2017-2018 Annual Report

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cover photo by ANTONETTE JEMELKA

Spiritual Statistics MASS ATTENDANCE

Daily // 250 - 300 Weekend // 3500 - 4000 Home Football Weekend // 4000 - 4500


RCIA & Confirmation // 106 this Year

STUDENTS SERVING IN LITURGY EMs, Lectors, Altar Servers, etc. // 500 +

STUDENT INVOLVEMENT In One or More Organizations // 2200 +

RECONCILIATION Offered 6 Times / Week


Available for 1500 + Hours / Year


Priests & Brothers // 115 Women Religious // 18 Deacons // 38 In Formation // 61 Expected to Enter Formation this Year // 9

As we reflect on this past school year, I would like to take a moment to recognize all of the fruit that the Lord generously provided us with here at St. Mary’s. We welcomed new staff members - including Mark Knox ‘03, the new Director of Campus Ministry, Blayne Jemelka ‘12, the new Director of Liturgy, and Christopher Lafitte ‘10, the Director of Pastoral Counseling - which is huge! Our staff is growing, allowing us to welcome more students into our various ministries. We welcomed a new priest, Fr. Greg Gerhart ‘09, into our grace-filled parish, while we said goodbye to our beloved Fr. Ryan. It has been a year of change, but the Lord showered us in his merciful love, allowing us to continue ministering to the students of Texas A&M and Blinn College.

We are enthusiastic for this new year to come; for the continued mission of forming apostles for the Church and the world. We have five themes that we focus on as we consider how to minister to our students: connect, grow, serve, share, and worship. Each student is at a different point in their spiritual journey. But when they walk through these doors, we are called to meet them where they are - to serve them in the best way we can - so that they will be equipped and ready to serve the Church wherever they end up after graduation.

growth, forming missionary disciples that will be sent out. Within these testimonies and stories, you will notice just how prevalent and fundamental these patterns of growth are in the lives of our students. Thank you for the ways in which you support St. Mary’s as we continue to serve the future of the Church.

With a focus on these five themes, along with a greater focus on small groups and personal encounters, we are able to cast a wider net of evangelization. We are able to guide these students through the necessary steps of

Fr. Brian McMaster ‘95, Pastor


In Jesus through Mary,


A LETTER from Fr. Brian


forming for the & the

ST. MARY’S ANNUAL REPORT / 2017 - 2018 / 4

apostles Church world Contents 6. The Kids Are So Good 8. Spiritual Hunger 9. Necesito De Ti 10. Revolution of Healing 12. Loud Silence 13. The Sisters of St. Mary’s 15. The Spirit is Moving 16. A Choir of Five Thousand 18. Following Jesus to the Mountains 19. Faith Takes the Field 20. Updates from Development 22. Sacrificial Support



// Fr. Ryan has had quite an influence on my life during my time here at St. Mary’s. I remember the first Magnify we had last semester (fall of 2017). During worship, I saw him getting a little bit emotional. After the event was over, we talked to him about it, and he simply responded: “Those are my kids.” His family here will miss him deeply, but we will never stop being influenced by his love and generosity. // Becka Landry ‘18

After three years as St. Mary’s Associate Pastor, spiritual director, Aggie Awakening advisor, Ale Mary brewer, and friend, Fr. Ryan Higdon has received his call from the Bishop to take on a new role as Pastor of St. Louis Catholic Church in Waco. Fr. Ryan expresses what a “goodbye” to St. Mary’s is like: // I’ve been saying two phrases with an ever growing frequency lately. I’ve found myself saying these phrases in homilies, in passing conversations, stray moments, during goodbyes and farewells, and quietly and softly in prayer. Honestly, I think it’s because I’m personally grasping for a way to express my experiences and feelings, but all I’m left with are these simple pedestrian expressions. I write of them now because it’s the best way for me to express what it has been like to be a priest at St. Mary’s and, moreover, what it is like for a priest to say farewell to a beautifully graced place. The first phrase organically started nearly two years ago during a tough conversation, as the pastor, Fr. Brian and I, discussed the best way forward for St. Mary’s. Perhaps filled with the Holy Spirit, I brought some perspective to the conversation by happily exclaiming, “But the kids are SO good!” It has since become a refrain of mine. Faced with a difficulty or burden, I’d hear it softly repeat itself in my heart, and it would bring me around to what is truly beautiful about St. Mary’s - Mary’s children. As I leave, I now constantly hear it. As I look at countless thank you notes - the kids are so good. As I remember joyful conversations in the center - the kids are so good. Remembering spirit-filled liturgies and their participation in them - the kids are so good. The joy of accompanying so many - the kids are so good. These simple words become a refrain, a prayer of gratitude, a way

of keeping the right perspective. With 17,000+ Catholic students it can be easy to confuse blessings for burdens when the demand is high, rather than see them for the joy that they are. These kids are so good and it is good to serve them. The second phrase started almost immediately after announcing my transfer to St. Louis in Waco - “Don’t be a stranger.” What began as perhaps a polite way to say goodbye in passing has quickly become an anthem and prayer. Praying over these words, I’ve found them to be absolutely true of ministry here at St. Mary’s, and of our life in Christ. Who are we if we don’t share our hearts? Who are we if we don’t make an attempt to welcome others? Who are we if we let once strong connections drift because it would be too hard to maintain them? Here at ST. MARY’S ANNUAL REPORT / 2017 - 2018 / 6

St. Mary’s, a profound lesson of the heart for me has been the power and beauty of a life lived in communion. To live in relationship with Christ and others through him is perhaps one of the greatest blessings life can offer. “Don’t be a stranger” is as much a reminder to pray as it is to be welcoming and hospitable to others. I say this not as an encouragement, but as a way of acknowledging what already exists, and that I value it deeply. In the parting and the farewell, it’s a simple way for me to mark the beauty of what is and a desire to carry it with me. “The kids are so good” is an expression of overwhelming gratitude and “Don’t be a stranger” is a simple way of saying that I desire to retain that blessed gift. //

photo by AMBER GONZALEZ ‘16 Fr. Ryan Higdon on the recent Frassati trip to Colorado.



Emily (Nagel) Anderson ‘18


SPIRITUAL Hunger When everything sounds good on a menu, do you have trouble picking? With over 40 organizations, retreats, and prayer opportunities (and innumerable events and activities), how does one student choose? Well, if you know someone coming to A&M, former intern, TJ Poynor ‘18, has some advice to pass on to your friend or family member:

// I went on the Freshman Connect retreat before classes started and everyone was told to wear their Connect shirts on the first day of school. So, I started looking for the Catholics in my classes, hoping to make friends; I continued to do that through senior year, as well. It took me almost two years to get involved and start diving into my faith. To any student reading this, don’t be like me, don’t wait. Please, do not wait. The Lord is already calling you by bringing you to Texas A&M. Keep in mind, he doesn’t just want you to be involved, he wants you to know his heart. So, while starting here at Texas A&M, the most important thing, more than any organization, more than any event (even though the events are fantastic), the most important thing is to meet Jesus in the Sacraments, daily. Daily Mass, confession, and praying before the Blessed Sacrament in adoration; they changed my life and gave me courage through Christ, and our relentless Father can do the same for anyone that believes in his power and mercy. // Your gifts have filled St. Mary’s menu with fantastic options, which provide the opportunity to satisfy your family member’s or friend’s spiritual hunger. Encourage them to look for a St. Mary’s t-shirt (and wear one) and meet Jesus in the Sacraments. As TJ said, “when I started to go to other events, I knew more faces, and through the daily Sacraments and my relationship with Christ, I suddenly became more confident.”

Above: Students representing St. Mary’s and Texas A&M on mission.

Magnify and Men’s and Women’s Ministry events are great places to start building a relationship with Christ and a community. We are excited to welcome your family member or friend! For more information on getting involved, please visit https://www.aggiecatholic.org/new.

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// Going into A&M, I never expected that to be my college experience - that I would be involved at the Catholic Center. It was really surprising how God worked through those years that I was there. // Ruth Tello ’18

Below: Ruth (in front of sign, on left) at the Necesito de Ti Retreat.

Ruth has graduated from Texas A&M and is humbly giving a year of service in Dallas at “In My Shoes,” a community for pregnant and homeless women. However, Ruth opened up about how she was not a practicing Catholic before coming to A&M: // As I leave Texas A&M, I am filled with joy because I have graduated, but sadness because I am leaving the home that I had for four years. Part of my home was my community in Pescadores at St. Mary’s. The main thing that sparked my having a relationship with Christ was the Pescadores retreat, Necesito De Ti, which I attended my freshman year. Having that community afterwards and having those friendships eventually led me to practice my faith. What helped me a lot was learning the “whys” of what we believe. It changed me from being a non-practicing Catholic to, now, a devoted Catholic who loves the faith. I think if it wasn’t for my time at St. Mary’s and my growth in my faith, I wouldn’t be doing what I am right now. It was only the start of a journey God had planned for me to have with him. I was able to serve as coordinator of this retreat last year and president of the organization for a semester, where I worked with other members to create Bible studies and social groups to make others feel invited and welcomed. I am thankful for the great community of friends Pescadores has given me and am excited to see it continue so others can enjoy the same growth as me. // Thank YOU for funding impactful organizations like Pescadores, our Hispanic student group. One invitation was all it took for Ruth to fall in love with Christ. Imagine the Church if we all invited one more person into that encounter.



St. Mary’s is overjoyed to have Christopher Lafitte ‘10 on staff, offering students counseling centered on faith. You make this possible with your gifts! Here is a glimpse of the foundation of Christopher’s essential counseling services: // Being made in the image and likeness of God, we must look to the Trinity to understand who we are. When we understand that God is a communion of persons, a dynamic family of relationships bound together in love, we see that this is what we are made for; we are made to live in a communion of love. This finds expression in our lives when we have the experience of being received as a gift by another person, and then by making a sincere gift of ourselves to another. This mutual exchange of persons constitutes communion. We experience this with our family, our friends, and are created to experience this most completely with God. All human dysfunction and unhappiness finds its roots in relational disconnection - when these relational exchanges do not occur practically and faithfully in our lives. This disconnection leaves a lasting impression on us, “identifying” us, and this false identity remains until the pain is expressed and that part of our life is met with love, a love that restores us to communion. To summarize, we are made in the image of a loving communion of persons (God); we experience pain anytime communion in our relationships is severed, and we experience healing when lost communion is restored. This is the story of our creation, our fall, and our redemption, and what Pope Benedict XVI referred to in his book, Jesus of Nazareth, when he wrote, “When understood at a sufficiently deep level, healing expresses the entire content of redemption.” Jesus came to restore us to the communion that was lost at the fall of mankind. He came to restore us to ourselves, to others, and to the Father. This is healing. God wants to heal you. He wants to restore you to himself and to yourself - in wholeness and in fullness - so that you can live the reality of communion. This process begins every time we acknowledge the ways we struggle to love and be loved. The pain of this experience needs expression, and must find expression with another - we cannot escape our need for communion. When we express our pain to God, we open that part of our life to him and allow him to connect with us there. I encourage you to relate your deepest desires to God; offer everything to him until you have nothing left to give him. When we make this total gift of ourselves to God, we get to experience God as he accepts our invitation through a total gift of himself to us. It is then that we experience communion with God. This is the life we were made for and what God desires for each of us, to know his love personally. //

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Christopher Lafitte ’10 kissing the humeral veil at Magnify.


HEALING // There was a woman afflicted with hemorrhages for twelve years. She had suffered greatly at the hands of many doctors and had spent all that she had. Yet she was not helped but only grew worse. She had heard about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak. She said, “If I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured.” Immediately her flow of blood dried up. She felt in her body that she was healed of her affliction. // Mark 5:25-29



Courtney Kiolbassa ’18 (left) with friends, Fallon Scanlan and McKenna Kukla ’18.

LOUD SILENCE Courtney Kiolbassa ‘18

// In March of 2018, I attended St. Mary’s Silent Retreat, in which college students spend their spring break willingly plunged into silence for five days of prayer, reflection, and spiritual guidance - you know, a totally normal college spring break. The silence had seemed daunting at first, but as quiet settled over the retreat center, each of us realized the connection with God in silence was unlike anything else. The retreat in 2018 came at the perfect time. Frenzied with job applications and senior projects and strained relationships, I went into the retreat with my wheels still spinning. We were encouraged to rest. Sleep in. Eat slowly. Explore nature. That would have been nice, but the outstanding retreat leaders knew that God had more than “nice” in store for us.

We were guided through prayer with the help of a spiritual director, and I will never forget the moment I poured out my fears about the future to my director. I felt God calling me to work for his glory, but what if I fell short? What if I was rejected? What if I didn’t trust enough? My beloved director looked me in the eyes and said, “When God speaks, he creates. He is not commanding you to do this alone. He is giving you the grace to accomplish it through him.” He gave all of us the grace of encounter that spring break: encountering the Trinity, Scripture, and one another. Throughout the end of my senior year and into the uncharted territory of the “real world” I have carried with me great peace, remembering words that God spoke to me on that retreat. “In him we were also chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things” (Eph 1:11). It is in the silence of prayer that we learn that we are chosen, that we grow in confidence to trust God. //

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THE SISTERS of St. Mary’s WHAT DOES A CALL TO RELIGIOUS LIFE SOUND LIKE? SR. KALIN SHARES HOW CHRIST CLAIMED HER AS HIS BRIDE: // “Come beloved of my Father.” I took a three day retreat in the days before my vows to prepare for my complete gift of self, and as the day itself drew nearer, I felt Jesus beckoning me deeper into his heart with these words. I was the one chosen by the Father for His Son, the one that the Son himself desired, and it was the desire of my heart to be wanted, chosen, to be able to give myself to my Beloved. So, in the moment when my long journey came to fulfillment, I simply replied in my heart: I have come; here I am. The change in me that followed was foundational. I no longer needed to discern how the Lord was calling me to give myself away in love, but now needed to remain faithful to it; I had been claimed. I think that has been the greatest

grace from my vows thus far, that the Lord continues to claim me, particularly the parts of me that I didn’t know I had locked away. And I think that has been the grace that I’ve been given for my time at St. Mary’s as well, to help others allow the Lord into the dark places of their hearts. We are all the beloved of the Father who he wants to claim more and more as his own. //

Sr. Kalin at her profession of vows.

photo by JON SORIANO ‘17

St. Mary’s has been blessed to have the Apostles of the Interior Life since 2008. Sr. Kalin joined our team in 2012 to finish her formation.


Sr. Raffaella shares why she loves being a sister: // I feel privileged to be serving the students at St. Mary’s. Our vocation as Apostles of the Interior Life (AVI) is to be like the Samaritan Woman, who met Jesus at the well, received love and compassion, and then ran off to tell everyone what had just happened to her. She was truly the first Apostle of the Interior Life! I also like to think about our role as consecrated women as a sort of “spiritual ferry,” that goes back and forth from one shore to the other. On one side, we talk with people and receive their hearts, desires, fears, hurts, and dreams. We then go to prayer and reach the other shore where we give to the Lord everything we received. And that’s where he offers his reply and recommends us to reassure his children of his love and care. That’s exactly what we try to do by heading back across. And then it starts all over again! Every day, multiple times a day. This gives me so much joy! It’s the joy of spiritual motherhood, of taking care of the children that the Lord has entrusted to my care. I couldn’t desire anything more beautiful than this! //

“Go to” Saint? SR. RAFFAELLA

St. Francis De Sales, one of the best spiritual directors in the history of the Church.


St. Therese has been a great companion on the journey, teaching me about childlikeness and surrender. Padre Pio is like a father to me. He takes care of me. He is a great intercessor, and I love intercessory prayer.


Chiara Corbella Petrillo - she is not yet named a Saint but one day I am confident she will be! She is an amazing example, for our times, of faith and joy.


My “go to” saint is my patron saint - I was born on her feast day - St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. When I read her biography for the first time, I realized that it was no coincidence that I was born on her feast day. I recognized a friend in Heaven who understood me deeply and who would intercede on my behalf.

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photo by ANTONETTE JEMELKA Students and parishioners worshiping at Magnify.

THE SPIRIT is Moving

// I heard a possible call to the priesthood when I went on a high school retreat, the summer before I started at Texas A&M. It was a great springboard into my time in Aggieland, particularly at St. Mary’s. I dove right into serving on retreats, but being particularly invested in SMYRT (St. Mary’s Youth Retreat Team) and Aggie Awakening. It was not until my Awakening retreat (AA100) that, for the first time in my adult life, I actually sensed a desire for the priesthood. It was a little scary! I discerned on-and-off for the next couple of years, but it was through spiritual direction, Samuel group (where I met the Apostles of the Interior Life, AVI), and weekly Confession that I recognized that God wanted me to more exclusively discern priesthood. During Samuel group, I learned the spiritual method of discernment, used for any and every decision. I found that the sisters had a beautiful peace and trust in God. There was no pressure for one Vocation or the other, just trust. I greatly admired that and visited the priestly branch of the AVI twice in 2017. During the last few months of the year, I found peace in prayer at the thought of deepening my discernment by entering pre-formation with the AVI priests. It has been a wild ride with a lot of transition and adjustment, but the Lord has been at my side through it all. Through the prayers of the Aggie Catholic family and the resources available at St. Mary’s, I have been empowered to begin formation and deepen my discernment of God’s will. “From his fullness we have all received, grace in place of grace” (John 1:16). //

// I was backstage at a theater where I regularly perform improv comedy, just shooting the breeze with other performers, when, without any prompting from me, the topic of the Catholic Church came up. A couple of people really started riffing about their negative perceptions of the Church, tossing around words like “corrupt” and “evil.” I watched, a little dumbfounded at first. Once I had collected myself, I calmly stated: “And this is where I string them along until I finally reveal that I was in seminary for four years - at which point the tone of the conversation shifted dramatically. We even ended up discussing what Jesus would have wanted from his Church today. Right there. Backstage. At a comedy show. It turned into a constructive conversation that I still have with those performers even now from time to time. No animosity or hurt feelings. Just a thoughtful conversation sharing experiences and discussing ideas. It is not always easy to be Catholic in the world of comedy. Thankfully, I already had experience trying to walk that line in my time back at A&M. Being a part of Freudian Slip while also attending St. Mary’s, I learned how to comfortably and confidently share the fact that my faith is real to me, even while respecting that other people have their own perceptions and experiences. Being formed in the faith, steeped in a loving community, and grounded in God - all thanks to Aggie Awakening and daily Mass at St. Mary’s - I knew more clearly who I was and Whose I was. And from this foundation I could step out in confidence to share my story with those hoping to hear it. //




Mike Macicek ’97, Music Director ST. MARY’S ANNUAL REPORT / 2017 - 2018 / 16

The choir may produce beautiful music, but Mike says “The congregation makes the building rumble.” I invite you to consider how much more beautiful a sound the musicians and priests hear as they are being blown away by the joyful voices of the congregation, making the walls rumble from the power.

As our music ministry grows, the need for an Assistant Director of Music was filled by Laurita Keeler ’16, who said “spirit led, intentional choices made during practice, prayer, and song selection draws praise and intimate prayer” from the congregation. Our choir understands that they are not performing. They are co-leading prayer with the Holy Spirit.

// The word “Liturgy” means “a service for the people.” So, one could then grasp how Liturgical Music then means “music for the people.” This is a concept so misunderstood by many, and one I don’t think I fully grasped until my time at St. Mary’s. Music Ministry at St. Mary’s is one of the few communities I’ve experienced that understands what it means to be an act of service for God’s people through the sacrifice of the Mass. Before my experience at St. Mary’s, I was a musician pursuing a career in music, hoping to somehow find fulfillment in the secular world. Because of the joy I experienced serving at St. Mary’s, I fell in love with the Liturgy in a way that I’ve never experienced, and went on to serve as Director of Music and Liturgy at a parish in Houston. You see, the difference between a good Music Ministry and a great one, is understanding that its actions are an act of service FOR THE PEOPLE OF THEIR COMMUNITY. Mike and the entire Music Ministry team understand that it’s not about their desires, it’s about what they are prompted to follow in service of their faithful community. // Johnny Philp ‘16, Youth Minister in Colleyville

THOUSAND Current student, Nick Blaskovich ‘19 shares why music at St. Mary’s is special: // I’ve learned that the best way to share my gift is to give it right back to the Lord, and to simultaneously draw others into worship with me. Being a part of music ministry at St. Mary’s is incredible: it doesn’t matter if you’re singing a song from the 1600s or 2018, the congregation responds in a loud and joyous way. The most incredible feeling is looking out at a church so packed that the aisles are standing room only, or playing praise and worship at The Rock and looking out at a chapel so packed that we have to ask people to move forward to allow room for people to enter from the back. And to see every one of those people lifting their voices and hearts to God in deep worship.

I started in St. Mary’s Music Ministry at the beginning of my freshman year, leading a Sunday Mass choir, and the next year I joined The Rock. Mike Macicek is the sweetest man, and makes, hands-down, the best-sounding music of any parish I’ve ever been to combining piano, guitar, bass, hand percussion, brass, strings, winds, and more - all for the glory of our Lord. Being involved in the Music Ministry at St. Mary’s has inspired me to take that fire and passion that exists in our church, and to spread it to the world. Thanks to my connections at St. Mary’s, I’ve been given the amazing opportunity to share this gift of music with St. Thomas Aquinas, a family parish in College Station. The combination of what I’ve learned at St. Mary’s and St. Thomas Aquinas has inspired me to be a big part of a Music Ministry no matter where I go when I graduate in the spring. // 17

FOLLOWING JESUS TO THE MOUNTAINS // I graduated early from Texas A&M without a job or a plan, but a whole lot of trust in Jesus. It was on Senior Outbound Retreat that Jesus revealed to me that I was supposed to apply for Life Teen Full-Time Missions. He had placed a desire for mission on my heart in the fall, but I was hesitant until that weekend. I spent a lot of time talking to some dear friends, Jesus, and people that I met as a freshman, about my dreams. We laughed, we cried, we asked deep questions, and we discussed what we wanted to change about this world. Through this time spent with friends: championing each other’s dreams, playing board games, praising Jesus in the chapel, listening to former students, and admiring the work the Lord had done in our lives since freshman year, I could clearly see the freedom God the Father offers us as his children. I had never felt more like a child while trying to live like an adult. The speakers encouraged us to use our formation from St. Mary’s by volunteering with youth groups at our new parishes or starting Bible Studies for our new young adult friends. In working for Life Teen as a missionary next year, I will be able to call upon the tools St. Mary’s gave me to share my faith with thousands of teens. St. Mary’s instilled in me a passion for ministry and sharing the Gospel (not to mention helped me become a good public speaker), and I am blessed with the chance to follow Jesus to the mountains of Georgia to love and serve his children. //

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Megan Byers ’18 (middle) with friends, Laurie Medina ’18 and Ashlyn Syzdek ’18, at the Senior Outbound Retreat.

Megan Byers ‘18

Fr. Brian McMaster ‘95

Nick Rossi ’20 (right) and his family on the Quad.



// Howdy! My name is Nick Rossi. I’m from Sealy, Texas and I’m a member of the class of 2020 working toward my degree in Civil Engineering. I’m a member of B-Company in the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band of the Corps of Cadets and was selected to be one of next year’s bass drummers. Something I’ve been working on is making all aspects of my life reflect my faith, so I decided to have my mallets blessed by Father Brian. I believe this will allow me to be more conscious of my faith every time I play the bass drum. Whether I’m practicing on the drill field or marching at halftime on Kyle Field, the mallets will serve as a personal, daily reminder of my faith. //


THE JPII ADDITION, THE NEW CHURCH CAMPAIGN, AND THE LARGEST EVER GIFT TO ST. MARY’S We have begun the JPII expansion to the student center! After overcoming delays regarding contract negotiations and rising costs, the twelve month construction process has begun. We anticipate moving into the expanded building addition in September of 2019. After just fourteen months since the public announcement of the New Church Campaign, we are excited to report fundraising results have exceeded $14 million in cash and pledges toward the working goal of $20 million. Pre-construction planning has begun and it is anticipated that groundbreaking for the new church could begin sometime in the calendar year of 2020. A planning and building committee has been formed to manage JPII construction, pre-construction process on the new church, and parking solutions. Texas A&M alumnus, Joe V. Tortorice, Jr. ’70, founder and President of Jason’s Deli Corporation, and his wife, Shelley, recently committed $3 million to the New Church Campaign at St. Mary’s. This gift represents the largest ever gift to our parish.

// Between Shelley and me, we’ve been attending St. Mary’s since I was a fish in the Corps in 1966. Our kids went there and in recent years we’ve been attending whenever we’re in town for campus activities. We love to watch the students, who are incredibly spiritual and devoted to their faith. In this day and age, our kids are bombarded with the wrong kinds of messages. We cannot lose them. We wanted to make this gift to help and to encourage others to give. It’s up to us to provide a facility that will inspire them and nurture their growth. // Mr. & Mrs. Joe Tortorice ‘70 // The new church at St. Mary’s is pivotal in our mission to prepare apostles for the Church and the world. This gift, and the devotion with which it was given, moves us forward with trust in God and reliance through prayer in his goodness. // Fr. Brian McMaster ‘95 // St. Mary’s has given and taught me so much through the years, and one of those things was to give, even when you have very little. Mark’s Gospel talks about this very thing: “A poor widow also came and put in two small coins worth a few cents. Calling his disciples to himself, he said to them, ‘Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood’” (Mark 12:42-44). // TJ Poynor ’18

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Seniors who pledged $66,162 in 2018 to a star on the ceiling of the new church.

UPDATES from Development

for helping us provide programs that form apostles for the Church and the world! Some of the programs you fund include‌






who have given for 5 consecutive years


of total funds came from the Living Faith Society *



who decided to support St. Mary’s Annual Fund



of total funds came from major gifts & other donations

of total funds came from the Sunday collection




who have given for 10 consecutive years

$2,591,239 raised during the 2017-2018 fiscal year

* The Living Faith Society is our monthly online giving society. If you would like to learn more, visit https://community.aggiecatholic.org/living-faith-society 21


Thank you for supporting St. Mary’s! We exist to provide campus ministry to over 17,000 Catholic students at Texas A&M University and Blinn College. Without the financial resources of a typical parish, St. Mary’s relies on the gifts of thousands of generous benefactors - parents, students, former students, friends, charitable foundations, and YOU!

The following pages contain lists of donors who have contributed to our various funds, including the Living Faith Society. This is our online monthly giving society! If you are interested in helping sustain our ministry, along with our over 1,300 current members, please contact the Development office at (979) 846-5717 or http://community.aggiecatholic.org/give.

THE LIVING FAITH SOCIETY Anonymous (34) Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Kuehler Miss Hailey Lenis Mr. & Mrs. Ed H. Madden Mr. Patrick Reichert Ms. Jennifer Rieger Mr. Donald Woodall Ms. Jane Abey Ms. Martha Acevedo Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Adam Jr. Miss Hannah Adams Miss Lauren Aguilar Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers Dr. & Mrs. James H. Albers Mr. & Mrs. Salvador Aldrett Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Aleman Mr. & Mrs. Mike S. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. David Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Alford Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Alford Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Allen Mr. Jorge Alvarado Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Perez-Roman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ambro Mr. Travis E. Amelang Mr. Charles Ames Ms. Molly W. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Danny Anderson Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Anderson Mr. Max Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Jim Andrews Drs. Al & Sandra Arca Mr. Peter Joseph J. Arienza Mr. & Mrs. David Armstrong Mr. Jaime Arteaga Mr. & Mrs. Sean Artman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ashour Mr. Michael Ashour Mr. & Mrs. D. Scott Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Aughinbaugh III Mr. & Mrs. John Austin Mr. Patrick Autry Ms. Lynette Avina Mr. & Mrs. Guadalupe Ayala Mrs. Julie Ayres Mr. Christopher Ayres Ms. Brandy Babin Mr. Peter Badzey & Mrs. Siobhan Badzey Dr. Donald J. Bagert Jr. Ms. Catherine M. Bahm Blair Bailey Ms. Linda K. Bailey Mr. Chris Balhoff Ms. Lauren Ballew Mr. & Mrs. Doug Balser Mr. Nicholas M. Balser Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Banowsky Mr. Ryan Barber Mr. Aaron Barclay

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Baril Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Baringer Mr. & Mrs. Andrew H. Barkley Ms. Sarah Barlow Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barnett Miss Michaela Barone Mr. & Mrs. Ed L. Barron Mr. & Mrs. David A. Barry Mr. Matthew Barry Mr. Richard T. Bartoskewitz Mr. & Mrs. Chris Barzilla Mr. & Mrs. Steven Bassett Mr. & Mrs. Joel R. Bassinger Mr. Benjamin Bates Mr. Mark Batis LTC & Mrs. Michael Batsell Drs. Steven & Miriam Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Harry Baumgarten Ms. Caitlin Baumgarten Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Bauml D.V.M. Mr. & Mrs. Gonzalo Bautista Jr. Ms. Madeleine Bayeh Ms. Kimmie Bayliss Mr. & Mrs. George L. Bazin II Mrs. Lois B. Beach Ms. Sarah Beardsley Mr. & Mrs. Chris Beardsley Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Becker Dr. & Mrs. Ross Beier Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Beltrand Mr. & Mrs. Jose Benavides Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Benavides Ms. Isabel Benavides Mr. & Mrs. Frank Benavidez COL & Mrs. James C. Bendele Mr. & Mrs. Paul Berger Ms. Claire Bernacki Dr. & Mrs. David A. Bessler Mr. & Mrs. Andy P. Bezner Mr. Brian Bianco Mr. & Mrs. Guy Bibeau Miss Ally Bimmerle Mr. Ryan Bindel Dr. Carol D. Binzer Miss Clare Birdsall Mr. & Mrs. Walter Birdsall Mr. & Mrs. Don Birkelbach Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Blackmon Mr. Jason M. Blackwelder Mr. & Mrs. James Blaschke Mr. & Mrs. Byron C. Blaschke Mr. & Mrs. Duane Blasik Mr. Nicholas Blaskovich Dr. Jamie & Mr. Matthew Blinn Mr. & Mrs. Bill Blowey Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bludau Mr. & Mrs. Marty Boardman Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Bobzien Mrs. Virginia S. Bockholt

Mr. & Mrs. Rodney J. Boehm Mr. & Mrs. John M. Boehm Mrs. Margaret Boerner Mr. Kyle Bohne Mr. & Mrs. Ben Bohuslav Drs. James & Sheila Bonds Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bonin Mr. & Mrs. John Bonn Mr. John D. Book Mr. & Mrs. Jack Borchgrevink Mr. & Mrs. Floyd C. Boriskie Mr. John C. Bosshard Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bourne Mrs. Kathleen Bowman Mr. & Mrs. Edward Boytim Mr. & Mrs. Craig S. Braden Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Braden Mr. & Mrs. Bryan L. Bradford Mr. & Mrs. Chris Bradford Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Bradicich Mr. Kurtis Bradicich Mr. & Mrs. Melroy I. Brandt Mr. Paul A. Branham Mr. & Mrs. John Bratton Miss Hannah Bratton Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Breedlove Mr. & Mrs. Paul Brenner Mr. & Mrs. Neel Brice Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Briggs Ms. Christen Bright Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Brightwell Drs. John & Rosina Brinkman Miss Amanda Briscoe Mr. Joshua D. Britt Mr. & Mrs. Ron Brophy Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Brown Mr. & Mrs. Russell Buckley Ms. Carmelita Bullinger Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Bullinger Mr. & Mrs. Hank Bullinger Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Bundy Mr. & Mrs. Sean Burke Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Burke Mr. Eric L. Burnett Mr. & Mrs. Grant Burton Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Busa Mr. & Mrs. Barry Buschmann Mr. Trenton Bush Mr. & Mrs. Randy Busker Mr. & Mrs. Justin Busselman Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Busselman Mr. & Mrs. Sean Butler Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Butler Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Butler Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Butterfield Mr. & Mrs. Jordan C. Buys Miss Megan Byers Ms. Lana B. Cade Drs. Dennis & Rebecca Cali Mr. Luis Gomez & Mrs. Rebecca Callan-Gomez

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Cambone Mr. & Mrs. Van Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Donald Campbell Mr. Stephen Campo Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Candia Mr. & Mrs. Terry Cannon Mr. & Mrs. Markus Cantu-Olivarez Ms. Mercedes Cardenas COL & Mrs. Patrick Carley Ms. Robin Carlin Mr. Carlos Carranco Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Cartwright Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Caruso Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Casmus Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Casper Mr. Jeremy Wood & Mrs. Claudia M. Castillo-Gonzalez Ms. Maria Casto Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cavazos Ms. Patricia Chavez Miss Diane Chen Ms. Catherine A. Cherrstrom Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Chiara Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Chilton Dr. Sunil S. Chirayath Mr. & Mrs. Scott Christiansen Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Churchill Drs. W. Bedford & Charlene Clark Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Clay Mr. Patrick Clerkin Mr. & Mrs. George Close Mr. & Mrs. Stan Cloud Mr. Alex Clukey Mr. & Mrs. Doyle D. Coburn Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cogwin Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Coker Ms. Anne Colley Miss Claire Collins Mr. & Mrs. William Collopy Mr. & Mrs. John Colvin Mr. & Mrs. Paul Comeaux Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Conger Ms. Melissa Connors Mrs. Gloria W. Conrad Mr. & Mrs. William Cash Conrad Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Cook Mr. Christopher Cook Mr. Nicholas Cook Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Cooksey Mr. Joseph Cooksey Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Cooper Dr. & Mrs. Jacob M. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Cooper Mr. Brian P. Corbett Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cordero Miss Monica Cordero Dr. & Mrs. Jimmie Corley Mr. & Mrs. Juan C. Corona Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Corrington Mr. David Cortez

ST. MARY’S ANNUAL REPORT / 2017 - 2018 / 22

Mr. & Mrs. George Cosakis Mr. & Mrs. David M. Cote Miss Rachel Cox Mr. & Mrs. Brian Cox Ms. Natalie Craig Mr. & Mrs. Jim Cramer Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin M. Cramer Mr. & Mrs. Walter Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Cressionnie Miss Mary Crimmins Mr. & Mrs. Michael Crimmins Mr. & Mrs. Charles Crowell Mr. & Mrs. James Crumbliss Jr. Drs. Jim & Erin Curry Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Curtis Ms. Stephanie Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cutbirth Ms. Jeni Cutbirth Mr. & Mrs. Steven Cyboran Miss Caroline Cyboran Ms. Theresa Czachowski Mr. & Mrs. Francis DaConturbia Mr. & Mrs. Rob Dailey Dr. & Mrs. Austin Daily Dr. & Mrs. Frank J. Dainello Mr. & Mrs. Gavin H. Daniels Dr. Martha & Mr. Joseph Dannenbaum Dr. Annette & Mr. Phillip Davis Mr. & Mrs. John Davis Mr. & Mrs. Mark Daw Mr. & Mrs. Mike Dawkins Miss Megan Dawkins Mr. & Mrs. Don Dawkins Mr. & Mrs. Chris Dawson Mr. & Mrs. Raul De Los Santos Ms. Maria de Lourdes Bustamante Deacon & Mrs. Switzer L. Deason Mr. & Mrs. David DeJong Ms. Anna M. DeLaRosa Mr. Bradley Delaune Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Dembny Mr. & Mrs. Brian DeVille Fr. Craig DeYoung Mr. & Mrs. John D. Di Filippo Mr. Edgar Diaz Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Diaz Mr. & Mrs. Fred Diaz Mr. Dominic DiCarlo Mr. Christopher Diem Mr. Seth Dingas LTC & Mrs. Joseph Dinkins Mr. & Mrs. Todd Divin Mr. & Mrs. David Dixon Ms. Heidi Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Manfred Doak Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Dobson Miss Drue Dolan Mr. Ryan Dooley Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Dory Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Doskocil Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Dossett

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Dougherty Jr. Miss Rebecca Dowd Mr. & Mrs. Michael Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Draughon Mr. & Dr. Douglas T. Dreher Dr. & Mrs. George B. Dresser Mr. Austin Driskill Mr. & Mrs. John A. Drozd Mr. John H. Drozd Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dubey Mr. Albert Duffel Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Duggan Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Doak M. Dunkin Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Dunn Ms. Jenny Duplechain COL (R) & Mrs. Charles W. Durr Jr. Ms. Jennifer L. Dworak Mr. & Mrs. Philip Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Tim Dylla Mr. & Mrs. Jeff B. Dziedzic Mr. & Mrs. James Eberhardt Ms. Martha Eberlein Fr. David P. Ebner Jr. Dr. Leah & Mr. Michael Eckart Mrs. Maureen Edwin Mr. Ryan Efaw Mr. & Mrs. John Ehlig Mr. & Mrs. Bradley M. Eilers Mr. & Mrs. Mike Eilers Mr. & Mrs. Joe Don Eilers Miss Mallory Eilers Mr. Chase Elander Mr. & Mrs. Frank Elizondo Mr. & Mrs. Chad Elliott Miss MaryBeth Ellis Mr. Tim England Mr. & Mrs. Bob Ennis Jr. Mr. Dalton Ervin Mr. & Mrs. Doug Erwin Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Escobar Mr. Nathan Esselburn Mr. & Mrs. Chad Evans Mr. & Mrs. Steve Evans Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Faber Mr. & Mrs. Adam C. Falco Mr. & Mrs. Tim Farek Ms. Evelyn Farias Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Farrar Mr. Shaun Fattig Mr. & Mrs. Jay Faulkner Mr. & Mrs. Chris J. Felderhoff Mr. Jeppesen Feliciano Mr. & Mrs. Martin Felicidario Mrs. Judy L. Fernald Mr. Jose L. Fernandez-Solis & Mrs. Earline F. Solis Mr. & Mrs. Joe Ferrara Mr. & Mrs. Tom Field Mr. & Mrs. Cletus Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Fitzsimon Miss Megan Flanigan Mr. Travis Fleitman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Floeck Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Flores Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William D. Florez Dr. & Mrs. Mark Florian Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Flusche Mrs. Carol Foley Ms. Mary J. Foley Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fontana Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fontenot Mr. & Mrs. Donald Forehand Mr. & Mrs. Mark Foreman Mr. & Mrs. Quint Foster Dr. & Mrs. Theodore E. Fox Mr. & Mrs. John M. Francis Mr. & Mrs. John T. Frazier Miss Natalie Freeman Ms. Lyli G. Frias-Vela Mr. Jacob Friedline Fr. Kristopher L. Fuchs Mr. & Mrs. Butch Fuessel Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fuhrmann Mr. & Mrs. Randall Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gabba Mr. & Mrs. George R. Gagnon Ms. Kaitlyn Gainer COL & Mrs. George Gajnon USAF Mr. & Mrs. Owen J. Gallagher

Ms. & Mr. Georinda A. E. Gallego Mr. & Mrs. Dave Galvin Mrs. Deborah Gant Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Gantt Mr. & Mrs. Sam Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo Garcia Ms. Brianne M. Garcia Mr. Carlos Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Garcia Ms. Nancy J. Garcia Mr. Aaron Garcia Mr. Carlos Garcia Miss Maria Garcia Ms. Leila Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Garcia Mr. Daniel Garcia Mr. David L. Garcia Ms. Carmen Garcia Ms. Heather Gardner Miss Grace Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Bill J. Garms Dr. & Mrs. Armando D. Garza Mr. & Mrs. John Garza Miss Sara Garza Mr. Carlos Pozas & Mrs. Gabriela Garza Ms. Vivian Garza-Steele Mr. Nicholas R. Gause Miss Melissa Gaxiola Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gay Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gazda Mr. Daniel Gazda Mr. & Mrs. Kirk A. Geohegan Mr. & Mrs. Brian George Mr. & Mrs. Jake George Mr. Rejath George Ms. Amira S. Gerges Mr. Anthony R. Gerhart Mr. & Mrs. Ken Gerik Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Gerken Mr. & Mrs. David Gerling Mr. & Mrs. Richard Giacomello Miss Gracie Gibbon Mr. & Mrs. Denis Gibney Mr. Cimarron Gilson Ms. Kathleen Gino Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ginty Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Glaser Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Glavy Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Gleason Mr. Nicholas Gleason Mr. Joshua Gleason Drs. Michael & Lisa Glenn Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gohlke Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Golla Ms. Liez M. Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gonzales Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo Gonzalez Miss Carolina Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Gorman Mr. & Mrs. David Gorman Mr. & Mrs. John C. Gorman Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Graeve Mr. David Grattafiori Mr. & Mrs. David G. Greaney Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Green Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Greenwald Mr. Michael Gregorio Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gregory Mr. John Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Grimes Miss Mary Beth Grundman Mr. & Mrs. Mario Guerra Jr. Ms. Sonia Guerrero Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Guilbeau Mr. & Mrs. Eliseo Guillen Ms. Christina M. Guillory Mr. & Mrs. Curt J. T. Gulde Dr. & Mrs. Ricardo Gutierrez Jr. Mr. Anthony Guzman Mr. William Guzman Miss Abigail Gwosdz Ms. Mallory Haas Ms. Megan Haas Dr. & Mrs. Michael W. Hackemack Mr. Steven Hafernik Mrs. Lucy Hajare Ms. Christine M. Hajovsky

Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Hales Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hanik Mrs. Mary K. Hannigan Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hans Dr. & Mrs. David V. Hanselka D.V.M. Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Hanus Mr. & Mrs. David Hanus Mr. & Mrs. Steve P. Harding Mr. & Mrs. John Hardwick Ms. Christina Harmon Mr. & Mrs. Justin D. Harper Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Harry Mr. & Mrs. Terence Hart Mr. & Mrs. David J. Harvell Mr. & Mrs. David Hatrel Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Havel Mr. Nathaniel Hawthorne Ms. Peggy Hayes Miss Sara Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hebert Mr. & Mrs. Edward Heiberger Mr. & Mrs. Ed O. Heierman Ms. Kayla Heine Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Helms Ms. Anna Hemmi Dr. Amanda Henkes Drs. David & Julie Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez Ms. Hernandez-Magallanes Mr. & Mrs. Brent Herridge Miss Danielle Herridge Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Herrington Mr. & Mrs. David E. Hessel Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hethcoat Mr. Luke Hicks Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hicks Mr. Brandon Hietpas Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hietpas Mr. & Mrs. David Higdon Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Hightower Ms. Caitlyn E. L. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hines Mr. & Mrs. James A. Hiney Mr. & Mrs. Lucas G. Hinojosa Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Lucas Hinojosa Sr. Mr. Andrew Hitscherich Ms. Megan Hlavinka Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hoang Mr. & Mrs. Delwyn Hocker Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hoelscher Ms. Jacqueline Hohenstein Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hohlt Mr. & Mrs. Eric Holbrook Mr. Blake Holbrooke Mr. & Mrs. Scott Holder Mr. & Mrs. Rey Holguin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Holicek Mrs. & Mr. Sheryl G. Holland Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Holland Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hollmann Mrs. Chelsea Holt Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Holub Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Holub Mr. & Mrs. Robert Holzweiss Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Homfeld Miss Savanna Hoover MGen & Mrs. Theo Hopgood Mrs. Teri B. Horswell Mr. & Mrs. Shane Hosea Ms. Julie House Mr. & Mrs. Roger Howard Mrs. Michelle E. Hranitzky Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hresko Mr. & Mrs. Stan Hruska Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hubbard Mr. & Mrs. Bill Huck Mr. & Mrs. Harold D. Huggins Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hughes Ms. Victoria Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Randy G. Huntress Mr. & Mrs. Todd Huskinson Miss Alicia E. Ibanez Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Igo Mr. & Mrs. Leonard T. Isaacs Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Jackson Mr. Colby Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Roy James Deacon & Mrs. Leroy Jan 23

Dr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Janecek Mr. & Mrs. Rex Janne Mr. & Mrs. John T. Jaques Mr. & Mrs. James Jaraczewski Miss Kiara Jaraczewski Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Jaska Mr. & Mrs. Randy Jedlicka Dr. & Mrs. Charles Jeffreys Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Jensen Mrs. Helen Jenswold Ms. Diana Jetter Ms. Nancy Jimenez Mr. & Mrs. John Jochen Mr. Jason Johns & Mrs. Jaspe Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Jones Mrs. Pamela Jones Mr. Brandon Jones Miss Ashley Jones Miss Carrie Jones Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Jordan Dr. & Mrs. Billy Jordan D.V.M. Mr. Jobin Joy Drs. Donald & Margaret Jung Mr. Andrew Juranek Mr. Marcin Jurek Dr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Juzaitis Ph.D. Mr. Joe E. Kahlig Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Kaler Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Kalich Mr. James Kalinec Mr. & Mrs. Anthony V. Kallina Mr. William Kalsch Mr. & Mrs. Karl Kapchinski Mr. Sonny Karivelithara Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Kasberg Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Kasper Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Kasprowicz Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kaus Ms. Chase Kavcak Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keefe Ms. Dell M. Kelby Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Kellen Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly Miss Sarah Kent Miss Emily Kent Mr. & Mrs. Mark Key Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Kibodeaux Mr. & Mrs. Jeff T. Kiertscher Mr. & Mrs. Rodney T. Killingbeck Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. King Ms. Nancy Kinkler Mr. Christopher Kinnally Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Kinsel Ms. Denise Kirk Ms. Haley Kleimann Ms. Meredith Kleimann Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne Kleman Ms. Courtney Klemcke Mr. & Mrs. Randall Klibert Mr. Stephen Klock Mr. & Mrs. John Knape Miss Peyton Kneese Mr. & Mrs. Robert Knight Mr. & Mrs. Dean Knisley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Knodell Mr. & Mrs. Mark Knox Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Kocmoud Mr. Eugene A. Kocmoud Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kocmoud Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Konderla Most Reverend David A. Konderla Miss Gayle Konderla Mr. & Mrs. Robert Konz Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Koola Mr. Joseph Korczynski Mr. & Mrs. James Korenek Ms. Karie Kosh Miss Eva Koster Mr. Aaron Kovar Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kramr Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Krebs COL & Mrs. William J. Kriz Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kroeger Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Kronenberger

Mr. & Mrs. William W. Krueger III Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Kuehler Mr. & Mrs. Guy Kukla Mr. & Mrs. Greg Kunasek Mr. Bradley Kupper Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kurzy Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kutac Ms. Eileen C. Kuvlesky Mr. & Mrs. James Kwiatkowski Mrs. Keller L. LaCroix Mr. & Mrs. John Lafitte Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Laird Ms. Cynthia K. LaJimodiere Mr. Alex Lam Dr. & Mrs. Michael G. Lamping Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lampo Ms. Maria Landry Mr. & Mrs. Blaine Langford Ms. Theresa (TC) C. Langford Mr. & Mrs. James M. Larkin Mr. & Mrs. William Larkin Mr. & Mrs. David W. Larsen Mr. Trevor Latendresse Mr. & Mrs. Kim Latour Mr. & Mrs. Scott Latta Mr. Mikhail L. Lauder Mr. Timothy Laury Mr. Andrew Laux Ms. Angie Law Mr. Jim Lawler Mr. & Mrs. John Lawlor Mr. & Mrs. Cuong Le Dr. & Mrs. Joseph U. Le Blanc Miss Karen Leal Mr. & Mrs. George Ledak Ms. Diana Ledezma Mr. & Mrs. James C. Ledlow Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Lednicky Mr. & Mrs. Tim Legamaro Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Lehnert Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. LeJeune Miss Kyra LeJeune Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lemieux Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lemonds Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Lenzen Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Derek A. Leonard Miss Natalie Lerma Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Lessmann Ms. Katherine LeVrier Miss Justine Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lichtenauer Mr. & Mrs. Joey Light Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Lippincott Mr. & Mrs. Phil Lippman Mr. & Mrs. Scott Livingston Miss Emily Llamas Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lloyd Miss Claire Lohn Mr. & Mrs. Justin M. Lopez Mr. John S. Lord Mr. & Mrs. Steve E. Lovejoy Mr. & Mrs. George Loveland Ms. Erica Lovig Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lucido Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Ludwig Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Luera Miss Madelyn Luera Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Luna Ms. Diana L. Luna Moreno Ms. Bridget Luna Trawhon Miss Erin Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Greg Lynch Miss Shannon Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lynch Mr. Ryan Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Kim Lynne Mr. John K. Lytton Ms. Mary Machalec Miss Jacqueline Macias Mr. & Mrs. Mark Macicek Mr. & Mrs. Brian Macmanus Mr. & Mrs. Charles Maese Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Maggio Ms. Katie Maguire Mr. Jacob Mahlmann Mr. Jorge Maldonado Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Maldonado Miss Ana Maldonado

Mr. Danny Malone & Mrs. Nancy Kindig-Malone Mr. & Mrs. Stacy Maloney Mr. Alec Maly Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Manley Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Marak Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Marbach Mr. Josh Marbach Mr. Edmund Marcinkiewicz Jr. Mr. Gerardo Mares II Mr. & Mrs. Garth Marlow Ms. Laura E. Martin Mrs. Geralyn Martinez Mr. Carlos Martinez & Mrs. Carmen Zayas Mr. & Mrs. Paul Martinez Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Martinez Ms. Lupe Martinez Mr. & Mrs. Melvyn Martins Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Marvin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mason Mr. & Mrs. Clinton L. Matcek Mr. & Mrs. David L. Matlock Miss Kirby Matocha Mr. James K. Nelson & Mrs. Edna E. Mattei-Nelson Mr. Gregory Matunas Ms. Cynthia Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Mayland Mr. & Mrs. Wes Mayland Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. Mayo Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mazoch Mr. & Mrs. W. Thomas McAndrew Ms. Sara E. McBride Mr. & Mrs. Philip McBride Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCarty Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McClure Mr. & Mrs. Jason C. McConnell Mr. & Mrs. Austin S. McConnell Dr. & Mrs. Charles N. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Lynn C. McDonald Mr. Edward J. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. McGowen Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. McGregor Mr. & Mrs. Keith Mcilvoy Mr. Trevor McKercher Ms. Patsy M. McMahan Miss Ashley McMahan Rev. Brian L. McMaster Mr. & Mrs. John Paul McMaster Ms. Charlotte McNabb Mr. & Mrs. James McNally Mr. Brian McNaughton Miss Meredith McQueen Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Mechler Miss Laurie Medina Mr. & Mrs. Steven Meier Ms. Wendy Meigs Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Menchaca Mr. Juan M. Mendoza & Mrs. Yessica E. Mendoza Mr. & Mrs. Raymond R. Mendoza III Mr. & Mrs. Troy Menendez Mr. & Mrs. Larry Mercer Mr. & Mrs. Derek Merta Mr. & Mrs. David C. Meyer Mr. Jerry Michael Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Michalke Ms. Maura Michinock Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Michna Dr. & Mrs. Mark Middlebrooks Dr. & Mrs. William Mies Mr. & Mrs. Randall S. Mill Mr. & Mrs. Danny Miller Mrs. Norma J. Millsap Mrs. MaryClare Milner Deacon & Mrs. Glen J. Milton Miss Shannon Minnich Mr. Andrew Minzenmayer Drs. Valerian & Esther Miranda Miss Isabel Mireles Mr. & Mrs. Juan Mireles Mr. Charles Mireur Mr. & Mrs. Larry Moczygemba Miss McKenzie Moninger Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Monroy Ms. Leah Montgomery Miss Caitlynn Moon Mr. & Mrs. Justin Moore

Ms. Paulette Moose-Kallfelz Mr. & Mrs. David Morales Mr. Jose Morales Mr. & Mrs. Ted Morales Mr. & Mrs. Allan Moravits Mr. & Mrs. Bobby L. Morehead Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. Morelius Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. James Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Morillo Miss Adriana Morillo Mr. Mark Morris Mr. & Mrs. Sam Morrison Mr. & Mrs. John Moseley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moses Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Moy Ms. Maryann L. Moyer Mr. & Mrs. James E. Mudd Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Mudd LTC & Mrs. Larry Muehe Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Brian Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Gene Mullenberg Mr. & Mrs. Shane C. Mullenix Ms. Kristen R. Muller Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mullins Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy Mr. Evan Murray Mr. & Mrs. Bill Murray Mr. & Mrs. Greg Muse Mr. Stephen Musil Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Myers Ms. Zelma Myers Mrs. Karen Myszka Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Najvar Ms. Sara Nance Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Natsios Mr. & Mrs. Steve Neiers Mrs. Colleen Nelligan Mr. Drew Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Keith E. Nemec Mr. & Mrs. Clay W. Nesbitt Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Neumann Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Nevares Mr. & Mrs. Giao Nguyen Dr. & Mrs. John Nielsen-Gammon Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Niemiec Mr. Daniel Nieswiadomy Mrs. Lori Nino Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Nisley Mr. Eun-Gyu No & Dr. Eun Sug S. Park Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nork Ms. Amy J. Norris Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Notzon Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Novinski Mr. & Mrs. Scott Novy Mr. & Mrs. Mark Novy Mr. & Mrs. Chris Nowland Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. O’Beirne Dr. Terry Oberg Mr. Christopher Obermier Mr. & Mrs. Eric Obermier Ms. Therese C. O’Brien Dr. Ozden Ochoa & Mr. Henry Geneczko Mrs. Ann Odozi Miss Kathryn Oefinger Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Ogden Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ogden Dr. & Mrs. Norbert Ohlendorf Mr. Nicholas Olivieri Mr. & Mrs. James Olson Anne P. & Kevin J. O’Neill Mr. Michael G. O’Quinn Ms. Chinelo Orji Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Orozco Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Orscheln Miss Kathleen Orth Ms. Kathryn Ortiz Mr. & Mrs. Julian Ortiz Mr. Matthew J. Orwat Mr. & Mrs. Jon Ostrander Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Ourada Mr. & Mrs. Brian Ousley Mrs. Elizabeth T. Overly Mr. & Mrs. Gary Ozier Miss Lalein Pajarillo LTC & Mrs. Charles A. Parada Mr. & Mrs. William J. Paradowski Mr. & Mrs. Charles Paradowski

Mr. & Mrs. Calvin R. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Stiles Parker Mr. & Mrs. John Parker Mr. Kelly D. Parma Mr. & Mrs. Louie B. Parnell COL & Mrs. Donald L. Parsons Mrs. Helena T. Patanggu Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Patton Mr. Emil Pawlik Mr. & Mrs. Damien Pechacek Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Peltier Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pennington Ms. Melissa A. Perez Ms. Amy V. Perez Mr. & Mrs. Darrell L. Perkins COL & Mrs. Frederick Perrenot Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Perrenot III Ms. Gwen A. Perrenot Mr. & Dr. Otis J. Perry III Ms. Deane R. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Kyle R. Persyn Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Pesek Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pesek Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Pesek Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Pesek Ms. Maria Pesek Mr. Thomas Pesek Miss Maggie Pesek Miss Margaret Peterman Mr. & Mrs. Brennan Peterson Mr. Steve Peterson Ms. Mary Petrie Ms. Rachel P. Petrofes Chapa Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Pettibon II Miss Mary Pettibon Mr. Huy Phan LTC & Mrs. Howard Phelan Miss Kimberly Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Terry Phillips Mrs. Theresa M. Phinney Ms. Rebecca M. Phinney Mr. & Mrs. David L. Pickett Mr. Russell Pier Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pircher Mr. & Mrs. David J. Piwonka Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Polak Mr. & Mrs. Gary N. Polasek Mr. & Mrs. John Polites Mr. & Mrs. Peter Polom Ms. Kathleen M. Polzer Mr. Robert S. Pondell Mr. & Mrs. James Pope Dr. & Mrs. Brandon H. Posvar Mr. & Mrs. Michael Potter Mr. & Mrs. Jake Poulsen Miss Lauren Powers Mr. TJ Poynor Mr. Michael Pratt Miss Amelia Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Prejean Mr. & Mrs. William Prewitt III Mr. & Mrs. Brian Price Mr. Vincent Provasek Ms. Ellen Provin Mr. & Mrs. Allen Pruski Mr. & Mrs. William F. Pugh Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Pugh Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Tom J. Quigley Miss Kathy Quigley Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Quigley Ms. Carolyn Quint Mr. Bertin Ortega & Ms. Esther Quintana Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Raabe Ms. Claire Raabe Mrs. Honey H. Rae Dr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Ragsdale Dr. & Mrs. Edward N. Raleigh M.D. Ms. Virginia Ramirez Mr. Angelo G. Ramirez Mr. & Mrs. Jose G. Ramos Mr. & Mrs. Aldo Ramos Miss Deanne M. Rand Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Randolph Mr. & Mrs. Joe Rangel Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Rastrelli Mrs. Rathke Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. Rathke Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rausheck

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Rawicki Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Ray Miss Carolyn Reavis Deacon & Mrs. David C. Reed Dr. & Mrs. David W. Reed Ms. Sharon H. Reed Dr. Ann M. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Loy D. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Matt C. Regitz Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Reibenspies Mr. Robert Reichert Ms. Deborah Reichert Mr. Aaron L. Rein Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Reinberg Mr. & Mrs. David M. Reisinger Mr. & Mrs. Anthony S. Reiter Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Reiter Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Reitmeyer Ms. Allison C. Remy Mr. & Mrs. James A. Reue Ms. Sabrina K. Rhodes Miss Michelle Rhodes Mr. Michael Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Austin C. Riddle Mr. Richard Ridenour Miss Helen Rieger Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Rieser Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rillera Ms. Ana Ringhofer Mr. Andrew M. Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Kirk E. Robicheaux Miss Ava Robicheaux Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Robison Miss Nina Rodgers Dr. & Mrs. John D. Rodriguez Mr. Juan E. Rodriguez Mr. Angel Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Rodriguez Miss Leslie Rodriguez Ms. Alejandra Roldan Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Roman Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Roman III Dr. & Mrs. Thaddeus M. Romansky Mr. & Mrs. Pia Romero Ms. Mary Rooke Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd W. Rooney Dr. & Mrs. William Rooney Mr. & Mrs. Devin S. Rose Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Troy A. Rother Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Roy Ms. Meg Ruhter Ms. Estefani Ruiz Ms. Kathy Russell Mr. & Mrs. Travis Russell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Russo Ms. Zofia Rybkowski Ms. Launa Saadeh Mr. & Mrs. Joe W. Sage Mr. Charles A. Salinas Ms. Barbara J. Salinas Mr. & Mrs. Eric Salley Mr. Cameron Salome Br. Andrew J. Sanchez Mr. & Mrs. Jose G. Sanchez Miss Sabrina Sanchez LTC & Mrs. Neil T. Sanger Ms. Gema Santana Ms. Crystal Santana Ms. Briana Santiago Mr. Simon Sattler Mr. & Mrs. Jackie Saucedo Miss Janae Saucedo Mr. & Mrs. Chris Sauer Mr. & Mrs. Luke Scamardo Miss Emily Scamardo Miss Fallon Scanlan Dr. & Mrs. Sam C. Scarmardo Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Travis M. Schaar Mr. & Mrs. Steven T. Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. Andrew V. Schaeperkoetter Mr. & Mrs. Steve Schattle Dr. & Mrs. John Schell Mr. Jon Scherr Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Schiller Mr. & Mrs. Joe E. Schimelpfening Miss Shelby Schlesselman Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. David A. Schmidt Dr. & Mrs. David G. Schmitz

ST. MARY’S ANNUAL REPORT / 2017 - 2018 / 24

Mr. & Mrs. Kyle A. Schmucker Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Schoenemann Mr. Glenn E. Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Jay Schroeder Dr. & Mrs. Michael Schuller Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Phil T. Schultz Ms. Monica Schulz Dr. & Mrs. James L. Schulze D.V.M. Miss Rene Schulze Mr. & Mrs. Greg Schumacher Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Schumann Mr. Justin Schwartzbeck Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Scott Mr. & Mrs. Jim Scott Miss Anna Scott Mr. & Mrs. B. T. Scroggins Mr. Gordon K. See Dr. Lori Seelhoff Mr. & Mrs. Darren Seibert, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Seidenberger Mr. & Mrs. Justin Sellers Dr. & Mrs. Marc Serret M.D. Ms. Laura Seward Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shane Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Shannon III Chancellor & Mrs. John S. Sharp Avery Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Shea Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Shearer Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sheridan Mr. & Mrs. Bruno A. Shimek Mr. Dean Baskin & Dr. Anne Shiu Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Short II Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Sicking Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Sierra Mr. & Mrs. Joey Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Josh P. Simmons Dr. & Mrs. Gary Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Richard Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Simpson Mr. Brian Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Erik Singh Miss Jessica Skansi Mr. & Mrs. James Skehan Ms. Kimmy N. Skerik Mr. & Mrs. Richard Skerik Mr. & Mrs. David J. Skinner Mr. & Mrs. Mack C. Skinner Mr. & Mrs. Niall C. Slowey Mr. & Mrs. John Smaistrla Mr. & Mrs. William Smart Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Alan Smith Ms. Hilary Smith Ms. Monica Smith Mr. & Mrs. Tom Smith Ms. Dawn E. Smith Koenning Mr. & Mrs. David Smither Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Smock Miss Devon Smolak Mr. Christopher Snyder Ms. Aleksandra Sobieska Mr. Joseph Solano Dr. & Mrs. Barry W. Solcher Miss Kristin Sontheimer Mr. & Mrs. Joe Soto Mr. & Mrs. Emile Soulier Mr. & Mrs. John Southerland Mr. & Mrs. James F. Spacek Mr. & Mrs. George Speer Miss Sofia Speer Mr. Michael Sporkin Mr. & Mrs. Shannon Stansbury Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stasney Ms. Anne Stasny Mr. & Mrs. C. David Stasny Mr. & Mrs. George Stavinoha COL & Mrs. Byron F. Stebbins Mrs. Donna R. Steele Mr. Erin Stephan Mr. & Mrs. Jeromy Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Bobby L. Stevener Ms. Cecelia Stevenson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Brad Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Stewart Mr. Kade Stewart Mr. Robert Stiegel

Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Stimpson Mr. Granger Stimpson Mr. & Mrs. David Stockman Mr. John Stockmoe Mr. & Mrs. Jay R. Stockton Ms. Jeanette A. Stone Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Stover Fr. Will Straten Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Stravitsch Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Strawser Dr. & Mrs. Kirk J. Strozewski Mr. Greg Stuckenschneider Mr. Tim Stuhlreyer Mr. Justin W. Sulak Ms. JoAnn Sulak Mr. & Mrs. Dave Sullivan Mrs. Barbara Svatek Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Swetish Mr. & Mrs. Nathan E. Swoboda Mr. Kevin Sy Miss Maggie Sykes Mr. & Mrs. Dale Sykora Miss Stephanie Sykora Ms. Beth Symington Miss Julia Szabuniewicz Mr. Reuben Tadpatri Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tauber Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tech Mr. Pablo Tenorio Mr. & Mrs. Scott Terry Mr. & Mrs. John Terry Mr. & Mrs. Charles Terry Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Theriot Mr. & Mrs. Adam K. Thies Mr. & Mrs. David W. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Joel Thomas Ms. Gina Thomas Dr. & Mrs. Spencer G. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. John Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Thompson

Mr. Noah Thompson Dr. & Mrs. John H. Thornton Mrs. Leslie Thornton Mr. & Mrs. Jay Thorseth Mr. & Mrs. Tibiletti Capt. & Mrs. Albert Timmreck Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ting Mr. & Mrs. Russ Toates Mr. & Mrs. Theresa Toerner Mr. & Mrs. Trey Tollette Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Tomaso Ms. Carmen Tompkins Mr. & Mrs. John Tompkins Mrs. Kathleen M. Tong Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Tong Mr. & Mrs. Luis Torregosa Mr. Joseph Torres Mr. & Mrs. Joe V. Tortorice Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Tran Mr. Galen Tran Mr. Garreth Tran Mr. & Mrs. Philip Trapani Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Treadway Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Tremblay Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Trevino Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Trimmell Mr. & Mrs. Brad Trinidad Mrs. Diane W. Trippe Miss Maycee Tschirhart Ms. Taylor Turcott Mrs. & Mr. Jessica Turner Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ughetti Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Ulczynski Miss AnMarie Ulery Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Vacek Mr. & Mrs. John Valentino Ms. Martha K. Valentino Mr. Nicholas Vanikiotis Mr. Fernando Vara Sanz

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Varisco Mr. Vincent R. Vasquez Mr. & Mrs. Joe Vaughn Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Vaughn Mr. Cyan Vaughn Maj. Alphonse A. Veerkamp Jr. Mrs. Cristina Vela Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Veselka Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell W. Vicknair Mr. Tony Villalanti Mr. & Mrs. Omar C. Villarreal Ms. Marina Villarreal Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Vitek Miss Tess Volanski Mr. & Mrs. Frank Volleman Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Von Dohlen Mr. Scott VonBorstel Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Vorpahl Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Voss Mr. & Mrs. Sean Vostatek Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Waclawczyk Miss Amanda Waclawczyk Ms. Christa L. Wade Dr. & Mrs. Tom J. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Wagner Miss Haley Wagner Mr. & Mrs. David Wahrmund Ms. Rachel Wales Mr. & Mrs. Hank Walker Ms. Anna T. Walker Mr. Timothy Walker Mr. Joseph Walker Mr. Michael Walker Miss Courtney Walker Ms. Sarah Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Craig Walter Mr. & Mrs. Tony A. Walters Mr. Travis Walters Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Walton Mr. & Mrs. John Walton

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Waters Ms. Kellcie Waters Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Wearden Sr. Mr. Will Weinheimer Mr. & Mrs. Mike A. Weis Mr. & Mrs. Stefan Weissenstein Mr. & Mrs. Nick Wendes Mrs. Angela M. Wengrenovich Drs. Bradley S. & Kylene J. Wesner Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Westerman Mr. & Mrs. Don Wetzel Ms. Jamie N. Wheeler Ms. Colleen M. White Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. White Jr. Ms. Sara White Mr. & Mrs. Mark White Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wiatrek Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Wiedenfeld Mr. Randy Wiedenfeld Rev. Kurtis Wiedenfeld Miss Ashley Wilde Mr. Grant Wilde Mr. & Mrs. Gene Wilhelm Mr. Justin W. Wilhelm Ms. Kendra Wilhelm Mr. & Mrs. Darrin Willer Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Williams Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Williams Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Mark Williams Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Gary Williams Mr. Robert Williams Mr. & Mrs. Ian Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Terry Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Greg Wilson Mr. & Mrs. William F. Wimberly Dr. & Mrs. Robert Winans Dr. Lynn Wink

Mr. & Mrs. John Wink Mr. & Mrs. Keith Winkeler Fr. Edward J. Winkler Mrs. Alice M. Wisniewski Mr. & Mrs. Joe Wolf Mr. & Mrs. Brad Wolters Mrs. Lysabeth “Sissy” Wood Ms. Ellen Wood Mr. & Mrs. Patrick H. Wood III Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Woods Miss Laura Woodson Ms. Karley Wren Ms. Erin Wright Ms. Rachel Wright Mr. & Mrs. George M. Wunderlick OCDS Mr. & Mrs. David Wysocki Ms. Diane Xavier Maj. & Mrs. John W. Y’Barbo Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Yeary Mrs. Cecilia Yip Dr. & Mrs. Christopher York Ms. Logan Yosko Mr. & Mrs. Brad Zajicek Mr. & Mrs. Ashtin Zamzow Mrs. Kalleen Zamzow Miss Ashtyn Zapletal Mr. & Mrs. John Zbranek Ms. Liz Zemanek Mr. James R. Zentner Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Zermeno Ms. Lynda Zetnick Dr. Debra & Mr. Mark Zoran Mr. & Mrs. Clay Zotz Mr. & Mrs. Dale Zuck Korean Catholic Community

NEW CHURCH CAMPAIGN Anonymous (26) Mr. & Mrs. Steven Abernathy Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Abreo Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Adam Jr. Ms. Cynthia Adiano Dr. Amanda Adkisson Miss Lauren Aguilar Mr. & Mrs. Hoyt Alston Mr. Arcy Alvarado Mr. & Mrs. Carl Amdor Mr. Levi Anderson Mr. Max Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Harry Andersson Mr. Michael Ashour Mr. Christopher Ayres Ms. Brandy Babin Ms. Anais Baca Mr. Enrique M. Banda Jr. Mr. Aaron Barclay Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Baril Jr. Mr. William R. Barker Miss Michaela Barone Mr. & Mrs. David A. Barry Miss Mariah J. Barry Mr. Matthew Barry Mr. & Mrs. Chris Barzilla Mr. Raoul Bascon Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Bauer Drs. Steven & Miriam Bauer Mrs. Lois B. Beach Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Beltrand Mrs. Rene P. Benson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Berckenhoff Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Bergeron Ms. Claire Bernacki Mr. & Mrs. Andy P. Bezner Mrs. Norma G. Biering Mr. & Mrs. James L. Bilnoski Jr. Mr. Paul Bilnoski Mr. Ryan Bindel Ms. Linda Binns Miss Clare Birdsall Mr. Jon Bishop Mr. Thomas Blackwood

Mr. Nicholas Blaskovich Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Bordovsky Mrs. Margaret Boerner Mr. Kyle Bohne Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Bolner Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bonafede Drs. James & Sheila Bonds Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bonin Mr. & Mrs. John Bonn Mr. & Mrs. Bryan D. Book Mr. & Mrs. Jake Boriskie Mr. & Mrs. Danny Borski Mr. & Mrs. Brant Bourquin Miss Emily Bowlin Mr. Kurtis Bradicich Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Braun Miss Amanda Briscoe Mr. & Mrs. Steve Brown Mr. & Mrs. Harry Brunner Mr. & Mrs. John J. Buckley Jr. Mr. Robert Bugaj & Mrs. Patricia Jezierski Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Bundy Miss Rachel Burke Mr. Taylor Butler Dr. & Mrs. Richard Byrd Mrs. Ann M. Byrne Ms. Denise Cadell Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Cambone Mr. Stephen Campo Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Candia Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cannon Mr. & Mrs. Markus Cantu-Olivarez Mr. & Mrs. Calvin J. Cappelle Ms. Liezl L. Cardenas Mr. & Mrs. Sean E. Cargo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carranza Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Cashion Mr. & Mrs. Jim Cashion Mr. & Mrs. Adam C. Casto Ms. Maria Casto Catholic Life Insurance Branch 7 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cavazos Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cerami

Mr. Joseph N. Cesaro Miss Mary E. Chacko Miss Adele Chaffer Mrs. & Mr. Stephanie Chamberlain Mr. & Mrs. Joe F. Chenella Miss Tianna Chorba Ms. Charlotte Christman Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cisneros Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Clay III Dr. & Mrs. Keith Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Timothy V. Coffey Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cogwin Mr. Benjamin Cole Mr. Christopher Cole Miss Claire Collins Mr. & Mrs. William Collopy Mrs. Gloria W. Conrad Mr. & Mrs. Clifford M. Conrey Ms. Meredith Conrey Mr. Nicholas Cook Dr. & Mrs. Jimmie Corley Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Corrington Mr. & Mrs. David M. Cote Mr. John Cozad Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Cressionnie Mr. & Mrs. James Crumbliss Jr. Miss Caroline Cyboran Ms. Theresa Czachowski Da Conturbia Family Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Frank J. Dainello Dr. Martha & Mr. Joseph Dannenbaum Mr. & Mrs. T. D’Arcy Mr. & Mrs. William Darling Dr. & Mrs. Eddie J. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis Miss Megan Dawkins Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Day Deacon & Mrs. Switzer L. Deason Mr. De Barros Ms. Dana De Pau Miss Rachel Dedas Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Dembny Ms. Maria Demkowicz 25

Ms. Rachel Demny Mr. Christopher Diem Mr. & Mrs. John L. Dieterle Miss Katy Dinkins Mrs. Beverly J. Dobiyanski Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Dominy III Ms. Rita M. Dooley Mr. Ryan Dooley Mr. Joshua Doramus Mr. & Mrs. Mathew Doss Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Drabek Miss Hannah Drake Mr. Austin Driskill Mr. & Mrs. Delbert E. Driskill Dr. & Mrs. David W. Dudycha Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dulak Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Doak M. Dunkin Mr. David Duran Ms. Ann Duyka Mr. & Mrs. Ted Early Miss Lucia Ejoh Mr. Chase Elander Ms. Michelle Empleo Ms. Julie Enriquez Mr. Benito Escobedo Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Fairchild Mr. Shaun Fattig Mr. & Mrs. John Felderhoff Mr. Jeppesen Feliciano Deacon & Mrs. Ronald Fernandes Mr. & Mrs. Neil E. Fisher Miss Ashley Fitzhenry Drs. Roland & Lourdes Flanagan Miss Megan Flanigan Deacon Harry Flavin Mr. & Mrs. Mark Flesher Dr. & Mrs. Mark Florian Mr. & Mrs. Paul Florian Mr. & Mrs. Lupe Fraga Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Fredericksen Miss Natalie Freeman Mr. Dexter Fulbright Mr. Andres A. Galeano

Mr. & Mrs. Christian A. Galindo Miss Jeanette Gallardo Mr. Aaron Garcia Mr. Carlos Garcia Mr. & Mrs. David A. Garcia Ms. Flor Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Sam Garcia Miss Maria Garcia Miss Maria Garcia Miss Grace Gardner Miss Melanie Garduno Mr. & Mrs. Bill J. Garms Miss Andrea R. Garza Mr. & Mrs. Juan Garza Mr. Rol&o P. Garza Miss Sara Garza Mr. Mitchell Gay Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gay Mr. Zachary Gay Mr. Daniel Gazda Mr. Rejath George Mr. & Mrs. Royce H. Gerngross Mr. Andrew Giles Mr. Joshua Gleason Mr. Nicholas Gleason Drs. Michael & Lisa Glenn Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel H. Glockzin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Goei Dr. & Mrs. Brian Goerig Ms. Kassandra Gonzales Ms. Alex&ra Gonzalez Miss Isela Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Gonzalez Mr. Robert J. Gonzalez Sr. Ms. Yolanda G. Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Graham Dr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Grant Mr. Andrew Grattafiori Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Gray Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Greenwald Mr. Donald A. Griffith Mr. & Mrs. Mario Luis Guerra Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Gunasekara Mr. & Mrs. James Haesler

Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Hales Miss Ashley Halfmann Ms. Therese Hall Ms. Donna L. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie Hammond Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Hammond Mr. & Mrs. Ray R. Hannigan Jr. Mr. Daniel D. Hanselka Mr. Richard A. Hanus Miss Danielle Harding Mr. & Mrs. Steve P. Harding Mr. & Mrs. Lucien M. Harris Mr. Richard Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hasley Mr. & Dr. Hauser Miss Sara Hayes Mr. Christopher Hebert Mr. Kevin M. Heinz Mr. & Mrs. Nam R. Her Herndon Plant Oakley Ltd Ms. Dianet Hernandez Mr. Luis Hernandez & Mrs. Dianet L. Lopez Miss Aden Herrera Mr. & Mrs. Jeff W. Heye Mr. & Mrs. David Higdon Mrs. Caroline Hill Mr. & Mrs. David Hocking Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hoelscher Mr. Steven T. Hoelscher Msgr. Elmer Holtman Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Holub Mr. & Mrs. Michael Holy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Holzweiss Miss Savanna Hoover MGen & Mrs. Theo Hopgood Mr. Rodney J. Horrell Mr. Eugene R. Hosek Ms. Julie House Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Howell Mr. Anthony Hresko Mr. & Mrs. Stan Hruska Ms. Victoria Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Dan Hurlimann Mr. & Mrs. Todd Huskinson Mr. Zachary Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Rex Janne Mr. & Mrs. James Jaraczewski Miss Kiara Jaraczewski Mr. Garrett Jares Mrs. Helen Jenswold Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Johnson Mr. Nicholas Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Johnson Miss Ashley Jones Mr. Henry Jones Mr. Rhett Jones Dr. & Mrs. Wayne R. Jordan Mr. Marcin Jurek Mr. James Kalinec Mr. William Kalsch Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Kaman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kardys Mr. Sonny Karivelithara Mr. & Mrs. Evan Kasprowicz Mr. Matthew Kebodeaux Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Kelly The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Chris Kent Miss Sarah Kent Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kerwin Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. King Mr. Christopher Kinnally Ms. Meredith Kleimann Mr. & Mrs. Darnell Knippa Mr. & Mrs. Mike Knowles Mr. & Mrs. Mark Knox Mr. Paul Kolker Mr. Joe A. Konderla Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Koola Miss Hannah Kowpak Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kramr Mr. & Mrs. Michael S Kriger Mr. & Mrs. John Kristynik Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Krueger Mr. Matthew Krusleski Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Kubala Mrs. Melissa Kubeczka

Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Kuehler Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Kukla Sr. Mr. Bradley Kupper Mr. Michael Kurzy II Ms. Eileen C. Kuvlesky Mr. Joshua Lake Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lampo Mr. John Langdon II Ms. Ashley Lange Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Lange Mr. & Mrs. James M. Larkin Mr. & Mrs. William Larkin Mr. & Mrs. Kim Latour Mr. & Mrs. David Latta Ms. Jenny Lawler Mr. Larry T. Lawson Dr. & Mrs. Joseph U. Le Blanc Miss Karen Leal Mrs. Joan Ledwig Mr. & Mrs. Tim Legamaro Miss Tatum Leger Mr. Andrew Leidy Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. LeJeune Miss Hailey Lenis Miss Natalie Lerma Ms. Rachel A. Letteri Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lewis Dr. & Mrs. Randall R. Light Mr. Qifan Lin Mr. & Mrs. Scott Livingston Miss Kristen Lopez Mr. & Mrs. George Loveland Ms. Martina Lozano Miss Madelyn Luera Ms. Diana L. Luna Moreno Mr. Travis & Dr. Julie Lundy Ms. Amori Lunney Mr. Conner Lutz Mr. & Mrs. James Lutz Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Lutz Miss Erin Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Kim Lynne Mr. & Mrs. Leon Macha Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Maher Mr. & Mrs. Waleed Mahmoud Mr. Jorge Maldonado Mr. Danny Malone & Mrs. Nancy Kindig-Malone Mr. Ajay T. D. R. Manickam Mr. Chris Manuel Mr. & Mrs. Deacon Marek Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mariska Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Marquardt Mr. James M. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Martin Miss Ali Martinez Dr. & Mrs. Roger Martinez Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Marvin Jr. Mr. Rachel Mattair Deacon Davis G. Mayes Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wes Mayland Mr. Edward J. McDonald Drs. Thomas & Susanne McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. McGregor Mr. Trevor McKercher Mr. Leo R. McLean Ms. Elisha McLeod Ms. Patsy M. McMahan Rev. Brian L. McMaster Mr. & Mrs. John Paul McMaster Mr. Brian McNaughton Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Mechler Miss Laurie Medina Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Melia Mr. & Mrs. Larry Mercer Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mesich Mr. & Mrs. Nathan D. Metzinger Mr. Colin T. Michels Mr. Connor Michels Dr. & Mrs. Mark Middlebrooks Ms. Claire Mikita Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell Milan Mr. & Mrs. Dean Mill Ms. Cynthia Miller Ms. Diana Miller Mr. & Mrs. Glen Miller Ms. Paula Miller Miss Shannon Minnich Miss Madelaine Mishler Mr. Mitchell Moczygemba

Mr. Dustin C. Moer Mr. Jesus Daniel Molina Miss McKenzie Moninger Mr. Mark Montalbano Miss Caitlynn Moon Mr. Logan Moose Mr. Antonio Moreno Delgadillo Mr. Jorge Morillo Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morrisey Mr. & Mrs. Allen Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Sam Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Ramunas Motekaitis Mr. & Mrs. James E. Mudd Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lance Muegge LTC & Mrs. Larry Muehe Mr. Brendan K. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Richard Munoz Mr. & Mrs. M.A. Murillo Mrs. Colleen Nelligan Mr. James K. Nelson & Mrs. Edna E. Mattei-Nelson Mr. Nick Nelson Mr. Corbin Neumann Dr. & Mrs. John P. Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Neal C. Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Noonan Mr. & Mrs. T. C. Nors Mr. Chris Notzan Mr. Nick Novy Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Nugent Oak Point Civic Association Miss Mary O’Brien Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Ogden Mr. & Mrs. James B. O’Neill Anne P. & Kevin J. O’Neill Mr. Michael G. O’Quinn Miss Kathleen Orth Mr. & Mrs. John Orth Ms. Jo Ann Ottis Mr. Cade Ottmers Mrs. Deborah Ottmers Miss Bridget Ourada Mr. Tim Overbye Mr. & Mrs. Alex Pagel Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Paradowski Jr. Mr. Chris Paradowski Mr. Jack Paradowski Mr. & Mrs. William J. Paradowski Mrs. Phyllis L. Pardee Mr. & Mrs. Paulino Paredes Ms. Barbara B. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Calvin R. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Michael Patke Miss Melissa Patton Mr. & Mrs. Brian Pawelek Mr. Rik Peacher Dr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Pearce Mr. Jonathan Pelton Mr. & Mrs. Darrell L. Perkins Miss Shannon Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Kyle R. Persyn Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pesek Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Pesek Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Pesek Miss Maggie Pesek Ms. Maria Pesek Miss Margaret Peterman Mr. Casey Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Pettibon II Miss Kimberly Phelan Fr. Brian A. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Fred Phillips Mrs. Theresa M. Phinney Mr. Thomas C. Phinney Mr. Patricio J. Santander & Mrs. Clotilde E. Pichon Mr. Russell Pier Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pierotti Mr. & Mrs. Edwin F. Pilger Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Laurence L. Pitcaithly Ms. Shari Popp Miss Lauren Powers Mr. TJ Poynor Mr. Michael Pratt Mrs. Marian J. Prihoda Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Provazek Mr. & Mrs. Robert Prybyla Dr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Pugh Sr. Mrs. Jane Pugh Miss Michaela Pugh

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Pugh Jr. Dr. Bryan Quarles Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Quigley Ms. Carolyn Quint Ms. Claire Raabe Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Raabe Miss Liesel Raabe Mr. Donald J. Radke Mr. Rohan Vimal Raj Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Randall Mrs. Anne Rathke Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Ray Dr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Reardon Miss Carolyn Reavis Dr. Ann M. Reed Deacon & Mrs. David C. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Reiter Mr. & Mrs. Andy Restivo Ms. Mary Reyes Ms. Elisa Reyna Mr. James Rians Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Rians Mr. & Mrs. Leon Rieger Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Riek Mr. & Mrs. Duane Ripperger Mr. Haziel Rivera Miss Amee D. Rivers Mr. & Mrs. Kent Roach Miss Ava Robicheaux Mr. Stephen Robicheaux Mr. Joel Rodriguez Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Rodriguez Dr. & Mrs. John D. Rodriguez Miss Leslie Rodriguez Mr. Michael Rodriguez Dr. & Mrs. Thaddeus M. Romansky Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd W. Rooney Miss Kristen Rosenthal Fr. Michael J. Rother Mr. & Mrs. Del Rowe Mrs. & Mr. Joanie Rudd Ms. Carolyn L. Ruffino Mr. & Mrs. Ed J. Ruppert Ms. Zofia Rybkowski Ms. Kristin E. Sampson Mr. Lance Samson San Antonio A&M Club Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David Sanchez Mr. Carlos Sandoval LTC & Mrs. Neil T. Sanger Ms. Crystal Santana Miss Emily Scamardo Mr. & Mrs. Sam Scardino Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Schiller Miss Shelby Schlesselman Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Kyle A. Schmucker Mr. & Mrs. M. H. Schneider Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Victor Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Schoenemann Mr. Glenn E. Schroeder Dr. & Mrs. Michael Schuett Miss Rene Schulze Mr. & Mrs. Don Schuster Ms. Sarah E. Schwind Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Scott Miss Jillian Sears Mr. & Mrs. Darren Seibert, Jr. Mr. Martin Sentmanat Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shane Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Shannon III Miss Elizabeth Shecterle Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shecterle Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Shirley Mr. Dean Baskin & Dr. Anne Shiu Mr. & Mrs. Joey Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Josh P. Simmons COL & Mrs. Thomas Sims Most Reverend Michael Sis Miss Jessica Skansi Mr. & Mrs. Richard Skerik Miss Mary R. Skinner Mr. & Mrs. Niall C. Slowey Mr. & Mrs. Alan Smith Mr. & Mrs. Brien L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Smock Dr. & Mrs. Barry W. Solcher Mr. & Mrs. John Southerland Mr. Michael Sporkin

ST. MARY’S ANNUAL REPORT / 2017 - 2018 / 26

Dr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Stark Mr. & Mrs. C. David Stasny Miss Lauren Steffes Miss Sarah Steffes Dr. & Mrs. Craig Steiner Dr. & Mrs. Michael Steines M.D. Mr. Erin Stephan Mr. Donald G. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stewart Mr. Granger Stimpson Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Stipanovic LTC & Mrs. Lyle D. Stockmoe Mrs. Lorene A. Stowers Fr. Will Straten Ms. Adrienne Stravitsch Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Strawser Dr. & Mrs. Kirk J. Strozewski Mr. & Mrs. Franky Sulistio Miss Rebecca Swaffield Miss Stephanie Sykora Miss Julia Szabuniewicz Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Tacquard General & Mrs. Christopher Tadvick Sr. Mr. William Taylor Mrs. & Mr. Lottie Terry Miss Brittany Thevanh Miss Emma Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Thompson Dr. & Mrs. John H. Thornton Mr. Wesley Till Ms. Dianne Todd Mr. Joseph Torres Mr. & Mrs. Joe V. Tortorice Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Trampota Mr. Galen Tran Mr. Garreth Tran Mr. & Mrs. Philip Trapani Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Tremblay Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Trevino Mrs. Betty Trost Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Troy Miss Maycee Tschirhart Mr. James Uehlin Ms. Paige Vajdos Mr. Joshua Valenciano Mr. Nicholas Vanikiotis Mr. Jibin R. Varghese Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Varisco Mr. Zacarias Vazquez Ms. Sylvia J. Vega Mr. & Mrs. Rick Velez Mr. Jerod Venable Ms. Marina Villarreal Miss Tess Volanski Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Von Dohlen Mr. Scott VonBorstel Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Voss Miss Amanda Waclawczyk Miss Haley Wagner Mr. Christian Walker Mr. Robert D. Weschler Mr. Damon J. West Ms. Allison Wheeler Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. White Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul White Mr. & Mrs. William P. Wideman Miss Ashley Wilde Mr. Grant Wilde Mr. & Mrs. Gene Wilhelm Mr. Justin W. Wilhelm Mr. & Mrs. James Williams Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Williams Mr. Evan Wilson Mr. Nathan Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Steve L. Wimberley Mr. Donald Woodall Miss Laura Woodson Mr. & Mrs. Brian Worth Ms. Erin Wright Mr. & Mrs. Joe J. Yanta Dr. & Mrs. Christopher York Ms. Logan Yosko Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Young III Ms. Jo Ann Zaeske Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Zapalac Miss Ashtyn Zapletal

FRUIT THAT WILL LAST CAMPAIGN Anonymous (24) Mr. & Mrs. Ron A. Abellera Mr. & Mrs. Steven Abernathy Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd K. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Paul Adams Dr. Amanda Adkisson Dr. & Mrs. Robert Albanese Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Mike S. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Bill Alford Dr. & Mrs. Eric Alford Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Allen Ms. Louise Allen Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Harry Andersson Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Andres Mr. Patrick Antinone Mrs. Barnes S. Arbuckle Dr. & Mrs. Frank B. Ashley III COL (R) Stephen M. Bahr Dr. & Mrs. Lyle F. Baie Ms. Laura Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Bankston Ms. Rose Lee Barcelona Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Baril Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barnett Ms. Beverly Barrow Mr. & Mrs. David A. Barry Mr. & Mrs. Brian Barth Mr. & Mrs. Chris Barzilla Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Bauer Mr. & Mrs. John E. Baugh Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George L. Bazin II Mrs. Lois B. Beach Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Becker Mr. & Mrs. John E. Becker Mr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Bell Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Beltrand Mrs. Rene P. Benson Dr. & Mrs. David A. Bessler Mr. & Mrs. Andy P. Bezner Mr. Nicholas Bezner Mr. Thomas Blackwood Mr. & Mrs. James A. Blalock Ms. Mary Blalock Mr. & Mrs. Byron C. Blaschke Mr. & Mrs. Ewald J. Blaschke Ms. Rachel Blount Mr. & Mrs. Rodney J. Boehm Mr. & Mrs. John Bohnsack Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bonin Mr. & Mrs. John Bonn Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Borders Mr. & Mrs. Chris J. Bordovsky Mr. & Mrs. Floyd C. Boriskie Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bourne Mr. & Mrs. Brant Bourquin Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Bowers Mr. Robert A. Bowers Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Boysen Mr. & Mrs. Edward Boytim Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bradbury Mr. & Mrs. Alfred B. Brady Ms. Sarah Brady Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Breedlove Dr. & Mrs. John E. Breen Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Breen Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Brightwell Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Brown Mr. Harry Brunner Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Bruns Mr. & Mrs. John J. Buckley Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John F. Buescher Dr. & Mrs. Frank P. Buffa Mr. Robert Bugaj & Mrs. Patricia Jezierski Mr. & Mrs. Ken A. Bugajski Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Bundy Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Burch Mr. William R. Burch Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Burt Mr. Leonard J. Busa Dr. & Mrs. Paul Busch Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy E. Buttry

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Buys Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Callan Mr. Kay S. Capps Mr. & Mrs. Sean E. Cargo Mr. & Mrs. Ian Carnegie Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Carney Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carpency Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carranza Catholic Life Insurance Branch 7 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cavazos Mrs. Joyce Cawley Mr. Joseph N. Cesaro Mr. & Mrs. Jack Chavez Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Cherry Mr. & Mrs. David R. Chisam Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Clay III Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Clay Mr. & Mrs. Mike Coffey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cogwin Mr. Benjamin Cole Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Cole Mr. Walter Coleman Mr. & Mrs. William Collopy Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Comeaux Mrs. Gloria W. Conrad Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Conrad Mr. & Mrs. Ken Cook Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Cook Dr. & Mrs. Jacob M. Cooper Ms. Catherine Copeland Mr. & Mrs. Robert Core Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Cosentino Ms. Lauren Couvillon Mr. John Cozad Mr. & Mrs. Philip Crawford Dr. & Mrs. Randy Crim Mr. & Mrs. Ty D. Crum Mr. & Mrs. James Crumbliss Jr. Rev. Barry Cuba Mr. & Mrs. Francis DaConturbia Dr. & Mrs. Frank J. Dainello Ms. Toni D’Alessandris Dr. & Mrs. Barry Davis Mr. & Mrs. Buster Davis Dr. & Mrs. Eddie J. Davis Ms. Ida Davis Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Day Mr. & Mrs. William De Jong Mr. & Mrs. Juan Delgado Ms. Laura Dell Mrs. Christine Demny Ms. Rachel Demny Mr. & Mrs. Leon A. Denena Sr. Mr. John DeWitt Ms. Helen M. Dexter Mr. Christopher Diem Mr. Joseph B. Dillard Diocese of Austin Mr. David Doan Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Dobiyanski Dr. & Mrs. Nick W. Dobrovolsky USAF Mr. & Mrs. Craig M. Doherty Dr. & Mrs. Donald Dominy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Dominy III Mr. Joshua Doramus Mr. & Mrs. John Dorman Ms. Patricia Doucet Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Doyle Mrs. Joe Drago III Mr. Joseph Drago Mr. & Mrs. Delbert E. Driskill Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Dryefus Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dulak Ms. Mary Duncalfe Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Doak M. Dunkin Mr. & Mrs. Leo D. Durbin Ms. Sondra H. Durso Mr. Steve M. Durso Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert P. Dylla Mr. & Mrs. Cleo P. Dziedzic Mr. & Mrs. Ted Early Mr. & Mrs. Leonard D. Eddy

Mr. & Mrs. David Elbel Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Ellis Ms. Michelle Empleo Mr. & Mrs. James Fagan Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Fairchild Mr. & Mrs. Patrick L. Fallwell Dr. & Mrs. Roy C. Fanguy Mr. Lee J. Fazzino Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Chris J. Felderhoff Mr. & Mrs. John Felderhoff Mr. & Mrs. Martin G. Fennema Dr. & Mrs. Jaime Fergie Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Dr. & Mrs. Roger L. Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Neil E. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Tim Fitzgibbon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Fitzsimon Ms. Jane Flaherty Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Flanigan Mr. & Mrs. Mark Flesher Ms. Kathy Flinn Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso Flores Mr. & Mrs. Harold Flusche Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Flusche Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fontana Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Fouts Mr. & Mrs. Lupe Fraga Mr. Nicolas W. Frank Dr. & Mrs. Jay O. Franklin Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Fredeman Mr. & Mrs. Allen Fris Mr. & Mrs. John W. Fulbright Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Fulbright Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Gabriel Ms. Mary Grace Gagnon COL & Mrs. George Gajnon USAF Mr. & Mrs. Christian A. Galindo Mr. & Mrs. Gene Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Sam Garcia Mr. Martin Garcia & Mrs. Maria Nieves Ms. Michelle Gass Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gay Ms. Beniel Geevarghese Mr. & Mrs. David Gerling Mr. & Mrs. Royce H. Gerngross Drs. Claude & Joanna Gibson Mr. Andrew Giles Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gilliland Global Event Group Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel H. Glockzin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Godfrey Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gohlke Mrs. Theresa G. Gold Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Gonzalez III Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Gonzalez Dr. Gary Goodall Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gough Mrs. Marcy V. Granado Dr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Grant Greater Houston Community Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Green Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Greenwald Dr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Gulde Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Hachtman Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hafertepe Mr. & Mrs. Frank F. Hall Deacon & Mrs. Gregory E. Hall Dr. & Mrs. John J. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Hammon Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie Hammond Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jon Hampton Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hankle Mrs. Mary K. Hannigan Mr. & Mrs. Ray R. Hannigan Jr. Hans Brothers Industries Mr. & Mrs. David Hanus Mr. & Mrs. Steve P. Harding Ms. Mary Lou Hartzog Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Havel Mr. Christopher M. Hebert Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hebert Mr. & Mrs. Max Hengst Mr. & Mrs. Jairo Hernandez Mr. Luis Hernandez & 27

Mrs. Dianet L. Lopez Mr. & Mrs. Nick Hernandez Ms. Marilyn E. Herring Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hicks Hildebrand Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Hlavinka Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hlavinka Miss Erin Hoelscher Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hoelscher Mr. & Mrs. Leroy K. Hoelting Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hoelting COL & Mrs. Thomas A. Hohman Ms. Gretchen Hollas Mr. & Mrs. Michael Holy MGen & Mrs. Theo Hopgood Ms. Mary Jo Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hutchins Rev. Paul Hypolite Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard T. Isaacs Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Isler J. E. & L.E. Mabee Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Jacobi James K.B. Nelson & Audrey C. Nelson Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David Janik Mr. & Mrs. Rex Janne Mr. & Mrs. James Jaraczewski Mr. & Mrs. Jay Jaynes JB Rancho Inc Mr. & Mr. Louis B. Jenks Mrs. Helen Jenswold Mr. & Mrs. L G. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Matt Jones Mr. Rhett Jones Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Jones Ms. Michelle Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Adam P. Jost Mr. & Mrs. Leonard N. Juncker Mr. & Mrs. Duane Kainer Mr. & Mrs. Anthony V. Kallina Mr. Larry Kana Mr. Kyle Kapchinski Ms. Kristin Kaufman Dr. & Mrs. Michael G. Kelley Mr. Eugene Kilgore Dr. & Mrs. James M. Killian CPT & Mrs. Matthew L. Kimmel Mr. & Mrs. Darnell Knippa Ms. Doris Koch Mr. & Mrs. David J. Kocmoud Mr. Paul Kolker Most Reverend David A. Konderla Mr. & Mrs. James Konderla Mr. Joe A. Konderla Mr. & Mrs. Robert Konz Mr. Richard B. Konzen Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Koola Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kordzik Mr. & Mrs. Arno Krebs Mr. & Mrs. Aj J. Kresta COL & Mrs. William J. Kriz Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Krull Mr. & Mrs. George E. Krupala Mr. & Mrs. Harry Krusleski Mrs. Charlotte G. Kuhn Mr. & Mrs. Greg Kunasek Ms. Eileen C. Kuvlesky Mr. John Langdon II Ms. Ashley Lange Ms. Loretta C. Lanicek Mr. & Mrs. James M. Larkin Mr. & Mrs. William Larkin Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lawler Ms. Jenny Lawler Dr. & Mrs. Joseph U. Le Blanc Ms. Carolyn Leatherman Mr. & Mrs. Phil Hobson Mr. Ralph Ledwig Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. LeJeune Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. LeJeune Mr. & Mrs. Bernard H. Lenart Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lenig Dr. & Mrs. Randall Light Ms. Pamela Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. Scott Livingston

Mr. & Mrs. Randy Lofton Mr. & Mrs. George Loveland Ms. Martina Lozano Mr. Travis & Dr. Julie Lundy Mr. Conner Lutz Ms. M.A. Lyday Mr. & Mrs. Leon Macha Maddox Thomson & Assoc. PC Mr. Thomas Mahan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Maher Mr. & Mrs. Olan Mahlmann Mr. & Mrs. Cullen Mancuso Dr. & Mrs. Arnold Manske M.D. Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Mansour Mr. Lawrence C. Marble Marek Family Foundation Marie Flanigan Interiors Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mariska Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marty Mr. Rachel Mattair Mr. James K. Nelson & Mrs. Edna E. Mattei-Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Garry P. Mauro Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Mayland Mr. & Mrs. Wes Mayland Mr. & Mrs. Mike McBride Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. McCann Jr. Mrs. Marguerite McCarthy Rev. Adam S. McClosky Ms. Barbara McCormick Mr. James H. McCullough & Mrs. Evette M. Correa Drs. Thomas & Susanne McDonald Drs. Jeffrey & Mary McDougall Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McFall Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. McGregor Mrs. Barbara D. McGuirk Mr. & Mrs. James W. McKinley Mr. Leo R. McLean Ms. Patsy A. McMahan Rev. Brian L. McMaster Mr. & Mrs. Tom P. McNeill III Mr. & Mrs. John McQuillen Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Mechler Miss Maricarmen Medina Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Melia Mr. Walter H. Mengden III Mr. & Mrs. Larry Mercer Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Michna Ms. Claire Mikita Mr. & Mrs. Frank Milder Mr. & Mrs. Dean Mill Mrs. Phyllis Mill Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Miller Mr. Herbert G. Mills Mr. & Mrs. James L. Mishler Mize Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Ms. Mary Mommessin Mr. & Mrs. Sam Monroe Mr. & Mrs. Philip Montalbano Dr. & Mrs. John F. Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. Bud Moore Ms. Joan Moore Ms. Katherine P. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Juan Moreno Morgan Stanley Mr. & Mrs. Jules M. Morris Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sam Morrison Mr. & Mrs. James E. Mudd Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brian Mueller Mr. Joseph P. Mueller Mrs. Patty Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mullen Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mumme Mr. & Mrs. Felix T. Munson Sr. National Philanthropic Trust Ms. Colleen Nelligan Mr. & Mrs. Jonathon Newton Dr. & Mrs. John P. Nichols Dr. & Mrs. John M. Niedzwecki Mr. J Nohavitza Mr. & Mrs. Neal C. Nolan Mr. & Mrs. David Nutt Dr. Terry Oberg Ms. Esther J. Ocola Mr. & Mrs. Keith Odom

Mr. & Mrs. Emil E. Ogden Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ogden Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Ogden Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Oliver Mr. & Mrs. John Olsovsky Ms. Meredith Oltmann Mr. & Mrs. Bryan K. O’Neill Anne P. & Kevin J. O’Neill COL & Mrs. Charles J. Opersteny Mr. Michael G. O’Quinn Mr. & Mrs. John Orth Ms. Anthenette Osborn Mr. & Mrs. P. Michael O’Shea Ms. Jo Ann Ottis Ms. Deborah Ottmers Mr. & Mrs. Louis Owen Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Oxford III Mr. & Mrs. Milton Palmer Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Paradowski Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Paradowski Mrs. Phyllis L. Pardee Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Parigi Mr. & Mrs. Sam C. Parigi Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Parker Ms. Bonnie Pate Mr. & Mrs. Jace Pearson Ms. Dawn E. Peet Mr. & Mrs. Todd Peltier Mr. Matthew Pepper Mr. & Mrs. Darrell L. Perkins Mr. Brett Perlman COL & Mrs. Frederick Perrenot Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Perrenot III Deacon & Mrs. Andy Perrone Mr. & Mrs. Kyle R. Persyn Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pesek Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Pesek Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Pesek Mr. & Mrs. Bookman Peters Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Pettibon II LTC & Mrs. Howard Phelan Mr. Carroll W. Phillips Mrs. Theresa M. Phinney Mr. Thomas C. Phinney Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pierotti Dr. & Mrs. Laurence L. Pitcaithly Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pollock Port of Port Arthur Nav. Dist. of Jefferson County, TX Mr. & Mrs. Kent Potts Mr. & Mrs. Ward R. Powell Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Prasifka Mr. & Mrs. William M. Pride

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Prochaska Mr. Robert A. Proske Dr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Pugh Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Quigley Mr. & Mrs. Tom J. Quigley Mr. & Mrs. David Quintana Jr. Ms. Lily Raabe COL David Ragusa Rev. Jonathan Raia Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Randall Ms. Mary K. Rather Mr. & Mrs. Madsen O. Raun Mr. & Mrs. Rick Rayford Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Reames Mr. James R. Redd Dr. Ann M. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Scott Reedy Mr. Robert Reeh Dr. Penny Riggs & Mr. Karl Rehn Mr. Robert Reichert Mr. Ray Reid Mr. Aaron L. Rein Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Reiter Mr. & Mrs. Andy Restivo Mr. & Mrs. Jack Restivo Mr. & Mrs. Ben R. Reynolds III Ms. Sabrina K. Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Rians Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Ricketson Mr. & Mrs. Austin C. Riddle Mr. & Mrs. Leon Rieger Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Riek Ms. Sheran A. Riley Mr. & Mrs. Duane Ripperger Dr. Brad Robertson Dr. & Mrs. Dan H. Robertson Dr. & Mrs. Thaddeus M. Romansky Mr. & Mrs. Fernando E. Romero Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd W. Rooney Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Rothe Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rothe Mr. & Mrs. Bernard O. Rother Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Rother Jr. Rev. Michael J. Rother Ms. Carolyn L. Ruffino Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ruffino Mr. & Mrs. Rick Rumford Mr. & Mrs. Ed J. Ruppert Mr. & Mrs. Don Russell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Russo Ms. Zofia Rybkowski Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Rychlik Mr. & Mrs. Ed Sadoski

Mr. Louis Saldana Mr. Julian C. Salter San Antonio A&M Club Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William Sanchez Charles & Martha Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Saputra Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sarzynski Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Sattler Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Saucedo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Saylak Mr. & Mrs. Ed D. Scamardo Mr. & Mrs. Pete Scarmardo Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Scarmardo Dr. & Mrs. Travis M. Schaar Mr. & Mrs. Earl Schacherl Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schaefer Mr. Richard R. Schigut Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Schiller Mr. & Mrs. Gene J. Schmidlkofer Mr. & Mrs. David A. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Kyle A. Schmucker Dr. & Mrs. William C. Schneider Mr. Edward Schramm Mr. Glenn E. Schroeder Dr. & Mrs. Jim L. Schulze D.V.M. Ms. Sarah E. Schwind Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Seidenberger Mr. & Mrs. Justin Sellers Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Shannon III Chancellor & Mrs. John S. Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Bob Shaw Mr. & Mrs. James A. Sheble Dr. & Mrs. Hugh C. Sheffield Dr. Taeyoung Shin & Mrs. Nami S. Jung Mr. & Mrs. Joey Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Josh P. Simmons Most Reverend Michael Sis Mr. & Mrs. Richard Skerik Mr. & Mrs. Julius A. Skrivanek Mr. & Mrs. Bill L. Sladek Ms. Deborah K. Slaughter Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Sloma SLSCO, LTD Mr. & Mrs. Alan Smith Mr. & Mrs. Brien L. Smith Ms. Dawn E. Smith Koenning Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Soper Mr. & Mrs. John Southerland Mr. & Mrs. Robert Spath Dr. & Mrs. Mark L. Spearman Mr. James P. Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stanzel

Dr. & Mrs. William D. Stavinoha Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stein Steve Ogden Campaign Mrs. Sally Stevens Mr. Donald G. Stewart LTC & Mrs. Lyle D. Stockmoe Dr. & Mrs. David Strauss Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Strawser Mrs. Elizabeth Stukalin Ms. JoAnn Sulak Mr. Justin W. Sulak Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Sulak Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas A. Summerville Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Svatek Mr. & Mrs. Tim Swarthout Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sweat Dr. & Mrs. Vincent E. Sweat Mr. & Mrs. Melvin T. Swoboda Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Symank Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Szabuniewicz Mr. & Mrs. Clay K. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tech Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Theriot Mr. & Mrs. Gabe R. Thornton Dr. & Mrs. John H. Thornton Ms. Dianne Todd Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Tomaso Mr. & Mrs. Joe V. Tortorice Jr. Mr. Rosario C. Tortorice Mr. & Mrs. Sam J. Tortorice Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Trampota Mr. & Mrs. Philip Trapani Mr. James Tyree Mr. & Mrs. James H. Uptmore Mr. & Mrs. Dale Vacek Vangard Charitable Ms. Allison Vantarakis Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Varisco Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Vaughan Vaughn Construction Community Foundation Ms. Miriam M. Vick Mr. & Mrs. Gabor Vigh Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. VonLehmden Mr. & Mrs. Louis Vrazel Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Wade Rev. Ross Waggoner Dr. & Mrs. John P. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Damian Walat Mr. & Mrs. William R. Walsh

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Way Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Wearden Sr. Ms. Jennifer Weinheimer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Welfl Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wellmann Mr. & Mrs. Chris P. Werner Mr. Robert D. Weschler Ms. Allison Wheeler Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. White Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Whorton Mrs. Ann Wiatt Ms. Mary Helen Wiedenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Gene Wilhelm Mr. Justin W. Wilhelm Dr. Seth Wilhelm Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Wilke Wilkes Family Charitable Fund (Community Foundation of N. TX) Mr. Bennie Williams Dr. Glen Williams Mr. & Mrs. James Williams Mr. & Mrs. John P. Williams Mr. Evan Wilson Dr. & Mrs. Robert Winans Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd T. Winger III Mr. & Mrs. Bob J. Wise Mrs. Alice M. Wisniewski Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Witowski Mr. Justin Wittsche Mr. & Mrs. Chris G. Woelfel Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Patrick H. Wood III Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Woods Mr. & Mrs. Brian Worth Mr. & Mrs. Joe J. Yanta Most Reverend John W. Yanta D.D. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Young Ms. Jo Ann Zaeske Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zahradnik Mr. & Mrs. Brad Zajicek Ms. Velma Zaryske Mr. & Mrs. Carl Zeitler Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Zemanek Jr. Ms. Liz Zemanek Mr. & Mrs. Craig Zgabay COL & Mrs. Ervan E. Zouzalik

MSRG. GLEISSNER HERITAGE SOCIETY Mr. Kenneth M. Absher Mr. & Mrs. Eric C. Bales Mrs. Lois B. Beach Mr. & Mrs. Rodney J. Boehm Mr. & Mrs. Randall S. Bond Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cordero

Rev. Chris Downey Rev. David P. Ebner Jr. Dr. Janine C. Edwards Rev. Msgr. Charles Elmer Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Golla Most Reverend David A. Konderla

Ms. Eileen C. Kuvlesky Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Lastelick Mr. Ramiro S. Martinez Rev. Brian L. McMaster Mr. & Mrs. Gustave A. Mistrot III Mr. & Mrs. Sam Morrison

Mr. Michael G. O’Quinn Ms. Jo Ann Ottis Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Roman Jr. Deacon William W. Scott Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David J. Skinner Rev. William R. Straten

Dr. & Mrs. Vincent E. Sweat Rev. Msgr. Francis G. Wearden Mr. & Mrs. John P. Welsh Sr. Rev. Dean E. Wilhelm

FOUNDATIONS & CHARITABLE TRUSTS Aggieland Catholic Foundation, Inc. Austin Community Foundation Benevity Community Impact Fund BNY Mellon Charitable Fund Catholic Life Insurance

Chevron Humankind Community Foundation of Brazoria County Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Harry S. & Isabel C. Cameron Found.

The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation Lilly Endowment, Inc. National Christian Found.Houston Our Lady of Guadalupe Trust

Scanlan Foundation Schwab Charitable Strake Foundation Texas A&M Foundation The Sursum Corda Foundation

Vernon & Valida Yanta Charitable Lead Trust Wilkes Family Charitable Fund (Community Foundation of N. TX)

AGGIELAND CATHOLIC FOUNDATION, INC. Lessie Ruth Burch Fund Felix W. & Joyce K. Covington Fund Mary Elizabeth Dresser Endowment Msgr. Charles W. Elmer Gary Michael Galle ’85 Fund Emanuel & Elaina Glockzin, Jr. Fund Clara Ernstes Guice Endowed Fund Raymond & Patricia Hannigan Fund

Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation Fund Stephen & Tamra Jones Fund The Kuvlesky Family Fund Randall & Irene Light St. Mary’s Maintenance Fund Dr. Charles & Barbara McDonald Fund Dr. Robert & Brenda Morgan Fund

Bud & Stacey Moore Fund Anne P. & Kevin J O’Neill Fund Clarence H. ’51 & Marian Prihoda Ben R. Reynolds, Jr. Endowment Fund Deacon Bill & Estelle Scott Fund Rev. Michael J. Sis Fund Texas A&M Classes of the 1940s Fund Texas A&M Classes of the 1950s Fund

Texas A&M Classes of the 1960s Fund Texas A&M Class of 2005 Fund Texas A&M Class of 2006 Fund Texas A&M Class of 2007 Fund Texas A&M Class of 2008 Fund Texas A&M Class of 2009 Fund Texas A&M Class of 2010 Fund Texas A&M Class of 2011 Fund

ST. MARY’S ANNUAL REPORT / 2017 - 2018 / 28

Texas A&M Class of 2012 Fund Texas A&M Class of 2013 Fund Texas A&M Class of 2014 Fund Kerry & Linda Walsh Fund Msgr. Francis Glen Wearden ’49 Fund General Endowment Fund

NEWMAN COUNCIL ($10,000+) Anonymous (3) Drs. James & Sheila Bonds Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bradicich Mr. & Mrs. John J. Buckley Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Candia Mr. & Mrs. William J. Coady

Mr. & Mrs. Francis DaConturbia Ms. Laura Dell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Galle Mr. & Mrs. James A. Halepaska Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Darnell Knippa

Mr. & Mrs. William Larkin Mr. & Mrs. Tim Legamaro Dr. & Mrs. Randall R. Light Drs. Jeffrey & Mary McDougall Mr. & Mrs. Sam Morrison Mr. & Mrs. James E. Mudd, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Matt Nobles Anne P. & Kevin J. O’Neill Mr. Michael G. O’Quinn Ms. Jo Ann Ottis Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Randall Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd W. Rooney

Ms. Carolyn L. Ruffino Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Strawser

DIRECTOR’S FUND ($2,500 - $9,999) Anonymous (7) Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Abreo Mr. & Mrs. D. Scott Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Andrew H. Barkley Dr. David P. Barondeau & Dr. Christine Mullen Mr. Matthew Barry Mr. & Mrs. Chris Barzilla Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Becker Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Beltrand Mr. Justin D. Betzen Mr. & Mrs. Marty Boardman Mrs. Margaret Boerner Mr. & Mrs. David J. Boethel Mr. & Mrs. Edward Boytim Mr. Paul A. Branham Mr. Robert Bugaj & Mrs. Patricia Jezierski Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Cambone Mr. & Mrs. James E. Carter Mr. & Mrs. Adam C. Casto Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Churchill Mr. & Mrs. George Close Mr. & Mrs. John Colvin Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cordero Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Corrington Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Crapanzano Dr. & Mrs. John Criscione Dr. & Mrs. Frank J. Dainello Dr. Martha & Mr. Joseph Dannenbaum Deacon & Mrs. Switzer L. Deason

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Di Filippo Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Doskocil Sr. Dr. & Mrs. David W. Dudycha Dr. Leah & Mr. Michael Eckart Mr. Leo F. Ernstes Mr. & Mrs. Chad Evans Mr. & Mrs. Steve Evans Dr. & Mrs. Roger L. Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Foley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fontana Mr. Carlos Garcia Dr. & Mrs. Brian Goerig Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Greenwald Dr. & Mrs. Michael W. Hackemack Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hans Mr. & Mrs. Lucien M. Harris Mr. & Mrs. David J. Harvell Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Holub MGen & Mrs. Theo Hopgood Mrs. Teri B. Horswell Mrs. Michelle E. Hranitzky Mrs. Helen Jenswold Mr. & Mrs. Will Kapavik Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Kelly Ms. Nancy Kinkler Korean Catholic Community Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kramr Ms. Eileen C. Kuvlesky Dr. Theresa Quinn & Mr. Bart Labowitz Mr. & Mrs. John Lafitte Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lampo Mr. & Mrs. James M. Larkin Mr. & Mrs. Kim Latour

Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. LeJeune Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lemonds Ms. Mary L. Lingan Mr. & Mrs. Scott Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Juan Longoria III Mr. & Mrs. George Loveland Ms. Erica Lovig Mr. & Mrs. James Lutz Mr. & Mrs. David C. Madura Mr. Danny Malone & Mrs. Nancy Kindig-Malone Mr. Edmund Marcinkiewicz Jr. Mr. James K. Nelson & Mrs. Edna E. Mattei-Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Mike McBride Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McClure Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. McGregor Ms. Patsy A. McMahan Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Mechler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Melia Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Michna Dr. & Mrs. Mark Middlebrooks Deacon & Mrs. Glen J. Milton Mr. & Mrs. Allan Moravits Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morrisey Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Najvar Mr. & Mrs. Clay W. Nesbitt Dr. & Mrs. John P. Nichols Dr. Selina Nigli Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Nugent Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Ogden Mr. & Mrs. Charles Paradowski Mr. & Mrs. William J. Paradowski

Mr. Kelly D. Parma Mr. & Mrs. Darrell L. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Pesek Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Pettibon II Mr. Patricio J. Santander & Mrs. Clotilde E. Pichon Mr. & Mrs. Edwin F. Pilger Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Brandon H. Posvar Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Price Dr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Pugh Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Tom J. Quigley Dr. Ann M. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Andy Restivo Mr. & Mrs. Jack Restivo Mr. Michael Rhodes Ms. Sabrina K. Rhodes Ms. Sheran A. Riley Mr. & Mrs. Duane Ripperger Deacon & Mrs. Paul L. Robison Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Thaddeus M. Romansky Mr. & Mrs. Chris L. Rooker LTC & Mrs. Neil T. Sanger Ms. Crystal Santana Ms. Gema Santana Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. David A. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Schmidt Dr. & Mrs. Michael Schuller Mr. & Mrs. Darren Seibert Jr. Chancellor & Mrs. John S. Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Shearer Most Reverend George A. Sheltz Mr. Dean Baskin & Dr. Annie Shiu

Mr. & Mrs. Greg A. Silber Mr. & Mrs. Joey Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Richard Skerik Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Smock Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Soper Mr. & Mrs. John Southerland Dr. & Mrs. Mark L. Spearman Dr. & Mrs. Craig Steiner Mr. Donald Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Tim Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Sumlin Dr. & Mrs. John H. Thornton Dr. & Mrs. L. Gerard Toussaint III Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Vacek Dr. Ciriaco Valdez-Flores & Dr. Nancy Vivas de Valdez Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Varisco Maj. Alphonse A. Veerkamp Jr. Dr. Michael P. Massett & Mrs. Alice Villalobos-Massett Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Vining Vizza Wash Drs. Bradley S. & Kylene J. Wesner Mr. & Mrs. James H. Wilkes Dr. Brian K. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Williams Mrs. Lysabeth “Sissy” Wood Mr. & Mrs. Patrick H. Wood III Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Zermeno

SCHOLAR’S FUND ($1,000 - $2,500) Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Alford Mr. Travis E. Amelang Mrs. Sherrie Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Lane Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Harry Andersson Mr. & Mrs. Jim Andrews Drs. Al & Sandra Arca Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Aughinbaugh III Mr. & Mrs. John Austin Ms. Catherine M. Bahm Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Balusek Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barnett Mr. & Mrs. David A. Barry Mr. & Mrs. Brian Barth Mr. & Mrs. Joel R. Bassinger Drs. Steven & Miriam Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Harry Baumgarten Mrs. Lois B. Beach Dr. & Mrs. Ross Beier Mr. & Mrs. Hayden Bell Mr. & Mrs. Frank Benavidez Mr. & Mrs. Guy Bibeau Mrs. Norma G. Biering Dr. Carol D. Binzer Mr. & Mrs. Don Birkelbach Dr. Jamie & Mr. Matthew Blinn Mrs. Virginia S. Bockholt Mr. & Mrs. Rodney J. Boehm Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bonin Mr. & Mrs. Bryan D. Book Mr. John D. Book Mr. & Mrs. Tim M. Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Jon C. Bradford Mr. & Mrs. Bryan L. Bradford

Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Bradicich Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bratten Drs. John & Rosina Brinkman Mr. Joshua D. Britt Mr. & Mrs. Harry Brunner Ms. Carmelita Bullinger Mr. & Mrs. Hank Bullinger Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Bullinger Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Burke Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Burt Mr. & Mrs. Randy Busker Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Busselman Mr. & Mrs. Sean Butler Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Cabaness Drs. Dennis & Rebecca Cali Mr. & Mrs. Cole Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Van Campbell Ms. Mary Jo Campo Mr. & Mrs. Sean E. Cargo Ms. Anne R. Carter Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Casper Mr. & Mrs. Joe F. Chenella Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Chiara Mr. & Mrs. John B. Clark Drs. W. Bedford & Charlene Clark Mr. & Mrs. Doyle D. Coburn Mr. & Mrs. William Collopy Mrs. Gloria W. Conrad Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Conrad Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Cooper Dr. & Mrs. Jimmie Corley Mr. & Mrs. David M. Cote Drs. Jim & Erin Curry Ms. Stephanie Curtis Ms. Jeni Cutbirth

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cutbirth Ms. Theresa Czachowski Mr. & Mrs. Ervin R. Dailey Mr. & Mrs. Rob Dailey Dr. & Mrs. Austin Daily Mr. & Mrs. John Dallas Mr. & Mrs. Mike Dawkins Mr. & Mrs. Jorge A. Del Moral Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Dembny Mr. Dominic DiCarlo Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dick Mr. Seth Dingas Mr. David Doan Mrs. Beverly J. Dobiyanski Dr. & Mrs. Nick W. Dobrovolsky USAF Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Dobson Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Dory Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Douthitt Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Drabek Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Draughon Dr. & Mrs. George B. Dresser Mr. Albert Duffel Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Duke Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dulke Ms. Ann Duyka Mr. & Mrs. Philip Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Jeff B. Dziedzic Fr. David P. Ebner Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ebrom Mrs. Maureen Edwin Mr. & Mrs. John Ehlig Mr. & Mrs. Joe Don Eilers Mr. & Mrs. Bradley M. Eilers Mr. & Mrs. Frank Elizondo Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Farrar 29

Mr. Jose L. Fernandez-Solis & Mrs. Earline F. Solis Mr. & Mrs. Lynn C. Fister Dr. & Mrs. Mark Florian Ms. Mary J. Foley Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fontana Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fontenot Mr. & Mrs. Mark Foreman Mr. & Mrs. Quint Foster Mr. & Mrs. Lupe Fraga Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Fredericksen Mr. & Mrs. Steven Y. Froebel Drs. Bruce & Michelle H. Fusselman Mr. & Mrs. Gary Gable Mr. & Mrs. George R. Gagnon Mr. & Mrs. Georinda A. E. Gallego Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Gantt Dr. & Mrs. Armando D. Garza Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gay Mr. & Mrs. Jake George Mr. & Mrs. Ken Gerik Dr. & Mrs. Charles Giammona Mr. & Mrs. Chris Glaser Drs. Michael & Lisa Glenn Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel H. Glockzin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gohlke Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Gonzalez Dr. Gary Goodall Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Graeve Mr. Cesar B. Granda Mr. & Mrs. David G. Greaney Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Green Mr. & Mrs. Mario Luis Guerra Mr. & Mrs. Mario Guerra Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Guilbeau Ms. Christina M. Guillory Dr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Gulde Mr. & Mrs. Curt J. T. Gulde Dr. & Mrs. Ricardo Gutierrez Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Haerr Mr. Steven Hafernik Mr. & Mrs. Blake Halbardier Ms. Donna L. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Ray R. Hannigan Jr. Mrs. Mary K. Hannigan Mr. & Mrs. Steve P. Harding Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hardy Ms. Christina Harmon Mr. Kevin M. Heinz Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hejl Dr. Amanda Henkes Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Hering Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Brent Herridge Mr. & Mrs. Scott Heston Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hethcoat Mr. Luke Hicks Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hietpas Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Hightower Mr. & Mrs. Delwyn Hocker Mr. & Mrs. Sam Hogsed Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hohlt Mr. & Mrs. Eric Holbrook Mr. & Mrs. Steve Holbrooke Ms. Gretchen Hollas Mr. & Mrs. Robert Holzweiss Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Howell Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hresko Mr. & Mrs. Todd Huskinson

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Hyman Mr. & Mrs. John G. James Dr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Janecek Mr. & Mrs. Rex Janne Mr. & Mrs. Randy Jedlicka Ms. Nancy Jimenez Mr. & Mrs. Eric Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Billy Jordan D.V.M. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Jordan Drs. Donald & Margaret Jung Mr. Joe E. Kahlig Mr. James Kalinec Mr. & Mrs. Anthony V. Kallina Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Kaman Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Kasberg Mr. & Mrs. David Kastner Mr. & Mrs. Jeff T. Kiertscher Mr. & Mrs. Rodney T. Killingbeck Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Klock Mr. & Mrs. George M. Knapek Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Knox Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kocmoud Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Koola Mr. & Mrs. James Korenek Mr. Aaron Kovar Mr. & Mrs. George E. Krupala Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Kuehler Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kutac Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Laird Ms. Maria Landry Mr. & Mrs. David W. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. David Latta Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Lednicky Mr. Andrew Leidy Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Phil Lippman Mr. & Mrs. Jose R. Llanes Mr. Timothy Logan Miss Claire Lohn Mr. Conner Lutz Mr. & Mrs. Kim Lynne

Mr. Jacob Mahlmann Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Maldonado Mr. Alec Maly Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Maness Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marian Mr. & Mrs. J. Luke Martin Mrs. Geralyn Martinez Mrs. Patricia Marton Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mason Mr. & Mrs. David L. Matlock Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Mayland Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCarty Mr. & Mrs. Austin S. McConnell Deacon Frank McCormick Dr. & Mrs. Charles N. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. McGowen Mr. & Mrs. Keith McIlvoy Mr. & Mrs. J. David McMahon Rev. Brian L. McMaster Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Menchaca Mr. & Mrs. Raymond R. Mendoza III Mr. & Mrs. Troy Menendez Mr. & Mrs. Manny Menendez Mr. & Mrs. Larry Mercer Mr. Burney Meyer Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William Mies Mr. & Mrs. Randall S. Mill Mr. & Mrs. Glen Miller Mr. & Mrs. Gustave A. Mistrot III Mr. & Mrs. Larry Moczygemba Mr. & Mrs. Justin Moore Mr. & Mrs. Juan Moreno Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Moriarty Ms. Eunice E. Mudd LTC & Mrs. Larry Muehe Mr. & Mrs. Shane C. Mullenix Mr. & Mrs. Bill Murray Mr. & Mrs. Greg Muse Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Natsios Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Niemiec Mr. & Mrs. Chris Noonan Mr. Charles L. Novy

Mr. David OBrien Mr. & Mrs. James Olson Mr. & Mrs. John Orth Mr. & Mrs. Julian Ortiz Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Ourada Mr. & Mrs. Alex Pagel Mr. Eun-Gyu No & Dr. Eun Sug S. Park Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pennington COL & Mrs. Frederick Perrenot Mr. & Mrs. Kyle R. Persyn Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pesek Mr. Thomas Pesek Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Pesek Ms. Mary Petrie Mrs. Theresa M. Phinney Mr. & Mrs. Gary N. Polasek Mr. & Mrs. Robert Poynor Mr. Michael Pratt Mr. & Mrs. William Prewitt III Dr. & Mrs. William E. Privett Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Przybilla Mr. & Mrs. William F. Pugh Jr. Mrs. Anne Rathke Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. Rathke Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Ray Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Reames Ms. Sharon H. Reed Deacon & Mrs. David C. Reed Dr. & Mrs. David W. Reed Mr. Robert Reichert Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Reiter Mr. & Mrs. Anthony S. Reiter Mr. & Mrs. James A. Reue Mr. & Mrs. Austin C. Riddle Mr. & Mrs. James Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Roman III Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Roman Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William Rooney Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin F. Roper Mr. & Mrs. Michael Russo Mr. & Mrs. Joe W. Sage

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Sattler Mr. & Mrs. Pete Scarmardo Mr. Jon Scherr Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Schiller Mr. & Mrs. Joe E. Schimelpfening Mr. & Mrs. David T. Schmidt Dr. & Mrs. William C. Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Schoenemann Mr. & Mrs. Phil T. Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Schumann Mr. Gordon K. See Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Shannon III Mr. & Mrs. Bruno A. Shimek Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Sieger Mr. & Mrs. Heinz Siewert Mr. Nova Silvy Mr. & Mrs. Josh P. Simmons Deacon & Mrs. Raymond J. Sis Mr. & Mrs. Mack C. Skinner Mr. & Mrs. Niall C. Slowey Mr. & Mrs. Tom Smith Mr. & Mrs. Alan Smith Dr. & Mrs. Barry W. Solcher Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Standefer Dr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Stark Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stasney COL & Mrs. Byron F. Stebbins Mr. & Mrs. John Steffes Mr. & Mrs. John B. Stemler Mr. & Mrs. John Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Jeromy Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Brad Stewart LTC & Mrs. Lyle D. Stockmoe Mrs. Lorene A. Stowers Mr. Tim Stuhlreyer Mr. & Mrs. Dave Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. John Terry Mr. & Mrs. Wayne W. Thomas Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Thompson Dr. & Mrs. E. Laurence Thurston Drs. Michael & Elizabeth K. Tomaszewski

Mrs. Kathleen M. Tong Mr. & Mrs. Joe V. Tortorice Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Trapani Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Treadway Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Trimmell Ms. Taylor Turcott Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ughetti Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Ulbricht Mr. & Mrs. Rick Velez Mr. & Mrs. Sean Vostatek Mr. & Mrs. David D. Vrla Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Scott Walsh Mr. & Mrs. John Walton Mr. & Mrs. Gary Walz Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Ward Mr. & Mrs. Michael Waters Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Watkins Mr. J P. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Nick Wendes Mr. Jacob Weyrens Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. White Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark White Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. White Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Wiedenfeld Ms. Kendra Wilhelm Mr. & Mrs. Gene Wilhelm Mr. & Mrs. James Williams Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Williams Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ian Wilson Mr. & Mrs. William F. Wimberly Dr. & Mrs. Robert Winans Mr. & Mrs. Chris G. Woelfel Ms. Ellen Wood Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Wooderson Ms. Karley Wren Mr. & Mrs. Byron Wren Dr. & Mrs. Christopher York Mr. & Mrs. Brad Zajicek Dr. Debra & Mr. Mark Zoran Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Zschech


ST. MARY’S ANNUAL REPORT / 2017 - 2018 / 30

Gig’em & God Bless HOWDY

Aly Conrad ‘16 Carmen Espitia ‘92 Fr. Greg Gerhart ‘09 Ben Guerra (FOCUS) Lizett Hawkins ‘99 Laurita Keeler ‘16 Kelsi McLaughlin (FOCUS) Madison Moseley ‘17 Joseph Porretta (FOCUS) Karley Wren ‘17


Kris Bourne Clayton Caldwell ‘18 (FOCUS) Shiela Dainello Noeline Gunasekara Sr. Kalin Holthaus Fr. Ryan Higdon Dan Jordan (FOCUS) Mary-Cate Machalec (FOCUS) Alec Maly (FOCUS) Beth Ogden

ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CENTER 603 Church Avenue College Station, TX 77840 (979)846-5717 www.aggiecatholic.org

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