Book 10 By Healing All Trauma And Shock

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Understanding And Overcoming Homosexuality

By Healing All Trauma And Shock Book 10 1


Unless otherwise indicated, all scriptural quotations are from The Interlinear Bible – Hebrew Greek English. Jay P. Green, Sr. General Editor and Translator, sovereign / grace Publishers Lafayette, Indiana 47903 U.S.A. Book 10 Understanding and Overcoming Homosexuality By Healing all Trauma and Fear Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba Toowoomba Queensland 4350 Copyright 2019 by Kathleen Malligan Š 2019 Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba All Rights reserved on teaching material Kathleen Malligan All rights reserved, Apart from any fair dealings for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the copyright act reproduction of text in whole or in part without the express written consent by the author is not permitted and is unlawful according to the Australia Copyright Act. ISBN

Cover Design by Kathleen Malligan Printed and published by Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba PDF file transfer by Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba - Releasing Hearts 3




Ministry Statement


Covering Prayer


Renunciation of Darkness


Prayer for Unforgiveness and Bitterness


Prayer for Fear


Prayer for Guilt and Shame


Prayer for Anger and Bitterness


Prayer for Grief


Prayer for Healing From Abuse


Secondary Trauma


Prayer for Release of Secondary Effects of Sexual and Physical and Emotional Assault 33 Prayer for Release of Trauma and Shock


Prayer to Overcome Alcohol and Drug Addiction




Bibliography of Chapters




Bibliography of Internet Citing’s



Introduction Trauma based homosexuality or transsexuality is evident throughout many studies and Christian testimonies. As followers we seek Christ Jesus for knowledge, wisdom, and healing, if not it will hinder our transformation, restoration and regeneration. Truth is, trauma is lodged in the nervous system, in the mind and certainly manifests in mental and physical pain to bring forth sickness and illness. Yet moreover, manifests to affect our personality, bringing forth a homosexual personality and does bring forth multiple personalities. I’m sure you have done what I did and medicated the trauma shock and fear with alcohol and drugs and not even knowing you were in trauma. I’m sure you have also not realized your avoidance and ways of coping were kept hidden by the spiritual stronghold of trauma’s voices in your head. I’m sure you have made poor choices in trauma, I’m sure to date you now realize after long amount of self-abuse it snowballs and adds to our demise, yes, finding ourselves more powerless to change. Therefore, facing our fears, uncovering trauma, shock and fear by seeking healing and deliverance from Jesus is the key to freedom. Most of all so the stronghold has no landing base again, we must find individual keys to face our hidden and present pains as future life’s events come and go. The truth is, we have to walk through it to get out the other side. Numbing clouds and won’t stop the reality that we live in a world that fearful and traumatic situations happen and probably will visit us again in some form or another. Where there is free will there is sin, and, opportunity to be sinned against. So, it is for your welfare and deliverance to work through trauma and uproot the spiritual power base. Recognize it, see it for what it is and obtain the keys to take authority over it. Especially when you are still triggered so as to weaken and overcome the triggers. If not, it will continue to stress strain and mame us, leaving us with a wound that will not fully heal, hence, we remain vulnerable to the wounding being opened again. Sad to say it will cut deeper leaving us in a perpetual cycle and the link ups to the principality of Death and Hell remaining to weaponize us again. From a child we don’t get to choose our assessments on people and our environment, this forms our core belief. Being sinned against, being subject to trauma and fear did form the decisions we have made on our sexuality, on people, on life and on our environment. 5

Through the eyes of a child or as a teenager many a time came our illinformed perceptions fueled by the fear, ciaos and various traumatic events. We had no counsel, knowledge, wisdom or training given about life or humanity by our peers. Adult knowledge or skills were not to be a burden to a child, or did we have the power to know we were being tricked to keep us in the situation and to fortify the stronghold of trauma. No one wants to stay in an unhealthy mindset or giving our adversary the devil grounds to bring back our former way of life. If so, we will remain children or a victim. We don’t want to be in this mindset, it steals our future and our peace and joy. If we hold onto fear and trauma, we will stay mentally stuck. Eventually, we will go under and under and stay trapped. Our mindsets will keep affirming what we think we are or see or trigger us to a dark place when we do see or experience something real that either relates to the past or what is current. Not to mention mad at Jesus and Father God and distancing ourselves from Holy Ghost. My core belief goes way back to toddlerhood to adulthood. Men could not be trusted; they were physical and sexual abusers and way stronger than women. This was trauma’s voice to make their inroads to create a fortress so they could fortify their ground for future additional occupation and destruction. It would not let me see or realize there were men around me that were good men and could be trusted. Hence, I lived my whole life from a mindset of “the fatalistic” believing something bad was going to happen if I got close or married a man. As a fiftyseven-year-old woman, I realize I still have to check the contrary, the ugly than the beauty with regards to men, and abuse, as this needs balancing. When we are not healed and a situation presents itself, we feel like we are not safe again, our body follows suit as does the nervous system. We can go back unconsciously to that traumatic time, and we operate from our core beliefs. If we have not surrendered these personalities and all the area’s over to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. If we have not renounced, repented of what needs to be prayed about, there are spirits attached here and especially to the fear, terror, traumas and abuses, and they will remain to mame and speak their lies. Therefore, I have written this book with prayer strategies to enable myself and you to press on to the upward call and receive His transformation; in so doing we will not return to our former self. We will be able to do better self-care choices, to work the keys to minimize and negate traumas impact. Therefore, transforming our traumatic mind body and spirit so as to integrate our personality into the freedom of Christ’s newness of life, thus be healed to the true self. 6

I have no degree or any qualifications in this area. However, I research to glean, and I do have the anointing that teaches us all things (Luke 4:8). With the counsel and comfort, I have received to walk in newness of life from the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus I write this book(s). I share my journey of healing in Christ Jesus as I am called to pass it on in teaching (Matthew 10:8; John 4:14, 14:26; Romans 6:4; Colossians 1:28; 1 Thessalians 5:11). In the pursuit of demolishing hell and deaths stronghold of trauma you will receive clarity of mind and freedom to be the real you. I pray you will take what works for you in this teaching and prayer strategies; as painful as it will be, allow Jesus to bring you into victory. The goal is to see with the adult mind and heart, to return to emotional stability, in the future to choose a response with an informed mind, and, from the healed mind, emotions, spirit and body so that we do not stay stuck or return to live out of the traumatized or fearful old self. As we take this journey in the boat with Jesus to depart to the other side of a spiritual life, our homosexuality and transsexuality and things alike and everything that fortifies these strongholds will lose power and we will live the freedom we so desire. Recall, it is in the spiritual realm we will stand, and we live as a spiritual person, not the carnal man or woman. We are called into the ministry of the Melchizedek Order and it is here we will be availed this power over sin and the lusts of the flesh and so much more as we invite Him to cause us to want to and to commit to love The Lord our God with all our heart and all our mind. No matter how much that boat rocks, stay in the boat, He is right there with you, as a calm sea is attainable. Be blessed and be a blessing. Agape

Kathleen Malligan “By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments. The one who says, ‘I have come to know Him,’ and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him; but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him; the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked.”

1 John 2:3-6 7

“Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba MINISTRY STATEMENT “The Ministry and all books, teachings and CD’s of Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba are to Believers desiring to live their truths of The Holy Bible. To adult believers who want to move beyond the passions of lust in same sex attraction in line with how they understand The Holy Bible, The Inspired Word of God and His written expectations. The content within the book is to those who want to pray, not who are forced to pray. To those who heard the call to be a Disciple, to those who want to belong to a kingdom of spiritual kings and priests obeying Jesus Christ’s The Great High Priest. Those believing the living out in a homosexual relationship or marriage is not in line with Scriptural truths. The ministry is NOT advocating “cure” the departing from homosexuality to HETEROSEXUALITY but departing from the flesh to the spirit to wholeheartedly take on Jesus Christ’s way of life; receiving His Bible identity; receiving healing of the inner-man or inner-woman; exchanging the old self for His ability for inward change; receiving the empowering ability of His Holy Spirit to cause us to live above all passions of sexual lust and same-sex or homosexual desire. As a bible believing woman, I believe Jesus Christ’s Word that declares: “For you know what commandments we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honour, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God." 1 Thessalonians 4:2-4 It is only by exchange of our old self for His Regeneration and His Empowering and Enabling for taking on His way of life that will enable us to take hold of the identity we have in Christ Jesus; to be given a new heart of flesh that we want to serve Him in His Tabernacle and take His way of life.” 1. [Malligan, 2014:6]

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“Covering Prayer “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10:19 KJ

Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your Son thank You for the Blood Covenant, You are worthy to be praised and glorified there is none like You, Creator Redeemer Healer and Mighty One. Father, it is my prayer that You would open Your peoples mind greatly by the Power of Your anointing so The Spirit of Christ Jesus Your Son can reveal truth and revelation and bring conviction and counsel as they read and pray through this book. Father, as those who have decided to take this journey To The Other Side with You, enable them to have open hearts so that they may receive the truth so as to walk in Your paths of righteousness. Protect their minds from the enemy snatching away The Word that will be sown in their hearts and let Your Word accomplish the purpose for which it has been sent. Thank you for imparting to them Your Might in their inner man and Your Authority to cast out the unclean in Your Breath. Father let Your Holy Spirit take Lordship in every area the spirits of darkness have had ground and let these spirits be gathered and taken to their place appointed of them and let Your Waring and Ministering Spirits be released to do battle for Your children.

All Honour all Glory and all Power belongs to You. In Jesus Name Amen” [Malligan, 2014:5]

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“Renunciation of Darkness “Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, rebuke and expose them.” Ephesians 5:11 NLT “For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14 NIV

Father, I humble myself before You and submit to You according to Your Word, “submit to God resist the Devil and he will flee” before praying and working through this Cleansing Workbook. Thank You and I agree there is no power other than the Power of Your Finished Works of Calvary The Blood of Jesus Christ and The Indwelling Power of The Spirit of Christ Jesus that can deliver me, heal me and cast out spirits of darkness and release me from judgments. Father according to Your statute and You have written this statute more than thirty times to confess the forefather’s transgressions and iniquity. I obey and I agree that my ancestors on both sides of my family line have transgressed your laws Your Ordinances Your statutes and commandments. According to Your statute I am to take accountability for my forefather’s sins and iniquity back over three four ten and I want to pray for a thousand generations for where they have transgressed and been iniquitous. Therefore, I agree and I acknowledge this before You and I repent for their guilt, their betrayal, their unfaithfulness, their adultery, their idolatry, their robbery, their extortion, their visiting the shrines of darkness, their oppression of others, their breaking covenant and they did not feed the poor or not clothe the naked. Father I repent for every law, statute and ordinance they broke and for all other unknown iniquity and transgression I ask forgiveness and I claim the promise of Your Word that I would now not share the guilt of my ancestors. Father since I has chosen to do what is just and right according to Ezekiel 18 and I have chosen to keep Your decrees Your Statutes Your commandments and because I chose to leave the life of my forefathers sins and iniquity to serve You to keep Your commandments decrees and statutes I can receive the children’s bread of freedom from the ancestors judgments and curses, So Father in Jesus Name, let every curse every judgment be broken and let me be set free from these ancestral iniquities and transgressions.


Father, before You and them I disown and renounce my ancestor’s transgressions their corrupted blood lines, their neuma-genetics, their curses their judgments and declare I am now a citizen of Heaven, I am not of this world I am a sojourner my home and my Kingdom is my Beloveds The Lord Jesus Christ, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords and I am becoming the king and the priest You have called me to become. I renounce the sins and iniquity of my blood lines my ancestors on both sides of the family so they can no longer have authority in and over my life for I am in Covenant with Him and I choose to keep Covenant and remain in Covenant. Father, I now address these spirits: spirits I have acknowledged that many generations have transgressed and committed iniquity so today all of you ancestral spirits, yes all of you ancestral spirits are moving out. I have turned from my ancestor’s iniquity and their transgressions The Cross, the promise of Ezekiel 18 frees me from each of you and where I believed I had to find every detail of your legal grounds, that is a lie. For I choose and have chosen righteous living in His Kingdom for I am delivered from the kingdom of darkness into The Kingdom of Light you lost I am Light, and you cannot stay. Therefore you spirits from curses, from iniquity from sins of the generations back over a thousand generations on both sides of the family, I declare against you I am faithful, that I am baptized into His death, I am one with Him, washed in His Blood, bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh, He is the Father of my spirit, I am adopted into His family, I have an inheritance and I am a fellow heir and I am righteous and betrothed so I am His wife and now delivered from the iniquity the sins and curses of the ancestors. I declare I choose to remain a faithful wife and I choose Him and His Covenant and I choose to become all that He has for me, I choose the priesthood of Melchizedek, I resist you, I renounce you and I refuse your will in my life. Ancestral spirits all you familiar spirits you curse spirits from the ancestors on both sides of the family Jesus has delivered me from the curse and you spirits are now squatters you now no longer have rights to remain because of ancestral sin and iniquity or because of oaths for what He and His Blood has done for me you lose your grounds. You must now loose and leave this very moment and you will be plucked out of your dwelling places and taken to the place appointed of you “for now is the judgment of this world now shall the prince of this world be cast out.” Therefore, every one of you spirits you will loose and leave for you can no longer remain, you no longer have any legal grounds to remain for all that I am in Him supersedes your legal grounds your oaths your curses your rights have been stripped from you no matter what degree my ancestors have gone to in 11

Freemasonry you have lost your grounds to remain. I declare the blood on your doors on your gates on your oaths and I declare them open for you to leave. His blood line against the blood line of my ancestors, so I declare now those doors are sealed and closed because of His Blood Covenant with me; I am my Beloveds and my Beloved is mine you will loose and leave for I cast you out and Father let it be so in Jesus Name. Father, I now want to address those in and over me because of my iniquity and my transgression so I submit to You. - I address all you spirit’s from the kingdom of darkness in and over my life from my iniquity and transgressions for I renounce you and refuse your will for my life any longer. I no longer want to be in agreement with your ways or your perverse ways. I denounce you and your ways, and I hate you and declare you are my enemy and I come into agreement with Jesus Christ my deliverer that you will leave His Temple, my body this hour. Today is the day you are going to loose and leave me. I come out of agreement and fellowship with you and resist all of you; you will leave me and I declare and agree you will be taken to the place The Lord Jesus Christ has appointed for you along with the ancestral spirits from both sides of my family lines. I surrender all the area’s I have given over to you to The Lord Jesus Christ for I declare my salvation is of grace through faith and faith of the finished work of Calvary and His shed blood for the remission of sins. I reclaim where I have given ground to you in my body, soul, and spirit because of deception, lies and my iniquities my sins and sexual transgressions and those that fortify your strongholds of perversion, of bisexuality, homosexuality and transgenderism. I resist you, renounce you and refuse your presence any longer in my life. The Lord Jesus Christ rebuke you and take you all to the place He has appointed of you as you have lost your grounds in and over my life for, I confess and repent and renounce before my Father so you will lose your grounds. Father let this be so in Jesus Name, for I call upon the power of the Blood Covenant for deliverance, healing, and restoration and I invite you into every area that has been occupied by unclean spirits from the kingdom of darkness and from Your judgments. Father, I now take accountability for my life and all the sin and iniquity that I have in my life and my life alone. I declare I shall overcome I shall come up higher I shall be purified and refined to be the king and priest you have called me to be in the Melchizedek Order, I declare I am being born again from above. 12

“Father, have mercy upon me, according to Your loving kindness; according to the multitude of Your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sin, for I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me. Against You and You only have I sinned and done evil in Your sight that You are justified when You judge me.” (Psalm 51:1-4) Thank You all Power all Glory belongs to You, In Jesus Christ Mighty Name, Amen.” 1. [Malligan 2014:15]

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“Prayer For Unforgiveness And Bitterness “If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” John 2:9 KJ

Discern The Spirit of Christ Jesus as you are in prayer for the prayers in this workbook. For they are not complete or fine tooth combed or gender directed. But they offer guidance and an open door for The Holy Spirit to bring further conviction and to bring to your remembrance what He would have you to repent and renounce and ask forgiveness for. Also, invite Jesus to bring to death the fortified areas of darkness and your flesh and to change your heart where your habitual sins of the flesh are interwoven in your old self and or the old homosexual personality.

Heavenly Father, Thank You, You enable me to forgive. Jesus, I am willing to forgive and where I find it difficult, I am willing to be made willing to forgive. I am finding it difficult to release forgiveness at present but Jesus and or I choose to forgive, I want to be free, so I am no longer bound in my heart and mind or to that person(s) or my past. Father I confess I have retained the memory of the event(s), harbored offense, regret, jealousy, stubbornness, hatred, vengeance, murder, harm, curses, rage, anger, bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness to those who have sinned against me those who have offended me, abused me, hurt me, rejected and abandoned me and who have not accepted me; those people and or pets (For example pets or other people’s pets bite you then there are events such as male dogs do mount in public or urinate on you or your child or your friend or sister in public, these memories bring shame uncomfortable memory recall.) Father, specifically these who have sinned against me and in the following: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Father, also how these people have sinned against those I love and where I 14

have been sinned against in ……………………………. I choose to release my pain and these sins and the circumstances that have been written in my mind and on my heart to you and any other people place and even thing; or the what when where circumstances that You bring to my heart throughout this prayer and or over the coming weeks that I may be free of the toxic memories attached. Father erase them and their triggers with all chemical reactions in my body. Father I let go of all bitterness and all bitter root judgments reveal them to my heart today and the coming weeks what they are. I let go of all offense, regret, jealousy, stubbornness, hatred, rage, anger, bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness and I acknowledge it is sin transgressions of Your laws. Father, I forgive them (name them here) for my sake, so I can be free of the turmoil it brings holding on to these offenses, and I leave that person(s) to You. Where my ancestors and those of my husband’s/boyfriends have been in a gall of bitterness because of regret, resentment, unforgiveness, hatred, anger, murder and put curses on people I stand in the gap and I repent for their transgressions on both sides of the families back over a thousand generations even back to Adam and Eve. Father release me from every judgment every curse attached to transgressions of my own and any and all illnesses, sicknesses, allergies and diseases that have come from the transgressions of my iniquities. Father, let the healing begin, let the oil of Your Spirit flow and let the finished work of Calvary be applied to my body soul and spirit for deliverance of the spirits that have grounds and let me healed of gall stones and a gall bladder disease for I refuse to walk in a gall of bitterness but in Love and in Your ways. Jesus, I surrender all gall of bitterness all bitter root judgment that I don’t know about that are so hidden in my subconscious. Father, I forgive my ancestors and those who have sinned against me for my sake so I can be free of the turmoil it brings holding on to these offenses, and I leave that person(s) to you. Jesus, I know that bitterness, jealousy and unforgiveness and unfairness keeps me in rebellion, stubbornness, self-pity, vengeance, murder, malice, rage, anger and pain and the other fruits of sin, but with forgiveness comes freedom. Father, I acknowledge the hurt, and the pain, and the feelings of these painful memories and the memories of the location and the surrounding even the smell feel and taste of the circumstance. The painful cycle that just seems a part of my life that never goes away yet I believe in You to release me from every aspect; so I surrender all this to You Jesus for healing, restoration, and transformation and I chose to go back to trust in You with childlike faith and belief. 15

Father, I acknowledge I have even stopped crying, I have stopped allowing myself to be hurt. I repent and renounce this and I give you my self-control, I give you the walls, and I give you all my walls of protection. Jesus, bring the pain to the surface of how I feel so I can deal with it and find release. I willingly want to release all this to You and invite You to come into these areas’ and be Lord. Father, bring the pain to the surface of where I have been treated cruelly, treated shamefully, had cruel words said to me, even the cruel countenance that has glared at me let it be broken off my heart and Your Love released to me here. Father, I do confess my sins and repent and renounce them and allow You to continue to work in my heart until I am free from bondage, thank You for cleansing me by the blood of Jesus. I call upon the power of the Blood covenant for deliverance from every work of darkness, assignment, curse, words of darkness and every companion spirit to unforgiveness and the transgressions in this prayer, I am trusting in Your wisdom deliverance and healing power.” 1. [Malligan 2014:26]

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“Prayer For Fear “For God did not give a spirit of fearfulness to us, but of power and of love and of self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7

Father, forgive me of all fear of demons, rejection, abandonment, nonapproval, people’s opinions, inadequacy, inability to cope, failure, sense of fear or terror or insecurity or torment and my fear of: (If you want to take the time to write your personal list of fears and all the fearful circumstances you have been through to date that has impacted your memory do so; whatever your hearts desires.) spiders__________________________________________________________ heights__________________________________________________________ incest___________________________________________________________ men/women______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________.

Where generational fear has come because of my parents imparting fear and fearful messages and those of shame knowingly and unknowingly into my life [“my mother always said she was dying” “nobody is ever going to want you if your fat” “if you tell anyone I will kill you and your mother and your dog”] I renounce fear and these fears and these words and repent of them and I forgive these people and ask for deliverance and release of all curses of fear. 17

Father where I have felt out of control, great terror, paranoia and it has caused me to act out and sin I repent. I ask that You build in Your character Your trust Your heart that fear no longer has a stronghold over my life and actions and attitudes. Father today I receive a fresh anointing of courage, boldness, faith, trust and confidence and self-control that I may overcome all fear. Let every off shoot of the root of fear in my life be severed that it is pulled up, so I am free from fears for today I invite You to fully demolish all fear in my heart in my subconscious in my emotions and body and spirit. Father In Jesus Name Amen.� 1. [Malligan, 30:2014]

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“Prayer For Guilt And Shame “The LORD is close to the broken hearted; He rescues those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18 NLT

Father shame has been a part of my life since I can remember, but today I no longer receive shame or guilt as a part of my identity or life. Even where it has been unconscious I ask for Your power to remove it from me. Father where shame has come down the generational lines and been a way of life in my family and has come from shaming messages I repent and renounce this shame off my identity off my whole life “your fat and no one will want a fat girl” “you will never amount to anything.” Where shame and guilt have come on me because of fear, torment, sexual perversion, whoredom and all forms of abuse I renounce this and all inward silence and declare I am not guilty and I have You as my beauty my robe of righteousness. Father because of my transgressions and my families let the curses attached to shame, the shame of incest, illegitimacy, sodomy, and all perversion and that has come be broken and lifted off me this day and even the curse that keeps me out of the house of God for I declare it to be so in Jesus Mighty Name. Father, where shame has made me angry, resentful, bitter, a people pleaser, emotionally dependent, negative, work-alcoholic, super religious in works, striving to be successful and wealthy and for acceptance and love, I repent and renounce these sins. I refuse to give shame anymore power, I surrender this emotion and bring to death the false feelings of shame to replace it with Your Love acceptance and knowledge of who I am today. Where shame mocks me, torments me, makes me hold my head down gives me depression and oppression I renounce these fruits of shame. Where shame brings oppression a spirit of heaviness and deep depression I invite You, Lord Jesus, to demolish any fortified stronghold. Give me utterance and counsel might and skill to rule that my adversary is unable to match in all these times and other times and against works and any projection. I declare I am a Prince/Princess of The Most High God and belong to my Lord and Redeemer The Lord Jesus Christ who has carried my guilt and shame at Calvary I am bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh. Father I specifically repent and renounce all shame that has turned into perfectionism and hidden depression and a false persona. Father where it 19

manifests in self-hatred because I have felt and received messages shame because of: - brought up in poverty; being told there is something wrong with me; told to be quiet; for being an incest victim; being homosexual for being transgender, for: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Father, where fear and mockery have been a part of shame even a hiding place for me I come out of the dark into Your Light. Father reveal where I sin because of trying to cover up shame and guilt. Reveal the caves I run into and start to demolish these out of my personality and character. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Father let it be so In Jesus Name Amen� [Malligan, 2014:35]

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“Prayer For Anger And Bitterness “But now, you also put off all these things: wrath, anger, malice, evil speaking, and shameful words out of your mouth. Do not lie to one another, having put off the old man with his practices.” Colossians 3:8-9

Father, I acknowledge my anger has hurt others myself and I have become self-destructive. I renounce my self-destructive behaviour of __________, ____________, and I invite You in to pinpoint it and change my heart so these destructive behaviours are demolished. Show me everywhere I need to repent and of unmet desires, unrealistic thoughts goals opinions, unmet expectations and where I have been sinned against. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Father, I repent of all my bitterness with anger and I choose to release You and everyone who has sinned against me. I release my judgments towards You and hard heart and everyone and ask for forgiveness where I have done the same thing as what was done to me in other people’s lives and every other place in my life. Father forgive me for judging and taking Your place. I forgive You, my mother, I forgive my father, I forgive _________, ________, _________. I renounce these bitter root judgments so they no long sow seed in my life that I no longer receive the law of judgment against me doing exactly what was done to me. Teach me Your ways and build in my life and heart change to be able to practice righteousness, be responsive according to Your will and Your ways. Lord Jesus, bring all bitter root judgments to my heart: 21

“All men are the same; I will never overcome, I’m a loser I’m useless; Women are gossipers; my husband will molest my daughters; my wife will be unfaithful just like my mother was.” (Allow Him to bring to your heart your bitter root judgments with anger.) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________1.” [Malligan, 2014:29]

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 22

“Prayer For Grief “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Father thank You that grief is a natural process and there is no condemnation in grieving. But I have gone beyond my season of grief and I will for this to be over so I will to turn my eyes towards You. You are my comfort in affliction and my Hope You bore my grief’s and sorrows and by Your stripes Jesus I am healed. I surrender all my losses, all my grief all my pain and I ask for a fresh anointing of love and comfort for I am bound to grief and trauma. Father release me from this continual sorrow and sadness of heart; release my eyes to see my ears to hear and my mouth to speak and where it has affected my body let it be brought back to health and a sound mind. Father cleanse me from all unrighteousness from all judgements and open doors of darkness let them be closed and my heart set free to return to You in love and acceptance. Where I do not understand my losses I am willing to trust You to make light and truth of it. Therefore I surrender this into Your hands for You will guide me to all truth and wisdom. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Thank You, Father, and - Father let it be so In Jesus Name Amen and Amen” 1. [Malligan, 2014:34]

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 23

“Prayer For Healing From Abuse “He heals the broken hearted and binds up their sorrows.”

Psalms 147:3

Father, I call upon the power of The Blood Covenant that provides demonic deliverance and the provision of healing. For it is written, “if we confess our sin You are Faithful and Just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9) and that includes cleansing of demonic infestation. Father, incest, and pedophilia is “an act of satanic worship … an act of witchcraft consummation” 1. [Kitchen 17:2006] I ask for the breaking of this consummation and this covenant off my life. Where the act has put me on the satanic altar as an act of worship, I declare a release because of the Blood of Redemption of Jesus Christ. Where the pneumo-genetics of my family line are incest and pedophilia Thank You, this link be broken off me and my generation the doors are closed from both sides of the family. Father, break every controlling link up and spirit because of sexual abuses from each and or from the offender(s) and every soul tie with them and my sibling(s). Father, where I have been so fragmented because of molestation and incest and rape and sexual sins against me, thank You for restoring my soul. Where I hate me, blame myself and reject myself and or believe my body, my breast, and my private parts are disgusting I repent and renounce and invite you into these areas to heal and change my heart. I invite you into my sexuality my feminine gender and as a male into my masculine gender to bring it back to Your original design. Father, I agree with You, it was not my fault and Father where my own father or my relative has not admitted to me he did sexually abuse me, I hear Your word in my heart “I’m sorry, yes I did abuse you, I admit I did sin against you.” Father where closure cannot come because he/she is dead or refuses to admit in fear of jail, I receive from You a Fathers voice in my heart, and I release them to You. Father, I renounce the deception of being considered as daddy’s favorite, as the pet, the lie of having a little secret and being considered his/her precious one or his little angel or ______________. I renounce the secret to do not tell if you tell you will be killed. Where I have sworn to the secretary with the penalty of death, I renounce this oath and lie. I agree it was not my fault; I did not provoke or ask for such betrayal of my childhood or youth, but I chose to forgive myself if I am blaming me. I agree and 24

declare I am not guilty, not guilty, and not guilty, and I renounce all guilt complexes and ask where I have anxiety or any form of anxiety neurosis from deep guilt and blaming myself, I receive my healing. Father, I release my imaginations to Your Lordship, and I renounce all guilt, condemnation, and shame, feeling depressed and miserable because of these transgressions or my negative thoughts about self and my so-called failings. I agree with Your Word that when we confess our sin “You cast it as far as the east is to the west and remember it no more.” (Psalm 103:12) Jesus, I receive, “I am not guilty, not guilty, not guilty” and I forgive me for my involvement in any of these transgressions. Father, I let go of all anger hatred, bitterness, revenge, un-forgiveness selfpity, and the victim mentality. Father, where verbal, mental emotional, physical and spiritual abuse has touched my life impacted my life I invite You into here. Father, bring to my heart these wounds for I willingly want to release them to You and invite You to come into these areas’ and be Lord. Father, bring the pain to the surface of where I have been treated cruelly, treated shamefully, had cruel words said to me, even the cruel countenance that has glared at me. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________ Father, I receive that the abuse was not my fault, and I receive the words Not Guilty Not Guilty Not Guilty into my inner most being.


Father, let all agreements, lies, soul ties and covenants be broken between me and the perpetrator(s). Father, let every judgment and area where control has taken grounds, and silence has ground be annulled and broken. Father, where I have been abusive verbally physically emotionally sexually and spiritually, I repent and ask for forgiveness and ask for the release of all judgments and grounds of darkness. I invite You into these areas to bring them to death (Romans 8:13) and to demolish every area that keeps these iniquities and sin structures fortified in my life. Father, I receive healing restoration and comfort of The Lord for a new heart, to trust You with all my heart, to trust others, for intimacy with others and You, for compassion for kindness and for self-control. Father, let every curse of abuse be released from my life, and every link to the perpetrators and the kingdom of darkness be broken. Let all control coming from those who abused me be severed and broken from me to them. Thank You, Father and - Father let it be so in Jesus Name Amen and Amen.� 2. [Malligan, 2014:44]

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 26

“Secondary Trauma Being traumatized because of seeing or knowing sexual assault, rape, pedophilia, incest having happened to our sons or daughters or relatives or foster children, sisters or brothers, friends or whoever will cloud our judgment on what is happening around us unless we get into the mindset of peace, trust, and an approach to be an overcomer of fears and trauma. The truth is, it can be used, or it will be used as a weapon against our judgment in the future. However, once we have overcome the effects of this darkness, the Light in us will see the darkness happening, and we will not be deceived. We will know the strategy to bring into the light, and how to pray, and we will expose any incident. Please realize it is okay to have a healthy outlook of this reality. We cannot have the attitude of who cares if child sexual assault happens there is to be no burying our head in the sand. This is no easy life, no easy thing dealing and facing pain or dealing with any measure of post-traumatic stress. Feeling scared, anxious when you suspect someone close to you is a perpetrator will cause stuff to surface again. This does not mean you have not come a long way or not overcoming the secondary effects it just means fear, anger, and memory is as much a part of your human experience as sweating. Love and trust come from The Spirit of Christ Jesus; we do not have to figure this out on our own, or do we have to carry the world on our shoulders. We no longer have to rely on ourselves to discern, and we can trust other people because a Holy Spirit alarm will be there. Also, He will give us a strategy, and this will be outworked for exposure. Secondary trauma breeds fear of loss, fear of future, fear of what ifs. Wishing it never happened is torture if you do not let it go into the hands of Jesus. It is to your advantage not to live in “the if only.” Otherwise, it makes us continue our suffering, remaining mental. Staying in the past does not allow us to live in the now. Also, we are not fully in the relationships we have with the person who was the primary victim, or around anyone else associated and affected in our family. Judgments have caused us to be bound even more to yesterday affecting the relationships with family, friends, associates and whoever. Allowing our mind to go to the place that upsets us, that erodes and keeps us judging others as guilty. I‘ve been in unknown trauma, as three years ago I believed what I saw was an act of pedophilia. I was in faith, walking upright with Christ and at rest about 27

anyone molesting my grandchild as I had allowed the healing. I always stood in trust believing if anyone would do this Holy Spirit would reveal it to me. Yes, the fear feelings came but I always grabbed them to look at Jesus, knowing He would protect, and He will tell me by His Spirit if I had to worry. This particular day I was about to leave for an appointment, I headed for the back door and as I turned to leave, I discerned to go check on my grandson, I even thought twice was I discerning right. I heeded the thought, and this man _____ was kneeling on the bed stroking back and forward across my grandson’s belly, just on the gapping nappy line. Straight forth I said, “you should not be touching him there or like that, get your hands off him.” Whether true or false, I believed and still do believe he is a pedophile. I believe Jesus saved my grandson from possible years of abuse in giving me the discernment to go check the boy. Yet my daughter does not believe he was guilty and that I judged him from my fears. Since then I’m the enemy and she has said that she will never forgive me for what I did to that man and her relationship. Also, sooner or later I will accuse her new boyfriend of being a pedophile. Here I am now eight months sober after three years of drinking to deal with the pain of trauma from pedophilia. Fueled with my disappointment in God and the deep pain of lovelessness, loneliness and friendlessness. The years of being shunned from church people and leadership for having once been lesbian aided my drinking. Then to add an “expectation hangover” of no ministry doors opening and its failure. Truly beleiving the enemy hindered me and God just lets them cock their legs and pee all over me made me stay drinking wishing I’d never walked into a Church and stayed lesbian, at least I would have been loved and able to love in return. Whether the act of pedophilia was true or not, I believe it was. Therefore, I had to heal from this belief and reconcile myself with myself and myself with my daughter and grandson as that three years of back sliding had a snowballing rippling effect. Because I did not see or seek counsel then or apply truths, He had taught me or go into the arms of Christ Jesus for grace the trauma of the perceived incident just destroyed me. I’ve said stuff to my daughter in drunkenness over those years that fueled the fire for her to be mean to me. Truth is I cannot blame my daughter for dealing with me by being abusive. I taught her how to stand up for herself as she was being picked on at school, also so no man could ever walk over her. I didn’t 28

realize she would turn against me her mother. I assumed she would be a daughter and I would be a mother, and you don’t abuse or boss your mother around! I know I’ve passed down fight and fear to her, and I’ve told her my tough chick stories about myself before the age of thirty-four, as I became Christian then. So, in her mind, she’s had to stand and stay standing up to me, true or false. Yet I was not a mean mother, or cruel or threating or heavy-handed. Regardless, I can’t hold her aggression, control, and disrespect towards me against her she is also wounded by trauma and fear. But I did go and separate myself and get well. She is an adult and I’m sure she will see her choices of actions towards me were unhealthy. At the time of my perceived abuse of my grandson, I was in the process of dividing my property into three blocks. I would sell the home to put two removable homes on the two newly created blocks, I would be debt free, and if any debt it was a hope she could borrow. I was to live in a little cottage ready for early retirement, and she would live on the block behind to take the home into marriage and if so, sell it and move on. However, in the third year I side swipped a car. I have no memory of driving on the double white lines but I recal the oncoming car who was speeding that I said in my mind “God that car is going fast.” Her speed limit could not allow here to take the bend so a side swipe occurred. When I went back to the scene of the accident to ask her could I take a photo of her car she said “go away from me my son is in shock.” So I thought I must had side swiped her, not her me so I took the blame! Therefore, because I was over the legal limit of alcohol I had to pay for the repairs of both cars and a fine to a total of $9912.22. Not to mention she claimed and I believe deceitfully the third party of an injury claim of whip lash for herself. I’m okay about paying for my sin ($9912.22), not a problem, but for for her lying on injury that the insurance company believed on medical records, my my my! Mate, its been a hard pill to swallow and such destruction on so many levels! Because I had an alcohol reading and said I’d done a double line, I have no memory of driving on or over the line only that I have driven on that bends line for twenty four years doing that double line, I received the notice from her insurance company to demand I pay $56,759.75. This is to the grand total of $66,671.97 that I have to pay out of my pocket as drink driving of any degree cancels your insurance. I owe the mortgage of $150,000 as it cost $103 thousand to block one block into three. Hence I have to use proceeds of the sale of the other to pay this false claim. I have gifted the other 29

block of land to my daughter, and given under a traumatic mind, so the loss under trauma has been great. All because of fear, shock, trauma, and peodphillia I did slide into sin and be sinned against and the kingdom of darkness pepuating their works of stealing and destroying. Did you see the 666 in the total $ figure? The enemies finger print, let me say it has been traumatic just serving Christ Jesus and because of the call on my life, they are relentless in their persuit to kill steal and destroy me. So understand you will have a stronghold of thinking that needs to be demolished from a traumatic mind, choicesand decisions you would never have made but end up in destruction and trauma and his strongholds forsee the results. This is why I write this book as these are the demonic strongholds that have kept me in captivity all my life. Fear, shock and trauma has caused me so much destruction and grief. The major causation of homosexuality to form in my personality and it is time to stop it once and for all that I may fulfill the call on my life and see the net that they have hid catch themselves. That rug they have pulled out from under me time and time and time again is no longer be under me. Jesus Christ has Lordship and will renew my mind and ways and direct my paths. Because of the internet boyfriend drama, it has come to “Mum, I do not ever want to live near you,” and for me “I do not want to live near her or see much of her either.” The trauma, anxiety, and stress are still raw, and wisdom says no. I’m sober, never to drink again as the open doors of destruction are more that I could bear to ever happen again. Furthermore, I write against the kingdoms of darkness and they want me totally destroyed and sent to hell, so how stupid would I be! I’m still in need of healing from us living together and the financial losses. In those years I was in the throes of intense menopause, and it is still happening! Hormones do not make situational experiences palatable as you ‘feel’ irrational and hot flushes come loud and strong in summer seeming like high anxiety attacks. I hope one day she sees where the discernment came from and how protected she was and her child and children to come if she married that man. She believes he was not guilty and what he was doing did not constitute sexual abuse and how could he get to her son as she never let him out of her sight when in Melbourne. I can’t give that man the benefit of the doubt as I was running on all four cylinders, in other words, walking in The Spirit. I still believe my discernment was right and it was Holy Ghost who told me to check the boy. I’ve seen that pedophile spirit over people and saw it over him running in the yard after the boy. 30

Following that event, I wrote a prayer strategy: Judgment to break the back of the Pedophile spirit. I had to clean the house from these spiritual effects. I sensed and felt those spirits, and I know the anointing, and I’ve been a spirit warrior for too many years to give him any benefit of the doubt. That event opened what I though was a healed wound and brought forth hidden levels that need healing, and I covered it up with alcohol. My perception of God was distorted, I was so mad at Him. I thought I could trust God never to let my daughter get involved with a child abuser, a pedophile as I’d broken the pedophile abuse off my daughter from my lesbian girlfriend. But now I realize she was an adult, and He would have warned her, but it fell on deaf ears. Because I had transferred my fears onto her, it gets shrugged off as fear and mothers imprinting. Also, the enemy had years to build believable mindsets to keep her deaf dumb and blind to perpetrators. Further being in Christ does not protect your children from child abuse, neither does it mean that all trauma gets fully healed and processed in a couple of prayers or in a short time, rivers do run deep. Healing is a work, fear, shock and trauma have a root system in the spiritual and the natural. Therefore, we loop around again, so we need to go into some self-care to get strong and healed again. The truth is, I may be a secondary victim again down the track, I may not, so I have to get over it and on with it to overcome once again. Also, because I have such a button towards child sexual abuse, it will mean I may always have this button to keep in check, as this goes back to early childhood. I’ve had trauma all my childhood from tormenting spirits “we are going to molest your children.” Secondary trauma from knowing friends and neighbors were being sexually abused by their fathers and stepfathers. Trauma from seeing my father belt my mother up to black eyes, yelling and screaming in the house of sibling fighting. Trauma from the terror rides in the car that my father demanded us kids to get in the car. His laughter of driving fast and saying he was going to kill us all terrorized us. He even parked the car down an embankment and on the edge of water saying he was going to drown us all. Then he used to stop on a flooded crossing to make us push the car across pretending it had broken down, until my sister nearly drowned one day. Trauma from unfaithful girlfriends, trauma from being gaslighted, trauma from my girlfriend of ten years molesting my daughter in nappies. Trauma and fear of 31

When I became a Christian, this was the first weapon Hell and Death used against me. I had a stronghold of fear and trauma for the first seven years from the unseen spiritual entities dishing out spiritual, physical and emotional abuse. Tormenting of my mind so much that I went into passivity, I shut down as it hurt to think, I’m still coming out of the effects of this that I talk out loud. That took me years and years to conquer the fear of demons, the fear and trauma I had scarred into my soul, years to find true authority over them. I was traumatized from rejection on every level because of the shunning from people in leadership and those in church because I was too much and I’d come out of lesbianism. To date I’ve had trauma resurface because of my perceived pedophilia and living with my daughter and her son for four years hearing his crying and the style she used to correct him. I’ve had trauma in the womb, trauma from hospitalization as a baby having died three times from whooping cough. In those days they left you and every other baby in the crib to cry. To date, I have to recognize when I hear crying babies that I am an adult, so it does not send my senses back into fear and anxiety. Then coming home to a home of chaos and to be mothered and nurtured by the eldest sisters than my Mother’s love strengthened the network of spiritual trauma and fear. Sexual abuse was happening in my home by my eldest brother to the eldest sisters. From a child I believed the world was not a safe place because men were sexual and physical abusers. Instead of celebrating life in that area and the beauty of life where abuse was not happening to every child, my mind said it was, and it could and would happen to my children. I internalized my experiences to make a judgment it will happen to me if I married a man and had daughters, hence this was the spiritual and psychological grounds in the formation of my same-sex attraction. I believe this was the major causation for my homosexuality, fear of sexual abuse-incest. The irony of it all, my daughter would be sexually abused anyway, but not by a man but a woman. Was it destiny, fate, or the outworking of a judgment of fear to bring forth exactly what I’d feared because I was so mentally paranoid? No. I was held hostage by shock, trauma and fear and it has been the major spiritual network and it is the principality of hell and death that has hindered me to date and stole from me. Yes, it came down the generational lines my father hated God, and as an assignment from the grounds they had with the generations. Craziness of it all, 32

when I went out on a date with the woman that molested my daughter, my intuition (Spirit of Christ Jesus) said she was a pedophile. But I had no compartment that women were pedophiles, so I let it pass. The discernment came back a few more times, and I let it pass again as I didn’t know women molest children because I had not been exposed to female perpetrators. I was warned, I was told, so it was not fate or destiny. Or was I sent to earth by Jesus to endure this to minister healing to others. It is no soul journey or lesson I had to learn so that my next reincarnated life is higher, this is New Age lies to keep others in the kingdom of darkness and going to hell. Neither was it the outworking of inner judgments. All was the legal rights and works and lies from darkness, however, we must learn from these events and defeat them. The truth is, it is all because people have free will, and where free will is, so is sin. So are there spirits of darkness in the lives of people who pressure them to use their will. They have come down the generational lines, and because of the transgressions, the spirits are attached to those sin structures. The strongholds revisit to fortify their existence and housing. So there is an egging on and a power to enhance pleasure and give arousal, so they act out towards the person in the bloodline in these perverse abusive ways. Further, they will too bring devastation and destruction, giving them more grounds to remain and reinforce themselves to outlive their evil and with hope we end up in hell. I have found until we come to a place of peace and wholeness, we may not see the truth or hear the warning in the future. We cannot live in denial either that it will never happen again as it may well happen again. On the other hand, living as if it is going to happen is living out of trauma and the unreconciled brokenness with self and others. Therefore, we must learn to walk in The Spirit of Christ Jesus and surrender all shock trauma and fear into His Lordship and restoration paths. Especially on any onset. We have to walk in the keys of freedom we have found works for us as an individual. For example, taking captive and arresting the thoughts when they come and seeing through the eyes of an adult. One woman recommends when we are triggered and feel it in an area of our body, say back pain or abdomen pain take you mind to a memory of pleasure; like being in a park, at the beach, sky diving, art or whatever pleasure is your happy place so to calm and renew your mind and body, as well as inviting in Jesus The Prince of Peace to the triggering. Our journey has to go on towards healing and reconciliation. This way the peace that passes all understanding will guard our hearts and mind as we cast our 33

cares. The pursuit of peace will be in trusting Jesus and He can be trusted as it is not His will for any child to endure sexual or physical abuse or for us to remain in shock, trauma and fear.� 1. [Malligan, 2018:19] We all are different, and some of us may have PTSD or are under psychologists or therapy or are on medication. This teaching and prayers are guidelines and are not conclusive or to heal and uproot straight forth all trauma and fear. Trauma is complex as is the effects of shock and fear and all this is outworking taking effort and desire for change, it is not instant. We have to keep up the works to remain in our healed, restored and reconciled way of life. You can say we have to master trauma, shock and fear with keys and the keys of the Kingdom, practicing the keys to walk forth in healing. These prayers will not make you snap out of it and never remember or experience trauma, shock or fear again. You most probably will have to relearn what you could not tolerate before, that is tolerate what you thought you could not tolerate. The prayers will uproot the spiritual power base and it will give you knowledge and understanding on the issues and area’s that brought forth trauma and fear. It took me years to walk away from fear of demons, it was so traumatic just having to walk in faith as He led me with His strategies to overcome. However, this does not mean you are not healed or set free if a trigger takes you to a memory or has an adverse effect in your body as our body responds to hot and cold, its normal. Your nervous system makes decisions for you. Here we have the keys to grab it, arrest it and remember the keys that work for you and these prayers to reengage your brain. Here we invite Jesus in and use whatever method or keys we have to press past the trigger or memory or circumstance. Be at peace, you will be in a better place by praying and reading this book than you were before.

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 34

“Prayer for Release of Secondary Effects of Sexual and Physical and Emotional Assault Father, I proclaim and declare healing from all secondary effects of pedophilia incest and other forms of sexual and physical and emotional assault. Even where I may have been and have no memory of the events that have brought forth fears. Where _________ first told me, I did not believe I forgive myself for missing it. I felt blame, the guilt I was shattered, I forgive myself. I forgive myself for feeling ashamed and allowing the abuse to go on for so long. Where disclosure has brought division, devastation and has damaged the relationship between myself and ____________ I ask for reconciliation. I surrender all trauma, all silence and all lying to cover up the disclosure of sexual and physical assault. Where shock and emotional distress have followed I forgive myself. I now forgive myself for believing I cannot trust anyone and how can I trust even myself to discern it again, let alone God? I renounce these lies and beliefs, for I can. Where I have isolated myself and estranged myself from family and others having lost my sense of family and community and belonging I ask You to walk me out to belong again. Freedom does not come from self-blame or isolation, fear, rejection, guilt and shame. Father where I have never been a victim of sexual abuse but experience the secondary traumatization I ask You to pinpoint where this became twisted in my mind and why. Where I have outlived my life believing my child (ren) are under threat or will be at harm from whoever I surrender the trauma, the fear the feeling and beliefs for Your Lordship. I realize I have a duty of care for my child (ren) so denial and turning a blind eye is not caring. Where it was out of balance or still is, I ask for a balancing. Father where I have disconnected, where I am numb, depressed, angry, in a rut of helplessness because emotional distress is more than I want to feel I surrender and my self-consciousness and my fight and flight patterns and my forget patterns of numbing myself.


Where this has brought on psychological symptoms and physical symptoms because of the harm of sexual assault, what I have seen, and what has happened to my child I surrender the distresses. I invite you into my nervous system and sub-conscious, I receive You as Lord and Savior in these areas. Where this prevents me from doing and being and staying safe in my mind and in the world and around people, I invite You in to bring me out. The triggering is painful, the memory recall is distressing. Where this causes my relationships with people to be invalid or I to isolate myself, help me out of these patterns. Where I am terrified to face tomorrow and the unknown, I repent and renounce these fears ask for a total demolishing, for I repent and renounce these ways. Father where I have lived my life as if it has happened to me, I release this programming to You and invite Your Lordship in this area. Deliver me from evil and enable me to be renewed in the spirit of my mind. Where recovery takes time, I ask for the strength and perseverance to continue on, so it no longer rules my life. I allow myself time to grieve. If I am in burnout because of this, I surrender to Your Lordship and every aspect of this. Father where events have opened me to bipolar, schizophrenia, multiple personalities or other mental illness and to be fearful, suspicious or have an obsession or being overprotective or being anxious or being paranoid or being _______________ I surrender these areas to Your Lordship. I thank You that I do not have to do this alone anymore, I have You, I have discernment and Your Counsel, Strength, and Power. Father where my mental illness has caused those in my family to be ashamed of me, to isolate me, to treat me indifferent, treat me with unkindness, with cruelly, treat me with meanness and aggression and other abusive ways, I forgive them and invite Your Lordship into these areas of my life especially into all arrested development of my personality being stuck in a different age to my true age. Where I have been profoundly affected because males have been the main persons who sexually and physically assault. This has turned my heart hard and distant from men and turned my desire to the same-sex I repent and ask You into these areas. Where I am angry at men all the time and speak whatever I say about men are in my mind and heart what I believe, reveal this to me so I can renounce this as all men are not abusers “men are not worthy of me� Father, likewise for women.


Father enable me to fully recognize and deal with and integrate when triggers need to be prayed through. Trauma has ruled my sub and conscious mind. I invite Your Lordship into the shock, trauma, fears and judgments and opinions and enable me to redirect them to You so as to live from the change. Where I live in the ugly than the beauty, the sad and scared than in the gratitude mindset I surrender for change, for renewal. I acknowledge I am profoundly changed by sexual assault, but I do not want to live fragmented or split in personality. I invite you into these personalities and take You as Lord and Savior in each personality. Reveal them if they are hiding. Where I witnessed domestic violence on my mother and other women, and I have internalized it as powerlessness and done the same for the reality of child sexual assault, I repent. Where I have felt responsible for my mother’s powerlessness, I repent and renounce this. Where I have taken on an over responsibility to save children from child abuse and have worn fearfulness, I repent and renounce this. Where I have taken on the responsibility of being a savior or the one who protects the underdog and having become overprotective in later years I renounce this and repent of it. I surrender these areas into Your hands and Lordship. Where I have been in a rage, in anger and have acted out in many ways against You and others, I repent and renounce anger. Reveal the offshoots of my anger, the iniquities and transgressions attached. I invite Your Lordship into all my anger. I release all frozen anger that has taken the form of depression and addiction or even in the body of a frozen shoulder. Where my perception of the physical violence against my mother has caused many different behavioral problems, personalities, mental conditions that fortify my fears I repent and ask for deliverance and You to take Lordship in every area here. I invite You into all the personalities as Lord and Savior and let me see them if I need to identify them. Where I have received distorted and personal views here and where it has caused fear and trauma, I declare Your Lordship into these areas. Father, I take the double-edged sword of the Spirit and break and separate from the pneumatic genetics of all trauma in my DNA and RNA, for Christ has redeemed me from sin and the kingdom of darkness. I declare and release the Melchizedek Priesthood of The Lord Jesus Christ, the Blood of His Covenant to cleanse all ungodly covenants, defilement off my blood, cells, my internal and 37

external body and soul and spirit, off all memories in the nervous system and the body, any place trauma has lodged in my body soul and spirit. Father, where I have relive events in dreams or have tormenting dreams and torment in my mind going to sleep because of trauma and fear. Father where I have made poor choices, made the wrong decision and unknowingly fallen into the traps of traumas voices I repent. I invite You to take Lordship in all area’s trauma and their strongmen and strongholds have had grounds and to me in captivity and to keep me making poor choices and decisions and acting out and acting on these. I ask that You restore what the canker worm has eaten. I ask You to redeem what was stolen and what was destroyed and what has death and restore my visions and dreams. I thank You for making crooked road straight. Thank You for healing and delivering me and from all evil, from all spirits attached. Covenant Blood and redemption and Calvary is my inheritance. For Thine is The Kingdom the Power and The Glory, forever and ever Amen.� 1. [Malligan, 2018:]

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 38

Prayer for Release of Trauma and Shock Father, contend with those who contend with us. Thank You for Your fullness to deliver and heal and counsel. Thank You for peace and comfort as I pray this prayer strategy. Thank You for release from all traumatic experiences. Father, thank You for ministry to my heart, my body, my memories and my spirit. Remove the trauma, the shock, the fear and the terror that I have experienced. Lord Jesus, draw all trauma from every cell of my body, from my brain, from my nervous system and in every way my soul spirit and body has stored and taken on the memory of all fear and trauma so no longer any buttons or triggers can be operative living and active in and over every aspect of my life. Father, go to the fear center of my brain where the memory has lodged in there and has distorted my views my perception my discernment, release me out of captivity. Hopelessness and uselessness is a liar, I am in You and can do all things and I have courage and strength, and, I receive this anointing. I renounce such beliefs and attitudes, let it be broken in Jesus Name. Father, my thalamus my limbic system, the hypothalamus, the amygdala, my pituitary gland and the pineal gland and spinal cord have been taken out of divine order. Let Your Power and Glory restore my brain, my body, my spirit, my organs and every system of my body. Trauma, shock, fear or stress or depression is not my inheritance. Wrong messages because of fraying, overload, negative or electrical impulses no longer have authority or lordship to lie or send wrong messages to any area of my body soul or spirit. No longer do I need to go into stress, fear or panic attacks. I see it clearly no button has any power over me, and memory will no longer push buttons or trigger me, as I bring it into The Light in Jesus Name. If necessary, anoint me with fresh discernment to reveal where memories of trauma are locked up and what are post-traumatic stress triggers that causes panic and me to be stressed or have fearfulness. (An example is, when I drove turning right at a T intersection my daughter was on the lap of my ex-girlfriend and they fell out of the combi van front door. Those trauma memories are blocked in her brain. Why? Because, she is so extremely car seat safety conscious, and even buys her friends the most safest baby capsules or seats. Her fear and panic are crazy behavior. This is why a prayer strategy will not always uproot all trauma, fear, terror or triggers or will we understand why our buttons are being pushed and why we lose it. However, 39

when something occurs at that moment, we invite Lord Jesus in and He gives us the memory and the discernment where it is coming from, He will expose it and He will break its power once it is exposed and named and accountability is applied. Bottom line is, we do have to grow up to come out of trauma and fear, this is why we will have to apply the keys to overcome and walk in the keys.) Father, let all torment and all of this be loosed off of every aspect of my life. All trapped memories be loosed and all shutting down and shutting off of memories have restoration brought forth and be whole in Jesus Name because “by His stripes I am healed.” Father, drive out every work of darkness from my brain, all bitterness, rage and anger, all blockages all reliving threatening experiences. All fragmentation of memory disassociation, amnesia, loss of memory and all blame. All perceived facts that are not reality, truth that is distorted and twisted, and where bound by paranoia bringing forth insanity. Myself seeing everyone as the enemy, all delusion, fantasy, unreality, even playing and enjoying mind games, I surrender and repent. Father, in the Name of Jesus where trauma and fear has affected me from in utero pour in your peace and remove all trauma from my RNA and DNA. Restore all of me to my rightful design and where I have taken on other personalities and homosexuality and or transsexuality personality or where I identify as bi or non-binary. I ask for Your miracle power and restoration and reconstructive ability to begin to transform me. I invite Your Lordship over every doorway and every eye gate over every cycle of trauma, shock, fear, stress and depression illness sickness and disease or other area’s unknown. Father, thank You for having a plan and purpose for me, a destiny and a future and a hope. Where I have been a cutter, been suicidal, wished to be dead and have a death wish and wished I’d never been born I surrender this over to Your Lordship, and I take You as Lord and Savior here, I no longer want or will to remain in death or knocking on heaven’s door. Where shut down, depression and sadness and lack of desire to serve You or walk on daily in life has become a stronghold, I ask for forgiveness. Where I have told my body to die and I live to kill myself slowing I repent and receive Your newness of life here. Lift it from me and I ask You into this area to be Lord and Savior, I’m powerless to change, I receive my inheritance of the mind of Christ. Where my birth was fetal distress and I was carried in maternal distress and even my birth sex and name caused trauma from other relatives, or rejection 40

or self-rejection, all abandonment, all betrayal, all adultery, all demonic torment, all pedophilia, all incest, all emotional and physical abuse, lack of favor and affection from parents and or siblings and ancestry torment, trauma, fear, shock, insanity have brought the cycle of trauma and given me a predisposition to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder medically and spiritually let this hold be loosed and these spirits from the whole network in and over me be taken to the place appointed of them till the great white throne judgment. No longer will any cycle hold me or destroy my life or rob me of my inheritance in Christ Jesus. Now is the judgment of this world now shall the prince of this world be cast out. Where near drowning, being locked in a cupboard, tragedy of murder or ___________, tragedy of a hurricane, a earthquake, a tornado, divorce, loss of family member, witness of pet being hit by a car, all violence, all rape, abortion, all deceit, from child care and the baby sitter, neglect, attacked with a weapon, moving from school to school and place to place, from covens, witchcraft, occult, new age, satanic ritual abuse, Masonic ritual abuse, cult abuse or church abuse or doctor abuse or medical or ________ , demonic rape abuse and torment, extreme control, sadistic abuse, child or adult prostitution rings, human trafficking, organized abuse of witnessing and participating in the abuse of others, being powerless to help when I’ve seen my parent or siblings being beaten, told not to cry especially when my pain was legitimate, disciplined for being afraid or in panic, where I have stayed in self-pity, where I have seen an event I repent, surrender and receive deliverance and healing. (I saw a blood trail when I was thirteen. A man run over two elderly persons on a pedestrian crossing and one got stuck under the front of his car. He continued to drive away from the scene leaving a wide blood trail till the body got loose at the town library, it was a long distance; the thought of this traumatized me for years.) Father, all nightmares, all sleeplessness, all loss and all financial loss, all shame, all bullying, all accidents, all witnessing of death, all family and parental food and provision lack, drug and alcoholic trauma and other trauma in the household of ____________, all non-recognition and or for being a female/male either in the womb or at birth or for being not/intelligent or not/gifted or not/artistic, or just not enough or good enough or ____________ , and all circumstances and situations of _______________ , _______________ . Where the above have brought forth disconnection because of trauma, even surgical lobotomies, becoming the living dead, mental, physical and emotional illness bringing forth a perpetual cycle of trauma, shock, stress and fear deep within my being and the living in an echo chamber I receive You as Lord and Savior here and ask for Your Fatherly blessing. Let breakthrough be released in Jesus Name. 41

Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord. Let Your Miracle Power remove the shock, trauma and fear, paranoid and paralytic fear from my mind, will, emotions, body and spirit. Off my central nervous system, my autonomic nervous system, my limbic system, my muscular system, my adrenal system and my immune system. Reconcile me with myself and with Yourself and enable me to reconcile with others with wisdom and enable me to no longer out live this in my life today. Even if this has affected me to chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and depression and or anxiety. Birth me to cope and teach me, lead me to the keys to walk in my deliverance and healing with persistence. Where I live out of always being alert, waiting for danger, believing the worst, pessimistic and fatalistic. Where I live out of the lies imparted by spirits or what has been told to me or what I thought to be true expose this so I can repent and renounce and be renewed in the spirit of my mind. Father, untwine this ball of stress, trauma, shock, terror and fear for You know how to unwind how to cut away and when to unravel every connection. Bring me to an encounter with You that I may be renewed in my soul and spirit. A double minded man is unstable in all his/her ways (James 1:8). You are a safe place and the righteous run in and are safe and Your perfect love casts out fear and I will grow up in all thing (Ephesians 4:15) in the Power of Your Spirit I will be one mind, one heart and one person. Father, where my memory has been affected due to trauma, or due to passivity or due to fear and has been damaged in the neurons. Where I cannot think, remember things, where I do not think because it brings forth trauma memories and torment memories, I ask You to walk me out and counsel me out. I surrender this over to Your Lordship and I repent for these actions. If there is a root to Alzheimer’s from trauma and fear, I receive and declare full covenant restoration and health and prosperity to my body soul and spirit, bless You Father for You restore my soul (Psalms 23:3). Sorry I have blamed you so often for not being a Good God, forgive me. Where thoughts, loud noises or certain smells or places have set me off, I refuse going backwards or being trapped. I receive the miracle healing and the spiritual and natural deliverance that The Blood of Jesus Christ won for me at Calvary. Jesus Christ be Lord here and let Your Spirit fill me and reside as King. Father, where I have no desire to be emotional, stopped feeling, stopped crying, stopped dreaming, stopped believing in You, become emotionally crippled and disconnected from memories emotions and certain behavior. Where I have become a people pleaser as I do not want confrontation and I want to 42

remain chill, I repent and renounce these bonds of behavior and take You as Lord and Savior here, I receive the Blood of Jesus to heal and all Post Traumatic Stress. Father where I have stopped having relationship with my daughter, family, husband/wife family and work peers because I just cannot cope, I repent and surrender this to Your Lordship. Where I cover up trauma fear and shock and stress, I come face to face with it all for total restoration, healing and the ability to press on and grieve and grieve my losses. Let Your healing virtue enable me to grieve all trauma, fear and shock. Father, let all inroads of behavior be blocked off to the demonic and I ask for The Light of Your Glory to expose where necessary so I may walk free and walk in the healing available. Intense emotions, crying for no reason and not being able to stop, nightmares, sleeplessness, flashbacks, memory distortion or loss, unable to do simple tasks or hold down a job. Takeover and control has no more authority over my brain, mind, emotions or will power. Neither does any hidden Post Traumatic Stress, or trauma or fear, or shock. I come out of their grave of death, I come into emotional maturity and spiritual maturity. I invite You Lord Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior here that I may grow up emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally and psychologically. Where rejection and abandonment have caused trauma, shock and fear I ask for all territory to be redeemed unto You. (For an effective prayer strategy on rejection and abandonment please go to following site to download the book. Covers mental illness of schizophrenia and depression due to trauma and fear.) Father, where I have not been able to learn, where I have had arrested development, retardation, multiple personalities, dissociative identity disorder, epilepsy, bi-polar, dyslexia, panic attacks, have been into substance abuse, eating disorders and where all diagnosis and certification has been labeled on me I receive Your healing and the fullness of the mind of Christ. I receive deliverance from tormenting demons of trauma, fear, shock, stress, breakdown and all neurosis disease sickness and illness connected to this stronghold. I renounce Death and Hell, Antichrist and Jezebel that are linked from all the trauma in my life bringing homosexuality, transsexuality, pedophilia, death, fear, terror, panic, anxiety, stress, insanity, madness, torment, twistedness, splitting, confusion, schizophrenia, all mental illness and disorders, paranoia, falseness, takeover, mind control, control, lack, darkness, depression, oppression, murder, theft and destruction, uncontrollable mood swings emotional stress, breakdown, and all destruction and fragmentation. 43

Father, all things I’ve mentioned in this book of prayers. For I declare Divine Order to every aspect of my life where these networks, these principalities have held me captive in curses and bonds of iniquity. All Power All Glory to You Thank You In Jesus Name Amen 1. Kitchen, Yvonne. Pyramid in The Brain, Egyptian Witchcraft Fruitful

Vine, 500 Kelletts Road Lysterfield, 3156, 2010

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba - Releasing Hearts 44

Prayer Strategy For Alcohol and Drug Addiction

“Father, I repent and renounce abusing alcohol and drugs and any and all prescription drugs of Valium, Sara-Pax, Librium, pain killers or anti-depressants or ‘uppers’ for both myself and my ancestors on both sides of the family. Back over forty and even a hundred generations where we had become addicted to, and the use and abuse and or are still abusing drugs. Also cough medicines, coffee, coke, chocolate, sweets, food, foods, laughing gas, animal medicines, sleeping pills, all tranquillizers, all types of barbiturates any types of stimulants, slimming tablets, all types of depressants, sedatives and any others we have used in abusive ways. Also, mine and my ancestors on both sides of the family of gambling with alcoholism and gambling with drug addiction. Also, those my ancestors and I have used for sexual pleasure and hypnotism, in ritual acts, in magic, sorcery and witchcraft practices and incantations. Also, all illegal drugs such as LSD, ecstasy, cocaine, opium, heroin, methadone, liquid and tablet morphine’s, speed, hash, marijuana, crack, meth and any other narcotic or drug that has altered our moods and behavior and has educed sleep and stupor and altered senses. I also repent where we have drugged others on purpose for gain and pleasure and deceit and manipulated for sexual pleasures. I also repent where my ancestors and I were selling and trafficking all types of drugs, both illegal or prescribed drugs and also tobacco, alcoholic drinks in the black market and on the streets and underground and as legally accepted by the laws of the Government. I repent where we have abused various doctors to obtain scripts for dependency and or to sell in illegal ways and stolen from an employer or Chemists in any and all types of drugs. I repent where we have broken the laws of the government and Your laws to make others take or buy drugs and alcohol and to obtain drugs and alcohol like; stealing, theft, break and enter, robbery, murder, physical and sexual abuse, incest, pedophilia in all its forms, prostitution, manipulation, conning, lying, 45

adultery and anything else. Father, I ask for the breaking of all soul ties to ancestors, family members and friends and associates, spouses or those from sexual activity outside marriage, companies, gangs, cults, sects, institutions, mental health and its institutions, hospitals, jails and so on from these transgressions and iniquities of drugs and alcohol and also this occult list and also tobacco. I ask for the generational cycle of addiction and abuse of alcohol and drugs that has come down many generations to be broken off my life. Father, where I am still unwilling to forsake dependency and addiction, bring to death all sin structures that keep me bound in drug addiction, drug desire, drug backsliding and also alcoholism and alcohol dependency. Father where possible let it be so that I am released from any or all spirits with curses that may have come upon us of: “control, manipulation, lying, deceit, sorcery, divination, witchcraft, addiction, craving, alcoholism, alcoholic abuse, wine drinking, strong drink, blind drunk, drinking to oblivion, stuttering, stupor, stupidity, mockery, torment, panic, anxiety, sleep, depressed personality, living on the edge, ridicule, derision, depression, rage, anger, cruelty, incessant talking, arguments, quarreling, fighting, mistrust, suspicion, violence, falseness, abuse and sexual physical verbal and emotional abuse and perversion, blasphemy, jealousy, bitterness, gall of bitterness, root of bitterness, unforgiveness, uncontrolled impulses, fornication, lewdness, harlotry, whoredoms, fantasy, divorce, division, disconnection, seduction and lust, broken covenant, broken vows, loneliness, rebellion, disobedience, stubbornness, heart of stone, no rights, silence, depravity, loss of dignity, miscarriage, confusion, guilt, failure, striving for approval, stamp of disapproval, perpetual pain and grief, fogging, not taking hold of the truth of the Word, spiritual blindness, despair, calamity, distress and loss, sudden loss, abandonment, illegitimate, isolation, rejection, outcast, street kid, homelessness, vagabond, fugitive, squalor, loss of self-control, selfprotection, dependency, backsliding, error, deception, perversion, exploitation, wounded spirit, victim, poverty, poverty speech, never having sufficient funds, money worries, sudden loss of finances, never being able to get ahead, poverty and rags, alcoholic and addict off my clothes off my wardrobe, debt, insufficiency, financial crisis calamity and collapse, chronic, misfortune, the bastard, for doing the Lord’s work and serving the Lord drunk and on drugs, having new wine/Holy Spirit cut off from the mouth, spiritual disorder and blindness, destruction of family priesthood, destruction of finances, workaholic, drug and alcoholic personality, alcoholic and addict stigma, alcoholic murder rape sexual abuse in all its forms, denial, poor vision, spewing, being uncovered, nakedness, shame and disgrace, incest, adultery, drunkenness, destruction and death and destruction off my sexuality, my finances, my calling, my mental and 46

emotional and physical health, my _________, every death wish, Father I choose life. Father, death, premature death, accidents, wrongful suing and with accidents, theft, accidental death, grief, loss of judgment, disability, paraplegic, paralysis, insanity, dumbness, blindness, deafness, Alzheimer, Hodgkin’s disease, dementia, loss of memory, plagues of the different types of cancer, sickness, infirmity, allergy, ailments, hypoglycemia, diabetes, liver and kidney disorders, blood disorders, bone disorders, heart disorders, arthritis, stress related diseases, mental illness, paranoid schizophrenia and schizophrenia, multiple personalities, religious personality and lifestyle, fragmentation, phobias, double mindedness, dysfunctionalism, inferiority, classification, institutionization, house of the wicked, idolatry, breakdown, psychosis, paranoia, fear, psychiatric treatment, sacrificial lamb, the abandoned lamb, the ritual lamb, the isolated lamb, being a curse and a reproach and among the nations, curses of Deuteronomy 28, 27, barrenness upon the land and any other curses from Your Law and from any other breach of Your laws.� 1. [Worley, 1996:35] Where I have taken drugs and alcohol to escape reality, to avoid conflict, to chill, to be numb, null and void because of all types emotional pains I repent and receive Your grace to carry me through until such times Your Spirit wills to minister and bring forth healing in these areas. Where I have taken drugs and alcohol to lift me into high moods because of emotional and physical illness, I repent and receive Your grace and the keys and the anointing to bring to death the old habits that drove me to abuse drugs and alcohol. Today I take You as the Shepard of my soul. I ask for a complete renewal of the mind to stop running and escaping into drugs and alcohol, food, TV, these counterfeits of healing my wounds. Today I am willing to take accountability, and where I am not, I am willing to be made willing for You are for me and not against me. I can be empowered to stand in Your anointing as I am willing to yield to You to bring forth the new me who can be restored and healed and have my wounds bound up and have all prison doors opened for my freedom from addiction. I want to choose, but I am finding it difficult to want the transforming power of the Holy Spirit to change my heart to adjust and adapt to a lifestyle of Christianity a lifestyle of righteousness. But I choose to trust You to enable me to stop running to all false securities of addiction and alcohol and food and the false comfort these bring. 47

Today I take You as my Comforter for You understand me, and all my ways and You know why I had/have become an addict and alcoholic. I surrender my emotions to Your Lordship where they have been bound and have led me to run to drugs and alcohol and food. I ask for a fresh anointing of the gifts and fruit of Your Spirit and the peace that I need to continue to overcome the devastation addiction and alcoholism has imprinted on me and that keep me turning to its desire than your desire for my life. I thank You as from this day for You will be bringing me out of all patterns and habits of the alcoholic and addictive person I have become and all the reasons I yield and have yielded to them. I receive a new heart of flesh, the filling of New Wine of Your Holy Spirit to walk forward in my healing and deliverance and the newness of life You offer me. Thank You for birthing me from embryo to maturity so I shall be able to walk in the fullness You have for me. To live in the thoughts and the plans, You have for me that will give me hope and a future and a destiny. Jesus, I receive the call You have for me on my life. Today I make a decision to turn away from the Kingdom of Darkness and their false fruits of securities that only bring devastation and destruction, and that will most assuredly heap more pain on pain and bring my soul into such binding fragmentation, enable me to walk away and walk forward. I choose today to serve You in Your enabling Grace and Sufficiency; I choose today to allow You to bring me forth and change my heart for the plans and purposes You have for my destiny and for the advancing of Your Kingdom. “For your joy will balance my pain, Your power will lift my burdens, Your peace will calm my worries; Your all sufficiency will be more than adequate to meet my daily needs.” 2. [Lotz, 1973:137] I now make a decision to daily place my dependency upon you Jesus and you alone and receive you as my All Sufficient One. 1. Curses and demons derived from Win Worley’s Booklet 27 Principles of Deliverance & Mass Deliverance and The Alcoholic Syndrome Booklet 33 A, 33 B & 33C] 2. Words derived from Anne Graham Lotz book, “Just Give Me Jesus, 1973.”])


**********PLEASE NOTE************PLEASE NOTE*********

If you are on medication, it is not wise to cease until you are free of the condition and healed of the root causes for taking Prescribed drugs. Therefore, it is necessary TO STAY ON prescribed medication; again, KEEP ON taking your medication until you know that you know, that you know, you are able to come off slowly of the addictive medication firstly from the approval of your doctor then the witness of The Holy Spirit.

Some people do and will need to remain on medication all the days of their lives, therefore this you need to know, that you know, that you know, The Holy Spirit is saying to come off slowly. Unless you know that you know you can discern your own thoughts from the demonic and discern the impression on your heart from The Holy Spirit continue taking your prescribed medication and continue learning how to discern His impressions on your spirit/heart.�

**** PLEASE Take notice of THE PREVIOUS PAGE **** 1.

[Malligan, 127:2009

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 49


Overcoming Strategies for Trauma and Shock Whilst I’ve read much and listened to many podcasts, sermons and audio books for self help and to write chapters and prayer strategies I do not always give the information in the bibliography. Many speak the same language but moreover many sites are not for the immature the unlearned in Christ for they have doctrines of demons and techniques are from the occult and new age. I cannot claim to know, or do I profess to be an expert or am I a professional of mental health. I am certainly not an expert educator! I write under my gifting and calling in Christ from The Spirit of Christ Jesus. Writing my healing is a style of journaling that works for me in book form and prayers. Anyone who has a PhD who is certified in Mental Health reading any of my books, blogs and prayer strategies, I hope you are not cringing at my incompetence, or my demonization of conditions or offended that I did not reference you, forgive me. My spiritual beliefs are not always in line with your practices. For example, I believe for a Christian hypnosis opens one up to the unclean spirit of mind control. Also, where Psychology and therapies alike are excellent, they do not uproot the spiritual powerbase to your diagnosed mental illness. We are tripartite, human beings have body, soul and a spirit. We have spiritual or pneuma genetics passed on as much as we have our natural genetic inheritance passed on for a predisposition for disease, illness and sickness. Repentance, renunciation and prayer takes the opposing spiritual legal rights away. This way their fortified grounds, their lies and deceptions no longer have power over us. Or keep us taking one step forward and three steps backwards or going to our grave retaining the same fear, anxiety or diagnoses. These spirits manifest their supernatural powers in and over us, and if you don’t realize this you take it on as if it is you. Fear and anxiety spirits never leave for they have you bound by strongholds, by lies, by legal rites of passage. We are taught to rely on Christ as His Spirit indwells us to bring us out from under their grounds. “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall, I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalms 27:1 Furthermore, His peace or a manifestation of Peace is given till we are taught to 50

overcome, to stand in the situations that held us in fear. The Lord is our Shepherd and He restores our soul (Psalms 23). We depend on a power greater than ourselves for all things, still retaining free will. Yvonne Kitchen, of Fruitful Vine, Melbourne Australia writes a teaching named Fear and Anxiety. Enlarge your boarders and see your anxiety and fear as spiritual stronghold. No offense, but you still have your anxiety attacks and you have the degrees the clinic and methods and the medication, yet not free. I pray you seek Christ Jesus The Shephard of our souls for not just your freedom, but for relationship and the gifting to be of greater impact in the world we live. Below I have gleaned strategies that are common amongst therapists and Christian teachings. I cannot touch on the various levels of trauma or categories PTSD levels as the experts, the professions can with mental illness. I trust the book will lead someone to seek their own journey, their individual path. If you are going to a therapist or Church Counsellor or choose self-help in reading books and saying prayer strategies, then I trust this book will lead you on the path that is individual for you. As Christian, The Spirit of Christ Jesus, The Counsellor who has known us since conception in our mothers wombs does and will lead us to overcome. He will lead us in the path to take, this I am certain He will do, so I pray peace to you and an overcomer anointing for complete breakthrough. • Mindfulness: Staying in the present staying in the now. As many psychologists teach us to put our focus on the now, to pay attention to the current in the now. Also to recognize our auto piolet is most probable on and we need to switch it off consciously. For example take notice of how your body feels, notice what you can smell, notice if there is a breeze, notice if you can taste anything, notice sound of your feet walking, being aware of your whole being in the present. You tune into yourself, sensing your emotions helps you stay in the moment right now, you are living right now. As said by many, depression is worry about the past; anxiety is worry about the future. So we redirect our thoughts to practice mindfulness of being in the present moment, in the now. Also we invite Jesus in as well, we have the Counsellor present with us for counsel, might and skill to rule. 51

• Vulnerability: As Rutherford writes, being vulnerable to ask for help is not being weak. Being vulnerable enables us to accept and work through our trauma. 1. [Cited 03/07/19] Trauma brought forth controlling behaviour in many aspects of our lives including our emotions, like suppressing anger or becoming a people pleaser. Facing our flaws or coping mechanisms and admitting them to reach out for help enables the fruit to be brought to death, then eventually we can pull this tree up by the root. If you fear judgment from others the mindset you hold does not define you. People judge you regardless, and will judge on speck, whatever! Seeking outside help via a Psychotherapist or Therapist a Counsellor for support is not lacking faith or going to fill you with demons. A support group in church or the community or mental health community or face book community are keys of overcoming. I am war wounded from just the call on my life and I’ve had many breakdowns over these past twenty years because of the fight. My threshold and healing levels with having to fight these powers and principalities to get out from under them were and have been more than I could bear many a time, even regretting being Christian. The kingdom of darkness has resisted me on many levels throughout my overcoming and healing journey, not wanting to lose their stronghold. “If you think you are going to get away from us you have another thing coming, we’ve had your family for generations.” Like a red flag to a bull those words were, even though they hit hard I fought hard and have won more battles than them. To admit to myself that I feel a failure, that I can’t win the fight in my own savviness, that I have no self-will left was difficult. But, confronting my inner beliefs and flaws had to be done so I could walk out of this and get over it so I had to let Him fight. This way I experience the peace that passes understanding and Christ’s Covenant promises He offers me. I had to rely on Him and trust He was the One who was my Shephard, My Saviour, My Fighter and the One who imparted faith, trust and belief. 52

Being vulnerable and opening up to others, taking the risk is going to be part of our healing work. For me to seek alternative help like an online clinical psychologist and their resources without fearing spiritual transference from the spirits attached to the traditions of men, these various doctrines of demons and their occult and new age beliefs was a big step of faith in Christ Jesus. Not to mention opening an immature Christian up was a risk I had to take and trust Jesus is able to work with all tools and then expose what was not Biblical and had an open door to any spirits. He is Able to cleanse us from all unrighteousness when He wills to reveal any doors that needs to be closed. Knowing not all Bible based counselling is sufficient to overcome and heal, I decided to glean from mainstream therapy also not everyone wants just only Bible based help and other persons need mainstream help. • Recognize our triggers: A trigger is a response of your body and soul when you are reminded of the traumatic event. Fear and anxiety came when I heard babies cry, when I heard correction on children, when I heard, read or spoke of incest or child abuse. By recognizing we can ask ourselves we get to the place where we can stop ourselves. We can check in with ourselves “do I want to go here” “do I want to speak that way” “do I want to do this” do I really want to feel this?” There is no pressure to overcome, I have not felt pressured to “get over” trauma. I have always felt the space to walk this through with The Spirit of Christ Jesus at my own pace and so it should be. However, wallowing or being in a stronghold of being the victim needs to be recognized as much as triggers so they no longer hold their power and effects over us. If you can use your experience as a way to positively impact others in the world or in your city or school or wherever would also keep you overcoming and help others to come out the other side healed. I write in books and teachings from my heart, this works for me as a key to overcome. It can work for you by journaling or even to share what you write with your counsellor or therapist.


• Connect with our feelings: We have shut off our feelings for long enough, now we have to identify them, process them and walk through them without condemnation from self, God or the spirits of darkness. Staying in denial and other shut off coping ways will keep us on the treadmill. Seeing our pain, and having understanding and compassion on our self is doing something about it. Self-pity is a stronghold of the mind, a fatalistic view or an attention seeking method that needs to be surrendered to Christ Jesus. I have found it difficult to cry, as I was raised to supress tears due to it was not courageous to cry. Then as I healed when I allowed myself to cry it would wreck me for the day. I felt sad and rung out, so I suppressed crying again. Getting back in control is a protective reaction we unconsciously go into, yet we have to go back to the risk of letting go. Now the risk of feeling tears and allowing myself to let go, no longer wrecks me for the day as I have lost the mindsets behind entering into the connecting with the feelings. Also, I don’t want to talk about it no longer has power over me or any lying spirits deception about allowing myself to let go and connect with my feelings. I pray also that I may hear what The Spirit has to say to my heart and to take ahold of change and discernment of old habits. Jesus is our life line, He knows all the underlying emotional pain and ways we react that hinder our freedom. • Renew our mind: If you are thinking no one cares or loves you these mindsets do not serve your recovery. You are aware of the mindsets you hold that keep your trauma and shock and fear alive, if hidden the Spirit of Christ Jesus will bring them to your memory. Negative thoughts about yourself and others need to be renewed not just by scripture or the knowledge that The Father and Jesus loves you, but by taking a reality check each time you go back to a dead and suspicious thoughts. Self-defeating behaviour will only keep you in loss and to add guilt and shame can be overcome. Your identity is not found in loss, in trauma, in 54

shock or are our relationships or our lives to be held hostage by fear, trauma or shock, guilt, shame or not forgiving ourselves. I’ve





Rejection and can be found at On page 76 under Triggers I have written strategies to renew your mind. There is such diverse counsel, knowledge and wisdom in the various books and one cannot rewrite what is already written. So, please access other books they can all be downloaded for free, or you can give the ministry a tip. Please make use of the ministries other books because that is why they are written so we can overcome and experience our freedom in Christ Jesus and walk in the I am’s in Christ. I am a conquer Romans 8:37 I am righteous 2 Corinthians 5:21 I am a child of God Galatians 4:6-7 I am blessed Ephesians 1:3 I am capable Philippians 4:13 I am light Matthew 5:14 I am called 1 Corinthians 7:17 I have purpose on the earth I am victorious 1 Corinthians 15:57 I am blameless Colossians 1:22 I am complete Colossians 2:10 I am loved 1 John 4:10” 2. [cited 14/07/19] “I AM - A Child of God (Romans 8:16)


I AM - Redeemed from the Hand of the Enemy (Psalm 107:2) I AM - Forgiven (Colossians 1:13,14) I AM - Saved by Grace through Faith (Ephesians 2:8) I AM - Justified (Romans 5:1) I AM - Sanctified (I Corinthians 6:11) I AM - A New Creature (II Corinthians 5:17) I AM - Partaker of His Divine Nature (II Peter 1:4) I AM - Redeemed from the Curse of the Law (Galatians 3:13) I AM - Delivered from the Powers of Darkness (Colossians 1:13) I AM - Led by the Spirit of God (Romans 8:14) I AM - Free From All Bondage (John 8:36) I AM - Kept in Safety Wherever I Go (Psalm 91:11) I AM - Getting All My Needs Met by Jesus (Philippians 4:19) I AM - Casting All My Cares on Jesus (I Peter 5:7) I AM - Strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might (Ephesians 6:10) I AM - Doing All Things through Christ Who Strengthens Me (Philippians 4:13) I AM - An Heir of God and a Joint Heir with Jesus (Romans 8:17) I AM - Heir to the Blessings of Abraham (Galatians 3:13, 14) I AM - Observing and Doing the Lord's Commandments (Deuteronomy 28:12) I AM - Blessed Coming in and Blessed Going out (Deuteronomy 28:6) I AM - An Heir of Eternal Life (I John 5:11, 12) I AM - Blessed with All Spiritual Blessings (Ephesians 1:3) 56

I AM - Healed by His Stripes (I Peter 2:24) I AM - Exercising My Authority over the Enemy (Luke 10:19) I AM - Above Only and Not Beneath (Deuteronomy 28:13) I AM - More than a Conqueror (Romans 8:37) I AM - Establishing God's Word Here on Earth (Matthew 16:19) I AM - An Overcomer by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of My Testimony (Revelation 12:11) I AM - Daily overcoming the Devil (I John 4:4) I AM - Not Moved by What I See (II Corinthians 4:18) I AM - Walking by Faith and Not by Sight (II Corinthians 5:7) I AM - Casting Down Vain Imaginations (II Corinthians 10:4, 5) I AM - Bringing Every Thought into Captivity (II Corinthians 10:5) I AM - Being Transformed by Renewing My Mind (Romans 12:1, 2) I AM - Reigning in Life Through Christ Jesus (Romans 5:17) I AM - The Righteousness of God in Christ (II Corinthians 5:21) I AM - An Imitator of Jesus (Ephesians 5:1) I AM - The Light of the World (Matthew 5:14) I AM - Blessing the Lord at All Times and Continually Praising the Lord with My Mouth (Psalm 34:1)” 3. [Cited 14/07/19] •

“I am loved. 1 John 3:3

I am accepted. Ephesians 1:6

I am a child of God. John 1:12

I am Jesus' friend. John 15:14

I am a joint heir with Jesus, sharing His inheritance with Him. Romans 8:17 57

I am united with God and one spirit with Him. 1 Corinthians 6:17

I am a temple of God. His Spirit and his life lives in me. 1 Corinthians 6:19

I am a member of Christ's body. 1 Corinthians 12:27

I am a Saint, saved by grace through faith. Ephesians 1:1, 2:8

I am redeemed from the hand of enemy and forgiven. Psalm 107:2 Colossians 1:14 [words in italics here mine]

I am complete in Jesus Christ. Colossians 2:10

I am free from condemnation and I am justified. Romans 8:1, 5:1

I am a new creation because I am in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17

I am chosen of God, holy and dearly loved. Colossians 3:12

I am established, anointed, and sealed by God. 2 Corinthians 1:21

I do not have a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

I am God's co-worker. 2 Corinthians 6:1

I am seated in heavenly places with Christ. Eph 2:6

I have direct access to God Ephesians. 2:18

I am chosen to bear fruit John 15:16

I am one of God's living stones, being built up in Christ as a spiritual house. 1 Peter 2:5

I have been given exceedingly great and precious promises by God by which I share His nature. 2 Peter 1:4

I can always know the presence of God because He never leaves me Hebrews 13:5

God works in me to help me do the things He wants me to do Philippians 2:13

I can ask God for wisdom and He will give me what I need. James 1:5 Simply choose to believe what God says about you.” 14/07/19]



When your heart and mind line up with the Truth of who you are in Christ life is not so disappointing. Neither are real or imagined thoughts that will sap the happiness out of you. Sometimes replaying events has a spirit called memory recall.


Yet when you surrender all past trauma, shock, fear, terror all memories and invite Jesus Christ into this area for Lordship, they will lose their grounds. Being left with a habit can be reframed, we can break and recognize change is possible. Decision making is another area that needs renewal and our focus. Asking Jesus into all your decisions is the beginning of going back to good choices. How often did we make major decisions whilst in trauma, shock and fear? Trauma’s voice, or should I say the spirit of trauma and his underlings in this nest will always get us to make decisions and changes in every aspect of our lives. They set nets to catch us to bring their death, destruction and devastation. They know us earth dwellers, they have indwelt many others than us over thousands of years. Failure can be a word of bondage, but milk your failures. You are the I am’s. That is the perspective we need than coping via anxiety, fear or sadness of situations that have happened or a self-perceived event that will never happen or may never happen. Seeing ourselves in a positive light and who Christ Jesus is for us and in us will work as keys to overcome. I’m a do it yourself strategist, I am not one to consult a mental health professional. We do need to talk with someone we trust, and getting help and finding a safe place is advisable. So if you need to go behind the doors of a practitioner do so. But, keep up your studies of The Scripture and keep walking and searching for higher truths attached to Scriptural truth. Because you will discern when it is time with just you and The Counsellor The Spirit of Christ Jesus, and renouncing any forms of help via the lessor gods and goddesses of occult and new age methods, the systems of this world. • Breathing and methods of relaxation I found it very difficult when the Spirit of Christ Jesus would suggest me to breath slowly. I speak in other languages when He manifests through me, so of course He can cause me to breath deeply and slowing. I had so much manifestations of the demonic in early years, so to allow Him to pray or cause me to breath triggered trauma. But it works, breathing for anxiety management is a key to overcome. I had to revisit the memories that I avoided to face my fears. I had to see the correct and the incorrect perceptions of my demonic trauma. I had to and still are learning to live with the loss of a homosexual lifestyle, grief after loss is normal. Grieving demonic abuse, demonic trauma, demonic theft, demonic destruction, demonic lies and deception has been 59

a reality I had to face. The suffering for the sake of Christ Jesus and heaven, and for healing and freedom have not been pretty. Jesus sure has copped many a swearing outrage from me, so has Holy Ghost and The Father. To date I’m fine with Him manifesting and have no fear if it is Him or them. You catch on with the discernment and Greater is He that is in me than he who is of this world. They come at me today knowing I have sharpened my Sword and I bend my Bow in The Holy Spirit to put judgment upon them or for three days and three nights of being confounded and consumed and sore vexed at unawares (Psalms 149:8-9, 35:1-10, 68:35) or burning at unawares or the Ministering Spirits reading them scripture day and night. Relaxing listening to Scripture or sitting in a quiet place, a place that made my heart sing like a view of the paddocks or a walk to the creek worked also. Consciously planning to do nice things for the day works also. Getting into a routine reduces anxiety and we get control back over our lives to walk in the freedom of the presence of Christ Jesus knowing He is protecting us strengthening us and giving us peace that passes understanding via His Spirit that indwells us. Truth is, living with Jesus is a life worth living, its okay and its ok to be human regardless of the laws He wants us to follow, sin is always at work in us. We serve Jesus in these times from the mind of our human spirit, ignoring the clutter of voices. You cannot ask a dog who was not trained to sit on the curb before crossing the road with you. In as much neither can you expect a person who is traumatised to obey and submit to biblical laws that trigger them. Grace is a wonderful gift for it understands and enables and demolishes all strong grips of the spirits of darkness and our own fleshly strongholds to enable us to keep laws. I still need to relearn to be nice to myself. I sure have my strongholds of being an enabler and a sacrificial martyr! Unknowingly for control and a false sense of putting others first for their welfare above mine. Also the world is not a safe place so let me make you safe! We may not have caused our trauma and shock, yet we have to change our behavioural responses for our lives to change. Keys to overcome are not for knowledge only, they are to be practiced. Judging and blaming also does not bring change or solve any problem. We are to overcome our problems. Complain and remain, and if you are reading this book you are doing the best you can to improve and overcome. 60

This link has steps that would be effective to work through trauma. I will end this book and I pray it will start you off on your journey of healing all trauma, shock, fear and whatever binds you in bondage to rob you of the beauty of Covenant with Christ Jesus. Continue to seek, search so you fully experience “who The Son sets free is free indeed.� John 8:36 Be blessed and be a blessing. Agape Kathleen Malligan 1. 2. 3.


Bibliography of Chapters

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba Ministry Statement 1. Malligan, Kathleen M. Overcoming and Understanding Homosexuality Personal Workbook [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2014] Covering Prayer 1. Malligan, Kathleen M. Overcoming and Understanding Homosexuality Personal Workbook [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2014] Renunciation of Darkness 1. Malligan, Kathleen M. Overcoming and Understanding Homosexuality Personal Workbook [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2014] Prayer for Unforgiveness and Bitterness 1. Malligan, Kathleen M. Overcoming and Understanding Homosexuality Personal Workbook [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2014] Prayer for Fear 1. Malligan, Kathleen M. Overcoming and Understanding Homosexuality Personal Workbook [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2014] Prayer for Guilt and Shame 1. Malligan, Kathleen M. Overcoming and Understanding Homosexuality Personal Workbook [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2014] Prayer for Anger and Bitterness 1. Malligan, Kathleen M. Overcoming and Understanding Homosexuality 62

Personal Workbook [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2014] Prayer for Grief 1. Malligan, Kathleen M. Overcoming and Understanding Homosexuality Personal Workbook [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2014] Prayer for Healing of Abuse 1. Malligan, Kathleen M. Overcoming and Understanding Homosexuality Personal Workbook [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2014] Secondary Trauma 1. Malligan, Kathleen M. Prayer Strategy – Secondary Victim of Paedophilia and Incest [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2014] Prayer for Release of Secondary Effects of Sexual and Physical and Emotional Assault 1. Malligan, Kathleen M. Prayer Strategy – Secondary Victim of Paedophilia and Incest [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2014] Prayer for Release of Trauma and Shock 1. Some gleaning from: Kitchen, Yvonne Pyramid In The Brain, Egyptian Witchcraft [Fruitful Vine Ministries PTY Ltd Lot 27 Wellington Road Lysterfield Victoria Australia 3151, 2010] Prayer Strategy for Alcohol and Drug Addiction 1. Curses and demons derived from Win Worley’s Booklet 27 Principles of Deliverance & Mass Deliverance and The Alcoholic Syndrome Booklet 33 A, 33 B & 33C] 2. Lotz, Anne Graham “Just Give Me Jesus, 1973.” 3. Malligan, Kathleen M. The Abominations of Occult Practices with A to Z Prayer Strategy [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba Queensland, 4350, 2009] 63

Appendix 1. Rutherford, Dr. Margaret Robinson, Episode 091 Self-Work Podcast: Healing Shame Through Mindfulness [202 N Locust Avenue, Fayetteville, 24th August 2018] 2. 3. 4.

Bibliography Kitchen, Yvonne. Divination [Fruitful Vine Ministries PTY Ltd Lot 27 Wellington Road Lysterfield Victoria Australia 3151, 1997] Worley, Win. Mind Control Booklet 12 [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1990] Worley, Win. Seducing Spirits Booklet 30 [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1996]

Bibliography of Internet Citing’s 64 _Workshe.html?id=YAaBQAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&redir_esc=y# v=onepage&q&f=false




Understanding and Overcoming Homosexuality

By Healing all Trauma and Shock Book 10

In order to take ahold of the newness of life in Christ Jesus that we may become truly born from above, releasing Trauma and Shock has to be part of overcoming and understanding our homosexuality and transsexuality. The greatness of His Power that transforms our individual lives will happen as we become informed and as we receive wisdom, knowledge and understanding and to walk in and walk out the keys of healing. However just praying or being informed will not uproot or transform us, we have to choose methods for overcoming and use these keys to unlock and lock doors. As you take this journey your unwanted homosexuality, things alike and everything that fortifies these strongholds will be demolished and you will be renewed and transformed.

Kathleen Malligan Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts


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