Book 8 By Keeping Your Eyes On Heaven

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Understanding and Overcoming Homosexuality

By Keeping Your Eyes On Heaven

Book 8 1


Unless otherwise indicated, all scriptural quotations are from The Interlinear Bible – Hebrew Greek English. Jay P. Green, Sr. General Editor and Translator, sovereign / grace Publishers Lafayette, Indiana 47903 U.S.A. Book 8 Understanding and Overcoming Homosexuality By Keeping your Eyes on Heaven Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba Toowoomba Queensland 4350

© Copyright 2018 by Kathleen Malligan ©Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba All Rights reserved on teaching material Kathleen Malligan

All rights reserved, apart from any fair dealings for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the copyright act reproduction of text in whole or in part without the express written consent by the author are not permitted and are unlawful according to the Australia Copyright Act. Cover Design by Kathleen Malligan Printed and published by Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba PDF file transfer by Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 3




Chapter 1

The Love of Christ


Chapter 2

A New Garden of Eden


Chapter 3

Love Life


Chapter 4

Testimonies of God’s Love



Be Imitators of God


Bibliography of Internet Citing’s




To date, I have been in a war for twenty-three years, yes, in a strong spiritual war. I'm believing it will be all worth it when I get to heaven and really, who on earth would want to go to hell when you know hell is real. The eighteenth day of October 1995 I went to church to turn away from a homosexual life. If I had known what I was getting into that day, I would in no way have gone to church to “Get Saved.� If I had known I was enlisting in a spiritual war between The Kingdom of Light and Darkness with a labyrinth to navigate of heresy and error and perversion of the gospel with false signs and wonders. With being spiritually molested and abused and tormented by unseen beings that I could hear and not see. With the first seven years of constant spiritual torment that sent me psychologically mental; that traumatized me and caused me to talk out loud as talking in my head hurt and triggered trauma. If I had known that being Christian would have brought forth love-lessness, celibacy, friendlessness, and aloneness. That my past lesbianism would be misunderstood, that I would be shunned moreover than excepted in the house of God. That the enemy would bring forth a battle of rejection and non-acceptance over and over and over by all peoples they could rustle up; family, church and fellow ministers. That I would have an enemy steal, to walk three steps forward and two steps back as a normative for years. That my own peers in the Australian ex-homosexual ministries would not accept the message or teaching about the perverse spirits and the unclean spiritual power base to homosexuality. That added fragmentation would have me never to feel received by ministries. That the fight would strick me out more times than I got a hit; that when I did, I would never get past the first base of writing books and giving them downloads for free online. The kingdom of darkness has had every base covered and every person in the field the Queen of Heaven could have put there or made them think I was the batter they had to get out were there. Her LGBTQ persons would mock and give hate messages, and the media would write nonsense about me personally and the ministry. That all this spiritual and natural woundedness would give me added mental issues that I had to fight to overcome, only to battle another. If I had of known myself and my seed would be targeted and all the above would be my earthly future, I would have turned that car around and went home. My fault the spirits fault, the church people’s fault whatever, all the above. 5

If I had known twenty-three years later I would be unhappy with the Christian reality of spiritual warfare and church dynamics. Truth is if I had known what I would have had to endure from the Hittites I would have stayed lesbian. I would have preferred to have stayed deaf, dumb and blind to the love of God and Christ and the Bible’s spiritual reality. God gave me a calling into this ministry of writing and teaching in books. But I thought I would be the greatest witness the church had ever seen according to a prophetic word, however it was a false prophetic word. Yet it kept me in the fight, and it kept me dreaming and enduring. Yes, I am grateful for what I have, but it has been some journey. So by writing my truth my testimony you will know the walk is not easy, as we are enlisted in God’s army. The army has many ranks, divisions and many wars to fight. This calling brings suffering on many levels and us as fragmented humans are in a battle with beings who have an advantage over us. What keeps me marching for Christ now is not foremost because I’m head over heels with Him. Or that I love Him so much or am so grateful for being delivered from darkness or from the pitfalls of homosexuality. But moreover, out of the preservation of my soul so I don’t go to hell. I keep pressing on heaven bound as I know His Holiness, and because I have a calling on my life I don’t quit. I hope, it will amount to more than just me Holy Ghost and the internet. Besides, how could I just lay down and die and give up when I can be of some help to mankind on this subject, and even if it is only the net, I will continue to fight. You can read my book Jesus Set Me Free from Fear and Lies to Truth and Love. You will never wish you were me or have this calling on your life after you read the first three chapters of that book. Sorry to be so candid, I thought I might as well tell people where I’m at to date. To clarify it’s no bed of roses it can be a bed of nails forsaking your former self for Christ Jesus to be heaven bound, let alone to be a slave of righteousness not being able to taste the pleasures of sin. My walk is not your walk, and we all have different walks and differ in calling so hang in there and continue to forsake your former self. Your walk may well be amazingly easy or filled with grace. Your attitude’s perception and so on are yours and your heart may well be captivated to be in love with Jesus and you may be more informed than I was escaping many pitfalls.


Of course, I love Jesus and Daddy and Holy Ghost and, and I am glad to be a Christian as I would probably be more mental than I am and possibility sick with a disease, dying early and have a pretty screwed up daughter. I’ve forgiven and I am forgiven, counted my blessing’s, I’m not all that regretful for being saved in 1995. Just in hindsight if I knew what these last twenty-three years would be, I would have chosen the path of sin and iniquity and the love of a woman than a ministry, and going to church and becoming spiritually aware of the reality of God and His Army. Truth is, it is better to have not loved another woman if I was to die early and end up in hell living as a lesbian. Life is short and there is no real guarantee of long life or good health for anyone. I’ll continue in the fight, and in Christ’s love and to live on for heaven’s gain and pray that I might receive and know the love of Christ more and more. Love to you, and peace. Be blessed and be a blessing.


Chapter One

Love of Christ

To grasp the width, length, height, and depth of Christ Jesus love for us is now my aim as I do not know the full gravity of His Love. I know I need it to continue and to heal the pains of change, and the pain of being in a body of the Church. People’s who sit in the church still have a long way to go in loving their fellow Christian same-sex attracted brothers and sisters and the LGBTQ peoples at large. “…that through faith Christ may dwell in your hearts, having been rooted and founded in love. 18. That you may be given strength to grasp, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and depth and height, 19. And to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:17-19 I’m sure if I had of grasped the Love of Christ, Christian fragmentation would not have been so sorrowful. Today is a new day and I’ve surrendered to embark on a new love walk to know and understand the breadth, length, depth, and height of the love of Christ. Christ laid down His life, we have heard this said over and over, but have we personalized this sacrifice. I laid down my lesbian life firstly motivated by the love of my daughter. I had caught my girlfriend sexually molesting her as a toddler. Was I to give her a picture of that type of love, was I to give her a life raising her not just fatherless but in a mixed-up understanding of the definition of another woman in homosexual love? So, when I think what it has cost me by sacrificing my life for hers I understand a little more of the Love of Christ. I know I have contributed to her life for the better than pursuing a selfish life of love to be in the arms of a woman for my own needs of love. I know I was driven by the love of her to do and endure what I went through then return to lesbianism. Jesus gave His earthly love for me and you, my daughter and all mankind. Could I have chosen a life after my own desires if I had no deep love or parental love for her? Same as our spiritual Father, “See what manner of love the Father has given us, that we may be called children of God.” (1 John 3:1) How could He not give us His Love and promise for a better life if there was no love in His heart? 8

Chapter 2

A New Garden of Eden

The walk of overcoming is not easy, you have to understand to surrender what seems natural will not be easy or will it be instant removal. The samesex attraction will remain, and temptation and the wiles of darkness will be around till death, or should I say when you are past your used by date! No sin structure is fully removed by a prayer, sin strongholds are fortified so they have to be demolished. How does one enter into a strong man's house unless he first binds the strongman then plunder his goods? (Mark 3:27) Overcoming the desire for and desire to act out same-sex love is a walking out into . Whatever reasons you came to surrender your same-sex attraction, your homosexuality seemed good at the time. Whatever motivated you to want change will not always be what drives you to understand and overcome. Because many a time you will wish you never decided to surrender to Christ Jesus. So, keeping our eyes on the prize enables us to run the race “run in such a way to get the prize.� (1 Corinthians 9:24) We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.� (2 Corinthians 4:18) We will all have our day or judgment, so please invest your life in a way that will last. The tempory living is five minutes on the clock, eternity is the rest, the last fifty-five minutes. I know to forget what lies behind and pressing on to not live our past will be at times a strain. Knowing this gives you an advantage, as in future times you will come to many crossroads. Life will get tough, life will happen, you will get bored, you will get lonely and you WILL want to love and be loved. The church and the people in it will be more than enough and you will get sick of their exclusive attitudes and you will want to return to your former self. Keep your eyes on the prize, the next life.


The promise of the prize Jesus Christ, the promise of eternity, the crown for the overcomers, the city of heaven to live in has to drive you to continue to run the race. Because abundant life here and now comes with growing pains, comes with confusion, comes with regret, comes with why God why, and comes with so many questions. Am I going to heaven when I die? I believe I am, I must believe for soldiering on sake and to believe it will be worth all that I have endured and what I will continue to endure, I am me. Have I believed I’ll make it into heaven over the years? No, many a time I thought knowing the life I’ve had, the deceptions and errors I have had to fight my way around I will be sucked in for sure. I will probably end up in outer darkness to be one of those “very few who found the narrow way.” Truth is, Jesus took the punishment and Jesus died and I trust in His finished works. I believe it’s a gift and I don’t owe Him any debt and He shared in my humanity and I’m forgiven. Yes, I get that, yes, I trust in that. But I still did not believe many a time if what I knew, how I acted, what I believed, if I was good enough and what I wrote truly afforded my name to remain in the Lambs Book of Life. I must stay in faith and believe I will inherit eternal life when we forsake the ways of the world, the lusts of the flesh and live in our calling we will receive the crown. I've had to use my imagination, and you can imagine Heaven. I’ve imagined The Garden of Eden in the beginning? The Tree of Life, the river of life that ran through it; it must have been something. We are promised another splendid garden of Eden in Revelation in the new heaven. “He showed me a river, clear as crystal. Its water was the water of life. The river came out from the throne of God and from the Lamb. It flowed down the middle of a wide avenue. Along the river banks, on either side, grew the tree of life. The tree bore twelve kinds of fruits. Every month it bore fruit…” Revelation 22:1-5 Adam and Eve fell for deception within the reach of a life and a garden that would have been in perfection and beauty. Why? They had the right of 10

choice. Today and till we die we are given choice, free will. The choice to return to your former self or be truly born again. Truth is temptation will come your way, it will not stop. This is why we keep our eyes heavenward, keep our eyes on the New Jerusalem, the Heavenly city. The New City will be the most magnificent paradise of beauty. We as His redeemed family, those of us who have overcome will inhabit the New Eden. No disease, no curse, no spirits of darkness, no torment, no evil person will be in this city. A city with foundations made of precious stones, walls made of Jasper, 12 gates, each made of a single pearl, streets of gold, living water and flowers. A lavish city and much there is made of gold and precious stone and rock. 1,400 miles width and breath and 1,400 miles high. No night, no day, it will be a city where God and Jesus and His angels, His living creatures and plants will reflect the glory of God. (Revelation 21:9-27). However, there will be before us the fear of hell, there will be in our view forever a place that will be a reminder not to rebel again. Hell will be visible where there will be those who would not keep His laws, who transgressed and refused to abide and overcome. Those who married up with the ways of the fallen angels and living creatures, those gods and goddesses who deceived multitudes will be there. The Beast, the Anti-Christ, the False Prophet and the Queen of Heaven, the Kings of the nations will be there. Those who took the mark of the beast. Those who wanted to be as a god. Those peoples of the nations who allowed Satan to deceive them. Those who refused the grace of God. Those who did not live above their base nature to desire a better home than their temporal life and its fleshly demands. “I’ve just got to have love”, “I’ve just got to have sex”, “I’ve just got to got to got to” “I've just got to be in a relationship.” “For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain. And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD. And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.” Isaiah 66:22-24


Being born again, truly allowing Jesus to birth you to be born again will enable you to overcome, enable you to not habitually sin, transgress His laws. Of course, it will take effort with falling and standing back up. “Anyone born of God refuses to practice sin, because God's seed abides in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God.� 1 John 3:9 The enemy, the deceiver always creates an alternative, this is seen in gay and lesbian Christian teachings. When we allow The Spirit of Christ Jesus to bring us to be born of God, taught, brought forth to be a king and priest, sanctified, reconciling all things we will enter into the magnificent city of New Jerusalem. It will not be an ordinary city so why would you forfeit this place for the Lake of Fire? Why would you not study to prove if your way of life affords you eternal life in a temple of God and Christ Jesus? A new world where you have life, the joy of a new universe, mansions or many rooms, gardens, living creatures, and living plants, worshipping angels, friends, and family all enjoying life in such exquisite beauty where The King of Kings and The Father and The Spirit dwell. The bottom line is, you can create your own laws, follow your own commandments, the choice is yours. But please get your life into perspective. Free will and choice are not all that as heaven is real as much as hell is real. Mary K Baxter testifies to her visits to hell and heaven that there are no homosexuals there and living that life is a work of Satan that will send you to hell. _hell.htm I have tried to marry up doctrines and look for loopholes in the laws of God that could give me the assurance to be a married Christian lesbian, but I find none. Please, study and make sure your choice today is heaven assured, know that you know that you know you are sure that being a practicing gay, lesbian or transsexual will afford you entrance in the pearly gates.


Chapter 3

Love Life

This study is a necessity, personal proving heaven and hell, gay or lesbian marriage and gay Christianity has to be proven. The risk of not acquiring truth is too high, the outcome is too big a loss. You are reading this book, so your pathway is proving if you are allowed to be a practicing married gay, lesbian or transsexual. You have probably read many blogs, sites, books and answers to questions on anti and pro-gay issues. Love means this, love means that, and this is God’s love. To find your answers to God’s love and love, it requires your personal study and to prove if any way of love and sexual love lifestyle, any type of love marriage is scriptural by doing a personal study. We live in a contradictory world. Not to mention contradictory theology from so many denominations, writers, authors and so on. The answers to prove how you live your love life is up to you to decide. You check it out. It is up to you to pray for answers in the scripture and pray for help from the guidance of The Teacher, The Holy Spirit. At the end of the day, no one wants to be found guilty because of ignorance. No one wants to be guilty of breaking any law they misunderstood because they were referred to as being closed minded, intolerance, prejudice, bigoted, on the wrong side of history. No one wants to be found guilty because their definition of love and God’s love was the wrong one. If we believe we are entitled to something or to outlive our love it does not equate to equality or God’s love and sympathy won’t wash. If we were wrong or if we had preconceived notions of what is love and what is not sympathy won’t wash either. Civil rights, gay rights and equality as opposed to Christian love and Bible truths on love won’t rule out God’s definition of His love. Neither will be being respecting and tolerating other people allow God’s love to not want to save a soul for heavens destiny. If we knew a person was to be murdered tonight, I’m sure you would try to save that life from being murdered. 13

So, we should not stop or change our minds because being concerned about a fellow human being’s eternal future labels us as a heretic or anti-gay who will not allow love to be love. Especially if they are your brothers and sisters in Christ. We are discriminated already for what we believe is the love of God. Even though we are motivated with a love that does not want to see anyone go to eternal hell. Nevertheless, this will still cause their opinion on what you speak to be your opinion on what is right in the eyes of God and Jesus Christ. But it is better to speak out and come from a place of Christ love than hate in hope of a saved life. In the end, it is better to be safe than sorry on how great His love is and what this love is, and the love that while we were sinners Christ died for us (Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 5:2; 1 John 3:16; 1 John 4:9-11).


Chapter 4

Testimonies of Christs Love

09. “As the Father loved Me, I also loved you; continue in My love. 10. If you keep My commandments, you will continue in My love; and I have kept My Father’s commandments and continue in His love. 11. I have spoken these things to you that My joy may abide in you, and your joy may be full. 12. This is My commandment, that you love one another as I loved you.” John 15:9-12 Love like Christ loved and abide in love as Christ continued in His Father’s love and His love caused Him to keep His Father’s commandments. Okay, sounds easy! Only it is not. How can we love as He loved when we are sinful creatures. People, desire to be loved before loving, because is it not a fundamental need? Love is patient; love is kind, love protects, love trusts, love hopes and so on as written in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, and this is the way we want to be loved. What would compel us to love Christ? What would cause us to obey what He asks us? There is only one way to continue and obey. Because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit given to us (Romans 5:8). This way we can love like Christ loved and abide in His love that will cause us to keep His commandments and or His laws, 613 is said to be the number? The Spirit of Christ Jesus brings our sin strongholds to death (Romans 8:13) He leads us in the way, and sin no longer controls the way we live, as The Spirit of Christ Jesus controls the way we live (Romans 8:1-4). Please be aware He does not control your mind or your body or make you like a puppet on a string, we have free will, free choice, we do not go passive in our thinking to allow Him control, that is the works of devils. We are by nature sinful, to be anything other than this takes away freedom.


This very sin nature that lives in us wants to define its own love and with this definition of love do so whenever and with whoever and I will, it will define and try. This is why we need to be renewed in the mind and be transformed by the knowledge and revelation of the Word. This is why we need the Power and Presence and conviction of The Spirit of Christ Jesus. We are able to overcome for we are helped in our weaknesses. We are in all things more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:37-39) as He provides us with a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13). On judgment day we will be and we are without excuse. Listen, we are under grace, but this grace is The Holy Spirit. It means the grace is given to ALL, not just a select few who believe. The Grace of the sealing of His Holy Spirit. Grace gives us the power to stay dead to sin and alive unto Christ to keep His laws and to know His laws, we still have laws. Love is a battlefield and living through Jesus Christ is a bigger battlefield when you are overcoming what seems so natural. Praise be to God we have the anointing, the presence of The Spirit of Christ Jesus to enable us to love and obey Him. He changes the heart, causes us to come in agreement with His will and ways and even the desire to continue on in all truth. There is no way that we could obey, abide and love Christ if we did not have the Spirit of Christ at work in our spirit person. There would be no way we would remain abiding and continuing if His presence and His love were not given by The Spirit of Grace. We would not remain as Christians. There is no way we could be a servant who studies and deals with the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). Or to keep His Word in our heart that we might not sin against Him (Psalms 119:9). Because He works in us to will and to do His good pleasure (Philippians 2:12-13). This is part of the reason for a New Covenant. The Old one did not give ALL believers the Holy Spirit. We are now the all who are under grace not law, law afforded us no power to keep it, grace gives His Spirit to keep it, to keep covenant. Grace not only gives the sealing of The Spirit of Christ Jesus to all who believe to know and to do His good will; but Grace gives us personal and corporate testimonies of love. Testimonies of Love are a necessity in our 16

walk. As are miracles, signs, and wonders, words of knowledge, prophetic words, and healings to reveal His love. Jesus has healed me of arrhythmia heart disease and not allowed a diagnosis of asthma to my daughter. Christ’s love for people was also The Fathers love when He healed, delivered, showed signs and wonders and spoke to the hearts and minds of those He ministered to. Conversion testimonies reveal His love, He is known to have gone to extremes to save a soul. He has appeared to some and has taken some to heaven and some to hell so as to testify to His love and desire to save souls. My testimony starts here. I had been drinking from sunrise to sunset after finishing breastfeeding my daughter. Not getting paralytic, but enough to remain in an inebriated controlled state. I was unhappy so I drank, and that made me unhappy. I got sick of drinking so I took up an offer with the Jehovah Witnesses to study their bible once a week not realizing I was being drawn by The Spirit of Christ Jesus. Even though their teachings did not line up with what I had learnt at the Baptist Sunday School it helped me get to Church. I had read many books on religious beliefs in my search for truth on where do we go when we die. In this time I called out to God to show me something I was believing but could not prove, and He did reveal the truth. I then asked Him for a church to attend as so many churches and religions said they held truth. Then one morning at the door of the toilet was a Christian novel, “Straight is The Gate� by Marjorie Buckingham. It had been placed there by an angel as it was on my bookshelf. So I picked this up, opened to the beginning and it had a stamp saying South Baptist Toowoomba. I took that as my answer, the Baptist church held the truth! Prayed for the Baptist church to attend and three days later an invitation came in the mail for the opening of the new building of Community Baptist in Glenvale who was the South Baptist who sold their old building. I attended and was the first person to be baptized in their new baptismal pool. That is love, that was a miracle that was Love's answer to getting me on the pathway of Christ. Not that the Baptist held the exclusive rights to the truth but the truth and love I needed for the beginning of my walk.



Imitators of God

32. “And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, having forgiven one another, even as also God forgave you in Christ.” 1. “Be imitators of God, as beloved children, 2. And walk in love, even as Christ also loved us, and gave Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 4:32; 5:1-2 This word love is weaponized in all relationships and walks of life. With same-sex love “we are all capable of love, you cannot rob anyone of love, love is far more than just sexual activity, the freedom to love is a right and after all, love is love.” I understand this and hate crimes are terrible and discrimination is appalling and the damages to the souls of LGBTQ persons have truly been harmful, so yes love on in your freedoms! To deny some people love just because The Bible writes laws concerning different types of love seems unfair. After all, love is love and same-sex love comes so easy. God is Love, and He should not condemn the love of two same-sex consenting persons a relationship of expression of such love, should He? Freedom of same-sex love I believe should be as much a right as free speech and freedom of religion. One reason is keeping our freedom to choose. After all The Word/Jesus gives us choice, “choose life or death” “Choose this day who you will serve.” Serve and obey Christ or don’t serve and obey Christ is offered to us all who believe in the One and Highest God of the universe – Father Son and Spirit. Loves meaning differs and the usage of the word love differs. Walk in love, love as Christ loved and love your enemies. Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13). How great a love the Father has bestowed upon us to be called children of God (1 John 3:1).


So as beloved children of God, how do we walk in love, love as Christ loved, love our enemies, lay down our lives in sacrificial love? How do we be imitators of God when same-sex desires were not brought at the corner shop and screaming out from our inner man or woman? Why be imitators of God in sacrificing our desires our comfort and wellbeing as Christ Jesus did because “While we were yet sinners Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8) Why love like God loves and live for our children or others? Why imitate His sacrificial life and die to self? Why consider the well-being of others, so others may question is same-sex living and love good for you eternally (1 Corinthians 6:9)? Why? Because we are His Bride, His children, His peculiar people, His purchased and redeemed people from the kingdom of darkness. We are a temple for His Spirit, we are in a Melchizedek priesthood set apart for service to our High Priest. We are to inhabit to live a life in New Jerusalem, a heavenly city. Why be imitators of God? Because Jesus is our High Priest. Jesus wills for us to agree with His mindset, “we have the mind of Christ.” Therefore, over time we will come into agreement with Him to say living in a loving homosexual relationship is disgraceful (Romans 1:26) before Him? A homosexual relationship is dishonoring and a sin against our own body (1 Corinthians 6:18) as our body is a sacred temple? We come to agree that homosexual relationship violates the purpose He has in mind as He created human sexuality and procreation (Romans 1:27) between a man and woman. A homosexual relationship breaks a law that is sandwiched between the law that forbids sex with an animal and offering your child in sacrifice (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13). A homosexual relationship breaks a law that there is not to be found among the sons of Israel a homosexual (Deuteronomy 23:17-18). We are grafted in, we are spiritual Israel (Romans 2:28-29) adopted sons (Ephesians 1:4-6) and sons of Abraham (Galatians 3:7) to be conformed to the image of Christ Jesus (Romans 8:29) Therefore, a homosexual relationship participates not in New Covenant living or being an imitator of God or having the mind of Christ. The love He births and brings forth in us for Christ causes us to come into agreement that sin might be made to appear exceedingly sinful (Romans 7:13). That sexual sin unites us with a prostitute and in effect, we are 19

having communion with the lesser gods (1 Corinthians 6:15) inviting them into His sacred temple. Our love for Christ causes us to imitate Christ by agreeing that homosexual love is unrighteousness (1 Corinthians 6:9). To agree if one lies with a male as one lies with a female it is lawlessness (Matthew7:23) because it is the breaking of laws (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13). To love Christ and imitate Christ is to agree homosexual love is worship of the creature over the Creator and is idolatry (Romans 1:25). Our love for Christ causes us to imitate Christ in agreement that homosexual love and fornication is uncleanness and evil lust and passions and covetousness being idolatry as well as spiritual adultery (Colossians 3:5-7; Romans 1:18-23; 1 Corinthians 6:15-20). Therefore, as we are His betrothed brides (2 Corinthians 11:2; Matthew 9:15; Revelation 19:7) husband and wife (Isaiah 54:5) we remain faithful to His marriage Covenant rules. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind is a commandment, a law (Luke 10:27). Scripture supports this idea of love, but to interpret exactly how to do this type of love requires study, it requires the anointing and the changes brought forth in the heart by The Spirit of Christ Jesus. You and I know it is no easy road to convert to Christianity after being free to have sexual intimacy and to fall in love with the same sex. The church and the world are filled with people who will not deny themselves and who ignore Bible truths; but you and I do not have to be like them. Heavenly Paradise is our glorious home, the home of Christ’s Bride. A New Jerusalem where the Temple of God and Christ Jesus unite. Living for anything other than this is stupidity, it is foolishness. Imagine, the curse of sin will be over with no fallen angels. Saints of old will be there and we will have breathtaking views. The rainbow around the Throne, the twenty-four elders, all that we have read in Bible and more will be our eternal abode. “And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse: but 20

the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. And there shall be no night there; and they need no cancel, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign forever and ever.” Revelation 22:1-5 KJ Your hour will come as will mine when we leave this earth to be united with Christ Jesus and Father and see Abraham. Choose today to surrender a fresh your same-sex attraction and all things that would find you not worthy to live in the city of Jerusalem. If not say, “I am willing to be made willing for You to change my heart.” He said, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” Revelation 22:13 He also said “Blessed are those who wash their robes so that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter the city by its gates.” Revelation 22:14 NIV The question I leave you with is: Do you want to be the one who enjoys the Tree of Life and who has the right to live in the City as His bride? Great, then keep your eyes on heaven not on your fleshly demands. Because, the Truth is the suffering of being in Christ is part of Covenant and the truth is homosexual living is cursed. The truth, is we are to be brought forth as a spotless Bride. Truth is we are to be pressed to be purified to be made ready for the wedding with The Lamb of God. We are not to understand this from our human hearts but from the eye and heart of The Spirit of Christ Jesus. Know the truth for the Anti Christ will give many reasons to not overcome homosexuality so we will have our name removed from the Lambs Book of Life. Bottom line is, unless we overcome all sins that leads to death we will not be clothed in white raiment (Revelation 3:4) that will avail us to live in The New Jerusalem.


Bibliography of Internet Citing’s Heavenly Paradise


Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 23

Understanding and Overcoming Homosexuality By Keeping Your Eyes On Heaven Book 8 Book 8

This book will bring the hope and the reality of heaven. It will reveal you will be in a warfare till you die. So learning to get the victory over the flesh the world and the devil will be an occurrence, yet not without His daily power and ability. Christ Jesus redemptive works will take years, so keeping your eyes on heaven will enable you to walk with Him as He demolishes a fortified stronghold. He knows that homosexual lust and same-sex attraction will be a strong part of you and a battle that can come and go for years and years. Be at peace with your attraction, as it will have power over you until He does a deeper transformation. Stay at peace with yourself for you will come to agree and partner with Him in sanctification and renewal. You will come to the place and say from the heart “i am who GOD says i am.� Allow Him to show you your crown and your place in the eternity of heaven as you read this booklet. Yes, it will all be worth it after entering the gates of His Heavenly City, so just keep your eyes on the eternal prize.

Kathleen Malligan Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba 24

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