify in detail every transgression.
Many ministries have now received revelation after reading Dr. Francis Myles book on Breaking Generational Curses. Dr. Myles teaches on Genetic Salvation, and because Jesus is our Melchizedek, He has made the way to be free from every ancestral judgment in just one prayer.
TAKE ACTION AND PRAY THIS PRAYER kick those lying deceiving spirits out once and for all. Revelation will be ministered as you pray.
Be blessed and be a blessing Agape Kathleen
Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts
“Renunciation of Darkness “Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, rebuke and expose them.” Ephesians 5:11 NLT “For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14 NIV
Father, I humble myself before You and submit to You according to Your Word, “submit to God resist the Devil and he will flee” before praying and working through this Cleansing Work Book. Thank You, and I agree there is no power other than the Power of Your Finished Works of Calvary The Blood of Jesus Christ and The Indwelling Power of The Spirit of Christ Jesus that can deliver me, heal me and cast out spirits of darkness and release me from judgments. Father according to Your statute and You have written this statute more than thirty times to confess the forefather's transgressions and iniquity. I obey, and I agree that my ancestors on both sides of my family line have transgressed your laws Your Ordinances Your statutes and commandments. According to Your statute, I am to take accountability for my forefather’s sins and iniquity back over three four ten, and I want to pray for a thousand generations for where they have transgressed and been iniquitous. Therefore, I agree, and I acknowledge this before You and I repent for their guilt, their betrayal, their unfaithfulness, their adultery, their idolatry, their robbery, their extortion, their visiting the shrines of darkness, their oppression of others, their breaking covenant and they did not feed the poor or not clothe the naked. Father, I repent for every law, statute and ordinance they broke, and for all other unknown iniquity and transgression I ask forgiveness, and I claim the promise of Your Word that I would now not share the guilt of my ancestors. Father since I have chosen to do what is just and right according to Ezekiel 18 and I have chosen to keep Your decrees Your Statutes Your commandments and because I chose to leave the life of my forefathers sins
and iniquity to serve You to keep Your commandments decrees and statutes I can receive the children’s bread of freedom from the ancestors judgments and curses, So Father in Jesus Name, let every curse every judgment be broken and let me be set free from these ancestral iniquities and transgressions. Father, before You and them I disown and renounce my ancestors transgressions their corrupted bloodlines, their pneuma-genetics, their curses their judgments and declare I am now a citizen of Heaven, I am not of this world I am a sojourner my home, and my Kingdom is my Beloveds The Lord Jesus Christ, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords and I am becoming the king and the priest You have called me to become. I renounce the sins and iniquity of my bloodlines my ancestors on both sides of the family so they can no longer have authority in and over my life for I am in Covenant with Him, and I choose to keep Covenant and remain in Covenant. Father, I now address these spirits: spirits I have acknowledged that many generations have transgressed and committed iniquity so today all you ancestral spirits, yes all of you ancestral spirits are moving out. I have turned from my ancestor’s iniquity and their transgressions for I choose and have chosen righteous living in His Kingdom for I am delivered from the kingdom of darkness into The Kingdom of Light. Therefore you spirits from curses, from iniquity from sins of the generations back over a thousand generations on both sides of the family, I declare against you I am faithful, that I am baptized into His death, I am one with Him, washed in His Blood, bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh, He is the Father of my spirit, I am adopted into His family, I have an inheritance, and I am a fellow heir, and I am righteous and betrothed so I am His wife and now delivered from the iniquity the sins and curses of the ancestors. I declare I choose to remain a faithful wife, and I choose Him and His Covenant, and I choose to become all that He has for me, I choose the priesthood of Melchizedek, I resist you, I renounce you, and I refuse your will in my life. Ancestral spirits all of you familiar spirit you curse spirits from the ancestors on both sides of the family Jesus has delivered me from the curse and you spirits are now squatters you now no longer have rights to remain because of ancestral sin and iniquity or because of oaths for what He and His Blood has done for me you lose your grounds. You must now loose and
leave this very moment, and you will be plucked out of your dwelling places and taken to the place appointed of you “for now is the judgment of this world now shall the prince of this world be cast out.” Therefore every one of you spirits you will loose and leave for you can no longer remain, you no longer have any legal grounds to stay for all that I am in Him supersedes your legal grounds your oaths your curses your rights have been stripped from you no matter what degree my ancestors have gone to in Freemasonry you have lost your grounds to remain. I declare the blood on your doors on your gates on your oaths, and I declare them open for you to leave. His blood line against the blood line of my ancestors, so I say now those doors are sealed and closed because of His Blood Covenant with me; I am my Beloveds, and my Beloved is mine you will loose and leave for I cast you out, and Father let it be so in Jesus Name. Father, I now want to address those in and over me because of my iniquity and my transgression, so I submit to You. I address all you spirits from the kingdom of darkness in and over my life from my iniquity and transgressions for I renounce you and refuse your will for my life any longer. I no longer want to be in agreement with your ways or your perverse ways. I denounce you and your ways, and I hate you and declare you are my enemy, and I come into agreement with Jesus Christ, my deliverer that you will leave His Temple, my body this hour. Today is the day you are going to loose and leave me. I come out of agreement and fellowship with you and resist all of you; you will leave me, and I declare and agree you will be taken to the place The Lord Jesus Christ has appointed for you along with the ancestral spirits from both sides of my family lines. I surrender all the area’s I have given over to you to The Lord Jesus Christ for I declare my salvation is by grace through faith and faith of the finished work of Calvary and His shed blood for the remission of sins. I reclaim where I have given ground to you in my body, soul, and spirit because of deception, lies and my iniquities my sins and sexual transgressions and those that fortify your strongholds of perversion, of bisexuality, homosexuality and transgender. I resist you, renounce you and refuse your presence any longer in my life. The Lord Jesus Christ rebuke you and take you all to the place He has
appointed of you as you have lost your grounds in and over my life for I confess and repent and renounce before my Father so you will lose your grounds. Father let this be so in Jesus Name, for I call upon the power of the Blood Covenant for deliverance, healing, and restoration and I invite you into every area that has been occupied by unclean spirits from the kingdom of darkness and from Your judgments. Father, I now take accountability for my life and all the sin and iniquity that I have in my life and my life alone. I declare I shall overcome I shall come up higher I shall be purified and refined to be the king and priest you have called me to be in the Melchizedek Order, I declare I am being born again from above. “Father, have mercy upon me, according to Your loving-kindness; according to the multitude of Your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sin, for I acknowledge my transgressions and my sins are ever before me. Against You and You only have I sinned and done evil in Your sight that You are justified when You judge me.” (Psalm 51:1-4) Thank You all Power all Glory belongs to You, In Jesus Christ Mighty Name, Amen.”1. [Malligan 2014:13]
1. Malligan, K.M.D Depart To The Other Side Personal Cleansing Workbook [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland 4350]
Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts