Design Boards OUGD501 Studio Brief 02

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Defining the Brief

1. Research Question - To what extent does graphic design have an active role in influencing change in society 1b. Is it viable? What is there to research? How can we know about it? How do we study it? - How effective design is that addresses and environmental issue are at influencing our behaviours towards the environment - Surveys/questionnaires - Explore theorists who have explored this area and the effectiveness of design; Michael Bieruit, The Green Patriot Bus Campaign -Identify existing research that has been carried out in this area

2. Defining the design problem The design problem is: knowing what you can and can’t recycle is information that is given out with minimal detail. This is something that can be appropriately addressed through the use of graphic design to inform the user of what and how they can recycle particular materials. To do this the following areas will be explored: - The techniques and methods used to produce an effective piece of graphic design. This is something that will be identified through appropriate research of existing examples.

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4. Audience The audience largely depends on the chosen topic area of exploration. This will inform who the main target audience are. Some examples of possibilities have been noted below. COULD BE - Students - Children under age of 16 - General public - Households

5. Mandatory Requirements The following requirements will be continuously referred back to through completion of this studio brief. This will ensure that the outcome fulfils and answers the identified problem in an effective and appropriate way. Following the requirements will also ensure that there has been a varied number of directions explored. - Effective and appropriate imagery - Effective and appropriate typography - Must include charity logo or recognition to charity (if done for a charity)

3. “Client” needs or requirements In response to the design problem, there is the possibility to link the outcome to a charitable organisation. If this were to be the direction chosen, the charity would require the main focus to the design outcome. The outcome would also require and follow the charities guidelines/ethics/tone of voice. - Consideration to the audiences existing knowledge Requirements to guide project - Thorough research completed under chosen subject (recycling, climate change, pollution, etc)

- Motivational yet informative language Aims To produce a design that is visually encouraging and informative to the audience, as well as influencing them to change their behaviours towards the environment in a positive way.

Contextual Research

At this stage general, varied research has been carried out. This has created an overall understanding of climate change as well as other contributing factors. This has allowed for research in a number of different areas and will inform the idea generation stage by providing a number of alternative directions to explore. Society To influence the practical work, an understanding of societies knowledge has been gained on the subject of climate change, as well as more specific topics. Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time. This affects regions all round the world. From speaking to a number of individuals, it is clear that everyone is aware of climate change. This knowledge is mainly based on what is broadcast in the news. Those who have recently been through education have a more in-depth knowledge and awareness of climate change, especially if they have studied Geography. This is knowledge that they say they pass on to family and friends.

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Technologies If the design is highlighting an environmental action, then the production of the design should be influence by this, e.g. the design isn’t going to be something that produces a high amount of pollution. - Biodegradable vegetable inks are available to use in printing. Vegetable based inks are an alternative to petroleum based inks and produce rich colours as well as making the paper much easier to recycle. This type of ink does not use solvents and therefore is generally better for the environment. - Risograph printing is one of the most environmentally printing methods. This is a process that the co-operative printing company Footprint offer. The ink used in this print method is soy-based and is therefore the most eco-friendly printing technology that the business are aware of. - There are a number of recycled and FSC papers available for use.

Project Background

The Context

To identify what is needed to produce an effective piece of graphic design, analysis of existing examples has taken place. As well as this, more general information has also been sourced to develop an informed understanding of the subject area.

Distribution. This depends on the form of the outcome but may include: - Posting to UK households - Creative to be displayed in schools/public areas - Informative centres

- Questionnaire - The responses made to the questionnaire referenced to in Studio Brief 01 indicate the tone of voice and overall nature of the posters meant that they were unsuccessful in fulfilling their aim. This is something to consider when producing a graphic response and importance of appropriate tone of voice.

- Website

Target Audience

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Four target audiences have initially been explored after having a more general and informative understanding of Climate Change and other topics such as recycling and pollution. The target audience will inform/will be informed by the idea generation stage. Who?


- Children between the ages of 4-10

- Families in the U.K

- Climate change is something that is gong to effect the younger generations more than the older. This means that they are the ones who need to be influenced from a young age so that it becomes a part of their life rather than something that they need to adapt too

- Working class adults earning an average income - This target audience is of a more general nature however is the largest audience to direct the information for.

- As children of this young age may not have an opinion on climate change, this is something that needs to be taken into consideration with the design so that an opinion is not forced upon them

Who? - The general public of a particular city (e.g London) - Targeting a large audience like this would require the design to be displaying a subject area that is current and that the audience already have some existing knowledge of - This would make the design less specific due to reaching out to such a large audience

Who? - Businesses - Targeting those businesses who use a lot of paper each year. This is already something that is being reduced by the use of electronic billing, emails etc. - This is a target audience who would have a large affect on climate change if certain behaviours such as printing/carbon emissions/waste were addressed

Visual Examples

Contextual Examples. Scott Laserow is a social and environmental designer who produces engaging and thought provoking poster designs. The poster ‘Plastic Fish’ captures the shocking fact that ‘2/3 of the worlds fish suffer from plastic ingestion’. This is achieved through digitally edited photography in a realistic form. The colour palette of the poster reinforces the negative connotations that are created. The second piece of creative is by Leeds City Council. This leaflet was received through the post and informs Leeds residents of what materials can be recycled into. This is an alternative method of providing the audience with relevant and useful information - it gives the audience an incentive to recycle as they are seeing where their efforts are going. The overall layout of the leaflet is simple, with the use of colour separating the concise sections of text. The tab element to the design gives it an interactive feel and is therefore more appealing to engage with.

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The Surfers Against Sewage charity aim to protect UK waves, beaches and oceans. They use photographic images in their campaigns to add a sense of realism to their campaigns. The recycling posters use minimalist line drawings of the objects that the poster is focusing on to add a modern and current appearance to the designs. This keeps the design appropriate to a larger target audience, as well as having a direct informative purpose. This is also similar to the ‘bag for life’. This is further reinforced through the use of flat CMYK colours used in a number of the different designs. To attract a younger target audience, a TV character has been used in one of the more commercially distributed. This is an element of recognition for younger children and therefore draws their attention to the poster. Each of these aspects are successful at appealing to a large target audience and therefore will be considered when making design decisions.

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Idea Generation

From completing varied and more focused research on the specific topic of recycling a range of different outcomes were explored in the idea generation process. Through analysis and feedback the most appropriate outcome was chosen, with further idea generation being carried out. These sketches demonstrate a range of outcomes that would be taken in the form of a poster design. Through the feedback discussion it was said that the variety of ideas sketched allow for an open experimentation process. However, when considering design that will change societies behaviours and be sustainable, is it effective to produce more waste through design? The stock used would be recycled stock that has a low carbon footprint production method. Vegetable inks would also be used when printing to reinforce the messages being communicated through the imagery/typography.

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Idea Generation

These sketches demonstrate another set of ideas explored. The first being a design that would be printed on a receipt. This is something that is already physical in the world and would therefore not be producing anymore waste which was a concern raised in the feedback. However, it was also said when discussing this idea that many till operators give the option of having a recipe for your shopping therefore meaning that the message may not be as widely distributed. Bin labels are a piece of creative that are already existing in a number of different forms. This design would clearly display the materials that can be recycled and therefore educating the audience.

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Idea Generation

As plastic bags are a product individuals engage with on a weekly/daily basis, they were the most appropriate outcome selected. This is due to their wide scale distribution and the material being something that is already used and produced. This decision was further informed by the recycling survey carried out. This identified that individuals ranging from ages 16-50 mainly reuse the plastic 5p carrier bags for an alternative or the same purpose however the bags are then placed in landfill. It would be more successful if the bags were recycled and this could be influenced through a change in design. Through analysing existing plastic bag design it is evident that there is brief information encouraging the user to recycle the bag. However this is not a large focus on the design and is therefore most often not seen by the audience.

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Target Audience

After identifying the outcome in which will be developed, the explored target audience information was revisited. It was identified that the target audience would be individuals ranging from 16+. Although this is a large target audience, the outcome is not something that would benefit from having a more focused target audience. This is due to the nature of the outcomes explored as well as the overall subject of recycling. Recycling is something that each and every member of the population should be doing. Although this is an unlikely case, it is essential to reach out to as many individuals as possible to ensure that improvements and changes are made.

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#1 - 18, male, student - Visits the supermarket weekly - Buys a 5p bag on the majority of occasions as does not carry alternative bag - Puts bag in general waste bin

#2 - 30, female, full-time accountant - Visits the supermarket weekly to do a full shop - Occasionally buys a 5p bag on occasions she does not carry alternative bags - Puts plastic bags in general waste bin or reuses as a small bin bag

#3 - 56, female, teacher - Visits the supermarket weekly to do family shop - Rarely buys a 5p bag as carries alternative - Puts plastic bag in general waste bin on occasions where they are bought


Following on from developed sketches focusing on 5 different outcomes, digital versions were created and mocked up onto a plastic bag. The categories are; recycling visual, typography, shock factor, supermarket branding and pattern design. These categories were highlighted through a survey conducted to gain an understanding of their knowledge and behaviours towards recycle. Each of the designs were experimented with in terms of composition, and content. The content and colour choices was informed by the research conducted into recycling and recycling creative.

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The feedback comments made on each of the categories has informed and directed the continuation of development of the designs. The comments highlighted elements that are effective, such as the pattern design and bold text drawing in the users attention. As well as this negative aspects were also highlighted such as the need for more information when addressing what a plastic bag can be recycled into as well as ensuring that the type size is large enough to draw the users attention to the message.

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Following on from the feedback received, the following designs were determined as the most successful in their category. By successful, they were said to influence individuals the most to recycle or reuse the bag. The first design seen has been added, informed by the research carried out on ‘Bags for Life’. These bags typically take on characteristics of a pattern, making the bag visually appealing to the audience. This is an example of such characteristics displayed on a standard plastic carrier bag.

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A further survey was carried out targeted at individuals aged 16-50 to identify the most successful designs in terms of influencing the audience to recycling and reusing the plastic bags. Although this is a large target audience, plastic carrier bags are a product that are used by the wide general public and therefore the design must appeal to all, to a certain extent. The results of the survey show that the most influential design in terms of encouraging the audience to recycle the bag is design 5. The enthusiastic comments, follow a similar nature of the design being a provoking and shocking statement and that the bold type catches the audiences eye and emphasises the importance of recycling the product. Design 2 was also a popular choice with many of the comments indicating positivity towards seeing a visual of what a plastic bag can be if it were to be recycled and this is something that would influence them to do so. As this is only the opinion of the 50 respondents, a conclusion can only be made on the smaller selection of the target audience. That being that design 5 is the most successful at fulfilling the aim.

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Links to critical analysis/research: the designers job is to communicate and inform people and prompt them to make educated choices about what they do, how they act and what they consume’ Scott, D (2012) ‘The graphic designer has an immense power over their surrounding, due to the nature of their work; work that can be very powerful and persuasive and can influence how we engage our world. (Berman, 2009, p.1)’ ‘By utilizing our ability to effectively communicate and build interest, we can generate awareness and further cause to end global warming.’ ( The above quotes are from three of the main influential texts read that influenced and guided the critical analysis and visual investigation. The outcomes have both been shown (through feedback comments) that they would influence an individual to recycle and reuse the plastic carrier bag. This is in terms of the bag being received at a supermarket or local store. The designs therefore are prompting the audience to make educated choices about what they do, further demonstrating the power of a graphic designers communication with society.

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Product / Distribution / Reception

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If the plastic bags were to be produced, they would be commercially printed on a large scale. The most efficient printing method would be through the use of an offset printer. It would be imperative to ensure that vegetable/other environmentally friendly inks are used to print to follow the sustainable and ‘green’ design aims. To reach the largest distribution scale possible, the design would need to be taken on by supermarkets and other retail shops. An example of this has been mocked up for ASDA. Coupling the pattern design that users said would encourage them to reuse the bag and with the shock fact that users said would influence them to recycle the bag as well as catching the eye of others, the supermarket has an all round carrier bag that is going to influence users to change their behaviours (recycle the bag and not put it into landfill). This design therefore fulfils the original aim set for the brief: To produce a design that is visually encouraging and informative to the audience, as well as influencing them to change their behaviours towards the environment in a positive way. This had been achieved through the design process and therefore supports the statement that graphic design can influence change in society.

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