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Aspley Art Group On Tour
Artists from the Aspley Art Group (AAG) are excited to present some of their latest works of art to the community later this month.
The group will be showing an interesting selection of their paintings at the Albany Creek Village Shopping Centre from Monday 13 March until and including, Sunday 19 March. The exhibit will be open from 9am – 5pm Monday through Saturday, and 9am- 4pm on the Sunday.
All paintings are for sale, and artists are happy to consider commission requests. New memeber and membership enquiries are always welcome, so please speak to one of the friendly artists if you are interested.
bit about the AAG
The Aspley Art Group was founded almost 50 years ago (1973) and has a membership of talented local artists working in a range of styles and mediums which include oils, acrylics, watercolours, pastels as well as pen & ink and a variety of sketching mediums. The group regularly enjoy showcasing their art at local shopping centres, as well as other venues when available, such as an annual exhibition at the Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital. The AAG donates regularly to the RBWH Research Foundation and the annual show adds additional funds from a percentage of all paintings sold. New members are always welcome, and more information about membership and the group’s activities and artists is available on the AAG website (www.aspleyartgroup.org). We derive great pleasure in producing our art and hope we can provide enjoyment for others. That is our greatest reward.
Groove into 2023
Tired of the gym, and noisy night clubs? Then head along to The Hills District Community Centre for a bit of community folk dancing.
Members revel in an assortment of Anglo/Celtic/Bush dances with a historical twist. Embrace your culture (even if you didn’t think you had one) and join the crew for a fun-filled evening of dancing. It’s social and absolutely non- competitive, but you can still be part of a team as you dance to the brilliant music of their band, Phillip’s Dog.
Community dance is important now more than ever, as people look for ways to connect. It encourages people to be more active, to socialise and develop creative and physical skills. Just a few of the physical benefits dancing can give are reduced stress levels, improved relaxation, stronger bones and muscles, weight control and a healthier brain. The dance group are also proud to be part of Moreton Bay Regional Council’s Healthy & Active program. This makes classes very affordable at only $4 per session.
Join the group at the Farmers Hall in Samford on Friday evenings from
7:30pm -9:30pm on the following dates: 10th March, 14th April, 12th May, 9th and 23rd June, 14th July, 11th August, 8th September, 13th October, 10th November and 8th December.
The group will also be commencing a new series of dances at the Hills District Community Hall, 291 Dawson Parade, Arana Hills on Friday evenings from 7.30pm - 9.30pm on the following dates; 24th March, 28th April, 28th July, 25th August, 22nd September, 27th October and 24th November. Contact Heather on 3289 4707 , or email heather@historicaldance. au. Further details can be found on their website www. historicaldance.au