Cop 3 Proposal

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Kathryn Brown OUGD501 / Studio Brief 03 CoP 3 Proposal

Question. Introductory Statement. Using the research, understanding and analysis that has been explored around the subject of a graphic designer’s role in influencing change in society through completing CoP2, the proposed focus question that will be explored for CoP 3 is; What is Good. Looking at this question in a more in-depth way, the subject of the social responsibility of a graphic designer will be explored in terms of ethics which relates and will be linked back to the overarching question. What ethics is and how this relates to design will be one of the initial starting points to the research project, as well as looking at theorists and designers who have considered this in their design practice. This will then lead on to the exploration of what is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in terms of design, providing case studies and theorists to explore the definitions. So far the initial research into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ has drawn attention towards what is ‘green design’ and the social responsibility that graphic designers have towards society in producing efficient and recyclable design. This will allow for an extension of the research already carried out in CoP2 and for a development of understanding around the social responsibility of Graphic Design in terms of sustainability. From the reading already completed for this research project, the understanding is that ‘green design’ is something that each designer will eventually be apart of. It is therefore imperative to explore the practice involved in green and ethical design and how they then relate to sustainability, furthering on to how this can affect society.

Relevant Themes. - Ethics in Graphic Design - Morality in Graphic Design - Green Design - Sustainability - Sustainability in Graphic Design - Manifestos

Quotes. ‘Green design is a matter of finding and using better physical material’ Dougherty, B (2008) ‘designers can craft and deliver messages that have a positive impact on the world’ Dougherty, B (2008) ‘What is good? and what is bad?’ ‘I give the name ethics.’ Roberts, L (2006) ‘Good is certainly ethical in intention, but only to an extent in outcome’ Roberts, L (2006) ‘Proposing a reversal of priorities in favour of more useful and lasting forms of communication’ (K Garland 1964). ‘Sustainability in business should give integrity, not greenwash. It should inspire change from your employees, consumers and client’ (Sophie Thomas) ‘The public is more familiar with bad design than good design. It is, in effect, conditioned to prefer bad design, because that is what it lives with. The new becomes threatening, the old reassuring.’ (Paul Rand)

Websites. Nini, P. 2004. In Search of Ethics in Graphic Design. [ONLINE] Available at Parkins, S (2006). Ethics and Social Responsibility. [ONLINE] AIGA. Available at Do The Green Thing. 2006. Do The Green Thing - Creativity vs Climate Changes. [ONLINE] Available at Ethics in Graphic Design. [ONLINE] Available at http://www. Designers Accord [ONLINE] Available at Design History -

Books. Roberts, L. (2006) Good: An introduction to ethics in graphic design, Lausanne: AVA Dougherty, B (2008) Green Graphic Design, New York: Allworth Press Shea, A. (2012) Designing for social change: Strategies for community-based graphic design, New York, USA: Princeton Architecture Press Berman, David B. (2009) Do Good Design, California. USA: New Riders Macavery, K. (2010) Ethics: A Graphic Designer’s Field Guide, Simon & Schuster


Cast Iron Design, Eco Notebook. This notebook has been made and printed using minimalistic carbon footprint materials. The design also acts as a resource of information on paper, aiming to encourage designers to integrate sustainability in their own practice.

The Seven Dimensions of Climate Change, Ellen Li

ActionAid, Send My Friend To School (2004/15) Thomas.Mathews

Earth Greetings, Heide Hackworth.

Life Cycle of a Product.

Contextual References.

Jill Hey set up a company in the settlement of Imazamo Yethu, Cape Town, South Africa. Her aim was to make use of waste which is where T Bag Designs stemmed from. The company use dried, emptied and then ironed tea bags which are then use to produce various pieces of art. This is a local producing and selling business however is an example of sustainable and efficient practice.

Thomas.Mathews This is an award-winning communication design agency, founded by Sophie Thomas. They specialise in ‘design solutions for the built environment and social change, focusing on the delivery of good design that is appropriate, sustainable and beautiful’.

Cast Iron Design are an ‘environmental responsible’ design studio located in Boulder, Colorado. They are an example of a studio who are already using their environmental awareness to better their practice in terms of design and the environment. They ensure that they rethink approaches to design to ensure that they are reducing the environmental footprint. This is something that they are open about and aim to share with others through written articles, lectures and other physical goods.

Zerofree are an ethical design agency who create visual identity and design for print and digital based media. As well as producing design for ‘responsible brands’ they also donate a number of designs to ‘challenged charities and good causes’. They ensure that their practice remains ethical through only completing work for those who have a positive impact on the world, ‘we are determined not to benefit those who we believe do harm’. This is again, another example of a studio who are putting their ethnicity before money and are therefore supporting those who are doing ‘good’.

Contextual References.

First Things First, Ken Garland 1964.

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