PSY 230 – THEORIES OF PERSONALITY – Complete Class Includes All DQs, Individual and Team Assignments – UOP Latest Purchase this tutorial here
PSY 230 Complete Course Week 1-9 Includes All DQs, Checkpoints, Assignments, Capstone and Final
PSY 230
Theories of Personality
Week One: Personality Theories
Discussion Questions
CheckPoint: Observations
Week Two: Social-Learning Theory and Behaviorism
CheckPoint: History of Personality Psychology
Assignment: Personality Theory Presentation
Week Three: The Nature of Traits
Discussion Questions
CheckPoint: Interactionism
Week Four: Basic Traits
CheckPoint: The Clusters
Assignment: Character Evaluation
Week Five: Personality Traits over Time
Discussion Questions
CheckPoint: My Experience
Week Six: Human Motivation
CheckPoint: Motivation Theories
Assignment: Motivation Evaluation
Week Seven: Social-Cognitive Theory
Discussion Questions
CheckPoint: Personal Constructs
Week Eight: Stages of Life and Development
CheckPoint: Stages of Ego Development
Assignment: Erikson’s Timeline
Week Nine: Narrative Identity and You
Capstone Discussion Question
Final Project: Personal Narrative
PSY 230 Week 1 Checkpoint – Observations
CheckPoint: Observations
Due Date: Day 5 [post to the Individual forum]·
Post a 200- to 300-word response to the following: How have you used· the scientific process (unsystematic observation, building theories, and evaluating propositions) in your life to better understand your personality? Provide an example in your response.
PSY 230 Week 2 Assignment – Personality Theory Presentation
As an expert in the field of personality theory, you have been asked to present at a large Psychology conference. The focus of your presentation is behaviorism and social-learning theory.
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
Create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint® presentation on behaviorism and social-learning theory.·
Include speaker notes and graphics, use appropriate font size, limit· text on each slide to five lines, and use approximately five words per bulleted item.
Incorporate key concepts from the following theories in your presentation:·
o Behaviorism – Classical conditioning, operant conditioning, reinforcement, tabula rasa, etc.
o Bandura’s social-learning theory: Information on observational learning and self-efficacy.
Post your presentation as an attachment.·
PSY 230 Week 2 Checkpoint – History of Personality Psychology
Resource: pp. 24-26 in A New Introduction to Personality Psychology text and Appendix B·
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum·
Use Appendix B to list at least five of the events or major concepts· found in each of the three historic periods of personality psychology.
Post as an attachment.·
PSY 230 Week 3 Checkpoint – Interactionism
Resource: A New Introduction to Personality Psychology·
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum·
Observe a social gathering.·
Review Table 4.1 on p. 117 of the textbook.·
Post a 200- to 300-word response to the following: What influence· does culture have on personality? Do you see a person’s reaction to something as separate from social experience or as a result of social experience? Which one of the four positions of the nature of traits do you agree with most and why? Compare and contrast your position against one of the other four positions of the nature of traits.
PSY 230 Week 4 Assignment – Charachter Evaluation
Assignment: Character Evaluation
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum·
Think about a character from one of your favorite films, fictitious or biographical.·
Write a 350- to 700-word paper that describes the character’s personality in terms of the five trait clusters.·
Provide specific examples of how these personality characteristics· affect the character’s choices. Cite the film you used as a reference.
Follow APA guidelines.·
Post your completed paper as an attachment.·
PSY 230 Week 4 Checkpoint – The Clusters
CheckPoint: The Clusters
Resource: A New Introduction to Personality Psychology·
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum·
Select three of the five clusters. In 200 to 300 words, explain where· you think you fall within the spectrum of each. Of the five clusters, where do you think your personality fits overall?
PSY 230 Week 5 Checkpoint – My Experience
CheckPoint: My Experience
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum·
Think about an experience, positive or negative, that has impacted the course of your life.·
Post a 200- to 300-word response to the following: Do you think this· event changed your personality? If it has changed your personality, how has your personality been changed? If the event has not changed your personality, why not? How much of your personality do you think has been determined by environmental influence vs. genetic influence?
PSY 230 Week 6 Assignment – Motivation Evaluation
Assignment: Motivation Evaluation
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum·
Select a famous person in the media or in history and think about a choice the person has made.·
Write a 350- to 700-word paper profiling this person and explain how· each of the three views of motivation (psychoanalytic, humanistic, and diversity) may help understand his or her reasoning and choice.
Include a summary of the concepts and terms from Henry Murray’s theory of needs.·
Follow APA guidelines.·
Post your completed paper as an attachment.·
PSY 230 Week 6 Checkpoint – Motivation Theories
Post a 200- to 300-word response to the following: With which of the· motivation theories do you agree most? With which of the theories do you agree least? Explain your position.
PSY 230 Week 7 Checkpoint – Personal Constructs
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum·
Explain the concept of personal constructs. What is a personal· construct? How are personal constructs related to social perspectives? What is the relationship between personal constructs and behavior?
Compose your response in a single, 200- to 300- word post.·
PSY 230 Week 8 Assignment – Eriksons Timeline
Assignment: Erikson’s Timeline
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum·
Write a 350- to 700-word paper that explains which of Erikson’s eight stages of life you believe you are currently in.·
Explain why you think you are at that stage, and describe that stage· in your paper. What is the central question posed during that stage? How have you consciously or unconsciously sought to answer that question? Provide specific examples.
Choose someone you know who you think is at another stage in his or· her life. Briefly describe that stage. What is a central question posed during that stage? How has this person consciously or unconsciously sought to answer that question? Provide specific examples.
Follow APA guidelines.·
Post your completed paper as an attachment.·
PSY 230 Week 8 Checkpoint – Stages of Ego Development
Explain Jane Loevinger’s stages of ego development in 200 to 300· words. Include manifestations that might appear during each of the stages.
PSY 230 Week 9-Capstone DQ
Post your response to the following: Integrate multiple ideas from· theorists you have studied during this course to construct your own personality theory. Using the text to support your theory, address the following questions:
o How is personality developed?
o What roles do genetics and environment play in personality development?
o How do experiences influence personality?
o How is a person motivated?
PSY 230 Week 9 Final – Personal Narrative
Resource: Appendix A and A New Introduction to Personality Psychology·
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum·
Review the Final Project Overview in Appendix A.·
Review your responses to CheckPoints in Weeks Three and Five.·
Construct a 700- to 1,050- word personal narrative that addresses the following questions:·
o How have you seen the purpose and meaning of your life evolve over the past 5 years? What events have led to this evolution? Describe how one of the theories from your text might explain this evolution. Use specific concepts and terminology from the theory in your answer.
o What roles have religion, race, culture, family, and gender played the development of your personality?
o Suppose you could change one of the major episodes of your life (your earliest memory, a turning point, a high point, or a low point, for example). What change would you make and why?
Post your paper as an attachment.·
PSY 230 - UOP. Tags: PSY 230 A Graded, PSY 230 A++ Work, PSY 230 All Individual and Learning Team Assignments, PSY 230 All Weeks, PSY 230 Answered, PSY 230 Axia College, PSY 230 Checkpoint, PSY 230 Final Exam, PSY 230 Final Guide, PSY 230 Full Course, PSY 230 help, PSY 230 Homework, PSY 230 Individual Assignment, PSY 230 Learning team Assignment, PSY 230 online class, PSY 230 Phoenix, PSY 230 Product, PSY 230 Questions, PSY 230 Solution, PSY 230 Study Guide, PSY 230 Summary, PSY 230 University of Phoenix Learning Team Assignment, PSY 230 UOP, PSY 230 UOPhelp, PSY 230 week 1 Assignment, PSY 230 week 1 DQ, PSY 230 Week 1-5, PSY 230 week 2 Assignment, PSY 230 week 2 DQ, PSY 230 Week 3, PSY 230 week 3Assignment, PSY 230 week 3DQ, PSY 230 week 4 Assignment, PSY 230 week 4 DQ, PSY 230 week 5 Assignment, PSY 230 week 5DQ, PSY 230 week 6 DQ, PSY 230 Whole Class PSY 230 Entire Solution.