Book 11 By Moving Beyond All Dishonor

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Understanding And Overcoming Homosexuality

By Moving Beyond Dishonor Book 11 1


Unless otherwise indicated, all scriptural quotations are from The Interlinear Bible – Hebrew Greek English. Jay P. Green, Sr. General Editor and Translator, sovereign / grace Publishers Lafayette, Indiana 47903 U.S.A.

Book 11 Understanding and Overcoming Homosexuality By Moving Beyond Dishonor Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba Toowoomba Queensland 4350

Copyright 2019 by Kathleen Malligan Š 2019 Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba All Rights reserved on teaching material Kathleen Malligan All rights reserved, Apart from any fair dealings for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the copyright act reproduction of text in whole or in part without the express written consent by the author is not permitted and is unlawful according to the Australia Copyright Act. ISBN

Cover Design by Kathleen Malligan Printed and published by Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba PDF file transfer by Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba - Releasing Hearts 3

Contents Introduction


Ministry Statement


Covering Prayer


Renunciation of Darkness


Chapter 1 Do I Have To Attend Church


Chapter 2 Biblical Honor


Chapter 3 Oppression


Chapter 4 Coming out of Emotionally Abusive Relationships


Chapter 5 People in the Bible who Wanted to Die


Chapter 6 You are Responsible for Your Happiness, Healing and Overcoming 31 Chapter 7 To Discern If Any Boundaries Are Violated


Bibliography of Chapters


Bibliography of Internet Citing’s




As a gay, lesbian transgender person going into the Church when you desire change or if you want to return to the church or childhood Christian roots it may not be an overall honorable experience from many who are leaders or from those who sit in the Church. Hiding is not recommended either, the loneliness may become unbearable to temp you to cross a line, then it makes it easier to cross it at a later date. However, it is not wise to air your dirty washing to everyone or anyone. Follow your heart your inner gut feelings as some are ignorant, religious, fearful or are not equipped. I have been dishonored by my fellow Christian church members over these past twenty-three years that has never been fully rationalized or totally healed. Pain surfaced a few months ago when I felt dishonored by an elder (First Lady) in such a way that I could not believe one would even ask someone let alone a Leader/Minister to clean up the mess of a scatting diarrhea and vomit. Yes, maybe she was reaching out for help in her hardships and her heart was hurting and she was done! However, it was too far over the bridge for me to help in that capacity. It caused pain to come up to deep depression, that I actually went into breakdown, I could not function. Over the years I’ve felt not recognized by fellow leaders in the ex-gay ministries and not even happy birthday’s Kathleen on Facebook by these leaders. One would think they were beyond pitting woman against a woman or a ministry against a ministry as if it some competition. “I’m not going to click like or share her posts either,” one can only imagine the sin structures they refuse to be bought to death for not liking or sharing my posts. Yes, it did and has stunted me and my ministry opportunities and made me unpopular, but it did not stop me doing what I believe I was called to do, write. Yes, it saddened me, and I had to address the emptiness and grieving their superficiality. Yes, I was blown away for not joining me in as ministering to the same part of body globally of those who needed answers. All because I write and expose the unclean spirits behind homosexuality. Truth is, Cinderella did have to fight the two stepsisters; and competition will always be with us by pushing someone out the way to be bell of the ball.


I’m not exaggerating, one conference I was invited to stay at a leaders home only to be put in the garage that was way from being converted to a bed sitter. The bed was single not made up and with a very strong aroma of tins of chemicals nearby. Then given the pool shower that had no door but a shower curtain off the kitchen slash dining room for all to see me. I refused the bed and was refused by the guest speaker to sleep on the spare bed in her big room. Had to have the sons bed and not able to stay the two nights as he would be back home next day. That was such a shock such a dishonor, just rude and I thought she should have given me some respect as she was in ministry for over thirty years. I don’t have to worry what I write as they do not read my books, if they did, they would have realized I don’t just teach or expose the demonic. Yes, I was invited to attend the yearly conferences, never asked to run any workshops or speak. Then when the floor was open to anyone to speak, I was always stopped by the most influential, then the words spoken “we do not agree with all ministries, but we allow them to attend.” I thought I’d made the big league, I felt slap, betrayal, then to see those who needed affirmation with the popular sided with the board. I sold a few books! Never knew this would happen, if I had of been forewarned it would have lessened the emotional impact and the amount of years of drinking after I caught a man molesting my grandson. Cheers, I was done with God, Jesus and church people and the ex-homosexual ministries! Yes, I disliked Holy Ghost the most, he was a meany. He put me through to many hardships of sanctification, allowed the darkness to do a work on me mentally, such rigid training and learning all to write these books. What an expectation hangover. I’ve thought and believed my best self was to be on the platform, an itinerant speaker, however it seemed not; I’m still a cleaner. Does that make me any less worthy of respect and honor because I believe I was thwarted or that I am a hidden Minister going to a day job? Not at all as there are several places in the New Testament where Christians are called to honor each other and their church leaders just as we honor civil authorities, bosses, parents and those in authority. I serve in this capacity of writing and I’m still learning to accept the measure given to me to run an online ministry without wearing the obvious hat in public as I believed I would be one of the greatest witness the church had ever seen – obviously a false prophecy. I’m candid as like most of the ministries books they are my healing journey out loud. No pay cheque comes with these books and there has been very little tips for the downloads. Anyway, given it is a ministry to those whom hide their 6

attractions from others, some would not buy a book at the risk of exposure or revealing who they were? So here I am, being real being honest to revisit the same pain so it brings more healing, hopefully total for me and help for you. We are not a failure or has Jesus forsaken us or not Able, but there may be such depth that the offshoots have to be killed off before the tap root of dishonor dies. Yes, we all fall short, we are all flawed, have wounds and we do not obey or understand His instructions in righteous living. Given that, and being understanding, it did not lessen the impact of me feeling dishonored. Pain surfaces and we know this makes us address it; but here’s the truth. What we need to remember is that people cannot give us what we need or treat us in the way we believe we think is ideal, proper or honorable. They will always turn up dishonoring others and us. That’s just the way they turn up and that will be the way we perceive it whether it is true of false until somethings shift! So, I trust this book will poke at our wounds press on our bruises and reveal what we cannot see and stop us reaffirming a dead belief system. Therefore, as we put into practice and not swallow our pain it will start to lessen the impact of the next time you and I are disrespected and dishonored. As true as Christ Jesus is King of The Universe, dishonor will continue to happen until we leave this earth. You are not unworthy; you have great value and worth. So, keep rowing and stay in the boat until you get to the other side as the rewards of our eternal Kingdom living with The Lord Jesus Christ and the other saints will well be worth the painful healing processes. Be blessed and be a blessing Agape

Kathleen Malligan “By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments. The one who says, ‘I have come to know Him,’ and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him; but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him; the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked.”

1 John 2:3-6 7

“Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba MINISTRY STATEMENT “The Ministry and all books, teachings and CD’s of Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba are to Believers desiring to live their personal truths of The Holy Bible. To adult believers who want to move beyond the passions of lust in same sex attraction in line with how they understand The Holy Bible, The Inspired Word of God and His written expectations. The content within the book is to those who want to change, those who want to pray, not who are forced to pray. To those who heard the call to be a Disciple, to those who want to belong to a kingdom of spiritual kings and priests obeying Jesus Christ’s The Great High Priest. Those believing the living out or in a homosexual relationship or marriage is not in line with Scriptural truths. The ministry is NOT advocating “cure” or the departing from homosexuality to heterosexuality but departing from the fleshly person to the spiritual person to wholeheartedly take on Jesus Christ’s way of life; receiving His Bible identity; receiving healing of the inner-man or inner-woman; exchanging the old self for His ability for inward change; receiving the empowering ability of His Holy Spirit to cause us to live above all passions of sexual lust and same-sex or homosexual desire. As a bible believing woman, I believe Jesus Christ’s Word that declares: “For you know what commandments we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honour, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God." 1 Thessalonians 4:2-4 It is only by exchange of our old self for His Regeneration and His Empowering and Enabling for taking on His way of life that will enable us to take hold of the identity we have in Christ Jesus; to be given a new heart of flesh that we want to serve Him in His Tabernacle and take His way of life.” 1. [Malligan, 2014:7]

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“Covering Prayer “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10:19 KJ

Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your Son thank You for the Blood Covenant, You are worthy to be praised and glorified there is none like You, Creator Redeemer Healer and Mighty One. Father, it is my prayer that You would open Your peoples mind greatly by the Power of Your anointing so The Spirit of Christ Jesus Your Son can reveal truth and revelation and bring conviction and counsel as they read and pray through this book. Father, as those who have decided to take this journey To The Other Side with You, enable them to have open hearts so that they may receive the truth so as to walk in Your paths of righteousness. Protect their minds from the enemy snatching away The Word that will be sown in their hearts and let Your Word accomplish the purpose for which it has been sent. Thank you for imparting to them Your Might in their inner man and Your Authority to cast out the unclean in Your Breath. Father let Your Holy Spirit take Lordship in every area the spirits of darkness have had ground and let these spirits be gathered and taken to their place appointed of them and let Your Waring and Ministering Spirits be released to do battle for Your children.

All Honour all Glory and all Power belongs to You. In Jesus Name Amen” 1. [Malligan, 2014:8]

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“Renunciation of Darkness “Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, rebuke and expose them.” Ephesians 5:11 NLT “For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14 NIV

Father, I humble myself before You and submit to You according to Your Word, “submit to God resist the Devil and he will flee” before praying and working through this Cleansing Workbook. Thank You and I agree there is no power other than the Power of Your Finished Works of Calvary The Blood of Jesus Christ and The Indwelling Power of The Spirit of Christ Jesus that can deliver me, heal me and cast out spirits of darkness and release me from judgments. Father according to Your statute and You have written this statute more than thirty times to confess the forefather’s transgressions and iniquity. I obey and I agree that my ancestors on both sides of my family line have transgressed your laws Your Ordinances Your statutes and commandments. According to Your statute I am to take accountability for my forefather’s sins and iniquity back over three four ten and I want to pray for a thousand generations for where they have transgressed and been iniquitous. Therefore, I agree and I acknowledge this before You and I repent for their guilt, their betrayal, their unfaithfulness, their adultery, their idolatry, their robbery, their extortion, their visiting the shrines of darkness, their oppression of others, their breaking covenant and they did not feed the poor or not clothe the naked. Father I repent for every law, statute and ordinance they broke and for all other unknown iniquity and transgression I ask forgiveness and I claim the promise of Your Word that I would now not share the guilt of my ancestors. Father since I has chosen to do what is just and right according to Ezekiel 18 and I have chosen to keep Your decrees Your Statutes Your commandments and because I chose to leave the life of my forefathers sins and iniquity to serve You to keep Your commandments decrees and statutes I can receive the children’s bread of freedom from the ancestors judgments and curses, So Father in Jesus Name, let every curse every judgment be broken and let me be set free from these ancestral iniquities and transgressions.


Father, before You and them I disown and renounce my ancestor’s transgressions their corrupted blood lines, their neuma-genetics, their curses their judgments and declare I am now a citizen of Heaven, I am not of this world I am a sojourner my home and my Kingdom is my Beloveds The Lord Jesus Christ, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords and I am becoming the king and the priest You have called me to become. I renounce the sins and iniquity of my blood lines my ancestors on both sides of the family so they can no longer have authority in and over my life for I am in Covenant with Him and I choose to keep Covenant and remain in Covenant. Father, I now address these spirits: spirits I have acknowledged that many generations have transgressed and committed iniquity so today all of you ancestral spirits, yes all of you ancestral spirits are moving out. I have turned from my ancestor’s iniquity and their transgressions The Cross, the promise of Ezekiel 18 frees me from each of you and where I believed I had to find every detail of your legal grounds, that is a lie. For I choose and have chosen righteous living in His Kingdom for I am delivered from the kingdom of darkness into The Kingdom of Light you lost I am Light, and you cannot stay. Therefore you spirits from curses, from iniquity from sins of the generations back over a thousand generations on both sides of the family, I declare against you I am faithful, that I am baptized into His death, I am one with Him, washed in His Blood, bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh, He is the Father of my spirit, I am adopted into His family, I have an inheritance and I am a fellow heir and I am righteous and betrothed so I am His wife and now delivered from the iniquity the sins and curses of the ancestors. I declare I choose to remain a faithful wife and I choose Him and His Covenant and I choose to become all that He has for me, I choose the priesthood of Melchizedek, I resist you, I renounce you and I refuse your will in my life. Ancestral spirits all you familiar spirits you curse spirits from the ancestors on both sides of the family Jesus has delivered me from the curse and you spirits are now squatters you now no longer have rights to remain because of ancestral sin and iniquity or because of oaths for what He and His Blood has done for me you lose your grounds. You must now loose and leave this very moment and you will be plucked out of your dwelling places and taken to the place appointed of you “for now is the judgment of this world now shall the prince of this world be cast out.” Therefore, every one of you spirits you will loose and leave for you can no longer remain, you no longer have any legal grounds to remain for all that I am in Him supersedes your legal grounds your oaths your curses your rights have been stripped from you no matter what degree my ancestors have gone to in 11

Freemasonry you have lost your grounds to remain. I declare the blood on your doors on your gates on your oaths and I declare them open for you to leave. His blood line against the blood line of my ancestors, so I declare now those doors are sealed and closed because of His Blood Covenant with me; I am my Beloveds and my Beloved is mine you will loose and leave for I cast you out and Father let it be so in Jesus Name. Father, I now want to address those in and over me because of my iniquity and my transgression so I submit to You. - I address all you spirit’s from the kingdom of darkness in and over my life from my iniquity and transgressions for I renounce you and refuse your will for my life any longer. I no longer want to be in agreement with your ways or your perverse ways. I denounce you and your ways, and I hate you and declare you are my enemy and I come into agreement with Jesus Christ my deliverer that you will leave His Temple, my body this hour. Today is the day you are going to loose and leave me. I come out of agreement and fellowship with you and resist all of you; you will leave me and I declare and agree you will be taken to the place The Lord Jesus Christ has appointed for you along with the ancestral spirits from both sides of my family lines. I surrender all the area’s I have given over to you to The Lord Jesus Christ for I declare my salvation is of grace through faith and faith of the finished work of Calvary and His shed blood for the remission of sins. I reclaim where I have given ground to you in my body, soul, and spirit because of deception, lies and my iniquities my sins and sexual transgressions and those that fortify your strongholds of perversion, of bisexuality, homosexuality and transgenderism. I resist you, renounce you and refuse your presence any longer in my life. The Lord Jesus Christ rebuke you and take you all to the place He has appointed of you as you have lost your grounds in and over my life for, I confess and repent and renounce before my Father so you will lose your grounds. Father let this be so in Jesus Name, for I call upon the power of the Blood Covenant for deliverance, healing, and restoration and I invite you into every area that has been occupied by unclean spirits from the kingdom of darkness and from Your judgments. Father, I now take accountability for my life and all the sin and iniquity that I have in my life and my life alone. I declare I shall overcome I shall come up higher I shall be purified and refined to be the king and priest you have called me to be in the Melchizedek Order, I declare I am being born again from above. 12

“Father, have mercy upon me, according to Your loving kindness; according to the multitude of Your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sin, for I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me. Against You and You only have I sinned and done evil in Your sight that You are justified when You judge me.” (Psalm 51:1-4) Thank You all Power all Glory belongs to You, In Jesus Christ Mighty Name, Amen.” 1. [Malligan 2014:09]


Chapter 1 Do I Have to Attend a Church?

“The answer is yes, but no matter how apostate the Church has become, we are still to be led by The Spirit to a house and or a worship center that has an organized structure of the people of God. If we are led to a house of God, then He will cover us from the powers of darkness in and over that organized structure if we are studying to show ourselves approved then we will be able to divide the Word to retain “the meat and spit out the bones.” Meeting with family, friends or at home does not constitute the assembling of we together under an Apostolic Leadership or a Pastoral Overseeing, this goes in a completely different direction to Biblical examples. I believe this is Satan’s counterfeit Christianity under men or women who are not properly trained or who are self-appointed ministers because they resist the sound counsel of The Word. Recall Korah (Numbers 16) and his followers who rejected the leadership that Yahweh appointed under Moses. Korah and his men believed that Moses and Aaron lifted themselves above the assembly of Jehovah because they believed all the assembly was holy to be the priesthood. But it was Yahweh’s will to have Moses, Aaron and the Levi’s set apart for leadership in a tent of meeting. Separating ourselves from God’s patterned ordained leadership because the people or the beliefs or the doctrines or the theology does not come up to scratch and or up to your standard is bluntly self-will. Just like Korah and his self-willed team who challenged Moses and Aaron (16:3) or who challenged Yahweh’s ordained order it cannot be done. If you separate yourself from the work of the Kingdom that God has under authority of leadership, you will not learn to be an active part of Christ’s body. You will not be in a position to be used as a weapon of warfare or a Holy Ghost Archer using The Word to deliver those in captivity to heresy, error, and perversion of the Gospel or demonic oppression. You will not allow yourself to be available for being led as He wills and most of all you will be as a self-appointed member with your own ideas that are contrary to the pattern of Scriptural gathering. 14

When we don’t trust Yahweh’s and Jesus Christ’s ability to ‘run’ a church with leadership structure “and He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be Head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him filling all things in all” (Ephesians 1:22) we lack faith in His will for our personal life and the government that is on His Shoulders. The organized structure yes has its heresy, has its error, has its doctrinal differences and has demonic spirits and has those who do not understand same sex; and many carnal members and or sinners saved by grace on the seats and also in the positions of leadership. But that does not give us the liberty or the excuse to stop being available for being led by The Spirit and The Word as to what organized structure of His Appointed Ministers He want us to be under. I feel like I never ‘fit in’, but this is how it is to be because the Christ-life is not comfortable. I am led by The Spirit to be part of a congregation that is flawed, deceived and learning just like me, flawed, deceived and learning. I do not feel comfortable with the Pastor’s teaching or his doctrine or his mannerism or the antics of the carnal person’s, but I know I am placed there to be active under His directive as He lays His will upon my heart. If you are comfortable because it is a place near where you live, or that’s where you were raised, or they speak in tongues, lay hands on the sick and cast out demons, or they speak on end times or they teach Bible prophecy or they observe the feasts or they observe the Sabbath or they are devoted to preaching the ‘full’ gospel or the ‘full’ message of the Bible or they say they are the ‘true church’ or you and they say the full truth is being preached that’s terrific. But I do not believe such a church exists that preaches the ‘full Bible’ I’d say some churches preach more truth than others, but I believe we as individuals are the living church who He scatters whom He places whom He raises up by sanctification of His Word who He ordains to be Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Pastors, Administrators, Intercessors, Helpers, Deliverance Ministers and so on to appoint us and then leads us when and where to lay down roots or be placed for a season(s) in a house that has humanity with flaws faults and feelings and who unknowingly holds tight to heresy, error and perversion of the Gospel. Not matter what congregation we belong to as individuals we are to seek after the full gospel and or full bible truths in our walk. But according to His individual plan and purpose for His Overall Kingdom He may will for you, or me to be placed in a church and or organized structure that have only partial truths and who have people that are scared of us and who may be so self-righteous that it does offend us – but God. 15

I am not saying that you should stay under abuse, control, or blatant apostasy or heresy or counterfeit signs and wonders, but you are to be in check with The Holy Spirit and His Word. You have to be mature, mature also in discerning good from evil mature to be of service to The Master or you will most assuredly come under the demonic powers of darkness that hold their grounds in and over such a church. If you are not mature and living by meat or available as a Disciple bearing your cross and forsaking your lusts of the flesh (Luke 14:26-27, 33) then you need to change the house that you are going to that has a greater measure of truth taught and holds more to the practices of the Word. Truth is we are not to forsake the assembling (Hebrews 10:25) of ourselves together with other Christians. Deception is a major strategy the enemy uses to bring us into isolation and independence and here we backslide, pick up a drink, become sexually active again or run to whatever familiar cave of comforts. There is wisdom in a multitude of counselors; this wisdom safeguards us so when we think we don’t have any need of other with the attitude: “I’ll do church my own way” “I’m still a Christian if I do not go to church” “Well God has called me and commanded me to come out of Babylon” “I’m not sitting under that Nicolaitanes spirit any longer” “He has called me to come away and be consecrated and to find my life in Him and Him alone, I am called to loneliness” “Yahweh is preparing His bride He is sorting out the sheep from the goats and the goats are those who go to church every Sunday and Saturday in organized religion.” “We are in the end times and God is doing a new thing He is bringing out of the Church all those who are not deceived by the apostate Church” we become more deceived than those who sit in a spiritualist church. Recall we are admonished to submit to those in authority and this order Jesus Christ has put in place for a church structure. Firstly, there are Apostles second Prophets, third Teachers, then workers of miracles, then healers, helpers, administrators, and speakers in various kinds of tongues. (1 Corinthians 12:2816

29) Church structure and meeting places have been with us since the first recording of the temple in the wilderness in Exodus, and this was heavens pattern! Recall there was Solomon’s Temple and Herod’s Temple where they gathered together to hear and be taught the Word. Synagogue is a group of ten or more people, and there were many in the land of Israel (Acts 9:2) and recall the Roman Centurion built a building (Luke 7:5) and or a meeting place for synagogue to come together under a Rabbi. Synagogue had leadership and structure. Church or meeting together under an authority structure is as old as the Bible, yes even back to the days after Noah. His son Shem is recorded to have built a temple being King of Salem and Yahweh’s first Priest. Just you and The Holy Spirit alone is not what the Word admonishes or you the TV or membership with a church online in your own nation or overseas with Holy Ghost. Even though the church of God is referred to as a collective of people all around the world (1 Corinthians 11:16, 10:32, 15:9; 1 Thessalonians 2:14) we are still to come together as Christ is our example. Consider this thought: we are called to be a body, living stones that build His Temple, yes. So, if you like being a social butterfly or someone who likes company and who likes socializing especially with those of your own kind would you like to be kept alone unable to meet together with people? I guess not! Therefore, if The Holy Spirit delights in coming together with other Holy Spirits and the multitude of angels in their presence and to worship with the angels and other Spirits of Christ Jesus should we keep Him isolated and alone? I guess not! Jezebel likes to isolate and make people loners; she brings all the thoughts to the mind to back up her reasons and wills to keep you in this pit. Independence and isolation seed rebellion, seed lawlessness. She wants to draw you away to get you out of the race. She wants to put out your fire and cause you not to be raised up to grasp the Christian lifestyle. She does not want you to walk the walk of advancing the kingdom of God and the waging of warfare against her or Antichrist or Hell and Death. If she can weaken you, she can devour you. If she can distort the teachings, block The Holy Ghost from working through you, she can control you. She can keep her inroad to ensure you do not follow the path of faith of The Shepard and the things 17

concerning His sheep. Shepard’s in the east broke their wayward lamb’s leg in love to curb their independence. Then they would carry them on their shoulders until the wound healed for a lesson necessary for their own survival against wild beasts. Once they learnt then they would stay close to the flock and heed the shepherd’s voice of direction. The message of sheep given throughout the Bible is that they are meant to be in a flock, with a Shepard over them. You can be guaranteed our archenemy is an influencing force behind reasons why we have had enough of the church why we want to leave the church. It is their will to put your head under water – pull your head out, look your enemy in the eye and see the land far off and declare thus far and no further, I am going to the other side! “And since we have a great high priest over the house of God…not neglecting to meet together as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:21, 25 RSV The idea of these books is to pick them up and allow His Spirit to train you teach you and minister to you and especially when the waves are hitting on your boat for, they will calm the sea.” 1. [2014:6] Book 2 Understanding and Overcoming Homosexuality By Navigating the Church Life


Chapter 2 Biblical Honor

I understand spiritual abuse and the need of healing and recovering from abuse from those in authority. Also, I realize honor is subjective and biblical interpretation differs. However, to lay a foundation of honor is necessary in our healing from being dishonored and disrespected by those in the body of Christ and to cause you to seek out this doctrine. Truth is, we may be holding wrong doctrines, unrealistic expectations, also being triggered from relationship, childhood or parental wounding. I’ve cut and pasted part of D T Owsley’s blog on Honor Your Pastor he has decades of church experience and knows the disappointments members have in pastors, leaders and the expectations of church members to one another and to those in authority. It is your individual journey and between yourself and The Spirit of Christ Jesus so He knows how He will train and teach you all the aspects of honor. “Honor is a major theme in 1 Timothy. Some have described 1 Timothy as a manual on the life and practice of a local church and its government. Believers in Jesus Christ are to honor one another in Christ because of the honor we have for Jesus Christ. Other verses touch upon it, such as Romans 2:10; 12:10 and 1 Peter 2:17. More so is the honor we are to have for our Christian elders and pastors. Elders/pastors are deserving of honor (except under certain conditions). Godly, Christian elders/pastors should be treated with honor (1 Tim. 3; Titus 1:5-7) because of their God-ordained position and character in Christ. We show them honor because they serve in Christ (e.g.: Acts 20:17,18). Godly elders who serve in Christ by directing, managing and leading the affairs of the local church deserve honor; especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching (1 Tim. 5:17, 18). This passage (1 Tim. 5:17,18) assumes that the godly elder/pastor is busy laboring in the good news of Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 15:10; 16:16; 1 Thess. 5:12). His is an honorable service that comes from and flows through the Word of God (Eph. 4:11ff). Since God’s people are called to honor their godly elders, then just what does that mean? How so and in what way? Again, the New Testament plainly tells us. First, we honor our elder(s) or pastor by having a high estimation of their 19

role and work (Phil. 2:29). We also honor them by imitating their faith in Christ (Heb. 13:7). Like a child mimics her or his parent, so too are we to actively mimic pastors who model the life of Jesus Christ. A third way we honor them is by obeying them in Christ (Heb. 13:17). This does not mean that we are to obey anything or everything the elder or pastor tells us. Rather we obey anything and everything the elder or pastor tells us to do that is a clear directive from Scripture. For example, if the pastor tells us not to steal, then we obey because God’s Word is more than clear that stealing is sinful. On the other hand, if the pastor tells women they must not have their hair shorter than, say, seventeen and seven-tenths inches long, then he is out of line and women don’t have to obey. A fourth way is to show a two-fold honor. This is what Paul is talking about in 1 Timothy 5:17. Those who exercise pastoral oversight in God’s church and minister the Word of God should be financially supported by the local Christian community (1 Cor. 9:7-14; 1 Thess. 2:7; 2 Cor. 11:8-9). We are to count them worthy of such financial or material honor when they work well and as unto the Lord (Deut. 25:4; Luke 10:7). This is not saying the elder or pastor is to be well endowed with money and material possessions. That would violate what God tells us in other places, such as in James. Instead, it means that the elder/pastor who dedicates his time, talents, gifts, etc., in serving God by serving God’s church is worthy of enough remuneration to support his basic needs. Honoring the pastor isn’t conditioned upon whether we like who he is or what he does. It isn’t based upon his personality, his vision for the church, his charisma, his charm, his philosophy of ministry, and so forth. Rather it is based upon his life in Christ, his Godly character, and his work and position as one who is called and ordained to the office. Now, at this point I must say that not all who are called elders or pastors are indeed so or are even worthy of honor. But I’ll save that for another blog. Don’t just honor your pastor when you feel like it, or during a special season. Honor your pastor all the time. Honor him in the clear ways God says to honor him. This is God’s will for your life. Honor him so that he might do his work with joy, which will be to your benefit (Heb. 13:17). Honor him so that you honor God.” 1. [Cited 19/10/2019]


Chapter 3 Oppression It has always bothered me reading and hearing “oppression will be far from you” (Isaiah 54:14) when I sure have known oppression; not always knowing if Jesus was allowing it or my sins caused it, or I was under demonic attack? When we pull the curtain back on all the wounds and all the pain of our current mental state, we may well find oppression is from the Hand of God’s Truth for our walking in the flesh. Spiritual laws exist and they are fixed, as is the condemnation of the law when we walk in the flesh repeatedly enough to open doors of darkness. Other than being corrected from The Hand of God as this happens so as to continue to establish us in righteousness (Isaiah 54:14). Oppression defined by Webster’s is the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome cruel, or unjust manner. (1.) If you have read enough of the ministries books you will believe the kingdom of darkness is not ignoring us or are his grounds null and void and of no effect when we give him legal rights of authority because of our transgressions, hence we receive some form of oppression. The following link is the Ministries Personal Cleansing Workbook that has various prayers. These will aid in cutting off many off shoots of the root. Instead of putting the prayers in this book, please go to the link. or go to this site prints them. What does oppression have to do with dishonor? When I was dishonored of late, I came under oppression because I was crushed in spirit, weighed down in my mind and body and I knew I was spiritually under the oppression of darkness. This snowballed into me dishonoring and disrespecting who I deemed guilty? People under a curse of dishonor will dishonor others. People in general will dishonor you. Also they don’t, and you don’t have to be cursed to be dishonored it’s human nature. Jesus said, “I do not have a demon,” …. answered. “On the contrary, I honor My father and you dishonor Me.” (John 8:49) Where there is free will, there will always be sin; people sinning against us consciously and unconsciously will never stop. Also, we will suffer dishonor for the sake of


His Name, our calling and His Truth (Acts 5:41; Romans 9:21; 1 Corinthians 4:10; 2 Timothy 2:20). However, there can be curse doors that need closing on dishonor because of sin. For what is sin? The transgression of His given laws (1 John 3:4). • Dishonouring God and His Name (Exodus 22:28; Proverbs 30:9; Jeremiah 3:25; Romans 2:23) • Dishonouring and cursing parents; isolating your children from grandparents; isolating yourself from parent in effect you are giving birth to dishonour for your children to dishonour you (Deuteronomy 27:16; Psalms 68:6) • Dishonouring children (Leviticus 21:15; Ephesians 6:4) • Taking Communion unworthily (1 Corinthians 11:27) • Marrying your fathers’ wife/husband (Deuteronomy 22:30) • Seeking after vanity and falsehood (Psalms 4:2) • Gloating over evil done to others (Psalms 35:26) • Murder (2 Samuel 18:9) • Delighting in the hurt of others, seeking after a soul to destroy it (Psalms 40:14) • Consulting to cast down people, delighting in lies, blessing with mouth but inwardly cursing (Psalm 62:4) • Pride and pride in beauty (Proverbs 11:2; Isaiah 23:9) • A woman who hates righteousness brings dishonour to her husband (Proverbs 11:6) • Being a thief (Jeremiah 2:26) • Idolatry (Ezekiel 36:15) • Drunkard, drinking to excess (Hosea 4:18) • Homosexuality; incest; voyeurism (Romans 1:24; Genesis 9:20-29) • Having shorn or shaved head as a woman (1 Corinthians 11:6) • Men having long hair (1Corinthians 11:14) • Dishonourable character, saying your one thing but in private another; what you think as what you do – Sunday Christian and or retaining a sin structure by refusing to allow Jesus to bring it to death • Jealousy, pride, control, manipulation, rebellion, and the equal anointing mindset and despising the God-ordained gift or grace mantle on a leaders/minister life 1. [Derived from Sandy Murphy The Curse of 22

Dishonour ] Assignments from darkness for no other reason that you are Christian; that you are in ministry; that you expose their works and dismantle their legal rights of authority in other Christians lives. Where there are any legal rights of access in others they will use these doors as payback; to lie about you; they manifest to make room for their workings of dishonour; they project their lies and schemes. Don’t let those works rip up your ministry or calling or your identity in Christ or your testimony or cause you to backslide or take heaven off you. Cursing self, communicating yourself, you remove yourself from a consecrated position, acting the fool, mockery, treating others with contempt and acting foolishly because they do not recognise your position or don’t take you seriously or believe in your teachings and or past; touching God’s anointing (Numbers 12:1-16) Slander and gossip of others and also of those in the house of God; talking negatively about ministers/leaders or those in authority and their ministries; passing on something that someone told you in confidence or in ministry who was seeking counsel (Leviticus 19:16; Proverbs 11:13, 4:23, 26:20-22, 6:16-19, 18:21; Galatians 5:19-21; Matthew 12:36-37, 7:1-2; Colossians 4:6) Bragging about being in or having a ministry; you have to be recognized; wanting praise and glory in prayer / meetings; saying how much money you gave or what you did or do for Jesus Christ Dishonour of wife/husband by porn sites, adultery. It is downgrading your wife/husband to a lessor status, especially by laying with another in adultery she is not important (Colossians 3:18-21) Lying and about someone, disrespecting them/authority, act like they are unimportant The last two and the following bullet points are noteworthy and taken from or/

• Gossip: When we break a confidence of a friend or loved one, we are dishonoring the relationship we have with them. I probably have done this more than I want to admit. Often, I make this mistake when complaining 23

to a friend about people closest to me. This can even be done with a counselor, and if the counselor is unwise to allow it to go on too long, gossip can devolve into slander. This is what Stuart did to his wife. 2 Timothy 3:3 puts gossipers with some other nasty offenders. Broken Promises and Oaths: Once again, most people do not know how important an oath is in the Spirit realm. God tells us that broken oaths will have serious consequences (James 5:12). Many times in the Bible we are told not to break our vows or judgment will come. The enemy loves to prowl around looking for those who have broken their promises and oaths. Obviously, adultery is the classic example of this. But we can also make promises on many other levels, and each broken oath brings destruction on our heads. Violence and Abusive Language: Malachi tells us that God hates divorce. But it also tells us that he hates when a man covers his wife with violence as if it were a garment. Violence is a severe break of the covenant relationship. And violent words can also sever that covenant. When the enemy sees these things, he initiates a spiraling pattern of violence, fear and anguish. Few actions dishonor a person more than taking power away from them through violence or violent words. Threats: Threats can appear non-violent and still cause harm. If someone threatens to leave, to cut off intimacy, to get even, to take something away, then all of these dishonor the marriage vow. Most marriage vows contain the word “honor,” which means to count someone as important. If you deem a person valuable, you will not threaten them. Resentment: John Bevere calls resentment “the bait of Satan”. Our enemy loves to dangle this in front of our noses. Resentment is not unforgiveness or hatred. It occurs when we decide “I will never let go of this hurt you have caused me.” More marriages are dishonored when partners will not release resentment than from any other cause. It is that common.. Resentment often becomes bitterness, which we are told in Hebrews 12 can regress into “a root of bitterness which grows up to defile many”. Curses: When we wish harm or ill on another person, we are cursing them. The stronger we wish these things, the more power the enemy has to bring them about. Unfortunately, many spouses say foolish things like “I wish you would die” or “I hope you get everything coming to you” or “I am done with you” never once knowing there is an enemy who views these as 24

open invitations to wreak havoc in a household. The bible is clear that curses and blessings work (Luke 6:28, James 3:9). • Revelling in hurt: There is a more passive way we can dishonor our spouse. When they fail or are wounded, if instead of bringing comfort and love we hold onto a smug attitude of “I told you so” or “You had that coming”, this reveling can give room to the enemy to drive a wedge between spouses. • Neglect: Instead of actively hurting our spouse or betraying them, we neglect our duties to love, honor and cherish them. By withholding support, love, information, help, partnership, affection, or any number of other essentials, we leave them to their own devices and act as if they are meaningless to us. This neglect of our covenant responsibility offers the enemy an open invitation to attack. • Humiliation: People rationalize their active criticism of their spouse in public. They think it helps to push them to make changes. But we often take it way too far. When we actively humiliate our spouse, it is the most public way we can use to say “You are not special to me.” When we do this, not only do people see us as weak and our marriage as troubled, the enemy sees it as dishonor and uses that springboard to cause trouble. I believe there are four keys to overcoming these pieces of dishonour. • Repent. This means more than just saying you’re sorry to God. It means to acknowledge and understand what you’re doing wrong and choose actions that counter-act it. Breaking off bad relationships, apologizing for hurts, cutting off access to things or people that make it worse – all of these are repentant actions. • Change: Get to the roots of why you do what you do. A counselor or coach can help with this. • Accountability: Admit to others what you have done and ask them to watch for it from you and call you on it if you persist in doing it. • Pray for Blessing. The Bible tells us we are to bless others and not curse them. If we have cursed our spouse through dishonor, dedicate the future to blessing them through word, deed and prayer.” 2. [Cited 19/10/19]

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, therefore we will be able to be aware of a persons heart when they are dishonoring us. I’m listening to 25

a blog talk radio and Sandy Murphy speaks of the word honor is looking at the fruit of the Spirit in someone. For us to honor the God in that person and honor is simply recognizing God and the heartbeat of God in that individual. Others mention that our opinion of self is that of unworthiness or some measure of self-hatred. Therefore, like rejection begets rejection dishonor begets dishonor and the darkness feed on this and give it back. We attract dishonor because we are expecting to be treated in a certain way. I know when overcoming rejection, I gave off that aroma and expectation and it kept the spirits and assignments alive against me.


Chapter 4 Coming out of Emotionally Abusive Relationships

There is no secrets here, for we all know that lesbian, gay and transsexual relationships have as much abuse as heterosexual relationships. As disciples of Christ we have to take accountability for past our actions. Especially for all the times we were dishonorable to our partners or husbands or wives. We have made others and we also have felt devaluated, unworthy, disrespected, inferior, small and dishonored. Our emotions have been bruised and battered and we too have done this to others and even made them feel bad for us feeling bad. To close these doors and be accountable before Christ Jesus we need to confess our transgressions before Christ. In the ministries Personal Cleansing Workbook, found at the following site there are various payers for taking accountability for being controlling, abusive and dishonorable. or go to this link will print a one only book but they receive the money not the ministry. Below is a brief prayer only, I encourage you to check out the link as the book is through and covers other topics that enable us to heal and remain happy. Father, I ask for forgiveness and repent and renounce the way I have dishonored my former partners, my family my parents, those in authority and ____________. I’ve been abusive, controlling, aggressive, domineering, hurtful, violent, insensitive and cruel to others and also to You. Father bring to death the sin structures that will keep me out of Your will, that will keep me in a sin structure and into a healthy emotional state. In Jesus Christ’s Name Amen


Chapter 5 People in The Bible Who Wanted to Die “Where can I get meat for all these people? They keep wailing to me, ‘Give us meat to eat!’ I cannot carry all these people by myself; the burden is too heavy for me. If this is how you intend to treat me, just go ahead and kill me. Do me a favour and spare me this misery!” -Numbers 11:13-15 Why died I not from the womb? why did I not give up the ghost when I came out of the belly? –Job 3:11 Now Ahab told Jezebel everything Elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword. So Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah to say, “May the Gods deal with me, be it ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of one of them.” Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, while he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, LORD,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.” 1 Kings 19:1-4 Jonah had gone out and sat down at a place east of the city. There he made himself a shelter, sat in its shade and waited to see what would happen to the city. Then the LORD God provided a leafy plant and made it grow up over Jonah to give shade for his head to ease his discomfort, and Jonah was very happy about the plant. But at dawn the next day God provided a worm, which chewed the plant so that it withered. When the sun rose, God provided a scorching east wind, and the sun blazed on Jonah’s head so that he grew faint. He wanted to die, and said, “It would be better for me to die than to live.” But God said to Jonah, “Is it right for you to be angry about the plant?” “It is,” he said. “And I’m so angry I wish I were dead.” But the LORD said, “You have been concerned about this plant, though you did not tend it or make it grow. It sprang up overnight and died overnight. And should 28

I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left—and also many animals?”–Jonah 4:5-11 “Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5, KJV). “I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end”” (Jeremiah 29:11, KJV). 1. [Cited 9/11/19] The way the story goes, “I want to die,” “I don’t care if I died today” “I hope He gives me a disease that I die and get off this planet.” I can’t live anymore was the cry of heart many a time feeling the pain of the call on my life and the Christian walk itself and to mention the loneliness, lovelessness with no romance. Heartache and pain, loses, how they did me wrong, lay down and die, but somehow in the depths of me there came one more try when I sought counsel and prayed it lifted to fight again - I will survive I will survive. We feel sorry for ourselves, we are the victim, or maybe the Martyr and or all three and more; yes me in a nutshell. But we survive to stay alive just like those bible greats had their moments, their days and or years of darkness wishing they were never born never called or not serving the King of The Universe as His Prophet Priest or King. Don’t think yourself weak or a loser that in your deep mental anguish that death would finalize your pain. If Jesus would have it written for our teaching and instruction in righteous living of the greats above, He knows it is a natural human response when we want to give up. We have a calling with purpose, all will eventually unfold and there are often sovereign plans that turn out for our good because He sees the beginning from the end. He told me I have to take the snow with the roses; makes no sense never heard the expression before. Turns out snow is great for the roses, so I guess it a great thing I’ve encountered what I have, and a great thing He has never answered my complaining, my pain in my prayers to kill me. Jesus will keep His whatever promise He has for me, I tell myself, but don’t believe it as I’ve seen more defeats than wins in these past twenty-three years. I’ve seen the body of Christ, those two ugly stepsisters who want my glass slipper 29

to show no mercy. I’ve seen fear shunning rejection and most of all I’ve seen the enemy withstand me over and over again to win more battles than I have. But like Job, maybe I will get double for all my loses. Like Joseph my days of prison and pain will bring me into greatness. Like Jonah all that I’ve gone through I may be able to save 120, 000 with my books. Like Moses I will fulfil His purpose on my life to see it was well worth the warfare strategies and their victories from these powers and principalities. Then like Elijah my personal Chariot of Fire may come take me into glory a little early like Moses.


Chapter 6 You Are Responsible for Your Happiness, Healing and Overcoming

Defeating dishonor comes down to us, bottom line so does happiness and healing. Truth is some people who we meet or who we know will not be able to relate or act in honorable or respectful ways. Neither will they be able to see beyond our past or at that tattoos on the body! There has to be a level of acceptance sought and caught to be acted upon that some people’s actions attitudes and words will always be a reality. Therefore, we accept it that it will never go any further than what we see and hear, this is how they show up. Guard your heart and your mind, this is how they will show up again and again! Sure, I’m not negating boundaries are to be laid out in some circumstances “when you say that to me it makes me feel x”. Or am I addressing partner/husband/wife relationships in this book. Truth is those who trigger us is the reality that there may not be a possibility that they can improve or that by you addressing them or putting a boundary to them will cause them to change or see the error of their ways. Also, it may not be our place to address their words or actions; we have to get beyond flaws and faults that’s why we address our heart wounds, our root issues. Question is then, how long we want to go through the disappointment, the stress the set back until we realize there is nothing that we can do to change them or is it our business other than to change ourselves. So, we have to accept that people will always dishonor us and show up in a way that if offensive. Truth is and will be, that’s how they will show up around you, they are individual and on their journey with Jesus bonded in iniquity, religious and different in personality. If we continue to look at people’s behavior in hoping honor will come our way because we are someone with name title and rank or we are part of the body, we have set ourselves up to remain and be wounded and dishonored. Again, there is acceptance that they are not our business and people act out for numerous reasons. This will allow the impact to lesson and finally have no affect or have us on the defense, we lighten up. Really it is letting go of control. It is letting go of unfounded expectations and us wanting to change others to make them into our image. To give others 31

space is a lot easier than us saying “oh she/he should know better he is a Pastor, she is his wife, she is a leader, she has been Christian for years and years.” We don’t need to fix others up, other than we need to fix ourselves up to cope with the others as the others will always be with us, just like the poor. When we change our reactions not only does the devil lose ground, but we gain ground in healing, hence happiness. When we change our behaviors that are payback for their behaviors the devil also loses ground and we heal and become more Christ like thus mentally healthier and happier. The ministries book Overcoming Rejection found at the following link will also uproot dishonor and enable you to get back your power and happiness. rt-to-the-other-side-book-3 Or go to


Chapter 7 To Discern If Any Boundaries Are Violated “You are allowed to have boundaries. You do not need to accept someone’s behaviors when it is sinful especially when it violates moral and social ethics. It is ok to be offended, Jesus said to the enemy, “get behind me you are an offence to me”. You cannot own, or take on circumstances, behaviors that are sinful and iniquitous, those are not yours. Nor take it on as your fault when they have sinned against you. Avoiding conflict is not taking responsibility; sometimes we need to confront their offence behavior. When their behavior violates social and moral and scriptural ethics and sometimes, we need to tell them: “I will not accept this behavior of ...…………………………………... If you are going to continue this behavior, I am going to ....................... I do not like it when you ...................................................... it hurts me I feel....................................................................................................... The consequence for your behavior is ............................................…... No, you will not behave towards me like that ..............................….…. I love you, but your behavior I will not accept ..............................……. No, I will not partake of that behavior of .......................................…… No, I will not accept those demands of .................................................. No, I will not accept that control over me............................................... I would appreciate it if you did not mention that about ……………...… In some circumstances you may have to remove yourself from offensive circumstances, permanently or temporally. You do not have to permit such 33

behavior against you. Sometimes you may have to leave a church, group, job or ministry if Jesus wills for you to do so, always check in to Jesus in prayer first. The Holy Spirit will give you clear witness when He wills you to leave, His peace will be your umpire and or you will go out with peace and joy. We need to keep the limits of what we will accept and not accept in behavior against us. We need to stay consistent and not in striving and self-will. We need to say consistent in speaking up for ourselves. Of course, dependence on God’s power of the Holy Spirit to cause us to speak up and stay consistent by first asking in prayer for this help.” 1. [Malligan 2014:22] Yesterday I reacted from my wounded heart when I felt ignored by the “First Lady” I cleaned for, because “right I’ve always been ignored by the church and leaders and those of my fellow ministry leaders.” I was engaging with her in conversation, and she answered, to then lean over to turn up the television, other times ignoring me. How rude I thought, and she tells me she loves me! So, after I finished cleaning another incident trigged me to anger, I told them both in not so much a civil or controlled manner that I was not returning to clean. There were many factors that led me to lose it emotionally, but more over I felt she was overall disrespectful to me and undermined me, true or false not sure but because of my brokenness I felt true. I never clicked with her either in personality or doctrinally. I stopped opening up to her after a while as seemed to think I needed medication and a mental health appointment not Christian counsel. Also saying the issues charismatics have are mental illness not the influence of spirits attached to strongholds in brokenness as light does not dwell with darkness; and that it is just intense emotional feelings in our praise and worship not The Holy Spirit. She said she was oblivious to disrespecting me and my feelings of being dishonored since ringing me to clean up feces and vomit. I did decide for my mental health and the unhealed areas that trigger me when I’m working at their home that it was wise to put a boundary around my heart and stop cleaning there. As I still have an unhealed heart from perceived dishonor and the overall things that have transpired cleaning there, I could not respect myself if I stayed. Besides I’d become apprehensive with no desire to clean there anymore, therefore the desire to drink. I’m glad the events happened that day as it gave me the courage to remove myself even though I expressed my hurt in an emotional finger pointing goodbye. I know as I continue to mature and heal where I’m triggered, I will be able to not feel so hurt. I know as we heal “… He will change our hearts toward His 34

ways, His teachings, and His laws, His instructions in righteousness for us to love those who poke at our wounds and bruises to love and accept each other’s differences. He will teach us how not to accept people’s offensive behavior. Teach us to forgive and understand at the right timing. He will teach us to be wise and discerning in all these circumstances, stay or go. But we have to be willing to receive and submit ourselves to receive and continue walking in the Light. I know I don’t always practice what I preach/write due to woundedness or just downright rebellion at any given moment. Yes, but! We all act out of our differences, and, we all have different personalities, and make different choices, and choose different friends. Some of us click with one another; some of us don’t, and so we don’t tar everyone with the same brush. We are gifted to love one another and accept one another and especially those that we don’t click with for The Holy Spirit wills us to and can cause us to click with these people in teaching us to be less judgmental and not be partial. It is not easy but it can be done as you recognize the outworking’s. We can love and accept people in the power of The Spirit, but that does not mean we have to accept their sin, their offensive behavior towards others or us or those in our company and not put boundaries up. In some circumstances their sin has to be Jesus’ business. But, when the Holy Spirit wills for us to confront we do so, when we have the knowledge of confronting people for their behavior we will intuitively know when to confront, if not leave them to Jesus. Sadly, I did not, I just blurted out and I must say they handled me with maturity and kindness and concern. We learn as we grow in the Lord, when to confront and when to leave it to Jesus. So, don’t be hard on yourself repent, surrender it to The Lord Jesus Christ and start again, next time circumstances may not bring out the worst in you. At all accounts where we have taken offence, we express it to Jesus, invite Him in, and forgive in the power of The Spirit.” 2. [Malligan: 2014:25] Again don’t carry guilt, as we have core wounds that can takes years to heal and be mature in outlook and actions. This does not mean we have not forgiven persons; it means we are growing in Grace and Love.


Bibliography of Chapters Ministry Statement 1. Malligan, Kathleen M. Overcoming and Understanding Homosexuality by Healing all Trauma and Fear [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2014] Covering Prayer 1. Malligan, Kathleen M. Overcoming and Understanding Homosexuality by Healing all Trauma and Fear [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2014] Renunciation of Darkness 1. Malligan, Kathleen M. Overcoming and Understanding Homosexuality by Healing all Trauma and Fear [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2014] Chapter 1 1. Malligan, Kathleen M. Overcoming and Understanding Homosexuality by Navigating the Church Life [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2014] Chapter 2 1. ‘Citing electronic resources’. No Perfect Pastor [Online, accessed 19 October 2019] Chapter 3 1. ‘Citing electronic resources’. The Curse of Dishonor [Online, accessed 19 October 2019] 2. ‘Citing electronic resources’.

dishonor/ [Online, accessed 19 October 2019] Chapter 5 1. Citing electronic resources’. [On line accessed 9 November 2019] Chapter 6 1. Malligan, Kathleen M. Overcoming and Understanding Homosexuality By Working Through Offense [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2014] 2. Malligan, Kathleen M. Overcoming and Understanding Homosexuality By Working Through Offense [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2014]


Bibliography of Internet Citing’s or/ 0-%20Oppression%20%26%20Children.pdf,-God~s-Attitude-To 53&dq=the+curse+of+dishonor&source=bl&ots=R5wzl3_1q&sig=ACfU3U00DeZ4dB2lQr_yjfnVgn6b9Y8HAg&hl=en&sa=X&v ed=2ahUKEwiA5smdsanlAhW9H7cAHTO6B6Y4ChDoATACegQICRAB#v= onepage&q=the%20curse%20of%20dishonor&f=false



Understanding and Overcoming Homosexuality By Moving Beyond Dishonor Book 11

As a gay, lesbian transgender person going into the Church when you desire change or if you want to return to the church or childhood Christian roots it may not be an overall honorable experience from many who are leaders or from those who sit in the Church. Defeating dishonor comes down to us, bottom line so does happiness and healing. Truth is some people who we meet or who we know will not be able to relate or act in honorable or respectful ways. Neither will they be able to see beyond our past or at that tattoos on the body! In this book you will be poked at your wounds pressed on your bruises and it will reveal what we cannot see to stop us reaffirming a dead belief system. Therefore, as we put into practice and not swallow our pain it will start to lessen the impact of the next time you and I are disrespected and dishonored.

Kathleen Malligan Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba 40

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