Book 5 By Personal Discernment

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Understanding And Overcoming Homosexuality

By Personal Discernment

Book 5


Unless otherwise indicated, all scriptural quotations are from The Interlinear Bible – Hebrew Greek English. Jay P. Green, Sr. General Editor and Translator, sovereign / grace Publishers Lafayette, Indiana 47903 U.S.A. Understanding and Overcoming Homosexuality By Discerning Personal Root Causes – Book 5 Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba Toowoomba Queensland 4350

© Copyright 2014 by Kathleen Malligan ©Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba All Rights reserved on teaching material Kathleen Malligan

All rights reserved, apart from any fair dealings for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the copyright act reproduction of text in whole or in part without the express written consent by the author are not permitted and are unlawful according to the Australia Copyright Act. Cover Design by Kathleen Malligan Printed and published by Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba PDF file transfer by Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts







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End Notes


Bibliography and Acknowledgments


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Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts


____________________________________________________ Introduction ____________________________________________________ I want to say I understand sexual addiction and sexual brokenness, I was lesbian, sex addicted without gender confusion. It will be nineteen years in December 2014 since I have been in a lesbian relationship or had sexual intimacy with any woman. Have I wanted to? Absolutely, and screamed at God throughout my journey of healing and restoration why I could not be lesbian and serve Him. To date, I understand my same-sex attraction, and I have received much healing, deliverance, transformation, and sanctification. Today I no longer identify with being a lesbian, but a woman who has this attraction who has to guard her heart against homosexual lust coming back to life again. Today I have seen all the fragments and understand the reasons that brought forth same-sex attraction and my living a homosexual lifestyle for sixteen years. Even though this attraction still remains it does not define my identity neither does it rule me or govern my senses or actions or way of life. For I understand, it was circumstances thus I took this on as an identity and lifestyle that formed sexual desire deep within my psyche. To date these same-sex desires even though they remain I understand them I know why they are there and at eighty years of age I will probably still have them cross my mind. But I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back; so I will not feed them or act on them or choose any reason to nurture them or live them out over Truth over Jesus, His Love and His way of life. My heart has been changed my soul has been sanctified my mind has knowledge of His Word. I know Torah; I know instructions in righteousness; I know His Love for me and His power that dwells in me, therefore, I will remain faithful as His betrothed bride. I have written this book to encourage you to remain faithful to your Bridegroom regardless of same-sex attraction still in your psyche or regardless of what the world, the church and the spirits of darkness scream at your mind. I had written this and all my books to Bible believing people, and I did not realize that some of you who are new to the faith or who do not have a biblical knowledge of scripture or doctrine would be reading these books! Therefore, if you are one of these and your knowledge of the bible is limited The Spirit of Christ Jesus will minister and counsel your heart accordingly to His Wisdom. What you do not understand or what seems


‘what’ know that in time as you commit to study, and a relationship with Jesus what did not make sense will one day make sense and you will understand. So for today just pray Jesus help me understand and see what You want me to see as I read this and any other books in the Survival Kit - Amen. This book does not just lay down the law “thou shall not commit homosexual sin” but it is written with His understanding of our brokenness and His strategies for breakthrough and healing as we know that sexual sins either in thought or in deed have a power hold over us: “but God commends His love to us in that we yet being sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 So, “I write these things to you so that you do not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” 1 John 2:1 You and I know from Scripture “… that to whom you yield yourselves slaves for obedience, you are slaves to whom you obey, whether of sin to death, or obedience to righteousness?” Romans 6:16 But you and I know “having been set free from sin, you [we] were enslaved to righteousness, I speak as a man on account of the weakness of your flesh. For as you yielded your members as slaves to uncleanness and to lawless act unto lawless act, so now yield your members as slaves to righteousness unto sanctification.” Romans 6:18-19 “Therefore, what fruit did your have then in the things over which you now are ashamed? For the end of those things is death. But now being set free from sin, and being enslaved to God, you have your fruit unto sanctification, and the end everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is everlasting life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:21-23 Those of us who have been or are caught in the web of homosexual sin know according to The Word that the act does not carry His blessings, in His sight it is not kosher. We know if we have studied the bible it is a sin before our Lord and God and we need to have this sin structure


brought down and put to death. We also know “without holiness no one will see The Lord” (Hebrews 12:14) Therefore, we cannot live out these lusts of the flesh without consequences, consequences of judgment, death within the soul and body - disease; strongholds of unclean spirits and ultimately we may not inherit the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ if we choose to act out on these over Christ. John 5:39 speaks to us saying, “You search the Scriptures, for you think in them you have everlasting life. And they are the ones witnessing concerning Me.” John 5:39 They witness concerning His holiness, His righteous instructions on how to live as His people “a purchased possession,” and it is the scriptures that are the standard to which we will be judged (John 12:48). We will not be able to give this excuse or that excuse on our day of judgment when we know God’s law forbids homosexuality and any form of sexual immorality or any form of deliberate sexual sin. Also, we know He has the Covenant power to put sin to death to deliver us from all bondage of sexual sins (Romans 8:13). Jesus tells us “Do not love the world nor the things in the world, if anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him, because all that which is in the world: the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and its lust. But the one doing the will of God abides forever.” 1 John 2:15-17 Therefore “…let everyone naming the name of Christ depart from unrighteousness… But flee youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace, with the ones calling on the Lord out of a pure heart.” 2 Timothy 2:19, 22 “But I say walk, walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, lest whatever you may will, these things you do.”


Galatians 5:16-17 Jesus knows legal doorways of spiritual darkness associated with our sexual sins war against our flesh, our base nature. “For I know that in me, that is in my flesh, dwells no good. For to desire is present to me, but to work out the good I do not find. For what good I desire, I do not. But the evil I do not desire, this I do. But if I do what I do not desire, it is no longer I working it out, but the sin dwelling in me. I find then the law, when I desire to do the right, that evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man; but I see another law in my members warring against the law of my mind, and taking me captive by the law of sin being in my members. O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then I myself with the mind truly serve the law of God, and with the flesh the law of sin.” Romans 7:18-25 He understands with mercy, however, “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Ephesians 5:6 “So, then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to flesh; for if you live according to flesh, you are going to die. But if by the Spirit you put to death the practices of the body, you will live.” Romans 8:12-13 “Now the works of the flesh are clearly revealed, which are adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lustfulness, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, fighting’s, jealousies, angers, rivalries, divisions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness’s, wild parties, and things like these; of which I tell you beforehand, as I also said before, that the ones practicing such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” Galatians 5:19-21 “Or did you not know that unjust ones will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be led astray, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor abusers, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous ones, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor plunderers shall inherit the kingdom of God.” 1Corinthians 6:8-10 “Therefore, brothers, I call on you through the mercies of God to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God,


which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, in order to prove by you what is the good and pleasing and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:1-2 “For the word of God is living, and powerfully working, and sharper than every two-edged sword, even piercing as far as the dividing apart of both soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge of the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 I have written much of the Word, but it is the Word that brings conviction as it judges the thoughts and intentions of our heart, judges the sinful flesh not only with regard to homosexual sin, but as we know, all sins (Hebrews 4:12-13). If you don’t know Bible or new to the faith sins are transgressions of the laws of God (1 John 3:4) and when we transgress we are in disobedience (Ephesians 5:6) either knowingly or unknowingly, to Him and The Word. Therefore, we can expect consequences and as a Christian the truth is we cannot serve Him on our terms, sorry it has to be on His terms, His Kingdoms rules and laws. The Bible has the ultimate authority, and it is the inspired words of The Father and Son written through men by The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit wrote them for He supernaturally empowered those for He emanates bypassing the mind will and emotions of man to write what They will for us to know of Themselves and Their Kingdoms way of life. It is translators to date that have been overcome and or influenced by evil spirits (1 Timothy 4:1) to pervert it that it seems to contradict. However, if you study and seek various versions you will find accuracy and The Teacher The Holy Spirit will lead you to Truth. He will enlighten you, especially as you read to know the more accurate verses and versions. God is not stupid or is He ever beaten in a fight “Forever His word is settled in heaven.” (Psalms 119:89) Man cannot water it down for Yahweh has Covenanted us to Truth, He cannot lie or go against His Word of Truth, so you can trust the Bible is still True, and the contents written are Truth with its origin as The Creator of Heaven and Earth The Word made Flesh (John 1:1; Genesis 1:1-31). “the [unclean – word in brackets her mine] spirit now working in the sons of disobedience.” Ephesians 2:2 “the wrath of God comes on the sons of disobedience.” Ephesians 5:6


“you are slaves to whom you obey, whether sin [disobedience – word in brackets here mine] unto death, or obedience unto righteousness?” Romans 6:16 Therefore, This book will bring His deliverance: “He sent His word and healed them; and delivered them from all their pitfalls.” Psalms 107:20 This book will bring His understanding as to why: “those who live in the darkness, and in the shadow of death, being prisoners in affliction and iron because they rebelled against the words of God, and despised the counsel of the Most High.” Psalms 107:10 In this book He will declare: “And they shall build old ruins; they shall raise up former desolations; and they shall restore the waste cities, ruins of generations and generations.” Isaiah 61:4 In this book He will make: “…sure of your calling and election; for doing these things, you will not ever fall. For so will be richly furnished to you the entrance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 1:10-11 In this book He will make very clear: “Do you not know that unjust ones will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be [deceived, word in brackets here mine], led astray neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor abusers, nor homosexuals … shall inherit the kingdom of God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 In this book He will bring reassurance as to say: “Blessed are the ones doing His commands, that their authority will be over the tree of life, and by the gates they may enter into the city.” Revelation 22:1


Counsel ________________________________________________________ Depart To The Other Side

In Him praise Yahweh our Father and Emmanuel Jesus our Lord who is with us The Christ for “we have redemption through His blood the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace; which He caused to abound towards us in all wisdom and understanding…” Ephesians 1:7-8 Jesus understands the sinful nature and understands sexual desire either sanctified or left to the control of the sinful base nature. He understands once we have entered into sexual sin the stronghold comes over us, and we are weakened by the lust of the flesh and the demonic network associated to the sin structures. But, as children of God we are required by The Word to bring our sexual appetites under the control of The Spirit of Christ Jesus. We are required to walk in the Spirit and not allow ourselves to fulfill these lusts of the flesh. We are required to be sanctified in every area of sexual desires because; “…according to the Holy One who has called you, you also become holy in all conduct; because it has been written, “Be holy, because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:15-16 Nevertheless, if we are in bondage to sexual sins, either in thought or deed, we have a deliverer to deliver us from such sin structures. We have a merciful God, who will change our hearts and change our hearts to want to be willing to be changed so as to forsake any sexual sins. We realize Scripture has authority and cannot be broken (John 10:34-35). Jesus is the Word from the beginning, and all authority in heaven and earth has been given to Him (Matthew 28:8), therefore, we see Jesus is the God who will demolish these sin structures fixture by fixture even by one Word (John 1:14) and as we know the Word of God and the Word has authority as Jesus has authority. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in



2 Timothy 3:16

“Forever, O Lord; your word is settled in heaven.” Psalms 119:89 Whether we like it or not every one of His righteous judgments will endure forever (Psalms 119:160). The Word Himself and His Word the Scriptures will judge us now, and one day as sheep or goats, wise virgins or foolish virgins, prodigal servants or sons, dogs or overcomers, faithful servants or worthless servants (Matthew 25:33; Matthew 25:10-11; Luke 15:11-12; Revelation 22:15; Revelation 3:21; Matthew 25:21; Matthew 25:30). Do not be deceived, if you did not have homosexual lust, you would have heterosexual lust to contend with from both your base carnal nature and from the works of spirits of darkness. So don’t go thinking your plight or cross is any more difficult than the heterosexual, they have to fight their battles just like we do married, single or celibate. Therefore, no one cannot think they can continue on and nurture sexual sins and enter in through the narrow way (Matthew 7:13), or receive the blessings of inheritance here and now if we are willfully disobedient, and willfully using and abusing the Grace of God. Excuses will not wash: “Oh, He will forgive me.” “I’m a man; I’m visual.” “I’m gay, I’m lesbian this is what I am and God You made me sexual.” “Just one more day, I’ll stop it tomorrow.” “His grace is sufficient for me He forgives me.” “He understands and these spiritual powers are too strong.” “I’m bound and in pain and this is my only release.” “Oh, I have problems of the past that just bind me to these iniquities.” “I have to get release; we are created this way we are highly sexed.”


“Oh but he/she loves me, I get so much attention and love.” “He gives me what my wife cannot.” “I just can’t leave my husband to live with a woman, but I soooo desire intimacy with them.” “But I’m in love I love same sex I have to have orgasms.” These excuses are the broad way that leads to destruction, not only in our life now, but also in the end, eternal destruction if not surrendered to bring forth change of heart and mind (Mathew 7:13-14). Recall Esau gave away his inheritance for the lust of his flesh of a bowl of lentil soup (Genesis 25:29-34) and sought it back in repentance and tears but was rejected (Hebrews 12:16-17). Do not be deceived recall this truth: “For if we are willfully sinning after receiving the full knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice concerning sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and zealous fire being about to consume the adversaries. If anyone did not regard the Law of Moses, that one dies without pities on the word of two or three witnesses. How much worse punishment do you think he will be thought worthy to receive having trampled on the Son of God, and having counted the blood of the covenant in which he was sanctified common, and having insulted the Spirit of Grace? Hebrews 10:26-29 The Spirit on The Word, The Living Word, The Voice on The Word, The Voice of The Word, The Holy Spirit of The Word, therefore, The Word judges, the Word convicts. The written Word is our instruction book, and this book is His righteous instructions that teach us how to live as Kingdom people. We are required to “earnestly study to show yourselves approved to God, a workman unashamed, rightfully dividing the Word of Truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 We are to “Eagerly pursue peace and holiness with all, without which no one will see the Lord, watching diligently that not any lack from the grace of God [and recall again - words in brackets here mine] …that not any fornicator, or profane one-as Esau,


who for one feeding gave up his birthright, for you know also that afterward desiring to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place of repentance, although seeking it with tears.” Hebrews 12:14-15 Remember, Jesus Christ our Savior, “who gave Himself on our behalf, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify a special people for Himself, zealous of good works.” Titus 2:14 Jesus understands sexual sin structures and demonic pressure, but He also understands He has made provision of Covenant to “stay dead to sin” and “alive unto Him.” He knows He has given to us His Spirit to warfare, and He will bring to death sin structures and He can keep sin structures dead as He crucifies the flesh that we no longer serve any sin. “knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be annulled, so that we no longer serve sin.” Romans 6:6 “but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, which He poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ, our Savior; that being justified by His grace, we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.” Titus 3:5-7 His Word brings Grace, His nature brings Grace; His Covenant brings Grace and His Spirit imparts grace to overcome and surpass any sexual temptation, desires, stronghold and powers of darkness. He is able, therefore; we are able to intertwine in Him to be brought forth out of bondage, step-by-step, hour-by-hour. Christ has come to undo the works of the devil and this He will do as we surrender any sexual baggage. ___________________________________________________________ Depart To The Other Side

Earl Jabay writes that the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of selfoppose one another and self left to its base nature demands godhood and goddesshood and self-gratification. 1. [Jabay, 1974:36] It is agreed that unregenerate flesh left to its own lordship does not want anyone to tell it what to do neither does it want to have reins placed on it. Nor does the unsanctified flesh want anyone or anything coming


against its innate perverse sexual desires or the sinful sexual pleasures once experienced or, at that, any sinful pleasures. But we know we cannot “be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.” 2 Timothy 3:4 And, “[she or he – words in brackets here mine] who lives in selfpleasure has died while living.” 1 Timothy 5:6 And sin’s pleasures only last for a short time. So no matter how much we want to justify sexual sin we are no longer under the will of God, (Matthew 6:10) but under our own will “rebelling against the words of God and despising the counsel of the Most High.” Psalms 107:10 Temptations of all forms of lust will always be with us. The devil is alive and will do works through open doors and knock on closed doors. Truth is we live in the world, and the sinful nature will want to live for itself. Most assuredly if we don’t subject the flesh and the powers of darkness to the power of The Spirit of Christ Jesus to the daily practice of spiritual disciplines and warfare prayers, we will be overcome. We have to surrender the body as an instrument of righteousness to consciously pray for empowering to die to self or lusts temptations will want to take the lordship it’s as simple as that. “Blessed is the man who endures temptation because having been approved he will receive the crown of life which the Lord promised to the ones loving Him. James 1:12 We all have heard so many times and maybe not realized the impact of these verses: “If you love Me, keep My commandments.”

John 14:15

“But if you desire to enter into life, keep the commandments.” Matthew 19:17 The Word made manifest by The Light and or The Holy Spirit teaches us that sons and daughters of disobedience will always sit in affliction sooner or later,


“according to the ruler of the authority of the air, the spirit [demonic spirit – words in brackets here mine] now working in the sons of disobedience.” Ephesians 2:2 “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for through these the wrath of God comes on the sons of disobedience.” Ephesians 5:6 And “having eyes full of an adulteress, and never ceasing from sin; alluring unsettled souls; having a heart busied with covetousness; cursed children;” [Recall no one receives the title child /son unless having been born again and or receiving Jesus as Savior and Lord, and spirits of darkness are what He uses to carry out the effects of a curse and or they themselves do so –words in brackets here mine] 2 Peter 2:14 “Little children, let no one lead you astray [deceive you words in brackets here mine]; the one practicing righteousness is righteous, even as that One is righteous. The one practicing sin is of the devil, because the Devil sins from the beginning. For this the Son of God was revealed that He undo the works of the Devil.” 1John 3:7-8 Blood Covenant provides the way out of all sexual bondages, all not just some but all. Blood Covenant provides mercy and grace, redemption the forgiveness of sins. Blood Covenant provides power to stay dead and once delivered out from bonds of sexual sins the power to yield the members our whole self as an instrument of righteousness. “Behold, God is mighty, and He does not despise, He is mighty in strength of heart. He will not keep the wicked alive, but He gives justice to the afflicted. He does not withdraw His eyes from the righteous, but they are like kings on the throne; yea, He causes them to sit forever, and they are very high. And if they are bound in chains, or caught in cords of affliction, then He declares to them their work and their transgressions, that they have behaved proudly. He also opens their ear to instruction, and commands that they turn back from iniquity. If they hear and serve, they shall spend their days in good, and their years in pleasures. But if they do not obey, they shall pass away by the sword, and they shall die without knowledge. But the ungodly in heart heap up anger; they cry not when he has bound them. Their soul dies in youth, and their life ends among the sodomites.” Job 36:5-14


This Survival Kit book comes balanced with Jesus heart of compassion and understanding of His promises of redemption through His blood the forgiveness of sins. It comes with Words to proclaim liberty to those of you who are captives and gives keys for deliverance for you if you are bound in sexual sins (Isaiah 61:1). This particular book in the Survival Kit comes with Scriptural conviction, Scriptural teaching from The Word of God, and that is one of Jesus’ Names – Word of God. “For this reason even as the Holy Spirit says, “Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness,” Hebrews 3:7-8 “For we have become sharers of Christ, if truly we hold the beginning of the assurance firm to the end; as in the saying, “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts, as in the provocation.” Hebrews 3:14-15 Choose this day who will you serve (Joshua 24:15). Choose life that you may live and that you and your seed may live (Deuteronomy 30:19). Choose this day to make a beginning so as to keep back from every form of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22). Choose to allow Him to bring you out of an agreement to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22). Choose this day to ask for help so as to depart from all iniquity and unrighteousness (2 Timothy 2:19) Choose this day to allow Him to bring to death your sexual sin structures (Romans 8:12-13). Choose this day to abstain from sexual immorality to depart from all iniquity to depart to the other side to take hold of becoming His spiritual priest and His king in His Kingdom Reign and Rule. Recall: “Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.” James 1:15 KJ “being about to receive the wages of unrighteousness, having deemed indulgence in the day to be pleasure.” 2 Peter 2:17 “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.” 1 Corinthians 6:9 KJ If you know your scripture we are children of the free woman, not the bondwoman, we no longer need to be bound to the lusts and power of the flesh, the base nature. It was the spirit of bondage of the slavery of Egypt that the children of Israel took into the desert, therefore; you also


will do this if you do not even will to surrender the old way of life the old way of living to His newness of life. The Hebrews saw all the signs and miracles yet they still preferred the spirit of Egypt, so their consequences were death, and they were not able to enter the Promised Land. This will also be your lot if you likewise still prefer the spirit of Homosexuality this spirit of Lust over The Spirit of The Word. We do not have to stay bound to the past; we are born free with all Covenant backing us up to walk away from sexual bondage. So I encourage you to choose life as sin brings forth more sin and when it is finished, it brings forth death. Death brings forth pain in the temporal and the eternal. Do not be deceived, choose life that you may live and enter into the promises, for The Lord is gracious and merciful and able to change the heart change the mind and change the body. He understands you did not wake up one morning and choose to be attracted to the same sex, but He knows that if you act on this attraction after your obedience is complete you will receive the consequences of your behavior. “We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, 6. And are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete. 7. You are looking at things as they are outwardly. If anyone is confident in himself that he is Christ’s, let him consider this again within himself, that just as he is Christ’s, so also are we.” 2 Corinthians 10:5-7 NIV ________________________________________________________ Depart To The Other Side

The prayer of help from the cords of sin (Proverbs 5:22) is not always what God wants to hear. But the prayer of surrender of self, surrender of our soul so as to walk by His power for His will and His ways so we can walk by His laws of sexual purity. The prayer of surrender allows Him to take over every day and give us His life and cause us to live for righteousness. Cause us to keep walking towards ongoing sanctification and holiness, and His redemptive plan and purpose He has for our lives and how He wills to reach others through us for their lives. The prayer of help that just wants to be brought out of affliction to go back to the kingdom of self will bring forth death again. And if back to the same sexual sin structure greater death, seven times greater. The


prayer that allows Jesus to grow you and walk you through and out of affliction to manage your sexual appetite and sin structures is life and will bear fruit and the fruit to everlasting life. The prayer in the Melchizedek book (Depart to the Other Side -How do we get there? By entering into the Melchizedek Priesthood) that breaks generational curses of sexual sins is not sufficient enough to deliver us from our own sexual sins. Or the power of unbridled passion - your impulses and desires or the sin nature - the instincts that desire to act on. However, release from this area through repentance and renouncing will weaken these strongholds, decrease the nest of spirits and bring partial healing and or deliverance from all generational transgressions. Jesus is the only one who can deliver, heal and restore us from the fragmented soul of sexual sins that have twisted our spirit and left imprinting on the mind and the pleasure centers of our sexuality. These sins past and present cause fragmentation of the soul and keep the soul fragmented unless addressed. A fragmented soul cannot love the Lord our God with all the heart and mind. It is double minded, bound in the law of sin and death and the instinctive drives and bound by influencing unclean spiritual strongholds, tossed around to and fro. Unless we allow Him to go from the fruit to the root(s) we will continue to remain fragmented. Just forsaking particular sexual sins will not pull up the roots or get to a taproot that brings complete healing. Neither will only casting out the spirits associated to these particular sexual sins; neither will getting yourself married magically make samesex attraction disappear. Consider that thought in the following list of causations for homosexuality. It is not as simple as marriage, repentance, renunciation, abstinence or casting out the lesbian strongman or a lesser or sodomy spirit or any other certain names of lust or curse spirits. Why? Because, the fruits from the root of same-sex attraction need to be discerned and worked through. The various causations outside our control need to be seen and where healing is to be brought forth in its stages, and the stages can take many, many years. Not to mention our heart being sanctified, so we choose a life of holiness, a life after the ways of a king and a priest unto Him our Great High Priest. A life of living by and under Kingdom laws and rules His Kingdoms Constitution. The following lists of why we were same-sex attracted I gleaned from internet sites and authors. This list addresses why and as you read you will understand that just renouncing lesbianism homosexuality or transgenderism will not suffice in getting set free because:


One would need to see where and why they have become estranged from their gender. 2. [Payne, 1981]

One would need to see they have not accepted their femininity or masculinity or physical appearance or imperfections.

One would need to see the rejection and abandonment in their lives; maybe not wanted at birth and or put up for adoption and or from a failed abortion.

One would need to understand the person they ‘fancy’ or ‘desire’ is the person they ‘think’ they would like to be like.

One would need to see the rejection perceived from father’s abandonment in divorce, separation or always at work, or no time for a child (ren).

One would need to realize they had been insufficiently loved and accepted, so they have not accepted and loved themselves. 3. [Payne, 1981]

One would need to see if they have turned their love of themselves inward because of a narcissistic stage of puberty, being selfcentered in essence in relationship they are having sex with themselves – others are a vessel in whom they love themselves through – self-love. 4. [Payne,1981]

One would need to see if no sense of ‘being’ has caused them to try to find their missing being and identity in same gender relationships; therefore, you are always trying to find your own identity in another same sex person. 5. [Payne, 1981] Therefore, we need to accept our looks, personality, body shape, height, demeanor and our own individual identity for where we are at in this stage of our lives. We need to pray for change to birth us out of the old identity to become a woman in reality like those we had been attracted to. And to realize when our head is ‘clear’ out of all deception we did not really want to be like that at all, but now we are able to become the woman God is reshaping and the woman we really want to be. When you see you real self in a mature state of mind out of whatever deception you were under whether it was in the mind or acted out, acceptance of the real you is there, and what you really want to be like and or present yourself like is in the heart, and acceptance of the heart will unite with your mind.

One would need to see if their no sense of ‘being’ has caused dread and when the experience(s) have come from the mother the


association may be generalized to all women to disassociate from females to become male oriented. 6. [Payne, 1981] (Females can “transfer her fixed need for dependence for mother figure to another woman.” 7. [Payne, 1981:124]) •

One would need adolescents.








One needs any and all traumas healed of; painful loneliness - ‘left in the cot’-ignored’; alienation from parents; mental pain – psychology and psychiatry agree and say there is a splitting off from consciousness at the time pain occurred - memories become repressed and buried and denied; rejection in early infancy and other psychological traumas like loss of mother or mother substitute through sickness, death, abandonment or mother was emotionally absent due to stress and or family circumstances and or suffering physical/sexual/emotional abuse from husband. (“… babies can suffer when either the love and care they need to realize themselves as persons in their own right is missing, or some injury or grievous circumstance has rendered them unable to receive the mother’s love and care at a meaningful level.” 8. [Payne, 1981:121] In a syllabus Setting The Captives Free from A School of Deliverance Frank and Ida Mae Hammond write that the rejection is the root cause of schizoid and hysterical behavior and or schizophrenic personalities. 9. [F. & I. Hammond; 1996:29]

One would need to see they were not the gender wanted by parents. (It is believed and noted by many that babies know in the womb when they are accepted or not accepted for their gender and their existence/ for being there.)

One would need to realize the unrealistic and or confusing expectations father and or mother had of them and or are they looking for approval, acceptance, praise from the same gender to fill that loss.

One would need their gender identity restored and especially from being affirmed as a boy when they were a girl or visa a versa. (Therefore a crisis of sexual identity takes place, and then you do not possess the feminine or personal identity to go with sexual attraction. 10. [Payne, 1981:])


One needs to see the causations seen from their relationship or lack of relationships with father and or mother; especially in early infancy of the absence of mother’s love and touch and or the mother abdicates her role to allow eldest sister(s) to take a mother’s role; and or rejection and disapproval from mother and or father throughout infancy and times throughout home life.

One may need to see their realization of projection identity of a sub/conscious desire to be a certain type of woman or man they become or come attracted to. I had to face it; I wanted to be one of these feminine women with curves and a 36C breast and nice unblemished skin. But now I realize if I were a budgie it does me no good to want to be a canary? So we all might as well accept our self as a budgie and make the most of what we have then lived in someone else’s skin.

One may need to see their conscious or subconscious hatred of father and or mother and the opposite sex, as I did for my father was physically abusive to my mother.

One may need to see their fear of the opposite sex, their fear of marriage these were my fears and fear that the husband would molest my daughters.

One may need to see their fear of rejection, fear they may become like their fathers to their wives and all other fears.

One may need to see their fear of a husband being incestuous with daughters and or sons.

One needs to realize any inner vows – “I’ll never marry a man they just bash women up” “they just sit back and do nothing when they see their mate violent to his wife” “they molest daughters” “they commit adultery – and all the time” “all they do is drink and stay at the pub every night” “they come home and throw their food through the window if it’s not what they want” “they do nothing but get waited on” “they leave their socks their shoes, their clothes anywhere, and I’ll have to pick up after them” “they never do housework or help with the children” “they just boss you around” so how could you love men like that, how could you love a man like that? These were my reasoning’s why I such hatred of men, I hated them and so wanted to just belt them up, yet I feared them for they were stronger than I and thought I could not bash them anyway.

One needs to realize that generational curses have given spirits open doors to bring forth these suggestions and bring on sexual


abuse physical abuse neglect rejection and things alike that have caused same-sex attraction. •

One needs to discern words of darkness from father and or mother such as, “Not another girl, I wanted a son” “You’re a hopeless son” “I never wanted a girl I wanted a boy” “I fell pregnant against my will and did not know if I should even keep you” “I did not want kids that young” “I only wanted my firstborn” “your father raped me, and you came along” “your father did not want kids” “if I love you your father will get mad or your sister will get jealous” There is such a need to see and recall the accusing voices that have sent up your image and thoughts of self.

One would need to heal so as to relate to the same sex without sexual desire and or fearing yielding to your sexual desire and or giggling and or being nervous and or feeling ‘powerless’ or inadequate. This can take years to stand strong near women who were once your ‘type’ the women that trigger attraction. Your restoration takes years to uproot the why factor and restore all things and choose His life because He has written Himself on your heart. When you break down to pin point why you get nervous, and you can for you are not clueless for His Spirit knows you and is The Counselor indwelling in you. Anyway consider your nervousness may be a way of protecting or shielding yourself from the fear of this attraction not that you really want her, but it has made the old unregenerate unhealed self-surface, could also be a spirit of fear or a fragmentation of your personality that has a life of its own not yet seen or healed. You may have low self-esteem; the old messages are coming back “you’re not really smart, but she is brilliant”. But this is, a good thing it causes you to face your fear, face your inadequacies and surrender them to Jesus for change. After sixteen years of regeneration and sanctification, I worked for a woman whom I thought had same-sex attraction, as her mother had only inferred she had a homosexual past before her current marriage. I did not want her to know what I thought so I could shield myself for I knew I had an attraction to her, but I did not know where and why it was coming up. What surfaced was unhealed fragments from my mother who wanted me to be a red head that a spirit still held ground or occupied. This I had forgotten about, so it was not discerned or healed, so there was still drawing in both spiritual and natural. The twisted thing is that lack and not being approved turns into sexual attraction to some natural red head women, when in the subconscious you want to please mother. So over time around her I was nervous and fearful, and I withdrew from my real self to make myself less appealing. Yet it did


not work for I still was attracted to her as the spirits work in darkness thus they bring distortion against the mind. Once our wires were crossed for she thought I was asking her to go home, but I was not, and it became embarrassing for both of us. But again I left it in the air with two meanings, so I did not have to confront her about what I thought to be true. If I had of been healed of mothers unintentional wounding and if I had known, I could have addressed her the day, I thought she was being seductive to me when I was ironing. I would have told her what I thought her mother was inferring, and I no longer live that lifestyle, but unknowingly I left it hidden, and spirits took advantage to bring distortion and deception. Anyway after realizing this, with the next person, I saw it and stopped it in the natural, so the spiritual could not take hold of it to bring deception, distortion and lust against me as they did with her. For I brought it out in the light, and she made it quite clear that she had never been lesbian, and all things were misconstrued. Therefore, it is not wise to keep what you think in the dark for that is where spirits work and function especially if the flesh is weak and in need of more healing. I blogged about this in August 2012 at five part teaching on Divers Temptation with teachings on The Call to Be A Disciple. So I suggest you are honest from the start and set your boundaries with any woman whom you think shows a desire towards you. If she is triggering sexual attraction, you will need to, seek out why from The Spirit of Christ Jesus to nip it in the bud before it got out of hand and ruled by unclean spirits and their deception and lies. Allow Him to bring unhealed and unknown issues to your heart and sit with Him till you find out why you are triggering and why the old you are resurrecting. We think we are protecting ourselves by our own skills, but our decisions are not Holy Spirit wisdom or a biblical standard. Therefore, it will backfire like it did to me and the net you hid catches yourself and in your own destruction you fall. For your flesh is weak, and the spirits of darkness know every strategy to cause that unhealed attraction to come alive and or to cause you to be tormented in the mind with sexual desire for her and tell so many lies and deception and distortion is the bread you eat. If they can prolong your regeneration, they will anyway they can and lying is their big gun. So seek His counsel prior, firstly on the triggering attraction, then on why and how do you approach a woman whom you think is making advances towards you out of her same-sex attraction or out of what you think she has for maybe she does not and it is just spirits lying about her to ensnare you and keep the savor of


homosexual lust alive. You will find you don’t truthfully want her it is just the essence of her you want, so stay faithful and walk it out with Jesus’ Counselor and you will see she becomes a blessing in disguise. •

One needs to see if there was an overly intense and intimate relationship and or any self-created emotional incest you’re your Mother or Father.

One may have a false belief that if I want love from a male, I have to have sex with them and all other distorted beliefs and values. I had such an empty love tank, a hollowness of need to be loved so when I had sex to me I was loved. Hence I became addicted to sex with a partner of ten years. One and once was never enough I had to have multiple orgasm’s and three times a day and anywhere and everywhere! This deception comes with the stronghold of homosexuality and addiction of any form of food alcohol drugs porn affairs and so on. Keep yielding this area over to Jesus and literally take Him as your Savior in this area pray that your heart changes so as to stay faithful for Jesus is Deliver and Restorer, and you do and will overcome. He fills the love tank with Himself, and you come to a place that nothing can compare with His Love, and you revel and wallow in His Love for it has truth and meaning.

One may have a need for same gender love and approval then realize it has become eroticized/sexualized.

One may have had a close, intimate relationship with a mother and a distant, fearful relationship with a father or no relationship with a father or no father at all. One may have had a dominant, intimate Mother, so the relationship with a male is a place where Mother cannot go.

One needs to see lies that it’s their fault because of parental neglect or no love or “I’m unlovable” “how could anyone love me” “Dad would never have left if it was not for me” “It’s my fault Dad divorced Mum.”

One would need to see the denial and or blindness of own capabilities looks talents that are evident to others, but not to you and hence the admiration of these in the same gender. Maybe it could be because of words spoken “you’re dumb” “you’re stupid” “you're mad” “your hands are not ladylike” “you got scars on your hands and knees” “you’re a tomboy” “don’t use big words, they are not you” “you’re not intelligent” as these were for


me, but they were lies and words of darkness, curse words to form a false self-image. “Cannibals eat only those they admire, and they eat them to get their traits” 11. [Payne, 1990:46] this is seen as the principle at work with homosexuals. And as Payne writes that one is trying to integrate with a lost or absent or denied or un-affirmed or delayed, or browbeat down and or arrested by spirits or arrested in development because of demons and environment or ground down part of self in another same gender person bringing same gender attraction. 12. [Payne, 1990:] Now at the other end of the scale: •

All of us same-sex attracted persons would need to come to terms with committing ourselves to living a no sex life at all and or abstinence for a ‘greater’ season of time and until the heterosexual identity is restored and realized and or the heterosexual desire brought forth by Jesus. We will need to be brought to a place to be able to enter into a possible future marriage as healing will take some time; for most a very long, long time as the mere thought of marriage is difficult in the conscious mind.

If you are actively engaged in a homosexual relationship, you would need to deal with secrecy first, fear of being caught out by spouse or church members. Fear of being seen as homosexual, fear of divorce or separation or loss of the children, fear of loss of status or social image.

One would need to understand that having once lived a lifestyle of homosexuality the soul has deep furrows of memory, desire, and preference for whatever the causations are. One needs to understand that the pleasure centers have been programmed and or written on, and the brain is believed to have changed to accommodate these memories. So we will have to die daily empowered by The Spirit of Christ Jesus, we will have to guard the heart, we may have to live our life, not around women and or men that are our stumbling blocks until a fuller measure of healing and sanctification takes root. Truth is we cannot at all watch movies with homosexual overtones or make the excuse as to why we should look for a moment or a minute or until the scene is passed. As soon as we see such an experience we will have to turn off the DVD, or this sets us back in the mindset of same-sex attraction and demons go on and on and on. If not we will have to cast down the imaginations, and spend all day every five minutes casting down their perverse temptations and not allowing the soul intertwine in the sensual


desires (James 1:15). If we have opened ourselves to spirits seven times worse after confession, we will need to set warfare against them until they are fed up with the strength of His might. This way they will desist their perverse moves against us until a more opportune time as in another movie we purposely watch. To make mention, Homosexual Anonymous has a 14 step program that can be accessed through the internet. Further, if you are struggling with temptation in the area of fantasy or adultery or have transgressed into adultery or pornography and or obsessive masturbation or whatever other sexual bondage, you can seek ministries that will bring you out of bondage for there is no condemnation. Jesus wills to set you free and bring you forth as His faithful king and priest. And it does not exclude you if you die with same-sex attraction, it is the act that is the sin, He knows why same-sex attraction was formed and why it may remain. •

For some of us, this has been our experience we have felt abandonment by the church or society at large because of biases, revulsion, disgust, judgment, repulsion, and distortion as we have been misunderstood and feared. A word of reality: the religious church at large cannot cope with this subject or our past of homosexuality so they may shun you, fear you, and turn and walk away or walk straight by you. It can also happen that you befriend the same sex and then feel safe after two years to expose your past, and they may drop you like a hot rock. The sad and real thing is that the church is mostly full of carnal people who see with their natural eye than their spiritual eye and live for themselves so take not this on board as personal. This is why I wrote Church in the Survival Kit for you will need counsel to overcome a church life and especially because you were once homosexual, probably half of them think it was a choice! The truth is sometimes we are ‘put under the microscope’ - ‘to riskskay’ to be around that girl/guy or befriend ‘her’; then you can feel like you're seen as some type of a sexual predator with your name listed at the local police station as I did. The women don’t hug you just in case it might ‘turn you on’ or they hug you sideways, ‘or they are seen by you or others as some type of latent lesbian – demons are such liars! Or sometimes some conservative ‘religious’ church people have not been exposed to homosexuals in any part of their daily lives, so they are fearful, or they are just self-righteous in judgment and find any thought of such sexual deviation as utterly gross or just revolting. In other words, it’s too much for them to compute or handle in their minds for their moral compass points in their personal direction. For whatever reason, it is probably easier for them to


bury their heads in the sand then confront or walk through something new with Jesus teaching and training them about brokenness in love and grace so take no offense. No matter how they feel towards ‘the recovering homosexual’ and or to ‘he or she who was once homosexual’ it is wise for them and us to be operating in discernment in The Spirit to a ‘person who was once or is in bondage to homosexuality.' Because we are very vulnerable in recovery, and we do not want to take their affection or acceptance to come across as a ‘come on’ for this will give spirits grounds to lie or bring forth fantasy. Or in the opposite, rejection and bias can give us reason to backslide or leave the church or cause additional pain as most of us have been so wounded and are still being healed of a rejection based personality that takes many years of restoration. So you have to know this, and see this; people will reject you, and people’s affection can be twisted by our own insecurity or brokenness and used by lying spirits. These people are ignorant they do not realize when we received Jesus and decided to come to church we desire healing, and we are longing for healing; we want restoration and salvation. They do not know that we want out; we want the keys to freedom from same sexual attraction. They do not know that we have set our hearts to want to conform to righteousness. They do not realize that we don’t want their ‘beauty’ for we know they are a daughter of the Most High God, our sister in Christ. This used to make me as angry as I would have rather taken them to the bed chamber of the Lord Jesus Christ that they may be healed of their pain than inflict pain on them or take them into darkness. They did not know I wanted out from the demonic driving that attracted me to the same sex and shoot that was why I came to Jesus and into the church. •

One needs to realize compulsive, involuntary imaginings and desires are and will be demonically induced and have become habitual, sensuous and stimulating. Many did not realize, so they believed to have originated from their own thoughts, desires, and sexual urges; but I believe all homosexuality has its origins firstly in unclean spirit demonic activity in the mind. Yes, I agree with the studies on the brain, hormonal, testosterone and chemical yet I do not believe this is the main contributing factor to sexual orientation; pedophilia is in this school of thought. Yet we know it is immoral and a transgression to be a pedophile. I know that spirits are behind this destructive perverse stronghold of pedophilia. I believe this is the foundation stone or the beginning causation of homosexuality where spirits instrument and instigate a


network of thoughts. The soul does not discern their own thoughts to these unclean spirits, and they believe it to be themselves. Demons or spirits never work alone, and their work starts anywhere from three years of age, even torment in the womb “your parents want a boy, and you’re a girl, they won’t love you if you are a girl.” They work in agreement as a team, as a network with their different functions, as in spirits of lies, hatred, murder, rejection, lust, fantasy, insecurity, fear, phobia, perversion, confusion, rebellion, self/men/women-hatred, spite, jealousy, anger, incest, blockage, and masculinity in females, femininity in males, sodomy desires, homosexuality, desire for sex, fear of sex with the opposite sex. In addition, unclean and perverse spirits bring forth flashes or visions and especially at the same time another spirit will bring forth an adrenaline buzz. Then sexual spirits in the genitals bring forth a ‘buzz’/ sexual stimulus / impulse and the soul naturally respond with emotion and sensory to the nervous system for the body to react. Women get a blood rush to the clitoris hood and men to the penis. Truth is spirits do have access to the nervous system and use it, as bizarre as it sounds we are hosts to spirits; we are not freestanding human beings in our own mortal rights. We are subject to the unseen realms so is our body. Truth is you may be able to avoid the tax department from not catching out your cheating, but you won’t avoid God, His Spirit is on the earth and sees everything you do, and judges according to His Word for breach of His laws. Christians can and do have spirits indwelling them, and most assuredly non-Christians have spirits indwelling them. Do a biblical study on the word spirit or unclean spirit, and you know and I know Jesus cast out spirits so did the Disciples and after the ascension of Christ Jesus. All these spirits do not function individually but united to cause a person to believe they are ‘born like that’ ‘bent that way’ ‘geared towards that way’ ‘desiring that same-sex encounter’ ‘sexually sensuously feeling that way.’ In the now and in the future these spirits desire your commitment and worship to Jesus, they want the intimacy you have and will have with your Creator. For they know if they can get your worship, they can get you and move you back to a homosexual life. They know out of worship, or a life of worship in all its meaning comes the abundant living. Comes the power over their wiles and the power over them as fallen worshippers to bring forth the judgment of casting them out of this world until the great white throne judgment. Works of darkness is the same principle at work in the foundation of committing incest, pedophilia-prepubescent, and


nepiophilia (age 0-3 years) and the other sexual transgressions of pederasty (older man with older underage male), Lolita (older man with older underage female), ephebophilia or hebephiliaadolescents. All are unnatural acts all are precipitated by spirits “it all began with open doors of unclean spirits” then the corrupt, perverse deceived soul marries up with the stimulus. The soul delights and enjoys and stays, and this union causes the deviation from the ‘norm.’ And can and does bring forth grounds for different types of mental illness which are doors for more demonic habitation. It is important to realize throughout your healing journey you will have temptations and the rest of your life. In the beginning years most assuredly you will still have sin structures you are bound in knowingly or unknowingly. So spirits of darkness with their sorcery and witchcraft powers will bring lustful thoughts back, and with their power to cause stimulation especially if all doors are not closed, and you are not walking uprightly in sexual purity. This does not mean you are still a homosexual or have not had a great measure of healing, but you have the human capacity of memory and feeling. This will happen if you have yielded to their onsets again or heart fully entertained their thoughts; if so, get on your face and go for grace. Be at peace and where you need further healing see these struggles as the opportunity for more sanctification more change and more healing coming your way. Allow Him to continue to do a deeper work by a fresh surrender realizing that He is Able. Truth is He has broken the power of unclean spirits and homosexuality, and He does restore you to the heterosexual identity. Be set free to know this: if it is not homosexual lust you struggle with it would be heterosexual lust. Those who are single those who are divorced all get assaulted by spirits of darkness to desire to think or to act out in fornication masturbation and are assailed to commit adultery and look at porn. You are I am no different only we cannot live or marry the same sex. The gift of celibacy is available so is His sustaining power and understanding on our base sexual urges. Our base instinct for heterosexual sexual encounters has been trained out of us by the lifestyle and encounters we have had in same-sex unions. If you train a male dog from its youth to not raise its leg but squat, you will write over his instincts. This is no different for us our instinct has written over. It has been trained to squat and not cock, but we got it in us to cock our leg and pee up the tree – not squat near the tree! Get a revelation after your restoration transformation sanctification, you will be left with homosexual lust residing in you. By choice, you can go back and squat or resist that and instinctively cock!


So the truth now is we have to know that we are to die daily and adhere to the healing process until we have enough of God in us that any temptations demonic or human circumstance will not cause us to yield or go back to any aspect of that lifestyle, let alone forfeit our call, vision, ministry or eternal security in squatting! Nothing is impossible with God, He can and He will and He does heal and restore us who He originally created us to be, no matter what the causations are for He does and will reveal the truth and birth truth in our hearts. Do not concern yourself with those who live a homosexual lifestyle and declare they are Christians serving Yahweh I believe their conscious is seared, and it is studied negligence from Genesis to Revelation. Regardless where they stand and how they believe how to serve God, they are His business, you get on with seeking truth and proving the truth, and it is the Truth that you believe that will set you free. You believe you cannot be a practicing homosexual and enter into the Kingdoms blessing here today and inherit eternal life so seek truth until you are fully convinced. That is why you have decided to depart to the other side by receiving the call to be His spiritual king and priest as one who lives in abstinence of sexual gratification and does not commit sexual immorality, especially outside a biblical marriage framework. Therefore, you continue on with why and being built up in your most holy faith for you will come to peace and your heart will take hold of truth and His way of life, as opposed to the gay and homosexual way of life. As Jeff Olson writes “People do not change simply by gaining more insight into how same-sex attractions develop. But a deeper understanding can be an important first step.” 13. [Olson, 1996:11] His booklet “When Passions Are Confused Understanding Homosexuality” can be downloaded on a PDF ing_Homosexuality.pdf If you are a new Christian go to RBC Ministries and they have various teaching series in booklets. Take hold of that which Christ has done for you and continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling for straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life and very few there be that find it. Seek out various other writers, and those who have researched the subject for they have other keys, information and causations not in my book. So you do some googling for your own natural and spiritual welfare.


___________________________________________________________ Depart To The Other Side ___________________________________________________________ I know now for us to overcome we have to the rest of our lives in the strength of the Lord do the following: ▪

To die daily to self by yielding to The Spirit of Christ Jesus to walk in His empowering.

Put on Christ by surrendering our bodies as an instrument of righteousness and asking for the armor in Ephesians six to be anointed upon us, and knowingly say no to temptations. For example, we know we are not to steal so if you are tempted to steal just resist it, same as sexual immorality resist it as there is a law against it just like stealing.

Warfare in the breath of The Holy Ghost if under demonic attack.

Remain in The Faith and stay in a community with the family.

Study, read and listen to The Scriptures, and you can become part of this worldwide community Daily Audio Bible app is available listen on the go.

To allow Him to live through us, this is how we overcome the lusts of the flesh by walking in The Spirit, study what does this mean and how do I walk in The Spirit.

Resist in His strength.

To take every thought captive, and old thoughts of the heart captive to Christ yield, so you don’t dwell on them. If out of pain you went to a cave of fantasy, it is very difficult to walk back out of fantasy but you can.

Be re-educated in the natural and the spiritual.

Forgive others.

Forgive ourselves.

Be renewed in the spirit of the mind by the Scriptures at least weekly.

Love and accept self for looks, shape, attributes, size, downfalls, traits, personality type, and imperfections, ‘lack of.’


Be in fellowship and honest, open relationship with Jesus and The Holy Ghost.

Walk after The Spirit; foster and develop a relationship with Him. “Mind Spiritual and spiritual things” “the spiritual mind is life and peace.” Put spiritual things first, spiritual knowledge first in all things. As we walk in the Spirit, we develop our intuitive awareness of Him The Spirit of Christ Jesus, and we allow the peace of God to reign, and then we will learn not to let circumstances rule or govern our life. As we mature in “the things of the Spirit”, we have become stronger that way we do not allow emotions and impulses of our soul or works of darkness against the mind to lead us into acting on the temptation. We learn His leading by His impressions, restraints, quickening of the Word, no peace and we will see if it is Him allowing demonic torment against the mind to uproot something. You must know this: His inward witnesses are not in takeover of the mind or body; they are delicate or subtle. However, as you mature in discerning His manifestations to the demonic or the flesh His presence can be so obvious and so strong when He releases more of His power upon us.

To be “led by His Spirit” to doing what you know is right even when you don’t ‘feel’ like doing it, this is staying faithful. A knowledge of or inner resistance of what is not an action to take is a safe place to be in if you have no peace then do not do it. Always examine any witness to be either Holy Ghost, spirits or your own flesh screaming with desire self-pity or in the victim mode. Examine them against the Word, your intuition, and common sense or mental knowledge.

In The Depart to the Other Side Personal Cleansing Workbook, I have a comprehensive Occult list and prayer strategy for deliverance of spirits of darkness. I recommend you get as cleaned up as possible from spirits that have come because of transgressing His laws. You may not have known that going to a psychic or a tarot card reader or following the star signs were transgressions of His laws as God of Creation. Therefore, a curse is against you for dabbling in unrighteousness regardless if you were a Christian or not. The fewer spirits, the less we have to discern between what is evil and good and what is our flesh. Needless to say, we are always to walk by faith with our eyes on Jesus and His finished work of Calvary, having defeated spirits as they are dogs on leads under His


Lordship as He has Lordship over all legal grounds of spirits of darkness. Therefore, we do not walk with an evil spirit focus all day; we walk in the freedom and liberty of Calvary. We trust He will contend against them and keep His eye on them and let us know when we need to be aware of them. ▪

To be in prayer about all aspects of life/everything.

Be made new in the soul and spirit to walk in the new nature He has Covenanted to us to be united with His.

To walk out of a heterosexual mindset, not out of a homosexual identification and or out of the mindset of the past lifestyle, or a mindset I will never be healed, or I’ll probably go to my grave preferring the same sex. The new has come just has not married as restoration and our renewal takes years. The Christ life is here, and the new nature is being birthed and healing is bringing forth the trueness of a son or daughter of God identity of a king and a priest identity as His peculiar people. Our identity is found in Christ we identify with being His People His Servants His own under His Kingdom authority.

To put off old habits of expressions, sayings actions, attitudes of the heart attitudes all in His strength. And strength of His counsel might and skill to overcome and to speak what the Word speaks not what we once were. Consider this well-known truth somebody once coined “our greatest defeats are His greatest victories He will perform in us” and “what the Devil meant for bad God turns it for our good.”

Work out our salvation. When we do, we will receive what God has available, what is our inheritance, what are the promises and what is possible with Him on our side. We don’t fall from God’s election when we will fall into sin, but to make sure we will not fall from God’s calling and election we work out our salvation, and we come into agreement to His ways His Kingdom lifestyle. We will triumph over sin if we do fall from grace. Therefore, we will not forfeit eternal salvation when we fulfill the conditions (1 John 3:6-9).

Examine ourselves. It is no easy road, as we have to be diligent.

Growing in grace.


Don’t be deceived to think your election is sure, by saying I slipped up, God loves me I am now forgiven and go back and do the same sin structure. Recall being barren or unfruitful can bring deception into thinking you are saved and are not, truth is spiritual blindness may be a deliberate closing of the eyes. Allow him to develop the qualities of holiness and His character and allow Him to work through you for His redemptive purposes. Consider there is a false teaching of once saved always saved, but divine judgment is backed up by prophecy from Old Testament to the New Testament. Set your heart to prove this doctrine, and you will know if true. ▪

Hang in there and press in and receive whatever is required to live unto holiness for the journey will be lengthy. His ability will be richly supplied, and whatever is needed to overcome sin structures He is Able. God took the Israelites straight from Egypt into the Holy Land, and led them in a circuitous route; He molded them in this lengthy journey as a new generation to be a kingdom of priests, and He knew this slower way was the better way for them. He refrained from giving them quick teachings as He knew they were incapable of obeying laws and His righteous instructions straight forth after giving them for Egypt was still part of them. He knew they needed to abandon the customs they were brought up on, so He kept them out in the wilderness, on a circular route to retrain them and remold them according to His ways and customs. This He does with us, so do not be moved if well after several years you still have strong same-sex attractions He is at work, and you just keep on applying His way of life and allowing Him to birth you anew that you are born from above.

To even change your style of clothing, not hang with old ‘pals,’ maybe sell or change or store under the house or in storage your furnishings, garden arts, household arts, bed linens, photos, furniture or maybe moving house or to have a change of car. This is only recommended if discerned in The Spirit, at His will. But know that you know that you know it is His will, as the enemy can lead us down the garden path and bring devastation that should never have been brought upon us because we are or were vulnerable and undiscerningly lacking knowledge. These things may need to occur until the ‘real’ you and ‘healed’ you have come forth. Then you see what you may want to take out of storage, and you will see you were that personality type anyway it was not attached to the false homosexual personality. You will see that you were an arty, creative type of person and did not need to refurnish your house to look like a conservative normal stereotypical house.


It is wiser to store than impulsively sell everything or burn photos or burn this or that or sell this or that or move here or there. Of course, we have to burn things associated with false religions and the occult and witchcraft practices, but with other things, not sure of just seek Jesus. When you know that you know that you know that you know from the Holy Spirit burn the ‘this’ or ‘that’ sell the ‘this’ or ‘that’ throw the ‘this or that’ or the ‘you move there or stay where you are.’ Desperately wanting deliverance from my past and being ‘green’ in the faith I was not knowledgeable enough to store my personal things. I had been receiving counsel and deliverance of spirits from an older woman and older in the faith, so I trusted. One day after ministry we walked down my eight stairs that housed different types of potted old kettles on each step, and she said this: “All this stuff has to go, this eccentric you have to go.” As she looked at the stairs, she looked at the garden that was filled with my creative touch. Wagon wheels, herb beds of steel wheels, old beat up Cyclops bikes in circles of steel herb gardens, old plows and a beautiful, creative around thirty centimeters deep old steel tractor wheel I had made into an herb garden. A centerpiece in the yard created in cake slices of pieces of steel from old wood and gas stoves. So I thought she knew best, and I desperately wanted deliverance from the torment of tormenting demons that I thought would free me from my same sex attraction, but the truth is that did not work, so what I could not sell it went for scrap metal. Years later and to date that person who created designed that was the ‘real’ self, the artistic creative me. All I had to do was store all that until I discerned by my own heart and The Spirit to put it back. It is good, or it is far better to involve Him because when we think we know best, it could be quite possible we don’t or are not yet ready yet. So not knowing I could have put it back in the garden and or would have got to being stable enough to say no I, no I have decided to no longer want that part of my life in my life anymore I was at a loss regretting my loss. Resentful and devastated in heart and angry, so angry that I had been told ‘this eccentric you have to go with all her art’ when I realized that was the real me at the core. With the burning of all my photos of sixteen years of homosexuality, the rejection and shunning from church women and this causing me to become isolated from church family I would have walked away from church and returned to my former past only that I had been exposed to the spirits of darkness, and Jesus was the only way out of their torment and powers they assailed at me. Also, Holy Ghost said why you would leave Him when it was not Jesus will for these things to have


happened to me, so I stayed and wrote to counsel my way through with The Spirit of Christ Jesus, yelling all the way!!! Anyway, sometimes it’s only for a season to put stuff away to release the memories of our past and or transcend past the memories of our past having taken on a renewed mind. Some say you have to throw away or burn photos as they give demons legal doorways. “… but just as dangerous spiritually is the ownership of photos and mementos which recall to mind former lustful relationships which were formed in the world, outside of God’s will. By the ownership of such things, agreement with the spirits which formerly moved through them is reached. The command is to separate from the ungodly past and to reckon it as dead and gone (Romans 6:2). Only really cleaning house will bring lasting relief from such wicked spirits which trouble Christian marriages and distract with floods of obscene thoughts.” 14. [Worley, 1996:8] There is an agreement there with the darkness, but after a season they lose their grounds when we are renewed, so I disagree. Jesus knows the heart and is Able to contend against any spirit on those grounds. I am now not going back to the lifestyle of homosexuality and in my heart I would like my photos of sixteen years of my life back, another regretful loss. I cannot just erase sixteen years and pretend it never existed and “reckon it as dead and gone”, but I was advised to burn the photos, and I did. My heart and my personality are in need of healing more than photos of my past. I live in the house we both lived in together, and The Lord has not required me to move or sell it or burn it! As a woman thinks in her heart, so she is and to the pure, all things are pure. I have prayed for cleansing and the lifting off of curses over the house and a silky oak antique dining table and chairs I have kept. There are things from that time in my life I still have that bring no memories back and no desire to go back to that way of lifestyle. I’m bond-slaved to Jesus; I choose life, the Christ life and choose to follow Him with no turning back. So again I do not advise you to burn your photos; store them until you have made the transit from the old to the new in the heart. Also, until you are fully committed to a lifestyle of Christianity and or living for Jesus in your ‘healed’ state and stable state. And remember, the nest of spirits connected to homosexuality takes some time to uproot anyway; many are bonded in us to the cords of our iniquity structures and buried in the homosexual personality. We need a new motherboard, re-chipping, reprogramming, renewing by the washing of the Word and the practice of living by The Word; from the old to become the new, and it does not happen overnight. We have many learning curves to go


through and much self-realization to discern and renew many storms will be on our voyage. So wait then, being knowledgeable enough to decide out of yourself to keep photos, or throw them away or to give them to someone, or to cut ‘the them’ out and not keep the other person(s) you can choose this in time and you may will to want to throw away or not throw away when you can see clearly and are stable. The principle of being devastated or destroyed by lack of knowledge applies in various arenas of life. As we mature in the faith, we do discern the Holy Spirit’s movements. We know His impressions from our own thoughts in our mind, and we will know His impressions from the demon’s thoughts on and projected over our mind, and we know our own thoughts. The good news is homosexuals are not born, but many of the listed above circumstances and many other circumstances ‘made us that way’ or ‘caused us to go that way.’ I realize there are various studies done on the brain revealing chemical causations, testosterone, and hormone levels that cause homosexuality in men and women, but this is not my field of revelation. And as yet I have not read any evidence that definitely reveals that homosexuality is genetic. But I do know Biblically Jesus can deliver and change us, He created us then He can if the medical findings are true heal and change any womb birth or developmental defect. Jesus can alter any chemical imbalance and balance hormone and testosterone in both men and women, He can reprogram us in every way (You will still be left with memory). Regardless, all finding and the environmental and curses with unclean spirits, all these causations have to be considered in discerning why we are and why we were bound in same-sex attraction, in homosexuality. Truth is we are not permitted to be practicing homosexuals, sad for all of us and a point of grief for all of us who would like to marry and be a homosexual Christian. But there is no blessing there is no approval of same sex marriage or same sex unions from our Father or Jesus – But God where is our Moses? Hard facts are Jesus is our Moses, and He did not release us knowing our hard hearts and knowing that we would be altered in many ways from various causations to desire and want to be with the same sex. Put homosexuality in the same school of disease illness sickness infirmity and consider many people live with fibromyalgia, accelerated aging and epigenetic and genetic inheritance is evident and obvious not everyone gets healed so they carry their cross. In reality, Jesus The Word would have made allowances for us to live out our lives as an obedient Torah and New Testament observant


homosexual Christians. Look, we would have found the clause, the loophole but we have not, so we can’t, therefore, it is our cross we have to carry. He does bring forth changes restoration is a truth, and we are untwisted and our passions can be put back on the opposite sex by giving us a new heart in the natural and the spiritual. I cannot agree there it is a natural instinctive innate predisposition to homosexuality when I have such knowledge of demons / unclean spirits, curses and the way we treat each other or do not treat each other that seed a root to grow that brings forth a tree of homosexuality producing its fruits. His Will now is to guide us in discernment and counsel for restoration, wholeness, and healing through His paths of righteousness. And His paths of righteousness are not just “thou shall not be a homosexual,” or “thou shall not masturbate” and “thou shall obey My commandments or else you are getting punished and going to hell.” We have heard this in church over and over again “legalism cannot stop immorality, laying down the law just heightens the temptation, stimulates the desire to do so and to take the forbidden fruit.” He knows all the fruits of the root of these sexual sins. Then once He has given us the discernment He will give us a new heart. His ways in which to walk in and the power to keep these sexual sin structures dead and a heart for those changes to no longer want to be that way. He will give a heart of love to love Him, serve Him and stay with Him and remain faithful for His Word is our standard, and His Word teaches us how to live as one set apart, we cannot serve Him on our terms it has to be His terms and scripture is very clear on this. So regardless if we scream, “where is my Moses to allow me to marry the same sex” it bounces back off His standard of Holiness and His standard of living written in The Word of Adam and Eve and the truth of the devastation of sin that brought forth a twisting of our sexuality and personality. “He restores my soul; He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3 The truth is, and it does hurt that we cannot live in a committed, loving sexual relationship with the same sex. The hard truth is that we cannot die with that someone special of the same sex regardless of healing sanctification or if only I could make that choice and not live above my same-sex attraction.


When you know the truth, your gender, your feelings, your sexual desires as much as your socioeconomic status does not define your identity. Look into the mirror of the Word and your identity will stare right back at you. Heaven has made a proclamation over you stand in your true identity be born again become king and priest. ________________________________________________________ Depart To The Other Side ________________________________________________________ The following is not very palatable, but it has to be included so you can glance over it skip it or read it. But I had to get healed from my hatred of Pedophiles like that of my hatred of men. As an adolescent, I knew many girls at school being sexually abused by their fathers also girls in my neighborhood. I also witnessed a teacher who sexually abused some girls in class by blatantly touching their breasts; he was in later years charged, praise The Lord, and so I feared and hated them. I also unknowing lived with a female pedophile for ten years, and she had been a victim of an incestuous relationship with her father even after the age of eighteen. When I first met her, my intuition said she is a pedophile, but I had no allotment for female pedophiles for I thought only males did that, so I dated with her! When my daughter was in nappies, I suspected she was doing this, so I started to cry out to God to show me if this was fear or truth. Thank you, Jesus, He showed me as I caught her in the act after discerning one day to go and check on my daughter. Being in the gay scene most of the women I knew had been sexually abused by their fathers or uncles or some adult male. For all those reasons above I had paranoid fear and hatred of them; and when I knew I would one day pray for them, I said no way and The Holy Ghost responded “if you do not understand them you will not be healed or overcome your fear and hatred of them.� So the following is the result of my studying to understand why they perpetrate and why they can act so obviously evil to children to bring such ruin and devastation against their lives. Therefore, Pedophilia like homosexuality and to add compulsive masturbation is also not as cut and dry as repentance, renunciation, abstinence and casting out the associated spirits after breaking curses. There are fruits to the root of being bonded in a habitual cycle why someone cannot stop or want to stop, or they do stop then backslide. Most times and at first these practices need to be viewed, not from a sin point of view but seen as psychological bondages. These acts cannot be dealt with in and of themselves as the sin of masturbation, sin of


pedophilia or sin of incest and to add the sin of homosexuality. They cannot be addressed like “don’t ever masturbate ever again” or “don’t ever think homosexual or act homosexual ever again” or “Don’t be a pedophile ever again.” These sin structures have to be treated or viewed as unique and personal the whole persona as the sexuality has to be re-educated, and the soul sanctified. However, it does not lessen the responsibility because of the transition in healing or understanding the roots. For example, “I know I am doing what is wrong, it is stronger than I.” Grace is not a substitute for continued backsliding when you have knowledge of these acts as sin and a transgression of His laws. Also, when His power to sustain and save from any temptation is available. Also, when He can keep you pressing on towards recovery and His gracious understanding of your heart and your unconscious motives, so grace is not your substitute. Jesus is the “Delivering One” and you have to intertwine in His Spirit of Discernment to give you the reasons why you are bonded to the sin of compulsive masturbation or sin of homosexuality or the sin of pedophilia and incest. I understand this subject of incest and pedophilia is more than enough or heavy to deal with, but some of you who are reading this book have sex addiction in this form, and you need understanding and healing to move on and stop your criminal acts against children. Not only do you need to depart from lesbianism or sodomy but some of you also need to depart from pedophilia. Even though you and I know these transgressions are gross sins against human beings, Jesus does give forgiveness and understands the roots to your devastating sinful practices of pedophilia and incest. He hates these sins but loves and wants to love you the sinner to redemption and restoration. Forgiveness is available to all, the Blood of Jesus shed for you, for me and those in this bondage. And recall He offered forgiveness to the German Nazi’s who did heinous war crimes to and against His chosen beloved people The Jews. So none of us has ever sunk too low for Jesus to rescue to save and to change, take grace be at peace. But never forget He is a God of Judgment, He is terrible out of His Holy places (Psalms 68:35), and retribution and vengeance belongs to Him; He will repay (Psalms 149:7, 94:1, 7:6, 11-16, 9:3,16-17, 11:6, 107:17-18, 26-27, 39-40; Isaiah 14:5-6, 9, 11, 15; Deuteronomy 32:35, 39-42, 7:10). And remember pestilence, the arrow that flies,


destruction that wastes, the terror by night and plagues of affliction written in Psalm 91 will come upon you and them, and they do become prisoners of these afflictions because they rebelled against His laws against His Word (Psalm 107:10). So let’s consider the rotten fruits and the roots of those of you who are bound in these forms and types of sexual sins. Again I gleaned these causations from various sites on the internet listed in the endnotes, and I pray you come into agreement that your journey will bear fruit and fruit everlasting that you may be healed and set free and inherit the Kingdom now and eternally. ❑

Fear of mature aged persons.


Sexual attraction to other types of illegal and or perversions.


Lowered self-esteem.

Low self-esteem.

Depression, constant depression.

Vulnerability to prescribed medication, drug, and alcohol abuse especially to block out guilt, shame, confusion.


Psychological distress.


Blaming the child.


No acceptance of the harm done to child/ren.

Rationalize the behavior.

Abandonment, rejection and no acceptance.

Ostracized, isolation, jobs that require fewer people contact.





Unpleasant mood.

Shame and Embarrassment.

Guilt, intense guilt.

Need for attention and give attention and affection.

Cannot socialize in public.

Poor school / work performance.

People pleaser, become the ‘nice guy.’

Deny that this is causing the child/ren any distress. (Same as the alcoholic and drug addict when they deny they have a problem.)

Have beliefs that strongly support any offense and action. Get caught in a cycle; offend, guilt, more guilt, depression, try to alleviate the depression, low self-esteem, so turn towards child/ren again and pornography again for the release.

Being once a ‘victim.’

Control and power over the young person.

The rush of getting away with it.

Supernaturally a demonic intense sexual arousing and precipitated when around children. (The person is not aware of the demonic manifestations of this network of spirits as the conscience has become seared and or darkened to their presence and activity. I know supernatural power over same-sex attraction, and it is strong and inviting and causes arousal. Consider in the bible, the temple prostitution was anointed by unclean spirits, and they had sex with spirits and spirits with them!)


Allowing the fantasy to become a reality.

Child pornography.

Forced to be a child prostitute, child slave, child ‘porn star.’

Sexual abuse trauma in earlier life, looking for a way to stop or quench the intensity of the effects of that trauma and or memory recall of a sense of sexual delight. (Demons bring this delight, a typical strategy of demons is to cause a young child to desire and act towards sexual encounters with perpetrator and then in later years they will burden them with guilt, condemnation, blame, hatred, suicide – it's like they give with one hand and take with the other, moreover both.)

Very strong controlling powers from demonic spirits. (The network and or group of demon spirits are very, very strong powers, very strong – to the point of “mind control.” It is a very fortified relentless strength, a fortress against the soul and sexual senses of that person. Then joined up with the unsanctified flesh or the sinful, lustful nature these desires are agonizing and intense for that person, so they submit to them and or continue to submit to them. I once heard a man say, “devils don’t give up until you give in.”)

Very strong demonic desires for prepubescent children and or babies to toddlers (0-3-year-olds).

Rape victim and or perpetrator.

Ritual abuse.

Betrayal, abandonment. (“Then the perpetrator feels child/ren will never betray or abandon them ‘object constancy’”)

Violent behavior at childhood, violence correction or cruelty.


or mother


Generational inheritance of curses. (This is the major doorway of all pedophilia and incest, as these spirits are connected to curses. The spirits have personalities and will and want to outwork their persona. So they begin to function


with bringing mindsets, desires, thoughts of pedophilia and incest and link up with other sexual spirits that bring stimuli to the body. Healing has to be dealt with in the spiritual and the natural realm; if not there will not be complete healing and or abstinence. Mental Health does not consider this causation as ‘real’, and why would they when they and the mental health system are under doctrines of devils for them “depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons…” (1 Timothy 4:1). ❑

Depression, depression in childhood seeking a way to alleviate constant depressed state. Personality disorders, narcissistic personality. Still seeking first attraction of childhood love and sexual experience, their pleasure centers were programmed hence that is where the highest sexual stimulus is found. Memories of childhood secure love have not disassociated from childhood sexual relationship to the transition of mature same age sexual relationship. Relationship with a young girl of twelve when boy was around fourteen to sixteen. Offending at early age especially when coming into puberty, sisters are the only females around to outlive ‘surging’ or the young girl who is the neighbor.

Show and tell with family members or neighbors or cousins.

Stress in the home.

Intense intimate relationship with Mother.

Discomfort with same age sex or biological sex of self.

Low self-image.

Emotional abuse from parents or family or foster parents/family.

Alienated from father.

Influenced from father that adult and child sex is acceptable.

Small penis and then the penis seem very large against a small child.


Short stature.

Grandiose, haughty.

Ego boost.

Forbidden fruit, knowing children are ‘forbidden fruit.’

Experienced peer pressure from same sex and or for inability to relate. Ostracized for being effeminate at school and not accepted into the ‘crowd.’ Reliving childhood desires to be a child again, to be childlike. Initiates a repetition of the same abuse with same sex as perpetrator identification has come into the image. Crave male attention, affection, approval. Looking at Internet sites of pornography, pedophilia out of fun and or peer pressure, or let’s just have a look. (You unknowingly have opened the door to associated demonic spirits, so in they come and now they want to outwork their persona and function. This is why we are commanded to depart from iniquity, have no fellowship with the works of darkness. Break a spiritual law and receive the spirit associated to the breach. As in turn a plane off at high altitude and down it goes, the law of gravity has been broken, and the truth is there are not only natural laws but there are spiritual laws at work so break these and receive the repercussions.)

Believing lies from spirits – “Oh, the child feels sexual pleasure and likes it” “its educational” “The child was sexually provocative” “it is beneficial to the child” “she thanked me for it” “I saw a girl years later whose virginity I took, and she said she was so glad I introduced her to sex at such a young age.”

Inability to differentiate sex from love.

Confusion between care getting and caregiving.

No respect for adult authority.


Threatened by same age opposite sex, fear being controlled by same age peers. Use of a training ground to exercise adult relationship skills. Lawlessness and curses of lawlessness and various sexual transgressions curses, including various freemasonry curses. (The stronger the network of sexual spirits, the more they will desire to operate, and they are more apt to be allowed to function by the Ruling demonic spirit in and over the person to bring devastation because of legal rights of function – no demon spirit can function against believers unless they have a legal passage of entrance and or doorway – a spiritual law is a fixed working like the law of gravity. Once the soul intertwines with the onset or temptation of the spirit and or spirits they will enlarge their nest to further bring cords of iniquity hence spirits against their host/human/person.)

On drugs, on “downers.”

Compulsive reenacted acts with children – loss of control.

Compulsive, involuntary imaginings demonically / spiritually induced.





(The mind is bombarded, bombarded, bombarded; then other spirits impart sexual arousal – some spirits have access to the nervous system, the sexual stimuli, and now they have built up a stronghold of the mind, and it has become habitual sensual and stimulating, very pleasurable. It is either acted out, or Internet acted out only, or troubled with psychological distress and or acted out to alleviate release. Now there is a fortress with a preoccupation with sexual urges and the desire the fantasies give to the sexual stimuli. Demonic induced sexual stimulus is a higher ranged orgasm and sensual feeling than the normal carnal nature of man. What becomes unknown is the person experiences this heighten sexual arousal and seeks this height all the time, and the trap is there will never be any real satisfaction and spirits make sure of this. Orgasms are unlike ‘normal climatic sexual experience’ as it has a demonic anointing attached. Also, demons receive pleasure and stimuli from this sexual sin structure. This is what the person craves unknowingly – much like what the drug addict feels from the rush a needle gives just going into the arm, other than that of a rush through the body as the heroin goes into the blood system. Research subject on incubus and succubus and mare these literally have intercourse with people.)


Repeat sexual abuse to gain mastery over the experience, just like those who are fearful all the time find a way to master their inability to overcome the torment of fear. So they get off on fear to cope with its ongoing onslaughts against the mind, emotions and body. Identification with father/mother who has abused them or molester, the identification, has become subconscious and now is conscious. Lies from spirits that marital satisfaction is no longer at its climatic height. Starving for attention, affection and love. Molested by an older man, perceived the relationship as loving, so this same molestation is carried out in the same loving relationship with a child. Immaturity wants to give love to a boy/girl which he/she did not receive in childhood. Narcissistic identification with the child sees child as an identical or ideal image of himself/herself. Giving a child, the same love he/she wishes he/she had received as a child.

Roots left in bring ruin and desolation to the body and soul and keep demons housed. Covenant provision gives the power, the keys to raise up desolations of our own sexual sins and former desolations of the generations. Restoration is a gift of Covenant, His redemptive plan, and purpose for our lives, as He has promised us: “Then I will sprinkle clean waters on you, and you shall be clean. I will cleanse you from all your defilement and from all your idols. And I will also give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you. And I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give to you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you shall keep My judgments, and do them.” Ezekiel 36:25-27 Prayer is needed, depending on your understanding and spiritual maturity prayer can be between just you and Jesus or with a prayer partner or Christian counselor or your Christian psychologist or someone Christian in ‘mental health’ if that is where you are receiving counsel.


However, mental health does not address the spiritual side of man or woman – but it is a must we are tri-uniate as there are Holy Spirits there are unholy spirits. If you are receiving only ministry for the natural, the Lord knows your needs and will give you the avenue and heart to address the spiritual. Prayer is needed to build old ruins, raise up former desolations and restore waste places of the generations. Fostered relationship with The Father and Jesus and also The Holy Spirit is a spiritual discipline and is a priority, a must when you have been bonded in sexual sins, either outside Christ Jesus or as His child, and it is an expected discipline as a child of God. The carnal man has its own desires and will; unbridled fleshly feelings can drive and bring desire for sexual sins, which will self-destruct sooner or later. So, daily surrender of the faculties of the soul to the Lordship of Jesus will start to bring us out of being bound to walk in the law of sin and death to walk in The Spirit. “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he is not able to know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But the spiritual one discerns all things,” 1 Corinthians 2:15-16 We are called and required to walk in the Spirit; it is the only way to keep us out of sin's reign and to obey it in its lusts and or the sexual lusts. “Therefore, do not let sin rule in your mortal body, to obey it in its lusts. Do not yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but yield yourselves to God as living from the dead, and your members instruments of righteousness to God. For your sin shall not lord it over you, for you are not under law [law of sin and death], but under grace [grace here is the law of life in Christ Jesus that gives His children His Spirit to empower us to die to sin, to stay dead to sin – unlike the Old Covenant only a select few had The Holy Spirit – words in both brackets here mine.] 18. And having been set free from sin, you were enslaved to righteousness. 22. But now being set free from sin, and being enslaved to God, you have your fruit unto sanctification, and the end everlasting life.” Romans 6:12-14, 18, 22 The natural man, the natural woman, has to be brought out of carnality into a life of being a spiritual man, the spiritual woman. The carnal sexual desires and all carnality have to be brought under the Spirit


of life in Christ Jesus to walk in The Spirit if we are going to remain healed and whole in these areas. When we worship the creature more than the creator, we no longer walk after the law of life in Christ Jesus. Sinful self-has become an idol and its own center of existence and not The Christ, who covenants to keep the carnal persons and its sinful desires in His presence. The mind has to be renewed until the scriptures come into the heart until the word abides in us. Healing will not take deep roots if we do not renew our minds to be Word and word conscience and also correction and or judgment conscience. For there IS condemnation to those who walk according to the flesh and only NO condemnation when we walk according to The Spirit. “but to those even disobeying the truth out of self-interest, and obeying unrighteousness, will be anger and wrath, trouble and pain on every soul of man that works out evil…” Romans 2:8 “having eyes full of an adulteress, and never ceasing from sin; alluring unsettled souls; having a heart busied with covetousness; cursed children;” 2 Peter2:14 “according to the ruler of the authority of the air, the spirit [evil spirit - words in bracket here mine] now working in the sons of disobedience” Ephesians 2:2 We have to realize we cannot continue on in sexual abominations and believe we will have no consequences or the lie “we are no longer under law, but grace” or think we will enter into everlasting life or even believe we can pray for forgiveness at the last hour. “For you know injunctions we gave you through the Lord Jesus. 3. For this is God’s will, your sanctification, for you to abstain from fornication, 4. Each one of o you know to possess his/her vessel in sanctification and honor, 5. Not in passion of lust, even as also the nations not knowing God do; …. 7. For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in sanctification, 8. Therefore, the one that despises does not despise man, but God, even He giving His Holy Spirit to us.” 1Thessalonians 4:2-8 How knowledge spirit bear Spirit? We

can we escape such damnation, especially after we have a of the truth (Hebrews 10:26-29), and our conscience and witness to the moral law when we have the indwelling Holy are without excuse. He has provision under Covenant to keep


us from the power of sin (Romans 8:12-13; Chapter 6; 2 Timothy 3:5) and or to keep us from these lusts. “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:2 “No temptation has taken you except what is human; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able. But with the temptation, He will also make the way out, so that you may be able to bear it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 “Or did you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10. Nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 “For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27. And in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28. And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper.” Romans 1:26-28 “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.” Leviticus 18:22 We have to surrender every practice of any sexual transgression to the Lordship of Jesus Christ for healing, deliverance and the anointing to bring these sin structures to death and then to keep them dead – Heaven can’t wait! Jesus just might come as a thief in the night or judgment just might fall, or tomorrow may never be yours - your chances may run out! Saying any and or the prayer strategies in the Personal Cleansing Workbook is not sufficient enough to maintain abstinence. We have to daily and for the rest of our lives build up, walk the walk and talk the talk. We have to live by the Word/word, be a doer, not just a hearer, put on Christ, gird up the loins of the mind, put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of Christ’s gospel that brings peace, and it’s not as bad as you may think living a surrendered Godly life.


“Remain in Me, and I in you. As the branch is not able to bear fruit of itself, unless it remain in the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in Me, I am the Vine; you are the branches, He that remains in Me, and I in him, this one bears much fruit. For apart from Me you are not able to do anything, Unless one remains in Me, he is cast out as the branch, and is dried up; and they gather and throw them into a fire, and they are burned. If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, whatever you desire you will ask, and it shall happen to you, In this My Father is glorified, that you should bear much fruit; and you will be My disciples. As the Father loved Me, I also loved you; continue in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will continue in My love; as I have kept My Father’s commandments and continue in His love. I have spoken these things to you that My joy may abide in you, and your joy may be full.” John 15:4-11 “He that has My commandments and keeps them, it is that one who loves me; and the one that loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I shall love him and will reveal Myself to him.” John 14:21 “For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 14:17 “If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and we walk in darkness, we lie and are not practicing the truth…If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in s. If we confess or sins, He is faithful and righteous that He may forgive us the sins and may cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:6, 8-9 We will come into storms; there will be cyclone's tornadoes, fog, the waves of the soul and life will hit against your boat. You can guarantee same-sex attraction will surface at different parts of your journey to the other side. You will have to grieve your losses as same-sex desire will scream from within your inner being with many faces. You will tell God it is not fair that your attractions and preference cannot have a life of its own. You will tell God why did you not allow it in Your Word when You knew sin would cause us to be attracted to the same sex. You will tell God why can’t you marry the same gender when you could be as faithful to her and be a faithful Christian to Him. When the truth reveals, we cannot or even remain in the gay churches or associate with a sister or brother of the


faith who is a fornicator and or an immoral person (1 Corinthians 5:11; 2 Thessalonians 3:6; 2 Timothy 3:5). Truth is our standard is written in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, 5:1-2; Romans 1:26-28; Leviticus 18:22, 20:13 1 Thessalonians 4:2-8; Revelation 21:8; Ephesians 5:1-14 and 2 Peter 2:14-15, so we have to walk independence and surrender to Him His Truth for this attraction and desire will remain for years. Yes, it will weaken but will still be there; I don’t know for you personally what strength of homosexual lust will go with you to the grave. But I do know if you don’t let it go you will be making God fit your image and demanding your rights your godlessness till the grave; having only robbed yourself wasting years. You may be like the man at the pool of Bethesda who wasted thirty-eight years for you did not allow the healing to proceed further and deeper to be washed in the water of The Word. We are called to surrender; He wills for us to intertwine all day in His presence, to share our true self, the good the bad and the ugly in fellowship. We are called, and He wills for us to share our joy and our personality to make Him laugh to share little moments, not just a crisis. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit is another gift given to us by Jesus, not only for restoration but also as provision of His Covenant. This is a gift that is needed to stay dead to sin, a gift in which we find and see the Father and The Son, The three in One God indwelling us and who longs for our companionship. It is more than just staying still for a moment in prayer to hear the voice of God. Each and every moment we can walk in The Spirit and we discern and learn to discern His impressions on our spirit and we will very often as He reveals Himself to us in fellowship. When we experience the Holy Spirit, we are experiencing the heart of The Father and The Son. He plays; He rejoices; He cries, He laughs, He’s funny, yes He’s Holy, but understanding and gentle when revealing the boundaries, we are to stay in when we fellowship with Him. He even wakes us up to tell us we left the fish tank light on; He tells us what we have forgotten when shopping. He tells us mysteries of the Word; He loves on us, and He reveals Himself to us as the three in One God. He will always keep our hearts to love primarily Jesus and not Himself, even though that’s fine to love Him, but He makes Jesus Lord of Lords in our hearts. Fellowship in The Spirit will give guidance in all things, and companionship, and wisdom for all aspects of life.


We develop a relationship with The One True and Living God. It is in all this that we find the redemptive purpose He has ordained for us; we find our true identity; we find where we belong, we see our true self, we find our reason for being and the power to carry it out to live as a new creature in Christ who are empowered to be dead to sins alive unto righteousness, no longer in bondage or desire to the cords of sexual sins. We see there is no such thing as a person who is born a pedophile or a homosexual or an addict, or alcoholic; we find the roots are demonic, environment and our base carnal sexual nature. We learn that our brain chemistry changed, and our pleasure centers were written on for the reasons that brought forth same-sex attraction or homosexuality or as The Word refers to as unnatural and we can all conclude pedophilia is not a natural act! As we continue to become His spiritual king and priest no longer will we define ourselves by our past sexual brokenness or sexual sins, or labels, but by the real biblical self, the real image of God and how Jesus defines us. We will define ourselves by the real self that has been raised up from former desolations, restored from walking in waste places and who has been freed from the ruins of the generations to be a righteous generation a new creation a king and priest severing Him at His altar. We find ourselves in the mirror of The Word, regardless of same sex lust residing in our psyche or in our memory or still speaking to us from the pleasure centers or the screaming circuits of the brain that were rewired to desire sexual intimacy with the same gender we will be willing to become to be renewed to be changed from glory to glory from caterpillar to butterfly. This is an important belief in the process of restoration because as you identify with the old you the sexuality you once were restoration will be hindered or halted and or slowed down. Yes, you will still have temptation from all different angles, and most assuredly the enemy will bring back old beliefs, mindsets, and memories, so feelings will follow, but stay on top of them aware of them. Those who are practicing homosexuals will cross our paths, and there will be women and men who flirt in desire for you and me. There will be those with the notion, with curiosity or the idea you may say yes to them. There will be those who are adulteress with no other interest other than satisfaction for their highs they get in having affairs. There will be those who will seduce for power alone with no intention of a sexual encounter and then you will have to discern if they are just touchy – feely people with no same-sex attraction. The enemy will use all this to tell us lies that they ‘fancy’ us and you need love and no one loves you. After all, you have had no love for years and years and years, and you still get turned on by the thought of same-


sex intimacy, and your mind still visits their thoughts so after all this is what you really are a homosexual from birth. So you might as well go back for Jesus has not healed you has He? There is no healing you will always want the same sex, surrender and find and be true to your real self. Whatever lie is pertinent to your situation and circumstance they will try to ensnare you to go back and eat rotten fruit, but you will be drowning for you have got out of your boat so you will be sinking in sin. There is no blessing in the homosexual life married or single it does not come with Fathers blessing – yes we want it to but it does not come with His blessings or eternity. Consider the street you live on being the length of your life. Now consider every street in your city as the length of eternity. Why would you want to stop and camp on that street when you can live on every other street throughout eternity? Truth is we cannot be practicing gay or homosexual or at that a pedophile and inherit His Kingdom on streets of gold, so we will have to guard against being ensnared all the days of our lives. The mind is intrinsic and complicated, so daily we will have to put on Christ and His armor and walk in newness of life and walk towards more newness of life in Christ Jesus. We have to stay faithful, and we have to be conformed in the image of Christ. We have to pick up our cross and become the spiritual king and priest who serves and lives for Christ The High Priest. ________________________________________________________ Depart To The Other Side

Remember the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy in deception and the truth is he has been scheming and operating in an organized way against us for years. And strongly for years in whatever sin structures we are bound in or have been bonded in and or have a stronghold into date. A stronghold has a network of sins in which the demons and or the unclean spirits of darkness can hold over us. This power hold, unless contended hinders us from being obedient and moving on and in God. Demons work full time to bring us out of the will of God away from a place of authority and blessing. They know by luring us this will bring us into judgment for our transgressions of immorality and idolatry. They also know it fortifies them and gives them a fortress that is safe until those sin structures are brought to death and this can, depending on the grain of the stronghold take time in the soul and even years to dismantle out from the personality.


This is why you must not worry or be concerned about being tormented by same-sex desires for you have a long, long sea journey in your boat before you can have the homosexual personality brought to death. There is no reason to kill yourself or harm yourself or be ashamed because you still have desire for the same sex, or you’re masturbating or checking out the guys as they walk by. Jesus is on the job He is going to bring you forth as you apply all the teachings this ministry has and what you receive from other ministries and your own studies and walk with Jesus Christ. You will find all the time the enemies of our soul will offer us pleasures to miss God’s perfect will plan and purpose for our lives and the lives of others and they will for us to abort the call of king and priest and any vision and ministry He has for our lives. But we have to be conformed by diligently studying, reading, systematic reading and seeking knowledge of Scripture and His teachings, and His ways, His ability, His counsel. We have to yield to Him to conform us by His grace that empowers us. We are to intertwine in His presence, and His anointing will help us not to make the choice to fall into the pleasures the enemies of our soul offers us of sexual sin. For when we yield these sin structures that will come forth will need to be demolished again and not without correction, mental anguish, harassment and also warfare from demon spirits to keep us caught and in agreement with homosexuality and if you are a pedophile add pedophilia. When we yield to spirits of darkness and transgress His laws, the reality is we engage and come into agreement with the kingdom of darkness. We forfeit our liberty for sexual pleasure, and they get to rule in our soul they attach on the mind literally. We disobey the command to come out from the queen of harlots or the queen of heaven, and she gets to bring forth witchcraft and sorcery to keep us ensnared in sexual sin. This hinders our transformation and the manifestation of The Spirit of Christ Jesus as we are giving over our birthright for a bowl of porridge to go into an unclean land with an unclean Philistine to become unclean and judged. Sexual surrender will hinder years and put you back years in your healing and restoration, and this will ruin your testimony and the truth you are not your own, so you are committing spiritual adultery on your husband, Jesus Christ. If you surrender to the act, you become enemy and sin against your own body and divide He indwells. Short-term sexual pleasure can wilderness of pain and ruin and affliction and


a reproach among your His house the temple for go nowhere but to a you may die with your

infirmities of body and mind there will be no peace no prosperity (3 John 1:2). You have to come to the place regardless of what your senses are screaming at you or what women or men are throwing at you to stay faithful. We have to remain faithful and count the costs; we have to yield the flesh to walk in righteousness and ongoing sanctification and restoration. We have to choose to stay in the boat and depart from iniquity, and we are to abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his or her own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles, who do not know God." (1 Thessalonians 4:3) No stronghold will remain when we come out of agreement with it when it’s bound when in His great strength it is pulled down under the directive of The Spirit of Christ Jesus. When it surfaces it surfaces for a reason, He is speaking to you and wills to bring you up higher heal train teach and reveal His Ways His truth, they are meant to drive you to Himself. We are really without excuse once we know these types of lust are sin, for in Romans 8:13 He tells us He can put to death the deeds of the flesh. 1 Thessalonians 4:3 commands us to abstain from fornicating, and this is the same command to those who are attracted to the opposite sex. They too struggle with sexual desire, some husbands do not receive sexual intercourse for whatever reasons, so they have to obey 1 Thessalonians 4:3 as much as you and I do. Some have to abstain from pornography, adultery, masturbation, and co-habitation. Lighten up stop licking your wounds we are all sexual being all of us have our cross to bear regardless of gender attraction. If you did not struggle with samesex, it would be some other sexual type of struggle! Don’t you think the enemy would have entrapped you in some other sexual sin that you are going to take to your grave? There is no argument you and I are worthy of love, and we have a place in the heart of Jesus and the religious community. Regardless if we act on our same-sex attraction in thought or in deed or die abstaining with a strong same-sex attraction; or no longer in agreement with homosexuality and having overcome same-sex attraction, we are flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone. But the Truth reveals that the act of same-sex sexual activity and the fornication involved is a transgression of His laws as much as stealing and greed is within His Kingdom here on earth and the age to come and I cover this in the CD The Bible and Homosexuality.


Some of you may not come up higher, and some may go to their death bed with strong same-sex attraction and or in agreement and or remaining in preference to homosexuality than heterosexuality. So we all regardless of where we are in our departing we will have to yield our members to remain faithful and to continue on in sanctification to become the spiritual king and priest. For the enemies of our soul or the enemies of the cross are no match to us only the power of God can conquer them and our flesh when it prefers and desires. When we know how to use this power and walk in this power above the screaming lying voices and the carnal base flesh we will overcome. Because no temptation of our flesh or a demonic stronghold will stand when His power becomes operative against them. Don’t be deceived thinking it is just your carnal, natural man or woman that desires to be sexual with the same sex for the unclean spirits are as much a part of life as drinking water and sleeping. Know that when given ground in our flesh they think for us as if they are us, and they are sensual, sexual, powerful, intelligent, cunning and far wiser than us and remember they don’t see us as their best friend’s buddies or pals they want to destroy us and take eternity, they hate, detest God and they want payback and vengeance. They are dangerous clever beings always scamming to devour and ensnare for a legal right of access for destruction (Psalm 5:8-10) in and over our lives. They want to remain in you and here on the earth and not receive the judgment of being placed into the place assigned of them until the great white throne judgment. When you know The Word this is where you in The Spirit can cast them Tartarus (2 Peter 2:4) for now is the judgment of this world (John 12:31). When immersed in sexual sins we are in the hands of evil spirits or put it this way; it is as if we are laying in the arms of our adversary. We have come out from under the shadow of His wings or from under Blood Covenant protection blessing and authority in that area into the various dark shades of the covering of darkness. We have become a son or a daughter of disobedience, where those spirits are at work making us their slave (Ephesians 2:2; Romans 6:16). I know that the heart has to come to a place of faithfulness, no matter what sexual temptation will come against us today or tomorrow or what seeds we have allowed our minds or our body to sow, we have to decide to maintain a faithful mindset. We have to make the decision to abstain from all sexual immorality either the demonic temptations or the fleshly carnal desires of self or those offers from others. Yes, you will scream, and it’s not fair why God why, just scream it out talk it out study it out but just stay faithful in these storms.


Our hearts have to come to a made up mind of no surrender to sexual sin, no matter what remnant of desire remains in the psyche. We will have to be brought to the place of no longer being in agreement with a homosexual way of life or homosexual activity; He can do this. The losses and implications are too great, and God is not mocked, or One we can take advantage of and think confession will cover it. “We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience to Christ, and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete.” 2 Corinthians 10:5-6 Our hearts have to come to a decision of not going down that road at any temptation and then straight forth to put up a powerful spiritual roadblock against a demonic onset and a carnal proposition. Once we have come to terms or a hearts decision to stay sexually clean before The Lord we have to ‘nip it in the bud’ so to speak and at any discerned attack of demons to warfare against such onsets and straight forth. Our weapons are superior and when put in operation demons are and will be more hesitant to bring these sexual strategies against us and they will bring them. I found when my heart was intertwined in these onsets the authority I exercised in The Spirit was not operative, as I was in the flesh of sins desire in that area. However, I still asked daily for His warfare strategy and He executed His strategy. He knows the depth of the heart and why the heart is led off or decides to walk away from the highway of holiness or even to stay off this highway. Also, He allows this so junk surfaces, so unhealed area’s surface and are seen, so take peace in these times let Him hold what you don’t understand. As Jesus will get to the root problems and repressed emotions these will surface, mine still surfaced after sixteen years. Jesus will teach you to warfare it is part of the spirit lifestyle we live in two realms, the natural and the spiritual that the truth. Demons in whatever realm, name, title or rank do have souls like us with emotions and feelings, and they feel pain on their spiritual bodies. In warfare against them they can be sore vexed (Psalm 2:4-5; 6:7-10; 18:37) confounded and consumed (Psalm 40:14; 71:13) and brought to mental confusion (Psalms 35:4; 108:13, 109:29) for “This is an honor of all the saints to execute these judgments” (Psalm 149:9). But do it under the directive of The Holy Ghost, let Him give you the strategy, the judgment the weapons to use. Let Him train your hands to


wage this warfare. I have written on this at the end of this book with warfare keys that can be used in any type of warfare. As David said to Saul when he offered him his armor to fight Goliath “I have not tried your armor” given you may not have tried this armor, this will be an opportunity to learn to operate in warfare in a new level under The Holy Spirit. Not by your own steam or authority with these keys, you have to be led, or you may become as some - “Needless Casualties of War.” 15. [Jackson, 1999:11] Request in prayer to use whichever keys first before entering into warfare and if He agrees He will speak it forth in utterance. Or whilst praying He will impress on your heart which strategies to request that He may execute, and you will speak them forth. When warfare is done in line with Scripture, no harm will come upon us for He has given us His choice, His key, His choice of weapons with power and authority to execute. Therefore, the promise is operative of “no harm will come upon you” (Luke10:19). In other words, no retaliation no payback can prosper or no increased temptations in an unhealed area or the area we are currently in bondage to will prosper. We all have hedges down in some portion of our lives that give serpents and or spirits ground to bite (Ecclesiastes 10:8) pluck and feed (Psalm 80:12-13). We are all in the process of sanctification and because of the sinful nature and the deceptions and depths of the kingdom of darkness we will all die with open doors and remaining demons and or unclean spirits. We are not walking talking Holy Spirits, we are only His temple, we go astray in the heart, and as a dog can’t help but bark, we sin knowingly and unknowingly and we are no match with their knowledge – knowledge attained takes years and as written “my people are destroyed [and or get deceived words in brackets here mine] because of lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6 KJ When sexual sin structures have been heart fully repented and stopped in the flesh and especially straight forth you can be guaranteed the spirits will bring back temptations at whatever cost to them for a season and then after that another season to try and ensnare you again. Don’t be caught unaware it may be at your weakest or darkest hour and many years later when they will bring forth the same warfare to try again to ensnare you. My downfalls were at ten years and sixteen years in my mind. Today in my eighteenth year they try to resurrect the sixteen


year one as I was stupid enough to go back and clean for her. I did not even ask Holy Ghost if I should return I just thought she pays regularly, and I don’t have wait for over a week like other customers who don’t pay on time. Wrong choice so I’ve quit as I catch my mind at unawares thinking their thoughts of sexual intimacy with her, and I don’t want the thoughts or the sex with her. They will and do back down after intensive warfare, both those in the air and the indwellers and those who are connected and linked to the other person. They have to be put to flight, as one brick on another will sooner or later build a wall then a dwelling place; therefore, throw the brick back at them for they will steal your peace and joy. All demons adhere to a chain of command and come under authority structures. They will strategize from all angles to bring you back under bondage, and they will bring back temptation as they are under these chains of command from the upper spiritual levels in the air and suffer consequences for disobedience. As your soul has received deep furrows of delight and having lived that sexual bondage as a lifestyle for lengthy years you will have to guard your heart and life (Proverbs 4:23). Guard against being bonded again to these sexual cords, no matter what your dimension of healing (1 Corinthians 10:12) you have or commitment to holiness. This I know for myself for after eighteen years I can get sensually triggered, I ignore it, and as we continue on in restoration sanctification, we learn to live with the reality of it and learn how to live above it. The unclean spirits know all this, and they will come knocking to try and open those doors again. ‘It’s the nature of the game’, and life does not run smoothly all the time and circumstances change. Therefore, their resilience can weaken us (1 Corinthians 10:12) causing us to be susceptible to desire. None of us really live a crucified life without what is earthly, sensual and worldly? Life’s storms bring pain; the Christian walk bring with it suffering and pain. And is it truly “no longer I that liveth but Christ that liveth in you?” None of us are surrendered enough to be walking in The Spirit day in and day out discerning the movements of The Holy Spirit; or do we have totally correct knowledgeable of Scripture from both books? No, none of us are, we are all at war and are subject to the god of this world and his heresy, error and perversion of the Gospel and the perversion of the Old Testament, and we all are weak with the lusts of the flesh and the memory of the past. So don’t underestimate them or think you have arrived and never will you be susceptible to same-sex attraction again for you will, and the enemy is alive and doing well against us.


I have a teaching on “Power And Authority To Cast Out Demons” that will reveal and teach scripturally warfare and deliverance. I recommend this so as to further train your hands to war and to understand your position from the third heavens and to use this against the kingdom of darkness’ “for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities.” ________________________________________________________ Depart To The Other Side ________________________________________________________ My Christian walk has been so painful; I have endured more psychological pain in Christianity than in the worse lesbian relationship. Today I still need some healing for being in the boat! I’ve endured and overcome spiritual abuse, relentless demonic torment of voices, intense fear and spiritual attacks of fear; spiritual control with the loss of ability to think freely that I went passive and made it worse, to this I shut down and broke down three times. I have endured and overcome the ostracizing and rejection from those in authority and the church members because of my homosexual past; the training in warfare the sanctification and correction from God has been more than enough that in some ways I crouch like a frightened chook; the lengthy years of waiting for my vision and ministry to come to pass with no support no one believing me with the adversary strategizing at every opportunity has taken strength to stay standing and believing; the segregation, isolation the friendlessness no compatible women friends and the loneliness; the you cannot Kath do that, you can’t have that, I tell you it has been no P & O Cruise. Many a time I told Him serving You is worse than being a lesbian. I’m fine now, but I would not turn the clock back in my Christian walk at all, regardless of the victory I stand in today and the love of The Father and Son and Spirit and the authority I now stand in against the kingdom of darkness. The following is in my tenth year a stumble of fantasy, and when you read this, it will bring understanding that we will struggle, and samesex attraction will surface over the years having many faces. Anyway, I was at the tail end of overcoming rejection with real heartfelt and some imagined rejection by those in my church as in reality I was treated like the woman at the well (John 4:7-30) when I went off into fantasy. With the perceived rejection and I was so unhappy with church the people in it, and I wanted to be in teaching ministry before my appointed time, so my mind was fragile.


With feelings of bonds of isolation out of a rejection based wounding and feeling friendlessness, loneliness, bitterness, anger, disappointment and especially towards God and the Church I could stretch out my heart no more. Keep in mind I spent the first seven years in fear and demonic torment and overcoming childhood and adulthood mental baggage of habitual ways of coping without trust and dependence on Jesus. Not only this but I was full of resentment for being a friendless ‘bound’ mother a ‘bound’ paid house cleaner to school hours that had to pick up dog poo, and this just overcame me to despondency and despair that I could not and did not want to function to rationale anything anymore. In this time ‘of darkness,’ I allowed myself to yield to temptations of demonic activity by listening to their suggestions about a particular woman who was “a classy blonde bombshell” who I cleaned for. I still believed a lie, an un-renewed mindset that she was the ‘type’ of woman that would be a stumbling block if I ever allowed myself to go into that strain of thought, so I diligently avoided it until my ‘hour’ of despondency. I now see that maintain the mindset renewed mindset or a mindset or being that 6:9, 10:7).

mindset was part of the deception of demons to in a homosexual ‘savor’ and viewpoint, not in the heterosexual mindset and a new creature in Christ was what I was and no longer am (1 Corinthians

To make mention it all began after I entered into warfare prayer out of biblical authority. Not under the directive of The Holy Spirit’s will, but my own will and this thought - “I’ll anoint the shower recess.” I went forth and anointed and prayed in The Spirit’s heavenly language. She had felt harassed in the mind and come to the point of a shower radio. I did not make sure in The Holy Spirit if I should pray or anoint the on-suite; I just went right ahead on the thought then anointed and into His language. I learnt from His training about the consequences of attack when you come against demons in your own steam, and I had experienced many attacks in my learning days because of fleshly and cursing warfare other than Spirit warfare. But I thought I was safe here and thought it was His thought to anoint the shower recess! I do recall warfare never went any further than tongues, and there was resistance from Him to speak in English. I did repent, and it is necessary to repent for fleshly warfare and speaking in disdain and contempt to demons for (2 Peter 2:9-11; Jude 6-9) it gives them ground to counter attack.


It was 2006 and for ten years I resisted and cast down all homosexual thoughts knowing I could not go there, my sexual appetite had to go to sleep – ‘sleeping beauty had to stay asleep’ but this time life just ‘sucked’ so off in my thoughts I went with devils and enjoyed the thoughts. I had no idea it would last so long and be such a struggle and strain and battle to get out it. I also saw just denying the past does not heal the inner woman. Also, I never approached the woman I cleaned for with a renewed mind of I’m no longer a homosexual but I am a heterosexual on a journey of healing. I was once an alcoholic and drug addict, but I do not identify with these labels but what the Word speaks, and I never applied this truth to the label of a lesbian. The fantasy I only allowed it to be in my head, it was never a condition I let get married to the heart, and I knew in my heart I did not even sexually want or desire to have sex with this woman. I saw it as if I was listening to someone read me a story, and I’m listening and delighting it the tale told and the responses it gave my body soul and senses – just fantasy. Little did I know these repetitive thoughts from the enemy built up control and a pattern that sets off behavior making me dysfunctional and feeling guilty? Left much longer and all they had to do is suggest a thought, not a running commentary and it will trigger their built up mindsets and off will go my own flesh into thoughts. I unknowingly allowed a stronghold to capture my mind and my ability to think freely and be in reality. Any stronghold has a life of its own but like in the natural life all strongholds will die. Habits, patterns, thoughts can change and be renewed, removed and refined. Jesus can resurrect us back into a new way of life and into the life we were born to be as a heterosexual. Repentance is a powerful weapon for spirits losing ground, but the flesh has to come into submission to holiness and Christianity as a way of life. Replacing the stronghold of thoughts with Biblical truth we gain strength and trust and counsel and newness and cleansing from the Word. I did deeply repent of every known sin; even covered again the sexual sin prayer strategy in case of hidden sin so as to cleanse me from opening myself up to a nest of perverse spirits. Where there are still demons connected and related in the nest of homosexuality due to being lodged deep in the old homosexual fragmented personality or from the offshoots to other transgressions around this lifestyle we have to trust in The Lords restoration and grace and His discernment of spirits to reveal them and uproot them.


Some examples of that still hold the root in place or give life to the power base of homosexuality are: masculinity - role reversal; considering self to be equal to a man when they are the first fruits; doing typical male orientated jobs, we cannot be father and mother; feminism; self-survival in independence; hatred of wearing dresses refusing to give up the male or butch persona no matter how you want to justify this you were not meant to look and dress like a male or retain the butch look telling people you are comfortable in your skin and that Jesus loves you. The Word shows us how to dress and look as women as opposed to men as written in the Old Testament; hatred of men and because of their sin against women; anger and unforgiveness against male race in general; refusal to come into divine order of heterosexuality by retaining an identification of lesbian; agreement with the transgression of a homosexual lifestyle than a heterosexual lifestyle. As you would know by now from all of my books I write with understanding, so I am referring to after years of knowledge, healing, restoration, and sanctification if you will to retain the homosexual identity - sexual desire is not identity any form of lust is not identity. I still had fragments dislodging out of my heart in 2006 I committed my life in 1995, but today I have come a long way in the boat yet still have stuff to come out of agreement with. But He has taught me remain faithful committing to wholeness holiness and a life of kingship and priesthood. Those sins and others empower the stronghold for unclean spirits to traffic and manifest and keep us in bondage to homosexuality, out of divine order of the natural role/place of a female. I screamed at Him, The Father that is, in contempt many times in my anger and in early days about the firstborn/men and a Patriarchal system. He sorted that out my heart and the errors I held in a book I am still writing called “To A Thousand Generations of Women� which I was called to write from the womb of my mother and the truth that I believed set me free. Various spirits were still in my life in 2006 attached to the homosexual persona, but first I had to repent for my original warfare in the flesh as a partial reason for them on sets of retaliation for I attacked a tormenting lust stronghold over her life. In any demonic work against us, we always have to consider is this His permissive will for it to happen other than we may well have brought it upon ourselves. Sometimes He wants to get from the fruit to the root and bring forth a new or another stage of healing, so Jesus allows the onsets of unclean spirits to wage warfare against us.


Then I needed to address myself being empty in the mind at the best of times; being bored; my disappointments and the false comfort of depression; my unforgiveness; bitterness; not walking out of a renewed mind or walking in His counsel and my writings; my loneliness and despair; my reality of being in the church; my mental state because of demonic affliction; my grief because I was a house cleaner who picked up dog poop; my perception of being a bound mother who could only work in school hours with just enough money; my reality of being shunned and friendless by the church at large for my past brokenness, grief and homosexuality. I had to realize the stronghold of isolation/separation with the excuse I have a call to write books and people reject me and seldom do I get asked to go here or there or am I asked out by anyone. I had to realize isolation has become a way of escape due to perceived and real rejection from others in the Church you come to the church an outsider and are forced to be it again. These were the pain of the heart that caused me to go off in the pleasure of fantasy the fantasy becomes an anesthetic a painkiller a port to call into and hide from reality. For too long I had been battling the roller coaster of feelings from being shunned or avoided or not hugged or hugged sideways because I was once homosexual. I was already on the pathway of healing from rejection’s sting from before being in the Church, and then I’d come so far and bang, I’d be a heap of emotions again “wrecked by rejection”. I also had to address my warped view of feeling powerless over God and His ways and requirements. No longer able to be independent and self-sufficient, no longer in control of my life - I could not just overspend, watch M 15+ rated movies as at that time I believed He willed for me to watch PG and G Movies only. No longer did He want me to watch CSI or other TV crime shows or sitcoms. I thought all this change to step into a high call and all I could watch was Christian TV, Christian TV and more Christian TV – God this, God that, religion here and religion there – well what about pleasure for my soul God, I get none, and I got no one, I got no special person to love kiss or look after for the rest of my life! The mind was swaying in and out of, “it’s so painful to embrace a surrendered life of walking in The Spirit on the highway of holiness with loss of ‘my rights’ and no pleasure for my soul no sex no kisses no lover's no special woman, nothing. It’s always God this God that, religion here, Spirit there, no love of the world anymore, no lusts for my flesh, no more me just You and me God. I did not see the life as joyous dedication; I did not see Christianity as a wonderful life of worship, but a prison of being in chains to


righteousness! I must add thoughts were distorted by demons and the flesh’s forgetting how blessed it is to walk with and under the anointing than under the power of the flesh and control of demonic activity. The fruit of any demonic stronghold are various specific sins and these give the demons a power base to be operative and keep us in bondage and a lot of times they are hidden. These keep us out of divine order and out of ‘the natural’ ordained function role of a woman and or man when we are committing what The Word declares as unnatural sexual perversion. This power base of sin mothers the stronghold that wills to maintain this stronghold. By decision, we agree to no longer be engaging in its lustful fruit and or temptations, no longer letting that way of thoughts have dominion looking to Jesus for grace and to change our hearts so as to demolish the strongholds. Dependent on Christ Jesus as our Helper and Lord and Companion who can change our heart and our circumstances. Living a crucified life is no easy life but we have hope we have grace and we have The Spirit of Christ Jesus who brings to death the sins that mother the stronghold. He alone is the only way to overcome a stronghold that we be not ensnared again in a yoke of bondage (Galatians 5:1) of lustful thoughts. ________________________________________________________ Self-Deliverance

Self-deliverance is one level of spiritual warfare, and we as believers have been given the Holy Spirit; therefore, we as believers have within us the power over demons as we have received Jesus as Lord and Savior sealed with The Holy Spirit. When Jesus said: “If I cast out demons by the Spirit of God” Matthew 12:28 He was revealing He was casting out demon spirits not out of His own right as Son of God or as God the Son but by His Indwelling Holy Spirit. Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit, (Luke 4:1) The Spirit of the Lord was upon Him (Luke 4:18), and God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and with power (Acts 10:38). He did not do works in His own authority or in His own strength but under authority of The Father with The Holy Spirit.


Jesus was sent (John 8:28-29) in the Fathers name (John 17:12) for the Father had sent Him (John 8:16), had taught Him (John 8:28) and anointed Him with His Kingdom’s Holy Spirit (Acts 10:38, Matthew 12:28). He was not able to do anything from Himself except what He may see the Father doing; He did not seek His own will, but the will of the One sending Him (John 5:19, 30). When we are sent in Jesus name (John 14:26, Luke 9:1, 10:17), Jesus sends us with His Kingdoms (Colossians 1:13; Galatians 4:6) Holy Spirit. As Jesus was sent into ministry with the Holy Spirit, we are sent to do His ministry with His Holy Spirit (John 20:21-22; Luke 9:1; 1 Corinthians 12:7, 10-11). When He gives us power and authority over all the power of the enemy He gives us Himself in the form of His Spirit, The Holy Spirit, and or The Spirit of Christ Jesus. We like Jesus are not able to do anything from ourselves or do our own will but the will of the One sending us; apart from Him we are not able to do anything (John 15:5) without The Holy Spirit, so we can do nothing. Therefore, because of The Holy Spirit within us there is the greatness of His power and mighty strength that is for us (Ephesians 1:19-20) and His Kingdom purposes. We are powerful in the Lord’s might, and strength (Ephesians 6:10) not our own, and the weapons of our warfare are not flesh, but His power and authority (Luke 9:1, 4:36) by His Spirit as we have the One within us who was within Jesus. We have the same One within us who cast out demons and or spirits working from within Jesus. We have the same One within us who was upon Jesus, the same One who anointed Jesus and the same One who filled Jesus. We have the same One within us for self-deliverance as we have The Holy Spirit. We know when we confess our sins He is just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). The cleansing from all unrighteousness or defilement as written in the King James is in one part the defilement of the demons/spirits that have come into us for our sexual sins and or sexual transgression(s) and or any transgressions. For what is sin? Sin is the transgression of the law(s) of God (1 John 3:4). Spirits can only enter us if they have legal grounds and or if we have transgressed His laws and they cannot just rape you or put on you disease. To have them cast out, we have to take away the legal rights as to why they are thereby confessing sin and inviting Jesus to be Lord in that area, then they are His business and He has Lordship over them. Yes, Jesus is Sovereign, but, there is a standard He has set in place to destroy their legal grounds in our lives and this we follow. We have to see our wrong and or transgression to come before Him and ask for


forgiveness with repentance; so His blood can cleanse us from unrighteousness and cleanse us from the defilement of demon spirits. Think about it what do you have left after you confess your sins then forgiven? Righteousness, so there is no place for spirits, they were defeated at the cross. His blood is our bloodline, His victory is ours, we are Light and light cannot dwell with darkness. The Melchizedek prayer will bring revelation to this and you can find it at No ancestor spirits have any claim on us they cannot remain or do you have to find every legal ground they have. Therefore, when we pray the prayer strategies, we are to believe and stand in faith. Believing that The Holy Spirit will cast out the demons associated to our transgression whilst and after we have confessed renounced and repented each transgression and asked Him to be Lord there if we are in bonds of iniquity or a stronghold sin structure. We do not have to, but you can pray in The Spirit and or The Holy Spirit. Just trust our repentance and confession is enough for them to lose ground. Regardless if you open yourself up that day or the next day you can just pray for forgiveness and cleansing, simple as, they are His business get on with day and start again Him having Lordship in the sin structure to bring to death the sin. Therefore, stand believing The Holy Ghost will be at work in the spirit realm casting them out. The spirits will leave via our breathing passages, either by yawns, burps, coughs or your nose may run or you may spit stuff up. Also, they can even leave off or through the other open passages of our body. It is not necessary for you to cast them out or raise your voice to sound forceful and powerful, yet you can say I renounce you I resist you and refuse your will in my life perverse spirit. Or whatever you think its name may be and or you can use how it functions e.g. Condemnation guilt, fear, shame and so on. Repentance and even just confession works because of His Grace and Blood Covenant they have to leave. We are Light and transferred from the kingdom of darkness, they have no claim to us and are under His Lordship. Stay in faith and remain calm as quietness and confidence is your strength (Isaiah 30:15) and the battle belongs to the Lord, allow Him to be Himself. They know they have to go at repentance and even just by confession they know they cannot bargain with or usurp Holy Ghost as they have lost their right to remain. Just like if you are evicted from your


dwelling place you have pack up your belonging and leave that house apartment unit condo or mansion. Stand in faith He is at work in the spirit realm, again if you want you can renounce them and tell them that you have come out of agreement with their ways and will and you will them to leave, they will go, yes they will have to go – law is law. If He teaches you this way The Holy Spirit can and does speak forth from you in your native tongue as in English, Spanish, Chinese, Welsh or whatever nation you are in. But if this manifestation of The Holy Spirit is not showing forth its ok, covenant is covenant when we confess our sins He is just and faithful to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all defilement, and this includes the cleansing of unclean spirits leaving us with righteousness. Again, by faith and belief in cleansing from all unrighteousness and or defilement, you do not even need to pray in The Spirit after you pray. As once spirits have lost their legal grounds they have lost their grounds, and The Holy Ghost will contend with them to cast them out and you will discern them leaving as you yawn, burp, cough or fart! Spirits cannot disobey Him, for greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world (1 John 4:4). They cannot remain hidden or take their time to up and leave either. When they are given a command from The Holy Ghost they have to obey or He uses judgment with angelic strength and might against them to make them hurry up to loose and leave. For those of you who do not will to expose your sexual sins to a healing and deliverance ministry or a Pastor or an associate Pastor or a Minister, you can be assured that when you confess your (1 John 3:4) transgressions of His laws He will cast out the spirits working within you. For whatever reason or reasons for your disobedience to His Word (Ephesians 2:2) and or if you backslide once being delivered you can privately between you and The Lord Jesus ask for cleansing on the basis of His shed blood so that the unclean spirits that came back in (2 Peter 2:20; Matthew 12:42; 2 Peter 2:13-14) for whatever transgression you yielded to again will be cast out again. I realize wisdom and common sense is needed before you confess your sexual sins to one another. I realize people do not look at you the same after you have confessed your sexual sin structures you are or were once bound in. And I know human frailty judges and recalls ‘past’ regardless of spiritual truths and biblical disciplines.


But until you sense The Spirit of Christ Jesus reveals it is safe and wills you to confide in a particular support group or someone or have a particular someone you can go to for accountability do so. Accountability and guidance is wise and in counsel we become more established (Proverbs 20:18) in righteous living. But unless you sense you are led to hang out your dirty washing in front of someone do not just hang it out to anyone or everyone. Be wise and be led to an anointed someone(s) He puts on your heart that you can confide with. It can do more damage than good if you show your dirty washing to just anyone and everyone! We know deliverance is not just repenting and casting out the associated demon(s) we have to allow Jesus to cause us to walk it out so as to demolish the strongholds of the flesh. He will not allow us to abuse the Grace of God once walking in the truth of self-deliverance or the knowledge He will cleanse us of the demonic that we allowed in because of our transgressions when we confess and repent so He may bring you to your knees, so you do not abuse His Grace of Truth. (2 Corinthians 10:6) However, He does understand temptation, sexual drive and that it takes time to bring the power of sexual drives under the control of The Holy Spirit. He knows the mechanics of our physical, sexual makeup, environmental conditioning, demonic pressure, and their psychological warfare and knows we fall and can yield again to backslide. But lighten up He will reveal why you did and you will be strengthened and will overcome any sexual sin as you yield in agreement with Him to overcome and flee lust (2 Timothy 2:22). There are various books on the Christian Book Market. Like “Every Young Mans Battle,” “Every Young Woman’s Battle,” “Every Man’s Battle,” “Every Woman’s Battle” and “Get a Grip” by Dr. Doug Weiss. Dr. Paul Meiers books and resources are at The Heart of Female Same-Sex Attraction A Comprehensive Counseling Resource by Janelle Hallman is excellent and in depth, I am not fond of testimonial books. However, they have foundation and purpose and witness to bring forth change. There are various books alike that give greater resources and keys on why and how to walk through and out of sexual transgressions and how to stay pure. I recommend you glean and buy yourself resources to gain knowledge and keys that will cause you to understand so that you are not ensnared again in a yoke of sexual bondage (Galatians 5:1). Spirits will not give up once you have been delivered in a particular area of sexual transgression. In June 2007 one year later and still the


strongman within me brings to mind into sexual thoughts, hoping I will engage in his will to bring back in a sexual stronghold. But I have got to the stage, and you will get to the stage as I have: “I’ve had enough of sex this sex that, lust this lust that” that you don’t want your thoughts to be thinking sex or around yours or their sexual overtones and you will think as why do I want to live out of such a base nature all day. And guys; “Instead of lying in bed, half-awake in the mornings, you will hop up and get moving.” 16. [Worley, 1983:12] Because homosexuality is complex and we have to come out and have so much brokenness healed and it out of the personality, the stronghold in the mind can take years to demolish not to mention the sexual desire. So when you come under attack ask God at any onset of any spirit who brings to your mind sexual thoughts that they be bound in chains inoperative, and at unawares to be consumed with might for that day while you seek Him as to what He is up to. Usually His Sovereignty is up to bringing up area’s that need healing or brought into the light or need sanctifying. I do believe He is Lord over all onsets, but for writing His Word on your heart, for training and building up your faith we engage in battles. Binding them hinders their onsets and lets them know you are serious about overcoming lust and sexual sins. I teach you next chapter how to bring judgment on them whilst in your boat to the other side. After you have your house swept clean of this network of spirits, I can assure you, you will notice the difference over your mind. The thoughts will change over your life, but your flesh will have to come in agreement with Jesus to put off the works of darkness (Romans 13:12), and you will have to come out of agreement with the unfruitful works of darkness, and reprove them (Ephesians 5:11). Do not give your flesh or unclean spirits an opportunity to become a slave again to sin (John 8:34). So you yield daily and consciously in this area to Jesus so the Holy Ghost can bring to death (Romans 8:13) flesh habits and mindsets and causations that put you into slavery to sin. You cannot do it in your own strength, allow Him to do the work within your heart. Consider nailing one hand to the cross, how do you nail the other? You cannot, the bringing to death and the changing of the heart is the working of The Holy Ghost. All in all, we cannot lose sight of the grace of God, the enabling power He gives us to overcome strongholds of the flesh. The mercy He shows us in our sinfulness and the Love He pours out upon us over and


over to come out of being slaves of sin to become slaves of righteousness. Glory to God and our Lord Jesus Christ for He has trodden down our enemy. He has brought us under His Covenant, and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from our transgression, cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Bless The Lord for He always causes us to be TRIUMPHANT. __________________________________________________ Warfare Keys __________________________________________________ Warfare is not to be done out of the flesh or from a false doctrine that gives you as a Christian authority and power to execute any judgment you want or loose or to loose any rank of angels or any biblical curses or release all of Heavens powers against demons. We are not to warfare by our own thought by a ‘good move’ or pride ‘this is the strategy I would take against them’ or out of anger with retaliation and payback. Not even the archangel Michael contended with the devil, He said let the Lord rebuke you (Jude 6-9). The battle belongs to the Lord we are to be anointed for battle with His strategy, His choosing of a weapon to forge, not ours because we are knowledgeable of Scripture or are Children of God or because we are Kath the Christian. We do not warfare apart from the directive of The Holy Spirit, the breath of The Holy Spirit or His impressions on our spirit what to say or do. Why? Because: We are to be made powerful in the strength and or anointing of the Lord (Ephesians 6:10) for it is His strength and His power. We are to use the whole armor of God, and the armor has reference to The Holy Ghost (Ephesians 6:13-18) and or the Holy Ghost gives us the armor. We are to pray at all times in The Spirit (Ephesians 6:18) so when we warfare we are to pray in The Spirit. Recall, going in His name is being a vessel of His Holy Spirit (John 14:26; 20:21-22), it is the fact that we possess His Indwelling Spirit The Spirit of Christ Jesus and or The Name of Christ Jesus. Recall again, Jesus being Jesus cast out devils not on His own authority but by The Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:28). Even though all


authority was given to Him in Heaven and Earth He still followed His Fathers teachings (John 8:28-29) in casting out devils by The Holy Ghost (Matthew 12:28; Luke 4:18; Mark 5:30; Acts 10:38); therefore, we do the same not by self but by Holy Ghost. And recall, apart from Him we can do nothing just as Jesus apart from the Father was not able to do anything from Himself (John 5:19, 30; 8:28-29; 8:16; 15:5; 18:20). I have written a teaching on “Power and Authority To Cast Out Demons” which covers these truths above. Our warfare in using any keys is to be under the directive of The Holy Ghost either by an impression on the heart or by purity of Him speaking out of our mouth executing the warfare strategy. Demons and or spirits are not affected by warfare in the flesh, and they do retaliate if you want to ‘get smart with them’ or exalt yourself above them with your ego and blasphemous cursing. When not operating in Biblical warfare it is just like blowing out hot air from your mouth. God is under no obligation to warfare according to our flesh or ignorance or whims or inflated ego or our fleshly anger. Demons sit and laugh, and they know you are no threat to their kingdom “because you can’t warfare in The Spirit” as “you warfare out of your own name of Christian Jack, Christian Jill.” Allow Him to teach you, train you to warfare (2 Samuel 22:35). Surrender your hands and heart to be brought forth as a Spiritual Warrior. This position is spiritual discipline, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spirits and powers of evil and their principalities, their kingdom (Ephesians 6:12). Below are some keys to learn as He teaches you, you will learn to ask or be led to ask for specific keys to be brought forth by Holy Ghost in His prayer after you have prayed your prayer of request. ▪

Bind negative, perverse, tormenting thoughts

Bind the spirits over you in the heavenlies/air

Break every link in their chains of command in and over you and to those in higher places and in other people so they cannot link up and empower one another or give one another orders

Have them cut off every time they rise up against you (Psalm 94:21-23)


Have them gagged or pray to shut the mouths of spirits so they cannot communicate against your mind or with one another

Have them trod down that rise up against you (Psalm 44:5) for the day

Loose angels to chase them perpetually (Psalm 35:5)

Loose angels to gather them and take them to the place appointed of them (Job 30:3-8; Jeremiah 21:13; Psalm 104:7-9; Isaiah 14:5-6, 9, 11, 15)

Loose angels to have them scattered and discomfited (Psalm 18:14)

Loose angels to read scripture for twenty-four hours, or three days and three nights reminding them of the Lordship of Christ Jesus and their destiny to the bottomless pit

Loose confusion and shame upon them (Psalm 108:13, 109:29)

Loose derision on them and have them sore vexed and smitten (Psalm 2:4-5; 3:7; 6:10)

Loose the angels on them to wound them that they are not able to rise (Psalm 18:38) up against you

Loose the shekinah glory of God on them (Romans 9:4)

Loose upon them angelic spoiler spirits, spirits of burning, destruction and terror of the Lord and the hornets of the Lord (Jeremiah 15:8; Isaiah 4:4; Leviticus 26:16 Exodus 23:27)

Loose upon them sharp arrows of the mighty (Psalm 120:3-4)

Put specific demons in spiritual boxes to be isolated from other demons (Joshua 10:17-26; Job 14:17)

Return to the senders the spirits and curses sent and if they are sent again to be perpetually gathered and taken to the place appointed of them (Psalm 11:6)

Return perpetually all curses, works, and assignments to be sent back upon the senders (Psalm 109:17-20) these are the demonic, not the persons

Release the fire of God on them (Psalm 104:4)


Have their mischief to be returned upon their own head and their dealing come down upon their own pate (Psalm 7:11-16; 21:1112)

The following scriptures are your privilege and or your inheritances they are blessing for you to enforce because you are a saint of Jehovah, a child of God as it is written in Psalm 149:7-9: “to execute vengeance on the nations, punishment on the peoples; 8. to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with iron bands; 9. to execute on them the judgment written; this is an honor for all His saints Praise Jehovah! Psalm 149:7-9 “He shall cut off the spirit in princes; He is feared by the kings of the earth.” Psalm 76:12 “Through God we shall do mighty things; for He shall tread on our foes.” Psalm 60:12 “Say unto God, How terrible art thou in thy works! Through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee.” Psalm 66:3 Heavenly Father, I ask for warfare to put against the spirits of Satan that are harassing me and tormenting me with homosexual perversion lust and fantasy and ………………... I ask that You bind the strongmen in and over me and break every link in their chains of command and the link up to those in other people and in the air the heavenlies. I ask that every spirit sent and every work of darkness devised against me to be rendered null and void of no effect. I ask that by Your sight that the spirits sent would be gathered and returned to their senders. Father, I ask if they are sent again I ask that perpetual judgment to be upon them so that Your angels would gather them and take them to their place appointed of them. I ask that You forbid all transference of spirits all projection against the mind all oppression and all lying and all ………………...


Father, I ask at onsets of spirits in and over me that they would be consumed with might and covered with reproach and dishonor so they bow down and remain bowed down and strengthen me to stand until they yield and my peace returns. Father, I surrender my body, my central nervous system my sensuality my desires my memories my mind and will to Your Lordship so that I do not take on board the physical response because of their perverse onsets. Father, let this prayer be operative for 3 days until I pray again in 3 days. Amen.


____________________________________________________ End Notes

1. Jabay, E. The Kingdom of Self [Logos international 185 North Avenue, Plainfield, N.J. 07060, 1974] 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Payne, L. The Broken Image [Cornerstone books, Westchester, Illinois 60153, 1981] 9. Hammond, F. & I. A School of Deliverance Setting The Captives Free [Printed in America, 1996] 10. 11. 12. Payne, L. The Broken Westchester, Illinois 60153, 1981]




13. Olson, J. When Passions Are Confused Understanding Homosexuality [RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI, 1996] 14. Worley, W. Dodging Those Sex Hooks booklet 45 [H.B.C. Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1996] 15. Jackson, J.P. Needless Casualties of War [Kingsway Publications, Lottbridge Drove, Eastbourne, BN23 6NT, England, 1999] 16. Worley, W. The Devilish Side of Sex Booklet 1 [H.B.C. Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1996]


____________________________________________________ Bibliography and Acknowledgments ___________________________________________________________ Eckhardt, J. Demon Hit List [Crusaders Ministries P.O. Box 7211 Chicago, IL 60680, 1995] Jabay, E. The Kingdom of Self [Logos International 185 North Avenue, Plainfield, N. J. 07060, 1974] Jackson, J. P. Needless Casualties of War [Kingsway Publications Lottbridge Drove, Eastbourne, BN236NT, England, 1999] Kitchen, E. Healing of the Double Soul [Fruitful vine Lot 27, Wellington Road, Lysterfield Victoria 3156, 1995] Payne, L. The Broken Image [Cornerstone books, Westchester, Illinois 60153, 1981] Wagner, C. H. Vol. # 770104 Israel Teaching Letter [Bridges for Peace, P.O. Box 1093, Jerusalem, Israel., 2004] Worley, W. Dodging Those Sex Hooks, Booklet 45, [H.B.C Box 626, Lansing, Illinois, 60438, 1996] Worley, W. Principles Of Deliverance & Mass Deliverance Booklet 27 [WRW. Publications and Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, P.O. Box 629, Lansing Illinois, USA and 60438, 1983 Worley, W. Proper Names of Demons Booklet 28 [W R W. Publications and Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, P.O. Box 629, Lansing Illinois, USA 60438, 1983] Worley, W. Seducing Spirits, Booklet 30 [W R W Publications and Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, P.O. Box 629 Lansing Illinois, USA 60438, 1983] Worley, W. The Devilish Side of Sex Booklet 1 [W R W Publications, and Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Po Box 629 Lansing Illinois, USA. 60438, 1983] Worley, W. The Satanic Cosmos, Booklet 18 [WRW Publications and Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, P.O. Box 629, Lansing Illinois, USA 60438, 1983]


____________________________________________________ Bibliography Internet Resources Cited ____________________________________________________ se



Overcoming and Understanding Homosexuality By Personal Discernment Book 5 When we do not understand our same-sex attraction and sexual addiction, it will keep us in a strong grip of the flesh and cause us to waiver to be unfaithful to our High Priest. Therefore, we need to understand and pinpoint truth so that we can fix our thoughts on Jesus. Jesus became a human being to save human beings; He is our High Priest and Intercessor because He became human. He suffered in humanity, so He knows the struggles we go through. Therefore, He can sympathize with our weakness. Since Jesus is the foundation of our salvation and our deliverance and our restoration from same-sex attraction, we are to learn of Him and His ways and ability to stay faithful in all things. The book will allow Him to go from the fruit to the root(s). It will teach you how to stand in the freedom gained and teach you self-deliverance. Also, how to effectively warfare against storms of darkness in your voyage of wholeness, healing, restoration and sanctification.

Kathleen Malligan Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba 82

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