2018 Fall Newsletter

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cover photo by ANTONETTE JEMELKA

photo by AMBER GONZALEZ ‘16

A LETTER from Fr. Brian

I pray that, as you read the stories in this newsletter, you are reinvigorated with hope for the Church - hope for our young people, hope for vocations, and hope for an increase of faith. The Texas A&M and Blinn Catholic students who fill our pews are the leaders who will soon fill your pews and strengthen your church. St. Mary’s is moving forward with our mission of forming young Catholics with integrity of character through the graces of visiting religious, impactful retreats, and ministries designed to meet students where they are in their faith journey. Together, these graces act to connect, grow, serve, and share the life and vibrancy of the Catholic Church with students. Your parish

community invested in the first 18 years of faith formation of these students. Now, during their college years, please pray for our staff and leadership as they endeavor to keep the faith you ignited alive in these young people. In Christ,

Fr. Brian McMaster ‘95, Pastor

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Contents 4. Something in the Water 6. Growing the Ministry 7. The Heart of a Servant 8. Heart’s Oasis 9. I Was Floored 10.12th Man Jesus Goes to the Monastery 11. Building Up Our Community 12. Making All Things New 14. Leaders Under Construction



Have you ever hiked across Texas A&M’s campus carrying a mini fridge, clothing, and granola bars? If so, you have probably moved a freshman into their dorm. This year, embodying the Aggie spirit of service to others, Aggie Catholic students teamed with the FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) missionaries to help carry the physically and spiritually heavy loads families were hauling. After settling into their dorms during Welcome Week, almost 5,000 people attended our kickoff weekend Masses. Inevitably, they got to hear Fr. Brian’s pre-Mass announcement:

“Let’s do the St. Mary’s squeeze.” In other words, sit as close to your neighbor as possible - leaving room for the Holy Spirit, of course. As Fr. Brian says, if you get to 10 AM Mass “late” at 9:45, you may be entrusted to be the 12th Man, and stand. Jacob Mangold ‘20 admitted that he arrives for 10 AM Mass when the 8 AM Mass is letting out. There must be something in the Holy Water that keeps the pews spilling over and the blessings pouring out!


Over 400 students swarmed A&M’s campus to staff and attend the largest and boldest Connect retreat in the history of St. Mary’s. Incoming freshmen and transfer students were given the opportunity to immerse themselves in their Catholic faith while being surrounded by Aggie traditions. Making the connection between St. Mary’s and their school life, small groups bonded as they marched from Rudder Tower to the church to hear talks, receive reconciliation, and praise the Lord in adoration. The faith is truly alive in our students!

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Students serving at Connect on campus (right). // photos by MANNY MORENO ‘18

Aggie Catholics helping with move-in (left). // photo by DR. RANDALL LIGHT



Student responses after attending Connect 5

Fr. Greg ‘09 (left) and Laurita Keeler ’16 (right). // photos by ANTONETTE JEMELKA & MANNY MORENO ‘18

GROWING the Ministry

An estimated 4,000 new Aggie Catholics are in Aggieland this fall, but they are not the only additions to St. Mary’s! Fr. Greg Gerhart ‘09 and Laurita Keeler ‘16 joined our staff this summer. Fr. Greg has not shied away from the crowds that enter St. Mary’s; instead, he has entered directly into the multitude of students to welcome them to their “home away from home.” Before graduating in 2009, he captained Texas A&M’s ultimate frisbee team and taught middle school religious education at St. Thomas Aquinas, a family parish in College Station. He has come full circle from receiving spiritual direction from Fr. Brian as a student to now serving as an Associate Pastor with him at St. Mary’s! Visit aggiecatholicblog.org to read Fr. Greg’s recent testimony on fighting for the Church, in addition to other inspiring posts.

Laurita Keeler ‘16 joins our music staff to empower students to use their gifts and talents. She will assist in forming these young musicians in prayer, docility to the Holy Spirit, and in musicianship. During her time as a student, she was well prepared for this task - involving herself in music for daily and Sunday Mass, Connect, and Aggie Awakening. She also served as a missionary for Ablaze Ministries, in which she worked in campus and music ministry at St. Joseph’s in Bryan. You may catch her playing piano, guitar, or djembe, but she dreams of becoming a “groovy bass player.”


Fr. Greg: “Howdy.” I love that we facilitate hospitality and the simple acknowledgement of the other’s existence! Laurita: Muster and the Aggie ring. Both of these really emphasize the importance and the gift of community, and I’m so grateful and honored to be a part of the Aggie family for the rest of my life.

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THE HEART of a Servant Deacon Switzer Deason // August 17, 1941 - July 10, 2018 Deacon Switzer faithfully served St. Mary’s for the last 13 years of his life even after receiving a brain cancer diagnosis in 2008 - through baptisms, RCIA, prison ministry, and a ministry for homebound parishioners. Prior to his diagnosis, he worked annually with 100 or more engaged student couples at St. Mary’s as they completed their pre-marriage preparation. A flood of thank you notes came after his funeral, some attributing Catholic conversions and the decision to pursue the diaconate to Deacon Switzer’s example.

Deacon Switzer was not always Catholic. In 1980, after 17 years of marriage, Switzer Deason converted to Catholicism. He quickly found his footing in the Church, bringing this faith into the county jail after religion was thrown from it in the ‘70s. He soon began inviting graduate students to join him in this ministry. His love for the Church grew further, and he was ordained a deacon in 1988. Fr. Brian said “Deacon Switzer exemplified a servant’s heart. He loved the Church and his family. We are blessed for having had him as a deacon and a friend.”

“Deacon Switzer would quietly and humbly come to Mass with his wife Cathy, and pray with and for the students at St. Mary’s. I feel blessed to have spent this time with Deacon Switzer and, ultimately, praying with him and worshiping our Great God together.” (Tim Walker ’12, former altar server)

Deacon Switzer Deason and his wife at his ordination with Bishop McCarthy in 1988.

We ask you to join us in prayer for the repose of Deacon Switzer’s soul and for the comfort of his family and friends, who greatly mourn his loss. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.




“It feels beautiful and romantic…this is the place where He really began to love my heart to life. So to be here, in this location…it tastes extra sweet.” Samantha White ‘15, from Georgetown, Texas, graduated with a degree in psychology and a minor in philosophy. She is currently in a volunteer year with the Apostles of the Interior Life (AVI) at St. Mary’s and says “it’s so nice to be back at a place that has been so much of an oasis for my heart.” She served as a FOCUS missionary at Baylor University after graduation, but has since decided to follow the call to pursue religious life. At the start of Samantha’s junior year at A&M, a friend signed her up for spiritual direction, and Samantha met with one of the sisters at St. Mary’s. In this appointment, she had an encounter with God that changed her life. Samantha learned how to pray and was taken by how real Jesus Christ truly is to each of us in prayer. Samantha recalls spiritual direction as a time that “helped me to see what’s inside my heart, and to look at it honestly, then to advocate for what’s inside.” A gracious host family has taken Samantha into their home so she can participate in the lives of our sisters to better discern religious life. She has one meal with the sisters each day and joins them for prayer. Samantha is currently studying Italian on campus (the language all the sisters speak in the community), and she helps the sisters with their programs at St. Mary’s. St. Mary’s three AVI sisters engage with over 80 students each year in scheduled spiritual direction, along with countless others in casual meetings and conversations. The sisters walk alongside students as they uncover the unique longings of their hearts. They help students discover their own desires and then encourage them to respond to God’s calling in their lives, whatever that may be. To learn more, visit aggiecatholic.org/AVI. ST. MARY’S NEWSLETTER / fall 2018 / 8

“I WAS FLOORED.” Gig ‘em and God bless to the newest member of the Fightin’ Texas Aggies, Fr. Charlie Banks, OMI. After nearly 12 years of serving the Aggie Catholic students, Fr. Charlie was gifted an Aggie ring by a former student/current seminarian who took a vow of poverty. Fr. Charlie makes the three hour drive from San Antonio every week to serve our students through spiritual direction, reconciliation, and Mass on Mondays. What better way to honor Fr. Charlie than to welcome him into the 12th Man with one of the greatest Aggie traditions!


*To read Lauren Gulde’s entire article on 12th Man Jesus, visit aggiecatholicblog.org.

12 MAN JESUS Goes to the Monastery TH

Quickly dubbed Twelfth Man Jesus, this student is now an Aggie legend. I was at that first game where Twelfth Man Jesus’ face was displayed proudly across the giant screens of Kyle. Images of Sam went viral on social media within minutes. I looked at those pictures and thought, “Hey, wait a minute. I know that guy! He sings in the choir at St. Mary’s. With a shirt on, of course, and his hair pulled back... but that’s him alright!” Sure enough, it was Sam Tomaso, a third generation Aggie, senior Civil Engineering major, member of the Texas Aggie Water Ski Team. Dubbed Twelfth Man Jesus, covered by Texas Monthly, the SEC network, and numerous television networks, photographed and selfied by hundreds, if not thousands, of adoring

Aggies - his story was a dream come true for any Aggie student. What more could anyone want?

Well, actually, Sam did want more. Looking like Jesus wasn’t enough. “I’m trying to look like him, even beyond appearance. I’m trying to be Him to others. If this spreads a little joy, then I think I’m being a little like Him.” At the end of his senior year, Sam discerned his call to enter the Cistercian Monastery in Dallas. St. Mary’s played a vital role in his discernment. Sam shared, “One day, I got a nudge to walk across the street from my Northside dorm to go to daily Mass. Then, I went the next day and the next day. It became a habit. I became aware of the beauty of the sacrament of the Eucharist and the vocation of the priesthood in a really special way. Slowly but surely, I saw the beauty in the vocation from the priests at St. Mary’s; by how genuinely they lived out their vocation and how happily they tried to be Christ to the communities they shepherded. That was inspiring to me. That’s something that

every priest I’ve met at St. Mary’s does. They’ve all been extremely genuine about who they are, what their mission is, and who they are trying to be which is Christ - even through Fr. Brian’s silly sound effects and jokes!” While we are out here interacting with the world, Sam is probably still getting used to his new monastic life of prayer, study, and work. He will spend this Novitiate year hidden away behind the strong limestone walls of Our Lady of Dallas Abbey. He will not be in contact with family, friends, media, or the outside world. He will spend a full year in prayer and community with his brothers, discerning his future vocation. He won’t be watching any Aggie football games and no longer sports his beard or long hair. Twelfth Man Jesus has long been shaved and trimmed away. Sam Tomaso has “put on Christ” in a new fashion - where men wear robes rather than overalls and chant rather than yell. No matter which way Sam’s vocation turns, his example is inspiring. May we all strive for an authentic imitation of Christ.

Sam Tomaso ’17 (middle) and friend, James Helms ’18 (right), cheering on the Aggies.

If you watched Aggie football last year, you might have heard of this guy. His arms in the air, whipping his twelfth man towel, cheering faithfully for his Aggies, with a prominent number 12 shaved into his chest hair. The Aggies loved him. The Aggies cheered louder, and our team played harder.

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Aggie Catholic men playing ultimate frisbee on campus with Fr. Greg ‘09.

BUILDING Up Our Community Do you know how to change a tire or paint a watercolor masterpiece? Have you played Ultimate Frisbee with a cassock-wearing priest? Men’s and Women’s Ministry at St. Mary’s gives students the opportunity to learn new skills and have fun in unintimidating environments. Although faith formation ministries are vital, not all students are ready to dive into a Bible study just yet; they may be open to a night of painting with a professional artist or throwing a frisbee with a priest. Sarah Walsh ’19 and David Ojeda ‘19 say “Women’s Ministry is a great starting point to get plugged in” and “Men’s Ministry is focusing on building a strong male community.” Events span from fitness classes and building campfires to potluck dinners and grilling burgers. If a student does not like this month’s event, they may like the next. This “onramp” could be the opportunity a student needs to step into St. Mary’s doors, and eventually drive onto the highway of their Catholic faith.

Aggie Catholic women at “Painting with a Snack.”


Heather Sasser ’19, President of Kappa Theta Beta 11


With growing desires in the hearts of students to deepen their faith, St. Mary’s is working to sustain the living stones of our ministry - our people and programs - while also building the physical stones of our ministry through two vital building projects: 1) the JPII addition to the current student center and 2) the New Church Campaign. If you have visited St. Mary’s recently, you might have noticed a little more dust and metal fencing around our beloved church. This phase of construction for the JPII addition involves remodeling the courtyard and adjusting and enlarging utility lines prior to expanding the current student center. ST. MARY’S NEWSLETTER / fall 2018 / 12


7/1/18 - 6/30/19 (raised $508,000 of $2.25 million goal)

While we anxiously await the completion of the JPII addition, we celebrate reaching tremendous milestones with $14.8 million raised towards our New Church Campaign goal and $508,000 raised towards our annual operations goal.

For more information on giving to St. Mary’s, please visit aggiecatholic.org/give. To see time-lapses of our construction projects, visit aggiecatholic.org/construction.

We humbly ask for your family’s support of the living and physical stones of our ministry through prayer and through financial giving. By making a gift, you and your family will help provide a dynamic and inviting Catholic campus ministry to thousands of Aggie Catholics each year.



Launched in 2017 (raised $14.8 of $20 million working goal)

LEADERS Under Construction FORMING YOUNG CATHOLICS WITH INTEGRITY “St. Mary’s has allowed me to be a leader in my faith life...This means living out my faith and sharing it in abundance to the world.” (Logan Yosko ‘20, Aggie Catholic Ambassador President) Mark Knox ’03, Director of Campus Ministry, explains that some churches struggle to allow their youth to take leadership, in fear that failure will result. However, giving students permission to take charge gives them invaluable confidence in their future endeavors. At St. Mary’s, 150 student leaders are given the space and the tools to take ownership of their faith. All students are formed through prayer, the sacraments, and a variety of events; however, our student leaders take it a step further. Campus Ministers, like Kevin Pesek ‘10, consult the leaders, but give them the chance to learn from their mistakes and grow in confidence through their successes. Kevin said

our annual Leadership Retreat has two goals: 1) to have the student leaders realize the gravity of their new position in which God has entrusted them with the souls of their peers and 2) to bring them joy in realizing how great an opportunity that is! “Being involved at St. Mary’s has not only shaped me spiritually, but provided me the chance to grow professionally. Through Aggie Awakening, I had the opportunity to plan and facilitate a retreat of 50+ people, thereby increasing my public speaking and leadership skills. Now, as an Aggie Catholic Ambassador, I am able to interact with individuals in stages of life both similar and different from my own, which has taught me invaluable interpersonal skills that I will use for years to come.” (Julia Salinas ‘19, Aggie Catholic Ambassador Vice President)

The Aggie Catholic Ambassadors (pictured above) represent the students of St. Mary’s by saying “thank you” to our benefactors and welcoming others into our church. Next time you see one in a new blue coat, say hello! ST. MARY’S NEWSLETTER / fall 2018 / 14

photo by SOFIA SOTO ‘19

Alondra Martinez ’19 walking alongside a child on St. Mary’s Guatemala mission trip.

forming apostles for the Church & the world

ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CENTER 603 Church Avenue College Station, TX 77840 (979)846-5717 www.aggiecatholic.org


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