Product report for thesis

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Katja Gry Birkegaard Carlsen Kandidat Speciale v. Visuel Kultur Københavns Universitet IKK 11.08.11 Vejleder Ulrik Ekman

Product Report for


Index Introduction........................................................................3 The software facts.............................................................4 Inspiration for the front page..............................................5 The Virtual assemblage.....................................................5 The Actual assemblage.....................................................6 Questionnaire....................................................................7 Traditional structure- Research.........................................9 Relation to Romanticism....................................................10 Backend settings for color chooser and template..............11 The front page...................................................................12 Inspire page.......................................................................13 Connect page....................................................................14 Co-Create page.................................................................15 An example of a “group� - project profile...........................16 An example of a profile......................................................17 The menu structure...........................................................18 Statistics for INSPIRE.......................................................19 The magazine INSPIRE....................................................20 2

Hello. Introduction To understand the development of the production for this thesis this product report has been created. It will take you through the design process and give an insight into the underlying action made to complete the product. Here you will find the basic facts about the software, inspiration and assemblages made for the front page design and guides navigating through the site. When relevant the backend options have been showed. The product report only displays a small but relevant part of the whole process that has gone into creating the final result. See also the social network site: *

* can look different in other browsers so if possible choose Firefox v. 5.0.1


The software facts


+ Open source Content Manager System

Social netwok Component

Template: RocketTheme: Mar 10 rt_crystalline_j15


NB. The site was exposed to a hacker attack in july 2011 and is still not functioning properly. I am working on getting it back on track but there might appear disfunction's in the interface. Therefore I have supplied pictures of the most important pages and parts of the site in this Product Report (PR).


Inspiration for the front page

The two assemblages

The Virtual

The Virtual The future, the pure potential awaiting to be unlocked. The abstract and the technological- surface filled with an Unheimlich feeling. A liquid deterritorialization.. The virtual - all time and universe.


The Actual The living in the now a capturing of the now - the actual moment there is. A solid space with depth - the concrete, Heimlich (house) feeling. A marking of territory- close to the soil and our nature.


a forum for different people, different sides are brought into play, ideas and network

to promote and spread my thesis and get inspiration

Yes with promoting my thesis Facebook & LinkedIN, Friendster, flickr, twitter, tumblr weekly ? more activity it is professional the same yes is innovative and inspiring

Goal for WeCo membership

What has WeCo helped you with?

What other social community services do you use?

How often do you check WeCo

When you do, what do you do?

What will it take to get you to log in more often?

What do associate with;

the logo;

Color & Aesthetics;



Would you recommend WeCo to other? Why /why not?

its good for research

what members are up to

yes,I have already done so



3 4


yes, it signal engagement and diversity on a high educational level


a balance, to navigate socially, economically


look for interesting news


Facebook & LinkedIN


What content would you like more off?

Articles (1=good- 5 bad)

How relevant is the functionality (1=relevant)

Functionality and navigability (scale from 1=easy-5=hard)

What do you think about WeCo´s;

Can you relate to this as a person?

process consultant in clinical ethics in healthcare



meet people to exchange ideas with on mindfulness

53 & female

27 & female

Age & Sex

Questionnaire This is a questionaire sent out to 20 of WeCo´s recently members, to test the front pages visuel expression and see what function well and what does not. The seven who answered the questionaire is to be found here.

Nothing Facebook & LinkedIN

depends part of projects more projects

Greek symbol to many different styles and colorsneeds more clean look!

What has WeCo helped you with?

what other social community services do you use?

How often do you check WeCo

When you do, what do you do?

What will it take to get you to log in more often?

What do associate with;

the logo;

1 1 ? Yes

How relevant is the functionality (1=relevant)

Articles (1=good- 5 bad)

What content would you like more off?

Would you recommend WeCo to other? Why /why not?

its a good way to connect!


Functionality and navigability (scale from 1=easy-5=hard)

What do you think about WeCo´s;

Can you relate to this as a person? I relate to some of it

Get inspired, connect with people with professional interests

Get inspired, collaborate and be part of new initiatives

Goal for WeCo membership

Color & Aesthetics;

Project coordinator

student & trend researcher


yes, if traffic increases

more about innovation and leadership and projects




yes, because it looks good and is easy to use.

creative- looks good

prof. perspective. vision.

more clear who could be useful for connecting with

update on people

every 3. month

Facebook & LinkedIN

Connecting with people

29 & female

31 & female

Age & Sex


to meet others who do environmental projects and show a positive side of multi ethnicity

Create a more durable society

to work with people with other professions and abilities


more examples on how to start working with WeCo




yes, because this is needed if we are to openly work together

creative, open, appealing

a bridge

more clear who could be useful for connecting with


every week

Facebook & LinkedIN

to think CSI

Praise and prominence of other social entrepreneurs and social innovation No,Unless they personally get something out of philosophizing online.





very nice


influence, jobs, money or exposure to potential customers or to collaborate on a specific project

see what happens

every month

Facebook, youtube, LinkedIN

if more people use it

More about CSR/CSI




boring green color

something japanese

Physical meetings and events

look for projects

1/2 year

Facebook, Skype, eco-village

opportunity to create films for thesis

Management consultant

entrepreneur, consultant, freelancer



37 & male

35 & male

27 & male

Traditional structure - research


What to do -intro

Main Content

Concerning the site + back ground links


Relation to Romanticism

Texture : Lines 2

Texture : Wood 4

Texture : Grunge 4

J.M.W. Turner The burning of the houses of Parlement (1834)

J.M.W. Turner Keelmen Heaving in Coals by Moonlight

Casper David Friedrich Wanderer above the sea of fog (1818)


Backend setting for color chooser and template

To test the different options provided by the template please go to: Mar 10 Crystalline



The magazine INSPIRE see also p.16 in PR

Direct “Group” access because of relation to article in the magazine.

Direct “Profile” access because of relation to article in the magazine.

Latest WeCo tweets!

Shelf with Articles related to the magazine.

Videos related to the project mentioned in the magazine.


Special search module created based on the JomSocial search function.

Log in and become member of the community, Easy Facebook login added to ease the process and raise profiles with pictures to create trust worthiness.

Member section where the user can bring fort latest members, most popular and active member.

Latest Groups being made.

Activity line to help people get updated and create cross interest.


Direct access to all of the projects available . A guide that helps you start a new project appears. More information about collaboration and what it is appears.

The featured and new projects with a little into text and join group button

The latest from the project walls, created so as to attract collaborators and let the network comment on each others ideas.

Latest new from the groups, announcements and such, so every one can follow the process.

Jobs available in relation to the projects on WeCo.


An example of a “group” - project profile

The ability to share the project with any of the above listed social network sites and send it as an “invitation” or update by email.

Description of the project

Ability to add pictures

Latest announcement

Ability to add videos

Discussion board, where everyone can write within the group

Events related to the project, such as next meeting etc.


An example of a profile Send profile to emails, post it on facebook etc.

Add any website to your profile etc.

Basic CV -download pdf version

All the groups the person is prat of or made

Upload your music or podcasts

Upload a Visual portfolio of your work.


The menu structure


Statistics for INSPIRE

First edition of INSPIRE

Second edition of INSPIRE


The magazine INSPIRE INSPIRE is made for the web and I would therefore recommend that it is viewed on the web, you can find it here: Issuu: WeCo: option=com_k2&view=latest&layout=latest&Itemid=155 If you rather see it on paper I attached a copy in the end of the PR. Since Inspire was created a huge amount of internet magazines named inspire have arrived on Issuu and on the web. This is unfortunate and was not part of the plan.


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