December Newsletter | Division 25W

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In this issue... Letter from your LtG




November Task and Article Prompts


District Updates


Divisional Election Conference


Governor’s Visit Recap


4 Reasons to go to DCON


Key Club Best of 2017


New Look for New Year Resolutions


YOF Grant + Travel to Japan with K Corps


Thirsty Thirty Campaign


The Eliminate Project Update


Highlights of Children’s Miracle Network


Club Contact Information


District + Regional Contact Informations


Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Letter from Your Lieutenant Governor Happy Holidays Division 25W! I hope you had a fabulous holiday with your friends and family in the most wonderful time of the year! But wait...2017 is almost over. Can you believe the year just flew by? 10 months ago, I was elected to serve this division as a Lt.G and it’s almost time for another election for the 2018-2019 year. We will be having a Divisional Election Conference on January 8th, 6 - 7 PM at Edison Preparatory School (there is a poster on page 7). Please make sure to have 4 voting delegates from your club!! We will also have a DCM after the election. If you need some tips and advice about new year resolutions for 2018, page 11 is for you! I stopped doing new year resolutions because let’s be honest, it’s really just “January resolutions”. So instead I’m going to have small, attainable monthly resolutions. If you’re looking for a recap of Key Club in 2017, go to page 10 and you’ll be delighted to see the progress we’ve made as an organization, from eliminating MNT in 3 countries to all the service we’ve done this year! Thank YOU! Now for some District Updates, please take a look at pages 4-6. The T-O website is back and the DCON info will soon be on the website. If your club is competing for Contest and Awards at DCON, make sure to read the Code as some revisions have been made. Due to website issues earlier this month, there are no task of the month to be submitted with the monthly report! Kathryn Aung :) Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Reminders January Treasurer Webinar: Fundraising for DCON District Treasurer Foster Hillis will be holding a Skype Webinar over ways to fundraise for DCON. As always you can RSVP directly to him by email with at your name, school, and Skype username and Foster will add you to the call. The upcoming Webinar will be on over Fundraising for District Convention (Saturday, January 13th, 2018 at 4PM)

Monthly Reports and Newsletters Club Monthly Reports are due and must be postmarked by January 5th. Please mail a physical copy to our District Secretary Shelby Morton at ( Send all monthly Secretary reports: Shelby Morton, District Secretary 4104 San Angelo Avenue, Amarillo, Texas 79118 Club Newsletters will also be due January 5th by 11:59 pm to our District Editor, Stephanie Tran at Please email me and Regional Advisor Angela Syverson ( a copy of the reports as well as the newsletters and articles.

Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


November Task And Article Prompts Task of the Month: NONE

Article Prompts: 1.

What are your New Year’s Resolutions regarding Key Club? How can you use the new year to better contribute to your home club and community?


How do you plan to spread the holly, jolly Christmas Spirit through service?


Reflecting on your 2017 year, what was the most impactful service event you have been a part of?


How have you or how do you plan to strengthen relations between the different levels of Kiwanis (Kiwanis, Circle K, Builders Club, etc.)?


Submit a Humans of Texas Oklahoma! How was your Key Club Experience and what is Key Club to you? Submit with a picture of you :)

You are always free to write about any Key Club-related topic! The articles should each have at least 1 JPG photo and be sent as Microsoft Word documents. Have the author, school name, division, article title, and prompt/whatever topic you choose at the top of the document. Email August articles by January 5th to with the email subject: Division School August Articles.

Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


District Updates District Editor Stephanie Tran: Click to read the November Club Newsletter Feedback for clubs should all be completed by the 31st, and the Tex-O-Key is scheduled to be released on New Years.

Governor's Project: Service Ideas December: Recognize and support all types of disabilities (December 3rd - International Day of Persons with disabilities): ● Making braille Christmas cards for blind schools ● Organize a walk for awareness of mental illnesses ● Read Christmas themed books with children with Down Syndrome January: Blind/sight loss (January 4th - World Braille Day): ● Collect and donate braille books to children and adults who are blind ● Volunteer at a rehabilitation or vocational training center for the blind/visually impaired

District Website is BACK! The T-O Website is back and working now! The address is still the same There will be more information about registration from DCON on the Website on January 8th! To find the Candidacy Forms for Lt.G and other District offices, click HERE To read the Code for Elections and House of Delegates and the revised Code of Contest and Awards, click HERE Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


4 Reasons to go to dcon If we’re being honest, we know #postDCONsyndrome is real. So before it sets in, make sure you get as much out of your district convention as you can. It’s the perfect time to highlight the amazing work you and your club have done throughout the year. And make sure we hear about it! Use the hashtag #DCON when you post Instagram photos or tweet about what’s going on. Here are the top four reasons to attend your district convention this spring: Workshops The best thing about Key Club workshops is there’s one for just about any topic. Whether you’re searching for new fundraising ideas or need tips about applying for scholarships, there’s going to be something for you. Dances Sure, high school dances can be fun, but a high school dance with only Key Club members is more exciting than front-row tickets to a Taylor Swift concert. New friends It’s common knowledge that some of the best friends you’ll make in high school will be Key Club members, and not necessarily ones only from your own school. The more you get involved in Key Club, the more friends you’ll make around the state, region, country and world. And the best part? Your new friends share the same servant-leadership mindset as you. Your district convention is one of the best places to start building those friendships. Big picture If you haven’t been to a Key Club event outside of the ones your club hosts, your district convention will be an eye-opening experience. Meeting other area high school students who enjoy community service and support Key Club’s mission is a chance you shouldn’t pass up. It’s hard to explain, but after attending a district convention, you just get it.

Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Key Club Best of 2017 Another incredible year is quickly coming to an end and before we welcome 2018, we want to spotlight a few of our favorite moments from this year. We launched a new service program Last January, we completed a pilot immersion experience in Miami, Florida. 19 Key Clubbers from across North America met for a week of unforgettable friendship, service and leadership. We are excited to announce Breakthrough will complete its second year this January in New Orleans and Miami! We funded more service! This year, we received almost 140 Youth Opportunities Fund grant applications, moved the application process online (making Key Club a little more green) and awarded US$69,763 to help clubs better their schools, communities and the world. We celebrated in San Antonio In early July, Key Clubbers gathered in San Antonio to celebrate our year of service, elect new leaders and learn about how we can make a bigger impact on the world in 2018. Check out Key Club’s YouTube page to see convention highlights and session video! We redesigned our website! received a massive overhaul. In September, after months of planning and construction, the new website was unveiled. It features a quicker, more efficient search option, personalized resource toolkits and a new service directory that allows clubs to submit and share their successful projects. We earned Halos Thanks to our partner Nickelodeon, clubs could apply for a new grant opportunity. As with our YOF grants, clubs submitted their service ideas, and members were able to vote for their favorites. The grant opportunity will be available again this spring so lookout! We helped eliminate MNT in 3 countries! With your generous help, three countries eliminated maternal neonatal tetanus. Through your contributions to Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF and The Eliminate Project, Ethiopia, Haiti and most recently the Philippines joined the list of cleared countries. Way to go!

Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


New Look For New Year Resolutions 2018 is coming, and it’s time to think about changes we want to make in our lives next year. Unfortunately, breaking your New Year’s resolution before February is almost as much a tradition as making a resolution in the first place. (Congrats to you if you’ve kept yours the entire year!) For those who have tried and failed, here are a few tips to help you stick with your resolution this year. 1. Write it down Print it, laminate it, frame it—whatever works for you. Put it where you will see it every day, like your locker or nightstand. Seeing your goal will help remind you of what you are shooting for and keep you on track to becoming the version of yourself you want to be. 2. Be honest with yourself Know what you are capable of doing and commit to doing what’s within reason. Don’t set yourself up by making a resolution that’s completely unattainable. 3. Keep going Real talk? You’re probably going to slip up. Don’t let that stop you. Keep going! Give yourself a little grace and know that a misstep does not mean you should just give up. 4. Get a buddy Keeping a resolution on your own is hard. Make it easier by having an accountability partner who helps keep you on track. Encourage everyone in your club to participate and support each other, or make resolutions as a club. What changes do you want to see in your club by the end of the year?

Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Yof grants update During the Key Club International Board Meeting, the committee on Youth Opportunities Fund evaluated over 150 Youth Opportunities Fund grant submissions. Committee members are excited to announce that US$69,763 will be awarded for a wide variety of impactful Key Club service projects. If you applied for a grant, please be on the lookout for a notification email during the second week of January. In addition, they have established a new and improved YOF application, a rubric for evaluating submissions and general recommendations to help the overall process in the future. Lastly, because the YOF committee approved the maximum amount of grants this year, the committee decided to hold off on the YOF scholarship program until more data is gathered to ensure an effective launch for our members so Key Club International will not be giving Key Club Scholarships as announced at the San Antonio International Convention. The YOF Committee is now going to review the International Contests and Awards. We are considering adding achievement awards for ICON as well as revamping the requirements for Distinguished Officer awards. These will not affect this year's district officers.

Travel to Japan with k Corps K Corps is Kiwanis International’s youth exchange program for Kiwanis-family teens. It’s a great opportunity for Key Clubbers to experience a unique culture, provide service, make lifelong friends and see spectacular sights half a world away! Through the program, clubs, families, and youth develop global Kiwanis friendships by doing just what members do—attending meetings, fostering fellowship, and volunteering their time and effort—in host communities half a world away. Learn the history of Japan! No, not the video— actually learn the history while living in Japan. Members will visit Tokyo and Kyoto during their exchange visit. Members will be hosted by a family and will share personal exchanges with Japanese Kiwanis Members and a local CKI club. We truly are global! The program will be active for its second year during the 2018 summer from June 14 to June 28, 2018. The application will be reviewed during mid-March! Visit for full details and to take advantage of this life-changing opportunity!

Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Thirsty Thirty The Thirst Project is an official partner of Key Club! To celebrate our collective agreement to end the global water crisis, we have decided to participate in Thirsty Thirty! So, what’s Thirsty Thirty? During the month of January 2018, clubs can participate in a local campaign advocating and raising money for clean water projects. Here’s how you start: 1. Identify how many people want to participate. (10, 50, 100 ect.) Decide if you want to include just Key Clubbers, or members of your community. 2. Have your members select a random envelope with a number ranging from $1 to $100. Vary the amounts in the envelops and record the quantity of money that should be raised. This amount will how much your participant has to raise! 3. After 30 days, your members can turn in the money they have raised to give to the Project Project. Donations to the Thirst Project can be made online via: Remember, all proceeds will go towards building water wells in Swaziland. A few tips: ask for donations, help your members and advocate for the Thirst Project cause all month-- happy thirstin’ Key Clubbers!

Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


15 more countries to go!!!

Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Club Contact Information Christian Education Alliance President: John Ekhoff E: Edison Preparatory School President: Harper McIntyre E: Jenks High School President: Angela Chen E: Tulsa School of Arts and Sciences President: Grace Bryan E: Sapulpa High School President: TBD E: Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


District Contact Information


Sabrina Palma


Shelby Morton


Foster Hillis


Stephanie Tran

Tech Producer

William Chao

Convention Liaison Dajah Brooks

Texas-Oklahoma Key Club Website

Regional Contact Information Regional Advisor

Angela Syverson

Lieutenant Governor 25N

Victoria Bonham

Lieutenant Governor 25W

Kathryn Aung

Thank you so much for reading and reply me the answer to:

What is your new year resolution, if you have any? Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


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