March Newsletter | Division 25W

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In this issue... Letter from your LtG


New Online Reporting System


March Task and Article Prompts


District and Governor’s Project Service Ideas


2018 DCON Registration


District Convention Bus


Boosting Club Morale


Make Your Club Great


Newly Elected Officer? What Now?


Everyone Deserves Clean Water


How to Submit Your Key Club News to Local Media


Major Emphasis Projects


Club Contact Information


District + Regional Contact Informations


Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Letter from Your Lieutenant Governor Hii ya Division 25W! It is 11 days before District Convention!! I am super excited to see all my board members for one last time and celebrate our district’s achievement and hard work. It’s hard to think that this key club year is coming to an end but I am delighted to have worked with everyone on the District Board and all my club officers and advisors. I have visited most of my clubs and each of you are unique and wonderful people. This year has been a learning experience for me and I hope to improve next year. To club secretaries, the District is having a new Online Reporting System. Be sure to read page 4 for more information. Please watch the tutorial video as it will go step by step on how to fill out the report. If you have any questions or issues with the report, please contact me or District Secretary Shelby Morton. To the outgoing officers, I hope being a key club officer has been a rewarding experience for you and that you’ve grown as a person as well. Thank you for your time and effort. I’ve truly enjoyed our time together and wished the best for your future! As this year ends, if you have any comments or suggestions on anything from newsletters, emails and what I need to improve, please let me know and I will make sure to put those into consideration for next year! Oh and come back for April Newsletters with DCON Pictures!! Yours in Caring and Service, Kathryn Aung Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


New Online Reporting Texas-Oklahoma District is having a new online reporting system!! Starting with March 2018 reports, secretaries will be filling out an online form. There may be small glitches but we have run test trials and it is ready to be live district-wide. The online report form is very similar to the current ones but there are a few changes. You will need a social description and different project type categories: Social Descriptions - to share ideas throughout the district Project Types - instead of writing descriptions all of your projects should fall into one of seven categories listed on the form. These are Governors Project, District Project, Religious Service, Service to Community, Service to School, Divisional Project, and Major Emphasis Projects. A few things to keep in mind about the online report form: ● Unfortunately, it will not allow you to save your work in the middle; therefore, you must complete it in one sitting. ● The Minutes Pages are still required for all meetings and should be uploaded to the form. ● The Task of the Month will be a document upload for those clubs choosing to participate in this part of the report. If you have any problems uploading files please let me or District Secretary Shelby ( know. ● You will NOT need signatures for the report. ● This form is mobile device compatible; therefore, if pictures of documents work best for your club then you may do that. ● If you need more room, please submit another form; however, be sure to indicate this in the questions, comments, or concerns filed at the bottom of the form. CLICK HERE FOR ONLINE REPORT FORM LINK I also highly recommend that secretaries watch the reporting tutorial video to understand the new changes and how to fill out the form. CLICK HERE FOR REPORTING TUTORIAL

Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


March Task And Article Prompts Task of the Month: Address your thoughts on the new reporting system.

Article Prompts: 1.

From the beginning of the year until now, how has your view of Key Club changed?


Why do you volunteer?


How are you or your club preparing for DCON?


Submit a Humans of Texas Oklahoma! How was your Key Club Experience and what is Key Club to you? Submit with a picture of you.

You are always free to write about any Key Club-related topic! The articles should each have at least 1 JPG photo and be sent as Microsoft Word documents. Have the author, school name, division, article title, and prompt/whatever topic you choose at the top of the document. Email August articles by April 5th to with the email subject: Division School January Articles.

Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Service Ideas Governor's Project: Service Ideas March: Mental Illness ● Throw a sporting event (Preferably a basketball tournament) to raise funds, awareness of mental illness ● Have Key Club members make posters that are motivational and bring light to the issues at hand ● Donate the money to National Alliance of Mental Illness or Research Organization for brain April: Spring into Service ● April Disability: Limb Loss Awareness Month (LLAM): ○ Volunteer at an amputation rehabilitation center ○ Start a campaign with LIMBS International and raise money to donate to amputees

District Project: Service Ideas Volunteer at a soup kitchen with your club!

Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


2018 dcon registration Early registration is now over BUT registration is still open till April 3rd. I highly encourage you to consider going to DCON, especially if you are running for club officer position. This is the perfect time and place to learn what key club is about and learn what it takes to be an officer and celebrate the year’s success! To register for DCON, visit The website features detailed instructions on how to book your hotel and register for DCON 2018. If you have any questions about registration please contact me or our Regional Adviser Angela Syverson at For more information about District Convention from DCON Resource Package to Contest and Awards Entries, CLICK HERE. ● ●

April 2 – All Appointed Candidate Forms are due to April 3 – Registration Closes

Scholarship Interviews If you turned in an application for Key Club scholarship, you will be receiving an email if there will be an interview for you at DCON. The interview schedules will be announced in early April.

Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


district Convention Bus DCON Bus In the past, our region rented a charter bus to ride down to Dallas for convention and we are doing the same thing this year → you will get to spend time and know other Key Clubbers from Region 3 on the bus while traveling. Pickup Location: Jenks High School on Thursday, April 12, 2018 Bus Company: Kincaid (same as last year) DCON: Sheraton Hotel Dallas, Texas Cost: $71.00 per person Send payments to: Angela Syverson 54601 W 38th Pl South Jennings, OK 74038 Checks need to be made payable to: TULSA KIWANIS. Payment will need to be made by April 6, 2018. Please make sure that checks are payable to Tulsa Kiwanis because they will be handling payment for the DCON bus. It would be really nice if you could let Ms. Syverson know the number of people riding the bus so that she can get a head count by March 16 th. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or Ms. Syverson at 918-698-8054

Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Boosting Club Morale It’s not uncommon for a club to get into a funk. Morale becomes low and attendance dwindles. Don’t worry – you can turn things around! Use these tips to get your members excited about Key Club all over again. ●

Positive Post-its. Focus on “club” accomplishments instead of “individual” callouts. Encouraging the club as a team unifies your members and promotes togetherness. Ask your members to place their positive posts on a designated board and set aside time for someone to read all the notes aloud.

Utilize and encourage positive social media posts. Instead of reflecting on (and venting about) negative experiences, encourage the importance of positive or uplifting social media messages. After a productive meeting or successful service event, share your happiness online. This also lets non-members see how awesome the club is and inspires them to join.

Club bonding opportunities. Take time to bond with each other. Knowing and understanding your fellow members builds a stronger club. Tie-dye socks to wear at your next service event or create friendship bracelets as reminders of the incredible bond you share. Pinterest is a great resource for other fun ideas.

Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Make Your Club Great Even the best clubs have room for improvement. These simple tips can take your club from good to great. ●

Organization: Make an agenda and stick to it. Keep on topic and still side chatter to keep the meeting on track and cover all discussion points. Create a binder for each major project. It should be detailed and contain samples of flyers, cost sheets, etc. When you keep a detailed record of a successful project, next year’s members can continue to execute the project efficiently. Follow up your week with a “rundown.” Did you get everything accomplished that needed to be? How can you get those last things finished? Boost club morale: Changing the overall morale of a group might not come overnight. We understand that. Check out the “Boosting club morale” article for fun ways to help uplift your members. Re-read the brand guide: This incredible tool is always at your fingertips. It has everything you need to create professional and eye-catching posters, newsletters and social media posts. Utilize social media: Brag about yourself! If your club had an awesome time at an event or has an important service project coming up, let people know. This allows others to see the incredible work you are doing within your community. Who knows, they just might join you.

Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Newly Elected Officer? What Now? Congratulations — you are officially an officer for your school’s Key Club. Now what? ●

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Make sure your club is still active and its dues are paid. Wait. Your club meets regularly, so it’s automatically active, right? Not necessarily. For your club to be considered active, dues must be submitted through the Membership Update Center. If unpaid, your club will become suspended, then inactive. And if your club is suspended or inactive, your position does not exist. This also makes you ineligible for Key Club scholarships. Review your officer guide. It has everything you need to do your job. Channel your board members’ eagerness and fresh mindsets into something beneficial. Sometimes a fresh start makes all the difference in a club. With a new group, use this as an opportunity to change what did not work previously. The sooner you start, the better. Remember, be positive! Put together a plan of action.What do you want to accomplish by the term’s end? What is the time frame for achieving your goals, and what do you need to be successful? Talk to previous officers. Reach out to people who held your position. Find out what worked and what struggles they had. Their experiences can help you pave the way for a successful term. Talk to each current officer. Learn what each position entails and how you might interact in the future. Reach out to your advisors. Communicate with them regularly so everyone is on the same page. They are there for guidance and are excellent resources. Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Everyone Deserves Clean Water March 22 is World Water Day. Millions of children woke up this morning with the task of walking 3.75 miles to fetch water for their family. Millions of women woke up this morning knowing they would spend six to eight hours a day collecting water miles away. The good news: There is hope.

Nine years ago, Thirst Project was started by a group of students who believed that the water crisis was arguably the greatest humanitarian crisis we faced as a global community. Today, the water crisis is still present, we are still fighting and students like you are still creating change. In the past nine years, students have helped Thirst Project give clean water to more than 330,000 people in 13 countries. In 2012, Thirst Project made it our mission to give everyone in the nation of Swaziland clean water. Swaziland is a small country in southern Africa, with a population of about 1.3 million. Swaziland has the world’s highest density population of HIV/AIDS: Around 26 percent of the population has AIDS. We set a goal to provide the entire nation of Swaziland with clean water so that we could show, once our goal was reached, how clean water impacts all aspects of life. We know that if Swaziland has complete water coverage, education rates will go up, because kids won’t have to walk six to eight hours a day to fetch contaminated water. We know that economic opportunity will rise, because women will be able to work and provide for their families instead of walking three to four miles a day to collect water. We know health and sanitation levels will increase, because if everyone in the world had clean water, we would cut global disease by 80 percent. We know that food security levels would increase, because you can’t have food security without water security. Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Everyone Deserves Clean Water Again, clean water changes everything, and right now we are working with our students to end the water crisis, starting with the nation of Swaziland. As we approach our 300th water project built there, know that you as Key Clubbers are part of making history. It is only with your help that we will be able to give everyone in Swaziland clean water, and by doing that, give everyone an opportunity at life. How can you help? There are three major ways you can work with Thirst Project between now and the end of the year to help end the global water crisis. 1. Schedule a Thirst Project presentation for your club in the fall. Thirst Project members are going back on tour during the fall 2018 semester, and they want to speak at your Key Club. Email for details. 2. Thirsty 30. Thirsty 30 is a 30-day fundraising challenge for clean water, and hundreds of Key Clubs around the country still are participating. The only way to avoid Thirsty 30 FOMO is to visit for more info on how to join the fun. 3. Go digital. Create an online campaign page and do something epic for the water crisis. We have seen Key Clubbers swim around the Statue of Liberty, run a half marathon or get pied in the face for clean water. Plan Safe something crazy and create your campaign page here: We believe in you as the most powerful agents of social change. Let’s end the global water crisis. With gratitude, Thirst Project Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


How to Submit Your Key Club News To Local Media When your Key Club does something amazing, share that with the rest of the world. How? It’s easy. ●

Find your local newspaper and television stations online. In the “contact us” or “about us” section, search for the reporter who covers education or youth. If one isn’t listed, use the email address for the news desk or city desk (print) or news editor or assignment editor (TV). You can also try the “contact us” email address/link. Follow the media outlet and specific reporters on social media.

Write a news release. Include the 5Ws: who, what, when, where and why. Need help getting started? Use our news release template. Be sure someone edits your news release. Email the release, with a photo, to your contacts. Don’t send the release as an attachment; include it in the body of the email. Include contact information for your club.

If a story runs, tweet and/or email a thank-you to the reporter. If it doesn’t run, upload your story and photo to the public Facebook pages of local media. Invite your contacts to a service project or meeting and start a conversation. Offer to be a source for future stories about volunteering, service and Key Club.

Here is an excellent example of a featured Key Club:

Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Club Contact Information Christian Education Alliance President: John Ekhoff E: Edison Preparatory School President: Harper McIntyre E: Jenks High School President: Angela Chen E: Tulsa School of Arts and Sciences President: Grace Bryan E: Sapulpa High School President: TBD E: Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


District Contact Information


Sabrina Palma


Shelby Morton


Foster Hillis


Stephanie Tran

Tech Producer

William Chao

Convention Liaison Dajah Brooks

Texas-Oklahoma Key Club Website

Regional Contact Information Regional Advisor

Angela Syverson

Lieutenant Governor 25N

Victoria Bonham

Lieutenant Governor 25W

Kathryn Aung

Thank you so much for reading and reply me the answer to:

At the end of your term, what is one thing that you learned? Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


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